89-68 i wHiTe - cirv c�eRK COLLflCIl PINK — FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L -� CANARV — DEPARTMENT � � BLUE — MAVOR File NO. Co ncil Resolution Presented By ,�� � I� ; Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the; City of Saint Paul has the authority to act as the fiscal agent for the Saint Paul Board of Health; and WHEREAS, the' State of Minnesota provides grants to local Boards of He�alth to provide subsidized health care for American Inddans within their jurisdiction; and WIiEREAS, Speicial Fund 305 , Division of Health Special Projects has budgetary authority to operate said Grant with the State of Minnesota, through a subcontract with an appropriate provider agency; NOW, THEREFO�E, BE IT RESOLVED, The Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the proper City officials to execute a 1988-1989 coritract with the State of Minnesota, Minnesota Department olf Public Health to subsidize American Indian Health Care. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays ��''' ` Dimond �Ni[Z �✓ �� �� ;_� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman sche;n�� J _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson JAN 17 1989 Form rove by tor Adopted by Council: Date ` Ceriified Pas e b Counci Se r BY gy, ������ I#pproved by vor. Dat ��� � 8 ��8� Approved y Mayor for S ion to Council � �� BY � ;. : , pt�IS}{� �ti.:� ti � �989 ��� ��' � � �-,n i E �i= ��. �,V��C;--. .7r�r1�i i ..U���^(h`•...i I � , 1'.�, i � ' _ J �:'(t��i V l�l. r ri :i ..1 Si�d� i „r2 ' flt@f' r'@T.'�., �u !"� dr' + -• _ � � : .. � � U �_ �O �`,!lc"' idWS OT L'1�J$�A. � J' �! j �!1?SOtd b2�w28� th� JtZ�E v^T '�� innesotai 3C� 1 �� i,hf': _ , i; t� '•ilflf'1�SC�d �2Jd ('�fi'2�t :i =2dith � ;'C�z � ndite " STATc ) And : City of St Paul Givision of Health - Aodress : 555 Ce ar Street , St . Paul , MN 55i01 MN Tax ID No . : 025095 _ Federal Employe� ID No . ( if applicable ) : , _ (NOTICE TO GRAN EE. You are required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 270 .66 , to provide your social secu,_rity number or _ Minnesota Tax i entification number if you do business with the State of Minnes ta. This information may be used in the enforcement of �ederal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers could r sult in action -to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities . THIS GRANT CONTRACT WILL N T BE APPROVED UNLESS THESE NUP�IBERS ARE PROVIDED . These numbers w 11 be availadle to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations ) . , � The City _of St. !Paul Division of Health ( hereinafter GRAN�EE ) , witnesseth that ' WHEREAS, the STATE, pursuant to Min�tesota Statutes 145A. 1 , Subd . 2, provides that special grants may be made to communi y health boards to establish, operate, or subsidize clini facilities and services to furnish Itealth services for Am rican Indians who reside off reservations, AND WHEREAS, GRANTE represents that it is duly qual-ified and willing to perform the Quties set forth herein, NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed : ' I . GRANTEE�S DUTIES. GRANTEE , who is not a state employee, shall : A . Subsi�ize the health services for American Indians in Ramse County through a subcontract with the St. Paul Urban Indian Health Board, 1021 Marion Street, St. Paul . Such a subsidy shall not exceed Seventy two thous nd, seven hundred and fo�ty four dollars ( 572,744 .00) and shall adhere to the budgetary provisions found in Clause II , paragraph A(3 ) . i 1 _I . , � . � �� ��-�� . � � � � T� . CONS�DERATZON AND TER'�iS OF ?AYMENT. =�. ONSIDER.ATION �or alI s'rvices per�cr^:ed a.^.: 7o�•;s __ .:a*_erials suppl�.ed bl GR�.