89-34 i M�MITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FIN4NCE GANARV - DEPARTMENT �, G I TY OF SA I NT PAITL COI1flCII ��/y/�� BLUE - MAYOR ' Flle NO• �� • � - . Council Resolution c�� ; Presented By �, ��� d�G I tf � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee �y Date , � � RESOLVED: That application (ID #91539) for a Second Hand Dealer- I�otor Vehicle License and a New Motor Vehicle Dealer icense by Hauler's Equipment Co. Inc. (Paul L. �elson- RES. ) DBA Hauler's Equipment Company Inc. at 230 Kasota Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved With the following stipulation: No vehicles or equipment can be displayed outside the building for sale. � I � ' � �I � COUNCIL MEMBERS , Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �+�a i [n Favor coswitz � Rettman p sche;bei __ Against BY so�� �xr�+.��°+^:.. JAN — 5 ��09 Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dade — � I ���� Certified Pass b Cou cil S c BY " By Approved by vor: Dat _ =��� �'� ��}� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY �, PUg1.1Sf�9 ��-'��'�`�� �. b 1989 . ' '��f'—�7 � � DiVISION OF LICENS AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE l ���� / �� � � � INTERDF,PARTMENTAL EVIEW CHECKLIST A.p�rocessed/Received y I Lic Enf Aud Applicant��GS� /� _ Ho e ddres. ��O ���y���to � . ,p,, o /�— Rusiness 1�'ame / � �� HoJme Phone � �,j��— �,�-�G� ? i i��'v���J ^ Business Addr�ss J� G�%'u��`� Type of Lic.ense(s) Bus'ness Phon ��� ,E%fr/� � !'� � ��y��y �/ � �-- Public Hearing Dat l 5 License I.D. 4� ,��y�9 at 9:00 a.m. in th Counc 1 C auibers, �p��7 3rd floor City Hal and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� ��3.J D /C� llate Notice Sent; � �� I �� Dealer 4i f�J �� to Applicant rederal I'i.rearms �6 Public He�.iring � - - $ - DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) , CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved S � ��-�ro y � �10 �J Q,-}1�C.��.5 o r 2�u��m� Bldg I & D � � ca►�. bR., ��s�l�e.d 1Su�srdy �� IY�9 � 4� Sc���.• Health Divn. � � � I � Fire Dept. i f/�3p i ��r ! _en� �! 3 Yolice Dept. I /1/ ► , License Divn. � �` i� � � � I ' � � City F,ttorney � � ������� � � Date Received: Site Plan `� ' �c� Q To Council P.PSearch 7 � 2 � v Lease or Let,ter 2 �,(� Dat from Landlord � J 0� CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOKMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: so�la: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: i . . / '�'��% Crty of Sa�nt Paui `�' . � � - Department of Finance and Management Services License and Permit Division 203 City Halt �'�� " St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-298-SU56 ' APPLiCATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK• CLASS NO. ' Ne�w Renew o c� �--- a o �- %� / �3 ��. Oate � � 19' Code No. �� �itle o( Li ense //� � — 'i{/' �/- � � � y i From 7�✓To 19�, � ;'���� /�0���/�,�� /� �/ �� ������ �J ��%/� � (? a ! �i %', � ." ,.,�.� � '��.�ccti� �,G� ^:?-�-,��--��'-_. �D `:` �:� �oo � - , � , ApplicanUCompany Name �� � �---,-�,�(��• ,\v� � i : �. :,i� � i n � ,, irtOd�: Busl�ess Name � r , '�! •.r. �� ./�l i� �' / �_- ' '�(.�". '100 �,� .�/%.