98-989QRIGINAL ?resented By Referred To RE SOI,VED : RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESO7A Council File # - lU - 9 g� Ordinance n Creen Sheet � LP60067 33 Committee: Date 1 That application (iD #19980000406) for a Auto Body Repair Garage 2 License(s) by STEVE'S AUTO BODY ST PAUL INC DBA STEVE'S AUTO 3 BODY ST PAUL INC at 1196 7TH ST E be and the same is hereby approved 4 with the following conditions: 5 1. Parking, manuevering, customer vehicle storage and dumpster 6 location shall be as shown on the site plan on file with LIEP, 7 dated 6/5/98. s 2. The dumpster shall be enclosed with a 6'-0" high wood obscuring 9 fence by October 2, 1998. 10 3. There shall be no exterior storage other than the parking 11 of customer/ employee vehicles. 12 Requested by Department of: By: Approved by Mayo//jDate ����; Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: \,'�'�4� � "'"°V,i� Form Approved by City ey � �� _ �--'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: u V %�) v � g Adopted by Council: Date n,`� _��_��a1�' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary QEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE IN�7IATED n LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEET No. tP s0os� - y� ��� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE UNTHER WILLIAM (BILL) (6511266-9132 "�AAUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY I 10/28/1998 TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES NUMBER FOR ROUTING OROER , 1� City Attomey ❑2 Council Research (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) I ACTION REQUESTED: Coundl approval of the following license appliqtion: License # 19980000406, for STEVE'S AUTO BODY ST PAUL INC, Doing Business As STEVE'S AUTO BODY ST PqUL INC, at � � 96 7TH ST E, including the following business type(s): Auto Body Repair Garege. � RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SVC C1NN, 250NAL SEftVICE CONTR4CTS MUST ANS WER THE FOLLOW WG QUESTIONS Has this perSONfirm ever worked untlet a contract for this department? VES NO Has lhis persoNfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO Dces this person/frm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Is ihis person/firm a targeted vendo(1 VES NO answers on Request Council approvai (or an Auto Body Repair Garage License by Steve's Auto Body St. Paut, Inc. DSA Steve's Auto Body St. Paui, inc. at 1197 7th St. E. �{iFirr.ii i i� �vc: v uv..G�: ,. _. ie f �.'�.A��1 x IF APPROVED: IF NOT APPROVED: AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER INFORMATION: CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TI-�S APPLICATIO'.v IS SL�JECT TO REVIEW BY THE PIJBL?C PLEASE TY�E OR PRINT IN II�TK CII'Y OF SAI?vT P�UL �ce of Licr.ie, Irspe^_tions ar,d EmSron^�r.rW1 Piotettion :W Si P�e St S'�:e � k..?t1, V� :�0'2 5 (51'<)i6Go�c0 fz<(ii21'_a4£Il4 S S a � 7a � � Company Nasne: ��" �! Z' E-' -S � U. �'O � d Corpo:aaoy�i' Parta_ ship / Sole Roprietoiship If business is incorQorated, g date of incorpora�t DoingBtLSinessAs: .J T �' �E,'�S I, U ! / / �c�V J Business Address: I 1 9� �a S f �� 7 S�ree� ,S'f , Pa k � f�'1 N� ,j /Q Ej strrctAddress ` C c;Ty state Zip / Beh��een tj�hat cross screets is the btuiness located? DU E L�� 3�, � N�' � CD }4� �7 �ch side of the street� � u��"�. Are the premises now occupied9 � �' S - - What T}pe of Business7 Mail To Address: J I 9�i a� �� �� .��'re e f' �*� , � c� �,/ .� StxeetAddrm CiTy State Zip G� 7 Applicant Infoimalion: ,{�� ATameandTit]e: _� f C�'IE��Q /�1AY'I'C. � 0�iCl:_. �Y2S1�{ 1�� Fust �liddie (.Wfaiden> Lsst ritle x�eAaa�ess: _ j0�6 �Q i-Fi eY- S�'re� sf. Paut �kJ� .-rJs`ii�-5/�S Steei Addrev Ciry State Zip I Date of Birth: +5 �^�- 1� / Place of Birth: � 1'�� ��a �' S f � Home Phone ��� �� � 4 y s 9 Vo..e.-....e dl.�.... � , .A._e.._..Fiy...... _ ' �_<�_ �' .. . _ V ....:_. •.:�^_ :3v: Vt:+:i13Y1CZOii1CIi[lanulii7C. T�J �tiG " ', _"`. _ '_• '.�, .W,..