BLUE - MTVOR .� Flle NO• � -
� � ouncil Resolution I6
Presented By
Referred To � Committee: Date
Out of Committee By � Date
BE IT RESQLVED,7hat the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby certifi�s and approves the action of the City of Saint
Paul Board of Appeals & Review pertaining to the fallowing listed
property and a5 shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of
Appeals and Review , dated November 8, 1988, and marked EXHIBIT A,
and attached hiereto and made a part hereof by reference.
11/8/88 ' 104-88-H 400 Holly Avenue Duncan Russell
BOARD ACT10N: ; Granted a variance on the fence height.
PROPERTY DESC�IPTION: Subdivision of Blocks 19,
' 21 and part of 20 of
Woodland Park Addition
, St. Paul , Minn.
Ex E 18 Ft. the N 103 45/100
Ft of Lot 19 and all of
Lot 18 Blk 20
COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Dimond i
�� In Favor
Goswitz I
scheibet � A gai n s t BY
Sonnen '
Wilson ,
Form prove by City A torne
Adopted by Council: DFate C
Certified Passed by Council �iecretary BY
sy� ;
t#pproved by Mavor. Date �.— Approved ayor o S bmissio to Council )
BY - +---- BY
' � �-��- �a
paae 2
1 1 /8/88 1 UU-B�t-H l 461 E.dgcumbe �2d. A 1 bert H. F'a 1 v i cek
�OARU__AC�fIONs Granted a variance on rainleader #d.
PkQ�tRTY UESC�tI TIOlV: Lexington Nark Plat 11
I�amsey County, Minnesota
' Sub:i to Edgcumbe kd Lots 5
Lot 6 Ei 1 k 6
11/8/�38 IOQi-88-H 1485 Edgcumbe Rd. Chris Lake-Smith
BOARU AC�TIUN, Granted a variance on rainleader ##3.
PROPEF�7Y UESCRIPl1ON: Woodford Park
.���^�� � �� 5 t. F'a u 1 , M i n n.
Subj to Edgcumbe kd � 1/2
of vac alley adi and 5 2U
Ft of Lot 3 and all of�
Lot 4 Blk C�
ll/8/88 109-�38-H 5�7/549 Grand Ave. Eric M. Lein
BUARU ACTION: Granted a variance on second exit from the third
� � � �� ' �Floor, by addina a door leading to the
second floor office space, with an emergency
exit onlv, this variance to be in effect,
, only for the duration that Mr. Eric M. Lein
owns the building and occupies the second
floor of the building.
FkUF��kI"Y DESCR F7IUN „ Thurstons Suddivision of
__.__.�_ . �
Lot 7, Block 3 Terrace
; I'ark Add i t i on
W lU f=t of Lot 2 and all of
, Lot 3 Blk 3
--- ' -------------------------------------------
� ^ ���- ��
page �
11/8/8f3 66-88-H 514 HumDoldt Ave. Wilder Residence W.
F2ick T. Johnson
BUAkD AC�TTON: Granted a variance for one year, with the
���� � the understanding that the Appellant work
with F�ire Prevention to come up with a door
� cfosure that will be accepted by F� ire
F�revent i on.
�?RU�ERTY DESCRI TION: West St. Paul Blks 1 thru 99
in the City of 5t. Paul
t2evised Description Number
1I63 a specific part of
' Volimers Rear and part of
' Biks 63 6A 74 75 76 87 and
87 of W. St. l�au 1
��, E31 k 7 5
----- ,-------------------------------------------
11/£3/88 115-88-H 55U S. Albert St. Cretin/Uerham Hall
Mel Scanlon
FsOARU AC1'IUN: Granted a variance on having to cover the
.._�._.__.�__^_.__._ rad i ator s.
PROPER7Y UESCR I F''f I UN: E. 4F30 ft of that part of N� 1/4
� �M � of SW l/4 of Sec 10 T28, R 23 , lying N
of N line of Watson Ave. as now opened
if= said N line were extended W to a
po i nt 480 ft W of E L i ne of sa i d NE
1/4 of SW 1/4 of said Sec. , Town and
Range, Subj to rights acquired by the
City of St. Paul for the opening of
Hamline Ave. and f�andolph St. ; also,
E. 48C1 ft o� that part of NE 1!4 of SW
1 /4 of Sec 10, T "L8, R 23, lying N of
Center Line and 5 of N line of Watson
j Ave. as now opened if said line were
' extended W to a line 480 ft W of E line
of said NE 1/4 of SW 1/4, of said sec. .
Town and Range, subject to rights
acquired by the City of 5t. Paul for the
opening of Namline Ave. ; also
Commencinq at the SE corner of that
certain tract in the NE 1/4 ofi SW 1/4 of
Sec lU, T� 28 R 23 , which was heretofore
c�nveyed by 829 Deeds 437', which said
corner is the intersection of the E line
of said NE 1/4 of SW 1 /4 with the center
line of Watson Ave. produced W' ly; thence
W` ly alonq the 5 line of said tract
BLUE - hXAVOR �, F�lE NO. ��_ % ✓ -
Council Resolution
Presented By '
Referred To i Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
prolonged a distance of 630 feet, more
or less, to point on the E line of
Albert Ave. prolonged thence S' ly along
the E line of said Albert Ave. prolonged
a distance of 33� feet, more or less, to
a point on center line of Hartford Ave. ;
thence E' ly along the center line of
said Hartford Ave. a distance of 6�0
� feet, more or less, to E line of said NE
' 1/4 of SW 1/4; thence Nly along the E
� line of said NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 a
' distance of 330 feet, more or less, to
�; place of beginning, subject to the
', rights acquired by the City of St. Paul
� for the opening of Hamline Ave. and
' Hartford Ave. ; also,
All that part of the NE 1/4 of SW 1/4
' 5ec 10 T 28, R 23 lying S of the N line
; of Niles Street prolonged from the W and
' E of the E line of Atbert Avenue
prolonged from the N, exc that part
thereof heretofore conveyed in 827 Deeds
, 249, 829 Deeds 437 and 926 Deeds 22
Excluding that protion which constitutes
the residence for the Christian Bros.
and be it
FURTHER RESpLVED, That upon passage of this resol�tion the
City Clerk, is hiereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy
of this resalutipn for recording to the Ramsey County Office of
the Register of Deeds.
COUNCIL MEMBERS ' Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays I,
�� _;� In Favor
ca�c� 0
Rettman B
Scheibel �-_ A ga i n s t Y
Wilson , �AN � 7 !.`l�J�
Form proved by Cit A orn
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pa:• ouncil S ret BY—
t�pproved avor D e '���' 1 g jggg Approved Mayo r u 'ssion to C uncil
p��sy� J�N � d 198�.
� _ �= ��- 7�
� 555 Cedar Street
' Saint Paul . Minnesota 55101
' Minutes , Meeting of November 8, 1988
MEMBERS PRESE�JT: Ron Glassman, Chairman
�� Sean M. Carey
' Glenn Gausman
i David Schultz
' William Tilton
' Robert Viering
MEMBERS ABSEN�: Harold Knutson
OTHERS PRESENt: Hope Abrams, St. Paul Fire Prevention
Pat Fish, St. Paul Fire Prevention
� Sherry Webb, St. Paui Fire Prevention
' Philip Ethier, Residentiai Rainleader
Bob Brown, Rainleader Program
' Jim Prill , Div. of Public Health
' Don Juenemann, Div. of Public Health
� Jean LaClare, Div. of Public Health
' Ward A. Harkness, Div. of Public Health -
Mike Kasson. Public Works, Sewer Div.
