89-78 � CITY OF ST. PAU COUNCIL FILE NO. v ��d FINAL ORDER " 1, ""' By -� 'r` !`-,�-:, �+ - �� . File No. 18541 Voting In the Matter of I=prc��n tha follawfaa atreets Mith bitu�iaoas roaetae�s. Ward �o�cr�te c iad gntters, ccracrets driveaays and aat�2.ks, boulm�rds Mill be rsgr and soddsd. Also the canstrnctioa of a atrset ligbting 1 i 5 syst�as . Sylvsu Strea fraa Magnolia to Cook snd Hatch to Acker, Syca�ore 3tr t fro� Jachsot► to Elk Str.et BIt 8tre�t fro� �pc.a�ore to A�cter and Syl�ran $tre! fron Coot to 8atch. i 4: P ' Or er ��� �d T/ a roved L l��� �� under rel�minary d pp The Council of the ity of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given s prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Cou cil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully consid red the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That t Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper Ci y officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLV D, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therei and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date ��aN 3 > >s89 Yeas Di�DBel Nays LO� Certified as e Council Secretary Cosrlitt �+sttattt � In Favor By S��eibel �onnaet � Against _"w��$ E8.- 1 1��� Mayor � PUBLISIi�D a _�. i i 1 � 989 � � ' � /� 9 _ • ,• 4• • I • • � y O � I �� � ', ��- / y 1 � � SUMMARY OF ENGINEEBING RECOl�Il�iENDATIONS �` ! � SYLVAN/ACREx SEWER SEPARATION & PAVING PBOJECT PROJECT N0. 89-S-8053 (P-8040, V-8040) � REPOxT PREPARED - November 7, 1988 NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING - January 3, 1989 PIJBLIC HEARING - Jaauary 17, 1989 I PBOJECT: ' Construct a � torm sewer system and sanitary sewer modifications to accomplish sewer separati n. water and sewer service connections. street improvemeats and a bent straw style lighting system in part of the Trout Brook Sewer System. The area is bo ded by Rice Street. Magnolia Avenue. Jackson Street� and Como Avenue. EXISTING CONDI IONS: The project rea is presently served by a combined sewer system. During peri- ods of moderat to heavy rainfall, there have been reports of sewer backups into basements , and surface flooding problems. , Many of the treets within the project area have an oiled roadway surface vith no curb. The riving surfaces are fair to poor and roadwaq widths vary be- cause of lack �f curb. Some street �egments within the project area have curb. However. attempts made to salvag old curb when reconstructiag road surfaces have been unsuc- cessful in tl�e past; therefore, ve are proposiag to remove existing curb and construct new �urb and gutter on oiled streets. PROPOSED IMPRO MENTS: Street improve ents, street lighting aad sewer constructioa are proposed for the following treets: Lightner P�. from Sycamore to Acker Sylvaa St. l, from Magnolia to Cook and Hatch to Acker Sycamore S�. from Jackson to Eli� Street iaiprov�ments and street lighting only are proposed for the following streets: Elk St. fr�m Sycamore to Acker Sylvan fro� Cook to Hatch As shown oa thl attached project map. the majority of the oiled streets are not proposed to have storm sewer improvements and will not be improved in 1989. These w re cut back due to budget coastraiats under the paving program. Storm sewer co�struction and restoration in kind is proposed for the right of way and easeme�t area along the following alignments: � �, Page l. STP211 �i� I , � , . � � . � ��.3 � ' ' � '; � � �f ' �'�f o 'i� - i�y/ (Sylvan/Acker Se� er Separatioa & Paving) ��` 7d Sqcamore St. from Jacksoa to Courtland Acker St. fr m Jackson to Elk Courtland