89-47 WHITE — CITV CLERK ' COI1flC1I PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL �— �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �I BLUE - MAVOR ��' Flle NO• , � ncil Resolution �� ; Presented By Referred Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date I RESOLVED: Th t application (ID #14348) for the Transfer of an On Sale Liquor (A) , On Sale Sunday Liquor, Restaurant (D) & ooming House License issued to The University Club of St.; Paul DBA The University Club of St. Paul , Dorlald J. Burgess, Pres. , at 420 Summit Avenue, be and th ' same is hereby transferred to The University Club of St. Paul DBA The University Club of St. Paul , Jo n Rupp, Pres. at the same address, with the following stipulation: i That all outstanding food code violations are corrected by �� �3�-�--$� . � i �I � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays �� Requested by Department of: Dimund ��g [n Favor Goswitz Rettman � B �6e1�� __ Against Y _Sewwen ���e+� � � � � Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: D te . . 'n �!` Certified Pa.s Council , ret By W �25 By tapproved Mavor• D e _ ��� — a 1�_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , gy BY (J � ' 1�11"k�.�6t'.�re .,. .'.`d �>y �J ti_. � . 1;���- �� . • DIVISION OF LICEN E AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �� �q ��� / �(l� INTERDF.PARTNIENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud � Applicau _����Home Address y�j�(p �,`,,,,,�,.;,�__� .�-U � Rusiness Name � r � ��me Phone ��1� �(00�,3 6 ,\ Business Address ,�,���`� _ Type of License(s)� , t J.J Business Phone p� 4� �S ��3 �. �jk„Q, �, —-- -- ------- Public Hearing Dal e 5 p� License I.D. # ��� � � at 9:00 a.m. in t e Coun i1 ambers, 3rd floor City Ha 1 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4C ��"Il� (�5 $� llate Nutice Sent; � —�g.'�� C��! l Dealer �� � '� to Applicant �J rederal Firearms 4� � � Public Nearing - - � —�^ - - a -3 i - � ` � � ._. DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COrII�IENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D Gi� � � � � �p_� ' �� i o.8 /��' Health Divn. '� ' �'��°°�� � ' ����� ' n � � Fire Dept. � � � � � � i � � � Police Dept. �� � � a�� �, /� n ' ) YW rd�- License Divn. � � � I � I � � City Attorney � � ��a� � o� Date Received: /ala (�/�.�/ U� Site Plan �� To Council Research Lease or Letter _ D e from Landlord 115 '6Y --- I CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: e Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: � . � ��3�s ' City of Saint Paui " Department of Finance and Management Services License and Permit Dimsio� ���-1 f� � 203 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-298-5056 APPLICATION FOR LICENSE ' CASH CHECK CLASSNO� New Renew � � � � ' Date 19� Code No. Title of I,icense From 19�To 19� a b`�4 1�!� G� " � o Z O�v f _ . � � �l.a �r.�rn d� S �_ j o � I h� � ,� �n Y�;�e��r�� 1 , , �_� �..G� r:i �t�-_u./ r ( ApplitanVCompan Name t T— 1� �_ "13 �L � ' ( � �GLw► � 100 Buslness Name � '`U�sZ ' (,�a '` �(.��vr�� � too �`t pZ U � .�r.-r���tr--�v - ola�-S�S�� 8usi�ess Address Phone No. 100 �>�• i 100 Mail to Address Phone No. ; 100 l ManapedOwner ame 100 2.�t� — ,�� S(..�.-�r,�..l�. �• , �vo�� 100 AtanagerfGwner•Nome Addross Phone No. 4098 Application Fee 2 50 Recefved the Sum of � �Q, 0 ���� E �n ; Q,,�,�..��.��,�„���������4- Managsr/0wner-Ciry,State d 2ip Code 10� �� Total 100 ; i License Inspector - By: �J �� Signeturs OI Appliea�t � , �� . Bond• I YPr,�� A-rv,eri� �� �0 5 �(05-1 GtSC �.tt1�� __ _ L Company Name Poticp No. Expiration Date Insurance� � � ' • ✓ L-C� l�� � � . 