� dZyldY�C � � �
'���� Ordinance N 0.
� .1
Present B
' i
�� � � �� ���
Referred To • Committee: Date
Out of Committee By� Date
An oirdinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative
Codel and pertaining to personal property locker
faci;lities ; requiring facilities to be licensed,
bonc�ed, provide consumer protection, provide
miniimum health and safety standards , and provide
forlunannounced inspections of �ne individual
unit�s by the City' s inspectors .
' Section l .
That th� Saint Paul Legislai,ive Code is hereby amended so as
to add the following provisions thereto:
.01 . � Purpose. Tne City Council determines that en-
virpnme tal and consumer protection concerns requires
the ci y of Saint Paul to establish and enforce
environ ental , safety, and consumer protection
sta�dar�ls for personal property locker facilities .
Evidenc� indicates that hazardous waste materials
are at; times stored in personal proper�y locke-r
facilit�es and are unknown to employees and the
general' oublic who frequen� these facilities . Pro-
vision imust be made for access to personal locker
facilit�.es by city inspectors for necessary healtn
and saf�ty inspections .
.02. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter ,
the folllovaing terrns shall have the meanings given
to themjby this section:
Facillity operator or operator. Facility operator
or loperator means the owner, operator , lessor,
Yeas Nays i �,4 Requested by Department of:
Dimond i t `;
�� ( , f ` �'`.�-.�.T�`- In Favor
Goswitz '
12¢ttman /` (,� �
Scheibel �-'�.�� j Against BY
Sonnen '
Wilson _ I
Form Appr d by City At ney
Adopted by Council: Da�e
Certified Passed by Cowncil S�cretary BY
gy I
' Approve y Mayor for ubmission to Council
Approved by Mayor: Date I
gy By
PINK - FINANCE � -� � �
� BI.UE - MAVOR �� 'G,ITY OF� SAINT ,PAZI-:L .File ;�;NO. ��` �°�'�
, ,
O�dindnce "
- � �y � .�...� Ordinance N 0.
; , �
Presen B �,� -�7 -�'� ����r� ',� / .%:,�; ;v=,,�` � � l'
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, / � � _ �, ��,,�, / _ r./'
�Referred To ��'�" ��r' �`='' �• Committee. Date � d� �
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amenc�.ing tiZe Saint Paul Legislative
Code and pertaining to personal nroperty locker
facilities ; requiring facilities to be licensed,
bond�e3, provi�.e conswner protection, provide
minimum healt:� and safety standards, anc� provide
for ur�announced inspections of the individual
units by the City' s inspec�ars.
5ec�ian 1 .
That the Saint P�ul Le�i�lative Code is hereby amended so as
to =add the followingfprovisions thereto:
.01. Purpose. The City Council determines that en-
vironmen�al and consumer protection concerns requires
the city of Saint Paul to establish an�1 enforce
environr��ntal , safety, and consumer �rotection
standards for personal property locker facilities.
Evidence indicates that hazardous waste materials
are at ' times stored in personal property locker �
.facilities and are unknown to e�tployees and the
general ; public wha frequent these facilities. Pro-
vision must be made for access to personal locker
facilities by city inspectors for necessary health
and, safety inspections.
.02. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter,
the following terms shall have the meanings giv�n
to' tk�em by this section:
Facility operator or operator. �'acility operator
or operator means the owner, o,t�erator, lessor,
Yeas Nays Requested by Department oE:
��g In Favor
Scheibel A gai R s t BY
Form Apprqv�d by City Att ney
Adopted by �ouncil: Date ! � �
v �.J �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY F, � �
By ,� � �
Approved by Mayor: Date
Approvec'�bfy Mayor for Submission to Council
• '' , �. • . . . ��.-/�—
� . J � � � .�I° 012419 �
Councilmember DEPARTMENT . - - - - - -
298-4473 PxONE �
12 � 8 DATE
ASS N D (See reverse side.)
_ Department Di ec;to _ Mayor (or Assistant)
_ Finance and nage ent Services Director _ City Clerk
_ Budget Direct r _ '
_ City Attorney ' �
T G G S: (Clip all locations for signature.)
