89-97 w��iTe - ciTr CLERK COUtICII PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAUL �9— gZ CANARV �yOEPARTMEN7 I BLUE - MAVOR � File NO. �,��� -��,"ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By� Date � WHEREAS, the �conomy of the City of Saint Paul is comprised of interactive elements, which de ine the economic vigor and health of our community; and WHEREAS, the laint Paul City Council affirms that the city is committed to the development of�a diverse economic base that retains existing industries and encourages emerg�n�g ones; and WHEREAS, the ity of Saint Paul is committed to the stability of the Saint Paul labor market, and the availability of jobs for workers in our city; and WHEREAS, the city has the capability to examine the impact of economic develop- ment activities o jobs related to city development, through its Department of Planning and Econo�mic Development (PED) ; and WHEREAS, thelcity has effective leadership and programming to provide job- related services t�o workers who experience job loss due to plant closings, relocation or displacement, �nd that such programming is administered by the city's Job Creation and Training Sect on of PED and guided by the advice and oversite of the Saint Paul Private Industry ouncil; and WHEREAS, the city participates, when it is deemed to be in the public interest, in financing and tructuring development activities; and WHEREAS, the city is committed to being aware of any adverse impact that such development activ�ty might have on the employment situation of the workers of Saint Paul since it is ot the intention of such activity to create the displacement of workers; now, the�efore, be it � I -1- COUNCIL MEMBERS I Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g [n Favor Goswitz Rettman B s�ne�be� I __ A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: D te Certified Passed by Counc.il S cretary BY By A►pproved by lNavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By —�— BY , ��- 9 � RESOLVED, Ithat 1. T�he City of Saint Paul will demonstrate its commitment to c�'ontinue to support publically financed economic development �rojects in Saint Paul which result in multi-faceted economic rowth for the city, including job creation since it is not �he policy of the city to do economic development which results n displacement of jobs. There should be a net gain of com- �arable jobs as a result of economic development activity requiring acquisition of property; and that 2. �t shall be the policy of the city to examine the impact on ob loss or gain on all city-financed projects, prior to project �tart-up; and that 3. �o further this policy, the City of Saint Paul will henceforth �equire that a Job Impact Statement be attached to any proposed evelopment application for city financial support, including �ny federal grant program administered by the city, revenue bond inancing, tax increment financing, tax levies, or any other orm of direct financial assistance. Development projects re- eiving city financial assistance are required to conform to the ederal lant closin law and will notif the city 60 days prior �o any plant closing or termination of business that would result n the loss of jobs at the city assisted development; and that 4. �he Job Impact Statement will include the following information: Number and types of permanent jobs that will be lost or �• gained; b. The wage rates and benefits for these jobs; I. Any indirect job loss or gain that is identifiable as a result of the development, including jobs lost or gained by suppliers, transportation companies, etc; �d. Estimated total public cost for development assistance; le. Demographic information appropriate to the present work force, including age, skills, and present wages; �f. Skill levels required for both categories of jobs affected, those lost and those gained; ig. A projection of the likelihood of any displaced workers being able to find new jobs with comparable pay and benefits in the Saint Paul area; h. An outline of the public monitoring process to be used for insuring compliance with job creation projections in the proposed development; and that 5. IPED be designated as the city entity responsible for development lof the Job Impact Statement as soon as possible after a project is proposed by the City Council, Housing and Redevelopment IAuthority Board, or Port Authority, and prior to final approval Ifor financing; and that -2- I WF�ITE - CITV CLERK COUflCll ��ff PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L CANARY -�DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ���� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date 6. The Job Impact Statement must be subject to a public hearing by the City Council prior to approval of any development project rec iving city assistance, and any union representing affected wor ers will be provided a copy of the Job Impact Statement. Add'tionally, notification that the Job Impact Statement is ava'lable must be posted in a place visible to the workers. 