89-60 � � WHITE - C�TV CLERK I PINK . - �y1NANCE I COl1�1C11 BL�E~v - MA�VORTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAUL � Q File N 0. � � C uncil Resolution � g Presented By ' � Re red To Committee: Date Out of mittee By r e �" jl. . WHEREAS. the Councii � of the City of Saint Paui has adopted the 5aint Paul Legislative qode, Chapters 33 through 50. Building and Housing, Chapters 55 t�hrough 58, Fire Code. and Chapters 60 through 67, Zoning Code; �and WHEREAS, the goai� of these chapters are to sustain safe, decent. sanitary, and habitabl� housing and maintain the housing stock in the City of Saint Paul ; �nd WHEREAS, the Coun il of the CitY of 5aint Paul has demonstrated a strong concern to u grade and maintain the City's housing stock; and WHEREAS, the Stat�e of Minnesota has shown a great concern for housing problems anc� has created the Governor's Cortmission on Affordabie Housing for ,�the 1990's; and WHEREAS. the Gov�rnor's Commission on Affordable Housing for the 1990's has recomme�,ded the appointment of referees to hear housing cases; and WHEREAS, the Gov�rnor's Commission on Affordable Housing for the 1990's has recortme�ded the establishment of a rent escrow system; and WNEREAS, the Go�ernor's Commission on Affordable Housing for the 1990's has recommendedistricter penalties for non-compiiance with court orders; andi � -1- i COUNCIL MEMBERS ent of: Yeas Nays Requested by Departm Dimond �� � in Favor Goswitz Rettman i � e1�� _ Against BY So�nen � Wilson i Form pproved y Ci ,A r Adopted by Council: Da�e C _ Certified Passed by Council S�cretary BY By. Approved �Vlav : ate _�.— Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � . By i BY WHITE - GTV CLERK '' COURCII PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA iI L ��-��O Cf�JPRV -.•D6PARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �, �' � ou il Resolution ; � � �� Presented By _ Ref rred To Committee: Date Out of ' ee By * a e —. �^ y FINALLY WHEREA5, the Councii of the City of Saint Paul feels that an adoption of t e recommended stricter penaities for non-comQliance with court orders by the Ramsey County District Court, is absolutely essentiai to nsure such safe, decent, sanitary and habitabie housing in the City o 5aint Paul ; and therefore be it RESOLVED. that the,Council of the City of 5aint Paui request that the Ramsey County Distri t Court implement the City of Saint Paul 's strong concern to upgrade an maintain the City's housing stock and wouid review the concept of a ousing court; and FURTHER RESOLVED. hat the proposed fines for multipie violations should only be consi ered as regards continuing violations at a particular property and pccurring in anY twelve (12) month period; and FINALLY RESOLVED, hat the Council of the City of Saint Paui would request that the Rams�y County District Court would take under its advisement the suggestep revised fine schedule as attached and would here to consider taki g appropriate action to implement the schedule as they see appropria e; and ' -2- COUNCIL MEMBERS ' Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Favor Gosw;tz �e�j � Against BY Sonnen , Witson ' Form prove by C' A orne Adopted hy Council: Date . � Certified Passed C n 'l Secre�ar B gy, Appr v by Ma r: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council \ By —_ WHITE — C1TV CLERK PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �� p` � eCIrNARV..—D€PARTMENT BI.U'r — MAVOR File NO. � ' ,� � ou c ' es ution . Presented B -� Ref rred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By .D �^ � REVISED FINE SCHEDULE: SCH�DULE G HOUSING AND BUILDINGjCODE ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS PROPOSED PROPOSED FINE FINE EXISTING PROPOSED SECOND THIRD CODE V10l�ATION F1NE FINE VIOLA7ION V10LATION 9702 Failing to maintain exterior property areas $30 $300 $450 $750 9703 Faiiing to maintain �xterior structure $30 $200 $300 $750 9704 Failing to maintain �nterior structure $30 $350 $525 $750 9705 Failing to maintain upporting structural members structuraily �sound $100 $250 $375 $750 9706 Faiiing to exterminai�e rodents, insects and other vermin and�!or to rodent proof the dweiling $100 $400 $600 $750 9707 Failing to maintain tDasic facilities $50 $500 $750 $750 9708 Failing to install arid maintain facilities and equipment $50 $400 $600 $750 9709 Unsafe and unsanitar� maintenance $100 $500 $750 $750 9710 Occupancy (required $pace and room location) $50 $100 $150 $750 9711 inadequate light and Iventilation $30 $100 $150 $750 9712 Inadequate electricai outlets $50 $100 $150 �750 9713 Minimum standards fo�± safety from fire $100 $500 $750 $750 9714 Occupants responsibility $30 $400 $600 $750 9715 Rooming houses fviol�tions) $30 $100 $150 $750 9716 Insufficient facilities in rooming house and/or improperly lodated faciiites $50 $500 $750 $750 9717 Inspection (access f�r inspection) $300 $300 $450 $750 9718 Condemnation (allowirtg occupancy of condemned unit) $300 $500 $750 $750 Nuisance Abatement (�s defined by Chapter 45 $500 $750 $750 of the St. Paui Legislative Code) COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i.ong � [n Favor Goswitz Rettman B �be1�� _�__ Against Y Sonnen Wilson ' Form A roved City tt ey � � Adopted hy Council: Date � c Certified Passed by Council Secretary By sy t�►ppro e 14 or: C}3tQ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �3�y-� � . By _ . WHITE - CITV CLERK PI!4K -�FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. � � � � C.fNARV - D€PARTMEN7 . -� BLUt - MAVOR � � • • ;�� � , ou c� Pso on P�esented B�` Refe ed To � �mi tte� ? ate1 �� ' � Out of Committee By Date REVISED FINE SCHEDULE: � SCHECIULE G HOUSING AND BUILDINGICODE ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS PROPOSED PROPOSED FINE FINE EXISTING PROPOSED SECOND THIRD CODE VIO ATION FINE FINE VIOLATION VIOLATION 9726 Working without perm t $100 $300 $450 $750 9727 Occupation of buildi g without valid certificate of occup nce $300 $500 $750 $750 9863 Working without a va id business license $100 $300 $450 $750 9729 Working without a va id contractor's licens $100 $300 $450 $750 Working without certificate of competence ( instailer) : 9730 Gas installer $100 $300 $450 $750 9731 Oil burner $i00 $300 $450 $750 9732 Plumber # gas piping $100 $300 $450 $750 9733 Steam and Hot waterlheat $100 $300 $450 $750 9734 Warm air heating 8 vl�entilation $100 $300 $450 $750 9735 Refrigeration $100 $300 $450 $750 9736 concrete masonery 8lcement finishing $100 $300 $450 $750 9737 lathing and pasterir�g $100 $300 $450 $750 9738 Violation of techniqal provisions of Builidng Code � $50 $300 $450 $750 9742 Zoning code violatidns $100 $300 $450 $750 9743 Failure to registerlvacant buiiding $50 $250 $375 $750 9744 Failure to Secure v�cant building $100 $300 $450 $750 9745 violation of party ali ordinance $50 $250 $375 $750 9746 Abandonment - refus� to canplete project $300 �500 $750 $750 I COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays . Requested by Department of: Dimond ��� II [n Favor �t� � ��;� Against BY Sonnen Wilson JNN I � 1(�89 Form prove y City tt ey �,, � Adopted by Council: Date i �- ,' Certified Pa.s u cil y BY � By , I#pproved by Mavor•. D e � � i � ���9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By� 1r. �Ji.y $y p���� .���`� `? 81989 � C.�.��-�-,-� I'i Members: ��-�� �, Janice Rettman, chair r� � CITY OF sAINT PAUL Bill Wiison `�'L t'�; ' Bob Lon OFI`IC� OF 2`I3E CITY COUNCIL g D�te: January S, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN ' Councilperson Committee Report To: Saint Paui City Council From : Com unity and Human Services Committee Jani e Rettman, Chair � A meeting of the commu�ity and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, January 4, 1989, at 1:�0 p.m. 1. Approval of Minute of December 21, 1988 meeting. Minutes approved a submitted on 3-0 vote. 2. City Council Agend 8/25/88, Item No. 30: Resolution - 88-1408 - Requesting the Administration to �eview the report �nd recommendations of the Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission nd any information available through the Attorney General's Task Force on Viol nce Against Women. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) (Laid over to December 7, 1988 for preparation of preliminary standard draft.) Laid over to December 21, 1988 for presentation of final draft ordinances and parl�ing ramp minimum standards.) (Introduction of ordinance amending Chapter 417 of thelLegislative Code regarding parking lots and ramps. Laid over to January 4, 1989 mee�ting.) Ordinance submitte amending Chapter 417 of the Legislative Code regarding parking lots and ramps. L id over in Committee for 60 days with caveat that any changes ' will be submitted ithin a 45-day period. This recommendation is made at the request of Bill Bu h, representing some parking lot owners. 3. Continuation of ro ndtable discussion on housing tags, where they belong: The Court System or T. .B. (Traffic Violations Bureau) . Discussion on how to restore tagging as an enfo cement tool for inspectors, discussion on creation of Housing Court -- pros and ons. Michael Calvert, Criminal Case Manager, as well as all key components, will b invited to participate. (Continued from October 19, 1988.) On a unanimous vots of 4-0, and with Committee authorship, the following resolutions are recommended fo� approval and submitted to the City Council for action: (A) Resolution re uesting the Administration to draft appropriate legislation to utilize the G vernor's Commission on Affordable Housing for 1990's recommendations. (B) Resolution to 'work jointly with the County to establish pilot project for Housing Courtr and that Saint Paul be the appropriate site for such a court. . : . �r... r .,,^.:t1 � e` �C� �'� �,��'*'=��:� 8 ' � �:��"°3t�vis�ee� �a.ne� c �..C. 1�.::i^,'.�'.-• � . , . � . CITY HALL KOOM NO. 7]_8 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5239 i S+�.p 46