89-18 WHITE - CiTY CLERK �� � /y P�NK _ F�NANCE ' GITY OF SAINT �AITL Council ►/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT ' 1 ��.�//l BLUE - MAVOR ', Flle NO• �� v � Coun.cil Resolution ����� �,f f� ��� � , � Presented By ��G����'( Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee BII Date , II RESOLUED, hat the proper cit officials are hereb authorized � Y Y and direct�ed to execute a written agreement with the St. Louis Zoological Park, St. Louis, Missouri, said agreement providing for the do ation by the City of St. Paul to the St. Louis Zoo of one (1) female Lion-tailed macaque monkey born at the Como Zoo on 17 �7une 75 and loaned to the St. Louis Zoo on 22 Jan. 76. Said Lion-�tailed macaque having no monetary value and not being a species �f primate currently exhibited at Como Zoo nor planned for exhibijt in the future is hereby declared surplus to the needs of the Cit� of St. Paul. Donation of this specimen is contingent upon its i�corporation into the Species Survival Plan for the Lion-taile macaque, and said plan being under the direction of elected re resentatives and advisors of the American Association of Zoologi al Parks and Aquariums. i i i 'I � II I� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays II Dimond iong I, [n Favor Goswitz I scne lne� I � _ A gai n s t � �,s�� .witsmr , �p� - 5 1989 Form A oved y Ci rney Adopted hy Council: Dat � Certified • d Counc' r BY � B� A►pproved Ma r: � - 6 1989 Approved b Mayor r ' sion to Council �_— � By BY � ��71Lii .i r�:r ,� -Y 1 J U J • l��'-��' l�l°_. �12274 � C.S./Parks DEP��tBrrr - - - - - - err ri CONT�4CT NAME � - PHONE � l�ecem er , DATE S 0 (See reverse side.) 1 Department D eCto � / 3 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and n�lge ent Service��re t`�r V �D 4 City Clerk sudget Direct r 5 Parks and Recreation ? City Attorney ' DEC � O ��� _ 0 G 1 (Cli ���q�i.�s for signature.) T �v� W V I G ? (�urpose/Rationale) A�thorize a re�m nt to donate Lion-tailed Macaque monkey to the st. �oui s z o.; RECEtVED ��C�lVE�7 DEC 1 91988 C�C `' ? i:jo�3 Goa�l�� CO T IT AND O IM C � �f� ���"���. None ounc;l Re�earch Center uEC 2 21988 FN C T CTV ERC G C D E : (�Iayor's signatur n�t equired if under $10,000.) Tota1 Amount of r�ns ction: None Activity Nusnber: NA Funding Source: A � ATTACHMENTS: (Lis �lnd number all attachments.) Coun�il Re olut on AD I V� �U S _Yes X No ul'�es Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes X No f ye , are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Co cil esolution re uired? Resolution re uired? " Yes No q Q Yes X No In ran required7 Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No�� _Yes X No In r�n attachedP