*1TEE pursuant to �::�s g�a:,� ontract shall be paid for the STATE as follows: � . The total obligation of the STATE for all - I compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed Seventy two thousand, seven hundred and I'I forty four dollars ($72 , 744 . 00) . � . Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses _ actually and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE'S performance of the grant contract in an amount not � to exceed One thousand, one hundred and fifty dollars ($1150. 00) provided, that GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in _ � the same manner and in no greater amount than provided in the current "Commissioner' s Plan" I promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred outside the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such aut-of-state I travel from the STATE. 3 � Compensation shall be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget below. GRANTEE shall not seek, nor shall the STATE pay, compensation to GRANTEE I� for an indirect overhead or administrat'v Y , i e costs not otherwise included as a direct expense within _ the Program Line Item Budget. _ Proaram Line Item Budget • I The GRANTEE shall adhere to the followin ro ram . g P g budget in performing the activities listed in _ ' Exhibit I, GRANTEE'S DUTIES: Cateaorv of Expenditure Estimated Allocation � Salaries and Fringe Benefits $46, 324.00 � Travel 1, 150.00 Professional Supplies 3 ,821. 00 Office Supplies, Print, II Communications 7, 174.00 Contractual/Physician 9, 659. 00 Equipment Repair 60. 00 2 I I!, �����Od a'taff Continuing Education �0� . 00 ient 4 , Joi . OG TOTA.Tr �72 , �%i . 00 :�odifications within each category of the above line item budget of less than 10 percent of any line item are permitted without prior approval by 1 the STATE, so long as notification of such � modifications is made through the submitted quarterly expenditure reports. Provided, however, - that the total obligation of the STATE for all i compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed seventy two thousand, seven hundred and forty four dollars ($72 , 744 . 00) . B. T RMS OF PAYMENT 1 . Reimbursement shall be one initial cash advance of Eighteen thousand, one hundred and eighty six dollars ($18 , 186. 00) followed by quarterly cost reimbursement based on the previous expenses as documented by receipts, invoices, travel vouchers, and time sheets. 2 . Payments shall be made by the STATE promptly after � GRANTEE'S presentation of invoices fQr services - performed and acceptance of such services by the I STATE'S authorized agent pursuant to Clause VI . , Invoices shall be submitted in a form prescribed - �I by the STATE. GRANTEE agrees to provide the STATE I with the following financial reports which are due - ; on the dates listed below: i Minnesota Department of Health Public Health _ Grant-Budget Request/Expenditure Report on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 of each calendar year this grant contract is in effect. III. CONDI IONS OF PAYMENT. All services by GRANTEE pursuant to this rant contract performed to the satisfaction of the STATE, as determined in the sole discretion of its autho ized agent, and in accord with all applicable feder l, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regula ions. GRANTEE shall not receive payment for work found y the STATE to be unsatisfactory, or performed in violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance, rule or re lation. IV. TERM O GRANT CONTRACT. This grant contract shall be effective on January 1, 1988, or upon such date as it is I 3 �, . ' ���� � I exec ted as to encumbrance by the