89-107 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O� SA I NT PAU L Council �/� BLUERY - MAVORTMENT I r File NO. v I ^/O � - � ' C uncil Resolution '��, �' Presented By r � � � I/Referred To ��� Committee: Date f '°�-,���,-- Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION PROVING CONTINUATION OF THE PROCESS OF CONSIDERING THE CONSOLI ATION OF THE SAINT PAUL FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION WITH THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION POLICE AND IRE FUND. WHEREAS, the 1987 Minnesota Legislature adopted legislation (Laws 1987, Chapter 296) enabling local police nd firefighters relief associations to be consolidated with the Public Employees Retir ment Association Police and Fire Fund (PERA) with the consent of the relief associat on membership and the approval of the governing body of the affected municipality; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such legislation, the City has been notif ied that a sufficient petition initiating t e consolidation process was submitted by members of the Saint Paul Fire Department Relie Association to the Board of Trustees of such Association, and the Board has held th required public hearing and conducted the required membership referendum on the iss e; and WHEREAS, the mem ership of the Association has approved of consolidation by a vote of 345 to 317 an the Board of Trustees of the Association has recommended that the Association be co solidated with PERA; and WHEREAS, when t e membership referendum approves the consolidation process, the municipality must ac on the question. �lr��re�i-irarp�trcr=ci�a�-apgrcrna�-or-tk�- �asri�ip��-����� -�eq�rr�eg-a-�r�rie�g���et�e��g��-�eee��ia��-a�-�s-�a--- oeets�-�ri�t#�r-t=vea�err �!g-9'�—��lE�tEF��E.'i°3�T��-1°E�2'��—&��6'd��;—�1�-- NOW, THEREFORE, iBE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby gives its approval to continuation of t e process of considering the proposed consolidation of the Association with PE , by obtaining acturarial study and does not constitute final municipal approval nder Minnesota Statutes, Section 353A.04, Subdivision 8. I COUNCIL MEMBERS � R uested b De artment of: Yeas Nays � y P Dimond Finance and Management Services �� � In Favor Goswitz / Rettman B 1.�� �� � Scheibet _—�_ A gai n s t Y Sonnen..�� Wilson F�B � � ���f� Form rove by Cit to Adopted by Council: D te + �� � Certified Pass d u ' S e r BY - gy, i Appr e by Ylavor: � FE� � � i��� Approved b Mayor for S ion to Council B � � -�-- • �t1AlIS�D ��r a�' 4198� ��.� �IIBEtSNED �P R - 11989 ��.�' �.�/ wr�ITE - U7v C�ERK � ' ��� PINK< = F1fv�ANCE I COURCII CANA�V oF^.�ARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL. y BIUE - MAVOR File NO. �...�/ �`��� - � ; Council Resol�tion � � . �q ; Presented By i , � Referred To Committee: •.Date Out of Committee By Date ������ RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTINUATION OF THE PROCESS OF CONSIDERING THE CONSOL�7DATION OF THE SAINT PAUL FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATIO�'N WITH THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION POLICE ANI� FIRE FUND. WHEREAS, the 198� Minnesota Legislature adopted legislation (Laws 1987, Chapter 296) enabling local policeland firefighters relief associations to be consolidated with the Public Employees Reti�ement Association Police and Fire Fund (PERA) with the consent of the relief associa�ion membership and the approval of the governing body of the affected municipality� 2nd 6�?