89-77 �C CITY OF ST. PA � COUNCIL FILE N0. ' FINAL OR ER 'r� �!' �_: By _,---'���;• �,�jA1,.,. .' . :-�.-. 1 f File No. 18S3t�--8 Voting In the Matter of CoastsvCt aAilita Ward �8 � r7►, stars aad vater sesvics ee�e¢tist►a, if rsy�st b� tl� prvperty ovner, for ths Sylvanle+ci�r Ar�a $tors 1 i S ��r aad r��t Paviag a�d Liahtiag Project. � '�: � under Preliminary Order �— ��O approved �� �� �� The Council of t e City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been give as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The C uncil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully con 'dered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESO VED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred the in and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date JAN 3 1 1989 Yeas �Ad Nays 6OS�►ilkz Certified P d oun il Sec tar Long � B,ettm�n In Favor By 8eheibel p Sonnem Against cCp _ � ��pn Mayor Wilsoa /-GD {7;� PUBIlSl�D ���_.�' 1 i 19 8 9 i . . 11/9/88 V&A �� -7�"f ORIGINATOR , . . ° ��° °�'�`°"°`�° G R E E N S H E ET No. 0 0 314 7 Publ ;c��lorks -�-8 CONTACT PERSQN � �i �° DEPAHTMENT DIRECTOR - AMYOR(OR ASSISfMR) Thoma s Kuh f e 1 d �S g R FOR �— flNANOE a�unuc�aar s�+wces aA�croa �cm c�K COMTACT D PT. CONTACT NE NO. ��Nd g�ppET DIRECTOR i• ��, � Pub 1 i c Works 29�2-6276 ORDER: - cm arroANev Must be in theJ City Cler s 0 ice SU9JECT/DESCRIPTION OF PROJ CT/REC EST: AO ater t an oon, on ay, ovem er , . Must be on the Agenda November 15, 1988 Hold a Public Hearing f r the SYLVAN/ACKER CSSP PROJECT AREA. File No. 's 18541, 185421� and 18530-8 RECOMMENDATIONS:(Approve(A)or fiejea(Rl) I COUNCII.RESEANCH REPORT: PUWNIN6 COMMI$$ION CNIL SERV E COMMI$$ION �TE� O��E WT AN��Y3T PFIdE NO• ZONINp COMMISSION ISD 823 SC BOARD A S7� �qqTEq �p�rygg�ry COMPl.ETB AS I$ AOD'L INFO.ADDEO" HET'D TO CONTACT COMSTTUENT � _FOR ADO'L INFO.• _FEEDBACK ADDEA� DISTRICT COUNCIL •EXPl�1Wi1TI0N: - $UPPORT$WHICH COUNCIL OB.IECTVE7 '', . � Better neighborhoods. ; INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,j WhaL When,Where,YVhy): The Sewer Separation Prpgram has been approved through the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Process. JU8TIFlCATION(Cost/Ber�lfta.Advar�ges.Resultal: This will reduce combin d sewage overflow to the Mississippi River during rains. I CONSEOUENCES(whet,.When.and To Wlarn): i This is part of the Cit 's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. Not proceeding with thi work may result in penalties. ,u.re»NArnes: anos coNs i N/A II � H18TORY/PRECEDENTS: This is the fourth year of the Ten Year Sewer Separation Program. Many similar projects have already 6een appro ed. �- LEGAL ISSUHS: N/A � PERFORMANCE HISTOiiY OF SPONSORING FlRM/OR(iANIZATION/PRINCIPALS: ' � • �� , ,r' N/A � STAKEHOLDERS(liat) no5�(+.-.OI �, r WILL TESTiFY1(Y/N) MnOwLLE(Summaras win agumsnal Area residents. Q ? A public information meeting will be held prior to the public hearing. � FINANCIAL IMPACT RasT r�►n ts��oe�t seco�ro r�,n rares: OPERATING BUDGET: I t i s 1 i kely that REVENUES GENERATED ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,_... LIl I 5 pro j ect W I � � EXPENSES: be constructed Ill Salaries/Fringe Benefits........................................... ......... �99O• Equipment.............................................................................. �PPlies ................................................................................. Contracts for Service............................................................. -�- i� Other A5�6�t'Fl.msn� Z�j�� � PROFIT(LOSS) ......................:......................................................... F�•G�l.. 1�C���OGb FUNDIN(3 SOURCE FOR ANY LOSS(Name and AmouM) ��tG�L �Z>�� SSSG �02�000 `. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDCiET: ��$ �6a��, ' Sewe r ......... �-� °�rr,oQe-�-'�� � Z,� 000 -iara�. � 3 3� x������x..................................................:................. -� � � ;�� �5�+���......Pav.!.n.�..........:...............................:. > > 1°�. �CY� .,.. ; xua�exaaaoao�s�ac....�.�.9.b.�.i.n9.....................:............ . �,.. � . , , • 3,35��000 TOTAL ...........................................................................:...........:..........:. SOURCE OF FUNDINCa(Neme and Amounq .ti �` SS@ $ �42 �. � � �3 35� 000 Fed. G. 1 ,0 ,000. xMP�croNeuoc:er: State G.$ 54,000. , aMOUr�r cuAaermr Buoc�n.:.:.:.........::....... �� S S S C 1 1 4 000. .. .................. > > ,;; .. . - �;; AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF CURRENT BUDGET ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, C I B �� �LL OOO. �. ' . ,' ' �: SOURCE OF AMOUNT OVER BUDGET........................................ :�:.. , . � � .. - . ..:�i �. . . . . . . .r` PROPERTY TAXES GENERATED (LOST) ,,,,,,,;, ': IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBIIITY: ��. ��� Publ i c Works , �Eng i neer i ng FuNOr�T�ECapi tal Projects ;:;, �.::� BUDOET ACTIVI7V NUMBER 6 TITLE - ACTIVITV MANACaEA � Joseph F. Koenig �"_NOW PERFORMANCE WILL BE MEASURED4: �'�° PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM INDICATORS 1ST YR. 2ND YR. _t EVALUATION RESPONSIBIIITY: PERSON DEPT. PHONE NO. REPORT TO COUNCIL OF DATE FIRST OUARTERLY PERFORMAI�E REPORT BY , ' � �(��'f_ '/ � k, � - , � _ : p _; � . _.:�1tA�Y OR�D�Y e.�.�. �, - . � R '= ' , �, �T�.�18�l0 �3r-�'3s�iosvVi'�t�+-. ^�'_ �3,� �;? � ' ' � -���,sto�s'�l�+tiv� -. a �T���'.t�uicf�i , .� St � , ����tY owner ����i�a�r�a��"' . - ���i31i'Q!Ot�xit�l.�`�. ;: 3 ��{; - ;: , � �� -g ���mb�'at�l,hav3�i�4l�d�tie�+e�oiEt���� _._ '�3 end•�y�vfng consideised said��rat,.= reso ves: -� ,.- ��; _ �3► - ; ,the said report and the same is h e�'ak�j";+�P�-.a�.rt�c sa� :. ,,�d that the estixnated cost thereof is Pet'. caonection �� ;� �- _- ts Sanitary ��p���t'v�t y� . . Prd*-:ar..3+, . ff:: aV:;i ��. .�'JQ � : .. 2 �hat a p�$iic heATi��S£ tsstd�f $ai�]`� ' "` - 1l�t ii�sprovemeat"oin �T:� ', 3 ,� _ '- k a.������3����`pt31�� ., i . `::,s �a j'. �� �`�:`�=�,����ie:- �. >st:ting the tia4e aad yasoe ot =:�: ent and the total�t t�as�t�a�� � File .;1 , _:T_ - .�� �� ,�t s `��i�E2, 1�. � S �1'K!1 ���.'! . �l�! .� _.. Y���i'>r �!Ie�T l Y '.: q p�p` �r� '� frt ! .��yn h � . - ' << t�.p�Sxll�',f{!�EC�Tj���•�0����TV, .'-:T . � .F . . e5I'!.. . � . ... I . '� - . ....- �-�--- . � ��t �Si.�s....:..�i� n . .. . . .. i . I � - � . . ���- 7� , ����o�� I .�-.�. . ,�� C�Oiuicil ile No.85-1840 . By Roger J Goswrtz—.