89-06 WHITE - CITV CLERK I P�NK _ F�NAN�E G I TY OF SA I NT �A U L Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT �'. BLUE - MAVOR I F1Ie NO. � !, Ca cil Resolution ��} ; ; I� , Presented By ._�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St',• Paul City Council has amended Chapter 404, 409 and 410 to allowl the sale of pulltabs and tipboards in private clubs, licensed ',liquor establishments and non-alcoholic (3.2 beer) beverage e�tablishments; and WHEREAS, 10% oflthe net revenue from the sale of pulltabs and tipboards are usied to support the Youth Athletics and Sports Fund; and I WHEREAS, The St. Paul Council has adopted rules for the distributian of �aid funds to eligible organizations; now therefore, be it! RESOLVED, that the adopted rules are amended as follows: GENERAL PRqCEDURES 5(a) Limit of $�BAA $4000 per organization per year i i COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� '_� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman (�j , Scheibel _ Against , Sonnen �Ison Adopted by Council: Date ��N — 31989 Form pproved y Attorney Certified Pa. d uncil r BY By Approved b vor: D te, _ `� ��' _ Approved by Mayo r Submission to Council By �y s }{� J A N �- '7 1989 � s //////�� �f' c �V • � � '� N° 012236 , Gomm�,.�_.:ity Serv'ces DEPARTI�NT , - - - - - Howar Be ' CONTACT NAME 292-743 PHONE � 12 14 $8 DATE ASSICN �1 ' G (See rsverse side.) 1 Department D rsct r ? Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and x�ag ment Services Director _, City Clerk _ Budget Direc o� �,,, C�wY Council _ City Attorne _ : _� {Clip all locations for sigaature.) WI 0 D Y (Purpose/Rationale) ' RECEIVED An ammendment tn hapter 409, prev,_o��s?y adopted rules. , ���Fi��p DEC 1 91988 � DFC 2 p 1988 c.ann�n�r ser�s COS B N AND S L AC �YOas�F�lCE The rules ca 1 fo an organization to be limited to a grant of $1 , 000 per- �r�e •. Tt would follow that the annual limit would be $4,000. The. limi previously adopted was $1 ,000 which would lim�.t most organ�z� ti:on to one grant per y�ar, not per quarter. • INAN U T V R C 0 D T � (Mayor•s signat e n t required if under $10,000.) Total Amouat f ,Tr nsgction: Activity Number: 33179 50060 Funding Sourc :Qh ritable Gambling Distributions �1TTACHMENTS: ( ist nd number all attaChments.> Councii Research Center 1 Council F:e o]�u ion DEC 2119�$ Dlrt V CE S _Yes _N R es, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes ,_N If yes, are they or timetable attached? D� RTME T REV W; CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes No Cbu il resolntion required? Resolution required? ____Yes `No _Yes No I�s ance required? Irtsurance sufficient? �Yes _No _Yes �No I�►s arlce attached? � �