- - ' Ed. Hally, Public Works, Sewer Div.
Patrick J. Donohue Robert J. Monson
Jeremaih Gailivan Michael Peterson
Donald Toen,jes Phil Strom
Chris Lake-Srnith John Klecasky
C. A. Carlone Theo. Kvasnik
' D. R. Russell Rick Johnson
Eric Lein Len Minick
' Tom Krebsback A1 Woodward
Mal Scanlon
STAFF: Josephine P. Bongiovanni
Chairman Giassman cailed the meeting to order at 1 :30 p.m.
Novernber 8. 19I88. He welcomed the appellants and explained the
procedures, st�ting that what the board does is recommends action
to the City C�'uncil .
� 1
1 . Approval ot the minutes of the Uc�o�er 11 , 1y�8 meettng �s
submitted in writing.
The minutes of the Uctober 11 , 1988 meeting were approved with
the following corrections:
On page 9, second paragraph, line 2, after the word "the"
and before the word "but" delete the word "residence"
and insert the word "resident's" ; also on Page 14, line 7
before the word "here" delete the word "perdict" and
insert "predict"
Chairman Glassman referred to a letter received from Assistant
City Attorney Paul McCloskey. in reply to a letter the Board had
written, requesting that they not issue tickets to Jill Burchill
a�d John Kerwin. The City Attorney conferred with Frank
Staffenson, from Enviromental Health and Mr. 5taffenson stated,
he does not wish the contaminated water tags issued to the
parties be withdrawn or deferred for later action.
Chairman Glassman, steted that he had the opportunity to meet
with Mike Kasson, from Public Works to discuss the rainleader
situation. A representative from the Water Department will be
here to give a brief summary.
Mike Kasson, from Public Works - Sewer Division. Mr. Kasson came
to the meeting to explain why rainleaders and sewer separation
are so related, also why the variance process is the way it is.
It was mentioned that the end result is to remove the regulators
from the sanitary sewers systern. (At this time a diagram was
passed around showing a very simple plan of an existing regulator
on the sanitary sewer system. ) The purpose of a reguletor is to
allow sanitary sewer to be diverted into a storm sewer. This is
to prevent a serious condition from existing, that is, to prevent
the sewer from operating under pressure, which would cause
backups all over the neighborhood and couid endanger the
integrity of the pipe itself. In a normal manhole there is a sewer
pipe and a storm sewer pipe. With the sewer separation that the
city is undergoing, removal of approximately 240 of the
regulators throughout the city is the final result of the sewer
separation program. Some of the sanitary sewers are close to
capacity in the city, that is why the city is making a big
attempt to remove the vast ma,jority of rainleaders. Since the
rainleader program began, the compliance has been at least 95�
l°�� -1�
Chairman Gla�sman, referred to a letter that was mailed to him
directly. The letter is from the Saint Paui Board of Reaitors.
This letter rlefers to Two Council Ordinances, that are being
proposed andithe Board of Realtors is against both of the
Ordinances. IMr. Glassman would like to think that the Board of
Appeals 8 Reviiew is against them also, maybe a letter could be
sent to the c'i ty.
The letter in essence, states that the Council adopted two
ordinances. 1 . that would require the city to request, enabling
legislation piermitting the City of Saint Paul to require the
installation i�f sprinkling systems in all new and substantially
rehab residen�ial construction. 2. Commercial and Industriai
buildings, th�-ee stories or more.
The Board of �tealtors is against this. Chairman Giassman asked
the board members how they felt about these ordinances?
Mr. Glenn Gausman, stated that he had clipped an article out of
current Buildhng Official and Code Administration magazine,
talking about� mandatory home sprinkler systems, fire safety and
cost. Without taking the time to read all of the fine print, the
home building' industry is opposed, based on the premise, that it
is not a good , usage of money. (At this time the article was
passed to the ��� board members) .
Mr. Glassman, stated that the Truth 8 Housing Inspection forms
are being chamged to reflect Hard Wired Srnoke Detectors. Herd
Wired Smoke Detectors are being enforced at the time the home is
sold. The ord�nance has been delayed for six months for further
study. ,
David Schuitz - Feels that if Hard Wired Smoke Detectors were
required across the board, that this would be better protection,
as early warnfi�ng, than the sprinkler system.
Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that the Hard Wired Smoke
Detectors are required in single family homes. Enforcement is
taking place at the time the home is sold. She also stated that
the intend of 'this ordinance is to install the sprinkler system
when the home ,is being build, therefore, it would be substantial
cost savings.
Sean Carey, stated that until building officals lightin-up on
steel pipes an'd allow PVC's. Maybe legislation is needed to
allow PVC's or some other type of piping to carry water.
Sprinkler systiems are designed to safe buildings and smoke
detectors are idesigned to safe lives.
The Board of Realtors has asked the Board of Appeals and Review
to write a let�ter to the city telling them that they oppose the
Glenn Gausman �noved to send a letter to City Council . Seconded by
Ron Glassman. The vote was 4 to 1 in favor of sending a letter
to the City Council .
VOTE : Yeas 4 Nays 0 Abstension 1 (Schuitz)
104-88-H 400 Holly Ave. Duncan R. Russell
( 1 unit)
APPEARANCE: Duncan R. Russell
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on being able to
keep the fence which was installed in excess of the 6'6"
requirement. _
Fence in the back yard is build 20� above code.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Dave Schultz to grant a variance on
the fence height. Seconded by Robert Viering.
_ 111-88-H 695 St. Anthony Ave. Michael R. Peterson
(Vacant Building)
APPEARANCE: Michael R. Peterson
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a waiver of the registration
fee, in the amount of $120.00, because of financial hardship.
(Letter dated 8/15/88)
The Appellant stated that the building is �ear completion on the
exterior, only a window missing. The window has been ordered,
should arrived in a couple of months. The appellant had been
issued a permit and has been working on the house as money is
Jim Prill , from Enviromental Health stated that the interior is
unfinished, no plumbing. The fees are $120.00.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by William Tilton to grant an extension
of 30 days (December 8. 1988) to complete all deficiencies. with
the exception to the window which is required to be installed in
2 months (January S, 1989) and the soffit to be installed by
April 1989. Inciuded in the motion to waive the vacant building
fee of $120.00. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANI
. ����"�°
114-88-H 383 W. 7th St. C. A. Carlone
(Vacant Building)
APPEARANCE: C. A. Carlone 8
SUBJECT: Courit case pending, therefore, the appellant is
requesting a ' waiver of the building fees in the amount of
$230. 00. ( 'lett�r dated October 1 , 1988. )
PROCEEDINGS: The Appellant stated that the property is in
litigation and probably witl be for some time.
Bill Tilton, s$ated that this could be a long drawn out process
because of the Court Systems.
Jim Prill , frort� Health Division stated the building is boarded
and has e foun�iation, but the house does not rest on the.
Requesting a w�iver of the fees because of the fact that it is in
BOARD ACTION: N1otion made by Bill Tilton that the vacant building
fee of $230. 00jplus an additio�al quarter be waived. Seconded by
---- �-�------------------------------------------ -
100-88-H � 1461 Edgcumbe Rd. Aibert H. Pavlicek
( 1 unit)
APPEARANCE: Rot�ert Monson, Attorney for Al Pavlicek
SUBJECT: This �ase was laid over from the October meeting.
Appeltant is r�questing a variance on the rainleader on the west
side of the howse. (Letter dated 8/4/88)
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Monson, representing the appellant stated the
appellant has F�ad knee surgery. He is requesti�g a variance on
rainleader #4.
