89-11 WMITE - CITV CLERK I . PINK � FINANCE COUI1C11 CAN'�RV -DEPARTMENT I GITY OF SAINT PAUL / BLUE - MxVOR �, F11C NO. ' -_I/ • r �ndnce Ordinance N�. /� � � Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commi ee By Date An ordinanc�e amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code � pertaining �o zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant tolMinnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.400 of the Legislative Code, th� Residents of East Nawthorne Avenue duly petitioned to rezone 50, 54, 60, 6�, 68, 72, 76, 78 and 88 East Hawthorne Avenue and 1237 Jackson Street locat d between Abel and Jackson Streets from I-1 to R-4 for the purpose of bring�ng the zoning classification into conformity with the present use of the pr�operty the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on July 14, i1988, as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the �area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by� at least 67% of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of tthe total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition� and WHEREAS, The Zoning ¢ommittee on September 2, 1988, and October 12, 1988, conducted public hearings for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and observ�d that the petition initiating the zoning amendments received by the Plan�ing Division did not have the signatures of 67 percent of the area of the prop�rty to be rezoned as required by Section 64.400 (b) of the Saint Paul Zonin� Code, and therefore the Committee recommended that the Planning Commission,� pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 462.357 , subdivision 4 and sa�d Section 64.400 (b) initiate the rezoning of these properties; ' WHEREAS, The Zoning �,l'Committee pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted;'� and WHEREAS, The Planni g Commission pursuant to Section 64.400 (b) of the St. Paul LegislatiWe Co�e initiated the rezoning petition at its meeting held on October 21, 1988, arld recor�nended that the City Council approve the petition; and ' COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman ��;�i � Against By Sonnen Wilson � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secr�etary BY BY � Approved by Mayor: Date ', Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy By � i WHITE - CITV CLERK ���. PINK - FINANCE COLLIICII CANl�RV - DEPARTMENT '. GITY OF SAINT PAiTL R // 9LUE -MRVOR �� F1L@ N0. �• ' • ' Z nce Ordinance N 0. `r�°'2 7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Notices of ublic hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition we�e duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated whblly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public he�ring before the City Council , having been conducted on December 1, 1988, he e all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all� the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, � THE COUNCIL OF THE CI�TY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoningj map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 5, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod�, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property lbcated at 50, 54, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 78 and 88 Hawthorne Avenue and 1237', Jackson Street, being more particularly described as Lots 6 through �4, Block 1, Dawson's Fourth Addition to St. Paul ; Lot 9, Block 1, Parker and Bailey's Outlots subject to Avenue; and Lots C, D, E and F, Soo'� Line Plat No. 3 subject to Avenue and except eastern 26 feet , and excep� part north of extended north line of Lot D, be and is hereby rezoned from I-1 to R-4. Section 2. This ordinance �hall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its p�ssage, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond � Planning nd Economic Dev opment � ��g In Favor co�c� , 0 �cc��, � sche;t�o � Against BY Sonnen Wilson � 'JAN 2 � 1989 For Approve b ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' . Certified Pass il e e ry BY By Approved b ayor: Dat � � �� � M� `�`�� Appro d by Mayor for S b 'ssi n io C uncil ��>,1;�r� � � 198 sY - � pUBItS� � :_� -+ 1989 . � � . ' .. . � �q-�� . . � . , c�ty of sa�t piaul planr�g reso�tion fiie nurr�e�r 8-�S November�4���988 Ci�te —, — i ��'HEREAS, Residents �f East Hawthorne Avenue, file =10345, have petitioned to rezone �0, 54, 60, 64, 68, i72, 76, 78 and 88 East Hawthorne avenue and 1237 Jackson Street Lrom I-1 to R-4 for'� the purpose of making zoning consistent with the present use of �hese properties; a�hd WHEREAS, Public hea�ings on the petition were conducted by the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commiss�ion on September 1 and October 13, 1988, at which all persons present were given a�n opportunity to be heard on the proposed rezoning petition in accordance with the �Irequirements of law; and WHEREAS, the Zoning ICommittee observed that the petition initiating the zoning amendments received �y the Planning Division did not have the signatures of 67 percent of the area pf the property to be rezoned as required by section 64.400 (b) of the Saint Paul Zo�►ing Code, and therefore the Committee recommended that the Planning Commission, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 462.357, subdivision 4 and said section 64.�00 (b) initiate the rezoning of these properties; �� WHEREAS, Saint Paul E�lanning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at t�he public hearings as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following fi�ndings of fact: 1. The purpose £or tMe petitioned rezoning of the subject parcels of land from I-1 (Industrial) to R�4 (One-family residential) is to bring the zoning classification int�o conformity with the present use of the properties as all of the properties hav�e been developed as single family residences. 