89-58 WHITE - CITV CLERK COI�[ICII PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L ��"�� CANARV - DEPARTMEN 7 BLUE - MAVOR , FIIe NO. � �C ncil Resolution . � -� Presented By j > } So Refer d To Committee: Date Out o ommittee B T ate ^ � 1�� WHEREAS, the C uncil of the City of St. Paul has adopted the 5aint Paul Legisiati e Code, Chapters 33 through 50, Building and Housing, Chapters 5 through 58, Fire Code, and Chapters 60 through 67, Zoning Co e: and WHEREAS. the goals of these chapters are to sustain safe, sanitary, and habitable !housing and maintain the housing stock in the City of Saint Paui ; and WHEREAS, the St�ate of Minnesota has shown a great concern for i�ousing problems �nd has created the Governor's Commission on Affordable Housing fc�r the 1990's; and WHEREAS, the G vernor's Commission on Affordable Housing for the 1990's has rec nded the appointment of referees to hear housing court cases; an WHEREAS, the G vernor's Commission on Affordable Housing for the 1990's has rec ended the establishment of a rent escrow system; and FINALLY WHEREA , the Governor's Commission on Affordable Housing for the 1990's ha recommended stricter penalties for non-compliance with court ord rs; and therefore be it RESOLVED, thatjthe Council of the City of Saint Paul requests that the Mayor's /�dministration require the appropriate City departments and Divisions to implement the City Council 's intent to work with the State of Minnesota to draft enabiing legislation for the City of Saint Paul to utilize these recommendations in achieving the goals of code enforcemerht and correcting property maintenance problems. i COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� in Favor Goswitz Rettman d s�6e;�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson JAN � � 1� Form Ap by Cit At rn Adopted by Council: Da�e � Certified Passe ncil S cr y BY � By, i Appro by Ma or: �ate� __� � � ,g�9 APP�oved by Mayor for Submission to uncil \ � _ _ BY p�� .;;'a.�� ? �� 1989 � � C�.��-�N� . Members: ���`� � � ;,., ` � Janice Rettman, chair � � ':� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Bill Wilson "�L t''' • Bob Lon OFrIC� Oi` '1`I3E CITY COUNCIL g ,.�„ ,_.... ' Date: January S, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN Councilperson , Committee Report To: Saint F�aul City Council From : Co munity and Human Services Committee Ja ice Rettman, Chair G A meeting of the co unity and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, January 4, 1989, at�:30 p.m. 1. Approval of Minu�tes of December 21, 1988 meeting. Minutes approved as submitted on 3-0 vote. 2. City Council Age�ida 8/25/88, Item No. 30: Resolution - 88-1408 - Requesting the Administration t review the report and recommpndations of the Governor's Blue Ribbon Commissio and any information available through the Attorney Gen�ral's Task Force on Vi lence Against Women. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITT E.) (Laid over to December 7, 1988 for preparation of preliminary standard draft.) (Laid over to December 21, 1988 for presentation of final draft ordinances and p rking ramp minimum standards.) (Introduction of ordinance amending Chapter 417 of t e Legislative Code regarding parking lots and ramps. Laid over to January 4, 1989 �eeting.) . Ordinance submit ed amending Chapter 417 of the Legislative Code regarding parking lots and ramps. Laid over in Committee for 60 days with caveat that any changes ' will be submitte within a 45-day period. This recommendation is made at the request of Bill �uth, representing some parking lot owners. 3. Continuation of oundtable discussion on housing tags, where they belong: The Court System or .V.B. (Traffic Violations Bureau) . Discussion on how to restore tagging as an en�orcement tool for inspectors, discussion on creation of Housing Court -- pros an cons. Michael Calvert, Criminal Case Manager, as well as all key components, will be invited to participate. (Continued from October 19, 1988.) On a unanimous v te of 4-0, and with Committee authorship, the following resolutions are recommended or approval and submitted to the Cit (A) ��,solution equesting the Administration to draft appropriate legislation to �utiliz� C�i�" �over�or's Commission on Affordable Housing for 1990`s recommendations. (B) Resolution o work jointly with the County to establis pi ot pro�ect for Housing Cou t, and that Saint Paul be the appropriate site for such a court. (C) Resolution �equesting the District Court to consider the establishment of a Housing Cou�t and to implement the Revised Fine Schedule G. CITY HALL I�OOM NO. 7).8 SAINT YAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 II B�o 46 � wMiTE — cirr CLERK COUrtCIl PINK „ — F12��.NCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL .�9-�+9 tANA�iY�— DEPARTMENT ' BLUE —MAVOR File NO. ,� �ounci Resolu '0 7 � Presented By � ' • v Ref ed To ommittee: Date ����v r�.".. � ` I Out of mmi By ate WHEREA5, the Cou cii of the City of St. Paui has adapted the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Chapters 33 through 50, Buiiding and Housing, Chapters 55 through 58. Fire Code, anci Chapters 60 through 67, Zoning Code, and WHEREAS, the g als of these chapters are to sustain safe. sanitary, a�d habitable h using and maintain the housing stock in the City of Sa i nt Pau 1 ;j and � WHEREAS. the Sta�e of Minnesota has shown a great concern for housing problems anld has created the Governor's Cortmission on Affordable Housing forlthe 1990's; and WHEREAS, the Gov rnor's Commission on Affordable Housing for the 1990's has recomm ded the appointment of referees to hear housing court cases; and WHEREAS, the Gov rnor's Commission on Affordable Housing for the 1990's has recomm nded the establishment of a rent escrow system; and WHEREAS, the Gov rnor's Commission on Affordabie Housing for the 1990's has recomr�ende stricter penalties for non-compliance with court orders; and FINALLY WHEREAS, the Governor's Commission on Affordable Housing for the 1990's has recommended that Hennepin. Ramsey, and St. Louis Counties participate! in a pilot project which would estab) ish a rent escrow system, str+icter penalties for non-compliance with court orders, and the appointment of referees to hear housing cases; and therefore be it COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i.00g In Favor Goswitz Rettman b B �hQ1�� A gai nst y Sonnen Wilson Form Ap ved b City tto y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Yassed y cil Secretar BY g�, A►ppro e Mav • a e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ��� By p�(�.IS}1�p ���.�� �? � ��89