�. _ 7 7 ` �_ Date of azrest: N t� �� Where9 �/✓ `� Charge: 'V ! /-� Con�zetion: N I J3 Sentrnce: N�� List the names and re5idences of three persons of good moral character, living k7thin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, u•ho may be referred to as to the applicanYs character: Ha�•e any of the above nsmed licenses e�'er been re��oked? � YES � NO If yes, list the dates and re2sons far revocation: 2/18r47 List licenses �3'Yuch you curremly hol� foixnerly hel� or may fiace an interes[ in: Are }'ou going to operzte ilvs business pe; sonzl]} _..� YES �� � Finc�sme liome Ad�css: 5:•cet \�e \JC.]�IC IN:IEl n:E:z-� �� � Cib� A:e;�ou goin¢ to hz�e a. �.hsea or 2SS!S?c7!I II1 fI115 UL'SLT1E55� Y �_ �O lf the n�zagzr is aot the su*�e zs ihe operztor, piease complete the io!lo��v�g inio�mztion: ��/f � Fisc\ame \�ddicl-ritizi (�:zid^�) Zsrt DstcoiB"uil� t�1lf{ xom�na�.: s�a��� Ci,y Please list }our emplo;mrnt histoy for the pre�io•s fi�•e (5) ;�eas period: Business/Em�lo«nent 5�1-uaFVi�' m A dress i�n S;zte S�:e ( E' Y S"� �� -qP9 Datc of Binh Zi� PSonc�umba Phone $'F. PGt �l �, (1't 1� cQ Ma Fr��se uI i� � List alt other officers of the corporavon: OFFICER 7ITLE NAME (Office Held) Ylic�he�l� �o G�ck �res� 1,e jZec� � � �l'//11SR1 SS iS 8 p2YtilE HOME ADDRESS ■[�� �r1 HOME BUSI;QESS PHONE PHONE a l� i er $�• ��48��4y89 �'� .�4-$ 2 ,�aa t �""i �' 3r wi �Z. iz .� � ,r �.m � � � l-¢�43 4��-4�s ' 3�/b¢�5°`rye' S/SL °f �6 - 3¢SZ ormation for eacfipartner (use additional pages it'necessar}� DATE OF BIRTH S/9 �1z %/�9 Fuat::ame ?viiddSs Initiel ^� {4faidsn) Lat[ Date of BirtS f� �� Home Addras: Street?:ame City Sfate Zip Phone \�umber N/t� F'vst\ame MiddieIaitixl (!.Saidrn) Lsri Dateo£Buth eAa. SL2et?�ame �_- . ......,... _ , _ Z �v MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATIdN NUMBER - Pursuant to t2�e Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (T� Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the M�naeceta business tax identificavon number and Lhe soeial sec;uity ar.mber of eac� licqse agplicant Under the Mianesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federai Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoxmation may be used to deiry the issuance or renewal of your license in the evrnt � ou owe Minnesota sales, employer's uzthholding or motor vehicle er,cise taxes; - Upon receieing this information, the licensing authority will suppiy it only to the Minnesota Department of Revrnue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Re�•rnue may supply this information to the Internai Revenue SenSce. Iviinnesota Tax Identification Numbe[s (Sales & U� Taz: Nt�ber) may be obtained from the State of Mianesota, Business Records Departrnent, 10 RiverPark Plaza (612-296-6781). Social Securiry Number Minnesota TaY Identification I�rumber: -3�2 �3� _ If a Minnesots Tax Idrntificalion Number is not required for the business being operated, indicafe so by placing an"X" in the box. NO If not, ��.':o �i��ll opzrztz ;t? �N �o i 2/I S,'97 �'.°� CERTI'i�ICAIIO\T OF WORi�ERS' CONiPENSATiON CO\'�?2AGE PURSUi�.\T TO:dII\iv�ESOTA STATi3TE 176.182 I hereby ceRif} that I, or my� comp�.���. z�n in compliznrz �zith Le �� alers' compens2von insur2nce cocerzge ; zquiremznts of'�iinnesoia Stztu:e 176.182, subdi�isioa 2. I uo undzrstznd that p:o�ZSion offz!c i�or,r.2tioa i�z this certification constitu:zs suu�cient �ounds for ad� erse action zgainst a11 licznses held, v�cluding re��ocation and suspeasio� ei sz;d licenses. Nasne of Instu znce Co:npuzy: Policy I�TUmber: Coverzoe fram to I ha��e no emplo}'e:s cocer:d uder �rorkzrs cor.ipznsaton i s�rznce �(i\'ITIALS) Ah'Y FAISIFICATION OF eL\SVt'ERS GiVE��T OR MATERIAL StiBi1ITTED WILL RESULT Lti DE\7AL OF THFS APPLICATION I hereby state that I hzti�e ans� ered a!1 of the preceding ques.iors, �d that the information contained fierein is true and correct to the best of my laou�ledge and belief. I hereby stete fiuther