Bob Brown, Raimleader Division stated that he met with Mr.
Pavlicek on May� 5, 1988, about the downspout on the back of the
house. Taiked i�o Mr. Kasson about the situation, and he advised
no variance. '
BOARD ACTION: �lotion made by David Schuitz to grant a variance on
rainleader No �4. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED
--- �-----------------------------------------
' 5
106-88-H 14�5 Edgcumbe Rd. Chris Lake-Smith
( 1 unit)
APPEARANCE: Chris Lake-Smith
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the rainleader
on the north side of the house. (Letter dated 8/30/88)
PROCEEDINGS: Requesting a variance for the simple reason that
the appellant wants no water problem in his basement.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Bill Tilton to grant a variance on
the rainleader #3. Seconded by David 5chultz. MOTION CARRIED
116-88-H 1840 Eleanor Ave. Jeremaih Gatlivan
( 1 unit)
APPEARANCE: Jeremaih Gallivan
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on having to
disconnect a rainleader, because of possible leakage to the
basements. ( letter dated 5/16/88.
PROCEEDINGS: The appellant is requesting a variance because he
feels not only he wiil have moisture in his basement, but_ that it
will affect his neighbor.
Bob Brown, Rainieader Division suggested that an extension be
installed to go around the corner, maybe a trellis. He feels by
doing this that there would be no probiem.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Sean Carey to deny the request for
a variance on the rainleader on the West side of the house.
Seconded by Rober Viering. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
115-SS-H 550 So. Albert Ave. Cretin/Derham Hall
APPEARANCE: Mr. Scanlon and Mr. Woodward
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the requtrement of
having to cover ail radiators and steam pipes, because of the
cost involved. ( letter dated 8/31/88)
, , � ��q-7D
PROCEEDINGS: �'� The basis for a variance that is being sought by
Cretin has toldo with two elements. 1 . which is that the steam
pipes do not '�ose a heat hazard. They have regulators on them.
the exposed p�,ipes have been dealt with, in that the school has
undertaken toI insulate all the exposed heat pipes. 2. Request a
variance on the covering the radiators. This is a very costly
item. Ages o�F the children are in Grades 9 thru 12.
Chairman Glasisman stated that the request for a variance on the
pipes be dele�ted as the appellant has resolved that issue.
BOARD ACTION: I Motion made by Glenn Gausman to grant a variance
on the coveri�g of the radiators. Seconded by Robert Viering.
113-88-H � 707 Prebie St. Joseph Haines
(2 units)
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time on the
following iterhs; Second Floor - Bedroom plaster falling, E.
window in 5. bedroom does not properly latch, piaster and
spackling loo$e in living room, electric wires exposed, kitchen
light fixture ' lacks proper switch, kitchen stove does not light
properly, kit�hen cabinets over oven are falling down, toilet
tank leaks, linoleum in bath is torn and missing in spots. loose
� - boards in fror�t of toilet, bathroom window does not close
properly - fr�me rotting, E. bedroom south side in closet area
lacks lock, snhoke detectors inoperable. First Floor - SW. room
off kitche� l�rge hole in ceiling where repairs were done,
bathroom ceil �ng slopes shows sign of water damage, wall east of
bathtub needs 'to be refinished, kitchen door to exterior lacks
proper dead bolts, large crack on plaster along west wali south
side in kitch�n, large picture window in living room, glass not
properly inst�lled and sealed. General - All windows must be
provided with storms and properly weather stripped by Oct. 1 , of
every year, r�ar exterior steps rotted wood, rear storm door to
second floor i's ripped partially off, interior rear door second
floor needs pnoper weather stripping or replacement, front hall
way has brokeh and loose plaster. ( letter dated 9/19/88)
PROCEEDINGS: �Appellant has been working with the inspector and
have been able to work things out, therefore the appellant is
requesting the; filing fee be refunded.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to refund the filing
fee. Secondedl by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
• ----j-----------------------------------------
; _.
105-88-H 397 Bates Ave. Donald G. Toenjes
( 2 units)
APPEARANCE Donald G. Toenjes
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time to scrape
and repaint the exterior of the house. (Letter date 9/2/88)
PROCEEDINGS: The appellant is financially unable to do the work.
Sean Carey recommended that the Appellant try and contact
Neighborhood Organizations for help.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant an
extension until May 1 , 1989 to complete the scraping and
repainting the exterior of the house. Seconded by Robert
109-88-H 547/549 Grand Ave. Eric M. Lein
(3 units}
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on having to provide �
a second exit for 3rd floor unit. as it would be very difficult,
if not �impossible. ( letter dated 6/10/88)
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Lein has been working with Pat Fish, from Fire
Prevention trying to resolve the problem of the second exit from
third fioor exit. Mr. Lei� wants to comply with Fire Prevention
but because of the Hill Preservation District, the appellant
wants to make sure that the house meets all the requirements for
the neighborhood. The appellant has drawn up some plans to see
if they meet code. First, would be to have a second exit to the
outside. second, that the third floor exit be ailowed to exit down
to the second fioor into another apartment. The appellant lives
on the second floor.
Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that Mr. Lein was in to
discuss the matter with Fire Prevention. Ms. Fish requested that
the Staff Architect review the plans that Mr. Lein had proposed.
Mr. Lein agreed to add a fire door to the office space to the
front of the building, putting in an emergency exit only, this
would have to be conditional , only for as long as Mr. Lein owns
the buiiding. The door would be alarmed.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Sean Carey to grant a variance on
the second exit from the third floor, by adding a door leading to
the second floor into office space, with an emergency exit only.
this variance to be in effect, only for the duration that Mr.
Eric Lein owns the building and occupies the second floor of the
building. Seconded by David Schuitz. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
. , ',, ���- ��
108-88-H ' 2190 Marshall Ave. Theodore Kvasnik
(corronerc i a 1 >
SUBJECT: Appeilant is requesting a var-iance on item #3 restore
spray booth to� original condition and itern #4 provide automatic
fire extinguishing system in spray booth, because it is
economically uhfeasible. ( letter dated 8/25/88)
PROCEEDINGS:Thlis shop sells and refinishes wicker furniture. All
items from a deficiency list letter dated August 25, 1988 have
been completed', with the exception of #4 - Provide Automatice Fire
Extinguishing �ystem in Spray Booth. The booth in question is a
Devilbiss Boo h, with the correct Filter and Fans. Five years
ago when the a pellant moved in an inspector came and advised
that I built a sheet rock room around the spray booth, which was
done ( 12 1/2 X 15) ceiling and walls, including installing a solid
core door and he posting NO SMOKING signs.
Later another inspector requested that the appellant install a
number of 2A 1 BZ Fire Extinguishers. All these things that were
requested to b done, have been done.
The oniy mater�als used are Forman-Ford High Gloss paint 80 % of
the time and L tex paint 20 7•of the time with a Campbell-
Hausfield Airl �ss Sprayer. - -
The building lia an all block, one story building. Never have
had any probierhs with the insurance company.
Sherry Webb, �rom Fire Prevention stated that Code requires all
spray booths h�ve Automatic Fire Extinguishers.
The cost to �nstall the Automatice Fire Extinguishers would be
about $3000.00;
Glenn Gausman stated that the Arrestor Pads have been known to
cause spontanemus combustion.
Suggestion wa� made by Mr. Gausman that maybe a water system
would be more �easible.