Com:nissioner ef �i^ar.ce , Hhic' ever occurs later, and shali remain in 2rrec� until Dece �ber 31 , 1989 , or untii ail obligations set forth ir. this �arant contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, *ahicY�ever occurs first. I a. RANTEE shall have ninety (90) days immediately ollowing the end of the qrant contract period to ' iquidate all unpaid obligations related to the project �ncurred prior to the end of the grant contract period nd to -submit a detailed accounting of these cumulative xpenditures to the STATE. B. RANTEE agrees to return to the STAT£ all funds rovided by the STATE which are not expended for �llowable project costs within ninety (90) days ollowing the end of the grant contract period. V. - CANC LLATION A. pon GRANTEE' s substantial failure to comply with the rovisions of this grant contract, the STATE may erminate this grant contract without prejudice to the s �ight of the STATE to recover any money previously aid. The termination shall be effective upon the STATE iving GRANTEE wri�ten notice at its last known ddress. - B. he STATE or GRANTEE may cancel this grant contract at � ny time, with- or without cause, upon sixty (60) days ritten notice to the other party. In the event of uch cancellation, GRANTEE shall be entitled to ayment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services _ atisfactorily performed. C. hould this grant contract be tenainated prior to the cheduled data, GRANTEE shall refund to the STATE all emaining unexpended grant contract monies within orty-five (45) days of the date of effective ermination. VI. STAT �8 AOTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE'S authori2ed agent for the urposes of administration of this grant contract is: Lore e A. Wedeking, Minnesota Department of Health. Such agen shall have that authority for acceptance of GRANTEE'S servi ces and if such services are accepted as satisfactory, shal so certify on each invoice submitted pursuant to Clau e II, paragraph B. 4 I . . � . � � �- ��-l�� ':II . ASSII NMENT. G�vTEE shall neither assigr. r.or transfe� an�- �igh s or obl iga�iens under t!:is grant c,^r:��act ��t::��. =::e prio �aritten consent cf t:�e STaTE. i �::T= . AME MENT3. any amendments tc *_Ris grant �ontract s:73'_1 �^? in �iting, and shall be executed by the same arties ti•no exec�ted the original grant contract or their suc�esscr=_ in offic�e. IX. LIAB�LITY. GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the S��TATE, its agents and employees harmless from any and all cllaims or causes of action arising from the performance of th' s grant contract by GRANTEE or GRANTEE ' S agents or emplo�ees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies GRANTEE may have for t�he STATE 'S failure to fulfi�l its obligations pursuant to this grant contract. X. 3TATE�, AUDITS. The books, records, documents, and � accou ting procedures, and practices of the GRANTEE relev nt to this grant contract shall be subject to exami ation by the STATE, the legislative auditor, and the - stateiauditor. Records shall be sufficient to reflect all costsiincurred in performance of this grant contract. XI . OWNERS�HIP OF DOCOMENTB. Any reports, studies, photographs, negati�ves, or other documents prepared by GRANTEE in the perfo ance of its obligations under this grant contract shall�e the exclusive property of the STATE and all such materi�ls shall be remitted to the STATE �y GRANTEE upon comple�ion, termination or cancellation of this grant contra t. GRANTEE shall not use, willingly allow or cause to hav� such materials used for any purpose other than perfon�ance of GRANTEE's obligations under this grant contra�t without the prior written consent of the STATE. XII. AFFZRMI�TIVE ACTION. GRANTEE certifies that is has received a certi�ficate of compliance from the Commissioner of Human Rights !ipursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 363 . 