that I have r�.,ei�•ed no money or other consideration, by way of loan, eift, contribution, or otheraise, othzr tt�an zlread; discl� in the application w�ich I be: zuith submitted I also undersand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health 2�d other cit} officiais at any and all times when Le busiaess is in operation all applications) We e�il( accept pa� ment b�' cash, check (made pa} to Cih' of Saint Paul) or credit card (M/C or Visa). Date IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGIR'FORMATION: �MasterCazd �Visa EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � ACCOL"NT I3UMBER: l�l��i(��il� ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ro� au Date •*NoYe: If this application is Food/Liquor re7ated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�zew plasu. If an� substznti�� ch z ,�es to structure aze anticinated n�e�^P ^nntacf a r;+•� �f C_ r Pe��t Pl�r F•_,...� _- ,; ^c< _,��-, .� e „i. > r_, '- __� _ . .. �-.... ;->y building peimiu. Ifthere aze an}• chffiges to the pazking lot, IIoor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications require the following documents. Please attach these documents n�hea submitting your application: 1. A dMailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the si2e plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 812" x 14" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The sca]e should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seatmg areas, kitchens, offices, repair aze� parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or �pansion of tt3e ]icensed faciliry, indicate both the cwarnt area and the proposed e��pansion. 2. A copy ofyour lease agreement or proof of ounership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQL'II2E ADDTTIONAL L�'FORI�Z.ATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> 2%18'97 ��`af �°�� , L SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL License Applicafion Public Hearing Notiee y � �'� ' l �' ,/� t� 0 FILE NIJMBER: 19980000406 PURPOSE: Application for an Auto Body Repair Garage License LIGENSE AT; 1196 7ffi St E. APPLICANT: Steve's Auto Body St. Paul, Inc. DBA Steve's Auto Body St. Paul, Inc., Michelle Bobick, President, 487-4959 HEARING DATE: October 28, 1998, at 5:30 p.m. All Public Heazings aze held during the City Council meeting in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Ciry Hall; 15 Kellogg Boulevazd West. This date may be changed without notice prior to the hearing. Please call the LIEP Office at 266-9090 prior to the heazing for confirmation of the heazing date. \�0.`�� Notice mailed: 09123(98 QRIGINAL ?resented By Referred To RE SOI,VED : RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESO7A Council File # - lU - 9 g� Ordinance n Creen Sheet � LP60067 33 Committee: Date 1 That application (iD #19980000406) for a Auto Body Repair Garage 2 License(s) by STEVE'S AUTO BODY ST PAUL INC DBA STEVE'S AUTO 3 BODY ST PAUL INC at 1196 7TH ST E be and the same is hereby approved 4 with the following conditions: 5 1. Parking, manuevering, customer vehicle storage and dumpster 6 location shall be as shown on the site plan on file with LIEP, 7 dated 6/5/98. s 2. The dumpster shall be enclosed with a 6'-0" high wood obscuring 9 fence by October 2, 1998. 10 3. There shall be no exterior storage other than the parking 11 of customer/ employee vehicles. 