2. Minnesota Statutesi, section 462.357, subd. 4 and the Legislative Code section 64.400 (b) provide�, that zoning code amendments may be initiated by the City Council, The Plann�ing Commission, or by petition of owners of property. i 3. That it is in the �est interests of the community for the Planning Commission to petition for the a�endments of the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Saint Paul in this case so as ''� to bring the zoning classifications of these properties into compliance with th� actual development of the property and with the Comprehensive Plan �iof the City of Saint Paul. I �i (continued) i �i "�J - �MORTON seconcied by �H=R� in ��or� ' Unanimous � � � ��_ �i ' , I - . . � . I , / 11 . . C��� ! , I, File #10345 Page Three i i 9. The District 6�! element of the Comprehensive Plan identified that the area south of Hawthorne A�venue should be rezoned to R-4, one family residential. The Plan's land us� map indicates that a large area to the north of Hawthorne could be developed i dustrially, but that any industrial e�cpansion should be closely monitored to a�oid conflicts with residential land uses. 10. An older two-s�ory, brick� single family residence is located on the 33,800 square foot pa�cel on the north side of Hawthorne. The property has limited � accessibility ecause of the railroad overpass on Jackson Street. Hawthorne � Avenue, a typi al 30 foot residential street, would be the only feasible �ay to access the pro erty. Heavy truck traffic on residential streets results in . safety and mai tenance problems. In addition, the topography of is not well suited for in trial development. There is a steep slope on the north side of the lot which �ould require extensive fill and expensive stabilization procedures to e�fficiently use the site for industrial purposes. While there is enough land are�a to support a nonresidential developnent, the site is not appropriate fo� this type of development. NOW� THEREFORE, BE �IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Plaiming Commission initiates rezoning of the pr�perties at 50, 54� 60� 64, 68, 72� 76� 78 and 88 East Hawthorne Aveuue and 1237 Ja kson Street, more particularly described as Lots 6 through 24, Block 1, Dawson's �'ourth Addition to St. Paul; Lot 9� Block 1, Parker and Bailey's Outlots subje�t to �Avenue; and Lots C, D, E and F, Soo Liae Plat No. 3 subject to Avenue and except ejastern 26 feet, and except part n�orth of extended north line of Lot D, from a I-1 z�oning classification to a R-4 zoning classification; and BE IT FURTHER RESOL�VED, that the Planning Co�ission foimd that rezoning the subject properties is consilstent with the existing developaent pattern and the Coaprehensive Plan for the City; �and BE IT FINALLY RESOLIVED, that the Saint Paul Plaaning Co�uission does hereby recommend to t�e Co�ncil of the City of Saint Paul that property located at SQ, 54, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76,� 78 and 88 East HaWthorne Avenue and 1237 Jackson Street, be rezoned from I-1 to�, R-4 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file �►ith the Saint Paul Plan�ing Division. � j I il I' - - -- - , _ �Y���.,� _ M -L'3' ,.�..�'�>°_': / �� .�• .; s'�'y � ' y.,�, .� �v�.��r '� �t� _ + '�",?��.���'� '�'t� ,- „ -'`r �����-� '�, � �� �3;'.�c .� ,ri�y+ _ '� Dt�>� .� ' � ,fk� t.,-�-� r�4 �F. n`".�r�*'� '•� ���-�� 'Y � ��: ��� , �I / ' ` , �� l - ' �, � y.��s'�►'j:iv� � � , . �i �� �r � � ,���.��r' . ; . i�i��Ad , i� /. � . � � � A 7 ♦ • • � • • r A H O t� � 1► Ef �► � 7� �� . , _ . _ - nT - �"Q , � '1 ���� . • • . � � . � _ "" � �� - � �� � � �rr ��b� _ . � ���� „ o _ _ . . rr . . . � � � . , ������ � � �' 0 . � • � . :ii • . • . u • . • • • • � . � �' 1 .. . .. ,• • u • t+ � y • • � � • • � � � �`�� • � �� � . � •� : .- -� (��i l/ • � -�t° Q13798 � , ' DEPARTMENT , r ' • - - - - - - CONTACT NAME - PHONE . ' DATE . ASS G D (See reverse side.) ,�,� ' �� Department D re�t /Planning Administrator _3_.. lrtayor (or Assistant) r.�l V� _ Finaace and n�g ent Services Director � Gity Clerk _ Budget Direct r 1�Coy�c31 3tooQSr:h Z�City Attorney _ OT G :, �_ (Clip all locations for signature.) . V C 0 ? (Purpose/Rational'e) � Drdinance itnpleme ts C y Council action of. December 1, 1988 granting a re�oning 'from I-1 .to R-4 of the r�pe ties located at 50, 54, 64, 64, 68, 72, 76, 78 and 88 Esst Hawtharne Avenue d !12 7 Jackson Street. Rezoning was requested to bring the zoning classification int aon ormity �aith t�ie present use of the properties ae eingle family residences. _ �� ST T U R E T . R���II/ �i� O� � ED � �, F 'y��► 1' G�` �, � ��� �l " i988 � ��9 a ��"�ra���. �,� �tP . " �FFIG� �t� IN 0 U V C G C D T D: ` (Mayor's signature no quired if under $10,000.) Total Amount of ams tion: Activity Number: Funding Source: ', ATTACHMENTS: (List arid umber all attachments.> Council Research Cente� 1. Ordinance �E�, 1 U ��$a 2. Planning Commis io� solution 3. Map ....�.v. ADMINISTRATIVE PROC U _Yes _No Ru es, egnlations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If y�,s, are they or timetable attached? � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY_REVI�W _Yes _No Coun il' r solution required? Resolution required? _Yes ,_No _Yes _No Ins an�e equired? Insurance sufficient? _Yes � _No Yes No Insu n�e ttached? H0W TO USE THE GREEN SHEET • • � ° . � �..� N��. The GRE�N S�iEET has three �IIRPOSES: . � , , � 1. to assist in routing doctmtants and im securiag requir�d signatures; 2. to brief tha revisMers of dacuments on t.hs impacts of approval; 3. to help ensure that neces��ary supporting materials -are prepared and, if required, � attached. . Providing complete information unde�.the� }.isted headings enables reaiewers to mske decisions on the documents and eliminates follov-up contacts that may delay'�execution. Belo� is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of docwnents: CONTRACTS (asswne�s authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agencq 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting Note: If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the� department directo� signs. A contract must al�rays be signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. L�MINISTRA�IVE QRDER (Budget Revision) ADMINIS2RATIVE ORDER (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City