1 `�"� Company Name Po�icr No. Expiration Date Minnesota State Identification I�o. `S l�l�fi'�5� Social Security No. I Vehicle Information: Strial Number Plate Number Other. THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION THlS IS NOT A LICENSE TO�PERATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordlnanCe and complmtion of he inspections by the Health, Fire, Zoniny and/or License I�spectors. � $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS J ;� � ' ,���-�.Y� � � , I � �-�� ��� �� , t • . . I . Appiication No. Oate Received gy II CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE IPJTOXICATING LIQUOR LICcNSE SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CIUB INTOXICATI�VG LIQUOR IICENSE , OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions : This form �ust be filled out with t ewri in h 1 yp ter or by print�ng in k by t e so e owner, by ieach partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. � THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name Of �1C2f1S�� _� Sale Li�uor; Sunday On Sale T,i4nnr; Rnnmin� Hnnca 2. Located at (address) 420 University Avenue 3. Name under which bu iness will be operated The university ciub of st. Paul 4. True Name John Richard Ru Phone 224-5843 First Middle Maiden Last 5. Date of Birth 5/'20/48 Place of Birth � st. Paul, Minnesota Month, Oay, Year o'. Are you a citizen o the United States? Yes � Native� x Naturalized 1. Home Address 366 �summit Avenue, st. Paul, MN Home Telephone 291-8623 8. Including your pres nt business/employment, what business/empToyment have you followed for the past five y ars? Business/ , ployment Address ' ,34l� S�t�in.i' AvF/yNB Self-emplayed developjer/attorney ��-, �!_--___��1Q. , St. Paul, MN S�a�ta�A, ��8-��a��t,r-0 e�T--6�aa•'r University Club of St. Paul, 420 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN 9. Married? Yes If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. Peggy Rupp, 366 Su it Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � , . G'� ��-��;, 10. 4ave you ever been c�onvict�d of any felony, crime ar violation of any city ordinance, • other than traffic? Yes yo X J . , � Date of arrest 19 Nhere Charge Convictian ,� Sentence Oate of arrest � 19 Where � Charqe � ' Conviction Sentence 1?. Retail 3eer Federal �'iax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp �Nil1 be used. 12. C1oSe5t 3.2 P1dC� '� ChurCh Virginia Street School Vocational Church I3. Closest intoxicating, liquor place. On Sa12 Commodore Off Sale Gourmands i�. List the names and r�sidenc�s of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the a�plicant or financialiy interested in the premises or business , �Nno nay be rzTerred to a� to the applicant' s character. � Varrte � Address G.R. Cheesebrough , 1351 Highland Parkway, St. Paul, MN 55116 John M. Miller 52 Inner Drive, �4, St. Paul, MN 55116 George Latimer 754 Linwood , St. Paul, MN 55105 I5. Address or premises �or which application is made 420 Su�it Avenue, St. Paul, rns 55102 Zone Classiffcatton Phone 222-1751 16. 6etween what crass sitreets? Ramsev and Arundel Which side of Strest South 17. Are premises now acct�pied? Yes What Business? 'rhe University Club of St. Paul How LOng? Approx. �5 years '_3. List licenses which yau c:�rrentty hotd, or fo rneriy heid, ar may have an inLerest in. �+ow H9ae�ert �snort/LnT tNG � si+iNo�� snSM /�C/li � •�Or's'r..o�r�7 c},roa[ir_.s/ On Sale Liauor - , W.A. Frost & Co. , Commodore, Inc. , Hyde Park Sunday On Sale Liquc�r - W.A. Frost & Co. , Commodore, Inc. , Hyde Park I4. 