� /"� � /�c.�.'L�--=/f`t�� ,`�".. , '- �� �� `. ��CLti�� Business Address •Pho�e No. _ � 100 �..��' -�� I 100 Mail to Address � Phone No. � �� %� �:7 �' �� � � -, //��� ,. ,00 �, C � ..;,. _,�.�,-; � ManaqeNOwnea--Name �i) l 'l � . �`' � � � 100 / / i G �� . //�� \r� Lrfi _Fi.ri'-�'`•`y�Z� � ✓i,l 100 AlanagenGwner•Home Address ,� Phone No. d098 Apptication Fee ' �, � " � - / / 2. 50 ��� � f' L �->1 ReCef.ved the Sum of I�; ,� �/ � 100 ��--�t�-C.Cc-.y�G�c.,.t...../���/_i�� �`y" i/� %ti� S� `,�� , �/��'-n :�lit..+� (;'�% K�• i`J'7.��1'`f'. � /�J� „7'�� r� ManagerlOwner•City,Slate&Z(p Code • � 100'! Total 100 :\_._-,, _ �.=_, -`•,�' �i � .� ' �� ., (l� . ,.=' ::-'-2..�.__r-- License Inspectorl{ ' ey: j�`-s=� • Signature of Applicant � Bond' ' ' Company Name Policy No. Espiration Date Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate � ^ ���, ,-} Minnesota State Identification Nb. -�-� -% _;` �� � !�Social Security No. Vehicle Information: j.._ _ Serial Number Plats Number Other. THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATiON TFIIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO aPERATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and completion of fhe inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoning and/or License Inspectors. ' ; $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS � r..�. . I ` �' 1i� �,!w�^ �~/: .I �^ . -_� '� l r 1✓ _�.✓ � / � './� � / I �vu�ar� 1I•3� _M_3 � City of Saint Paui , - Department of Finance and Management Services - • ` License and Permit Division _ 203 City Hall �'�� St. Paut, Minnesota 55102-298•5056 APPLiCATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK� CLASS NO. Nevy� Renew : o c� �--- c� a �� j ��.-. Date / �� � 19'� Code No. �� Sitle of License /' J — '�� n - � From / 13�✓To //- � 19 y i f ' ' il /� L/n /j // / lI �y �.�.r w , f� �� /��/� /'�'['%��`��//v� //�4 �/ - r ti"� %�'..V / � � ��(�� I/ / . � ,��p � � G� !�� `�� �,� 100 J Yt��f�� '�i 'X����✓�"`� l�� ' , , , ApplicanGCompany Name i' � .'---.?,� �L�. � � I � —' �yf" j\v�� '�� n � ,� rt0a.; 8us(ness Name : ',:� .n � ';�/� / ;" /l.�,: ;, ` r� ,1 '' ; ,�. �',00 ,�!��` �!i �`��J�!�/ .�_____�/�t<''�� ,._.. � Business Address •Pho�e No. 100 �i^ i'�, - .�,:"' J ' /. 100 Maii to Address �� Phone No. s� � / �� / 100 / ����_!! '�..i /.�•_.�../'�'�.�— ManaflerlOwnea-Name � T'rJ � 100 / �1! ' �' r-�y f, C, L/ J 1 . /�J��.� -�rG�'Y !�' �'i.✓ l 2� �, 100 AtanagerlGw+�er•Home Address ,� Phone No. 4098 Application Fee /` / 2. 5� ��,�y/� f^ ! � '��L �i7 .' , ReCei.ved the Sum of /�; ,� �/ � 100 ��--Zi C..G�,-r���./��//��j !cY� i/l /ti S� �{� ,I�'��� ,�!/�.-��.^•�% ��'�'�"•1�!?�`f'. � ��� ,,7'�� �. ManagedOwner-City.Stale&IJpCode '. / 100�� Totai 1b0 :\--'� _ �;.. _�,.,i' Licenselns ectorl{� B : j.�.'.'b%� � � , �l� • :-��' , .�_.,;_�_�-- P Y Signature o(Applicant Bond• ' Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expintion Dats Minnesota State Identification No. -�� .� _'"�j� !