A V I 0 0 Y (Purpose/Rationale)
This ordinance pr vide for the licensing and regulation of personal property locker.
facilities, s�t s own as self-storage warehouses, which are not riort� licens�d or
regulated by the i�y s St. Paul. Provides for hazardous waste check, caapliance with
Certificate of Oc pan regulations and protection for cons�uners u�ix�g facilities.
� .
T�e is a benef' �n roviding a policy that ad.dresses the relatively new b�usines$ of
personal propert lqc facilities and a process to address public health and safety
concerns and pro c� c s�rer�. -
In �he short t , �he e could be additonal expense for inspections, but tY�re is the intent
to move inspecti �to a fee basis that covers the costs associ.ated with i.nspec�ions.
(Mayor's signat e �o required if under $10,000.) �
Total Amount o T�a sgction: Activity Number:
Fundi�g Source ,
Councii Research Center
. ATTACHMENTS: (L st a d number all attachments.> ��G 2 f 1988
_Yes _No Rul s� Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Aatendment required?
_Yes _No If es, are� they or timetable attached? �
_Yes i�o c 2 resolution required� Assolutinn required? _Yes _No
_Yes _No ns�ur nce required? Insurance sufffcient? _Yes _No
_Yes No ns'tir nce attached?
„ . • • ' �`4 .
� � �.... _�../ t.-.hJ b • • . •
The GREEN SHEET t�as three PURPOSES: .
l. to assisf in routing documents and in securing required signatures;
2. to brief the renievers of documents on the impacts of approval;
3. to heip ensure that necessary supportiag materials are prepared and, if required,
� attached. .
Providing complete information under the listed headings enables revie�ers to mal�e
decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay eaecution.
Belo�r is the preferrad ROUTI13G. for the �ive most frequent types of documents:
CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists)
1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor
2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director
3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting
Note: If a gONTRACT amount is less than $10,Q00, the Mayor's signature is not.required,
if the department d3rector sigas. A contract must always be signed by the outside agency
before routing, through Citq offices.
1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department
2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney
3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant
4. Budget 'Director 4. City Clerk
5. City Clerk
6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services
COUNCIL RESQLUTION (Budget Amendment/Grant Acceptance) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all athers) �
- 1, Department Director 1. Department Director
Z. Budget Director 2. City Attorney
3. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant
4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk ,
5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council
6. City Clerk
� 7. Citp Council
8. Chief Accauntant, Finance and Management Services
The CQSTIBENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to eaplain the
cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget
(General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users,
homeowners, or other groups affected by the action). The personnel impact is a description
of change or shift of Full-Tims Equivalent (FTE) positions.
The ADMINISTR.ATIVE PROCEDURES section must be completed to indicate whether additional
administrative procadures, including rules, regulations, or resource proposals are .
necessary for implementstion of an ordinance or resolution� If yes, the procedures or a
timetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. ,
SUPPORTING�IrtATERIALS. In the ATTACE$�,NTS section, identifq all attachments. If the Green
5heet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter
is one of the requested actions).
Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of
Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing.
No e: Actions which require C�ty Council resolutions include contractual relationships
�rith other governme�tal units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of
land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domain; assumption of liability by City, or
granting by �Citq of indemnification; agreements �ith state or federal government under
which they are providing funding; budget amendments.
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� 3zd , / �.�; �/ Adopted � �o�.�^ � `;
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'' : Yeas � Nays
= DIMOND ��9/�--,
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Y: �
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WHITE -�C�Y CLERK � CO{IIIC�l jf�`�';f '..
PINK — FINANCE • � . T . .jYd . � � . . • .� . . . .
� CANARV—OEPARTMHNT � �yTY OR SAI�NT � PAUL . File :.NO. `� f• f�
Ordindnc� �
`°� .r Ordinence'N 0.