7. Theicity will begin to retain information on the record of developers app ying for public financing as far as their commitment to the cre tion or retention of jobs related to public development projects; and that 8. The Saint Paul City Council requests that the Port Authority take act'on to comply with the provisions of this resolution, incorporating the into regular operating procedures of the Port Authority, and tha they cooperate with PED's responsibility under this resolution in 11 respects; and that 9. PED will provide annual reports on the cumulative data gathered in Job Impact Statements to the Mayor, the City Council, the Port Aut ority, and the Private Industry Council; and that 10. The City Council and Mayor will insure that adequate funding is pro- vid�d to PED to support staff monitoring, reporting and documentation of umulative information on Job Impact Statements; and that finally 11. The City Council and Mayor will attempt to identify available city res urces for worker services if deemed needed on a particular pro ect after the Job Impact Statement is completed. ; -3- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ' Dimond �� In Favor coswitz Rettman � B s�he;de� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson "`` ! .- j ���`�,;? Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Yass cil S c ry BY sy A►ppr v d by lVlavor: Da 8 �� ���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � h�AR - 41989 . RESOLVED, th t � 1 The City of Saint Paul will demonstrate its commitment to con�inue to support publically financed economic development �� pro ects in Saint Paul which result in multi-faceted economic `� gro th for the city, including job creation since it is not '`�,the policy of the city to do economic development which results ��n � isplacement of jobs unless new jobs of comparable value are cre ted; and that 2. It �all be the policy of the city to examine the impact on jobiloss or gain on all city-financed projects, prior to project sta t-u'R; and that 3. To urthe�=,this policy, the City of Saint Paul will henceforth reqµire tha�. a Job Impact Statement be attached to any proposed dev lopment application for city financial support, including any federal gr�nt program administered by the city, revenue bond fin ncing, tax �ncrement financing, tax levies, or any other for� of direct fi�iancial assistance; and that � 4. The Job Impact Stat�nent will include the following information: `r a. Number and types o'+�1�permanent jobs that will be lost or � gained; � 3� b. The wage rates and be�fits for these jobs; c. Any indirect job loss or�gain that is identifiable as a result of the development including jobs lost or gained by suppliers, transportat� companies, etc; � d. Estimated total public cost f�r development assistance; e. Demographic information appropr�te to the present work ; force, including age, skills, an present wages; ' °> f. Skill levels required for both cat� ories of jobs affected, those lost and those gained; �; '�, g. A projection of the likelihood of any ��isplaced workers being able to find new jobs with compar�ble pay and benefits in the Saint Paul area; '� �� �. h. An outline of the public monitoring proces�� to be used for insuring compliance with job creation p�ojections in the proposed development; and that 5. PE be designated as the city entity responsible for development of the Job Impact Statement as soon as possible after a project is proposed by the City Council, Housing and Redevelopment Authority Bo rd, or Port Authority, and prior to final approval for financing; an that -2- . �6. The �ob Impact Statement must be subject to a public hearing by � the �ity Council prior, as a part of the development application, �and �rior to financial approval, and that affected workers will '�e n�tified of the public hearing; and that 7. Th�eE-,,�ity will begin to retain information on the record of developers appl��ng for public financing as far as their commitment to the crea�i�n or retention of jobs related to public development projects; and �ha� 8. The $aint, `Baul City Council requests that the Port Authority take actibn to c��ply with the provisions of this resolution, incorporating themlinto regular operating procedures of the Port Authority, and