12 Requested by Department of: By: Approved by Mayo//jDate ����; Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: \,'�'�4� � "'"°V,i� Form Approved by City ey � �� _ �--'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: u V %�) v � g Adopted by Council: Date n,`� _��_��a1�' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary QEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE IN�7IATED n LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEET No. tP s0os� - y� ��� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE UNTHER WILLIAM (BILL) (6511266-9132 "�AAUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY I 10/28/1998 TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES NUMBER FOR ROUTING OROER , 1� City Attomey ❑2 Council Research (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) I ACTION REQUESTED: Coundl approval of the following license appliqtion: License # 19980000406, for STEVE'S AUTO BODY ST PAUL INC, Doing Business As STEVE'S AUTO BODY ST PqUL INC, at � � 96 7TH ST E, including the following business type(s): Auto Body Repair Garege. � RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SVC C1NN, 250NAL SEftVICE CONTR4CTS MUST ANS WER THE FOLLOW WG QUESTIONS Has this perSONfirm ever worked untlet a contract for this department? VES NO Has lhis persoNfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO Dces this person/frm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Is ihis person/firm a targeted vendo(1 VES NO answers on Request Council approvai (or an Auto Body Repair Garage License by Steve's Auto Body St. Paut, Inc. DSA Steve's Auto Body St. Paui, inc. at 1197 7th St. E. �{iFirr.ii i i� �vc: v uv..G�: ,. _. ie f �.'�.A��1 x IF APPROVED: IF NOT APPROVED: AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER INFORMATION: CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TI-�S APPLICATIO'.v IS SL�JECT TO REVIEW BY THE PIJBL?C PLEASE TY�E OR PRINT IN II�TK CII'Y OF SAI?vT P�UL �ce of Licr.ie, Irspe^_tions ar,d EmSron^�r.rW1 Piotettion :W Si P�e St S'�:e � k..?t1, V� :�0'2 5 (51'<)i6Go�c0 fz<(ii21'_a4£Il4 S S a � 7a � � Company Nasne: ��" �! Z' E-' -S � U. �'O � d Corpo:aaoy�i' Parta_ ship / Sole Roprietoiship If business is incorQorated, g date of incorpora�t DoingBtLSinessAs: .J T �' �E,'�S I, U ! / / �c�V J Business Address: I 1 9� �a S f �� 7 S�ree� ,S'f , Pa k � f�'1 N� ,j /Q Ej strrctAddress ` C c;Ty state Zip / Beh��een tj�hat cross screets is the btuiness located? DU E L�� 3�, � N�' � CD }4� �7 �ch side of the street� � u��"�. Are the premises now occupied9 � �' S - - What T}pe of Business7 Mail To Address: J I 9�i a� �� �� .��'re e f' �*� , � c� �,/ .� StxeetAddrm CiTy State Zip G� 7 Applicant Infoimalion: ,{�� ATameandTit]e: _� f C�'IE��Q /�1AY'I'C. � 0�iCl:_. �Y2S1�{ 1�� Fust �liddie (.Wfaiden> Lsst ritle x�eAaa�ess: _ j0�6 �Q i-Fi eY- S�'re� sf. Paut �kJ� .-rJs`ii�-5/�S Steei Addrev Ciry State Zip I Date of Birth: +5 �^�- 1� / Place of Birth: � 1'�� ��a �' S f � Home Phone ��� �� � 4 y s 9 Vo..e.-....e dl.�.... � , .A._e.._..Fiy...... _ ' �_<�_ �' .. . _ V ....:_. •.:�^_ :3v: Vt:+:i13Y1CZOii1CIi[lanulii7C. T�J �tiG " ', _"`. _ '_• '.�, .W,..�. _ 7 7 ` �_ Date of azrest: N t� �� Where9 �/✓ `� Charge: 'V ! /-� Con�zetion: N I J3 Sentrnce: N�� List the names and re5idences of three persons of good moral character, living k7thin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, u•ho may be referred to as to the applicanYs character: Ha�•e any of the above nsmed licenses e�'er been re��oked? � YES � NO If yes, list the dates and re2sons far revocation: 2/18r47 List licenses �3'Yuch you curremly hol� foixnerly hel� or may fiace an interes[ in: Are }'ou going to operzte ilvs business pe; sonzl]} _..� YES �� � Finc�sme liome Ad�css: 5:•cet \�e \JC.]�IC IN:IEl n:E:z-� �� � Cib� A:e;�ou goin¢ to hz�e a. �.hsea or 2SS!S?c7!I II1 fI115 UL'SLT1E55� Y �_ �O lf the n�zagzr is aot the su*�e zs ihe operztor, piease complete the io!lo��v�g inio�mztion: ��/f � Fisc\ame \�ddicl-ritizi (�:zid^�) Zsrt DstcoiB"uil� t�1lf{ xom�na�.: s�a��� Ci,y Please list }our emplo;mrnt histoy for the pre�io•s fi�•e (5) ;�eas period: Business/Em�lo«nent 5�1-uaFVi�' m A dress i�n S;zte S�:e ( E' Y S"� �� -qP9 Datc of Binh Zi� PSonc�umba Phone $'F. PGt �l �, (1't 1� cQ Ma Fr��se uI i� � List alt other officers of the corporavon: OFFICER 7ITLE NAME (Office Held) Ylic�he�l� �o G�ck �res� 1,e jZec� � � �l'//11SR1 SS iS 8 p2YtilE HOME ADDRESS ■[�� �r1 HOME BUSI;QESS PHONE PHONE a l� i er $�• ��48��4y89 �'� .