89-21 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COUACII CANARY - DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAITL �� BLUE - MAYOR � Flle NO. ; Council Resolution �� Presented By Referred To ^ I Committee: Date ��'�� � Out of CommitCee By' Date �� WHEREAS, the Sai t Paul City Council , by its resolution 88-1405, adopted September 29, 1988, aut orized application to the Minnesota Aniateur Sports Commission for funds to construct Rowing and Canoe/Kayak Center on Lake Phalen, said funding application to be inclu ed in the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission's (Gover.nor's) Capitol Budget request , n the amount of $3,380,000.00, and WHEREAS, the Minmesota Amateur Sports Commission, upon review of said application has determined not to imclude the Rowing and Canoe/Kayak Center in its Capital Budget Request, NOW, THEREFORE, �E IT RESOLVED by the Saint Paul City Council , that the City's application and proposa for a Rowing and Canoe/Kayak Center on Lake Phalen is hereby withdrawn and removed f om consideration. � i COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond ' lii Communi ty Servi ces �� ' i � In Favor Goswitz ' Rettman sche�ne� ' ', d _ A ga i n s t B � I .�',�,- �A� — .rj �989 Form prove y Cit tt e Adopted hy Council: Datel � Certified Yas Counc' Sec y B By A►pproved Ma ate _ � � G Approve by M o for mission to Council B �� r- P'I�Blari�B ����� 1 �� 1989 � �' .. ; � �� �l , :•O: , CITY OF SAINT PAUL , INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM , December 12, 1�88 T0: City Coun il President Schiebel and Coun�il bers FR: Robert Pi� ;� RE: Rowing an -��noe/Kayak Center Phalen Pa k -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Minnesota mateur Sports Commission �MASC) has decided not to include the City's appllication for funding a Rowing and Canoe/Kayak Center on Lake Phalen in itslrecommended 1989 cap ital budget request to Governor Perpich and the Minne�ota Legislature. The Commission will instead recommend an appropriationjof �25,000 for a site selection study, plus �300,000 to design a facillity following the site selection process. Although the �halen site could eventually be chosen under this process, I recommend tha� the City withdraw its application and remove Phalen from further consi eration. The primary reasons for my recommendation are as follows: ' 1 . The Commi�sion has made it clear that the City would have to pay for the dredging work needed to develop the Phalen rowing course. Our position s, and has been, that the entire project would have to be fina�ced y non-local funds. 2. The Minne ota rowing community is not fully supportive of the project. We were u aware of the depth of this problem until a recent meeting of rowers, a which time it became clear that one individual had actually made an e�'fort to discredit our application with both the U.S. Rowing Asso�ciati�n and the Commission. 3. There is hittle support for the project in the Phalen community. It is difficult' for us to justify pursuing the project in a hostile community, when the rowers aren't fully supportive. 4. We have lready spent a considerable amount of time on this pro ect, and to pursue the project further will require exhaustive, cost�y and time-con umin� environmental and engineering studies. Again, it is difficul to �ustify the time and expense when support for the project is l;imit�d. 5. If the City would be required to allocate additional funds over those already p�rogrammed, then the benefits and overall payback to the City and park �system become questionable. � � � ' . � ��,�°�� . � December 12, 198�8 Page 2 i 6. The reconst�uction of East Shore Drive, budgeted for 1989, should not be postpone due to condition of the existing road and adjoining path systems. � I believe that �he City has gone as far as possible with this proposal , and that whatever o portunity there was for success has passed. Therefore, I am requesting t at you introduce the attached resolution to withdraw and terminate the a plication. My staff will b present at the Council meeting to answer any questions you may have concer in� the resolution. If you have any concerns or questions prior to that m eting, please do not hesitate to contact me at 298-4126. R.P.P. cc: Mayor Geor e Latimer Kathy Stac � . ; � � . . '� f. � ��a� . , :.0� CITY OF SAINT PAUL i INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM December 12, 1988 � T0: City Coundil President Schiebel and Coundil bers FR: Robert Pi �., RE: Rowing an -�anoe/Kayak Center Phal en Par�k i --------------�----------------------------------------------------------- The Minnesota mateur Sports Commission �MASC) has decided not to include the City's application for funding a Rowing and Canoe/Kayak Center on Lake Phalen in its ecommended 1989 cap ital budget request to Governor Perpich and the Minnes ta Legislature. The Commission will instead recommend an appropriation f �25,000 for a site selection study, plus $300,000 to design a facil ty following the site selection process. Although the Pl�alen site could eventually be chosen under this process, I recommend that the City withdraw its application and remove Phalen from further consid�ration. The primary reasons for my recommendation are as follows: 1 . The Commis ion has made it clear that the City would have to pay for the dredgir�g work needed to develop the Phalen rowing course. Our position i�, and has been, that the entire project would have to be financed b� non-local funds. 