thatlthey coop�rate with PED's responsibility under this resolution in a1L1 respects';, and that 9. PED �►ill provide aiqnual reports on the cumulative data gathered in Job 7mpact Statemen�t,s to the Mayor, the City Council, the Port Authbrity, and the P��vate Industry Council; and that 10. The ICity Council and Ma�,or will insure that adequate funding is pro- vide;ld to PED to support �;taff monitoring, reporting and documentation of c,l�umulative information '°pn Job Impact Statements; and that finally � 11. ThelCity Council and Mayor w�ll attempt to identify available city res�urces for worker services��if deemed needed on a particular pro�ect after the Job Impact S�tement is completed. �` `�, 4��c ��e. `4; '€¢ �,�r �`+. �,; �°i z,€ j -3- I 3. Development projects receiving city financial a sistance are required to conform to the Federal lant closin law and w 1 notif the city 60 days prior to a y plant closing or termination of siness that would result in the los$ of �obs at the city assisted dev opment; and that 6. The Job Im�act Statement must be subje t to a public hearing by the City Council pr or to approval of any deve opment project receiving city assistance and any union representin affected workers will be provided a copy of �he Job Impact Statement. Additionally, notification that the Job Impact Statement is available ust be posted in a place visible to the workers. � . . . p ��`�� �'�Z � � ,�. � - � � �r o rn °" � -- s Ll l� ��� �V�j �-�`�'��� WHITE - CITV CLERK COIIQCII � — � PINK - FIN4NCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO• � Council Resolution s��s-�-��- �3� ,. ,� Presented By �''�/� ' Referred To `' Committee: Date Out of Committe� B Date ,�� WHEREAS, the �onomy of the City of Saint Paul is comprised of interactive elements, which de i�qe the economic vigor and health of our community; and `� WHEREAS, the aint�Paul City Council affirms that the city is committed to the development of a d verse�ieconomic base that retains existing industries and encourages emerging ones; and �� � WHEREAS, the ity of S int Paul is committed to supporting in every way possiLle the stability of j bs and th well being of workers in our city through the current city programming; nd WHEREAS, the ity particip es, when it is deemed to be in the public interest, in financing and s ructuring dev opment activities; and WHEREAS, the ity of Saint Pa through its Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) as the capabilit to examine the impact of economic development activity on jobs r lated to city dev opment; and WHEREAS, the ity of Saint Paul, � hrough its PED Job Creation and Training Program has an eff ctive vehicle to pro ide job-related services to workers who experience job los due to plant closing , relocation, or displacement and that these programs are terme "dislocated worker" ograms; and WHEREAS, deve opment activity affects� the employment structure of the city and sometimes adversel affects specific employ�ient situations and employees; now, therefore, be it t� � � RESOLVED, tha �4 1. The Ci y of Saint Paul hereby requ�ires that a Jobs Impact Statement be dev loped in all instances of d�rect city participation in economic develo ment activities; and that ` - 1 - COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman �be1�� __ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Da e Certified Yassed by Council S cretary By By t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - - BY I ', ' � � �, � qr 1 � . .���`1 /35�/'T'"VT'�=� 2. It shall be the policy of the City of Saint Paul to not acquire commerc'al or industrial property for any purpose where it may result in a pl nt closing or direct loss of jobs, except under those circumstances where there shall be a net gain of comparable jobs as �. a result of economic development activity requiring acquisition of �`•,, such prl perty. In these circumstances, any such jobs created should '`�. be at or above the wage levels sustained in the acquired commercial or indu�strial sites; and that 3:;, To furt�her this policy, the City of Saint Paul will henceforth require '`, that a ,Jobs Impact Statement be attached to any proposed development `�eceiv3�ng city financial support, including any federal grant program a�ninis�tered by the city, revenue bond financing, tax increment fin�nci�ng, tax levies, or any other form of direct or indirect finai�c �al assistance. Any development project receiving city finanC al assistance is required to provide the city with a 60 day notifi �tion prior to any plant closing or termination of business that wc�u�,d result in the loss of jobs at the city assisted development; and