4ave any of the lic:mses lis�ed by Jou in Vo. 18 ever 5een r�vaked? Yes �Vo x Ir answer is "yes", l�s� the dates and reasons 1 /� /y ' • �/ ✓ i l •' 20�1 -_If business is in orporated, give date of incorporation September 16 19 07 ' and attach copy o Articles of Iacorporatioa and minutes of EirsC� meeting. Minutes of fxrst . meeting are not a ailable. . Z1. List all officers'of the corporatfon, givfng cheir names, oEfi.ce held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. After the transfer of the capital stock of the cor oration, John R. Ru will hold the offices of the President, Secretar and Treasurer. • I 23. If business is par�tnership, Iist partner(s) , address and tel.ephane numbers. N/A Name Address Phone 23. Is there anyone el�e who uill have an interest in this business or premises? No i 24. Are you going to o erate this busiaess personall.y? YeS IF nqt, who will operate it? Name Home Address Phone 25. Are you going to h ve a manager or assistant in this business? No If answer is "yes", give name, ome address, and home telephone number. Name Home Address Phone ANY F.ALISFICATION OF e1,v9W'ERS GIVE�I OR �IATERIAL SUBMITTID WILL RESULT I*T DEYI�I, OF THIS 4PPLICdTION. . I hereby state und�r oaqh that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained tt�erein is true aad correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further und�er oath that I have received no money or other consideration, dfrectly, or iadirectly, in conne tion with the transfer of this Iicense, from any person bq way of lban, gfft, contribution or otherwise, other t:�an already disclosed in the application which I ha�e herewith submitted. State of ;iinnesota) , . � Countp of Ramsey ) ( gnature of appl a Subscribed and sworn to efore me this • I� day o f 19 �� � r = KR{S71lJA L.S(�IYJE1��� . :lo arq Public, .�e� aty, Minneseta �� . N�Apy p�g�G-�+pN :4y Commission e:cpires �.� ��, oAxol�couwn Niv COMM•E)(P1RES JAN.z.1902 ■ . � � o�r��� o+�� -. O ���� � ,. : .. . - Mr. J. rche i ��`"�!`►���� �?. �' , oEr�an�r orae�oA t�nMOn�on�sru�ty • Kris Sc eiinl r-VanHorn �� _ ��e���� �`«n� . "°� Ranu,o �w� ' �`C�aunci 1 ' Research . . F�nance: & t. . . , _. �8_-5056 or�R: � «n:�*+n� _ Transfer of O Sale Liquor A, On Sale Sunday .Liquor, Restaurant (D) and Rooming ouse License. Notifica ion ent: 11-18-88 Hearin9 Date: .l-5-89 TIWk�MProw(Al R�ot . 1 I:OINION.I�EAACN REP01l7: - . . ��' PlAW1lq OOIIIIIBBION 'CNL COMMA18810N Okl'E�MI. . . .��.DA7E OUT �." . AN11L'I8T � � - �PlptE�NO. � �. � tONINfi 001MAIeBION �.. -,...i�9D 9ClqOL 80ARD � .. . . . � . . . . . . .. . BTIIF� . . � . e R(�MW8310N . : ., COMPIETE AS IS - AODLINRO.ADDED*��� . ��REtT}TOOONiA�7'� - - . . . . . - _ _.POR AODL 911F0.� __�AOOL+b?� . � . �018fiYGT.COIINCIL . . � . . .. .. .._ *EXPLAIUTION: � . . . . � ... . � -- . � �.�BUPPORI'S MIlNQfI COUIiCL OSJEC71f�T - .. . � .. . - .. . . . .: . . .. . . . . - � . .. ... . �� ...�.. . � ... _ - .I . . . . . ... . , . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..: .' .� . . . _ .. ., . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . ' . � . . . . -,k �IUTM18�MM�. �W�.Y�h011�WhB19��Y�� � _ , John Ru , Un versity Club of St. Paul , requests Counci1 a��roval of his applica� on f r the transfer of an",Qn Sa1e Liqu�r, Sunday {fn Sa�e Li.quor, . Restaura t (D ' and Roami .ng ,Hause Li�ense �t; 42�' Summit AK�i�rue curtr`��t"���+ i`ssued t T'�he University Club of� St. Paul �, DQnald Burgess, '��es: �t the same address. � �+c�noN�oew�.�.u.. . - Ail -appl ca�i ns and fees have been submitted. All req�ired dep�1^tr�ts ` Mave rev ewed and a�pproved this applfication. _The Health Qepartment has `- �` : placed t e fo lowing stipulation on said licenses: That a11 ou,Lsfi�nding � � f�d cod vio ations are corrected by 1-2-89. _ �ea�p�r�►.w�..b . : . _ . , . > , =� If Counc: t �ap roval is no� received the license will _r�nain in the namQ . , of �The er ity CTub of St. �au1: _ _ . _ � . , ,- ., , > , , � . ., . . , . ��: . . � vnoa oows: . � �'�t;::'" i.