�4-$ 2 ,�aa t �""i �' 3r wi �Z. iz .� � ,r �.m � � � l-¢�43 4��-4�s ' 3�/b¢�5°`rye' S/SL °f �6 - 3¢SZ ormation for eacfipartner (use additional pages it'necessar}� DATE OF BIRTH S/9 �1z %/�9 Fuat::ame ?viiddSs Initiel ^� {4faidsn) Lat[ Date of BirtS f� �� Home Addras: Street?:ame City Sfate Zip Phone \�umber N/t� F'vst\ame MiddieIaitixl (!.Saidrn) Lsri Dateo£Buth eAa. SL2et?�ame �_- . ......,... _ , _ Z �v MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATIdN NUMBER - Pursuant to t2�e Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (T� Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the M�naeceta business tax identificavon number and Lhe soeial sec;uity ar.mber of eac� licqse agplicant Under the Mianesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federai Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoxmation may be used to deiry the issuance or renewal of your license in the evrnt � ou owe Minnesota sales, employer's uzthholding or motor vehicle er,cise taxes; - Upon receieing this information, the licensing authority will suppiy it only to the Minnesota Department of Revrnue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Re�•rnue may supply this information to the Internai Revenue SenSce. Iviinnesota Tax Identification Numbe[s (Sales & U� Taz: Nt�ber) may be obtained from the State of Mianesota, Business Records Departrnent, 10 RiverPark Plaza (612-296-6781). Social Securiry Number Minnesota TaY Identification I�rumber: -3�2 �3� _ If a Minnesots Tax Idrntificalion Number is not required for the business being operated, indicafe so by placing an"X" in the box. NO If not, ��.':o �i��ll opzrztz ;t? �N �o i 2/I S,'97 �'.°� CERTI'i�ICAIIO\T OF WORi�ERS' CONiPENSATiON CO\'�?2AGE PURSUi�.\T TO:dII\iv�ESOTA STATi3TE 176.182 I hereby ceRif} that I, or my� comp�.���. z�n in compliznrz �zith Le �� alers' compens2von insur2nce cocerzge ; zquiremznts of'�iinnesoia Stztu:e 176.182, subdi�isioa 2. I uo undzrstznd that p:o�ZSion offz!c i�or,r.2tioa i�z this certification constitu:zs suu�cient �ounds for ad� erse action zgainst a11 licznses held, v�cluding re��ocation and suspeasio� ei sz;d licenses. Nasne of Instu znce Co:npuzy: Policy I�TUmber: Coverzoe fram to I ha��e no emplo}'e:s cocer:d uder �rorkzrs cor.ipznsaton i s�rznce �(i\'ITIALS) Ah'Y FAISIFICATION OF eL\SVt'ERS GiVE��T OR MATERIAL StiBi1ITTED WILL RESULT Lti DE\7AL OF THFS APPLICATION I hereby state that I hzti�e ans� ered a!1 of the preceding ques.iors, �d that the information contained fierein is true and correct to the best of my laou�ledge and belief. I hereby stete fiuther that I have r�.,ei�•ed no money or other consideration, by way of loan, eift, contribution, or otheraise, othzr tt�an zlread; discl� in the application w�ich I be: zuith submitted I also undersand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health 2�d other cit} officiais at any and all times when Le busiaess is in operation all applications) We e�il( accept pa� ment b�' cash, check (made pa} to Cih' of Saint Paul) or credit card (M/C or Visa). Date IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGIR'FORMATION: �MasterCazd �Visa EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � ACCOL"NT I3UMBER: l�l��i(��il� ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ro� au Date •*NoYe: If this application is Food/Liquor re7ated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�zew plasu. If an� substznti�� ch z ,�es to structure aze anticinated n�e�^P ^nntacf a r;+•� �f C_ r Pe��t Pl�r F•_,...� _- ,; ^c< _,��-, .� e „i. > r_, '- __� _ . .. �-.... ;->y building peimiu. Ifthere aze an}• chffiges to the pazking lot, IIoor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications require the following documents. Please attach these documents n�hea submitting your application: 1. A dMailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the si2e plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 812" x 14" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The sca]e should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seatmg areas, kitchens, offices, repair aze� parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or �pansion of tt3e ]icensed faciliry, indicate both the cwarnt area and the proposed e��pansion. 