th�t ��� 4. The Jot�s Imp��t Statement will identify, for both the property to be acquir�d and t�e proposed development, the following: a. 11 Number an types of permanent jobs that will be lost or created; b. l The wage ra s and benefits for these jobs; c. l Any indirect 'ob loss sustained as a result of redevelopment, including jobs ost to suppliers, transportation companies, etc. ; d. l Total projected ublic cost for redevelopment assistance; e. iDemographic infor ation appropriate to the present affected work force, includi g age, skills, and wages of the present I affected work force to be collected by survey of the work force consistent with other city dislocated worker programs) ; f.l Skill levels required r both jobs being lost and jobs I which will be created; g. The likelihood of displac d workers being able to obtain ijobs with comparable pay a d benefits in this area; h. The record, if any, of the evelopers or the employers, who are part of the proposed evelopments, in meeting job creation projections in the p t; and i.'I A public monitoring process fo establishing the above and insuring compliance with job cr ation projections in the proposed development; and that 5. PED b�' designated staff to be responsible or developing the JOB IMPACT STATEI�ENT as soon as possible after a proje t is proposed and prior to fi�}al approval of such package by the Ci Council, HRA Board or Port Fluthority; and that 6. The Jlbs Impact Statement must be subject to a public hearing by the City ouncil prior to approval of any development project receiving city ssistance and the affected workers should be notified prior to publi hearing; and that - 2 - . • � � ' - 2. It sha l be the policy of the City of Saint Paul to not acquire commer ial or industrial property for any purpose where it may result in a p ant closing or direct loss of jobs, except under those circum tances where there shall be a net gain of comparable jobs as a resu t of economic development activity requiring acquisition of such p operty. In these circumstances, any such jobs created should be at r above the wage levels sustained in the acquired commercial or ind�strial sites; and that 3. To furi�her this policy, the City of Saint Paul will henceforth require that a ,Jobs Impact Statement be attached to any proposed development receiv�ng city financial support, including any federal grant program admini tered by the city, revenue bond financing, tax increment financ ng, tax levies, or any other form of direct or indirect financ al assistance. Any development project rec iving city financ al assistance is required to provide the c' y with a 60 day notifi ation prior to any plant closing or termin tion of business that w uld result in the loss of jobs at the cit assisted development; and th t 4. The Jo s Impact Statement ti�ill identify, for b th the property to be acquir d and the proposed development, the fo owing: a. Number and types of permanent jobs at will be lost or created; b. The wage rates and benefits for ese jobs; c. Any indirect job loss sustained s a result of redevelopment, including jobs lost to supplie s, transportation companies, etc. ; d. Total projected public cost f r redevelopment assistance; e. Demographic information appr priate to the present affected work force, including age, kills, and wages of the present affected work force (to be collected by survey of the work force consistent with ot r city dislocated worker programs) ; f. Skill levels required fo both jobs being lost and jobs which will be created; g. The likelihood of disp aced workers being able to obtain jobs with comparable ay and benefits in this area; h. The record, if any, the developers or the employers, who are part of the roposed developments, in meeting job creation projectio in the past; and i. A public monitorin process for establishing the above and ' insuring complian with job creation projections in the proposed develop nt; and that S. PED be� designated staff o be responsible for developing the JOB IMPACT STATE�ENT as soon as po sible after a project is proposed and prior to fi al approval of s ch package by the City Council, HRA Board or Port t�uChority; and t t 6. The J bs Impact State ent must be subject to a public hearing by the City ouncil prior t approval of any development project receiving city ssistance and he affected workers should be notified prior to publi hearing; and that r , - 2 - 2. It sha 1 be the policy of the City of Saint Paul to not acquire commer ial or industrial property for any purpose where it may result in a p ant closing or direct loss of jobs, except under those circu tances where there