89-92 M�HITE - CITV CLERK ��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� BLUE - MAVOR � Council R sol tion � � Presented By eferred To Committee: Date l'��1 Out of Committee B Date A Council Res lution amending the Tuition Reimbursement Policy currently stated in the� Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RESOLVED, tha the following Tuition Reimbursement Policy will replace the Tuition Reimb rsement Policy currently stated in the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of ompensation, Section III, H, for City employees. The purpose of the Tuitio Reimbursement Policy is to assist employees in taking classes that will imp ove their performance on their current job and to allow for career growthl; within the City's Civil Service positions. FURTHER RESOL ED, that expenditures for tuition reimbursement shall not exceed the fu ds approved by the City Council for that purpose. TUITION REIMBURSEMENT POLICY Eligibility: IAny full-time classified or unclassified employee of the City of Saint Paul who works 32 hours or more a week for 26 pay periods per year and who has b en in City employment for 12 consecutive months is eligible for reimburse ent. Any part-time classified employee who works 20-31 hours per week for 6 pay periods per year and who has been in City employment for 12 consecutiv months is also eligible for reimbursement. Determination of employment st tus is based on the employee's full or part-time status for a majority of t e fiscal year. Excluded are non-certified employees and those listed s "Special Employments." Reimbursement Covers: A refund for the cost of enrollment, tuition, laboratory fees and other obligatory course fees, but excluding the cost of books. T ition Reimbursement payments shall be limited to $500.00 for coursewo k completed during any one calendar year for any one full-time employee and $250 for coursework completed during any one calendar year for a part-t' e employee. Reimbursement for participating in conferences will not be llowed under the Tuition Reimbursement Policy. Employees who obtain such eimbursement shall be required to pay back the amount of reimbursemen if the employee leav2s employment with the City within one year after t e completion of a course. COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � r Galles [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel 1�,�_ Against BY ,� Tedesco /'� Q /� �� Wilson � c% ( j� /`t• 1C� ' �� �(� Form A roved by i Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Passed by Council Se retary � / BY By /�pproved by ;Vlavor: Date I Approve by yor bmission to Council By _ . I ' �r- ��-��- ITION REIMBURSEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES The following giv s the new policies and procedures for the City of Saint Paul's Tuition Reimbursement Policy beginning January 1, 1989. 1. The policy and procedures will apply to coursework completed in the calendar year, beginning January 1, 1989. , 2. Criteria for mployees and supervisors to follow when requesting course approval: * Classes and seminars that improve employee performance on the current j ob; * Enrollment 'n a degree program to allow for career growth in Civil Service pos'tions; * No course a proval will be given for participation in conferences. * All coursew rk must be approved in advance by supervisor, Department Director an Training and Development Manager. 3. Council Resolution No. sets the refund limit at $500 for course work completed during any one calendar year for a full-time employee and $250 for cour e work completed during any one calendar year for a part-time emp�oyee. 4. Those eligibl� for refunds are any full-time classified or unclassified employee of the City of Saint Paul who works 32 hours or more per week for 26 pay periods per year and who has been in City employment for 12 consecutive mpnths. Also included are any part-time classified employee who works 20- 1 hours per week for 26 pay periods per year and who has been in City mployment for 12 consecutive months. Determination of employment st tus is based on the employee's full or part-time status for a majorit of the fiscal year. Excluded are non-certified employees and those lis ed as "Special Employments. " S. All employees will be required to pay back the amount of reimbursement if they leave City service within one year after the completion of the course. No s ecial exemption will be given to an employee who leaves City service ithin one year after the completion of the course and goes to another go ernmental unit. 6. If an employe receives a grant, scholarship or reimbursement from another publi and/or private source due to status as a student, the employee is o ly eligible for this reimbursement from the City to the extent that t e course cost exceeds reimbursement from other sources and all other req irements regarding City policy are met. 7. Payment is made on a reimbursement basis only, except where an employee qualifies for ,and has been approved for the Pre-Paid Tuition Assistance. 8. The Pre-Paid uition Assistance Program begins January l, 1989. Pre-paid tuit on assistance is intended to assist employees who otherwise wou d not have the financial resources to take work-related courses. Emp�oyees must apply for and meet financial guidelines before - � ' �������- their classes will be approved for pre-payment. Financial guidelines and applicati,on forms are available from the Training and Development Division, Of ice of Personnel and Labor Relations, Room 344 City Hall, 298-6861. 