� � Ia th Matter of constructing sanita.ry,storm and wate�.service connections, if�reqaes ed by the Property owner,for the Syivan/Ack�Area Stam��w�er aad Strcet P ving and Litghting Pro�ect in Voting Wards 1&5. � The ouncil of the City of Saint Paul.h��ring received the re�Ort of the Mayor u�on th above improvement, and having considered said report,:ah�r�by rqsolves: ', 1. at the said report and the same is hereby approverl with r}o a ernatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is per connection f' nced by assessments. Sanitary,storm and water service connectioas '� a. ass�ssed at cost. �� 2: t"a publie hearitig be hsd.oa saifl improuement on the j7th ao.+f � J ua 1988 � � in the Council Chambeis of the City , an o�rt Eiacise-B�ilding in the City of Saint Pau1. ' 3. t notice of said pt�b�ic 2ieaFing be given to the gersons ax�d"i� the rrx er�rovi@ed�q'�the Ciiarter, stating the time at�ptace of}�ea�g `• th nature of�t�i�provement and ttte totai ec�st�hereoi as e'st�ted. � ,_ F' e I�fo:`1 5�0-8 Adop by the CounciLNovember 22„ 1988. i APP ed November 25, 198$. ; , . ' (I�nb�r 3-10, 1988) I j , �r/�-'�- �7 � I � i1` v 'I � 5. 1/17/81 FINAL ORDER: Improving PALACE AVENUE from Laid Over Lexington Parkway to approximately 200 ft. in east of Lexington Parkway by grading and Committee paving, constructing concrete curb and gutter One Month and constructing a sanitary sewer. Also, sanitary sewer connections. Constructing a water service connection from the temporary water main in Palace Avenue. Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land in the grading and paving of Palace Avenue. 6. 1/17/89 FINAL ORDER: Improve MONTANA AVENUE and Laid Over Nebraska Avenue from Arkwright Street to the in proposed cul-de-sac. Construct a sanitary Committee sewer in Nebraska Avenue. Also, construct a One Month street lighting system, storm water drainage facilities, curb and gutter and sewer service connections. Construct water mains in E. Nebraska Avenue ; and E. Montana Avenue with water service connections. � Also, open and widen Montana Avenue and Nebraska Avenue creating a cul-de-sac for street purposes and condemning and taking a 15-foot easement for sewer purposes. Said easement lying 15 ft. southeasterly and adjacent to the southeasterly line of the Soo Line RR from Arkwright to Montana. Also, condemning and taking an easement for slope construction in the grading and paving of Montana and Nebraska Avenues. 7. 1/17/8 9 I '�"" I .,1� �� ' � " �i�1rp�"* �W,i �. ,�, ��� rl�j,�����. '��;,��jD ,aP�+� ' I ��s� {H '� „�0 ��T)„ with a b�uminous surfaci�'; ' itt ���of�C�eCe C •�4�1�� �f�a1��2�e�„� s .�! I � and outwalk,#�:�<<=}�a,ulevat,cl�,,,�G�,�`''be regrade �d �,8:�ed �������t ;,l�gh.tit�g�.,�i tem wt�l�,be I ins�alled: ;-J��, ER PLA�L�", "`"'SY�VAN S�'�EET, �,�C�QRL.:,.&�r; �l�"'"�'1�I��" , >;„� �,. ;., , ,�� II C�ons,��.r�c�ti t�(L��A�K�R, AR�,��STORM SE{r,�R �,bQU,pded ,byfy.Marion Street on ��;�est, Magnolia on the nor�'li, " o� the I east and� .-���e�-s�e�r�i,�' � . � _,. . , � �� ,. '„`�, .a• t;� na'`. ���'�"; , �.,e+et�t�t�e°ry�-, _. $t�, af�water ser ice, c���^�4ns if request�ac�.1�r�C : !�`ty ��'`�'�er�� ,>„,, A�l.3.��'°°tt9��tan as the�Sq1�an �cer .,��.>. „ ., ,�..,.� ,�w� ..�.� .. ea StQ ��`°"`�aric� � Street ��'av'�"t�' and '. '� �t��"�� . I I _ 2