shall be a net gain of comparable jobs as a result of economic development activity requiring acquisition of such property. In these circumstances, any such jobs created should be at�or above the wage levels sustained in the acquired commercial or in ustrial sites; and that 3. To fu�ther this policy, the City of Saint Paul will henceforth require that Jobs Impact Statement be attached to any proposed development recei�ing city financial support, including any federal grant program admin�stered by the city, revenue bond financing, tax increment finan ing, tax levies, or any other form of direct or indirect finan ial assistance. Any development project receiving city finan ial assistance is required to provide the city with a 60 day notif ion prior to any plant closing or termination of business that ul result in the loss of jobs at the city assisted development; and t a 4. The J bs Impact tatement will identify, for both the property to be acqui�ed and the oposed development, the following: a Number and ty es of permanent jobs that will be lost or created; b The wage rates a benefits for these jobs; c ' Any indirect job ss sustained as a result of redevelopment, including jobs lost to suppliers, transportation companies, etc. ; d Total projected publi cost for redevelopment assistance; e Demographic informatio appropriate to the present affected � work force, including a , skills, and wages of the present affected work force (to b collected by survey of the work force consistent with othe city dislocated worker programs) ; f� Skill levels required for b h jobs being lost and jobs which will be created; g� The likelihood of displaced wo kers being able to obtain jobs with comparable pay and be efits in this area; h. The record, if any, of the devel ers or the employers, who are part of the proposed deve pments, in meeting job creation projections in the past; d i: A public monitoring process for est lishing the above and insuring compliance with job creatio projections in the proposed development; and that 5. PED b� designated staff to be responsible for d eloping the JOB IMPACT STATE ENT as soon as possible after a project is roposed and prior to fi�al approval of such package by the City Cou cil, HRA Board or Port �utihority; and that 6. The J bs Impact Statement must be subject to a publi� hearing by the City ouncil prior to approval of any development pro�ject receiving city ssistance and the affected workers should be notified prior to publi� hearing; and that - 2 - �I . . . . 2. It sha l be the policy of the City of Saint Paul to not acquire commer ial or industrial property for any purpose where it may result in a p ant closing or direct loss of jobs, except under those circum tances where there shall be a net gain of comparable jobs as a resu t of economic development activity requiring acquisition of such p operty. In these circumstances, any such jobs created should be at r above the wage levels sustained in the acquired commercial or indu�strial sites; and that 3. To further this policy, the City of Saint Paul will henceforth require that a� Jobs Impact Statement be attached to any proposed development receiv ng city financial support, including any federal grant program admini tered by the city, revenue bond financing, tax increment financ ng, tax levies, or any other form of direct or indirect financ'al assistance. Any d�velopment project receiving city financ 1 assistance is required to provide the city with a 60 day notifi a 'on prior to any plant closing or termination of business that w uld esult in the loss of jobs at the city assisted development; and th t 4. The`lJo s Impact tatement will identify, for both the property to be acquir d and the oposed development, the following: a. Number and t�es of permanent jobs that will be lost or created; � b. The wage rates�`` nd benefits for these jobs; c.l Any indirect job oss sustained as a result of redevelopment, including jobs los to suppliers, transportation companies, etc. ; d. Total projected pub 'c cost for redevelopment assistance; e. Demographic informati n appropriate to the present affected work force, including e, skills, and wages of the present affected work force (to e collected by survey of the work � force consistent with ot r city dislocated worker programs) ; fi Skill levels required for oth jobs being lost and jobs I which will be created; g� The likelihood of displaced rkers being able to obtain jobs with comparable pay and b nefits in this area; h� The record, if any, of the deve opers or the employers, who are part of the proposed dev opments, in meeting job creation projections in the past; nd