� / "7"Social Security No. Vehicle information: Serial Number Plate Number �tf1Bf: THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for license will eitAer be granted or rejected subject to the provisions o(the zoning ord(nance and completion oi the inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoning and/or License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS r�� �,:.. � �, ;f-�j ,,,, -�' _ t-'i/ • �- -�� ' ,'%- �vu�eY'ed 11•�-.F� M3 ' � ��`�� • ! City of Saint Paul • ' I Department of Finance and Management Services � License and Permit Division I Zu3 City Hall �v � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-29&5056 �t�" APPLiCATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. ' New Renew a � ' � a � Date I - � 19 � Code No. Title of Li ense !- � " �'• From � C: 19�To �;-� 19 �"f :7'��L.J% �` n� (�1�� ..�.�('I�7llr �lL� ,'�y. �(J , -r �r � 100 Ll.�,, ,(c�� ��l �rr,r�%'� ( �� _r �-.�-. ApplicantlCompany iNam� � �r�-c.J �oo ���:,,r .�, l'�;.,��, �;;� �� � - - - �i 100 Busfness Name ,. � lOQ ��^,(� P�1ll. f'� �y (; "'�(�" �I`�.li( � 8usiness Address ��:i, Phone No. 100 c� �' 100 Mail to Address Pnone No. ` l ioo �'�.�,, j `�:• ; �- ,-. �.t. , ManaqeNOwner•Name 1� ��r' (�/c'rif,�M1�� - .—`;,�1L,_� � <,� , 100 AlanagerlGwner�Home Address v Phone No. 4098 Application Fee 2, 50 � .c-� Received the Sum of 100 ���',(;;�; �1 �fi•��,i ' �� b ; h _ L�y� 1 � �l- - �' /�' ������ ManagerlOwner-City;State 3 Zip Code —i� � r(?://t —; :I T J �,�; ri� �� '—' � 100 Total 100 , LiCen56 (nSpeCtor J� � By: ���I) Signature of Applicant Bond: ompany Name Poliey No. Expiration Oate Insurance: ompany Name Policy No. Expiration Oate Minnesota State Identification N . �^�����-� Social Security No. Vehicle Information: � Serfal Number Plate Number Other: THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A UCENSE TO O�ERATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordlnanCe and compledion of t e inspections by the Health, Fire, Zoninq andlor LiCense Inspectors. ���{-� 1�,�EJr i�tr G�c h ..�:;r� ��c�rS-� - '- -�'i�'r;c , '� -��.l's ;: ('r �'° t,� "( '�-lf � � . .;�-��'-/ ,' J l ��� y'.� � � ' � GE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS �,Hauler's Equipme t Co , lnc. .� ���""i;.�, 22pg Gou Rowo G 2.Rosevi .MN SST 13 � *�,� r." � � .. �4�;, PAUL L.NEL50 � ,Yy . PNE5IDHNT. • ' . .. `1�.c . . � .. ; � � ,_ . � _�.. . 7f ' � '':u�';a+�h�','RlFVSE AND SANITATION ECUIPMENT SAl.EB ANO SERVICE � �;`�+�'� � � GAIBRlA7H RCIL-OFF YSTEMS� . � � HEII RERUSE SYST MS� STATIONARV COMPMCTORS ND BAllENS. � . . � . . . .�,�i R36-424 � . . w � . ���� . , � � • � '� CI'TY OF ST. PAUL D�PARTM�AT OF FIAANCE AND MANAGH�iPr SgRYICES I LZCENSE AND PIIitrQT DIYISIOR � These statement forma are iasued in d�xglicate. Please anss+er all questioas ltiil.ly aad completely. This app ication ia�horough�y checked. A�y falsification �rill be cause for denial. � ,,,y J � � y�� Dat,e October 17 19 II8 }/ •i 1. Application for �� motor vehicle dealer license (License) (Permit� 2. Nsme of 8pplicant Hauler's Eauipment Co Inc� Paul L. Nelson 3. If applicant is/h' been a mdrried female, list maiden name b. Date of birth 10/ 0/50 Age 38 Place of birth Minneapolis 5. Are you a citizen� of tbe United Statea es Native Paturalized 6. Are yau a registelred voter yes Where _ Columbia HeiQhts ?. Home addresa 1�58 Borealis Lane Aaae telephoae 57_-0428 �. a� 3o Y•�s���; �/G'c� Present business laddreas __ _ Buainess telepho�ne 63_46 9. Including your p sent busineas/employment, What basineas�eaploymeat hsve you followed for the�past live y�ears. ' Busineas/�I Ployment � Address I Ha��1 er's Ea �i��nce 1978 2209 County Road C-2 10. Married x If a�naw�er is ';ves", liat name aad address of spause Sharon S. Nels�n 11. ?