Presentsd By ` �
f � < �- . � �
��eferred ''�-; ' r-`..`. -_- �- Committee: Date 'f.`� '�`,�
� " _ _ ;
Out of Coinmittee y ` Date
ard na�sce anendir� tt�r Saint P�wl Leqis2a�3v►+s
pertafninQ to �ersor�l PrapertY lo�i�r
f il� ies•, requirinq faciliti�s �to be .Ii�se�d,
pra►�ide const�er proteetfe�n. pro�i►i�
�re i h+�a2th and sai�ty standards, �d- pravide
f � fnspectic�as of the i�divislual1�
its � the C#!�►'s fs�ap�cfi^Ars. .
TH8 �tlt�liCIL CITY #�+' SAIiiT P1lUL t3QES ORD�lI�+1: �
_ � SeCtion l.
;?hat ir�t Paw3. �Qisiative Code .ia �rarby awsrkled so as
to at�d the li nQtprarr3sie�s ttutr►eto; _ ,
.�i. . '!he Ci ty Ca�a�ci1 ditersine� that a�-
vi ta �nc! ecrcuu�er protsctiou r.o�erns �^equirea
t�e ity of Saint Pa�sl to eatablish �td ea€�!'oe�ze
, e�vi atl, safet�, �! c�r prota�tion
stand s for personsl pr�srty' l+c�rker f�cilitie�a.
Svi ndicstts tha� � h�►sard�ar� araste t�at�ria2s _ _
ar� t r�es ste►r�td ir� p�rs�x�rl propertg 2�her,M
facill ies a�d ars �. to e�le�ees a� the
�e lie � �r�qu�t these facilities. Aro-
wi��� t b� a�de f.ar aceasa to p�rsonai lc�k+�r
. f�cilf i�s bar ei�r irispectt�rs tor n�cesaary ht�lth
and aty iaspsctions. ._ . �
fireitia�. For the .`
_ • P�rPost af this +etal�te:"�.
the 2� ssq terses shal� ha�e tl�e rsani� �v+�►
to b� th3s s�tit�n:
! ii o�rator or opera►�. �'acilft�r +�peratar
�or ape ator seans th�r o�ar, opecator, lesaflr, •
COUNCII. MEMBERS . �; � . - _>
Y� ��� Requested by Depa�tment of:
�ns In Favor =
s�n��t Against By
, sonnen
Adopted by Council: D te Form Approved by City Attqrney �� P�
,' F=
Certified Passed by Council S cretar BY , °f "�+� € ,��r ��
By �'
, Approved.by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for �ubmission to Council -
By ' BY
. . �, � : � � � � . � � � � �,��-i�
, ,
. �
or sublessor of a personal property locker facility,
his agent or any person authorized by him to
manage the facility, or to receive rent from
a tenant under a rental agreement.
Hazardous material . Hazardous material means
a substance or agent manufactured or used by
a business or an individual within the City of
Saint Paul and which is :
a) hazardous substance as defined in the Minnesota
Employee Right to Know Act of 1983 , Minn. Stat.
§ 182'�,. 651 , 5ubd. 14; or
b) h�'�azardous materials as defined in Article
9 of ', the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code established
by Mihn. Stat. § 299r .011 .
Personal property. Personal property means movable
property not affixed to land and includes but
is not limited to goods , wares , merchandise ,
and household items .
Personal property locker facility or facility.
Personal property locker facility and facility
means real property that is designed, and used
only for renting or leasing individual storage
enclosures , cubicles , or rooms to the general
public under the following conditions :
1 ) the tenants have access to the storage en-
closures , cubicles , or rooms only for storing
and removing personal property;
2) tl,he operator does not issue a warehouse
recei�t , bill of lading, or other document
of title for the personal property stored in
the storage enclosures , cubicles , or rooms ;
3) the facility has four or more individual
storage enclosures , cubicles , or rooms that
are designed to be locked for security by the
tenant ;
. .
. . . , •. . , . . ���_ /�
. ; .
4) tl�e facility shall not be a facility subject
to ]licensing by the State pursuant to Minn.
Stat1 § 231 . 16 .
The te�*m does not include a garage used principally
for p�rking motor vehicles or any property of
a financial institution that contains vaults ,
safe eleposit boxes , or other receptacles for
the use, purpose , and benefit of the financial
institution' s customer , or bus terminal or airport
type storage facilities .