i� A public monitoring process for es blishing the above and insuring compliance with job creati projections in the proposed development; and that S. PED b�e designated staff to be responsible for veloping the JOB IMPACT STATE�IENT as soon as possible after a project i proposed and prior to fi al approval of such package by the City Co cil, HRA Board or Port uthority; and that 6. The J bs Impact Statement must be subject to a publ'c hearing by the City Council prior to approval of any development p�oject receiving city assistance and the affected workers should be notified prior to publ'c hearing; and that I 2 I . WHITE - C�TV CLERK �•�'� � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council . CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. - Council Resolution �� b sfi�-�� �--e Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Gommittee By Date 7. Th,e Sa nt Paul City Council requests that the Port Authority of the City o Saint Paul take action to comply with the provisions of this reso�,u ion and incorporate them into the regular operating procedures of the,,Port Authority, and to cooperate with the PED's responsibilities under he resolution in all respects; and that 8. PED wi 1 be required to provide annual reports on the cumulative data gather d in`�,jOB IMPACT STATEMENTS to the Mayor, the Saint Paul City Counci , the ,R,ort Authority of Saint Paul, the Saint Paul Private Indust y Counci�, Inc. , and the Director of the Department of Planning and Ec nomic Dev�lopment; and that, finally ., \. 9. The Ci y Council an� the Mayor will attempt to ensure that adequate fundin is provided �p PED to support effective monitoring, reporting and do umentation of c mulative information on JOB IMPACT STATEMENTS covere projects and wi consider providing city general fund resour es for workers se ices if deemed needed on a particular projec after the JOB IMPA T STATEMENT is completed. • -3- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depa tment of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Favor Gnswicz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen �lson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Passed by Council Se retary BY gy, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY • , , �j � �i' s'_a � 1 � G —-----—— —_ -- __� _ ._ WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ���, � �--� CANARY - DEPARTMENT , BI.UE - MAVOR File �O. . C uncil Resolution 3� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date WHEREAS, economy of the city of Saint Paul is comprised of interactive elements, which efine the economic vigor and health of our community; and WHEREAS, th S 'nt Paul City Council affirms that the city is committed to the development f a iverse economic base that retains existing industries and encourages emerg ng on ; and WHEREAS, th city of aint Paul is committed to supporting in every way possible the sta ility of � bs and the well being of workers in our city through the current city programming and WHEREAS, th city particip tes, when it is deemed to be in the public interest in financing and structuring dev opment activities; and WHEREAS, th city of Saint Pau through its Department of Planning and Ecoxiomic Development (PED has the capability to examine the impact of economic development activity on jobs related to city deve pment; and WHEREAS, th city of Saint Paul, th ough its PED Job Creation and Training Program has an e fective vehicle to provi e job-related services to workers who experience job 1 ss ciue �o �lant closings, elocation, or di5placement and that these programs a e �erm�cl °Bdislocated worke " programs; now, t�here�ore, be it RESOLVED, t at 1. PE be officially designated respo sible for the assessment of the job impact of city of Saint aul development activity th ough the preparation of a JOB IMP CT STATEI�iENT for all pr jects involvi;�g city and Port Auth rity financing; and that -1- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Dep rtment of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor coswitz �6,� _ Against BY � Sonnen ' Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: D te Certified Passed by Council S cretary BY By Approved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY i . , < � _ WHITE - CrMV CLERK ' .. .. � ..�-r:.. . �... � . . ".'�. " �..• - �PINK - - FItVANCE � � � � COUIIC11 � �� f" CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � � � � BLUE - MAVOR � . .C uncil Resolution � " .;...;. ,it�,��. Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee B Date 1R�U�, _ ac� af t�e sit� of �la�t lasl 3,s co�pris�i of �rsrisaetirr� sl�w#s, �hl�ei► ia� tAs +�r�o�tLe tl.