-IEREAS, pursuan��t to such leoislation, the City has been notified that a sufficient petition ir.itiating t�ne consolidation process was submitted by r�enbers oi the Saint Paul Fire Department Relie{ Association to the Board of Trustees of such Association, and the Board has held tt�e required public hearing and conducted the required membership rererendum on the is�ue; and WHEREAS, the me bership of the Association has approved of consolidation by a vote of 345 to 317 a d the Board of Trustees of the Association has recommended that the Association be c nsolidated with PERA; and WHEREAS, when t e membership referendum approves the consolidation process, the municipality must ac on the question. ^" - --' ---- ^;^;^^i "' `L- , NOW, THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby gives its approval to continuation of he process of considering the proposed con$ol'dation of he Association with PE �� ���� '� �� � "'"�� s'w�--,.,,�;. 3s3A. �5� �� �.��8, � , � . � n h-t'�, ,�,,h1 �.�t�qY�►�� s�'��, COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Finance and Management Services Lo�g In Favor Goswitz � Rettman B �/���J'�„i+� Scheibel A gai ns t Y , Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: D fe CertiEied Passed by Council S�ecretary By— By l�pproved by :Navor: Date � _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy — BY � I � ���� RICHAqD F.JuHHSON,pRESIDENT pONALD A.FISCHER,VICE-PRESIDENT , EDWARD A.VIERRE,TREASUNER JAMES F.THOEMKE,8ECAETARY ��. ���I .J�ir� �r�ttr�n�Pn� ��lt�� ,Z���'�. � METpO SOUARE BUILDIN6 � SUITE Y63 SEVENTM snd ROBERT ST.PAUL,MINNESOTq SS101 (612�293-1187 I � RESpLUTIOP� OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ST. PAtJL FIRE DEPARTMEPdT RELZEF ASSOCIATIOh ��Il]:::,A5, ?'ursuant to Pfi.n esota Statutes 1987, Chapter 296, enabling local Police & Fire Fighters relief associations to be consolidated with the Public Employees Ketirement Asso iation Police and rire Fund (PFRA) with consent of the local relieF associat on membership, and the approval of the local governing body (ci.ty council) f the afLecCed hiunicipality; and idHCR?;�5, Yursuant to suc_ legislation, a sufFicient petition i.nitiation the consolidat— ion process was submitted by members of the St. Paul Fire Department Relief Association ("A sociation") to the members of the Board of Trustees of such Association ("B ard") on October 31, 19F38, recommendzng that the Association be consolidated in the PERA; and ',J11?;hl?;'1S, Tl�e }3uard hc�ld <i public hearing on the �roposed consolidation on November 7_1 , 1988 in tli� aucit_orium of the CiLy Ilall annex, St. Paul, Minnesota, upon givin� published and osled notice of such hearing; anc' at a Special meeting follo�ving the Public nea ing did set down in resolution form, the guidelines for said referendum on he consolidation quesr_ion required by hfinnesota Statutes 1987 Chap. 296, and did also recommend an affirmative vote; and '�lllf?R�:�15, 'I'hc membcrship did in that referendum approve of consolidation by a vote of 345 to the affirma ive, and 317 in opposition, with three votes uncounted, and two votes disallow d. I NO;v' T1IERETORF, B1: IT RLSO��VP.'D, That the 13oard hereby recommends to the St. Paul City Council and th�� membership of. the Association to proceed in the next step of snicl proccss w�l�ich is to seek preliminary municipal approval . I I f cc�rti fy Llia � l:he tc�rc��;uin�; rc�soluti.on w<is acJopted by the Roaru of Trustees of tlic SC. Paul I�'ire �)epartment Relief Association at its re�ular Annual meeting held December130, 1988. � I �— Ines F. Thoemke,Secretary � I . A _ s . . . ., . � � j/��1�� �. �'.� . _ . . � .... . OA9t �"...}�TE.�..,� ' . 0 � ` �Gary Nq�rstrem Ol./04/�S ������ ���'���� NO.������ : � �T�T . � � oEPAatMENT o1ABCTq4� . . . _ � .MArOR{OR As&6TAN►��. � . . Gary NoLStrem ` �� � �a�waare�.aerv�sowECroA «rr c�c "`� . co� : p��a ewoE*o�era� _ �. CQUnctl: Res@arc� , Finance-Treasur. _ ,:. 292 . O1C2 °� cm*no� _ —. � Grants approval of conti uing the proc�ss of con idering consolidativn of. t,he St:, Pau1 Fire Departmeat-B�lie€ Associ tion with the 'Public Employees Retirement Asst�ciation Police and Fire F'uad. ' . _ 'noMS:(Mpow UU o►�(�) co�cR.