9. The Board of Education has a separate Tuition Reimbursement Policy which allows for a 'total reimbursement of $250.00 per year for full-time employees onl:y. Changes in the City of Saint Paul's Tuition Reimbursement Policy will not affect the Board of Education. 10. To insure th t money will be distributed equitably throughout the entire calendar yea , beginning January l, 1989 funds will be distributed on a semi-annual basis. The first funding period will be for classes beginning an time between January 1 to June 30 and the second period for classes beginlning anytime between July 1 to December 31. Funds will be allocated to each funding period based on past usage during that period. We do not an icipate having to reject applications for classes due to a money shorta e. If, however, we reach the limit of money allocated for that funding eriod, approval will have to be denied for any incoming requests. Molney left over from the first funding period will automatically be transferred to the second funding period. 11. The followin steps will be necessary to obtain approval for course approval for tuition reimbursement: Course A ro 1 Tuition Reimbursement 1. Complete tuition reimburse- 1. Complete tuition reimburse- ment (top) Section for each ment (lower) Section. course an sign form. 2. Attach receipt for tuition. 2. Obtain yo r supervisor's 3. Attach proof of satisfactory signature, completion (letter grade, 3. Obtain De artment Director's certificate) . signature. 4. Obtain your supervisor's 4. Send entire form to Training signature. and Develppment. 5. Obtain Department Director's 5. If reject' d, an explanation signature. will be s nt to you. 6. Retain pink copy for your 6. If approv d, three parts will records. be return d to you. KEEP 7. Send yellow and blue copy to ALL THREE'. Training and Development. 8. Upon approval, tuition , reimbursement will be paid within 30 calendar days. 12. To receive re'mbursement an employee must submit the completed Tuition Reimbursement Form with proof of payment and satisfactory completion no later than th ee months after the date the course is completed. An extension of �the three months may be requested and approved by the Training and evelopment Office. 13. To insure tha funds are spent in the most efficient manner, we request that an emplo ee notify the Training and Development Office whenever an approved clas� is cancelled. � . �: .y . . ����y _ LV° 012355 . -Trn . DEPAR'1'MENT - - - - - - - T.i,;da Gi esea CONTACT NA1rIE _ 298-6861 PHONE � DATE . , ASSIGN N[JMBER FOR H NG (See reverse sida.) � Department Direc or t� liaqor (or Assistant) Finance and Mana ement Services Director 5 City Clerk ^ Budget Director � Trginin� & D?ve�a�ment_:1rL�¢er � City Attorney 6 Citv Conncil TO PA 1 �Clip all locations for signature.) W � ? (Purpase/Rationale) ; An Administrativ Resolutiqn amending the Tuition Reimbursement Policy � currently stated in the Saint �'aul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. ��cE�vE� , RECEIVED D E C N 91988 � COS B B DG AND L C S � �AN 0 3 �°��'� ' Y �' � �v�1��Y Cost: Not to ex eed $80,000 per year, approved in 1989 A'd�o Y����y��dget. We propose that he 1989 Tuition Reimbursement fund be mo�3e� rom the Personnel. General Fund to Peraonnel Special Fund-so that any remaining money allocated � for 1989 will be available to employees in 1990. A F�inance and Spending Plan will follow. � F N UD ET V R CR D: (Mayor's signature n t required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Tr ns�ction:Not tro exceed $80,000 Activity Number:0254-99280 Funding Source: 001 00157 ATTACHMENTS: (List d nwaber �all attachments.) ,. ���:,�.;� �e5e�rch Cen�er. 1. Council Resoluti n JA� O 5 j�89 2. Tuition Reimburs ent Policy and Procedures �r . , ADMINISTRATIVE PROCED S _Yes �No Rul s, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes �No If es, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEi�I gYes _No Counc 1 resolution required? Resolution required? �Xes R No ,_Yes gNo Insur nce required7, Insurgnce sufficient? TYes _No N/A _Yes gNo Insur nce attached? � _ : :. _ . ..._ _ . . ..._ - - --- ._.. .. . . _ _ ._ _ ---. _ . ,.. . f �.. .._ ._ . , , ..__ . . . _ . . ... _._____ _.__.�._....,.._� j_,._� . ����,1'�'-,`. : ' � ; GITY OF SAINT PAUL � —�.� - ,> :�n �tci . �"'�'`�°�'" � OFFICE OF TAE CITY COIINCIL - �,:.._ Committee Report Financ�, Manaaement. & Personnel Committee MAY 1, "1989 1 . Approval of mirlutes of April 17 meeting. Approved 2. Discussion of Capitai Allocation Policy financing Laid over for further changes. (Laid over April 17) discussion May 8 3. Discussion of 1990 Budget Goals and Policies. Laid over for further (Laid over Apri� l 17) discussion May 8 4. Resolution 89-894 - estabiishing fees for applica- Approveci as amended tions for modif�ications of parking requirements pursuant to Sec�tions 409.08( 11 ) (e) and 410.04(g) (5) of the Legislat�ive Code. (Referred from Council April 20) , 5. Resolution 89-�91 - amending Section S.A of the Civil Appproved Service Rules �ertaining to appointment of employees when titles ar� merged. (Referred from Council April 6) _ 6. Resolution 89- 86 - approving and ratifying 1989-1991 Approved agreement betw en the City of St. Paul and the City Attorney's Pro essional Association. (Referred from Council April 1 ) 7. Resolution 89-�2 - amending the Tuition Reimbursement Withdrawn Policy in Sect on III , H in the 5alary Plan and Rates of Compensatio Resolution. (Referred from Council January 19, la�d over April 3) (To be withdrawn upon recommendationlby Administration.) I , CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 a�na