89-17 _ WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �J/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT � '� 1 ��"/ BLUE - MAVOR I Flle NO. �� � �� , Co cil Resolution ���i� 1 � � � , Presented By � Referr o I Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date Y WHEREAS, the,City o Saint Paul in 1987 separated the sewer system in the Annapolis-Concard az a of Saint Paul and requesied State cost participation in certain portions �of this storm sewer project because it induded Trunk Highway No. 56 (Conccxd Street) ctai age; therefore BE IT RESOLVED, th t the City of Saint Paul enter into Ageement No. 65359 with the State of Minnesot , Department of Transportatia� to provide for payment of approximately $58, � by the State to the City of the State's shaze of the sewer sepazatia� proje�ct con ucted by the City on Trunk Hi�way No. 56 (Concard Street) irom C�tice Str�eet to Page Street within the ccxporate City limits under State Project No. 621�04 (T. H. 56 112); and BE IT FURTHER RES�OLVED, that the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and c�ected to execute su�h ageement. i ,I i COUNCIL MEMBERS I Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays ' Dimond _ _ �� � [n Favor Goswitz j ����� s�cb"be� ', � _ Against BY ` .s��n ' --�r+�c�. � JQN - 5 1989 Form prov d by � Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � . E + � Certified P . by Counci r t ry By By A►pproved M r. _�_ � — � j��� Appro by Mayor for Subm' n Crounc' B `'� `�""-- ���p ..:�a`d ;� --� 1989 �� , ��-�7 ,�, , , �,,�,�,,,� �„�� ����� ��1' �o. 003�02 . - .- � -:�„�►��„�„ Dall j�i� Nu�M6EA FGR r �crcr a�wc \�`.}� � ORQER:: �...� �H��� - U� � ; . _ : �� �o , �,� . , F i�solution �o ent�er- an! t betw�en the �iinr�escrta ;l�x+tm�t of-Transpo�tatian t�� ar�d the City o� ' � fio share oor�structi� oosts fc� the l�r�apolis`Ct����A ` Separation ?�ject. A�'ta .fo� your referenoe is a oa�py of the A�t. �t,� , .. t�vaaro�« � tR� �n�+nwom= _ �� �� �� �„�� . ,�,� C1TY�Q►R�l� ��� � � . .BTAfF . � .. � BBION � � . � COMPLElE AB tS � �ADD111�0.ADD�*.�� __��L MFb�. _�i1BDRi:i . . DISifiK.T(�UNCK . . - . . �,�,�� *�„�: .,,.� RECE�1/ED ' r. ; r�cav�ro ��G 2 2 r988 , o�cE o�-rHE aR�e-ro� : . � DEC 2� 1988 oa��+Errr a�Frtv�NCE , 'I edQ�AA�i4GEM�T'�1r�C�s �+m►�r,o v�o�ar.ww�, r►�n�. v�n.�.vN,.m.vu�n: , _ .Qonoa�d fitreet is ';a '�ty Street ar�d designat�ed Stat�e �unk Hic�hway Na. 56, th�re€ar+e, ,, -t,he-.sewer � !wi 1 benefit the City of Sairit Paa�7. and t�e State of ��ti.nne�cyta. , �equ�:ntlx,.;bvt.h t entities sho�uld share �e Catistn�c:�ian cx�ts fo� �he � �'� impt�o�v��t�. ; . .�usn�c+�noM cc�we.a.M..�ey.�... : , , _. . , . - Tt�e State will aon ` te ap�ro�cama�t�ely $58,300:OQ tc7wward tl�e t�atal ax�stxuctic� cx�st�of $864,9Q0.00 fo� the 1is-C�or�oomd �wer Se�aration tax'oject. -. �ea�twh.c wa.�.�a ro ; �.: - �Et .._ . ,. � � C ���ci Research �enter p�C 21 1988 �e 2 U 1s8� guo��T o��ic� - �.,�„�: � � � , :- � �'p1�- � . ' rtor,e �e citv. aa.a�e pa�rs fca� the tdtal� caost v�° the : _ , ,. . Project• : _ ; wsrcnr�+�s: Gcaod oaaperatic�ri City, of Saint Paul and the State of A�Six�nestrt�.a wi.th , p�+�via�s ooc�st�cti: ts. us�u: � . . . . , _ I+i� . . ; ` . .�; � � r �;r�aroRr oR S�C�oaitl� . , . . All participants a�ne stab�e;qov�e�r�¢rent entities. srAKENO�oERS cust> eoesmow t+,-.o� �, r we.�.rESnR+r:N�N? runo�uu.E csun.na+xe�,n�� FMIANCIAL IMPACT - : �s"'E""�'`°°�� s�`�"°"E"" '�'�s: o�r�►�nr�suoc3Er: ; :; ._ Zhis Resolutio� uo _ aaa�har�zes an _ . r��s�an�o ............................................: .�lt betW2exi ocaEases: , � ' the Stafi�e and the s��F��, ..:�.: ......_.. ..:.:.... ..:..... ' � , - City of Saint Paul �� ............_........:.... ...:....:...............:.::........... far.the State to �Y �.:..:....................:........ ......::. .... ..... . ....... . : �': . . ; _ �its.pc3rti� ($58,300 co�a��ra s�......................................:...................... of the aost of� the .�� Ann�li�s�-C7onco� �oF,r t�oss� ...�.._....... .::,: , . . . , , . . Sswer Sepa�ation �u�+on�souac�FoR�rn�oas�t+�er+��,n�> , . ' . pro3e�-t.'. cu�r�a.