A�torney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk -- :, 5. City Clerk � 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services COUIQCIL RES,OLUTION (Budget Amendment/Grant Acceptance) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Department Director 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorneq 3. Citq Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. MayorjAssistant 4. City Clerk � 5. `Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pers. Ct�; 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services The �ST/BENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provide� space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broadar financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners, or other groups affected bp the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES section must be completed to indicate whether additional administrative procedures, including rules, regulations, or resource proposals are necessary for implementation of an ordinance or resolution.. If yes, the procednres or a timetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. SUPPORTING 1�fATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless sigtiing such a letter is one of the requested actions). ote: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one af the attachments at time of routing. No e: Actions Nhich reQuire CiLy Council resolutions include contractual relationships with other governmental units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domain; asswnption of liability by G�.ty, or grantii�g by �City of indemnification; agreements with state or federal governmant under �rhich they are providing funding; budget amendments. ������/ � '� �, � � � :�=.-% � � �, � w i � ' W � � �j O � U W . � r-1 {Q } � • U � Z b = r-j O N � �? m r � N W ,..� N � I � � m (d � O �y +-� I 0a O ,� li � U � ' N � � O � N � a � � a� � � �; ', .� a N C � H d' � . � � J O _ � d J I O J •a II � a�. E � � � � I �j � r� U Z C� O c� � . >- >- z II� � +-�� c � � o � 1n U U M V �' �� � �� .a •,''k :. .. , 7' �.� �l t Y�i•_'!�i�7 �'��,� � ���`,_ .,� ��-F#t�� GO z-ct u��r�F�'r.'� . , i�� ������� C�u�rTY �� �� ` C-ERt. RECOf�DED ON � t��c I� 9 ,�o d� '89 � �-��! �;��������: r�r, -- ,� - � t , � -.�-:, s�. � - � ' c�//L�" ,, �n _. . • _ , +' ; , �.� � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ratttsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I, . .. . . .A�����.$: .4�,�4n............ .. . . . . .City Clerk of the �ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have �omgared the attached copy of Council File No.. . ��.-��-.. ..... . .... as adopted by the City Council... J��1��: 26�.. . . ..... ....19.$�.. . and approved by the Mayor. . .... .,;?anuary 30,. . ..... �.. , , ,19.89. . . with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy af said original and the whole thereof. WIT:IESS my h4n�? a:2d the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . , , llth . . , , .. day of .. . , December.. . . ,�A.D. 29.89. -� � � , , �1. ,�;, , i .. . .��,-�-:.{�:`.�.�. .. '�: :..t:-.<<�:���.:. ... . ... City Clerk. �--�c�. .��`� ' :: .��a,�`�a�t °� , �„vA��a,,�,� tr� -�:� . r'k`eY 4 "`^* 1;;M1 xya��''� pt�: � . ix: « t �i V A�r� � p��l R'!f �� �i y ���.E , �) ///111 i,- ' a •, � .s f�.. . ! Y P,,, 1 �H.:� m t .�'3�`J �1 .�.� ,i�. w►9 � , � '� � � `' ° t ��� j �;lf°� ,��:, 1 � � , , . <�• --= � ,�ew' 1, � �a � ti `� �., i �f;� �M�rb;y�+Q�pa*4��Q _ � �. � ��� � � '�ra , �� < ?� z ' �� .;_ � w�\ ', .'a :. ..� . ... ` _ ;. ,t� . . �. :; -�.�. , lt� � .d" t",:1 t. �� •a , �... �r,; � .\`.. . .�' � .,..:.__ . " �._'....:....>c.'.t r .e'..i..:�._S�. i.�.)uJl�l Z WHITE - CITV CLERK OtNK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � CANARYt OEPARTMENT BIUE -'FAAVOR . Flle �O. --�/ • e / Z/`�n�e Ordinance N 0. /7�0� 7 Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Commi ee By �� Date An ordina�,ce amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code � pertaining ',to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. ' � � WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.400 of the � Legislative Code, th� Residents of East Hawthorne Avenue duly petitioned to � rezone 50, 54, 60, 6�, 68, 72, 76, 78 and 88 East Hawthorne Avenue and 1237 � Jackson Street locat�d between Abel and Jackson Streets from I-1 to R-4 for Ct the purpose of bringing the zoning classification into conformity with the present use of the property the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on July 14, '1988, as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the '!area of the pr.operty to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of thle total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and ' WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee on September 2, 1988, and October 12, 1988, conducted public hear�ngs for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and observed that the petition initiating the zoning amendments received by the Plannjng Division did not have the signatures of 67 percent of the area of the proper�ty to be rezoned as required by Section 64.400 (b) of the Saint Paul Zoning 'Code, and therefore the Committee recommended that the Planning Commission, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 462.357 , subdivision 4 and said Section 64.400 (b) initiate the rezoning of these properties; WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its re�COmmendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; ahd WHEREAS, The Planning Commission pursuant to Section 64.400 (b) of the St. Paul Legislative Code initiated the rezoning petition at its meeting held on October 21, 1988, and r�ecommended that the City Council approve the petition; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel —..�— Against Y _. Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Sabmission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �� CANARV �.bEPARTMENT � BIVE -IiAVOR' . Flle NO. ��' • l Z /`Ce Ordinance N 0. ` 7(°"2 7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By ' Date WHEREAS, Notices of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and � property situated whol!ly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to � be rezoned; and M � ;WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council , having been conducted on tP� December 1, 1988, here all interested persons were heard, and the Council CrF having considered all �the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITI!Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 5, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code� as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property lo'Cated at 50, 54, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 78 and 88 Hawthorne Avenue and 1237 ,jackson Street, being more particularly described as Lots 6 through 2�, Block 1, Dawson's Fourth Addition to St. Paul ; Lot 9, Block 1, Park�r and Bailey's Outlots subject to Avenue; and Lots C, D, E and F, Soo i�ine Plat No. 3 subject to Avenue and except eastern 26 feet, and except part north of extended north line of Lot D, be and is - hereby rezoned f�om I-1 to R-4. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its pa�sage, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � Planning nd Economic Dev �opment ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman � B s�he;t�i Against y Sonnen � Wilson ' I��� 2 �i �'��9 For Approve b ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Pass il e�e ry BY By . �, , � ,,, , ��� J � "f"� Appro d by Mayor for S b 'ssi n to C uncii Approved b� ayor: Dat � ��-c-�J���i�� � � 1�3 By . �� r��� � i989 �j � ; �� . tt � �:� � x �� ; - y = � .:P � -� v� t �- b ' r i � r �� � „ �. r �`. ��� '� �i = d .j � �5✓y � , ��� � �-1 i � a i a 3 V.� J `� {{��� �,� a y ,�� Y, _ ,4 # . .4�d r k`�'; � �� ` ` . � ' ::,F� ) ��` �. 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R�,,'3 �k +(� t � � f 5 '' � � � 1 .� I � ,�-.�. � ,.� �tTr o , ;" � � {, Y , w a � ��4 0 ;� ���, ...�d�;se!,,*,.,�,I�,'�,,,.•,- . CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` � ����������� ro DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � a �o 0 +ss� GeoRGE �nriMER KENNETH R.JOHNSON, DIRECTOR MAYOR 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-228-3200 November 28, 1988, �.bc��v�� Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall :��oV c� � .���$ Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File #10345 - Residents of East Hawthorne ���Y ��'�R� 50-88 East Hawthorne and 1237 Jackson Street City Council Hearing: December 1, 1988 PURPOSE: A rezox�ing to make zoning district consistent with the present use on ten !tax parcels. PLANNING COMMISSI�N DECISION: Approve ZONING CONIlrIITTEE I�ECISION: Approve (6-1) STAFF RECOMMENDAT]�ON: Approve SUPPORT: Distric# 6 and one additional person testified; two letters received. OPPOSITION: One person testified and one letter received. Dear Sir: � On September 2 and October 12, 1988, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this rezoning. The petitioners' representative testified. At the close of the public hearing, the Committee voted 6 to 1 to approve the rezoning based on staff report findings and the public testimony. , On October 21, 19�,8, the Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation on a unanimous vote. This rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on December 1, 1988. Please notify me by November 30 if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerel , �� ���- Lisa J. Freese Planner II LJF:rm Attachments - a - - . � ', �-�_,r��— ♦ , � , city of sa�t �aul plar�na�g corrhmission resolution fiie number ,�� �, �te Vovemoer �,� '_Q88 •y:i�?�:�5. ResiCjt�27tS IOi �c35,`_ _.�.:..:':0�.^.2 :�':e':.�c' . ..��c� =i0��+7 , ia':'2 .^.2�i�:oned � - � - ' '' ' , �o rezone �� �=a, 7�, Sµ , 6� ' %� . , . �5 a^cl ��S =as� :?3:��;1OY:12 �V2.^.:.:2 dt:d i��% .JaCi:SOII Stree� --OIIl �- � �O �--a �Oi� _�c �^ ��JSi' O= ...___._. _ __.._. _ _v�S�SLc:.� . �-'. _.^,� �resen� use O� _�:��a �roper�ies ; �ind »"F-iERE:�S, Public hea�rings on �:;e peti�iun �e�e conducted bv �he �oning Committee of the Planning Commis�sion on Septembex 1 ar.d October 13, 1988, at which all persons present were given �n opportunity to be heard on the proposed rezoning petition in accordance with thelrequirements of law; and i WHEREAS, the Zoning�iCommittee observed that the petition initiating the zoning amendments received�,by the Planning Division did not have the signatures of 67 percent of the area'of the property to be rezoned as required by section 64.400 (b) of the Saint Paul Zc�ning Code, and therefore the Committee recommended that the Planning Commi$sion� pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 462.357, subdivision 4 and said section 64.�400 (b) initiate the rezoning of these properties; � WHEREAS, Saint Pau1 ��Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee atlthe public hearings as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following f�,indings of fact: 1. The purpose for �he petitioned rezoning of the subject parcels of land from I-1 (Industrial) to E�-4 (One-family residential) is to bring the zoning classification i�to conformity with the present use of the properties as all of the properties h�ve been developed as single family residences. 2. Minnesota Statutqs, section 462.357, subd. 4 and the Legislative Code section 64.400 (b) provic�e that zoning code amendments may be initiated by the City Council, The Planjning Commission, or by petition of owners of property. 3. That it is in the'Ibest interests of the community for the Planning Commission to petition for the �mendments of the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Saint Paul in this case so a� to bring the zoning classifications of these properties into compliance with t�e actual development of the property and with the Comprehensive Plat� of the City of Saint Paul. ;II , (con�inued) ! I' MORTON mov�ed by. .—, ���d � HIRTE �� �G��/V1 U�ou$ ' c:;c"" �' a — ', -- - -- i = - - - -- - - - - . � , ���/ . �� � , ,� . _�a =�03-�� . �= :_ �.�o ' � =+. That �finnesotaiS�a�utes , section =i62. 