89-83 _ .__ �,. ,. `� ° . - - � *is��^" ^:;.ati��.��.. +cf�at:soeatt�`�xnlsea�z?�. '-,::.9+a,.. �-,+..�..>. ,:^.,.�,,.-m.�,n•�:»l�+Rx't�:»s..,�_ . .,..a�+�l1�@G4dti����;��,�PwssR�s� .:.��rraw+sn'�t+�a:,r+ww.' , .... , ..__.: ,. .-�ir. � . .... ..+« .. ^;:.;. .;'. .:._. �..'. �... �S. . . ' . . . i . . . , .. . . . -� . � � � � ' . ` .. . ... .. � � . . � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. '6J FINAL ORD R A' �:; ' By_'.'�-"�'�'.y. � ..- File No. ��'�8� Voting In the Matter of tractins rat�r �nins ia B. llebraska Arenne� fra: Arkwright Ward Straet a the Soo Lin: Ra.ilrc�ad Tracts aad ia E. tioatma Avenue 5 fraa l feet weet of Aricrzlght Street to 240 feet �sst of Arin►right S?reet Al�o. coastruct xater servic: coaa�ctisrns. i ��C r �!� � �- �r--�P� i• f �: F'*; Y_. p under Preliminary Order ' � approved ���7 � � The Council of th City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been give as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The C uncil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully cons dered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESO VED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred the�ein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. I COUNCIL PERSON'I Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas �d Nay� �p��s I Certified Passed by Council Secretary �i Lttflt� In Favor By Scheibel �$ Against �j,�pa Mayor � � r I � V&A 11/17/88 ' , ���-� 'OWIGI ATOR. , � r `� DATE INRIATED DATE COMPlE7lD ,°,ub1 ic LJorks Department ;` _ ' 9-13-88 GREEN SHEET NO. �C1�45 CONTACT PERSON DEPAHTMENT OIRECTOR MAVOR IOR ASS�STAP1n ;��� J a c k Da v i s ASSIGN �E 8 MANA6EMFM SERVICES DRECTOR 2 CITY CLERK '" NUMBER FOR - ���� � NTA DEPT. CONTAC'T PMO E MO. � - - �'.' R��NQ _ �ET��R�T� 1 Council Research �. Publ i c Works 292- 2$1 ORDER: qn.A�N� Must be in the City Clerk s Office SUBJECT/DESCRIP7'ION OF PROJECT/RE�U r: no a er an on ay, ovem er , . ust �� "�'" be on Agenda November 29, 1988. ��:: ?`<" Grade, pave and construc�t sewer and water main and street lighting in MONTANA AVENUE and r;�' NEBRASKA AVENUE from Ar�right Street to Cul-de-sac. :�. File No. 's 18485,. 1848 , 18485-S and 18485-A �1:.:,. :.;�= b:-' � :;Q,, RECOMMENDATIONS:(Approve(A)a Reject(R)) COUNCIL RESEARCH REPORT: '.:f;-�,�, DATE IN DATE OUT ANALV3T PNONE NO. PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL 3 E COFMAISSION `7�'�h�.� . �f' .=r� - ZONINO COMMISSION ISD 82S�OL BOARD �•;i:`. I COMPLETE AS 4S AOOt INFO.ADOEDi RETD TO CO�+1'nC'T CONSTITUENT �, ��STAfF CMARTER C�MMISSIOP7 _ _ �Fpq pppt INFO.i _FEEDBACK ADDED• DISTAICT COIXdCIL � •EXPIAMATION: .�:yi;.� SUPPORTS NMICM COUNCq.OBJECTIVE7 � i � � I _ Better and safer neighb rhood. � Ward 5 �� INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY ,What,When,Wt�ere, w►+Yl: - This �roject was initi. ted by a petition signed by three of the ten abutting property owners. <�t�: �� �. �� d�b. ,;.,. .wsnFlC�noN�cosvea,snu.�d�.�a. Y. :;r>" , � , This proposal wiJl al;low previously unused property to be developed and permit the > construction of new F�omes. -�� - '=�i:. CONSEOU8NCE3(Whet Whsn.and To NAwm)I ' a I ' r�y A roximatel three-� ourths of the total cost of the ro ect will be assessed against the �� PP Y P j �; abutting property. �onstruction of new F�omes will . increase the city's tax base. �: I �=_� , �;__ I . �'�`;�' I �;�; �u.T�r�n�rn�s: � Pnos coNs I �� �;f ��. a :�,: `'.�" Do nothing. No assessments. Tax base will not increase .y,,. y: NI$TOAYlPRECEDENTS: N/A i �a�issues: ; i � I . , r . � . � j/�j �--� /J°, . �. �-� � � ___ __ P�t�u�wvasx��s .;...;.. - . ,; � , . . . ,— ,-�- : Council File o.88-18�6--By Roger�.�o'spi�zz.=� �►: , : .. .. �, . ,- �r t�e tle=�of aa�lstru�iag w�abe�+�a�� in:E..Nebraexk�a: Aue.