�Pnov�r:auoaer: . DESIONCOSTS....s........................................................................... ,.. ACGIA�iya�i CO$TS.................................::............,..............,...:... - -_...: _ , . C�TRIlC710N COSTS . . _ TOTAL ........................................................................:........................... ; > . ; ... SOUHCE OF FUNDMUi(Name end Airiount) ,_. .; . . MAP/�CT ON BUDGIET: • Al10UNT CURF�'NTLY BUD�iEI'ED.......................................:...... : := , ..- : , ;.:.. + AMOUNT M!EXCE�SS OF CURREN7 BUDOE7 � , . ; �CE OF AMOI�NT OVER BUDQET.................._......•• •••.... ; . . : .,.,_ _ _ c - :..._ PROPERTY TAXES GENERA7"ED (COS'11 ......... : ' MIPLEMENTA710N RESPO�IS�NJTY: . DEPT/OFFICE :� -`� . � ,.DIVISK�1 .�. . � .-.�. . , .��.. FUND:Tfit,E "-.,.; . , , .��. . .� .: , .�._ •.�. -: . . �� Bl1D(iET ACTNITY NUTABER&TiTLE - � � . : . _ �..� � �ACTIVITY RkANACiER . . . � _.- �:' . �:..:':. � � .. . HOW PERFOl111ANCE`YVILL BE MEIIStiRED9: _ I�ROQRAM OaJEC71VESt PRO�RAM INDICATORS 1ST YR. YND YR. EVALUA710N RESPONSI¢ILITY: ; - PERSON DEPT. PHONE NO. REPaRT ' L OF` • A F!R&T QlM1flTERLY . . _ - III I - ����� � , I I I '�, I - � i AGREEMENT , STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT NO. SERVICES I DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION j AGREEMENT 65359 S.P. 6219-04 (T.H. 56=112) State Funds Agreement betw1�en AMOUNT ENCUMBERED The State of M�nnesota Department of ransportation, and $58, 356 .05 The Cit oE St. Paul � Re : State cost storm sewer and AMOUNT roadway construction by the RECEIVABLE City on Tr nk Highway No. 56 ( Concord Street in St. Paul (None) I � � THIS AGREEMENT �nade and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota , Depa '�tment of Transportation , hereinafter referred to as the "State° andl� the City of St. Paul , Minnesota , acting by and through its City Counci� , hereinafter referred to as the "City" . II WITNESSETH: , , � , i t I' ' U II I � i I _ /� i � � �� 65359 I WHEREAS in the� early Qart of 1987 the City was about to- award a contract for s�ewer separation construction and other associated construction t�o be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 56 (Conco�d Street) from Curtice Street to Page Street and various � City avenues a�nd streets within the corporate city limits in accordance wit�h City prepared plans and specifications therefore designated by �the City as City Projects No. 87-5-8020 and No. 87-P-8005 and by the State as State Project No. 6219-04 (T.H. 56=112) � and WHEREAS the Ci�ty requested State cost oarticipation in certain portions of s�id storm sewer project because it included Trunk Highway No. 56 (Conco�d� Street) drainage; and � WHEREAS there was not sufficient time to properly prepare and execute a coopera:tive agreement; and WHEREAS the S�ate approv2d the City' s commencement of their project with the unde�standing that a cooperative agreement would be entered into at a lat�r date ; and i WHEREAS said �ity project has now been completed; and � WHEREAS Minne�ota Statute 16A. 15 provides, in part, that no payment shall be madejand no obligation shall be incurred against any fund, allotment or �ppropriation unless the Commissioner of Finance shall li -2- � i i � � _ , _ ���i� � _ i I 65359 i I first certify �that there is a sufficient unencumbered balance in such I fund, allotmen� or appropriation to meet the same. However, said statute also p�ovides that claims presented against existing appropriations �iwithout prior allotment or encumbrance may upon investigation, �lreview and approval by the Commissioner of Finance be � determined vali�d whsre the services , materials and supplies for which payment is clailmed have been actually rendered or furnished to the State in good faith without collusion and without intent to defraud. � Thereafter, the Commissioner of Finance may draw his warrant in payment of such claims in the same manner in which other claims properly allote�l and encumbered prior to inception thereof, are paid; and �I � WHEREAS it is tt�e opinion of the State that said roadway