Rate. , Rate means every individual or joint rate,
charge ,' or other compensation of every facility
either Ifor storage or any other service furnished
in conrlIection therewith, or any two or more such
individlual or joint rates , charges , or other
compens�ation of any facility practices , or contract
relatin� thereto.
Rental lagreement, agreement or lease. Rental
agreeme�t , agreement or lease means a written
agreement that is entered into by the operator
and temant and that establishes the terms and
conditiQns of the tenant ' s rental and use of
storage enclosures , cubicles , or rooms at a facili-
ty. Tt shall include the following provisions :
a) a , description of the dimensions and location
of the storage area rented;
b) the rental rate and period for which the
rate is guaranteed;
c) a�n inventory and initial description of
the s�ored property; and
d) a statement of the amount, nature, and limits
of the operator ' s responsibility in the event
of da�mage , theft , loss , or misdelivery of the
tenan� ' s property and the amount of insurance
coverage by the rental agreement. The statement
shall ' be on the face of the rental agreement
in ba,ld face print and in distinctive style
and coilor as compared to the other print.
� . ��. . � � � . �. � � � � lf�'- �`�_��-
Tenant. Tenant means a person, his sublease ,
successor, or assign who rents storage enclosures ,
cubicles , or rooms at a facility under a rental
agreement entered into with the facility operator.
.03. License required; fee ; term.
(a) License required. No person shall operate
a persona� property locker facility without first
having ob�ained a license as herein provided. A
separate license shall be required for each location.
The licens shall be a Class I license.
(b) Fee. , The annual license fee shall be the sum
of $ ��,
(c) Term� The term of a license shall be one year.
.04. Application. Each applicant shall make
application to the license inspector on such forms
and containing such information as the inspector
shall require . The application shall be made under
oath, and furnishing false information shall be
a violatian of this chapter in addition to any other
laws or ordinances .
.05. Surety Bond. Every application for a license
or renewal thereof shall be accompanied by a bond
executed by a bonding or surety company authorized
to do business in the State of Minnesota, in the
amount of ' $10, 000. 00, conditioned upon the assurance
that durimg the term of such license the licensee
shall con,tinue to comply with the provisions of
this chap'ter and all laws of the city and state
and to a�sure the protection of the tenants from
damage , t�heft , or conversion of their property.
The tenant shall have a cause of action against
the bond 'for reimbursement for any damages suffered
as a result of the licensee ' s negligence or noncommpli-
ance with the laws of the city.
.06. Inspection.
(a) Inspection. All personal property locker facili-
ties shall be inspected by the City of Saint Paul .
Inspection will occur at the inspector ' s convenience .
' 4.
. . � , � `: . � � � .� � � � � ��--,�
, . , � � �
The inspection shall include sanitation, environment,
building , safety, maintenance„
(b) Individual unit keys/master key. All personal
property locker facilities shall maintain on the
premises keys and/or a master key to each individual
storage unit , cubicle , enclosure , or room for the
purpose o,f inspections , maintenance , and compliance
with this ordinance. The keys and/or master key
shall be !made available to the police , fire , health
inspector , building inspector, and all other law
enforcement officers who desire entrance into each
individual, storage unit , enclosure , cubicle, or
room for the performance of their duties.
- .07 . H�,e alth and safety requirements.
(a) Fire �rotection. All facilities must be protected
against fi e by an automatic device or fire extinguish-
er. Ext�nguisher must be recharged at least once
a year an� tagged, showing the date of such recharge .
Where an , automatic de�rice is maintained, it must
be kept iiz complete working condition at all times .
Goods , wares , or merchandise must not be piled closer
than 1z feet from automatic devices .
(b) Certificate of occupancy inspections. Personal
property locker facilities snall comply with all
relevant �building and fire code provisions , and
shall be subject to mandated certificate of occupancy
inspections as required py the Legislative Code
or Fire Marshall .
(c) Inspec�tion required before opening. No building
or structt�re shall be used as a facility or branch
facility until it has been inspected and approved.
.08. Consumer protection.
(a) Contract. The contract between the facility
operator and tenant of a personal property locker
facility m�ast conform to the plain language of Minne-
sota Statutes , § 325G. 29 to § 325G. 36 .