�s aa� Ltaltli ot ovc aaw�itT; s�d �� t�,��n� Yarl Cit�► 4o�me33, a1�i�[as trtt tk ci�t�r is e�d.tt�d to ; ti� i�lop�t a diirrss� �o�ic bss� �iat s�tatss azfat#� fti�si�ta �t �� � �i � t1iE�i1�i. city �f ia�:t la�3 3s ce�it��i to aq�r=in,� t� avatf wy pas�itils � s t� at fois �d tfu� �s�sll 1�iat sf �s�t� ir� aac �it� l�ra�h � ti� c� eitlr rKs�ai��f- a�t �+ ctt7► !ss"tttiP+��t�s, tdr�s tt is d�ai ts iM i� � p�lte 3at.�syst � is ti�ci� and ir�,ta��t uti+riti+�; a,d ___ _._-, �i8, cit�r o� �aiat ?ae�. � it� i�ss4�tt o� !1� �d ��owa�fx , � tr�. t�ia� e�uit��t+. mrsn�e tr. �sec o# .��v�d,a a.+�r+�3a�...t aetiTit�r vt �obs slat� !o eit�► is�n�2�p►prat; aae� 1�i. tla �it�r af 3�aiat la�l, �it St.r P�D J� Ctsa�iss a�t !lta3a�ta; ltssraia iw aa �t �liv�r vr+irtal� to �sar�s �ai-�relst�i in�si+� t.�r r�sic� �i4o �z3��aa �� +�re to �lseet t3a�i,�s.�`�I�oaati+aa, �s' dispr2�s� a+� t�at t�a+r � t�ssr� "ixsloeat�i twrl�usir� pt+e�ra�s; vo�►, t�sifox's, 1� it ,} � �, � . I. l"Sa► 5s sfitclsilr Msis�at+� s�r�stl►I� tarr tM �ss��t ' �f fol ia�t o� �.� 4t latit �'�av. �l�xt �sti�►it�► EM �r�t�etiat of �s ,Jf� IMl��."! �t�i #+at a�l �^a �tar i,a�rol� eit� �ed lo�t �tia►rit� f�i�,; aad tbst . -1- � . . _ '�S � . i�t�.: � . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: y� N� � Dimond '�' - �ne [n Favor Goswitz _ Rettman ��;� Against By . sonnen Wilson �. _ Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Passed by Councrl Se tary BY By Approved by �Vlavor. Date . Approved by Mayor for Submissitsn to Council BY By Jt�BS I�IPACT STATEMENT ' � . . � �� �� 2. Said JOB IMPACT STATEMENT, done as a part of the feasibility stu�y conducted by city staff and the developer entities for initial financing, shall determine job impact, with the intent thatI this determination will validate net job loss as well as crelation or retention, including the impact of the development on ,the existing jobs; and that 3. Whel net job loss, the elimination of existing jobs, or re- str�cturing of a particular work force occurs as a direct reslult of the city financed project, PED will initiate a more formal analysis of the impact on workers to include, but not� be limited to: a. ' Number of jobs lost by the financial assistance; b. Demographic information appropriate to the present affected work force, including age, skills, and wages of the present affected work force (to be collected by � survey of the work force consistent with other city Idislocated worker programs) ; c. Identify potential employment services and resources availa le through city, state, or federal programs, and dir t such resources to any affected workers; d. Indicate i available resources will not be sufficient to meet the outlined need, and if not, state need re- sources spec ic to each situation; and that 4. PEI� designated sta be responsible for developing the JOB IM�,bACT STATEMENT in onjunction with developing entities as soon as possible fter financial assistance is proposed an� prior to final ap roval of such package by the City Co ncil, HRA Board or ort Authority; and that 5. Th Saint Paul City Cou il request that the Port Authority of the city of Saint Pau take action to comply with the pr visions of this resolu 'on and incorporate them into th regular operating proc dures of the Port Authority, and to cooperate with the PED's responsibilities under the re olution in all respects; �nd that 6. PE� will be required to provid�` annual reports on the cumulative data gathered in JOB IMPACT STA�EMENTS to the Mayor, the Saint Pa�l City Council, the Port Auth��ity of Saint Paul, the Saint Pa 1 Private Industry Council, In�ti , and the Director of the De�artment of Planning and Economic�,,Development; and that ,, 'I -2- WHITE - C�TV CLERK �'� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council () � � �f CANARV - DEPARTMENT �1- � / BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. V Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date 7. ED staff will be afforded an early opportunity by the - d eloper entities to coordinate existing resources, public and r private, to support employment programs for affected wor e in a time frame that is responsive to the affected wor ers, and that 8. PED ill ad 'nister and coordinate any such employment pro ram, if r ources are secured; and that 9. The City Council d the Mayor will attempt to ensure that ade ate funding is rovided to PED to support effective mon'toring, reporting nd documentation of cumulative infor- mat'on on JOB IMPACT S TEMENTS covered projects and will consider providing city neral fund resources for workers ser ices if deemed needed a particular project after the JOB IMPACT STATEMENT is com eted; and finally that 10. PED designated staff will begin orking with the City Att rney's Office immediately on he development of a formal JOB IMPACT STATEMENT document and ocess which reflects the int nt of this resolution. � APPROVED: APP�VED: �� � i ///)�) t ��� V'� ( (/�/1���1�J- V�� �i.