BOARD ACTION: I Motion made by Bill Tilton to postpone for one
month so as ' to allow the appel )ant to check with the water
department to � see if it is feasible to have a sprinkler system
installed, if1 not the the appellant is to return to the next
meeting. Secorhded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
' 9
112-88-H 1735 Dayton Ave. Charles A. Laurents
(4 units)
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on item 3 - provide
exit stairs from third floor, as it would be almost impracticai
and very costly. ( tetter dated 9/21/88)
Mr. Laurents calied and requested the case be postpone untit the
December 13, 1988 meeting.
110-88-H 982 E. Ivy Ave. Leonard Minich
( 18 units)
APPEARANCE: Leonard Minich
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the following
items; deadbolts, second exit from third floor, fire rated glass
doors, hydraulic door ciosures. proper escape window in basement
apt. , handrail , removing illegal lock-apt in #204. ( letter dated
9/ 15/88)
PROCEEDINGS: The building will be renovated in a short time.
Regarding the second exit, the stairs go to the second
level . The stairs must go down to grade.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Bill Tilton to grant an extension of
90 days (February 8. 1989)pertai�ing to the deadboits, providing
second exit from second and third floor, fire rated glass door,
stair rails, remove lock in apt.#204, Hydraulic door closures and
handrails. The request for a variance on the escape windows has
been denied. Seconded by Sean Carey. MOTION CARRIED
117-88-H 1034 Suburban Ave. Ronald R. Flynn
(20 units)
APPEARANCE: Ronaid R. Flynn
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on having to install
deadbolts on apartment doors, also. installations of escape )adders
in bedrooms of garden level apartments. ( letter dated 7/19/88)
PROCEEDINGS: This building is an all brick building. The doors
have dead bolts, with a wood �am and a metal striker plate. In
addition to that there are locks in the door knobs, also chain
bolt locks. The building is not a security buitding. Dead bolts
, are being replaced one at a time.
BOARD ACT_ ION7 Motion made by Biil Tilton that one-half of the
deadbolts be repiaced immediately and then in 6 months the rest
of the deadbcqlts must be replaced. Motion amended to have the
appellant re�lace the 1/2 inch deadbolts first. Seconded by
FURTHER DISCU�SION: The city is requesting that stairways be
permanently installed in the sleeping rooms of the garden level
units for escaPe windows. The bedrooms are very smali , and if
the steps are to be installed then, they would not be large
enough to be 4sed as bedrooms.
Glenn Gausman suggested that maybe area wells could be installed
on the outside.
Ron Glassman suggested that the appellant check into the idea of
having step �ade that could be attached and fold up against the
wall . '
FURTHER ACTIO : Motion made by Bili Tilton to deny the request
for a variance on the stairs, instead grant an extension of tlme
for 90 days (February S, 1989) to install stairs in garden level
sleeping roorns� required for escape windows. with the provision
that they nee be no more than 24 inches wide. Seconded by Sean
66-88-H 514 Humboldt Ave. Wilder Residence West
( 125 units) Rick T. Johnson
APPEARANCE: Ri!ck T. Johnson
SUBJECT: This !case was before the board in October. Board
requested that. the appellant work with Fire Prevention to try and
resolve the cade Violation, if not, then return to the November
8th meeting. ,( letter dated 6/28/88)
PROCEEDINGS: The appellant stated that he has been working with
Hope Abrams, f�rom Fire Prevention and have been unable to come up
with a viable plan pertaining to the setf-closures on all doors.
Hope Abrams hajd suggested magnetized door closures that are
act i vated by shnoke.
After much dis�CUSSion, a suggestion was made to allow the
appellant a ye�r to work with Fire Prevention to maybe find
someting that �ill be approved.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant a variance
, for one year w!ith the understsnding that the Appe118nt work wlth
Fire Prevenitoh to come up with a door closure that will be
accepted by thje Fire Department.
� -
r •
95-88-H 1389 University Ave. T. L. Krebsbach
(Commercial )
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance pertaining to having
to provide Fire Extinguishing System in Spray Booth, because the
company has operated the same way for many years. ( letter dated
PROCEEDINGS: Appellant requesting a variance on having to
instali Autromatic Fire Extinguishers in a spray booth in a
free standing building. The building has been there for 30 years.
The building has explosive-proof lights, exhaust fans, only two
people work in these booths. The cost would be about $15,000.00.
Sherry Webb, from Fire Prevention suggested that the appellant
complete two booths with Automatic Fire Extinguishers for ma3or
paint and allow only limited spray painting in the rest of the
The insurance company has never denied insurance on the
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Sean Carey to grant an extension of
time for 6 months (May 8, 1989) to complete two booths with
Automatic Fire Extinguishers System for major painting,
e _ therefore, allowing limited spraying in the remaining booths.
Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
107-88-H 1743 Ames Ave. Midwest Office Equipment
( 1 unit) John Klecatsky
APPEARANCE: John Kiecatsky
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the following
items: Provide placards, immediately cease all spray finishing
without an approved booth, quantity of liquid located outside of
booth, quantity of excess shall be stored in approved itammable
liquid storage cabinet, installation of spray booth shall be done
under permit, spray booth/room not limited spray areas, shall be
protected with automatic fire extinquishing system. ( letter
dated 8/24/88)
PROCEEDINGS: After much discussion the board decided that the
appellant should work with Fire Prevention to try and work out
the code violations, if not, then the appellant is to return to
the December meeting.
• � �
���J ��
118-88-H �' 1000 University Ave. G. T. Parts Co.
, (Commercial ) George Toby
SUBJECT: Ap ellant is requesting a variance, to be allowed to
use the low r level for storage of sealed containers of paints
and related i ems. ( letter dated 7/21/88)
Code Violatio s were resolved with Fire Prevention, therefore, the
appellant is equesting the filing fee be refunded.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Dave Schultz to refund the filing
fee. Seconde by Gienn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
93-88-H 30 E. 7th St. World Trade Center
' and
376 Jackson St. Galtier Plaza
SUBJECT: The r�ase was before the Board on October 11 , 1988. Board
postponed for 30 days, as the board is requesting clarification
on the issues ,from the City Attorneys' office.
The Appellant 'requested a postponement to the December 13, 1988
meeting. �
Chairman GlassMnan expressed Thanks and Best Wishes to Mr. Gausman
for the many yiears of service and contribution to the Board.
Thanks -Glenn, you will be missed.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:30
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'd'� , I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the
� Ci�ty of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have
� 89-70
c�pared the attached copy of Council File No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
as� adopted by the City Council. . . . , ,January.l7: . . . _ . . . . . . 19.89. . .
a Id approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . . ,January.l8: . . . . _ . . , , , 19.89. . 0
with the original thereof on file in my office.
, I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy
of said original and the whole thereof.
; _
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul,
Mi�nesota this . . . . ,llth. . . . , day of . , , , ,�tober. . . . . ,A.D. 1989. .
I� ���� � �������
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� �� ' �'ouncil Resol�tion �"�-��'
Ia `�
Presented By G�'-��i�r�"� �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Cammittee By Date
BE !T RESOL ED,That the �ouncil of the City of Saint Paul
hereby certifiesiand approves the action of the City of Saint
Paul Board of Apqeals 8 Review pertaining to the following listed -
property and as �hown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of
Appeals and Revi�w , dated November 8, 1988, and marked EXHIBIT A,
` and attached her�to and made a part hereof by reference.
11/8/88 1d4-8$-H 400 Holly Avenue Duncan Russell
BOARD ACT10N: Gr�anted a variance on the fence height.
PROPERTY OESGRIPT�ION: Subdivision of Biocks 19,
21 and part of 20 of
Woodland Park Addition
St. Paul , Minn.