073 . -XIII. WORRER��S COMPEN3ATION. In accordance with the provisions of Minn�esota Statutes, Section 176. 182, the GRANTEE has provide�l acceptable evidence of compliance with the workersi' compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minneso�a Statutes, Section 176. 181, Subdivision 2 . XIV. ANTITRIIIT. GRANTEE hereby assigns to the State of Minneso�a any and all claims for overcharges as to oods 9 and/or �ervices provided in connection with this grant contrac resulting from antitrust violations which arise i 5 III , � ! ��r �� ��r.der he ar.ti*�r1.:st laas of t`.:e �^ite� S�a*_es �^� �,_e antitr st laws of the State of �Iinnesota. ���. DATA P I CTICES. The GRANTEE shal l ag�ee �o �nden�i�� a:�d save a�id hold the STATE, its agents and employees, harmless from a�y and all claims or causes of action arising Fro�^ a violat�on of any provision of Minnesota Statutes 13 . 01- 13 . 90. XVI . GRANTE shall provide nonpartisan voter registration servic s and assistance, using forms provided by the ST�TE-, to emp oyees of GRANTEE and the public as required by _ Minnes ta Statutes, 1987 Supplement, Section 201. 162 . - XVII. GRANTE certifies that no funding provided under this grant � contra t will be used to support religious counseling or partis n political activity. XVIII.OTHER �ROVI3ION8. - � A. G TEE agrees to utilize competitive bidding and other pr cedures required by Federal, State, and local laws, or inances, or regulations governing purchasing and fi 'cal procedures. � B. (T is paragraph has been deleted. ) C. G EE agrees to provide the STATE with the following gra t contract status reports which are due on the dat s listed below: July 31, 1988, December 31, 1988 , and July 31, 1989. A final report describing the grant _ act'vities will be provided to the STATE on or before Mar�Ch 1, 1990. D. TheIBTATE shall, during the course of this grant con�ract, evaluate GRANTEE'S progress towards goals and obj ctives of the grant contract and compliance with any' special conditions. The STATE reserves the right to equest additional information from GRANTEE to carry - out its evaluation. , E. c3�E8 agrees to make all its financial records rel ted to the grant contract available to the STATE upo request during normal working hours. F. If he GRANTEE has an independent audit, a copy of the aud t shall be submitted to the STATE. 6 � i . � ��'����' . �. G EE agrees �hat prior to subcontracting any �u:::s � ceived under �his grant contract it shali rece•�•�e �r itten approval from the STATE. The STATE will �esper.: t requests of GRANTEE for authorization to subcontracc within ten (10) working days of receiving the request. IN WITNESS EREOF, the parties have caused this grant contract to be duly xecuted intending to be bound thereby. ' (3) ATTORNEY GENERAL (If a corpo ation, two corporate By: _ officers mu t execu e. ) ; - Date• ,. _ By: • , �:� _�`r:... {-' r1-''��. Title: Mayor �, - (4) CONIIrITSSIONER OF � ►- ..�� .-,- ADMINISTRATION �.�.- _�__... Date: —� - �-� E!, .� � gy; B ,' '� ///1 /_` ,. Y: � ....:._ (.