. � �: . . . . � � � . �,�� , �:�-
(b) Rent. Rental rates shall be maintained on
file by the facility operator and made available
for inspection by any interested party. Rates shall
be the same for all persons and facility operators
shall not discriminate as between tenants . Rental
contracts shall provide that rental rates may not
be increased except upon providing tenant with at
least 10 days written notice thereof.
(c) Tenant rights. To the extent applicable , the
lease agreement between the facility operator and
tenant shall conform to the provisions of Minnesota
Statutes , IChapter 504 and sections 514. 970 through
514. 979. '
(d) Tena�t insurance. The lease agreement between
the facil',ity operator and tenant shall disclose
clearly and conspicuously the extent and limits
of insurance carried by the facility operator covering
the tenant ' s personal property stored in the personal
property locker facility. If the facility operator
does not provide insurance coverage for tenant ' s
personal property, the facility operator must provide
the tenant or prospective tenant with an opportunity
to purchase personal property insurance through
the facility operator.
.09. Storage of hazardous materials prohibited.
No tenant �hall store hazardous materials in a personal
property locker facility. A violation of this section
shall be a ' misdemeanor.
Section 2.
This ordirjance shall take effect and be in force thirty
days from and af$er its passage , approval and publication.
6 .
_ _
'� �� CLERK �
BIUE -MAYOR ��_'��
File N 0._
0���"�/`CG Ordinance N0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
� �
Section 3. �
This ordir�ance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Pa
Legislative Cod� and shall be incorporated therein and given
an appropriate ' chapter and/or section number at the time of
the next revisio� of said legislative Code.
I 7.
�'�S Nays Requested by Department of: a.
Dimond ;
LO1� � In Favor #
Scheibe7 � Against Bv
dopted by Council: Date � Form Approv d City Attorne '
�rtified Passed by Council Secre�ary gy
By ;�
' �
�proved by P/layor: Date � Approv Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
. , . i .
-----_. . . . . . : . L _. _ __ . . . . . _ . . .._. _ .
I _
BLUE -MAVOR � Flle NO. �^'I�
iOrdin�nce Ordinance 1�0.
Presented By
Referred To � Committee: Date
Out of Committee' By Date
� �
; Section 3 .
This ord�nance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul
Legislativ� Co�le and shall be incorporated therein and given
an appropr^iatel chapter and/or section number at the time of
the next r�visi,�on of said legislative Code.
' i
7 .
Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of:
Dimond i
�� � j [n Favor
Goswitz ; i
s�he;n�� ' � Against BY
Sonnen I
' i
i Form Approv d City Attorne
Adopted by Council: Dlate
Certified Passed by Council �Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: j Date Approv Mayor for Submission to Council
By i By
• ;, _ ,� . n ;
- �t �
WM17E - CITYACLERK : � . .
� PINK � FINANCE CITY OF SAI�NT PAULr� Council� ���'''``` � - -
� CANARY -DERARTMENT �/ �/ ,{/�-
ewe -M�voa File 1�0. ����� � ��
Ord � -
in�nce �inance N�.
Presented�By -
Referred To Comrr.ittee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Saction 3. �
T�is ord nanca sha2l �e cle�ed a part of th� Saint Pau�
Leqi�lativ aAd shsll be �iricorporat�d therein and giw�r►
a� apprc� iate cha�p!ter and�or sectfon ntmiber at the ti4s of
l;he r�t - is ot safd l�gi�lattive Cod�. r�
?. .
, ,: _ : - x
� COUNCII. MEMBE Requested by Department of:
Yeas ays ,
Dimond �
�os ` In Favor
��;�� � Against By
: sonnea� � .