�iave yau ever be�n arrested for an offenae that has resulted in s coavictienY no Ir ans�+er is "ye ", Iist dates of arreats, rhere, chargea, comrictiona aad sentences. Date oi arrest � 19 Where CfiARCE_ II � , CONVICTION ' \` S�l9TE'NCE Date �f arrest 19 Where CHARGE ' � � CONVICTZOi1 ' � SENTENCE 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name of spouse also) of all persana, � -,� � . corporations, partnerships, associations or organizations rrtrich in auy rvay have: a. A mortgage interest in the l.icensed premise, none � b. A security interest in the licensed premises, license, or itirniahings oP the licensed premiae, none c. A prrnaissory note for Punds loaned Por th�e operation of the licensed premise or the purchaee of 'the license, none d. Financially contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self nnne e. An,y other interest either direct or indirect, either financial or otherwise i in the licensed premise or the license itself, Sharon S. Nelson Attach a copy hereto of azry and all documenta referred to in this affidavit. 1?. Give nsmea and addresses oP two persons, resideats of St. Paul, Minaesota, rho can give information concerning you. NAt� ADDRFSS Ron Mack 813 Mary Street, St. Paul MN 55119 Richard Wyberiala 400 Whitall,' St Paul MN 55101 14. Address of premises for r+hSch License or Permit is made 2230 Energy Park Drive Addresa Zone clasaification I-1 Industrial 15. Betveen What cross streets Raymond Ave & 280 Which side of street South Side 16. fta�e under ahich this businesa rrill be conducted Hauler's Equipment Co Inc 17. Busiaess telephone number 636-4246 1�. Attach to this appZication, a detailed description of the design, location, and square Poota,ge oP the premises to be licensed Concrete building, 2230 Energy Park Dri- 5,880 Shop/900 Office ;9. ?re oremises noW occupied no What business Hx long , � � � ��-3� � . . • . 20. -List license . ich you currently �qld, fo r�y held, or nay have an intere f in State Dea ers License /(/Q• ��3 � , �— 21. Fiave atry of th licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No x . Iflanswer is "yes", list dates and reaaons; ?_2. Do you have an interest of ar�y type in ar�y ot.ber businesa or business premiaeB. � Yes I° ansWer is " es", list business, business address aad telephone number. National Compa�tor Rentals, Inc. 1158 Borealis Zane, Col Hts Mn 55421 636-4924 23. If business isI incorporated, give date oP incorporation April 1978 and attach copy oP Articles oP Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. 2�. List all offic�rs of the corporation giving their names, ofPice held, home address, nnd h�me and businesa telephone numbera: Paul L. Nelsori. President. 