2. A copy ofyour lease agreement or proof of ounership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQL'II2E ADDTTIONAL L�'FORI�Z.ATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> 2%18'97 ��`af �°�� , L SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL License Applicafion Public Hearing Notiee y � �'� ' l �' ,/� t� 0 FILE NIJMBER: 19980000406 PURPOSE: Application for an Auto Body Repair Garage License LIGENSE AT; 1196 7ffi St E. APPLICANT: Steve's Auto Body St. Paul, Inc. DBA Steve's Auto Body St. Paul, Inc., Michelle Bobick, President, 487-4959 HEARING DATE: October 28, 1998, at 5:30 p.m. All Public Heazings aze held during the City Council meeting in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Ciry Hall; 15 Kellogg Boulevazd West. This date may be changed without notice prior to the hearing. Please call the LIEP Office at 266-9090 prior to the heazing for confirmation of the heazing date. \�0.`�� Notice mailed: 09123(98 QRIGINAL ?resented By Referred To RE SOI,VED : RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESO7A Council File # - lU - 9 g� Ordinance n Creen Sheet � LP60067 33 Committee: Date 1 That application (iD #19980000406) for a Auto Body Repair Garage 2 License(s) by STEVE'S AUTO BODY ST PAUL INC DBA STEVE'S AUTO 3 BODY ST PAUL INC at 1196 7TH ST E be and the same is hereby approved 4 with the following conditions: 5 1. Parking, manuevering, customer vehicle storage and dumpster 6 location shall be as shown on the site plan on file with LIEP, 7 dated 6/5/98. s 2. The dumpster shall be enclosed with a 6'-0" high wood obscuring 9 fence by October 2, 1998. 10 3. There shall be no exterior storage other than the parking 11 of customer/ employee vehicles. 12 Requested by Department of: By: Approved by Mayo//jDate ����; Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: \,'�'�4� � "'"°V,i� Form Approved by City ey � �� _ �--'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: u V %�) v � g Adopted by Council: Date n,`� _��_��a1�' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary QEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE IN�7IATED n LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEET No. tP s0os� - y� ��� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE UNTHER WILLIAM (BILL) (6511266-9132 "�AAUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY I 10/28/1998 TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES NUMBER FOR ROUTING OROER , 1� City Attomey ❑2 Council Research (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) I ACTION REQUESTED: Coundl approval of the following license appliqtion: License # 19980000406, for STEVE'S AUTO BODY ST PAUL INC, Doing Business As STEVE'S AUTO BODY ST PqUL INC, at � � 96 7TH ST E, including the following business type(s): Auto Body Repair Garege. � RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SVC C1NN, 250NAL SEftVICE CONTR4CTS MUST ANS WER THE FOLLOW WG QUESTIONS Has this perSONfirm ever worked untlet a contract for this department? VES NO Has lhis persoNfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO Dces this person/frm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Is ihis person/firm a targeted vendo(1 VES NO answers on Request Council approvai (or an Auto Body Repair Garage License by Steve's Auto Body St. Paut, Inc. DSA Steve's Auto Body St. Paui, inc. at 1197 7th St. E. �{iFirr.ii i i� �vc: v uv..G�: ,. _. ie f �.'