Ex E 18 Ft. the N lU3 45/100
Ft of Lot 19 and all of
Lot 18 Blk 20
------- -----------------------------------------
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
L.ong in Favor
Goswitz �
Rettman B
s�he;t�� Against Y
Sonnen �
I Form prove by City Aktorne � ,�
Adopted by Council: Date " /����
� �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY `� �" �
Approved by \9avor: Date _.� Approved ayor o S bmissio to Council 1
gy � BY
I �
, �� , � (,���'�'- �a
page %
_^_._M I f�lU:fES__�C_P.�E._ NO_�____. PFtOt'ER7Y APPEALEU _ RPPELLANT
1 1 /8/�38 1 QL-t�B-H 1 4Ei 1 Edacumbe Rd. A 1 Cert H. Pa 1 v i cek
� t3UARU AC7IUN_ Gr�nted a variance on rainleader #�t.
� PkQP��l Y U�SCFt_I F1 t�nl_:_ Lex i ngton Nark P 1 at 1 1
� Ramsey Caunty, Minnesota
+!� Sub.i to Edgcumbe Rd Lots 5
� and
Lot Ei B1k 6
11/8/88 106-�f8-H 1485 Edgcumbe Kd. Chris Lake-Smith
BOARU AC:TIQN! Granted a variance on rainleader ##3.
FROPER"�Y aESCR I Pl�ON : Woodford Park
St. Naul . Minn.
Sub.j to Edgcumbe Rd E 1/2
of vac alley adj and S LU
Ft of Lot 3 and all of
Lot �4 B 1 k Ei
11/8/88 109-8�-H 547/549 Grand Ave. Eric M. Lein
E3UARp ACTION: Granted a variance on second exit from the third
~ ^�� � 1=ioor, by a�dina a door leading to the
5econd filoor affice space, with an emergency
exit only, this variance to be in effect,
pnly for the dur•ation that Mr. Eric M. Lein
�wns the buildinc� and occupies the second
loor of the building.
P�GPtkl"Y UESCRIPT'ION: Thurstons 5uddivision of
+ ! Lot 7 , Block 3 Terrace
F'ark Addition
W lU Ft of Lot 2 and all of
I Lot 3 Blk 3
, �• ' I �/�- /v
. , �
pa��e i
11/8/8t3 66-8t3-�H 514 Humboldt Ave. Wilder Residence W.
' kick T. Johnson
EiUAk� At;_T T UN� i Granted a var i ance for one year, w i th the
� , the unc�erstanding that the Appellant work
(� with Fire F'revention to come up with a door
(�j c I osure that w i 1 1 k�e accepted by F� i re
b" ' Prevention.
� Pf�UPER7Y DESC_ RIP TUN: West St. Paul Blks 1 thru 99
in the City of St. Paul
, Revised Description Number
1 163 a spec i f i c part of
Volimers Rear and part ot
' t�lks 63 64 74 75 76 87 and
87 of W. St. Paul
�31 k 7 5
11/£3/88 115-88�-N 550 S. Albert St. CretinlUerham Hall
Mel Scanlon
EiOARu AC�i1vN: �� Granted a variance on having to cover the
' radiators.
PROPE:K'f Y UESCF2 I N� .I UIV:_ E. 4�30 ft of that part of N� 1/4
of SW 1/A of Sec 10 T28, R 23 , lying N
of N line of Watson Ave. as now opened
i if said N line were extended W to a
po i nt 4�i0 ft W of E L i ne of sa i d NE
' 1 /4 of SW 1 /4 of said Sec. , Town and
' Range, Subj to rights acquired by the
C i ty of St. F'au 1 for the open i ng of
Hamline Rve. and Randolph St. ; also,
E. 480 ft of tnat part ofi NE 1/4 of SW
1/4 of Sec 10, T '18, R L3, lying N of
Center Line and 5 of N line of Watson
Ave. as now opened if said line were
i extended W to a line 480 ft W of E line
I of said NE 1/4 of SW 1/Q, of said sec. ,
I Town ar�d Range, subject to rights
acquired by the City of St. Paul for the
openina of Hamline Ave. ; also
'� Commencing at the SE corner of that
' certain tract in the NE 1/4 ofi SW 1/4 of
i Sec 10, 1� 28 R 23 , wh i ch was heretofiore
� conveyed by t329 Deeds 437, which said
corner is the intersection of the E line
of said NE 1/4 of S�! 1 /4 with the center
' line of 4Jatson Ave. produced W' ly; thence
W' ly along the 5 line of said tract
I �.
wHi�t ' — c'1�'rr c�eRK
DLUE — MAV OR 'i File N O• �_ �`� —
� ! Council Resol�tion
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
prolonged a distance of 630 feet, more
or less , to point on the E line of
i Albert Ave. prolonged thence S' ly along
the E line of said Albert Ave. proionged
� ', a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to
� a point on center line of Hartford Ave. ;
,Q*j thence E' ly along the center line of
��" i said Hartford Ave. a distance of 630
� feet, more or less , to E line of said NE
� 1/4 of SW 1/4; thence Nly along the E
line of said NE I/4 of SW 1/4 a
distance of 330 feet, more or less, to
� place of beginning, subject to the
' rights acquired by the City of St. Paut
for the opening of Hamline Ave. and
Hartford Ave. ; also,
A1 } that part of the NE 1/4 of SW 1J4
Sec 10 T L8, R 23 lying S of the N line
of Niles Street prolonged from the W and
E of the E line of Aibert Avenue
prolonged from the N, exc that part
thereof heretofore conveyed in 827 Deeds
249. 829 Deeds 437 and 928 Deeds 22
' Excluding that protion which constitutes
the residence for the Christian Bros.
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage of this resolution the
City Clerk, is helreby authorized and directed to transmit a copy
of this resoiutio� for recording to the Ramsey County Office of
the Register of 0 eds.
COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�.ong in Favor
Rettman li� g t G„�
scne�nei _ Against Y
�'�n ��tt i � �� Form proved by City A torne. :,
Adopted by Council: Date � �'/ • c /
. . ���� �
Certif►ed Ya:• , ouncil S ret r' BY—
Approved avor• D e ���r'� � � ��� Approved Mayo r u 'ssion to C uncil
$y BY
. � �l" ��/.- 70
�x��ar A
555 Cedar Street
Saint Paul . Minnesota 55101
IMinutes, Meeting of November 8, 1988
� MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman
� Sean M. Carey
� Glenn Gausman
� David Schultz
� William Tilton
Robert Viering
MEMBERS ABSENT: Harold Knutson
OTHERS PRESENI: Hope� Abrams, St. Paul Fire Prevention
Pat Fish, St. Paul Fire Prevention
Sherry Webb, St. Paul Fire Prevention
Phi ) ip Ethier, Residential Rainieader
Bob Brown, Rainleader Program
Jim Priil , Div. of Public Health
Don Juenemann, Div. of Public Health
, Jean LaCla:re, Div. of Public Health
' Ward A. Harkness, Div. of Public Health -
' Mike Kasson, Public Works, Sewer Div.
- - ' Ed. Hally, Public Works, Sewer Div.
� Patrick J. Donohue Robert J. Monson
�I Jeremaih Gallivan Mtchael Peterson
'I Oonald Toen,�es Phil Strom
Chris Lake-Smith John Klecasky
I C. A. Carlone Theo. Kvasnik
' D. R. Russell Rick Johnson
Eric Lein Len Minick
Tom Krebsback A1 Woodward
Mal Scanlon
STAFF: Josephine P. Bongiovanni
Chairman Glas man cailed the meeting to order at 1 :30 p.m.
November 8, 1 88. He welcomed the appellants and explained the
procedures, s ating that what the board does is recommends action
to the City C uncil .
• i -
1 . Approvel ot the minutes of the Uctot►er 11 , lyn� meeting es
submitted in writing.
The minutes of the Uctober 11 , 1988 meeting were approved with
� the following corrections:
On page 9, second paragraph, line 2 , after the word "the"
and before the word "but" delete the word "residence"
and insert the word "resident's" ; also on Page 14, line 7
before the word "here" delete the word "perdict" and
� insert "predict"
Chairman Glassman referred to a letter received from Assistant
City Attorney Paul McCloskey, in reply to a letter the Board had
written, requesting that they not issue tickets to Jill Burchill
and John Kerwin. The City Attorney conferred with Frank
Staffenson, from Enviromental Health and Mr. Staffenson stated,
he does not wish the contaminated water tags issued to the
parties be withdrawn or deferred for later action.
Chairman Glassman, stated that he had the opportunity to meet
with Mike Kasson, from Public Works to discuss fihe rainleader
sit�ation. �A representative from the Water Department will be
here to give a brief summary.
Mike Kasson, from Public Works - Sewer Division. Mr. Kasson came
to the meeting to explain why rainleaders and sewer separation
are so related, also why the variance process is the way it is.
It was mentioned that the end result is to remove the regulators
from the sanitary sewers system. (At this time a diagram was
passed around showing a very simple plan of an existing regulator
on the sanitary sewer system. ) The purpose of a regulator is to
allow sanitary sewer to be diverted into a storm sewer. This is
to prevent a serious condition from existing, that is, to prevent
the sewer from operating under pressure, which would cause
backups all over the neighborhood and could endanger the
integrity of the pipe itself. In a normal manhole there is a sewer
pipe and a storm sewer pipe. With the sewer separation that the
city is undergoing, removal of approximately 240 of the
regulators throughout the city is the final result of the sewer
separation program. Some of the sanitary sewers are close to
capacity in the city, that is why the city is making a big
attempt to remove the vast majority of rainleaders. Since the
rainleader program began, the compliance has been at least 95�
disconnection. �
. � ��� -��
Chairman Glassman, referred to a letter that was mailed to him
directly. The letter is from the Saint Paul Board of Realtors.
This letter rejFers to Two Council Ordinances, that are being
proposed and t e Board of Realtors is against both of the
Ordinances. M . Glassman would like to think that the Board of
Appeals 8 Revi w is against them also, maybe a letter could be
sent to the ci y.
� The letter in essence, states that the Council adopted two
�j! ordinances. 1 ;. that would require the city to request, enabling
� legislation pe1-mitting the City of Saint Paul to require the
� installation of sprinkling systems in all new and substantially
� rehab residenthal construction. 2. Commercial and Industrial
� buildings, three stories or more.
The Board of Realtors is against this. Chairman Glassman asked �
the board members how they felt about these ordinances?
Mr. Glenn Gausihnan, stated that he had clipped an article out of
current Buildi�g Official and Code Administration magazine,
talking about rhnandatory home sprinkler systems, fire safety and
cost. Without �aking the time to read all of the fine print, the
home building ndustry is opposed, based on the premise, that it
is not a good sage of money. (At this time the article was
passed to the oard members) .
Mr. Glassman, �tated that the Truth 8� Housing Inspection forms
are being changed to reflect Hard Wired 5moke Detectors. Hard
Wired Smoke Detectors are being enforced at the time the home is
sold. The ordir�ance has been delayed for six months for further
study. ',
David Schultz ' Feeis that if Hard Wired Smoke Detectors were
required acros the board, that this would be better protection,
as early warni g, than the sprinkler system.
Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that the Hard Wired Smoke
Detectors are rFequired in single family homes. Enforcement is
taking place a the time the home is sold. She also stated that
the intend of his ordinance is to install the sprinkler system
when the home s being build, therefore, it would be substantial
cost savings. �
Sean Carey, st ted that until building officals lightin-up on
steel pipes an allow PVC's. Maybe legislation is needed to
allow PVC's or some other type of piping to carry water.
Sprinkler syst ms are designed to safe buildings and smoke
detectors are esigned to safe lives.
The Board of R altors has asked the Board of Appeals and Review
to write a ' let er to the city telling them that they oppose the
Glenn Gausman moved to send a letter to City Council . Seconded by
3 �
Ron Glassman. The vote was 4 to 1 in favor of sending a letter
to the City Councii .
VOTE : Yeas 4 Nays 0 Abstension 1 (Schultz)
� 104-88-H 400 Holly Ave. Duncan R. Russell
� ( 1 unit)
APPEARANCE : Duncan R. Russell
SUBJECT: Appeliant is requesting a variance on being abte to
keep the fence which was installed in excess of the 6'6"
requirement. _
Fence in the back yard is build 20�, above code.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Dave Schultz to grant a variance on
the fence height. Seconded by Robert Viering.
_ 111-88-H 695 St. Anthony Ave. Michael R. Peterson
(Vacant Building)
APPEARANCE: Michael R. Peterson
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a waiver of the registration
fee, in the amount of $120.00, because of financial hardship.
(Letter dated 8/15/88)
The Appellant stated that the building is near completion on the
exterior, only a window missing. The window has been ordered,
should arrived in a couple of months. The appeilant had been
issued a permit and has been working on the house as money is
Jim Prill , from Enviromental Health stated that the interior is
unfinished, no plumbing. The fees are $120.00.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by William Tilton to grant an extension
of 30 days (December 8, 1988) to complete all deficiencies, with
the exception to the window which is required to be installed in
2 months (January 8, 1989) and the soffit to be installed by
April 1989. Included in the motion to waive the vacant building
fee of $120.00. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANI
, , . . � �,����"�o
114-88-H ' 383 W. 7th St. C. A. Carlone
' (Vacant Building)
APPEARANCE : C: A. Carlone 8
SUBJECT: Cour�t case pending, therefore, the appellant is
requesting a waiver of the building fees in the amount of .
Gd $230. 00. ( let�er dated October 1 , 1988. )
� PROCEEDINGS: The Appellant stated that the property is in
� litigation and probably will be for some tirne.
� Bill Tilton, stated that this could be a long drawn out process
because of the Court Systems.
Jim Prilt , frdm Heaith Division stated the building is boarded
and has a foundation,- but the house does not rest on the
fo�ndation. '�
Requesting a aiver of the fees because of the fact that it is in
litigation. �
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Bill Tilton that the vacant building
fee of $230. 00I plus an additional quarter be waived. Seconded by
---------------------------------------------- "
100-88-H 1461 Edgcumbe Rd. Albert H. Pavlicek
( 1 unit)
APPEARANCE: Robert Monson, Attorney for A1 Pavlicek
SUBJECT: This �ase was laid over from the October meeting.
Appellant is rjequesting a variance on the rainleader on the west
side of the hoiuse. (Letter dated 8j4/88)
PROCEEDINGS: M�-. Monson, representing the appellant stated the
appellant has �ad knee surgery. He is requesti�g a variance on
rainleader #4.
Bob Brown, Raihleader Division stated that he met with Mr.