�-.*�� � Direct r, Departm �it of Finance Budget D'r��tor and Management Se vices —3— COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz scbe�i Against BY � �° a��~`_ Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat / Certified Passed by Council Se retary BY By � /�pproved by Nlavor: Date Approve Mayor for Submissi o ouncil By g ...>.: . . . <.Y _.. . �� '�. " � , . . . •�.. �`.�� . WMITE - 41�Y C.LERK . � � - � . . .. . � .. �NARV - D�,RT ENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council - �, . � � BIUE -MAY�R . File NO. I ` -���� Council Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . l. liil taif trill � affos+is# a�► arr.� o�o�t�mit�► D�r rirs •atiti+�s to aoosdi�►ts �Lstia� ra�as, p�►1� �i� p�ci�t�, t� �po�t� +aiPlo�st Pra�r�se ior atf�t�1 � . tmm : tiae frar tf�at is s�si�rs �� tlu� sil�tii , ,i �,,�1 that • � S, 1� ad�iaistsr ard eaor+divat� aa� �ch �]au�rnt - if r#�orre�+t ars �r� �oi t.l�st _ 9. �s tjr Coi�e,31 �+�pt tD�r 1��c �i11 �tt�t to �sofcs shst !� is`�tat#,�! to !� +to s�pa�rt sf faeti�a ` r�a# . r��rtiu�'-�ud �t+tti�s ot car�l�t�t�! 3�ato�s�- �ret es� Jtl� IIQiCS s?1�T8l1�ts tms�►ar� projKts aaw! �r311 oaiss r Providtaii etty �rs2 !`�i r��t� fas w�rra � ess if ae�t awi�d � a pasti�2�t �rro,�+�et tlt�rs� t�a � . :� Ji� �4? S?�lE�T !s e,+a�r3�tsi; a�i tiasll�Y tiat �.�. �► i�at�i staff �etll 1��'� �eit� t� C�.tT lt 's Alfice i�r81�s�1� +��+tM �lo�rat o� a lFostin3. ��� � " .i0� �T E?L'�!�' �op�at aa� p�•eiu �fCti ss�Lss#.i tir _ 3a�t t o! thts �+�sl+�ti+�, 1iTl7�T1xDs �i�'!'�ms _ ' ` 'i � � +^� r` �; :} M j /,�,�,.s; 1 �`l.. , � � ,� ....�..,...�_ Disr�C , D�S.t L Of �i DY��tC� Cf.�. , . �d �t -3- . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: ' Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor ! � Iteaman �.l,�j�*- �' j �+�':�?° _ � ��� Against BY ��' .`� Sonnen Wilson � Form Apjnoved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ! , � � � � � � _ ,� :" f .��-=-���� � Certified �ssed by Council Sec etary BY `, . By r Approved by Mavor. Date Approved by MayQr'for Submission to Council . By _ BY ,. : _. f . � -. .. , ��� ' . _ q7 • oI119M+� • � .3. -� _ a► wnW►� ane caMS�o ��u,nci 7 Presi dent Ji Schei bel ����� ��� Fw.�0 3 5�g _ , ��� ° ►����.,�, Jim Scheibel/Mae Syl ester �', � — ' �� � �6��� �«� � . � «�. — — 98-5679 '� o� -- � .�; — - Pravides for creatio of a� JOB i�ACT Si'ATEMENT in each instance wk�ere ,city and/or Port Authari ty fi�nci ng irectiy assi s�s a devel o�nent project. 7he JQB iI�PACX STA'fEN{�i�1` wi 11 validate net �ob los , creation or rete�tion, inctuding tfie imp�ct of the d�welop�aent crn the existing jobs. I i.nstances where job lass occurs, addi��anal analysis will be perf�rmed as s�ecaf,Xed in the r�solution. �ED has designated-responsi'bility �no�w�v�av.t�►a►�t ► � ��c�oa+c��uux�n�varr: _ �RJINM�p OOMIIMSBION�. . � CN� COMAII9SION DATE IN . DAtE OUT � � NMLVST . . . �NOlE N0:_ . :.j.. � 2dAN0 COM11�810N . 1� SCFIOiOL BOARD � � - - . . . , . STAFF . � - � - . R COIAIdI8810M� . .. .��. . COMPf.ETE AS 18 ADDi MFO.AOOED* - . � .pETD 7Q"CdifA�T .. - -.-0GN87fii3JB/T �'.: . . . � . .. _ . . _FOR AODi MFO. _-�FE�VCK AbDED* DIS'1111C'f COEkAC< � L . . � -.. p EXPUINATION: � . . . . � ... � � -&1P�OR1'S�WlMCM OOUNC0.OE�CTIVET _ . � .. � . . . . .. . � .. � . . . . , . � . � _ � . � . .. . . . . � -, - .. � . � f.;�. . . . . . . . .. .. . . c"q. . �. . � �. .-,.. . ; . . . . ,. . . . .�.. . . .,.. _ _ .. . . . . . . -. . . . . � . . . .. . .. � . � £f.S . . . � . . �� � #� M#z � . . � �� ., . -:. . � �, ': . � . . --. � . . ., . � . . � . . - .. . . , . te� �fIM71N� �,OP�OIRUIf�il VMheR YMrn�, , � B�t�� e�t.n�rrig:'as a p r't :o�its in�i-al fYriancial <rea�i�t, the'��bs i;impact ��f�a�p�p�sed � development, the city aximiaes bath' its opti�ns and its op�rtunities fin�°regard ta satd '� i�mpact. In adda:tion,. he JOB IMPACT STATEMENT farmalizes a record of job gasns, los�es- . - t ar►d r�structW�i ng i n c nnectl on wi t+�I devel opments , :_ . ,u�►�+c+�no��.:�� . .:. , - See �lbove _ CdNi011�(YMrt.whwa and"ro whank _ , .. . . , See above i . . . uT�lA,1V�: : . . . ' PROS , � . _ , `�y acting without knawte Status quo ; of job impact, tfiere is n _ af�l�r�ni ty as pa�rt af I . � packa�+�9ng tQ �ddress ��� �i� . wark�r impa�t wh�n th�t` .�� accurs. a�rair�c�rrs: «aa.�: