89-100 WHtTE - C�TV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT / BLUE - MAVOR i Flle NO. � ` �� � Council Resolution ���� �, � l � `� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By I Date RESOLVED: l�hat application (ID #70848) for an Auto Body Repair Garage Uicense by Rick Kline Oldsmobile Co. DBA Rick Kline Body Shop a�t 1865 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. � I , i I COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �, Dimond � � In Favor Goswitz --��e4lms� � � � s�ne�ne� �, Against BY Sonnen I Wilson ',�� 2 Q � Form App oved by Cit A torney Adopted by Council: Da�e ' Certified Pas e cil S I cr By / �V By � tapproved b Mavor: JAN Z '� �9t7�. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy s BY ��}��p „.,'�! �� ; 1989 � , . � . ����_��� DiVISION OF LICEN�E ANI? P�:RMIT ADPiINISTRATION DATE �� f '/� � / D �-J �� , IP{TERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn P oc ssed/Recei ed y Lic Enf Aud Applicant �� / in4, y�-�p ,b� �6 Home Address Rusiness Iv'ame �IG I�I�nL �od. 5 �� Home Phone � Business Address �OUS� I'llv�'r5� Type of License(s) ���j �jd`/ ��Q�t1'"' Business Phone � � y� `aDDO Public Hearing Da e l � License I.D. 4� �U� `f � at 9:00 a.m. in tl�e Counc 1 C ambers, Q 3rd floor City Ha�l atid Courthouse State Tax I.D. �6 O ��D � 3�� � �SI �� ���f1) llate Nutice Sent; ����^ �� Dealer �f N /Q� to Applicant � �I� rederal I'i_rearms �� Public Hc:<.iring � I DATE II�SPECTIUN REVtEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved ' . I a� ; Th� �c�-+o bod c-� li c���+� Bldg I & D ��;. � � ' LS Co�s�d.ar�c.d �ec���� ' �on r►-n�n ��,��� , j �j-�j C�.�mmer-C{c�C onin� C�i5�'���' Health Divn. �, � � � , � -- � i Fire Dept. � � � � � �� i � ��" � ► Police Dept. � I !n I�'� � "i /� � Q ( � License Divn. I � �,.� ; a �� City Attorney � � y �� , � �� Date Received: Site Plan �� 1�1 �� (�` �'/ To Council P.e_search / L � / Lease or Letter ��/ Date from Landlord � � ��b0 CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Ctirrent Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: ._. .._ y..,_,f . . _ � , . . . -r. <, . . . . ... . . �• . �r . _. ._ „ . . _. ..`'. .. _ . . .. _ . . _ r .. ._ ..:v .� _ ^ . . . .. . , u'.. _.. . ... . a .:. . _, . . - - 7D84�8 City of Saint Paui _ ' Department,of Finance and Management Services /� . - , License and Permit Division � ��T `��d - 203 C+ty Hali� • SL Paul, Minnesota 55102-Z98-5056 � � • APPLICATION FOR LICENSE '� CASH CHECK CLASS N0. _ New Aenew . o Q . � � �saca - . - � - - _ _ - , - oate �� q ts�� ` Code Na Title of icense From �� a Q 1�$To �U 19� � -:o��a " �-� o �-1 G� 11(v • a�� , .. �oo ��G�� K�rnB Q�dsmob��� �p .. . - ApplfcanUCompany Name k. t� ��Q. l�-�C� �I i j� 2� ��L ��0 1U0 Business Name 100 ' 0 W 5 1��1 I'1 t U P%5�t�( !`t lJ 2.- Businesa Address Phaa N0. 100 S j.7�+�c l. r 55�� t 100 aii to ddre s Phone No. �� l`1�,� ��inZ ManapeNOwner•Nams ! �/j — 100 �� 7 ' �g5o (�(r� �uPrsl��f �4 �� aooc: 100 AtanaperlGwner•Home Address Pho�e Na . 4098 Applicatlon Fee - . �Recefved the Sum of Z•1pp - S'' ►U L( �� �I i� ,��/L� . - ��g'�S ManagerlOwner-City,State 3 Zip Code 100 � _:�..Total 100 ' - ' .-, . ._ .. _ � _ _ t. ..._ : . _ .. . . ,;. _.,:r. _ x , . � i ,license InspeCtor . . By. �''¢'Z . . Signature of Applicant .;s:Bond• _ -- �.. �--, - mpany Name , .,.,.. ;-..:. - Policy No. . . . ExDiratio�Date ,_ Insurance: �ri�y� ' f. PS �Frn �k�'��n�.� /"IU� lr �Y15� �1�. �{-l- $ �S -fv �-1-� : `�._ ' ompany Name Poliey No. Expiration Oate �. Minnesota State Identificatlon N . � �����g ':�' Social Security No. ��� - � a' -U 3��/ - _ , . ,. Vehicle Information: - ' : , , . � Serial Number - Plate Number � Other. ' � THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION y^. THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO O ERATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinanCe end completion of t e inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoniny and/or License Inspectoro. . . - - $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS I -_ , �I � , �(.��t�j /O-lq� � ! - . r I . C��9_/�° � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL -- , � I DEPAR7.7�PT OF' FIl�ANCE ARD WIRAGS�IPP S$RVICES � " . . ' LICEl�SE ARD PERMIT DTVISIOIP � ..._ .-- . n. n t r , . ..�.._ .. � . . ... .. _ .� These statement fon�s are issued in d�plicste. Please ans�+er all queatioas !ul]y aad campletely. This a�lication ia thoraugh]�y ebeeked. Any faleitication vill be esuse for deaial. Date October 7 19 83 —��. 1. Applicstion for '� RrC��: xLZiv� eoD� s�oU (License) (Permit) 2. Name ot applican{t T'IC~ ''`"I``� 3. ZP applicant is/�aa been a married temale, list maidea name v/a �+. Date of birth 8�13-�1 /�e 37 place of birth �'r �ALL 5. Are you a citize#� of the United States Y_ Fative _turalizad _ i � 6. Are you a regist red voter YeS �e� o�or;o 12 �.7est ?oint Plac :�a r:��? T. Home address , Y, � ���e 470-9352 9. Present busineas addreas 1850 oniversity �ve St.�aul�siness telaphoo,e 64 0 9. Including your p ent businesa 1 /emp o�►meat, Wh�st bnssne::/eaplog►ment l�a.e yca follo�+ed for the �ast five yeara. Busineas/�playment Address � - RICK .<I,I�� OLJ�t•�03ILi CG P�ir.SIDEDIT 1850 University �ve St.Faul, 'i,a i .. I ��� 10. Married �S IP a�nsw�er is ',vea", list name aad address o! spouse ���1�IF-� j�Itv�, 12 �•7est Point P�.ace, Tonka Bay ��tiJ 55331 T 11. Have you ever beeln arrested for an oflense that has reaultad in a costvictioa! ��o I! answer is "yesj", list dates of arreats, rhere, charge�, comictioas snd sentenees. , Dste ot srrest '� 19 �ere CHAF.GE CONVZCTION � Date o: arrest � I9 Where � CHARG�' ! CONV IGTZOi1 S�� I2. List the names and a3dresses (if married, name o! spaase also) of all peraonst , corporations, partnerships, aesocistiona or organizations Which in auy wa�y have: a. A mortgage intereaL in the ].icensed premise, �'�a b. A security iaterest in the licensed premises, license, or fbrnishings of the licensed premise,��A c. A prvmissory note for 2'unds loaned for the aperation of the licenaed premise or the purchase ot 'the license, `�'�� d. Financially contributed to the purchase of the premise or tbe license it- self �,��n e. ArLy other interest either direct or indirect, either financial or otherwise i in the licensed premise or the licenae itaelf, i':/a Attach a copy hereto of auy attd all documenta referred to in thia attidavit. 1?. Give names aad addresses of two persons, reaideats of St. Pavl, Minnesata, Who can give intormation coacerning you. � �FSs �i�SS ::LI��, 1808 �agle Ridge riendota xts, i��� 5�1I8 IRV CCx^:v 1804 iiighland Plcwy, St.Paul, �1N 55116 1�+. Address o! preiaises for WhSch License or Permit is ma�e 1865 liniversity Ave Addreas 1865 tiniversity Ave ZoDe clsssificstiO'd 83 15. Between t+hSt CTOSS S�TC�t3 DE:�1�Y ST s LYPJPIHURST WhiCh side Of StT�¢t tiorth 26. fta:ae under which this business r�rill be conducted :�IC:: hr.,zr1E soDYS:iCP 17. Buai�ss telephone rnanber _ 645-1563 1¢. Attach to this application, a detailed description oP the design, location, sad square Pootage of the premises to be licensed see �ttached Design & i,�iap �9. ?re oremises nox occupied `�� What business �a�Y Sh�P H� lon�-84 ' li � 20. ^List license �,w!;ich you rurrently hold, or former�y held, or mqy have an intere� . in :�z::n ;�:LZ.�L OL�SDiO�zLL � . ii;iIT��I ��AR ZSUZC '�r" � f i 21. Fiave arry of �he licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been sevoked. Yes Na �_. f ansver is "yes", list dstea and reaaons: - - � 22. Do you hsve ajn interest of a�r type in ar�r o�her busineaa or busineas preff.ises. I.° answer is I','� „ yes , list business, business addreas and telephone number._ RIC�: �:LL:� O�.�Si��o3IL;. t850 University Ave St Paul, t•:t: 645-2000 �v�fY'i'�'�.°�� 1'�u�L �3�6 ri�u1 0 ;vnite llear La e 426-34 23. If business i incorporated, give date of incorporation 19 and at�ach c "-- o�y of Articles of Zncarporstion and ffinutes ot first meeting. 2�. List all offi ers of the corporation giving their asmes, oftice held, hc�e address, nnd ome and business telephone numbers: I�.;S� r.LIt:L - :iairnan oi the 3oard-1308 �a le �idae :��endota fits P-iv 63F-6100 RIC:1�nD i':,I[� -President- 12 :lest Point Place. Ton3ca 3av 645-2000 IRVIr?G CO:�F,id ��ice President-1804 Hi hland Pkw St P u Fd - 0 0 JED?��?I?''n �:I,It �-S�crPtarv- 12 �9PSt- Point Pla m�nka Bav �4 �OOQ 25. If business i� partnership, list partner(s) address and telephone n�bers: NBme �i/a � Address Te1.Ro. � j , ..-_ 26. Is there a ole else who will hav �Y e nn i�erest 3n thia buainess or premises4 If answer is yes", give nsme, home address, telephoae niaabers aad in rrhat manner is tbe r interest: ;,.t� 27. Are you goinR to operate this business peraonally rLs it not, �rho ML11 vperste it: R� :�IC:; ' Ii�'� Hosne address12 .^7est Point Placehl.Ao. 470-9352 - i . . �-�y'��-� . . . Are you going to ha.ve a !�lans�er or assistaat iri this businrss? If aasver is "yes", g:ve name and ho:ne address and home telephone r�umber: Name DL:i�:IS ST�I2d�.�; HOmC addTess 7400 7Pn�An a�TP sc� Te1.No.437-6698 Cottage Grove, Mrr 29. � Has arLyone yau have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been arrested? If answer is "yea", list name of person, dates of arrest, when, cha.Tges, com�ic- tions an� sentence i;o 30. Z Rz�:: :�LI_�� understaad this premise m�y be in- spected by the police, Pire, health and other city otYiafals at ax�r and all times when the business is in aperatfon. State of Minnesata) � )SS County of Ramsey ) :�ICi: :.LI:�.� being Pirst di:2y sworn, deposes aad sskys upon osth that he has read the foregoing statemeat bearing his si tvre and l�ovs the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his owa �mowl ge exceQt as to those matters therein stated upon informstion and belief and as t those matters he be- licves them to be true. f— Subscribed and svorn to bePose me � .� i t of Appl caa this -,:�,�..,,,>.rr��.d�.,.#�tl�'�1Q�� •�;�`:`K;� *.A'� ^�, :;^ li3.� . �� '�j;:nY; /� A ..� O 4��J�.�C���81ffi� - r_� ' esot8 �... CY �� , � "°"''� M1,�l t;aa.^..:-ti�s_.c�ras Aav.i?,1�92 ' v�,, \v ctie`::�Ydlti v`he:?�f►'!/Wii� � C0�118S��CXplI'CS ORIOMA • . • . , . .DME MMT� DATE C01llElED � . . . . �I - V � - .-�� � . Mr. J. Garc edi ���� ��� No.�0 3�8�. COIITACT PENSOP) � DEFARTMENT DIi�CTOR.� � . .: - MAYOR(OR A8$ISTMIT) �� � . Christine R zek '�a" — �.��� ��«F� ' . �. Nu���RFOR — -Z-Co�tncil Research ROUTqiO s�r o�croa Fi nance .& Mgmt. �98-50�6 °i�D�": T ��„�� — � Appiication for an Auto Body Repair Garage License. Notificatio Date: 1-5-�9� ' Hearing Date: 1-19'-89 •c�vo�c�or�r ca � n�,►ncM n�oRr: P�AFMMq COM�NBSION CIVIL VICE COMA18810N � TE IN � DATE OUT .. ANALY6T - � PFIONE NO: . . - � �OMNO COI�MISSION . � 19D �Bf�IOdL BOARD . . . - .. • � � � . STARF� � � ER COhWMSSION � COMPLEfE AS IS . ADD'l lIFO.ADDED* . �� RET'D TO GOHfA�T : �-CONBRIIUEHT - . . - . . . . . . . .. .. . _ � _FOR MDi INFO. . _FEEDB1101C ADDED* 019TRICT COIMCIL .*DCPLAPMTION: � - - . � � � . . - BUPPORl8-YVl11EN COUNCIL OBJECTNE4 - � . � . � � . � .. �� .�. . . - . � . . . � � . . . . _ .. . . . . . , .. � . . � - � NilAT110►ROlLdM.IB�lr O�MORIIMTY �VYhat.VVh9f1.WM�e.Why�); ; Rick Kline ldsmobile Co. , DBA Rick Kline Body Shop requests Council ' apprdval of its applicati�n; for an Auto Body Repair Ga�rage License at : � 1865 Univer ity Avenue: _ _ ,xis�a,oN cc�ve.�..�,�w.e... �: _ _ All fees an appli �„_.,., :quired divisions - Zoning, Fi , Pol j ���� iproval . � I,���� �1,� , �.�� i ;; � �� ��. - � ' :O�(MR�et.Wh�4 u+d Fo:vVhoml: . , . � � �,,� ;� . �� ff JI! ' � , S I If Counci 1 rov� � �' ym any wi 11 run�� Pp p . an Aute Bo Repa� Avenue. ; �u.�tnrES: , vaos - c�s G� ��r' t�es�u�-c6� C�r�ter _ JAN U� ;�8J � �►���: Zonirrg has stated "The a�tobody facility is considered legaily non-conforming i n the B-3 Corranercial Zor�i ng Di stri ct. ��: r � I • � � I i � iPETITION We the undersig ed residents of the Iris Park grid of Merriam Park request th t the city council attach the following conditions to t e issuance of a license for t�ick Kline to operate in our neighbor , 00d. We have repeatedly made the same requests to Mr . ICline witkh no relief. 1. We would li e Mr. Kline to provide off-street parking for his employees. It ' s virtually impossible to find a place to park on Feronia Avenue r Dewey Streets near the qarage and dealership from 8 :00 a.m. 0 5 :00 p.m. , Monday through Friday. 2. We would li e Mr. Kline to discontinue the use of his paging system to alert his em�loyees that phone calls are incoming. Throughout the ummer rnonths, the pages can be heard in our back yards. Beepers for sales people and critical employees would be a ;::ost effectiv method of solvinc� his companies communication problem w�_ti7out imposin the solution on his neighbors . 3. �°v'e would li e P�Ir. Kline to provide some sort of sight block - either a higher fence with mesh or foliage so that the residents who live acros the street don "t see into his repair facilities. �t e � �, Address Phone �'�����--— ���_�;>---���-.