89-55 WHITE - CITV CIERK �� . PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF' SA I NT PAU L Council �/J_��' BI.0 ERY-MAV ORTMEN T � E S ,L U T I 0 N File N O. Ordinance N�. Presented By �� �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the � City of Saint Paul must currently comply with Minnesota De�artment of Transportation rules regarding MSA street widthiand parking requirements; and WHEREAS, theiCity frequently requests variances to these rules which cost c�insiderable staff time and effort; and WHEREAS, the�e rules do not recognize the "built-up" nature of first class �ities and the hardship that these rules place on first class �ities and their residents; and WHEREAS, thejCity of Saint Paul unsuccessfully petitioned the Department ojf Transportation for amendments to these rules; RESOLVED, th�t the City of Saint Paul supports legislation to remove the M�SA street width and parking requirements contained in Minnesotalrules Chapter 8820 for cities of the first class and directs �City lobbying staff to propose such legislation for the 1989ilegislative session. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ' ��g In Favor coswit�'''�' j Rettman s�be;�ei i Against BY Sonnen Wilson a�AN � �: 1989 Fo Approv d by 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat�e 1 Certified Passe b cil Se�Cr y BY � By Approved ayor: Date c, �AN 1 � �9U� Appro e May for ission to Council sy IPl�S� J%�� 2 ! 1989 �<>J� _` ' � � r:� � I' GITY OF SAINT PAUL ieiif�i�"�_� ; OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL �� James Scheibel, Chair Committee of the Whole I �'� Date: January 9, 1989 I! COMMITTEE REPORT To: SAINT PAULICITY COUNCIL From: CITY COUNCIL LEGISLATION COMMITTEE � l.a MS,A ,Stlreet tandards �w,�Tt�EE ;ppMM�NDED APPROV.4L 2. Tax Status �f City and HRA-Owned Parking Ramps COMMITTEE R�COMMENDED APPROVAL (3 - 1 vote) 3. The Year of' the City COMMITTEE R�COMMENDED APPROVAL � 4. Property Ta� Reform COMMITTEE R�COMMENDED APPROVAL 5. Fingerprintling of Firefighters COMMITTEE R�COMMENDED LAYOVER TO A FEBRUARY DATE 6. Bonding All cation COMMITTEE COMMENDED APPROVAL I il i CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ' 5��46 " ` , T3RIEFI?�G PAPER: P1SA STRi:I:'f STAND/1RDS � � � , � — �� BACKGRQUND Minnes�ta Statutes 162. 13 establishes two criteria for the . disbur' al of MSA Street Fund monies: 50% of the monies is : apport�oned among the cities with population of 5 ,000 or more , depend' ng upon specific population figures; und 50% is apport 'oned among cities with a population of 5 ,000 or more , depend�ng upon specific needs for the funding. The "money needs", are defined in statute as "the estimated cost or constr�cting and maintaining over a period of 25 years the munici al state-aid street system in such city. " The statute create a "Screening Committee, " which includes nine engineers from e�.ch state highway construction district, and one engineer from each city of the first class. The Screening Committee reviews mileage and money needs for the cities. •. Minnes ta. Rules, Chapter 8820 , sets up the regulations for state-�id operations. Chapter 8820.9912 states that Urban State-Aid Streets, two lane-collectors, require 36 feet - distan�e between curbs for one-sided parking, and 44 feet for two-si ed parking. A Variance Committee is appointed bp the Commis ioner of Transportation to investigate and determine a � recomm�ndation for each variance. The Variance Committee consid rs: Economic, social, safety and environmental : impact�; effect on adjacent lands; number of persons affected; effect on future maintenance; safety considerations; effectiveness of the project in eliminating a deficiency in . the tr�nsportation system; and the effect the rule and standa ds map have on the local government regarding burden of t: enforc�ement. - STATUS The Cilty of Saint Paul routinely requests variances for MSA ' street width and parking requirements when reconstructing city streets. This appeal process is time consumino and on _ occasion the city has had its requests turned down. MSA - street funds are withheld if the City does not comply with the rules. The' current street width rules do not take into consideration the "b��uilt up" nature of first class cities. Due to their • age , first class cities are often unable to widen their street�s due to the lack of existing public rightrof-way, lack of adequate snow storage space , the potential loss of trees and_ their high replacement cost. _ The r les setting forth street widths and parking restrictions- � ' � do no� recognize the- severe hardship to residents due to� the lack f adequate on-street parking, small lot size and/or pre-ga�rage era construction in neighborhoods in cases where . the reigulations require a parking ban on one or two sides of the stjreet. � • I I .� .,;, Briefins� PaPer: MS� � pa�e 2 /,��':c� (; In 198GIthe City of Saint Paul petitioned the Commissioner of - �. Transpo�}tai:ion for amendments to L-tle Department' s rules regardi g MSA street width And parking requirements. The petitio� was denied. • Tti� SAI�T PAUL POSITION The City! of Saint Paul supports legislation to remove the MSA street �idth and parking requirements contained in Minnesota rules, hapter 8820 for cities of the first class. The City lobbyin� staff is directed to introduce and lobby such legisla�ion during the 1989 session. I '� � I I . ' . I - I h I i II . .e I I •• � - .r . .. • I I , .r ; ���-�� . _� . ' . . . � � . �I ��/ � WHEREA4S, the •City of Saint Paul must currently comply with Minnes�ota Department of Transportation rules regarding MSA . street width and parking requirements; and • WHEREA�S, the City frequently requests variances to these rules which Icost considerable staff time and effort; and WHEREA�S, these rules do not recognize the "built-up" nature of firsticlass cities and the hardship that these rules place on - firsticlass cities and their residents; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul unsuccessfully petitioned the Departlment of Transportation for amendments to these rules; ��" RESOLV'IED, that the City of Saint Paul supports legislation to removeI the MSA street width and parking requirements contained in Minlnesota rules Chapter 8820 for cities of the first class and dilrects City lobbying staff to propose such legislation for thle 1989 legislative session. • - i �I . .... - . . , .. ,_ . � , . . . . . �