1158 Bo ealis Tane. Golumh;a HP;ghrG MN 554 1 571-0428 Sharon S. N 1�lon. S /T a " " " �� � Bus. 636-4246 t.e.:...,.,....-.�. _,,..�: ..t�.-.......,....�. .:,. .. i f ��. � :��yfA :S ���.y . I f •YYN�I'f:1{�•,.-� t�l� ril. .`e'� r".•a.�..�.�� 25. If business isl partnership, list partner(s) addre��;;�e��'��e,rs�� � i.wv....�+«..r..�.�..�•=ww�.<=-aa:.•�.�r....�:..� Name ' Address 1�e1.Ao. I i - 26. Is there a�yon� else vho will have an interest in thia business or premiaes4 If answer ia " es", give name, home address,�telrphone n�bers and in xhat manner is tbei� interest: no , , � 27. Are you goin�r o operate this husiness personel�yr ves if not, xho vill opes�ate it: � Name Home address 1�e1.Ao. � , 'I no • Are y�u going to have a Manager or assistant in this business? ZP ans�rer is ' � ��yes'�, give name and ho:ue address and home telephone number: I1ame Home address Te1.No. 29. Has arryone you have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of a:rest, where, charges, convic- tions and sentence na 30. Z Paul L. Nelson wnderstand this premise msy be in- spected by the palice, fire, health and other city oPPicials at a� and a11 times when the business is in operation. State of �+iinnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) being first du�y sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his sigaature and �noWS the conten�s thereof, and that the same is true of his own lmawledge except as to those matters therein sta�e3 upan infortaati�n and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them ta be true. Subscribed and sworn to bePoze me �� �� /��� Signature oP Applica.nt � day g � N � •�--- � � o c� Not�ry ,,, ta � 'rfy cor�ission expires �Z-� —�� - - -- _ - ��-,y 3� s��.�fi �r_v L ���. co u�v�cL�. PLT�I�1.� ��A...R��T� iti0 LZ�E RECEIVED . L�''�Z���T�� ApI�LzT�A�Zal�T DEC 9 1 1988 ' Cll`Y CLERK � _ � � =' ti0. _. Dear Property Owner; L 91539 .. : Application for a Second Hand Dealer - Motor Vehicle License and a New Motor Vehicle Dealer License. PU'�Q�� License Stipulation: No vehicles for sale can be . displayed outs�ide the building. ,�, E7'p j j G'��` Hauler's Equipment Co �nc DBA Hauler's Equipment Co �d�,'1��d� 2230 Kasota Avenue -� January S 989 9:�J0 a.a. � T�+" �� �_!�C C�c7 C�uac:.� ascaers, 3rd iloor C�c7 r.a.L? - Cau-_ �ausa 3 Licsasa aad ?��ic �_•rys�an De�ar�e=c ot =�cs a� I � 7 + . �T �-- u�g�eat Serricas, �ao� 203 C�t� cal? - Cour� �nusa, L�Q rj=�i+. S L.�� Sai.t ?au.L, `��.=..^itesa ca ?a8-��750 • TIZ�s daca �p I�e c`�au�e3 Without the conseat �d/or �.:j.ow?e�ge oz t�e I.�censz �a P���� IIi��ion. IC is SugQ�sted ��ay ouu c.:1? C�+e C?c r C?erti' s Oz=-c�', ac 298-LL23 L i= You T.�sa con=-=�.�"-=oa. " -,a3� _. a•�.�,�►„� �,��� - Mr. J. Ca. c di �#���1 ��ET � � 0�2��9 . � cEr�xr�wr o�Cton t�rba�on i�erurt�: � � _ _,_ � ` Chri 5t � ' � ek NuMs�r.oa — �•�«o�ra�so.�on 3 e�«� . ►a. p�p — euoc�r anecroA , , � _.,_ �,�OU11C7� (��Se��h_ �� a, f,'' �a � & g.. � �„�„� Appiic tiOn or a Se�ond Hand Dealer-P+�tor Vehic1e l.i�en�e and al � �� New Mo or�V icle Dealer License. , ' " Notifi atio Date: 12-14-88 Hearin ���� : :(�APwwq I� (R)) COIINCIL ReSEAACH REPOiCi: _ glYiiNO COwMS610N � � � CIVIL RV�E Wli�sffiON . . DA7E�IN oATE oUt� . . MNLrs7 � �. � �AqNE�NO. �. � - : � . aDNSiO COAMN8810N. . . i$D. SCHOOL BOARD � . .. � . � � � � . �. . � .Sr/ifF ... .. �MRT R COMAA�IOM . � -COMPLETE AS 13 . �-ADDt MIFO.ADDED� �_�ADbL�1�0.