89-91 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE �� COUACII //J�' CANARY - DEPARTMENT '�. G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L 9 �/ BLUE - MAVOR �� F11C NO. r ^ • / - .Council Resolution c� Presented By ''���`�v" eferred To � r Committee: Date —�/—�� Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Customer Service Representative in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVE , that the rate of pay for the title of Customer Service Representati�e be set at the rate set forth in Grade 25, Section ID1, of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this reso�ution. � � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b artment of: Yeas Nays ' Dimond .-�eRe• [n Favor Goswitz Rettman �;� , a __ Against By -�eee� Wilson ���, - � �ggg Form pproved Ci tto Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Pas e uncil Se BY • By, ` F�� � �� �r�° Appro by Mavor: Date ' r��� _ Appro d by Mayor for Sub ' io to cil � Btt�3ifD ' ', `-; � � 1989 wHITE - C�ITV CLERK �' PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �/�///�' CANARV - OEPARTMENT � FIIC NO.,��, � BLUE - MAVOR CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By , Referred To I Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date i An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Customer Service Representative in the iSalary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the title of Customer Service Representativeibe set at the rate set forth in Grade 25, Section ID1, of the Clerical Sltandard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it I FINALLY R�SOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolu�ion. I I I I , COUNCIL MEMBERS I Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ' Dimond OFFI . OF P RSONN L AN� IARQR RF ATTnNS ��g �_ [n Favor Goswitz Rettman �be;be� � Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form AQproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date I Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}� I Appruved by 1+lavor. Date � _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - -- BY I I �� � � yr��9/ , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of Personnel and Labor Relations Classification and Compensation Division 265 City Ha11, Saint PeuZ, HN 55102 '� 612-298-4221 T0: Jexry Serfling, Assistant Director A CME Council 14 FROM: Ri k Kreye�� Of ice of Personnel and Labor Relations DATE: November 15, 1988 RE: T�v�nty Day Notice It has been �determined that the new title Customer Service Representati�ve should be created. I have attached a copy of the specificatioln for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt o this memo, if you wish to discuss this change. If I do not hear fro you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also e processing a resolution establishing the rate of pay for Customer' Service Representative in Clerical Grade 25. I hereby wai e the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of c eating this class specification. � Jerry Serflir�g Date � i : � �� � . w I ���` (i�'"_ d 7 ��� '�` �'���1�'�::� ' INTERDE ARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � DEC ti7 `' 1988 ;,���,� ,. r _ �.,�� � . � , � : � j.. -: T0: Councilmember Robert Lorhg, Chair finance, Management and Personnel Cortmittee I 2 ������� FROM: Gregory Blees, Budget Director � r �,i��-, ! � �'EC ti� 19Qg DATE: December 23, 1988 ' ���'��i%� RE: Estimated Budget Impact for Recomnended Change in Employee Salary Rates ������ ACTION REDUESTED fOR THE JOB TI�,TLE OF: CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE DATED: 12/7/88 ------------------------------------- ----- Regrade Existing XX Create New Authorize Premium Pay NEXT YEAR #1 NEXT YEAR #2 ESTIMATED BUDGET IMPACT Salaries Fringes Salaries Fringes Reflecting: Total Costs i XX Change in Costs ------------------ ------------------ General Fund Street Maintenance Fund Sewer Service Fund Water Utility Fund � (27,476) (6,869) 52,703 2,108 Other: Other: Other: --------------------- ------------------ TOTALS I (27,476) (6,869) 52,703 2,108 CURRENT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: --------------------------- Salary Reserve In Spe�ified Contingency In Generat Fund. Money Available In A 4acant Position In Authorized Budget: Money Available By Underspending Appropriations For Other Non Salary Item(s): Offset By Downgrading Other Positions: Resolution Increasing', Current Year Budget For Special Fund Is Attached Other: Salary reserves in special funds budget NEXT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Reduce Service Levels For: Increase Property Taxes By: lncrease Street Maint�nance Assessments By: XX Increase Water Rates By: BUT ONLY IF 12 POSITIONS RETAINED Increase Sewer Rates By: Increase User Charges For: XX Other: Savings witl �ccur if complement is reduced to 9. COMMENTS: Next Year #1 documents the Utility's plan to �educe 3 positions. Next Year #2 documents the cost of converting all 12 Clerk-Typist !I's. Comparisons made at the entry step Typist II grade 18 new position grade 25. 89 bargained increas�: 2% COL and 1°6 bonus. Department/Office Director Thomas Mogren cc: Sheryl Le I I . . ��'�'�i Customer Service Representative WHAT WILL E ACHIEVED BY TAKING CTION ON THE ATTAC ED MATERIALS? This resol tion will establish the rate of pay for the Customer Service Re resentative classification. This action is the result of a classifi ation and compensation study, which was performed at the request of om Mogren, General Manager of the Water Utility. Mr. Mogren asked the Personnel Office to review a proposed job restructuri�ng in the Water Revenue Division and determine if the changes wou�ld be appropriate. If appropriate, then the Personnel Office was Ito classify the positions and determine the appropriate pay, based �On the new assignments. Our office found that the restructuri�g was appropriate and should provide the public with a higher qual;ity of service. The complexity of the new assignment, the amount of owledge required and �udgement exercised all warranted a classification above that of Clerk-Typist II. The QES evaluation placed this position at Grade 25 of the Clerical Standard Ranges - the Clerk III and Clerk-Typist III classifications are paid in Clerical Gr de 23 and 24, respectively. The Water Utility and the Personnel O fice feel that the Revenue Division and the public would be best se ed by the new title, and that by broad-banding these positions i to the generic clerical titles, we would be creating a pay inequit . Mr. Mogre will explain direct effects on the operation and budgeta y implications. , COST/BENEFIjf. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: This action affects 12 Clerk-Typist II positions and will have an estimated s�vings of $26,676 annually. The Water Utility anticipates that through sutomation of the data entry function, the positions will be fil�ed with nine Customer Service Representatives. Title , 5-yr # of Biweekly Annual Rate Positions Cost Cost Clerk-Typis II 834 x 12 = $10,008 $260,208 Cust. Servi e Rep 998 x 09 a 8 982 233 532 A ditional Savings — $ 1,026 $ 26,676 The reducti�n in FTE will be taken care of through natural attrition and interna transfers to other openings in the Water Utility. II� � i � � .. . • , . 1/r `� ;�4+ / .D�� `"014 28 Personne & Labor Rel ions DEp�t�rrr - Sher l i e CONTaCT NAME PHONE � lSecember 7. 19 DATE S GN � r JG RD (See reverse side.) � Department Direct 4 Mayor (or Arsistant) �`' ��'f� Finance and Mana ent Services Director . 5 City Clerk ` �Besid�se�,�rector _ � City Attorneq _ � TO B F G (Clip all locations for signature.� W C E T C D ? (PurposejRationale) � Re: Customer Service epresentative See attached. COST UDG T PAC � � RECEiVED See attached. DEC �� 1988 . BUaGE7 O�FFICE N CI G D C N ER CHARG C D D: . (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) To�al llmonnt of Tra Sction: Activity NumbeY: Funding Source: C^��„cii Research Center ��... JAN �f. •�'��J ATTACHMENTS: (List an number all attachme�ts.) . � 1. Resoluti:on � 2. Copy fo r:City Cle k . 3. Attac6ment as not above 4. Copy of Twenty Da Notice AD TRA ' VE PR DU _Yes _No Rule , Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendmen� required? _Yes _No If y s, are they or timetable attached? . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ;�Yes No Counci resolutian required? Resolution required? _Yes No „_Yes �No Insura ce required? Insurance sufficient? ,_Yes _Aio _Yes �,No Insura ce attached? . �� �i 10. �esolution 89-134 - approving tax levy for $5,500,OU0 No action required Warner/Shep rd Road bonds. (Referred from Council January 26?� 11 . Resolution 89-135 - approving tax levy for $2,275,000 No action required Refunding Blonds. {Referred from Council January 26) 12. Administrative Orders D-10035 - b�udget revision in Police Generai Fund Discussed (Referred from Council January 3) G-10038 - budget revision in Fire and Safety Services Discussed enerai Fund (Referred from Council January 3) D-10041 - 4udget revision in City Cie�k's Office Discussed 4eneral Fund. (Referred from Council � �anuary 3) D-10043 - authorizing payment for sponsoTShi� af Police Discussed ki Team. (Referred from Council January 3) D-10067 - udget z-evision in Public Works-Municipal L,ay over one week Equipment Internal Service Fund. 13. Resolution 89-90 - establishing tt�e rate of pay for Approved Customer S rvice Senior Representative in Grade 29, Section ID of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salat'y Pla and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred rom Council January 19) 14. Resolutian 89-'31 - estabiishing the rate of pay for Approved Customer S rvice Representative in Grade 25, Section ID1 of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates f Compensation Resol ion. �(R ferred from Council Ja uary 19 � y 15. Resolution 89-50 - allowing employees resigning in Approved 1988 who q alify for severance pay the option of receiving it in fuli or in five equal instailments. (Referred �Fram Council January 12) 16. Resolution, 83-92 - amending the Tuition Reimbursement Laid over one month Policy in Section III , H in th� Salary Plan and Rates of Compens�ation Resolution. {Referred fr-om Council January 19�} 17. Discussion of Bureau of Mediation Services Order to Continued discussion release jqb evaluation system data. in three weeks 18. Resolutior� 89-107 - approving continuation of the Laid over one week process of considering the consolidation of the Fire Depantment Relief Association wi�h the Public Employees Retirement Association Police and Fire Fund. (Referred ,from Council January 24) 2 GITY OF SAINT PAUL 4 _ . _.- -- -__ --�-----.. ,�,�u nm """ ��' � OFFICE OF TAE CITY COIINCIL Committee Report . Finance. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee January 30, 1989 1 . Ap�roval c,f minutes of January 23 meeting. Approved 2. Resolution 89-126 - approving sale af CIB Bonds 5eries Approved as amended 1989A ($11,750,000} . (Refer-red from Council January 26) 3. Resolution 89-127 - epproving sale af Street Improvement Approved as amended 5pecial Assessment Bonds Series 19898 ($2,000,000) . (Re`erred from Council JanuaT-y 26} 4. Resotution 89-128 - approving sale of Como Conservatory Approved as amended Bonds Ser�ies 1989C ($5,000,000) . (Referred from Council January 26) 5. Resoiution 89-129 - approving sale of Warner-/�hepard Approved as amended Road Bonds Series 1989D ($5.500,000) . (Referred from Counc9l January 26) 6. Resolution 89-13� - a�proving sale of Refunding 8onds Approved as amended Series 1989E ($2,275,OQCi . (Referred from Council January 2b) 7. Resolution 89-131 - approving tax l�vy for �11 ,75�,000 No action required CIB Bonds. {Referred from Council January 2E) 8. Resolution 89-132 - approving tax levy for $2,000,000 No action required Street Impr-ovement Special Assessment Bonas. (Referred from Councii January 26) 9. Resolution 89-133 - a�proving tax levy for �5,0OO,OC�O No action required Como Conservatory Bonds. (Referred from Council ' January 26) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s�46