��r - %L�. Date: Title• Assis ant City Attorney — � ' (5) COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Date: i ��� / ' �� By: (2) STATE A �NCY OR DEPAR�NT Date: By: - � �.L^,� _ -! = • �, Title: ���-:_ . _ . Date: — S� - Misc./STPCO�J.WS2 Ol/07/88 sjt:jd �� ' . � i � f�, . y By: BY: ' �. ;�1 � '� J Titl�rect�Or of Community Service Title: Dir, of Finance & Management Date: � Date: �—��j�r _ „ }� � .P � . • ! � �'�-l�� . I MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH I =ace �heet � �or � =xhibit i , G�AyTEc'S Duties Indi_an Health Special Grant I - �I - 5 pages, numbered 1 through � I - - � (� �y � /� � �'Birector of Community Service Please initial : , i _ - �" - Assistant City Attorney - � I� CONTRACTOR: ��-ir— Mayor � , ,,�, —';��� ; Di rector of Fi nance and II _ a . !�anagement Service STATE AGENCY OR �_; � DEPARTMENT: ,' a . _ ATfORNEY 6ENERAL: - I COMMISSIONER Of _ � ADMINISTRATION: COhMISSIONER OF II FINANCE: I II I _ . i I � � , _ _ ' " : : ._- . __ - . _����� • _ _. =�. . . _ . ;.. -�, _ . _ GOAL I . ?age i �f � - - =='• _,�o „ ___ a--_ =_-•=-_='� _ == ==-_='� = , �==:_:_••= , �:__ _�..-= .._3_:..-C3Z°_ O =::�? =�.:.�- --�.. _'.._�' =_...,..,'_' '«.._.... 'N__� =?- -- - -". ---==-_ . �°-'- .-- - � _=- -� =- '_' _'. __ . _'� . __ � _�_-.. - =�-- =='. . �..,. '.. :2 3 c'-_ , °__-=---�. , _.._ - •- --.. 3-- -•• - _=- -- -_ -- -_- _�. ,^.3:_., _� 'w =- �.....-31 - -- --- = • OBJECTIVES �„ , v� , . -- - - - - ... y ,., ",�- -=3.. _...._�-: =x�=_ _s.._ .. _ _..=== �-- -_ . ?�_� ��...�= �,O'�..t_,% «_ � S'CLJ 3 � _ =_-=�g�� - - -... ' . ?c : _.. _..? ..�_....,����: �1::Ci? .��C=.`:?=S . 3 . 3,• g?r �,��i�3.^. _^^:�.^. � ^e- 3 " -- - � . .... X� .. _ .. _ "C_::°_-5 �� ., _ . ?3__ =�:^.5- �.O:i.^.=Y �ni� .� :."1CW 3 ��S C:°�^�°352 , _ =.^..T, 7�2 ) �^ �^:2 ..�:i.DE� .._ - =e�nage T� t::ers . �C 3y 1990 , merican Ind�an ?Y;,ec�an_ :�ot:�ers o� St . Paul/Rams�;; � Coun�y wi' 1 s^ow a 203 dec:ease ( *rom ? 985 ) in the number .^.c= recei�vi:;g p_�na=a1 c3re e: �ec�r..^._r.� �are in the ��:ird tri:,.es��� . ' � 3v � 990 , .�,erican Z.^.dian b�r=tis of S=. Paul;Ramsey County will �how a 2� �ecrease =_em i � y82 ) �n _:.e number of _�w bir_^ we�c�= �ir�as . " � E. By 1990 , .�:ericar. Z:�dian infan�s o� Ra�rsey Coun*_y wiil s:�ow a 10� decre se ( from t �78- � 983 ) �n t:�e nu:nber of in:an*_ rnortaliti s . � F Presently 25� of the clinic �.atie.^.�s with diagnosis o� '�yp�r- tension a e in compliance wlth the clinics nypertension heai_z care plan This will increase to 90$ by 1990 . 1G Presently 50$ of the clinic �emale patients receiving pap smears sh winq evidence of carcinoma or dysplasia referred to soecialis s are in compliance w:th clinics health care plan. This will increase to 90� by 1990. 1I Presently 108 of clinic patients with diagnosed diabetes are in compli nce with clinics !:eaith care plan. This will in- - crease to 90$ by 1990 . 1J Presently, 100$ of the clinic ratients diagnosed with anemia are in co pliance with the c:iric health care plan. The $ will be maintained through 1990, by .'ollow-up assuring compliance to clinic health care plan. 1KETHODS lA-B (a ) The N alth �ducator/.Jutreac!� w�rker will instruct 24 "yout choices classes" °or the St. Paul/Ramsey County Ameri an Indian popula�icn by the conclusion of 1990. � ... - _ .' . . _,.���-�- , J3ye ? �r : � ` ) �"` `�°3- -:, �C:l:C3=:: '=��--==3.... iVC=<°__ , �ia.^._�3_ . ' - . . _ ,. ' � =:»:� _3� - �il 1 1.^i5_Z'.:C_ 't � ni::,�, _.._�3=_.^..^. ?:�':a^__C^ :..d=525 _., �2 St. �3'_� ��.','.Sc'' ...:_:: --.c_ • _ : '�3:' _ - _- -_ - - "3:' '�:' . �O^.. � _ .... tI"1 CO.^.C_.._.�.': _ _ _ , . . - - _ , :'h P�,-=---3" ':_- == •-_---- -= - - -- � � • � - - , , , -�_ ..___s __.. _ �___ _ � _.;� `a. _ '_ _ _a-:-• • _--=__..._=-�-- =_ = - - ='�- � _�_a_s -� _.._ �.. .�..�..J�v.. :�� � : J .. , .. . _.. �°3�_.. _...._3_,._ . _ �__°_3�:.:: ;r�;=�?= , `�°.^,�.�.:3� -0 9 -_ - _5 'dl �^.i�,^.':�.^..? L� " ��_� 7E:'.C::�i..���:� `.i3»25 �� _.^. _'_ �= ?3'.:_. �3:T,ScV �C'...._ ':d_2 :s�:,Z=��3.^, ..^.C��3:. �C�..-=---•- :.