Wils°° �`}
Form Approv�bq City Attorne f•"
Adopted by Council: D te ± � `
: ��
Certified Passed by uncil ecretary BY � '�' �`'' � .� .� ` ''
.�',' _ ,f', ,✓
BY � �'` � '
� Approved by Mayor• Date Approve¢`�by�Mayor for Submission to Council
By BY �
. . c,,:� v
' s ,. ' rs:
�� � Janice Rettman, chair
• � � GITY OF SAINT PAUL g��l Wilson
.`iiii'E Ee�nJ �
Datet July 6, 1989
�oun�l►Person Committee Report
To: Saint Paul City Council �
From : Comrr�unity and Human Services Committee
Janic� Rettman, Chair
A meeting of the Com�unity and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday,
July 5, 1989.
l. Approval of Minu�tes of June 21, 1989 meetin . _
Minutes approved; on 3-0 vote.
. 2. City Council Age�nda 5/4/89, Item No. 21: Resolution - 89-773 - Approving the
Lilydale/Harrie�' Island Master Plan and authorizing submission to the
Metropolitan Co�ncil and authorizing proper City Officials to execute agreements
� as necessa tr o acce t and im lement the Metro olitan Council rants for said
develo ment. ( or referral to the Communit and Human Services Committee.)
(To be continue June 21, 1989.) (Laid over to July S, 1989.)
Recommended for' approval on 5-0 vote. To be brought in under Suspension of
the Rules at Ju y 6, 1989 City Council meeting.
3. Cit Coundil A enda 1/5/89, Item No. 4: First Readin - 89-12 - An ordinance
amendin the L islative Code b addin a new cha ter licensin ersonal ro ert
locker fa ilit es. (For referral to the Communit and Human Services Committee.)
(Laid over� to rch 1, 1989 for further review with Licensin , Health,
Cit Atto�ne , and other a ro riate staff.) (Laid over to A ril 5, 1989 at
Bob Lon 's re est. Jerr Se al's re ort due March 3, 1989.) (Laid over to
June 21, 1989. (Laid over to Jul 5, 1989:)
No recomm�endat'on made.
4. City ounci Akgenda 6/15/89, Item No. 1: First Reading - 89-1081 - An ordinance
amendin Cha �'er 331 of the Le islative Code ertainin to food licensin b
authorizing t e process of the summary closing of licensed food establishments,
enacting the �tandards upon which closings should take place, and establishing
a hearin and �a eal rocess subsequent to a summar closin . (For referral
to the Commun t and Human Services Committee.)
No recommenda�tion made. Public hearing before the City Council to be held on
July 18, 1989�. .
CIT'Y HALL � ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289
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.. , .. . . . _ .. . ..-.. . . . . -_.. . , .. _ .. . . , .. - ..._
_. ._. .. . ._' .�-_... � '�. . _.:�-. .:._.. _.. .. � �- . . . . ...:
� . , .
Community and Human Services Committee
July 6, 1989
Page Two
S. Library Community Response (discussion item after District Councils' review •
of new proposed strategic plan) . (Laid over to July 5, 1989 at Bill Wilson's
Laid over to July 19, 1989.
cc: A1 Olson
Ed Starr
' • i �
----'—__._.----_—�_RE_TURN _TO JEROME__SEGAL._A�'T��_8D4P_TIQI�I�----------------__ _ ----
WHITE •- CITV CLERK � �� � � .
O/ WZ/`�/`CG Ordinance N O.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An orc�inance amending the Saint Paul Legislative
Code �nd pertaining to personal property locker
facil�ties ; requiring facilities to be licensed,
bonded�, provide consumer protection, provide
minimj.zm health and safety standards , and provide
for u#�announced inspections of the individual
units; by the City' s inspectors. �
Section 1 .
That the � Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended so as
to add the following provisions thereto:
.01 . IPurpose. The City Council determines that en-
vironmen�tal and consumer protection concerns requires
the cit of Saint Paul to establish and enforce
enviro ental , safety, and consumer - protection
- standar s for personal property locker facilities.
Evidencel indicates that hazardous waste materials
are at � times stored in personal property locker
facilit�es and are unknown to employees and the
general ; public who frequent these facilities. Pro-
vision �must be made for access to personal locker
facilit�es by city inspectors for necessary health
and saf�ty inspections.
.02. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter,
the fo!llowing terms shall have the meanings given
to them' by this section:
Fac�;lity operator• or operator. Facility operator
or ;operator means the owner, operator, lessor,
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
��g In Favor
�b�;�i I Against BY
Sonnen i
Adopted by Council: D�ate Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council �ecretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
a.. i Bv .