�"� _;_FE���. ♦ � 018Tl�'�COt�IC�. i ;. . �.- i E%PLANItTION: . . . .. � � � .- . �� 8t1�POf178 MMI�d!COUNCIL OBACCTNE? N�M��.NNIl. .VN1�t.VYIKII.WIYBfl.�1y): Nauler' q� pnent Co. Inc. `(Pau1 L. Nelson-Pres.) DBA Hauler's Equip�aent Co. at 2� sota Avenue reguests Counci 1 approvatl of hi s app,1 i cati on. . for a S Eand Hand. Qea]er-Motor Vehi�le License and a New Motor.: Vetiiele , Ueal:er icien e at .223E} Kasota �4venue. � ; . � . -.; : , - .. �N,rnAa7�N Qca.iYe.n�i:. . _ ; , . . . :All fee and applications have been submitted. A]1 requi'red divisit�ns- ` Zor�i�g with t�e stipulation that no vehicles or eq��p�nt can be dis�layed autSi de: fo� ai e),.:Fi re, Pol i ce and Li censi ng harre given thei r apprfl+l�1-. . < 1� Day ottic s have been sent. . . �l+�n.r.wn.c:.ea r ' : ; ; .. ,:. -. .;; . :�: ; ... - If Coun il : a ra�al is giv�n; Paul L. Nelson wiil o�r�tte : New a�td . Si�eand . nd tor Vehi cle Li��nses at,�.230 Kasa�a under the basi�ss- .- . name of Ha�1 's Equipment Go. � . _ , . , . . .... _ , w.�u►n�: ` � vnos . : ex�„s : ; r. : ���, v � - � o :¢ i i e '� ��:t'���1 ��"���1' L1�C �+� ���� ' �..�►�: __ . i = , . . ��: , __ . �+a+c�,�r oF�tta _ : , " � . , �r�(ueg , . n�enoN t+.-.o� � .�-wr.��ra ninq a►�(s�n�n a�t FINANCIAL IMPACT �sr r�►n�smn n�o.>- s�+u r�►n rio�s �rn�euoc�r: r�venuFS�nr�n ........................................... _.. . �s: Salaries/Fdnge Be�efits........................................................ ; ; . :- ��.............................::..... . ..................... ...... �+PP�................. ..... •• _ , . � Contracts for Service.............................. .....:... ....... • ' Otlier PROFIT(lOSB) ................................................................................ ' . RJNalIG SOURCE FOR ANY IdSS(Name and AmouM) - • - � _. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDQET: ; DESKiNt�l'S................................................................................ ; AGAUISI170N C0875..:...............................................................:... _ CONS'TRUC710N COSTS ......................................................... _ . ., TOTAL.................................................................................................... ; SOURCE OF FtH�IDMK9(Narrie arid Amount) � _. MAPACT ON BUDOET: _..AMOIlN�CtlR�ITLY�TE�................ ...:..: ........ . _.._ __ _. ._ . ... �;. _. , ., . . - , . , ;. . AU011NT IN EXCESS OF CURREI�R BUDGET ............................ . _ .. SOtlHCE OF AMOtMT OYER BUDtiE1'.......................:................ - , . PROPERTY TAXES GEWERATED ILOST) ......... MAPLEMENTATION AESPONSIBIUTY: DEPT/OFRiCE DMSION�- � FUND TITLE � . � , , ACTIVITY Id11MBER 8�71TLE � � � - - ACTIV�fY�AAIdA6EA � . - � . IIOIM PH�Ml1DICE WRl BE MEIIBURED?: ' PAO�RAM OBJECIIVES: PRIXiRAM INDlCATORS , 18F YR. 2ND YR. � EVALUA7I�N RESPQNSIBILITY: . PEii$ON DEPT. PHONE NO. qEpQj{F jb Qp DATE FlRST QUAATERLY _ _ P.E Y .,. . ..