and storm I sewer facilitie� construction performed by the City is reasonable , valid and justi�ied and was performed in good faith without collusion and without int nt to defraud; and WHEREAS the State is willing to participate in the costs of said i � roadway and stor�n sewer facilities construction as hereinafter set I forth; and ' � WHEREAS it is an icipated that the construction performed under State Project No. 6219 04 (T.H. 56=112) will be eligible for Federal Grant funds participat on, and in that event, the costs of the state cost -3- � I ��� I I I ; - �- �-'� ; � , � I 65359 � participatiorrjconstruction hereunder will be reduced by the Federal _ � _ Grant funds re�Ceived by the City for the construction costs incurred in the performjance of said state cost participation construction. I i Y IT IS, THEREFOIRE, MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: � iI ARTICLE I - B SIS OF PAYMENT BY THE STATE Section A. Co struction Costs The State shal���l Qay to the City, as the State' s full and complete share of the �ity contract construction performed in accordance with st3te approvec� City plans, specifications and special provisions therefor desi nated by the City as City Projects No. 87-S-8020 and No. � � 87-P-8005 and �by the State as State Project No. 6219-04 (T.H. 56=112) which are on ile in the office of the City Engineer at St. Paul , Minnesota , an in the office of the Commissioner of Transportation at St. Paul , Minr�esota , and are made a part hereof by reference with the same force an� effect as though fully set forth herein , the costs of I the construct�on d�scribed below under "STATE COST PARTICIPATION CONSTRUCTION" � Said payment by the State under this agreement for I construction c�ork item costs is based on the final quantitites of Stats cost pa�tticipation construction work items performed multiplied by the approp�iate unit prices contained in the construction contract. It is hereby y�nderstood and agreed that any and all liquidated damages assessed the �ity' s contractor in connection with the work performed under said Ci y contract shall result in a credit shared by the City � _4_ ��j�`� ..Q � , - ���-i7 , . , I 6�359 and Lhe State �n the same proportion as �.heir total share of construction c�ntract work is to the total contract cost without any deduction for �iquidated damages. l Attached heretc�, made a psrt hereof by reference and marked SCHEDULE I "I" , is a final construction cost form which lists all of the State cost participalion construction and construction engineering items � performed t�ereulnder. Also attached hereto, made a part hereof by reference and mjarked EXHIBIT "A" , is one color coded sheet which shows and/or describe��s all of the State cost Qarticipation storm sewer I facilities cons�ruction performed hereunder . � i STATE COST PART CIPATION CONSTRUCTION All of the foll�wing construction performed upon, along and adjacent I to Trunk Highwa� No. 56 (Concord Street) including the outfall construction pe�formed upon and along the Arthur Street Easement I within the corpc�rate City limits under State Project No. 6219-04 � (T.H. 56=112 ) . I i 60 PERCENT STATE'� COST minus all anticipated Federal Grant funding All of the coopekative joint-use storm sewer facilities construction � - - as shown and/or {�escribed in "Green" color on the attached EXHIBIT "A" I including all as�ociated roadway construction. Said construction i, includes but is �ot limited to those construction items as described and tabulatecl on I� Sheet No. 2 of the attached SCHEDULE "I" . I � I � -5- , � I I , ����'� , ' S359 6 28 PERCENT STITE COST minus all _anticipted Federal Grant fundin _ � All of the co�perative joint-use storm sewer facilities construction as shown and/c�r described in "Orange" color on the attached EXHIBIT "A" including 'lall associated roadway construction. Said construction includes but il�s not limited to those construction items as described and tabulated �On Sheets No. 3 and No. 4 of the attached SCHEDULE "I" . � I Section B. Pr�rated Construction Costs T-r In addition, s�id payment by the State shall also include an amount � equal to the S�ate ' s final total share of construction costs as determined in �� ccordance with Section A. above multipli�d by the State' s pr�rat d shsres of the contract costs of Items No. 2021 . 