� �. �. : �:� : � , � . : - . . . _ �� ,�
� .� _
or sub�.essor of a personal property locker facility,
his a�ent or any person authorized by him to
manage the facility, or to receive rent from
a tena�t under a rental agreement.
Hazardpus material. Hazardous material means
a substance or agent manufactured or used by
a bus�iness or an individual within the City of
Saint Paul and which is :
a) hazardous substance as defined in the Minnesota
Empl�oyee Right to Know Act of 1983 , Minn. Stat.
§ 1$2.651 , Subd. 14; or
b) hazardous materials as defined in Article
9 0� the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code established
by 1'�Iinn. Stat. § 299r.O11 .
Personal property. Personal property means movable
propek�ty not affixed to land and includes but
is riot limited to goods , wares , merchandise ,
and hbusehold items .
Perso�nal property locker facility or facility.
Persanal property locker facility and facility
means real property that is designed, and used
onlyl for renting or leasing individual storage
encic¢sures , cubicles , or rooms to the general
publyc under the following conditions :
1 ) ; the tenants have access to the storage en-
cl�sures , cubicles , or rooms only for storing
and removing personal property;
2) ; the operator does not issue a warehouse
re�eipt, bill of lading, or other document
of� title for the personal property stored in
thie storage enclosures , cubicles , or rooms ;
3) the facility has four or more individual
storage enclosures , cubicles , or rooms that
ar,'e designed to be locked for security by the
t�nant; ,
' 2.
� . - . . � . . ��-/�
4) t;he facility shall not be a facility subject
to licensing by the State pursuant to Minn.
Stat� § 231 . 16 .
The te�rm does not include a garage used principally
for p�rking motor vehicles or any property of
a fir;iancial institution that contains vaults ,
safe ideposit boxes , or other receptacles for
the �se, purpose , and benefit of the financial
instit}ution' s customer, or bus terminal or airport
type �torage facilities .
Rate. � Rate means every individual or joint rate ,
charg�, or other compensation of every facility
eithe� for storage or any other service furnished
in cqnnection therewith, or any two or more such
indiv�.dual or joint rates , charges , or other
compe�sation of any facility practices , or contract
relat�.ng thereto.
Rent '1 agreement, agreement or lease. Rental
agree�ment, agreement or lease means a written
agre ment that is entered into by the operator
and �tenant and that establishes the terms and
cond tions of the tenant ' s rental and use of
stor�ige enclosures , cubicles , or rooms at a facili-
ty. � It shall include the following provisions :
a) ! a description of the dimensions and location
of! the storage area rented;
b) ' the rental rate and period for which the
ra!te is guaranteed;
c); an inventory and initial description of
thle stored property; and
d)i a statement of the amount, nature, and limits
o� the operator' s responsibility in the event
o� damage , theft, loss , or misdelivery of the
t¢nant' s property and the amount of insurance
cbverage by the rental agreement. The statement
s1Ra11 be on the face of the rental agreement
i� bold face print and in distinctive style
a�d color as compared to the other print.
' ;
� ; �
� 3.
• , . i
. � •.. : ; . . � _ . _ ���,/y
Tenant; Tenant means a person, his sublease ,
succes$or, or assign who rents storage enclosures ,
cubicl�s , or rooms at a facility under a rental
agreem�nt entered into with the facility operator.
.03. �icense required; fee; term.
(a) Li'icense required. No person shall operate
a personal property locker facility without first
having dbtained a license as herein provided. A
separate � license shall be required for each location.
The licer�se shall be a Class I license.
(b) Fe�. The annual license fee shall be the sum
of $
(c) Te�"m. The term of a license shall be one year.
.04. � Application. Each applicant shall make
applicat;ion to the license inspector on such forms
and cor�taining such information as the inspector
shall r quire . The application shall be made under
oath, nd furnishing false information shall be
a viola ion of this chapter in addition to any other
laws or ordinances.