P1. from Sycataore to Aailroad North side B Railroad from xice to Park and Sylvan to I-35E PennsylvAnia Ave. from Park to Jacksoa Capitol Blvd. and Capitol Heights from Winter to Penasqlvania Jackson St. rom Empire to flailroad Park St. f om Lqton to Acker (Park from Sycamore to Acker will not be restored wit pavement since it will be vacated under PED redevelopment district) . The project w'll also include two normallq dry storm vater holdi�:�g ponds be- tween Acker and N Railroad just west of Rice Street and between Park and Sylvan. These i ponds will complete all storm water retentioa requirement for the TRT-17 drain�age area which includes the Sylvan/Acker and Woodbridge/Front projects. The new atorml; se�er construction is part of a long-range storm sewer project which will resuljt in a separated storm and sanitary sewer system for the Trout Brook area. T�he street and lighting improvements proposed vould compliment the storu� aewes ��construction. Nev bituminous roadwaqs wi�h coacrete curb and gutter are being� proposed. All driveway alprons will be reconstructed with concrete and a new concrete outwalk will belconstructed for each home. Boulevards will be regraded and sodded. A ne� energy efficient sodium vapar lighting system �rill be in- stalled. Treeslwill be planted in the boulevard areas as needed to reforest the area. Three boulevarc� trees are planned to be removed during construction of the project. The lc�cation and descriptions are as follows: Location � Tree Size Species Reason for Removal 764 Li htner P1 ' 24' Elm Street coastructioa - Onlq 40' R/�T Lightaer & Syc�ore 8' Locust Street construction - Only 40` ZiY Capitol Blvd. a 5�" Aspen Sewer constructioa - tree is lo- Pennsylvania ; cated at the termination of Capitol Blvd. right adjacent to i Pennsylvania - not ia front of any home. Other trees, not� located in the street boulevards, need to be removed where storm sewer o� pond construction occurs in easemeat areas. Approximately 24 scrub box elder 'Itrees, 6'-18" in diameter. will be removed along the uaim- proved right-o$-way of Minnehaha Ave. just west of I-35E. These are adjacent to the ', ! Page 2. STP211 ' 'I � . �I _ � ' I � 9 ", '. . ' ' . '. � �g- ,y D '; �S- ��1/ ��'- 7� � (Sqlvan/Acker Se�er Separation & Paving) I railroad propert�. Five poplars, 6"-18• in diameter, will be removed to coa- struct the eas pond aad outlet south of Sqlvan & Acker. Approzia�ately four poplars. 4' to 1 • ia diameter. will be removed bq the salvage yard fence between Acker nd the BN Railroad west of Park Street. Approzimately 20 trees and brush will b removed to accomplish construction of the west storm pond located north f the BN Railroad and west of 8ice Street. Bemoval of these trees should not greatlq impact the industrial area where they are located. ALTERNATES To do aothing wo ld be inconsistent vith the City's committmeat to separate the combined s wers and to improve existing oiled streets. Coastructing sewers without s reet improvementa has not been effective in the past, in that the existing o�led streets are not capable of withstanding the construction activity necessa y to construct the sewers. and merely restore the trench areas. Improvi�g the roadways in conjunction with sever construction will save ti.me, money and inconvenience later. POSZTIVE BENEFIT : With the complet on of the City's sewer project, the chance of sever backups into basements aad surface flooding will be reduced, and after raialeader disconnections, $ewer backups into basemeats will be eliminated. Combined sewer overflowsl into the Mississippi River will