501 "Mobilization" , No . 2031 . 503. "Field Office" and 412.605 "Sign, Type Project" . The Iformula by which said additional payment shall be determined is s�I�t forth in said attached SCHEDULE "I" . Said additional paym�nt represents the State' s proportionate shares of the mobilization, f�ield office and sign, type project costs incurred in connection withlthe aforesaid state cost participation cosntruction. Section C. Con truction Engineering Costs In addition, sai�d payment by the State shall also include an amount _ I equal to 8 percelnt of the State ' s final total share of construction costs as determi�?d in accordance with Section A. and B. above, as the State' s proporti�nate share of construction engineering costs incurred � by the City in c nnection with said state cost participation construction. I i � �, - -6- �� I - ! - � - '� � �-�7 . �, i �, 65359 _ARTICLE II - �ITY'S CERTIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERFORMED_ I The City doeslhereby certify and attest to the following : i a . The sati�factory performance and completion, in accordance with - � State appxove�l City plans, specifications and special provisions made a part hereof by reference, of thz contract construction represented in the City' s linvoice. I b. The accepl�tance and approval of all materials furnished for said invoice constr�uction relative to the compliance of such materials to the State' s cu�rent "Sta�dard Specifications for Construction" . c. The City �aving made payment in full to its contractor for the contract constl� uction repres2nted in the City' s invoice . � _ I P,RTICLE III P,YMENT EY THE STATE i Section A. Est�imate and Advancement of the State' s Cost Share It is estimatec�, for accounting purposes, that the State' s share of the costs of th�e construction work performed by the City hereunder which includes Ithe State' s shares of the prorated items " " i "Field Office" and "Sign, Type Project" plus the 8 Mobilization , � percent constru�tion engineering cost share and a $2,000.00 contingency amo�int is the sum of $58,356.05 as shown in the attached SCHEDULE "I" . �he attached SCHEDULE "I" form lists all of the State cost participat�on construction items and was prepared using final quantities and c�ontract unit prices. The aforesaid contingency amount I I . ,I �!�I -7- �� i i - �����7 � ' � _ 65359 � � is provided toi cover overruns of the State cost participation due to a decrease in th�e Federal Grant percentage. � The State shall advance to the City an amount equal to $56 ,356.05 as � shown in �aidiattached SCHEDULE "I" forthwith at such time as the ' - following conc�itions have been met; � 1 . �'ncumbrar�ce by the State of an amount equal to $58 ,356 .05 as . shown in said �attached SCHEDULE "I" . i 2. Full and �lcomplete execution of this aqreement and tha State' s transmittal o� same to the City. I 3. Receipt t�y the State of a written request from the City for said i advancement o� funds. Section B. Rlcords Keeping and Invoicin b the Cit The City shal keep such records and accounts that will enable the City, before �inal payment is made by the State in accordance with , Section C. of this article , to provide the State with the following: 1. Receipt �y the State of Federal Grant percentage and the proper I documentationl, acceptable to the State' s External Audit Unit, used to determine sai��l percentage. The Federal Grant percentage shall be i d�termined usling the method and formula set forth in the attached SCHEDULE "I" ., I � c i —8— i I _ �� ��� ����� . � I� 65359 ,� 2. Receiptlby the State of copies of the appropriate endorsed and cancelled Cit�y warrant( s) or check( s) for payment on the city contractor' s I�iinvoice( s) covering the State cost participation � construction �erformed hereunder. 