357, subd. � , pr��::des that in the case oi cities of the �irst class the zoning ordinances may be amended by the City Council upon tt�e filing of a consent petition signed b,, at least 67 percent of the several de�criptions of properties to be rezoned and within 100 feet of such property. ! S. That there exis�ts 30 property descriptions eligible to consent to the proposed rezoning petitiion, and that written consent thereto have been received from 22 of those eligib�le descriptions, constituting 73 percent of eligible properties. I 6. The ten parcels�, in question were zoned "A" residential prior to 1975� except for the eastern mos� parcel (1237 Jackson) . This parcel vas zoned industrial on the north side of E st Hawthorne an�i commercial on the south side. When the new zoning code was� adopted, the zoning of the subject parcels was changed to I-1. At the time the!�zoning map amendments were considered, only four homes existed (50, 54 an�i b0 �. Hawthorne and 1237 Jackson) and it appeared that an industrial use would be mo�t appropriate the remaining vacant parcels. i 7. Subsequently, si�x additional residences were built on the south side of Hawthorne an thd mid 1970's. The far east lot which is combined as one tax parcel with theiproperty on the north (1237 Jackson) is the only remaining vacant land on tlhe south side of Hawthorne. Given actual development pattern of the subjecr areaj, the present zoning is inappropriate. 8. The Compret�ensiv�e Plan land use policy 4.2-4 states that "the city will continue to review its pr�esent. . .zoning to ensure that each zoning classification reflects uses ap�ropriate to the intended application of that district and each area is appropri�tely zoned for its intended function. , , (continued) � II i I I _ __ _ * _ �_ . _ � 9 " /� I — ; . �ie T10345 I Page T.hree � 4 . The District � element of the Comprehensive Plan identiiied that the area south of Hawthorne venue should be rezoned to R-4, one familv residential. The Plan's land u�e map indicates that a large area to the north, of Hawthorne could be developed �ndustrially, but that any industrial expansion should be closely monitored to void conflicts with residential land uses. 10. An older!, two-�tory, brick, single family residence is located on the 33,800 square foot p�rcel on the north side of Hawthorne. The property has limited accessibility because of the railroad overpass on Jackson Street. Hawthorne Avenue, a typ cal 30 foot residential street, would be the only feasible way to access the pr�perty. Heavy truck traffic on residential streets results in safety and ma ntenance problems. In addition, the topography of is not well � suited fbr in�ustrial development. There is a steep slope on the north side of the lot Which would require extensive fill and expensive stabilization procedur�s to efficiently use the site for industrial purposes. While there is enough land a ea to support a nonresidential development, the site is not appropri�te f�r this type of development. NOW, THEREFO�ZE, B IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission initiates rezoning of the p operties at 50, 54, 60. 64, 68, 72, 76� 78 and 88 East Hawthorne Avenue and 1237 J ckson Street, more particularly described as Lots 6 through 24, Block 1, Dawson's Fourth Addition to St. Paul; Lot 9, Block 1, Parker and Bailey's Outlots subjiect t Avenue; and Lots C, D, E and F, Soo Line Plat No. 3 subject to Avenue and except' eastern 26 feet, and except part north of extended north line of Lot D, from � I-1 zoning classification to a R-4 zoning classification; and BE IT FURTHER RES�LVED, that the Planning Co�ission found that rezoning the subject properties is con$istent with the existing development pattern and the Comprehensive Plan for the', Cityk and BE IT FINALLY RES�LVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the ouncil of the City of Saint Paul that property located at 50, 54, 60, 64, 68, �2, 7�, 78 and 88 East Hawthorne Avenue and 1237 Jackson Street, be rezoned from' I-1 �o R-4 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Pa�zl Pl nning Division. i I , . �°\c� �„�'� l/ , X�\ �� PETITION TO AM�ND Z NING CODE CITY OF SAINT PA L ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY File # �� 1��� R C I VED � Application Fee $ , �� '��� 51988 Tentative Hearing Date �-I�•� � �ZON NG Number of Lots or Size of P arcel: TO THE HONORAB E MA OR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE �'une 6 19$$�_ c/o Zoning Off ce, 1D0 City Hall Annex Saint Paul, Mi neso a 55102 Pursuant o Se tion 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) � of the Minneso�a St tutes, the residents of East Hawthorne Ave. , the owner of all of the �and roposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the followin described property: Street Ad�ress: 50 to 88 E. Hawthorne ,and 1237 Jackson Legal Desdripti n: see attached I , I . from a I-1 i dus rial Zone Zoning District to a R-4 R side tal Zoning District for the purpose'I of t brin zonin into onforma it i 'I . Subscribed and �worn to By: before me this day of ' 19 Title: L 03N S P age 1 of �_ Notary Publ c ZONING FtLE ----��� 4080 2/85 . `' . ��� .. . �� V �� �;�f?t r; � ��,�� 5 ������ � ,� ... .. �. ... ........ . . ....'i � 5 �.,... "_..n.. ....z..r,...._........ .. , . n -, � . . .. .. � r.. , . . , .. _ � - ., _ � . � � � �� . � : � . . • ` aONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING I We, the undersighed, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of ',real �estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of' this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1 . A copy of th� Petition of The Residents of 50 to 88 East Hawthorne name of petitioner 2. A copy of Se�tions R-1 through R-4 , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoniing Code; and acknowledge that we arle aware of all of the uses permitted under a R-4 District zoning classi';fication and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City ouncil approval of the re2oning; and we hereby consent to the reza�iny of the Froper y described in th2 , Petition of Residen s of 50 to 88 E. Hawthorne to a R-4 Zoning DistriCt. , name of petitioner LOT BLOCK ADDITIqN RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE �f3.