�fi�otn Arkw�bt$ ta tbe Soo Iane R�il�aad Tracks si�d in E.Mo��Ave:Srmn 190 feet vNe�o€ �vri�ht•.S�.to 29t1 f�et vaest c�f.A�kw�ight St.l�so,ca��Ytract�vater � service conn YOAS lI1 VO�lIlg W82'f�S. PEl Tlde Co '1 of the City of Saint P�ul havimg,�g������o#,��Q���r upon the a v� improvement, and having consi�dered �a�d. �e��� hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the"s�e is fiereby approved with no alte atives, and that tbe estimgt�d cost thereof is a22,800, financed by asses ments $15,500; City yid $7+3pQ,, Esti�ted costs for esch water servi connection$815.�0'(�ti'foof`R.d:�ij$g7�';pp(�.d��c). 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th da of . ' .a�., in-t�f;ouncil CisamT�ere o , e� 1: Court Hou9e�uild�. .�e,City of Saint Paul. , 3: That:n�ic� o� saic3 pt�bl�id heusfxlg be Sive� to the persons snd �n E&� m er pmv,ided bY the�h�rter,:�rbeting'the tlme and pl�cae cd hesring,--;' the ture of the improverr�ent and the total cost thereai as est�mted. File No. 184 �V Adopt by the Council November 29,'1988. . �.� , APP�n , November°30,i�gg, .. . (IFecemk�je'r.�t0,�I888) � . � , . i � � ����� i 9. 3/21/89 FINA ORDEit: Improve MONTANA AVENtlE and 'l�B�RASICA AVENITE f�o�t La.id over the proposed cnl-de-sac. Construct a sanitary sewer in �ndef. Nebr ska Avenue. Also, construct a street lighting system, stor water drainage facilities, curb and gutter, and sewer service connections. Also, open and widen Montana and Nebraska Avenues creating a cul de-sac for street purposes and condemning and taking a 15- foo easement for sewer purposes. Said easement lying 15 feet sou heasterly and adjacent to the southeasterly line of the Soo Line RR from Arkwright to Montana. ATs , condemning and taking e�� w�sement for slope construcCion , i.n he grading and paving of Montana and Nebraska Avenues. 10. FIN�I. ORDER: Acquiring easements for the SYLVAN/ACKER AREA ->Approve STO�tM SEWER SYSTEM (Laid over in Committee 2/22/89) . - � 3-0 11. UPD TE: On construction of IRVINE AVENUE AREA STORM SEWER ai over PRO ECT, Street Paving and Lighting Project and storm, to 4-5-89 san'tary and water service connections if requested by any pro erty owner. 12. RESOLUTION 89-228: An ordinance amending Chapter 82 of the Approved Ad inistrative Code pertaining to purchasing procedures and 3-0 pu lic contracts and providing, a 90-day limitation on ex avation for combined sewer separation and street paving. (R ferred to Committee 2/14/89) . � 13. . RE�OLUTION 89-232: Approving the expansion of Joint Powers Approved Ag eement with the State of Minnesota to include surplus 3-0 di posal and resource recovery. (Referred to Committee 2/ 4/89) . 14. RE�OLUTION 89-235: Authorizing approval of Ramsey County Laid over pl�ns to reconstruct Larpenteur between 35-E and Edgerton, to 4-19-8! brpidge construction over Soo Line RR and right-of-way ac�quisition. (Referred to Committee 2/14/89) . 15. R ISOLUTION 89-267: Authorizing proper City officials to Approved e ecute a three-year renewal lease agreement with METALCOTE 3-0 G EASE AND OIL COMPANY for vacant land located near Randolph, We�bster and Erie for parking. (Referred to Committee 2/16/89) . 16. AI�MINISTRATIVE ORDER D-10099: Authorizing transfer of Approved j�risdiction of City property from Community Services to 3-0 P�blic Works. (Referred to Committee 2/16/89) . 17. , R�SOLUTION 89-299: Directing proper City officials to execute Laid over L�ase Agreement with NAEGELE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING, INC. for a to 4-5-89 s�gn on property purchased by City from Burlington Northern, I c. west of I-35E and north of Cayuga for storm water p�bnding. (Referred to Committee 2/21/89.) . � I I (continued) I i 2 I I