�—!0-�------'�'—��--��—°—s—-- _�_ ��� - � ^ � -- � �__�,�_;��--��'�. u�1��_��c,i-��-- ---------�=�`l�- �-?�----- � � : r ,' ! _� ,, �� �; � � - - I�-�-j, ��- � ,�.% -------��`:;_�/ _ �-_ L� (,' 1�--`--------�-C��--,`//L/---- „` -- -- , -- �' �: � ,'. . � ,�� , ,, � � L � � �--- ���-a=.��- - Sk'; -- �---=--�=�-�`��.,-- -- _ --_�'-��{-- < <�.. r(� / /l� � ,�� ` � C/�, _ / / y. -z�-' �,/ 1 � , _`S,-1�1.�:�-"��--- -��=t7i1.�L-�----4---------��?'-�4==---�- 1 � -- .� • � � - , --;�%l�� ��� �--���`�-��=��,-�- �v y % 3.� ��-- -- - ,, ------ � . ; � : r ,/' � '� ����2�� _ -- -- --�-rG G1�-�-��=i'�?.I��--------�_Y.7=D_�?P-- -- , -� --��=���'/c.��t __� Cu)���z.c�i�--1 `��?�'—'�''=��'-�!`�=--C�`�`�_�=�!'y-- ---`-- -- ` -��C"__--1�'�?�?_�L!�Z��?l_'�^"��---y------------ - - -- - ----�--�-- x-°�-�--------��'��_��p�n%��-1--_�y�-d�/5---- /� � \ � UI�Jsr r ' � ��G ����3 --�{��- -� --��=---1 �f_(2 __�G�!�,�±�i-------�'�'�; -------------- -�--- ----- -- --/-n------��'`r�_�_'(�'z.-t�-`-`:�'��`u.e=---��'-\�z3 Z' _ �/I.�.TT� ��3 Z- '�.��-c�' � �,� —� r��- -- ---1�------ -------------------------------------------------- t ' � ! � PETITION . � We the undersig ed residents of the Iris Park grid of Merriam Park request th t t�e city council attach the following conditions to t e issuance of a license for Rick Kline to operate in our neighbor ood. We have repeatedly made the same requests to Mr . Kline wi h no relief. 1 . �ae would like Mr. Kline to provide off-street parking for his employees. It ' s virtually impossible to find a place to park on Feronia Avenue jor Dewey Streets near the garage and dealership from 8 :00 a.m. {to 5 :00 p.m. , Monday through Friday. 2. We would 1 'Ike Mr. Kline to discontinue the use of his paging system to alert� his employees that phone calls are incoming. Throughout the �summer months, the pages can be heard in our back yards. Beeperslfor sales people and critical employees would be a cost effecti�e method of solving his companies communication problem without imposir�g the solution on his neighbors . I 3. We would 1 ke Mr. Kline to provide some sort of sight block - either a highe fence with mesh or foliage so that the residents who live acros�s the street don "t see into his repair facilities. � Name Address Phone ------------------------ - - ----- -------------- -------�--- � 7 � � , 1 � - - - - �----�1�-�_� ,��:�ci�.��-e�_ _ u-�'-_� ,�� . — � � ��r� �����' � -- - - ---------`��-�-�..��_.��',�,���1��_�_�v__L�J�- 5�-��� ° �'-�,- ---���11�.�������.�,��z__6�1���.�� - j---- - - � , � , __ � . � c�e�f--�S� --�- --��----=- `�°-%--.l�f_a8/.� - ---- ---�-- - - --� - ���_��a� ��.�.�,___�/��-� - --s�-��-�'-__��s_ /�� , n �� �i. , ii-�.Z G✓'r7 2� l� i��/:�- �c'�72�t� ..�C' .�Y �f.GC[� � �/� �- �/S�3 ----------------�----------------------------------------------- � _��-----%�����_��_�-_-���-,��/���.�o�� ; _ ����_�� ___,�������_�����_�.���o� �/� - �,/� - `� _ �_�`_ �__G�°�-tc�r_-J�d'��?_��iu?�_�1J`�'��%'��-�ss�6�/ �_ �_ :;-�:1 __�g q��1��CC��-�!.�}'�eu,,� 5.�c�sl - - -�%:s�4_ f---- - - .--�-- � ���p��07 7 - ��—e��� -� -!�``_�__.---�-�-�-�--- -�----�'!�G�=s 5/- I ' ; i 2 I