�r+�voRr: ,. ': ��rr+woaar�ssaw c�v0. co�w�sarr "a�rE�� nx�an �rsr Aior�r�o. ' aoNnac�oa�eeieN reo eza eoaRO _ sr� - a+�wr� �ssiwa cawwi.� * ro coNr��. ; ^N ���✓�f�V i..�"�"DaDU�.r+ro. �o °�aTwcr°au►+cw *owun�nor�: "auvPC�rrs rwxa+oa�+cr as,�t+vE� � . r JAN 6 1989 o JA�` �� � tt�c ivEe � " . DEp�ME TFtE�,�RE�T : °� _ CITY �TTORNEY �ND�EN� °R _ . : ,!A N 0 1�,�� Frn,An,�f � ' �v�c� , ... . ,.. . ....�.; . . . . - .. . 4,. ..' .f �. ���� ' .�. �. .�. .-. . . . - .- . �.. . . . . . . .-.� . . � .. . . � .. . ..'.... � ����Q�1���Y . M�I�.VNtif4 YY�Nfl.•`•�7�:.� ' . . . . ... . ' . - . - . . .�. . . .. .. . . .:. . .,.' . .� . ;:�.: Th& ;1987 legisiatu�e pa sed legfslati�n allowing coasolidatiion of local golice and f�.re �el:�:ef asaociations with the P RA Police and !Fire Fund, sub3ect to agpraval of a vote o# the memiber- ship_ a�d �xe�;3�ina�y an finaL aPProv�l by the local goveraing bodp. ` In��r�st in this con- .' solidation.has been: gen rated by uari us_ police and fire rei�ef assaciations who are i�terested' in alternative benefits and by some°C�ty �ouncils w�o bel�eve that consctlidatien wi11 reduce costs: ; . i ��o.r�s.r�.ir.;,+a�ar�.s, . : . . Prelf�ainary appro�al b the City wiZlI� set in acti�on the preparation of an actuarial valu�tian estiadating future aost of consolidatJion for the City Cauncil to revi�w previous to their final deoision ta appr ve or de�y the� Relief Association consolidatiatt. � - , ; ' C01�`IIMMI.Wlwn.endTO�N�i�y: :. , , , ,. . ,,-. • : . ;_. - Denial wouid end the p oc�ss anxi p�e�vent tha in�tiation of a new refer�idum ti1T afte� �'I/Ol/9U. There are:.:a tau�ber of ire &elfe€, Association retirees that�ij���c����p���tio'�i. They want to maiatain he status quo. , � JAN '� u138�J _ , �,�: . : : . . _ � . .. � . There are no alternat e methods to Approval of resolution Disapproval .stops the eo�ttinu�iig_,tih8-proces ;. contix�ues the proceas and praees.s and ao fu�ther. . � will lead to the C��p co�ast�liciatioa� �c�ia�i b�r _ I Council giving final t'�e Reli�€ Associa��on , approval or denial. would be authorixed ti�iv , T99a. i �s�,imn�rs: � : The I+�orhead, MN Poli e and Fire Fu�ds merged with PER�A pribx to #987. The most s.ignificant mergers =under the 198 consolidatio}� legislation are the �].uth Pol.ice R�iief Association aad ; the West S�. Psul Fi Rel�ef Assoc�ation. ; � ` �ee+�wsuts: , � -,, _ . ..._....- - _. . . .. . _ _... . ..._ _. . .___ .. . . ......_.._._. .. . . ._ .. .___..._. _..._ ._..__:.:.�_...:;�. , _ - - - . . . .-.:,>..�._�.-- . .. _ _ - . .• - •�MV..�yp[X. . � . . ,iy e_i.+� . .... ���T�i��!��i _ � ' - • " . . _ . . ^ .-� y...3.1+1i,���wN1q I CITY OF SAINT PAUL _. ��uuusl:� � _ - ..�.::4�•,�•,'�'crr �tlli �'1.11 . . . ,� _.`.1,� OFFICT OF TAE CITY COIINCIL •.- :.::�4,=r� . . _ ..�2._: ' ' '_ -:g� � COr71 I m ttee Re o rt � p . _ - -_ - - - � �'� Finance �Mana ement & Pers � . onnel Committee �-,�--=�� . , ��:- ; ��:=- _ _. . ._ _ .r.... . .._ - _"_'t' ----- ---------- __..��;.r..�w�,,�=z FEBRUARY 6, 1989 - 1 . Approval of mhnutes of Janu . ary 30 meeting. Laid over 2. Resolution 89r67 - requesting the Charter Commission A to review and; recommend for adoption amendments to PProved as amended Section 10.02�, 10.03, 10.06, 10.08 and l0.09 of the City Charter �pertaining to Budget and Financing. (Referred frdm Council January 17) 3. AdministratiJ�e Orders: D-10031 - bulget revision in Community Services General Discussed Fur�d. (Referred from Council Januar 3 Y ) D-10043 - authorizing payment for sponsorship of Police Laid over one week Sk,h Team. (Referred from Council January 3) 0-10067 - bu;riget revision in Public Works-Municipal Eqluipment lnternal Service Fund. (Referred fr,�om Council January 10, laid over January 30) D-10U72 - b4dget revision in Police General Fund. Discussed (I�eferred from Council January 26) D-10073 - bwdget revision in General Government Accounts. Discussed (f�eferred from Council January 26) 4. Resolution �9-4 - amending Section 28.B of the Civil Laid over to 2/27 Service rul�s pertaining to compensation. (Referred from Counciii January 3, laid over January Z3) 5. Resotution 18-49 - changing the rate of pay for Building C de Officer from Grade 31 , Section ID4, Approved to Grade 3 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges in �he Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution.l (Referred from Council January 12) � . � CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 0,�v�t6 . �T�.' � ..�.� .:-,___�,._ � . �..—. .. . _....._.__.___..__..__._. ._.__.�...... . ._,..'__ _. . . ��-��� 6. Resoiution 89-89 - establishing the rate r�f pay for Approved Comrnuni�ty Liaison Officer in Grade 23, Section ID2, of the Technical Si:andard Ranqes in the Salar�y Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council January 19) 7. Uiscussion of policies regarding public employees Discussed running for public ofifice. . Resolu�tion 89-107 - approving continuation of the Approved as ame�acied process of considering the consolidation of the Fire Depar�tmEnt Relief Association with the Public Cmployees Retirement Association Police and Fire Fund. (F�eferred from Council January 24) � �here is sho below a table of fi �-1 D� t=arious fire s rvice , �'e3 reflecting on how the � The fi grades w�u�d ben��it using thE PERp. f�rmu�a. of a h�re3 �g 1 based on 1984 thru 1988 salaries) are the result ypotheti al situation as follows: Let us assume that our Re- lief Associati n consolidated with PERA back in 198� , the ch o ver taking ef ect on Januar ange . would have ela sed. Using the PERA9�hi �n 1anuary 1� 1989 five fire fighter•s a ° ��8h five" formula, a St.Paul�s been $271k ! PProximate "high five salary average Would have per month. Civil service s lary rules show that a Fire Captain' s sala erally 18qb high r than a fire fighter; District Chief� 44� hi her• ry is gen- Deputy Chief, S .5� higher. These percenta�es result in the followin Fire Captain's verage five year salary� � ��911 per mo; D ut� $3200 per mo; Llstrict Chief, p ,/ Chief, �424b per mo. APP1Ying; the PE �A percentage formula to years of service ari i would receive a full service pension, but nothing for his wid ndividual f'J'_"@' to ?^ov?d f�r the widow {►; � ow. Tr.ere- say, 15� �a fai , and likely average accordinslto must be cut. let us leaving a servi 'e ension of 8 � g the PERA formula) of that. P w 5�. His widow s pension would be half The PERA formul results in the followings Position Years f Percenta�e Salar 100 �. $ � 50,� Servic _ � % 5/ v�idows � Pension. Pension Pension Fire 25 62.5� $2714 $1696 �1442 $721 Fighter 30 72.5/ 2714 1968 1673 837 40 �z.5�/ �271� zz39 1903 95z 92.5� 2�14 2510 z134 1067 Fire 30 72.5Y� $3200 �2320 �1972 $ 986 Capt. �0 82.55� 3200 2640 2244 1122 92•5� 3200 2960 2516 1258 Dist. 30 72.59b $3911 $283� �2410 $1205 - Chief 35 82.51 3911 3226 2742 1371 �'0 92.5� 3911 3618 3075 1538 Dep. 30 72.5� $4240 $3�74 �2613 �13p7 Chief �0 �2.5� 4240 3498 2973 1487 9z.5� 4240 3922 3334 1667 As the positions of Assistant Chief and Fire Chief are not in the City Classified ervice� they are not included in the table above. In contrast to t e above figures, under present St.Paul Fire Department Relie Association ByLaws. the following amounts, based on 1989 sa ary figures, would be paid as follows: 2 5 years, $1588. 0 per month 35 years, �1746.Fs'0 per month 30 years, �1667. 0 per month 40 years, �1�526.20 permonth 1 The above amount would be paid to all who might be currently I retiring regardl ss of positions Fire Fighter, Equipment Operator� ' Fire Captain. Di trict Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chie� Assistant Fire � Chief and Chief. All widows would receive �8?3.40 per month.