�`'� � �a���.' , , - �p- - d� � � � c� �I �h �H N ��l���--� �L 1 '?� 3a-33 I i SohN P T��-b�r ' ;� �' ` �.� . � � �<a � �E- .-Uf_S'G� �� , �.S"� l � , --1��_ �°�9s-"`� / y� '� � .- ,�- � Q �� Q-��'l y��z ' Euz. i ScH r Dq fo-7- ��' y3� � 11- 1 Z � �-li tl ' �O�R"�' �.O W AlJ �-7 -F�� -a III r�' � e�l�Glr ���'' � a� T N� � �� -�'°1 i �- I � '' _ - � � 3? — 38 ` T' � 1 Z � �,� — ; �,� —� �g_�� ,�� ���� �. � � ---- � . .� � _ ' � ^ �n h (2 i c h0.�-d �T-c f3o�n 1�cS• r' v ��'�� ( ��� ` I� C-hrcn2«t�er� � ' � � -�0 � Pc� �t� R�• ' .�,o C.�N� �aP. �-I� - � � r .� ' YP- I�G-A �STAT�: Petitions shall not be corhsidered as offi;,ially filed until the lapse f 7 working .days after a petition is recei�ed in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may Nithdraw his name therefr�m by written request within that time. �'� P age � of � ' ra 3�1� ��� Z�NIN� FILE �� //�/� . ✓ � ��� � ��, ( ��--���( ��� . � CO�ISENT OF AOJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersi n$d, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous 9 descriptions of real e�tate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of �his petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1 . A c opy of the I,P et i t i on of � �S cQ�'�5 � `� �cJ r� name of petitioner 2. A copy of Sect�,ions �$ - � through }�- y , inclusive of the St. Paul Zonin�g Code; and acknowledge that we arelaware of all of the uses permitted under a �� Oistrict zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City C uncil approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the reza��iny of the Fropert described in the Petition of � o -to a - Zo�;; District. , name of petitioner LOT BLOCK ADDITIO RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE �� <i h1tit�� �� .�i ! l-7 - ( ��f � I� �. ��r3c -, ` i� � f� 9 � _� �--�o -��- � `I���ER 1-/aLS!„Q✓A ,i 023-�y ' , � G 2/-yy � 4 p r �. !, ��,�� p. ��. g� ��`1� qpw60��5 �ol�N �, 7�Yt/y`eiH- J�'1 . I I i Petitions shall not be co�nsidered as offi�ially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is recei�ved in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrpm by written request within that time. ' _.__Y__. ___� Page 2 of �_ , ������ ���� ���5 _ I'; . ���-// Legal, Descriptions 50 Hawthorne Ave. E St. Paul, MN 5511�� ' Dawson' s Fourth Addition to St. Paul • Lots 23 and Lot 24 Blk 1 54 Hawthorne Ave E, St. Paul, MN 551�.7 ' • Dawson' s Fourth Ad�iition To St. Paul Lots 21 and Lot 22' Blk 1 60 Hawthorne Ave. E. St. Paul, MN 551 7 Dawson' s Fourth Ad�ition To St. Paul Lots 19 and Lot 20 ';Blk 1 64 Hawthorne Ave. E. St. Paul, MN 55117 Dawson' s Fourth Add,ition To St. Paul � Lots 17 and Lot 18 $lk 1 68 E Hawthorne St. Paul, MN 5511'� � Dawson' s Fourth Addition To St. Paul Lots 15 And Lot 16 �lkl � 72 E. Hawthorne St. Paul, MN 55117, Dawson's Fourth Addiition To St. Paul Lots 13 and Lot 14 B�lk 1 • 76 E Hawthorne Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 Dawson' s Fourth Addition To St. Paul Lots 11 and Lot 12 B�k l 78 E Hawthorne Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 ' Dawson' s Fourth Addi�ion to St. Paul Lots 9 and Lot 10 Blk 1 88 Hawthorne Ave. E. St. Pau1, NII�T 55117 Dawson' s Addition To 'St. Paul Subj to Ave; Lots 7 ahd Lot 8 Blk 1 1237 Jackson St. St. Paul, NIl�T 55117 Soo Line Plat Number 3 � Lot 9 Blk 1 of Parker , and Bailey's Out Lots & Subj To Ave; Lot 6 Blkl of Dawson' � Fourth Add and IN SD Soo Line Plat No 3 Subj To Ave & Ex E 26Ft arid Ex Part N of Ext N L of Lot D; Lots C, D, E & F Z��ldO�� F�L� �0�=—. : � ������ � � �-�-�� , STATE OF MINNESOTA) : SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Patricia M. Blixl , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that:he is the person who circulate�the within petition and consent, consisting of 2 pages; that affiant is informed �nd believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed inhmediately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the par�ies des�ribed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any prqperty owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner ��rithin one (1 ) year �receding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described ir� the petition; that except for __^_ none of the parties �escribed above has purchased or is purchasing property from petitioner contiguou to the above described property within one (1 ) year of the date of the petition; tha� this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and th t the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties s� described. • ��� ` :�-�-- ►�.t�{.t A�ame 72 E. Hawthorne Ave. Address I 488-2129 ' Telephone Number ' Subscribed nd sworn ,to before me thi s�o� day of .,�u N�___, 19�� , _��.t�'° C�iC`'�+- ---- Notary Public ' �:��1 DORIS AN I QORDON NOTARII pV�l —MINNESOTA � O �� RAMSEY OUNTY ' NN Commisaion pires 1Mu.0.1�i0 I i I , � P a e of ) Ap�roved as to form Feb. 85 9 �_ _.L___ Planning Department i 1 3�� ZONING FILE °.- - - _ __=_ _ - . � ��..�� �� �c 3 `�- - - �� � � ' 'c�.�wo a .�� � 9�/� . � �� 3 � � � ` � � � _ - _ _ _ " -'_ ' ' ..- I! i�_ _ �ri.`..�jc_ � I ?;�(�,� t�t h-� I t', A�� � ; � � �� T ,-_'` li ���-, - ' - � ` � v.;.LL �z L � {i c�.c�_f� c�; C�- r�� i,t. r..::�1;i L ' f�' �' z -r`n:� L.� t+-� �- r,�:; �, L- P � y ♦ G I �t h�S �'1 e.a�c: n� � ,�"C �l, �. • t.�:f-h c t-�L a �'e nd �i� o n Z h c �':-�c��.t�c r, � � a.t- (o � C � b z��-� a s �-h,s �C'C+� �T�1�S 3ic�1� �`e2cr�cd �i; 2�� w p�:,.l� 1-.�1�� l-t; b ICcmS�st� n-t To �t 5 ��'rese nl' u-�� `v�2emS t.�'°,,..ld �' �, �-o Zc�� i 1' rt"C i tt 5 � �a� �-�5� b��. i.�S� 'fi ha-t' l�°`'`t LL i h-� �c;,�.�. � C"y� Th,s (3 � c�-K G.r� f �c.c n i l� �t-eS�lr�'< ��2 �T ��S�a�rts . I h e,ni�.� L' ��. � -T � r _ `_ - F.��r<<ftt- (� J \�- •� ��.���� Y�1 dL , 1�� � � ,:- �:.'..,,.. `. ��- �' T• 't. I, I' i �, I - r = -< = �-_°_ _ ---- -- - _ - - - - - - - - • ' �`�� �l � , , WINTHROP 6 WEINSTINE �/' rjNESM�4.viNrwaoP '� ATTORNEYS AN� COUNSELORS AT LAW yy����Ay0.N�n�Ep � 4CBEa'+ wE�NS'�NE I � nE'ER.;.GLEE�EL a�7'-�4C • �OE: , ROBEFT 5.SOSRIN .;C� - _O4CCN '�, .E°�aE•w.;CCK � ' '.