�_ =:�e coa�1•.:sic^ �= ' ?9�3 . - _ • °- ' ::� �:ea__:� °_c•,.�a_c:, :..:=-�a�.. �;or{�r , tiurse , r� •s�_��:: - wl' 1 �rcviCe ir.�or:r,a�io;. o� c.�rerent iamily p��nr.:^.+, - Te hods and previde services in cnoices made :or ra:r,- il planning by *_he patien=s . 1 C-D-E ( a ) Th Case Manager o: *_:�e �re.^.a*_al clinic will perfor� co. uity awareness of _^e se:�ices available *_::rough _ tz prenatai clinic . T`�is will be accompliszed through 400 mailings of program brec�ures , 25 in-service nreser.- tatior.s , newspaper ar*_icies , and the distributioz� of brochures at community events by the conclusion of 1990 . ( b ) The OB/GYN Physician , �lurse , Practitioner, Medical assis- tan , Social Worker, Nutritionist , and �Iealth Edu:.a*_or will provide prenatal services to 50 expectant mothers by h conclusion of -1990 . 1 r (a ) The Physician, Nurse , Medical Assistant will provide 500 hyp rtension screenings considering blood pressure , age , and duration of elevated blood pressure. All patients mee ing the clinics cri*_eria for hypertension will enter - int the clinics follow-up tracking system, consisting of reatment goal , frequency of visits for pressure che ks , education, frequency of re-evaluation , and re- vie of records to assure comliance to clinic treatment pla by the conclusion of 1990 . 1 G (a ) The Physician will prov�de pap smears to 100 clinic fe- mal patients . Abnormal pap smear identified patients - wtl be referred to a gynecologist and followed up to ass re compliance at the clinics health care plan util- izi g the clinic' s patient tracking system, pap smear fil , and lab log by the conclusion of 1990. 1 H (a) The Physician, Nurse will provide immunizations to at lea t 90$ of the clinic ' s patients aqes 24-27 months and six years . The clinic will utilize its system to ident- ify enroll , and immunize newborns to assure provision of rimary immunizations and a tracking system which a- ler s staff to childhood immunizations which are due or ove due and triqqers appropriate follow-up this will be per ormed by the conclusion of 1990. , .r. ?3U� .'1��? �., -ci _ , _. ' ' � �� �� . age � OfS � i ( 3 ) 'iilE ClV51Cid^� VllZ52 � �'12G�1C3� �S5�5�3I"iL '+J111 `.^,ZOV1�2 .".�3- bete� teStl:.Q LO �.:.2i:=,.:12� �3;._Z^,�5 3� :?1Qt'1 Z1SX =�: diab tes bv being o�ese ' c_e3_er =`.�.a:� 20� c� ��ea1 �cC•. weig t ) , zavi^g a �c=- -- :� =a:r� •. .._s=.;r� o� �13DE=25 �_ preq.,anc.r . ':':;e �a�-°�= h--- --� . -� • -�_- '^�-=� =..e _---•= _= 313D��?5 .^:?31:..^. ^,3=°_ _^.i3:: CCI:315=�.':� C: 3 .T:OC.'�'i:12a .1�-' . . - =�: reg::d7C_: .,Zy^-=�5� , .:i�;.d^z�.:3 _S � =�5�1::G :.;�C� :.^�:" _5= .�. SCZ22.^ , r:{G , 7?� 3:,� _:,?5= X-�3V l_ :D� 15 .^,CS1__ . c °.�.'.:�c�=iC:'1 d:.0 °Oi1�W��.i`I �� 3S5'..re �O:?1C113.^:C°_ 0= .^:?3_ _.. , C3_? I^1�:: be�ore �:�e co^c�.:s:er. o� ' ��9Q . ' .: ! 3 ! T:�e hysic�ar. wiil cor.ti:�::� �o per=crT a:.e;�ia sc�=�r.i-:� _� *_ne atien*_s of *_he cli.^.ic ar.d �rc:•�de ^eal�z �are _'or diagr�osed anemia gatien�s . These pa*_ien*_s wii= be �o����_� �p hy{ c:^.art reviews to asssre compliazce to r�ealt^ �ar� _ pian ,' this will be accomplished *_hrougn-out 1990 . EVALUATION i 1 A-D ! a ) Nu ber of "Youth Choices Class2s" provided ( b ) �uml�er of AIIIS Education/Prevention Classes provided ; c ) �1um er of individuals receiving family planning inf�irmation ' ( d) Num�er of "Male Responsibility Classes" provided (e ) Cha ted family planning choices , methods utilization _ °- wit in patient files - 1 C-D-E (a ) Num�er of brochure mailing; number of in-services ; n�smber of ewspaper articles ; number of brochures taken at re- cor�ied community activities ( b) Num er of patients