�.A��1 x IF APPROVED: IF NOT APPROVED: AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER INFORMATION: CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TI-�S APPLICATIO'.v IS SL�JECT TO REVIEW BY THE PIJBL?C PLEASE TY�E OR PRINT IN II�TK CII'Y OF SAI?vT P�UL �ce of Licr.ie, Irspe^_tions ar,d EmSron^�r.rW1 Piotettion :W Si P�e St S'�:e � k..?t1, V� :�0'2 5 (51'<)i6Go�c0 fz<(ii21'_a4£Il4 S S a � 7a � � Company Nasne: ��" �! Z' E-' -S � U. �'O � d Corpo:aaoy�i' Parta_ ship / Sole Roprietoiship If business is incorQorated, g date of incorpora�t DoingBtLSinessAs: .J T �' �E,'�S I, U ! / / �c�V J Business Address: I 1 9� �a S f �� 7 S�ree� ,S'f , Pa k � f�'1 N� ,j /Q Ej strrctAddress ` C c;Ty state Zip / Beh��een tj�hat cross screets is the btuiness located? DU E L�� 3�, � N�' � CD }4� �7 �ch side of the street� � u��"�. Are the premises now occupied9 � �' S - - What T}pe of Business7 Mail To Address: J I 9�i a� �� �� .��'re e f' �*� , � c� �,/ .� StxeetAddrm CiTy State Zip G� 7 Applicant Infoimalion: ,{�� ATameandTit]e: _� f C�'IE��Q /�1AY'I'C. � 0�iCl:_. �Y2S1�{ 1�� Fust �liddie (.Wfaiden> Lsst ritle x�eAaa�ess: _ j0�6 �Q i-Fi eY- S�'re� sf. Paut �kJ� .-rJs`ii�-5/�S Steei Addrev Ciry State Zip I Date of Birth: +5 �^�- 1� / Place of Birth: � 1'�� ��a �' S f � Home Phone ��� �� � 4 y s 9 Vo..e.-....e dl.�.... � , .A._e.._..Fiy...... _ ' �_<�_ �' .. . _ V ....:_. •.:�^_ :3v: Vt:+:i13Y1CZOii1CIi[lanulii7C. T�J �tiG " ', _"`. _ '_• '.�, .W,..�. _ 7 7 ` �_ Date of azrest: N t� �� Where9 �/✓ `� Charge: 'V ! /-� Con�zetion: N I J3 Sentrnce: N�� List the names and re5idences of three persons of good moral character, living k7thin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, u•ho may be referred to as to the applicanYs character: Ha�•e any of the above nsmed licenses e�'er been re��oked? � YES � NO If yes, list the dates and re2sons far revocation: 2/18r47 List licenses �3'Yuch you curremly hol� foixnerly hel� or may fiace an interes[ in: Are }'ou going to operzte ilvs business pe; sonzl]} _..� YES �� � Finc�sme liome Ad�css: 5:•cet \�e \JC.]�IC IN:IEl n:E:z-� �� � Cib� A:e;�ou goin¢ to hz�e a. �.hsea or 2SS!S?c7!I II1 fI115 UL'SLT1E55� Y �_ �O lf the n�zagzr is aot the su*�e zs ihe operztor, piease complete the io!lo��v�g inio�mztion: ��/f � Fisc\ame \�ddicl-ritizi (�:zid^�) Zsrt DstcoiB"uil� t�1lf{ xom�na�.: s�a��� Ci,y Please list }our emplo;mrnt histoy for the pre�io•s fi�•e (5) ;�eas period: Business/Em�lo«nent 5�1-uaFVi�' m A dress i�n S;zte S�:e ( E' Y S"� �� -qP9 Datc of Binh Zi� PSonc�umba Phone $'F. PGt �l �, (1't 1� cQ Ma Fr��se uI i� � List alt other officers of the corporavon: OFFICER 7ITLE NAME (Office Held) Ylic�he�l� �o G�ck �res� 1,e jZec� � � �l'//11SR1 SS iS 8 p2YtilE HOME ADDRESS ■[�� �r1 HOME BUSI;QESS PHONE PHONE a l� i er $�• ��48��4y89 �'� .�4-$ 2 ,�aa t �""i �' 3r wi �Z. iz .� � ,r �.m � � � l-¢�43 4��-4�s ' 3�/b¢�5°`rye' S/SL °f �6 - 3¢SZ ormation for eacfipartner (use additional pages it'necessar}� DATE OF BIRTH S/9 �1z %/�9 Fuat::ame ?viiddSs Initiel ^� {4faidsn) Lat[ Date of BirtS f� �� Home Addras: Street?:ame City Sfate Zip Phone \�umber N/t� F'vst\ame MiddieIaitixl (!.Saidrn) Lsri Dateo£Buth eAa. SL2et?�ame �_- . ......,... _ , _ Z �v MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATIdN NUMBER - Pursuant to t2�e Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (T� Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the M�naeceta business tax identificavon number and Lhe soeial sec;uity ar.mber of eac� licqse agplicant Under the Mianesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federai Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoxmation may be used to deiry the issuance or renewal of your license in the evrnt � ou owe Minnesota sales, employer's uzthholding or motor vehicle er,cise taxes; - Upon receieing this information, the licensing authority will suppiy it only to the Minnesota Department of Revrnue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Re�•rnue may supply this information to the Internai Revenue SenSce. Iviinnesota Tax Identification Numbe[s (Sales & U� Taz: Nt�ber) may be obtained from the State of Mianesota, Business Records Departrnent, 10 RiverPark Plaza (612-296-6781). Social Securiry Number Minnesota TaY Identification I�rumber: -3�2 �3� _ If a Minnesots Tax Idrntificalion Number is not required for the business being operated, indicafe so by placing an"X" in the box. NO If not, ��.':o �i��ll opzrztz ;t? �N �o i 2/I S,'97 �'.