2. The Minnes ta rowing community is not fully supportive of the project. We were un�ware of the depth of this problem until a recent meeting of rowers, at Iwhich time it became clear that one individual had actually made an effort to discredit our application with both the U.S. Rowing Associatiom and the Commission. 3. There is ljttle support for the project in the Phalen community. It is difficult for us to justify pursuing the project in a hostile community, iwhen the rowers aren't fully supportive. 4. We have alt�eady spent a considerable amount of time on this pro ect, and tp pur ue the project further will require exhaustive, cost�y and time-consu in� environmental and engineering studies. Again, it is diffi�ult o �ustify the time and expense when support for the project is limited 5. If the Cit would be required to allocate additional funds over those already pr grammed, then the benefits and overall payback to the City and park s stem become questionable. , i , � y-�� �� ' December 12, 198I8 Page 2 � 6. The reconst �uction of East Shore Drive bud eted for 1989 should not be postpone� due to condition of the existing road and adjoining path systems. I believe that �he City has gone as far as possible with this proposal , and that whatever o portunity there was for success has passed. Therefore, I am requesting t at you introduce the attached resolution to withdraw and terminate the a plication. My staff will b present at the Council meeting to answer any questions you may have concer�in� the resolution. If you have any concerns or questions prior to that m�eting, please do not hesitate to contact me at 298-4126. R.P.P. cc: Mayor Geor e Lati1ner Kathy Stac� �/ � i i I i � i i I �� - wMITE - C�Tr CIERK COl1RCl1 //�� PINK - FIrf11NCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT ', � _// BLUE - MAYOR ��� Flle NO• � � • . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee Byj Date � WHEREAS, the Sai� t Paul City Council, by its resolution 88-1405, adopted September 29, 1988, aut orized application to the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission for funds to construct Rowing and Canoe/Kayak Center on Lake Phalen, said funding application to be inclu�ded in the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission's (Governor�'s) Capitol Budget request �in the amount of $3,380,000.00, and WHEREAS, the Mi �nesota Amateur Sports Commission, upon review of said application has determined not to i�nclude the Rowing and Canoe/Kayak Center in its Capital Budget Request, , NOW, THEREFORE, IBE IT RESOLVED by the Saint Paul City Council, that the City's application and propos l for a Rowing and Canoe/Kayak Center on Lake Phalen is hereby withdrawn and removed �rom consideration. , ' i � � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ' Dimond ; Communit $21"V1C2S �� I [n Favor Rettman i s � ��;�� Against Sonnen '� uVV'�son i � Adopted by Council: Da�te Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Coj�ncil S�cretary By I By Approved by Mavor: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY i �-�a� ' � � �I° 011906 � �ommu n i ty g�rv i ce DEPARTMENT . - - - - - - L nn WOlfe CONTACT NAME 7429 �xoNE � Qecembet� 12 198 DATE . ASSIGN NUlIBES F 0 T : (See rever0s����� 1 1'� _ Department Di ecto 3 M�yor (or Assistant) _ Finance and r�age ent Sernices Dir.ector � Cit Clerk � Budget Direct r D�C 18 1988�- park�s & Recreation � ��ty �ttorneq �ITY ATTt�Ri�'€YY-- A S G P 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) WI V 0 C ? (Purpose/R.ationale) ; Council will as$ solution to withdraw and terminate the City's application to the Minnesota Amat r Sports Co�nission for a Rowing and Canoe/Kayak Center on Lake Phalen. COST NEF U ND S E TS . ��CEIi/Fp 1 NA . DEC 1 y 1988 �����'s o����E N S UDG T AC VITY BER CHARG D CREDITED: (Mayor's signat e no required if urider $10,000.) Total Amount o Tra s�ction: -0- Activity Number: Funding Source• ATTACHMENTS: ( s� a d number all attachments.) Councii Research Center, 1 resolution DEC 211988 ADM NISTRAT V 0 E URES _Yes X No �tu es� Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes X No �f yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPAR NT R V W 'I' CITY ATTORNEY..REVIEi� _Yes _iJo Caun il resolution requirad? Resolution required? Yes _No Yes X No Ir�su ance required? Insurance suffic#�nt? TYes _No ��1 Yes �No Insu ance attachedY