receiving prenatal serivices 1 F (a ) Num er of hypertension screeninqs provided; number of di�a nosed hypertension patients followed up for compliance; num�er of hypertension patients provided with clinic health car plan - 1 G (a) Nu r of papa smears provided; up-to-date pap smear file; up- o-date lab log 1 H (a ) Per entage of patients immunizated 1 I (a ) Rec rded diabetes testing; patient diabetes healtb care pla� provided; follow-ups performed on at-risk anz/car diag- nos d diabetes patients 1 J (a ) Chaz�ted anemia patients provided with health care plan; foll�ow ups performed on diaqnosed anemic patients J J�. ?dl1 i .. �l .., ..� , �'1 rf' ' . � � � Page 4 Of 5 ��j�-���, GOAL 2: ' "" � To administ r the activi:ies of t:�e St . Paul ::rban Indian ::eai�^ Board in accorda ce witZ Board policies and directi�es and �::ndi^g source requireme ts on grants receiv2d and �ur.ctior.s served. OBJECTIVES: 2A. To =1 va�� :iscal _.._eg_ity or. alI accc�.:r.ts and grant; rec�i Ad. ZB. To el Ivace e`Fect_i�:e personnel :^anagemer.t and s:a_°= devel oment . 2C. To co�rdinate depar_:nent%orogram services , inte=age.^.c_: activil�ties , -ar.d service needs . METHOD: 2A( a ) . To mai tain a mon�hly financial and quarterly reporting system to :.he Baord and appropriate source agency. 2A( b) . To mai tain invoicing/budget control systems to Community - Health Services and other funding sources as appropriate. 2A(c ) . To pro ide applicable year-end program summary and analysis as app opriate . 2Atd) . To pro ide for annual financial reports/audits as required by fundin sources . 2B( a ) . In acc�rdance with-Board recommendations , reruit , interview/ employ , number of persons essential/approved for agency operat�ons . 2B(b) . Resear h/identify individual/staff development sources con- sisten with specialty area. 2BCc ) . Provid� an annual appraisal and recommendations/staff adjustn�ents to the Board as appropriate. 2B(d) . Provid for weekly/biweekly staff ineetings and reports. 2Cta) . Ta coo dinate and provide systems diversification through d�valo ment of interagency agreements and understandings . 2C(b) . To pro ide liaison with appropriate public/private insti- tutions as appropriate. EVALOATIONs 2A(a ) . Monthly�/quarterly reporting system to Board of Directors and other a�gency/source as appropriate. � 2A(b) . Actual/�rojected proqram expenditures. 2A(c-d) Employ ICertified Public Accountant - Annual Report and audit. i _,t�i :.i *. i: ��a`���� ., �i;i._� �' St. Paul Indian �'ea' th Grani ♦ f I U , i Page 5 Of 5 ���� i 28( a ) . Numb r of persons hired. 2B( b1 . Pers nnel development sourcesirescurc�s . 2B( c ) :work plan/staff adjustme.^.ts . 2B(d ) . Meet ' ngs and staff acti�ity reports . 2C(a ) Lett r of understandingiinteragency agreements . 2C( b ) . Liai on/interagency activi*y. - , �I I �i , ���' . . .�t° �13659 , Ga��iauLi. Serv' DEPAItZ`1�:NT .- - - - - ruie ca i . _CONTACT NAHE —�. -_ ,_� . ' 29�,-77�3 PHONE � , 15 198 DATE ASS (See reverse side.) �Department Dir ctor RECEIV�� 3 Mayor (or As�istant) RECEIVED 4 Finance and lia g�m t Services Director 5 City Clerk Budget D�re�to . �AN 0 � ��$9 — DEC 1 91988 +� City Attorney _ . �l. h� ( , 0 L : ��CL"i��H�����ons for signature.) T il G 0 0 C 4 (Purpose/Rationale) Resoluti:on t�o all ci.� signatures, as authorized by the St. _Paul Board of Health, on an �ent be City of S�. Paul, th�.rough its Division of PubLic Healfh and th,e MinrLesota t �lof Health. Under �terms of the a�resnent, the Urb�an Tr�c3i.an Health Boarcl wi11 codx�uct servi ces listed in the ccmtract. COS U G AND PERSO L Ftzrxling will be fram the Minnesota D��t of Health for tl�e c�ontra+ct period o� January 1, 1988 DeceN�er 31, 1989. Total :a�awzt of the oo�tra,ct i$ $72,744. � No persor�nel ' anticipated. 