3. When req ested by the State , receipt by the State of copies, certified by �he City' s Enqineer, of material sampling reports and of material testi�ng results for the materials furnished for the city contract const�ruction work represented in the City' s invoice. �i 4. Receipt bl!� the State of a formal invoice (one original signed copy and four �eproduced copies) in the amount of the total State cost I participation �er the terms and conditions of this agreement. �I Section C. Fi al Pa ment b the State Final payment y the State to the City hereunder in accordance with Article II herebf of the State ' s total cost participation amount less the total amoun�,t of advanced payment made by the State pursuant to I Section A. abov� shall bs made ( 1 ) upon the satisfactory completion of all of the Stat� cost participation construction work performed under said City contadt, acceotance thereof by the State and invoicing the State by the Cit�y in accordance with a written procedure furnished the City by the Stat� and (2) upon the completion of all of said City contract constru tion. If the amount found due from the State is less than the amount f funds advanced, then, and in that event, the �'I . � - 'i -9- ,,.� � � � , - �, �-��i� � 65359 , balance of sai� advanced funds shall be promptly returned to the State without intere�t. � Pursuant to Mir�nes�ta Statute 15.415, the City waives claim for any amounts le�s tt�an $2.00 over the State payment funds earlier received by the City, ar�d the State waives claim for the return of any amounts less than $2.Od of such funds advanced by the State . ARTICLE IV - GE�NERAL PROVISIONS Section A. Mailntenance It is hereby understood and agreed that, upon the full and complete execution of tlis agreement, the City shall thereafter properly � m3intain , without cost or expense to the State , all of the storm sewer facilities, san'itary sewer facilities and watermain facilities constructed wit in the corPorate City limits under the aforesaid City contract and th�t neithsr party to this agreement shall drain any i additional area�s into said storm sewer facilities that are not included in the drainage areas for which said storm sewer facilities were designed w�thout first obtaining permission to do so from the other party. T�e drainage areas served by the storm sewer facilities constructed -und�r the construction contract are shown in a drainage , area map, EXHIB�T "Drainage Area" , which is on file in the office of the State' s Dis rict Hydraulics Engineer at Oakdale and is made a part herof by refere ce with the same force and effect as though fully set forth herein . � �, -10- - v� ! - ��q-i7 . i ; 65359 It is hereby -uc�derstood and agreed that, upon the full and complete _ execution of t�is agreement, the City shall ther�after properly maintain, with�ut cost or expense to the State , the entire portions of all of the Citl streets and all of the facilities a part thereof constructed ou side of the Trunk Highway No. 56 (Concord Street) right of way limits ithin the corporate City limits under the aforesaid � City contract.�' Said maintenance shall be understood to include , but not be limited� to, snow and debris removal , resurfacing and/or seal coating and anly other maintenance activities necessary to perpetuate said road�aay �'ortions in a safe and usable condition. I It is hereby �nderstood and agreed that, upon the full and complete execution of t�his agree_ment, the City shall thereafter properly . I maintain, witl�out cost or expense to the State , all of the concrete � walk and conc�ete driveway pavement used as concrete walk constructed within the co�porat? City limits under the aforesaid City contract. Said maintena�ce shall be understood to include , but not be limited to, snow and �7ebris removal and any other maintenance activities I necessary to �erpetuate said concrete walk and concrete driveway pavement in a� safe and usable condition. I i Section B. E amination of Books , Records, Etc . As provided b Minnesota Statute , Section 16.095, the books , records, documents� and accounting procedures and practices of the City relevant to his agreement are subject to examination by the � � I �� i -11- ��,1. ,- Q I i - ��q-�7 � � � - , 65359 , , contracting de�artment or agency, and ei�her the legislative auditor or the sta�te a�ditor as appropriate . � I � Section C. Cl�ims The City indem ifies , saves and holds harmless the Stat� and all of its agents and employees of and from any and all claims, demands, actions or cau�es of action of whatsoever nature or character arising out of or by r�ason of the City contract construction, associated � construction er�gineering and maintenance work or services by the City hereunder, andl� further agrees to defend at its own sole cost and expense any ac�ion or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any �laim of whatsoever character arising as a result of I said City cont�act construction, associated construction engineering and maintenanc� work and services by the City hereunder. It is hereb u II derstood and a reed that an and all em lo ees of the Y � 9 Y P Y City and all o�her persons employed by the City in the performance of any constructi�n, construction engineering and/or maintenance work or services requi�ed or provided for hereunder by the City shall not be considered emp ��.oyees of the State and that .3ny and all claims that may or might arisel'� under the Worker' s Compensation Act of the Sta te of � Minnesota on b�half of said employees while so engaged and any and all i claims made by ; any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on th part of said City employees while so engaged on any of the constructi n, construction engineering and/or maintenance work or . I,I -12- ��� i� . . � ��9-�� 'i 65359 � services to belrendered herein by the City shall in no way be the - obligation or �}esponsibility of the State . I Section D. Agr�eement Approval Before thi� ag�eement shall become binding and effective, it shall be approved by reslolution of the City Council of the City and shall also receive the approval of such state officers as the law may provide in addition to thel Commissioner of Transportation or his duly authorized r�presen ta tive.I I � I �'I I I , II _ � I II�, � i � ��,I . �I -13- ��,� I ��� -I ����� . �i 65359 IiJ TESTIMONYIWHEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by �I their duly a�thorized officers and caus2d their respective seals to be hereunto aff�xed.- � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL � i Recommended fpr approval : (Signatures and City Seal) I �- By �� B Director f Public Works Mayor �i Approved as t� form: Date B II'� Y Assistant City Attorney By Director of Finance and Da te _� Managemen t Serv ices Da te � Da te DEPARTMENT OF RANSPORTATION STATE OF MINNESOTA Recommended fo approval : BY Deputy Commissi�ner By ��-/0-8¢J of Transportation n�Director - Agr ement �� Service Section Data � ; (Date of Agreement) I By District En ineer Approved: By Department of Administration Deputy Div sion Director Technical S rvices Division � � BY BY Executive Bu get Officer (Authorized Signature) Approved as to f rm and execution: Da t2 By Special Assist nt Attorney General , I - �(,� � -14- ��''�/ ` I V � � \ - � • � o� � � N F+ W p O u c� O � L ! A � � '-1 7 � a a.i � Z � O •.a r-a � a � o� v a � � � w v e - u, � ,� � a� �-+ .c a cn � .o o� �n o �n o �n o �n N • u v d � .o .� r� a .o 0 0 0 w o ++ �.+ a� • • �o .1 Z (A U e0 P� �l1 t+1 .t 1� a0 .O O .O 1 � LL [� r� O CO N O S v'1 O �1 v .--i A LJ W n) fA O� O� C� N .-I N c'� O c�1 � t � E O C~7 � U c0 M 7 � i[1 � u'1 N �e'1 W N 0J +� 'C1 � W O N U � W Q N E-� 'o d 'v +-' c/� o a� v� a 6 N a� a� O U � W +i � � N H C+' a +i U C b +��+ O � a� H +� t� W F+ 7 t� },� .�. ai +.� � N vf N � 'C7 4' • N \ ^ O H �D \ v7 v a� N CO W y � .-a ed 'd .7 �"i .. 3 �+ .� � O N �O O .� c0 v a0 H .-i O C'+ � d N • .no � C� a� C a� a u� b � � � C W N �' u � � x cs c� � o o a�i W a� e E '' ..Hi � � Z Z t�V+ o �0 a a�.� u � j u u o� •� u v �o v� � e0 +� H N N W ++ v) q a! O d1 H � Ol �1 .-I t) N H N � 1d7 e0 3 CF '� .[ � u u � � � N cV Gy tn c) �O 6 E a�.+ f��+ a�.+ m ee u � F+ �D o0 W O O .G O :o p +� � t� O y F+ 1•� u H 3+ a H � O O O � �+ . �7 N u cC G*. 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