=r .:.'.�,�_�'.E� ,, �8�� CCVwED �C'N=P [�WAIiC�..�.GEh"E: ._- -. . � -_G � :iV��_.. �C4M< .. ' '" �.1.� � __ _ _ _ _ _ a\__ __.- ' _ _ .. _ - ` . . . . �� _ . �� -�._ � 1 . � -_ �-'^ _ _ _ .. . __��� _ -__ . . . _ . '. -.. �-._ - . ,_ ' _ •_ .. _ � _ .' - __ . -.-- � __- _ _ - _ _ __- .J - __ . - _. _.. , - �� � ' Y 4\ . ..- . ` _ ___ __ _ � _ � -_ -y_�� ' __ _ _ ' _ _' ' .. _ .� ❑' �., __' '_ .:E= V� - -'-' --- �� �^N� '_' _ _�VE-M ` ' � ` �"�1.�?N��=_.�CN ` -- _�.�_� - � Septem�er 22, 19�8 �i a� ' '. N VE�wI '_ '�' I I�II __" _ ' 'c" �.,-' � Ms. L isa F reese ! City Planner ! � 25 West Fourth �treet City Hali Annex � St. Paui, M�v 5�10� RE: R�quest for Rezoning of Property at 50 through 88 East H�wthorne Avenue and 1237 Jackson Street from I-1 to R-4 to M�ke the Zoning District Consistent With the Present Uses. Dear Ms. Freese:�, i As an �nitial matter, I would like to thank you for your consideration of our request �to have the above-referenced matter referred back to the Zoning Committeel for another public hearing. It is aiways encouraging fo� me to work with res onsive and responsible public servants. Your cooperation in this matter is cer�tainly appreciated by both Ms. Robinson and myself. I am, �nowever, somewhat concerned tha# we have not yet received notice of th� upcpming hearing on the rezoning petition. As I understand it, this hearing is tq be held on September 29, 1988. If this date has changed, or if the status �f the matter has in any other way been changed, please let me know immedia�ely so I might plan accordingly. As you recall, I requested that you send ►1ne a notice of the hearing so that I might insure that Ms. Robinson's in�erests are represented before the Zoning Committee. As you II' know, the property at 1237 Jackson Street has been zoned light industrial si�ce at least 1975. As of this date, Ms. Robinson is currently in the process of I selling her entire property, including the parcel which your committee original�y recommended be rezoned from I-1 to R-4. According to ,1ohn Kelmberger �of Lentsch Realty, there is a potential buyer interested in buying the entire parcei to be used for commercial/light industrial purposes. Therefore, rezon�ng Parcel F at this time from #-1 to R-4 would deny Ms. Robinson her �Irigh# to dispose of her property as she chooses. According �c Mr. Kelmberge , the buyer intends to develop the parceis to the north of �awthorne as a s�ali office park. He has no plans fot Parcel F at this time. � Betause�i Ms. Robins�n is currentiy in a position to be able to sell her property as itj is presently zoned, we are hereby objecting to the rezoning rr any parL of th� 1237 Jackson Street property from I-1 to R-4. Moreover, � ! ;I . . _ _ _ I - . ... -__ _ _ ." -'-... -:" _� ._ .-_ .� ...._ .. . _� . � _ _ _ ._ �� _ . _ _ _ _ " _ II . ' L i sa F reese �i lA- � �/ � � September 22�, 1988 • Page 2 � ��, - f� � c `.v� aI'o r?cr��ld r°QUe�`Iftq that ?f115 rm., C� notifie.. �� �f1V �f1� ��� �^r'!!`,7 acticns to be ;taken in regard to this property, so tha: Ne might be preser,� to assert Ms. Rol�inson's interests. SincIe we last spoke at the planning eommission hearing on Septemcer 9, b988, Ms. Robinson has, unfortunately, suffered a stroke and is c��rrer;±!v hos�itali��d. �* is, therefere, essential *_ha*y ouu keep me informed of all matters I relating to the petition to rezone 1Gls. Robinson's property from I-1 to R-4. At this point, it appears unnecessary to request a further continuance o� the public hearing before the zoning committee, but t will certainly let y�u know if circumstances change. In tt�e meantime, please do not hesitate to call me regarding anything in this letter, land I look forward to hearing from you in the ve�y nea� future. I', Sincerely, I WINTHROP & WEINS�NJVE , + � ` I I G� l ' ���� ��� ��� Mi ele M. Danielson ! Attorney at Law I MMD/bk cc: Delores Rqbinson John Kelmt�erger �� I� , � i �� � �I i , _ . , �`, � � ���� ��� � ��t���; a :�� �=� �.� �0� � __ ; . Y _ �! , 'i_ � --` � _` '. . �`� � _ . 'a u i .. . . .. ..._ _- � 1 � - �� .-. .. 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I j i,++a�rnwn Erne�los � Jo�n T.lMnry Y�rt MsOMr C�e�-msn Pao�+sn�r Wnapms Ea�for � W.ry E.Junek Nona1C D.Ctsrk P•esiGSm.fasnx�!Manape. EOaonal Pape Editor � .�uAn R.FMM�,s.� \f�.Gntp Sr Y�c�Pr�sdererAasi�t�nt PrW��n�r �,�te EditM/P�A Mpor�A MowM 1(w�Ooclw & V+u Pr�s�m�Editor Assodata Editw/f�atwes �� NIAKING A DIFFERENCE '; . . . . . Polltical fi ht binds g ' nei hbors #o ether g g � . , ecently a"for sale"sign Went np for vacant lots at tbe ' end of the block�here Patty Blirt's fa.mily lives,a block . �i along a dead-end�rcet�St.Paul's Nort6 End.The sign , ups t6e parcels are toned co�mercgal. That was onwelcome neas to the b1xYs i+esidmts,becanse t6eir street provides t�e oaly acce�to the comme.�lty zoned lots.As it � FOC't!S '� - A'�, � � from a b � Findinq ways °i��°��� individuals csn Dloct's popnlati�of c5ildren I! had m�nhroomed. iniluence community �B���,�� issue�is one of five ���t�omebody oaght 1988�oal�of the to get thaa parcels re�oned. , Pionssr Press ��y»will bave to be Dlspatch. them,tbey deoded. ' They have embuked on t�eir l�Y,��8��Y Ho•�9 � got pointers from t�e district plaaning coonciL They�t advice , from their city aouncil member.l3ey found art�ow to anate a zoning request and tiow to get a he,aring.Tbey learaM how to get ' zoning information.l'hey gathered si�at�ex on a petition.Tbey ' got a hearing. � The planning commission conclnded tbat some of tbe p�t�als i ought to be retaned.The oRner of the lots was Ranted s I �vtich the neighbors $��vill give t�a be�r i tbe�ts r�ood�And�laey"ve learaed f�at me df� mate the Snal deciadm,=o tbey're re�d�ellOrb in `� I dirsetyoa-lle�w�e.the7're looi�!oc a rd�a! � Regar�at w�et�er,and to wLrt,iep��e,. _ - ' Blirt aad�ec ne�ots Lave�aioed some ' one,tbe9've bec�ome mare fam�lisr wit6 cKy�edeiao- . For anotber,t�e9've bdpe�d c+iltivate�rau-ro�ls#o�s. - Best of aIl,Mrs.Blizt say ne�6boes'alleeti_�ios�N�a.