be reduced. General improve- ment of the publ�c right-of-�aq in conjunction with street construction vill enhance and ad quality to the neighborhood. Street oiling would be elimi- nated on new bit�minous road�ays. ADVERSE EFFECTS; '' Normal problems ssociated with construction, such as noise, dust. and general disruption will e present. SPECIAL CONSIDE TIONS: Permanent easem nts will need to be obtained for the storm sewer alignment adjacent to the urlingtoa Northern xailway. Land acquisitioa is aecessary for the ponding �ites. TIME SCHEDULE: The project villll'',begin in May. 1989 and be completed in October. � COST ESTIMATE: I'I ' SYLVAN/ACKER AREA Sewers (S-8053) $2,968.000 Paving (P-8040) 319,000 Lighting (V-8040) 70,000 $3,357.000 I ' Page 3. STP211 �� I � � � . � �- _ J� 3°/ r •. - . ' � . �g_ �o � i ��' / �! �� �� (Sqlvan/Acker S�ewer Separation & Paving) i I ESTIMATED FIN CING: �, SYLVAN/ACKEx AREA Federal Grants & Loans S1,067.000 State Grants & Loans 882,000 SSSC 702,000 CIB 468.000 Assessments 238.000 ' $3,357,000 SOURCE OF ADDIIIONAL INFORMATION: For additional�iinformation. contact: Tom K�hfeld (292-6276) Marvi� Sorvala, Bonestroo, Rosene. Anderlik & Assocs. (636-4600) RECOhIl�ENDATION'� The Departmen� Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and t e Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. Respectfully s�ibmitted, ,I . Donald E. Nqga��rd Director of Pualic Works i i ,I i ,, � Page 4. STP211 � � � . , • I � � ! i �' % �_�... � n � _ � ��� � � � i��' I /1„ �1�111 ��� • ����1��1, ��' / �un �� ��� �- q ���=�r��t�ii� �� Riin�u��i _ �! � -- � n� � ► - ��un �� - ;������ , " ����r'w"• � . ��►° � _ .(� �� , �. .,a�ii_ �►�. ���� � f � /,:i: �1 n,� '��, <(� nu. � ;} � �.�� ��•:'�.ail=:==�1 �. p. n_._... ? � ��=a..,��/� .:N��om�� � ni�i �� � � ��au� . �u� �� '�1' '��iir iiisi► �... .• ►,• o'� ��� 1/1 ■n■ 1 ■��� � �n;►,i�����'�,� �t ti� ■�a■ �► �mll���•i v i �"�_ �u ■ � •..►.�`:.��� ��i,�� - 1�/l� � -�:o �� i"w'.s:�i. ..�`M��-C.�t����:�.�v��� �i ����. v�-stTy,��1 �•�'�i~���~�'���1����t!M r� ����� ►�.�.�.•6 b.�. ��� �r j = �• ► �i=u . s"' ���= � �li. i�m '�� ��, , II INL�IIIN _ :. �� � � N/� �//6�n11� ,�1 - �i �. � �IIn1�1m11�1 � � �I ;�! III�In � �/��1�11 � . � �.�► _ i� ��`- iii � ��iriii� �������� ' � n�� � � ��� � t���w�n - ;� ���i��� ���� ��� n �n� .� ��t�i ��u�����i��t�r ��� ���c�� . I��im�����w�� �.n�-� 1i111 ����� � �,,�-,�.,.. ....� !������g� ��rn ...t��y�������n� i��� �- . , /�1�1 ����Ini/i���1���1�i����� ���u��' � ��9t/ ���/��It�iI111111 `�l 1 ��IIl1111111111� ' �t�Nlu�� � ♦ _ � .-�� �n�u _ _ � �� °1�m�nni .� - . �IN n ����� �.�� ■. -_- � ;,'•��������7�t I�l� ���� = . . � �� n. �� � 1������� � � � � � �� � �n _. ��� . ��� t� '�i�r��n�� �� ��t - ������1 --�IIIIIIIIIIIII�NI ...._._. I► � ��•�s ��r�' n��i����i� - - � ��'��� � ��� � ' � � �� � `, - ' J U I� U l� I ��' L_� (J U� AVE. �; E.� ROSE �.� � D H . '�.•..' �� •p � �. �._ ` ' ''� g�- J S� I �E. G�RANIUM `� � 1 � l�� �` �, , . - Y oa� JESS��,�E : � � ; . � . � N " MAGN LIA� I � � I I � 4 . cooK . r . ,`�,—' �—.�— t := iMH$TON �i� N �a ���E _ •��•. � � j i t �A~.�.• . E. �j `•i �.. I W Ll9 �� t`� �� �' o . rE. r--, � �1 � � 1 . � :� � � � � . � OAK AND Z �� � ` + °o � o-c�se j, � O W {n � � ; iI ; � ELO_ST Y�` . �. I Y V ` 4 CFM ERY , '_giMS i � � � 4X y M �TOOA_4VE. TORK A.1i�. � � � I �/�r .0 � I vNIPEG_ AYE. • Ni! � C eY U G A 5-�� J � . � , j � y r , � ` �na►v�TEI�1a��1 � � � � cfNes _ � � d , . ; s'�. . . — r► Sr ST . ,u-E-.�. t♦�'RE -�� t� � � I � }Z- V �i�J�' �' � �I t POND �� • r�Eq � �"��� / � MIN � ��� � - � � ,� ` h � , ' CM _� YL��Nt 1►`//.i�. �1� J �\ . BL�1 R Ny5 • �1 •` , .