°� CERTI'i�ICAIIO\T OF WORi�ERS' CONiPENSATiON CO\'�?2AGE PURSUi�.\T TO:dII\iv�ESOTA STATi3TE 176.182 I hereby ceRif} that I, or my� comp�.���. z�n in compliznrz �zith Le �� alers' compens2von insur2nce cocerzge ; zquiremznts of'�iinnesoia Stztu:e 176.182, subdi�isioa 2. I uo undzrstznd that p:o�ZSion offz!c i�or,r.2tioa i�z this certification constitu:zs suu�cient �ounds for ad� erse action zgainst a11 licznses held, v�cluding re��ocation and suspeasio� ei sz;d licenses. Nasne of Instu znce Co:npuzy: Policy I�TUmber: Coverzoe fram to I ha��e no emplo}'e:s cocer:d uder �rorkzrs cor.ipznsaton i s�rznce �(i\'ITIALS) Ah'Y FAISIFICATION OF eL\SVt'ERS GiVE��T OR MATERIAL StiBi1ITTED WILL RESULT Lti DE\7AL OF THFS APPLICATION I hereby state that I hzti�e ans� ered a!1 of the preceding ques.iors, �d that the information contained fierein is true and correct to the best of my laou�ledge and belief. I hereby stete fiuther that I have r�.,ei�•ed no money or other consideration, by way of loan, eift, contribution, or otheraise, othzr tt�an zlread; discl� in the application w�ich I be: zuith submitted I also undersand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health 2�d other cit} officiais at any and all times when Le busiaess is in operation all applications) We e�il( accept pa� ment b�' cash, check (made pa} to Cih' of Saint Paul) or credit card (M/C or Visa). Date IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGIR'FORMATION: �MasterCazd �Visa EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � ACCOL"NT I3UMBER: l�l��i(��il� ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ro� au Date •*NoYe: If this application is Food/Liquor re7ated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�zew plasu. If an� substznti�� ch z ,�es to structure aze anticinated n�e�^P ^nntacf a r;+•� �f C_ r Pe��t Pl�r F•_,...� _- ,; ^c< _,��-, .� e „i. > r_, '- __� _ . .. �-.... ;->y building peimiu. Ifthere aze an}• chffiges to the pazking lot, IIoor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications require the following documents. Please attach these documents n�hea submitting your application: 1. A dMailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the si2e plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 812" x 14" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The sca]e should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seatmg areas, kitchens, offices, repair aze� parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or �pansion of tt3e ]icensed faciliry, indicate both the cwarnt area and the proposed e��pansion. 2. A copy ofyour lease agreement or proof of ounership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQL'II2E ADDTTIONAL L�'FORI�Z.ATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> 2%18'97 ��`af �°�� , L SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL License Applicafion Public Hearing Notiee y � �'� ' l �' ,/� t� 0 FILE NIJMBER: 19980000406 PURPOSE: Application for an Auto Body Repair Garage License LIGENSE AT; 1196 7ffi St E. APPLICANT: Steve's Auto Body St. Paul, Inc. DBA Steve's Auto Body St. Paul, Inc., Michelle Bobick, President, 487-4959 HEARING DATE: October 28, 1998, at 5:30 p.m. All Public Heazings aze held during the City Council meeting in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Ciry Hall; 15 Kellogg Boulevazd West. This date may be changed without notice prior to the hearing. Please call the LIEP Office at 266-9090 prior to the heazing for confirmation of the heazing date. \�0.`�� Notice mailed: 09123(98