Pavlicek on Ma 5, 1988, about the downspout on the back of the
house. Talked �o Mr. Kasson about the situation, and he advised
no variance. �
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to .grant a variance on
rainleader No #4. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED
, ��
1 �6-88-H 1485 Edgcumbe Rd. Chris Lake-Smith
( 1 unit)
� APPEARANCE: Chris Lake-Smith
Q� SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the rainleader
�" on the north side of the house. (Letter dated S/30/88)
� PROCEEDINGS: Requesting a variance for the simple reason that
the appeliant wants no water problem in his basement.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Bill Tilton to grant a variance on
the rainleader #3. Seconded by David Schultz. MOTION CARRIED
116-88-H 1840 Eleanor Ave. Jeremaih Gallivan
( 1 unit)
APPEARANCE: Jeremaih Gallivan
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting � variance on having to
disconnect a rainleader, because of possible leakage to the
basements. ( letter dated 5/16/88.
PROCEEDINGS: The appellant is requesting a variance because he�
feels not only he will have moisture in his basement, but_ that it
will affect his neighbor.
Bob Brown, Rainleader Division suggested that an extension be
installed to go around the corner, maybe a trellis. He feels by
doing this that there would be no problem.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Sean Carey to deny the request for
a variance on the rainleader on the� West side of the house.
Seconded by Rober Viering. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
115-88-H 550 So. Atbert Ave. Cretin/Derham Hall
APPEARANCE: Mr. Scanlon and Mr. Woodward
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the requirement of
having to cover all radiators and steam pipes, because of the
cost involved. ( letter dated 8/31/88)
.. . � . • �i�(��f- 7D
PROCEEDINGS: 'fhe basis for a variance that is being sought by
Cretin has to �o with two elements. 1 . which is that the steam
pipes do not p se a heat hazard. They have regulators on them,
the exposed pi es have been dealt with, in that the school has
undertaken to 'nsulate all the exposed heat pipes. 2. Request a
variance on th� covering the radiators . This is a very costly
item. Ages of, the children are in Grades 9 thru 12.
(� Chairman Glass�nan stated that the request for a variance on the
Gd pipes be delet�d as the appellant has resolved that issue.
� '
'� BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Glenn Gausman to grant a variance
� on the covering of the radiators. Seconded by Robert Viering.
113-88-H 707 Preble St. Joseph Haines
(2 units)
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time on the
following item ; Second Floor - Bedroom plaster falling, E.
window in S. b droom does not properly latch, plaster and
spackling loos in living room, electric wires exposed, kitchen
light fixture lacks proper switch, kitchen stove does not light
properly, kitc en cabinets over oven are falling down, toilet
tank leaks, liholeum in bath is torn and missing in spots, loose
- - boards in fron�t of toilet, bathroom window does not close
properly - fra�ne rotting, E. bedroom south side in closet area
lacks lock, smpke detectors inoperable. First Floor - SW. room
off kitchen lalrge hole in ceiling where repairs were done,
bathroom ceiling slopes shows sign of water damage, wall east of
bathtub needs +to be refinished, kitchen door to exterior lacks
proper dead bo�lts, large crack on plaster along west wall south
side in kitchen, large picture window in living roorn. glass not
properly insta'tled and sealed. General - All windows must be
provided with storms and properly weather stripped by Oct. 1 , of
every year, rear exterior steps rotted wood, rear storm door to
second floor i' ripped partially off, interior rear door second
floor needs pr per weather stripping or replacement, front hall
way has broken and loose plaster. ( letter dated 9/19/88)
PROCEEDINGS: ppellant has been working with the inspector and
have been able to work things out. therefore the appellant is
requesting the filing fee be refunded.
BOARD �CTION: Motion made by David Schultz to refund the filing
fee. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION C�AaRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
. ----�-----------------------------------------
7 ' /�
105-88-H 397 Bates Ave. Donald G. Toenjes
( 2 u�nits)
APPEARANCE Donald G. Toenjes
SUBJECT: Appetlant is requesting an extension of time to scrape
� and repaint the exterior of the house. (Letter date 9/2/88)
� PROCEEDINGS: The appellant is financially unable to do the work.
� Sean Carey recommended that the Appellant try and contact
� Neighborhood Organizations for help.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant an
extension until May 1 , 1989 to complete the scraping and
repainting the exterior of the house. Seconded by Robert
109-88-H 547/549 Grand Ave. Eric M. Lein
(3 units)
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on having to provide -
a second exit for 3rd floor unit, as it would be very difficult,
if not �impossible. ( letter dated 6/10/88)
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Lein has been working with Pat Fish, from Fire
Prevention trying to resolve the problem of the second exit from
third floor exit. Mr. Lein wants to comply with Fire Prevention
- but because of the Hill Preservation District, the appellant
wants to make sure that the house meets all the requirements for
the neighborhood. The appellant has drawn up some plans to see
if they meet code. First, would be to have a second exit to the
outside. second, that the third floor exit be allowed to exit down
to the second floor into another apartment. The appellant lives
on the second floor.
Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that Mr. Lein was in to
discuss the matter with Fire Prevention. Ms. Fish requested that
the Staff Architect review the plans that Mr. �ein had proposed.
Mr. Lein agreed to add a fire door to the office space to the
front of the building, putting in an emergency exit only, this
would have to be conditional , only for as long as Mr. Lein owns
the building. The door would be alarmed.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Sean Carey to grant a variance on
. the second exit from the third floor, by adding a door leading to
the second floor �into office space, with an emergency exit only,
this variance to be in effect, only for the duration that Mr.
Eric Lein owns the building and occupies the second floor of the
building. Seconded by David Schultz. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
8 '�
. , , . - Cr��� 7°
108-88-H 2190 Marshall Ave. Theodore Kvasnik
� (commercial >
APPEARANCE : T�d Kvasnik �
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on item #3 restore
spray booth tq original condition and item #4 provide automatic
� fire extinguishing system in spray booth, because it is
� economically unfeasible. ( letter dated 8/25/SS)
� PROCEEDINGS:This shop sells and refinishes wicker furniture. All
� items from a 'deficiency list letter dated August 25, 1988 have
� been completed with the exception of #4 - Provide Automatice Fire
'� Extinguishing �System in Spray Booth. The booth in question is a
Devilbiss Boath, with the correct Filter and Fans. Five years
ago when the alppellant moved in an inspector came and advised
that I built a sheet rock room around the spray booth, which was
done ( 12 1/2 �i 15) ceiling and walls, including installing a solid
core door and 'the posting NO SMOKING signs.
Later anothe� inspector requested that the appellant install a
number of 2A 10 BZ Fire Extinguishers. All these things that were
requested to be done, have been done.
The only materials used are Forman-Ford High Gloss paint 80 � of
the time and Latex paint 20 �of the time with a Campbell-
Hausfield Airl�ess _Sprayer. - -
The building �� ia an all block, one story building. Never have
had any problekns with the insurance company.
Sherry Webb, I�from Fire Prevention stated that Code requires all
spray booths hiave Automatic Fire Extinguishers.
The cost to 'install the Automatice Fire Extinguishers would be
about $3000.00.
Glenn Gausman stated that the Arrestor Pads have been known to
cause spontane us combustion.
Suggestion wa made by Mr. Gausman that maybe a water system
would be more �Feasible.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Bill Tilton to postpone for one
month so as to allow the appellant to check with the water
department to see if it is feasible to have a sprinkler system
installed, if� not the the appellant is to return to the next
meeting. Seco�ded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
. -
----�--------------------- -------------------------
i 9
112-88-H 1735 Dayton Ave. Charles A. Laurents
(4 units)
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on item 3 - provide
exit stairs from third floor, as it would be almost impractical
and very costly. ( letter dated 9/21/88)
� .
� Mr. Laurents called and requested the case be postpone until the
� December 13, 1988 meeting.