�"� '� �, c � �, � � w A RC N S T. /, ,� ' � J'^� . G.,, �S-- •� �, St � _ � '� PENN. I AVE. AR� � � � � n - '/� ^�E R '►.y � � ; , •j i � l J �.� c- � 2 a� � �� � ST � Y � � �i � • � :� --� Mt RY .�\ •�W� ��� 1 0 , AVE. � �RA,y,Y�AI S T F; „ BEl E D 1 ►� : ST �' EC,y �I � IW °r� ^� I 1 ti� � �p_ N� '� �� r. �� � . S[►1 � + CMARLES, W �c� �'-AVE ¢ '�' / —+W i� .� --1 e a < '. ';1'.. , • `l� �`' ' (TRT 17A). . '� '� SYLVAN/ACKER • ' . _..... ST�tEETS TO BE OILED � p_����g PA�IED IN 1900 � PAVED � 0.0�IILFS • OILEO S�'REETS-PAVING DELAYED � 2A MILES I li SEWER CONSTRUCTION ����� I� ON OILED STREETS 0.8 YILES �a��� ON"NON-OILED"STREETS 1.8 AAILES 1989 i � ��� � ; ✓ _ :��� _���� _�,� x � �:����� - . - � � .�- ' s _.- ��,{�RY:4�� ._.. s �a,�; . .l'. -., f _ i F:'..�:��+�TT� 1 ' . . . _ '% ,� �.�. Counci File No.�&i84�--By Roger J.Gosw�tz-� :3ts Matte.r,ot�r�vip�;th�fQlt�lwing s�ets�i#3��rit�in,oua roadw�ys, . turb�i•8atters��oo�e_a}�ays and outviia�s:�oulcva�wfl�be ��'i aai�sod�led fcf�i�e�o�iittr�cstien ai-a�tree��ttis�a�tte�►�ix�� Wart�s '&�:' ;, _ ...>. ., " ,�'�fro�.%S,y�ore�a�ei� . ' . . . ._ - � �fi;.:i.� ylv .f�.11da�iia=�o Gv�o��1:I�atch t�r�er:. ; �� � -. - yc re�t.frv�J'ae�Icaart�tc�:Elic�. . ��r--,- . k"St.from Sycamore to At�er stsd ` , ` ; p2� s fl�rt`C�to°:Hetch; • _ . . _. s �j;�.��,�t�!otS�int Pa�l'�tavipg recefv��#e.�apo�oi:f�►`,��� � ��i,ove iqsprqve?L�t>.:,ai1}�'�1'vir1B �onsid��`�s� �+epioi�t; I�f ` .�' ' .� _ i �: ". , r :�a , ' .. _ � 2: : dt- the� sa� �- a�d •t�i�� ,sairiie`f§F`h�ct"+�����'�grove�-�#�, �o r ltieornatft►�s",�nrd t�lt tk►t�iniated cost thereof�s iC�9,000.�a�tiy pital Im�r�v�neti't Son�s:�9.O4Q,,p�ac1,�apts��110,�.,c.• ,y . :2. . t��a publ�,hearing�e tia,d"b� said improvement on the T . anu 1989, at 9:00 'c�ck�.ux., iu�the Councii Chambers���� a an _ _ o�e. , ._ _�the C�Gy c��`Sa�nt Faul. 3. at not�ce'••tif said pt�8lic-�Y�i1�� be`grven`to"�he persobs.axid in the anaer provided by i�e-C�sarEe�.st�tip�.the Li�ae and.A�re tii heas�t�g. e nature of'Efte i�hproveme�t and the total cos�f.tiereo#as c�tunaf�d'. ' ` i]_,�N�t 1�541�� �o� �.� _ . : �. .�� . � Ad ted by the Council�November�Z, 1 � ' ' ° ` x= ._, �a�. . . , _ '" . _ �- � . A roued-Nv�t�l�'R�►`,laB$s ` } _- A Y.�.,: �'° t _ a s;:�(Ikcember 3-10�5�98�)�, ��s " ��..�� -L ,�_ . - j ' ,I � � ' ^ �i� ��- �� � _ PRELIMfNABY OBi388 , , i . �ounc�I ile No.88-i�41—.Hy$oger ds Geewitz= In Matter of ixnproving tlxe foilowitig street�vvi�h bituminoua roa,d�wayc, nenete and gutters.c�mcrete driveways aud outwalks,boulevards will be grad and sodded.Also the construction ol�a-street 14ghting system Yn VoEing ards 1 5: tner Pl.from S�amore to Acker S lvau .#rom Ma�olia to Cook and Hatch to Acl�er S amo St, from ackson to Elk St. k Srt.f om Sycamore to Acker and : = S lvan S . from Cook to Hat�h. ' The uncil of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor u�on th above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby re�solves: ' 1. at the said report and the same is hereby approved with no � I tiws,and t�at the estia�t.d ooct t��eaf ic i�.000�fin�ncad-by �'�t nonds i!'�.000 aed As�ab i110,8A0. ' �. . a..p�i�ie�.�`�>�,� ,������ ' .. J . ���:�'6r�:i.l�t.����� f� ' �`. . o�''��#t#�t Qt�e!�lrrE"�hi�;` ,`� � --3. � �otfee oi safd public hearfns be �l�ref tti t!��eh�-ri�l�i�t!►e f r provided by the Chartet, statin�the time a�place of hearing, �ature of the improvement and the total cost therieof as estimated. ; Fi e No. 1 b41 ; . Adop by the COuhcil Noventi�f�22, 1�. ' - APP ed November 25, 1988. (December 3-20, 198�) _ � � I I�� I I � �I �