�1���c.�Gi1 �:E'l1t81' � � �C 2� ���;� • �,►,�,�: _ _, . , j �.�� , ,,. . . .. . . . . i - . . � .. � ': , . . . .._. . . .. . . . �.�1#BtORY OF�0�0�l16 I�ALS: �- , ; ' .. ._ '� i � i � �'TAICE110LDEp8(IISU POiR10l1(+�-,O) � �YY9.L iE811FY7(Y/P9, , ..._ RI171oNALE(Siarx�NIOM ArgurearMS) pNaMC�a< HYIPacT �r„r�u,,s�c o�► s�o,r�,ti rvo,�s: :c�n,►nrs euo�r: r�v�s��m ..'............................................................ . ot�s: Salaries/Fringe Bgneflts........................................................ ' - �W►�ent.............................................................................. �PP�....................................................................... ......_ _ , : ... , .,. � '. CorKracxs ior Service............................................................. OU�er � , , _. ., . FUNDING SOURCE fOR ANY LOSS(Name and AmouM) � CAPfTAL I�APROVEI�NT SUDOET: DESILiNCOSTS................................................................................ : ACQUISf170N COSTS::.........................:......:...............:..:.........:....... .. " CONSTRUC710N COSTS ................................................................ . - _ _ TOTAL..........:....................................................................................:.... Y sou�oF FuNa��r�ar�d nnqunt� : . , Ifi�ACT ON BUD(iET: � AYOUNT Cf�NT1.Y BllDGEiED................. �; . , . c ;'-r. , _ , ._ . AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF CURRENT BUDC�T ................ ....... . . ,. : _ , .: ,_ .,_. SOt1RCE OF AMOUNT OYER BUDGET........................................ § PROP6RTY TAXES GENERATED (LOST') ......... ATION RESPONSIBILITY: oePrioFflce orwsiaa Fimo nr� �BUDOET ACTIVITY MIAABER d TRLE . .. . . .. . � � . ,• ACTIVRY MANAGER , . � HOW PERFORAAANCE NIILL BE MEASURED7: �RO[iRAM OBJECTIV88: PROQRAM INDI6/1TORS 13T YR. 2ND YR. ; EV#LUATION RES�PONSIBILITY: %�-:� ' . .. . �pEf�pN� � . . . � . DEPT. PHONE N0. - AEPORT TO�CDlTiHC��OF'..� DATE � . f�#ST QUARTEALY Y ,�__ ._ . _ � ,_ _r. � - , _ - . -- �� f��' -�f7 S�.�i.�V 1 LrUL Cl�`l' C� U�lG1L . � LL� �r. R!��- I�O LL���-� ,,.�, I_.. �' ►.�trE:�/�� L�� �� .����Z�A-�Za� NOV 1 � 1988 GITY CLERK ; . �;- . , -. �. Dear Property C}wners 14348 . .. : ' I, .. , Transfer of On Sale Liquor, On Sale Sunday Liquor, Restaurant PU—L�d�� and Rooming House Licenses. , ;I � l��T I(��,Nfi John Rupp doing Busine§s as tJniversity Club � ' �d������ ! 420 Summit Ave." I � ._., ', January 5, 1989 9:�J0 a.a. � �.^_T�I��� C�c7� Cauac�I. C�aabers. 3r� i2oor C+cT ra1L - Cou=-_ �usx , �I 3y Lic�ase aad ?a.*�.c Ji��ioa, De�ar--�c oi .===acn az.: I �oT*!�L'r... �*J� �uaaa.g�eaz Sarricas, 3ao� 2�3 C��� raL - C�urr :.�usa, Satt ?aaL, w;.•*,Atar.a, 2a8-5�56 � � , ! i . • Tfi� daca � be cyaa,ed. withaut t�e canszac �d/or �.:�c�s?a�;e o;: c�e L.ic_nsa aa� �°s��c IIi��ioa. r_ is suga3s�_d t�= pcu c:�T? t�e C:=? CZe=�.` s O�::j�_ at ?9g-LL23i _, pou *�:sa con��.�a�=oz. -1 _ . � - - _ �: _ - . .::. - , . °; . . a . . _. . , , . �� . _ .._ ...;. _ . . . ____ - �� .>�) - - � � - ist �'— /,� —�9 �,, / / 9 . 3rd � ""a� 'i�- d�� �Adopted /�-3/� � - � Yeas NaYS - _ ,.. DREG; -- NICOSIA �/ �� �d = . � ����y ��� � SCHEIBEL _ S ONNE?v . I WILSO;I . - � . WEIDA PRESIDENT: _ �•��, . > . , ; . ; .,. , __ �_ . . : ;, . =: .:., ,. : `_ . . :. . _. ._. _ _ _ { _ I I : � °" : , . _ - � : � i� ' I j _ _. _.. .. . . : � :. ,. ; - . � :, .. ..:.. . .� �-M.. . ._