` _ ca�esiveneas that pcodoced i small-to�a�l�� ', of the city.Tbe peopk�vbo Iive tbere fed t�e9� . �Y � e j � feel tDe place Delongs to t6em. 'r i ..� � . ... ��--- - �---� _ _ _ . __ , __ - � � � . , ���� � . � � I71 N A I I A � ..,«.. . � � � i � e s / s , 1O . ....4. .. -. t ' Z � � 12� ; � ; . e . -""� 6 5 � . � _ • � . a.c �...c .� i +�.. � 1 ` , j � � , . R' �' � tl� M � . �" ♦ � � � `_�. 4 �� � � s . ... ..e. � w�. w r r.e�. ..r •� • f III �� , ww � � �• ! E � � ,..,..•. ! � � � + • � t `• ' 8 "' .�. i 1 � � . • � � � �.► ra � wn r /• ���. � � , i � .. t � � . �o�w r � � t �� ♦ � t �� � � i • �4 �"�° I ♦ � i • w s 9 •O� �q i �,�,n' � � .. .. ' i i � � • � ! ' � ` � 1 3 i t � � ,.�� ..I'f � f b � a� � � • � � : � � ,... � t � � 15 y ' � � � t e�'�� � � � r ♦ i •� / ' / � � � �' � • s � �r�. i �W CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS ��� 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHir000 2.6REATER EAST SIDE '� 3.NEST SIDE 4.QAYTON'S 6LUFF 5 AYI�-PliALEN � . . ; E 8.SUNaIIT-UNIVERSITY 9.MEST SEYENTH lO.OQMO II 11.W1ltiINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. A1�I�i0NY ' 13.1+ERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON NAN�INE �'� 14.6ROYELANO-MACAtESTER �'� 15.HI6HtJWD ��� �6.S1�lIT HILL i ZONIN� �ILE '�=.`�. ; I ,�.oor�a++� �� � 9 _�/ • ZONING COl4iITTEE STAFF REPORT � � � • ! FILE #10345 i, �DDLI('a\iT: '.�ESIi(jZP.�S J: "d5� ::d'w%�:';Ori]e :�`:C.^.li@ �:�T' r�F rir.r.R_`IG: ?,'�ii�a _ . �i.�SSiFICATION:� Rezor.i^g from �-i �Industriai Distr�c�; �o R-�+ (One iatnilv residential) ' 3 . LOCATION: 50-8� East Hawthorne ?,venue and 1237 Jackson Street �. P?.?�PINING DISTRI�T: 6 � . LEGAL DESCRIPT14N: See attachment ' 6 . PRESENT ZONZNG: ! I-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 60.412, 60.612, 64.400 i 7. STAFF INVESTIGA�ION AND REPORT: DATE: 8/25/88 BY: Lisa J. Freese A. R O To malke zoning consistent with the present use on ten tax parcels. � B. SUFFICIENCY: Tt�e petition was declared sufficient by the Planning Division on � July 14, 1988; �0 parcels eligible, 21 parcels required, 22 parcels signed. I C. PARCEL SIZE: Es�ch of the nine parcels addressed off of Hawthorne have SO' of frontage and a �epth of 125' for a total lot area of 5,250 square feet. The tenth tax parcelJ, addressed off of Jackson Street, is a L-shaped parcel with a total lot area df 52,283 square feet. D. EXISTING LAND US�E: One family residential. E. SURROUNDINC� I�, USE: North: Industrijal, I-1 East: Industriall, I-1 South: Residentlial, R-4 West: Industria��l, I-1 I � F. FINDINGS: ' I. T'he applicants h�ve petitioned to rezone ten tax parcels from I-1 (Industrial) to R-4 (One fami�y residential) in order to bring the zoning into conformance with the presentl,use. All the properties are single family residences. ', - _ ._ . _ . , I I I I I ' � I � , I . II ' � U��'. {��--/ ( F�le #10345 � C/' � � � Page 'I�o • I - . :'`�e �or�h� r-: po�='_cr. �_ -�� =�:ti parcei addressed 1'_'3; Jackson is approximatei�• �� , 300 square t.�et. :�ere ;s sn exis�ing residence on the site with two accessor•✓ buiidings . :o tne north and west of this lot, the area is developed industriallv. �j rail line abuts the property on the northeast. Even though the parcel is used r!esiden�iallv, the industrial zoning is appropriate because of the size of the Iparcel and its proximity to industrial uses. If this parcel remains I-1, theln Hawthorne Avenue becomes the zoning district boundary and the street separatesl �::e res�dential uses on the south from the nonresidential uses on the north. i G. STAFF RECOMMENDA�fION: Based on staff findings l through 6, staff recommends approval of the �ezoning for the parcels located on the south side of East Hawthorne Avenue� between Abell Street and Jackson Street. . , � i � I � � � i, i . Ili I �'� a' �-a'~`_. � � � � �- ``�.' ��' +�' A `.t r- y ,` .7�, 4� -! ?Y."< �a � _ "�r�K S?." '�'! � .�.,' _ ^ e� i '°�. ��� -�"'.rtc•''k„o. I' ,y •J�� ^ 1 � • Y ♦ O < I / � ♦ �� � / ' � � i�.�i��ii�j r�� I I � . ���C��rr�'' = ' . �;�� ..d . .� / � . � - . . � • • � � �� u � � � � � � � � ,. � _ _ . � _ : ,�Q' 1� `7 • �� � • • • • o � R . - - L� o u � � ,. ��� � � ��� , , c� ► �• • • • l� � A � � ������ � � � � - � � � . , • °• • � • � u • • • • • I . � • • u • � a • • - • • � ��E1� I . N � - � • ' � :� t�� • . s :� - � � � � �i��_i� � , _ _ _ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A petition ha�iny been filed requesting that the Zoning Ordinance of the City o St. Paul be amended so as to rezone from I-1 to R-4, property at 5 -88 E. �Hawthorne (south side between Abell and Jackson) and 1237 Jac}c�on (northwest corner at Hawthorne). The Council of the City of St�. Paul has fixed the lst day of December� 1988 at 9:00 A.M. in the C�uncil Chambers in the City Hall of said City, and at • said time and�place, the Council will hear .all persons and all objections and recommend tions relative to the proposed amendment. Dated Novembei� 21, 1988 .. _ , Albert B. Olso� City Clerk. . ' , .i. . • II� Noyember 23� 1988) . _ �'� . , , _ . �i . j i , , . ', . i . � _ i . � �, - �� ' , I . i 'I � . � . . ^ � I . ' - - _ �'9— i� � � I � � �`� ST� PAUL CITY COUNCIL PU��BLIC H�EARING NOTICE R �Eo ���' Z�N�N(�7 NOV 18 198�- � ��i � CITY CLtt�n � T0: Property owner� within 350' ; FIL E N 0. Representative$ of Planning District 6 10345 ,,I PAGE � PURPOSE � '� A rezoning from I-1 ( Industrial District) to R-4 (One family I residential ) to make the zoning district consistent with the ! present uses . I� LOCATION �I50-88 E. Hawthorne (South side between Abell and Jackson) and , 1237 Jackson (Northwest corner at Hawthorne) P E T I T IO N E R ' RESIDENTS OF E. HAWTHORNE AVENUE H E A R I N G ursday, �ecember 1 , 198s 9:0o A.M. • C tv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S T 10 N S Z ning 29s-4154 (�isa Freese) C ntact the ,Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic D elopment Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, � 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesoia 55102 ' Le al Description: On file I I � � I Notice sent 11/18/88 I � -- ��