.05. i Surety Bond. Every application for a license
or ren�wal thereof shall be accompanied by a bond
execute�i by a bonding or surety company authorized
to do ;business in the State of Minnesota, in the
amount ;of $10,000. 00, conditioned upon the assurance
that di.�ring the term of such license the licensee
shall ;continue to comply with the provisions of
this dhapter and all laws of the city and state
and td assure the protection of the tenants from
damage,', theft, or conversion of their property.
The t�nant shall have a cause of action against
the ba'nd for reimbursement for any damages suffered
as a r�sult of the licensee' s negligence or noncommpli-
ance with the laws of the city.
.06,'. Inspection.
(a) Ir�spection. All personal property locker facili-
ties �hall be inspected by the City of Saint Paul .
Inspec;tion will occur at the inspector' s convenience .
: : . ' . � � � C�� /�
The insp�ction shall include sanitation, environment,
building ,' safety, maintenance , -
(b) Indi!vidual unit keys/master key. All personal
property ,' locker facilities shall maintain on the
premises ; keys and/or a master key to each individual
storage ,'unit, cubicle , enclosure , or room for the
purpose iof inspections , maintenance , and compliance
with th�s ordinance. The keys and/or master key
shall be; made available to the police, fire , health
inspecto$�, building inspector, and all other law '
enforcem�nt officers who desire entrance into each
individu�l storage unit, enclosure , cubicle, or
room for the performance of their duties.
.07. Health and safety requirements.
(a) Fir� protection. All facilities must be protected
againstlfire by an automatic device or fire extinguish-
er. E�tinguisher must be recharged at least once
a year and tagged, showing .the date of such recharge.
Where n automatic device is maintained, it must
be kept in complete working condition at all times .
Goods , ares , or merchandise must not be piled closer
than lZlfeet from automatic devices.
(b) Cez�tificate of occupancy inspections. Personal
propert� locker facilities shall comply with all
relevanti building and fire code provisions , and
shall k�e subject to mandated certificate of occupancy
inspect�ions as required by the Legislative Code
or Fir� Marshall .
(c) Inspection required before opening. No building
or striucture shall be used as a facility or branch
facili�y until it has been inspected and approved.
.08; Consumer protection.
(a) Cpntract. The contract between the facility
operatpr and tenant of a personal property locker
facility must conform to the plain language of Minne-
sota S�tatutes , § 325G.29 to . § 325G. 36 .
. ,�. � . . � . , G� ���
. , . , , � .
. i
(b) Re}�t. Rental rates shall be maintained on
file by ; the facility operator and made available
for insp�ction by any interested party. Rates shall
be the same for all persons and facility operators
shall no�t discriminate as between tenants. Rental
contracts,' shall provide that rental rates may not
be incr�ased except upon providing tenant with at
least l0idays written notice thereof.
(c) Te�ant rights. To the extent applicable , the
lease a reement between the facility operator and
tenant s�hall conform to the provisions of Minnesota
Statutes ; Chapter 504 and sections 514. 970 through
514.979 . '
(d) Te�ant insurance. The -lease agreement between
the fac�ility operator and tenant shall disclose
clearly � and conspicuously the extent and limits
of insurjance carried by the facility operator covering
the ten�nt ' s personal property stored in the personal
property' locker facility. If the facility operator
does nat provide insurance coverage for tenant ' s
personal� property, the facility operator must provide
the ten nt or prospective tenant with an opportunity
to pur hase personal property insurance through
the fac ' lity operator.
.09. � Storage of hazardous materials prohibited.
No tena�t shall store hazardous materials in a personal
propertyr locker facility. A violation of this section
shall b� a misdemeanor.
Section 2.
This o�dinance shall take effect and be in force thirty
days from and� after its passage, approval and publication.
i 6,
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'_____ _".'"+_.;Y '� l _ w _ , __ _
; O/ dZn�nC`, Ordinance 1�0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By ' Date
Section 3.
This ordi�nance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul
Legislative Co�ie and shall be incorporated therein and given
an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of
the next revisiion of said legislative Code.
, ,
COUNCIL MEMBERS , Requested by Department of: �
Yeas Nays �
�og In Favor
s�he;►�i Against By
Wilson .
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council S�cretary By
By �
Approved by Mayor: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council