� --------------------------------------------
110-88-H 982 E. Ivy Ave. Leonard Minich
( 18 units)
APPEARANCE: Leonard Minich
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the foilowing
items; deadbolts. second exit from third floor, fire rated glass
doors, hydraulic door ctosures, proper escape window in basement
apt. , handrail , removing illegai lock-apt in #204. ( letter dated
9/ 15/88)
PROCEEDINGS: The building wili be renovated in a short time.
Regarding the second exit, the stairs go to the second
level . The stairs must go down to grade.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Bill Tilton to grant an extension of
90 days (February 8. 1989)pertair�ing to the deadbolts, providing
second exit frorn second and third floor, fire rated glass door,
stair raiis, remove lock in apt.#204, Hydraulic door closures and
handrails. The request for a variance on the escape windows has
been denied. Seconded by Sean Carey. MOTION CARRIED
117-88-H 1034 Suburban Ave. Ronald R. Flynn
(20 units)
APPEARANCE : Ronald R. Flynn
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on having to install
deadbolts on apartment doors, also. installations of escape ladders
in bedrooms of garden level apartments. ( letter dated 7/19/88)
PROCEEDINGS: This building is an all brick building. The doors
have dead bolts, with a wood ,jam and a metal striker plate. In
addition to that there are locks in the door knobs, also chain
bolt locks. The building is not a security building. Dead boits
, are being replaced one at a time.
10 �
l�-�� ,D
BOARD ACTION:I Motion made by Bill Tilton that one-half of the
deadbolts be ',replaced immediately and then in 6 months the rest
of the deadbo!lts must be replaced. Motion amended to have the
appellant rep�lace the 1 /2 inch deadbolts first. Seconded by
FURTHER DISCU56ION: The city is requesting that stairways be `
permanently installed in the sleeping rooms of the garden level
t� units for escape windows. The bedrooms are very small , and if
GD the steps are �to be installed then, they would not be large
� enough to be used as bedrooms.
� Glenn Gausman isuggested that maybe area welts could be installed
� on the outside.
Ron Glassman 6uggested that the appellant check into the idea of
having step m�de that could be attached and fold up against the
- wall .
FURTHER ACTION�: Motion made by Bili Tilton to deny the request
for a variance on the stairs, instead grant an extension of time
for 90 days (F bruary 8, 1989) to install stairs in garden level
sleeping rooms required for escape windows, with the provision
that they needlbe no more than 24 inches wide. Seconded by Sean
66-88-H I' S14 Humboldt Ave. Wilder Residence West
( 125 units) Rick T. Johnson
APPEARANCE: Ri�k T. Johnson
SUBJECT: This �ase was before the board in October. Board
requested that'Ithe appeliant work with Fire Prevention to try and
resolve the cotle Violation, if not, then return to the November
8th meeting. ( letter dated 6/28/88)
PROCEEDINGS: The appellant stated that he has been working with
Hope Abrams, f�-om Fire Prevention and have been u�able to come up
with a viable lan pertaining to the self-closures on aii doors.
Hope Abrams ha suggested magnetized door closures that are
activated by s oke.
After much dis ussion, a suggestion was made to allow the
appellant a ye r to work with Fire Prevention to maybe find
someting that ill be approved.
BOARD ACTIQN: ', Motion made by David Schultz to grant a variance
, for one ye�r w�th the understanding that the Appella�r�t work with
Fire Prevenitorh to come up with a door closure that will be
accepted by th� Fire Department.
----�-------------------- ---------------
11 �`
. � •- . . .
95-88-H 1389 University Ave. T. L. Krebsbach
(Commercial )
APPEARANCED: T. L . Kresbach
� SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance pertaining to having
� to provide Fire Extinguishing System in Spray Booth, because the
company has operated the same way for many years. ( letter dated
,� 8/11/88)
� PROCEEDINGS: Appellant requesting a variance on having to
install A�tromatic Fire Extinguishers in a spray booth in a
free standing building. The building has been there for 30 years.
The building has explosive-proof lights, exhaust fans, only two
people work in these booths. The cost would be about $15,000.00.
Sherry Webb, from Fire Prevention suggested that the appellant
complete two booths with Automatic Fire Extinguishers for major
paint and allow only limited spray painting in the rest of the
The insurance company has never denied insurance on the
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Sean Carey to grant an extension of
time for 6 months (May 8, 1989) to complete two booths with
A�tomatic Fire Extinguishers System for major painting,
. _ therefore, allowing limited spraying in the remaining booths.
Seconded by G1enn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
107-88-H 1743 Ames Ave. Midwest Office Equipment
( 1 unit) John Klecatsky
APPEARANCE: John Klecatsky
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the following
items: Provide placards, immediately cease all spray finishing
without an approved booth, quantity of liquid located outside of
booth, quantity of excess shall be stored in approved flammable
liquid storage cabinet, installation of spray booth shall be done
under permit, spray booth/room not limited spray areas, shall be
protected with automatic fire extinquishing system. ( letter
dated 8/24/88)
PROCEEDINGS: After much discussion the board decided that the
appellant should work with Fire Prevention to try and work out
the code violations, if not, then the appellant is to return to
the December meeting.
12 `�
. . . , • C��i� �a
118-88-H 1000 University Ave. G. T. Parts Co.
(Commercial ) George Toby
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance, to be allowed to
� use the lower level for storage of sealed containers of paints
and relateq items. ( letter dated 7/21/88)
;�� Code Violaitions were resolved with Fire Prevention, therefore, the /
appellant 9s requesting the filing fee be refunded.
BOARD ACTICIN: Motion made by Dave Schultz to refund the filing
fee. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
93-88-H 30 E. 7th St. World Trade Center
376 Jackson St. Galtier Plaza
SUBJECT: Th� case was before the Board on October 11 , 1988. Board
postponed f�or 30 days, as the board is requesting clarification
on the issues from the City Attorneys' office.
The Appellani,t requested a postponement to the December 13, 1988
Chairman Gla�sman expressed Thanks and Best Wishes to Mr. Gausman
for the manylyears of service and contribution to the Board.
Thanks -Glenn� you will be missed.
There beingl no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:30
p.m. �
. I _
, �
� ; �� �D
11C°_.� �13880 ,
BOARD OF PARTMENT ' . - - - -- -
Jose�hine P. 'CONTACT NAtSE
2 9 2-7't7 5 PHONL
� Dec � DATE . .
ASSIGN NUMBER FUR RD (Ses reverse side.)
, '
,�J. Department Dir ctor � 3 Mayor (or Assistant)
_ Finance and Irla ag�m t Services Director 4 City Clerk
Budget Directo 5 City Council
�� City Attorneq ' _
0 (Clip all locations for signature.)
W N T C RI ?, (Purpose/Ratio�nale)
Approving th a�ct'ons of the Board o,�--�.p}�eals & Review of the minutes
of the Nov er 8, 1,988 meeting.
. r �
6 variances . . RECEIVED
� DEC291988
DEC 3 01988
(Maqor's signatur �lot required if under $10,000.)
Total Amount of T�tan �ction: n/a Activity Number: n/a
Funding Source: j n.�a Co��cil Research C�nter
�aN �� ��s8
ATTACHMENTS: (L st a d number all attachments.)
One resolution with minutes attached
_Yes _No I�ul s, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amet�dment required?
_Yes _No �f es, are they or timetable attached? �
_Yes _No ov�nc 1 resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes ,�No ;
_Yes _No In$u nce required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No ,
Yes 13o Ins nce attached?