'i'hi.s aontract naast be appr�oved tc> reooa� the $15,418 that the C ty disbursed t�o this clinic in 1988. RECEIVEQ FINANC N SO C D V R C n JAN 0 31989 (�iayor's signature ot r quired if under $10,000.) Total Aa�ount of T ansg tion: $72,744 Activity Numbe�: 33�2 Y��S C�FICE Funding Source: D�^trn�lzt of Health ATTACHMENTS: (List and umber all attachments.> Co�,n��� Research Center. Y. Agreement - Or g' a. �asolutio�n ` JA N �5 ;v$9 ADMINISTRATIVE PROC DU E _Yes _No R le$, egulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No I yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW ' CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW , _Yes _No Co il '� solution required? Resol�ition required? Yes � ./ _Yes _No Ins ar�ce xequired? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No /!/� _Yes _No Ins atkce attached? i S ` �iOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET ;� .. . _ �..� �:.,:,. The GREEN SHEET has three PURPOSES: . � _ 1. to ass3st in routing documents and in securing required signatures; 2. to bri8f the ravie�rers of docwaents on the impacts of appraval; 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if reqnirad, . attached. . Providing complete information under the. listed t�eadings enables revie�ers to make decisions on the documents and eli�inates follow-up contscts that may delay execution. Below is the prefarred ROUTING for the five mast frequent tppes of documents: - CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. �'inance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting Note: If a CONT, tF�CT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract �ust al�rays be signed by the outside� agency before routing through City offices. �A,DMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDE& (all. others) 1. Activity l�anager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Account�nt 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. Citq Clerk 5. City Clerk , 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services COUNCIL "RESOLUTION (Budget Amendment/Grant Aeceptance) COUNGIL RESOLIITION (all others) 1. Department Director l. Departm�nt Director 2. Budget Director � 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney " 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clark 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services The COST,�BENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to expla3.n the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (8eneral Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to usera, homeowners", or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PROCH:DURES section must be completed to indicate whether additional administrative procedures, including rules, regul�tions, or resource proposals a�e necessary for implementation of an ordinance or resolution.. If yes, the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. SUPPORTYNG MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS sectton, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is Nell done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions). Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be .one 'of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council resolutfons include contractual relationships with other governmental units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds bq City; eminent domain; assumption of liability by City, or granting by �City of indemnif3aation; agreements with state or federal government under which they are providing funding; budget amendments.