89-01 � �I,TE - GITV GLERK COU1IC11 C;��+K��V -OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �+ �� BLVE -MAYOR L'lle NO. Ordinanc Ordinance N O. ��-� _ _ :�. � , Presented B Referred To ' Committee: Date '-�` �— Out of Committee Date An ordina ce ending chapter 404 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to rivate Clubs. The Council of he ity of Saint Paul Do�s Ordain: Section 1 That Chap er 04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code . is hereby amended so as o ad the following provision thereto: 404.041 . Nond 'scrimination. (a) No p rson shall be eligible to receive or renew a private club lice se 'f the applicant restricts membership to its organization r access to its private club on the basis of race, cre d, r ligion, sex, national origin or ancestry, a9e+ disabilit , m rital status or status with regard to public assistanc . T is provision shall not apply to any religious corporati n, association or society, with respect to membershi ba ed on religion, when religion is a bona fide qualifica ion for membership. (b) This sec ion (404.041 ) shall apply to all original or renewal a pli ations for private club licenses received after the date hat his ordinance amendment is adopted by the city council . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor coswitz ltetdnan ���� Against BY Sonnen _ Wilson Form A rov d by City Att y Adopted by Council: Da e Certified Passed by Council S cretar BY By Approved by Mayor: Date A rove by Mayor for Submission to Council By WMITE - CITV CLERK I 1 � . PINICt. - P!iNANCE COl1I1C11 G CANARV -DEPARTMENT ' ��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �i`Ile NO. V �� � BI.UE - MAYOR '�, • / Ord�ndnce Ordinance N�. ,�T�(O� Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I Section 2 This ordinanice shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its pas�sage, approNal and publication. I Section 3 This ordinan�ce shall is deemed a part of the Legislative Code and shall be incorpor�ed therein and given an appropriate section number at the time of the next revision of the Legislative Code. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas � Nays Requested by Department of: I ��g � In Favor Goswitz r/' Rettman s�be�ne� , Against BY Sonnen �� � � 4 19� Form App ed by Ci tto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified a ed by Council Secreta ' By � gy /.�/'`_.�v � � � 'r� Appr ve by Mayor: D _ MAR � 6 �9�9 Ap ove by Mayor or Submission to Council B PUBIlS�ED MAR 2 5 1989 , i _ _ _ MARCH� 1989 'eas Nays � LON� RETTMAN { � � so�v�v r � � � _ � -�� GOSWI!TZ ��''` ` MR. PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL .. ' ���X�J I' ��� I CITY OF SAINT PAUL nii 11�ii CITY COUNCIL INVESTIGATION AND RESEARCH CENTER n�MukA�v�,ur� RECEIVED , �g 2 71989 f�ebruarv 23. 1�u� � CITY CLERK �fu: Private i;lub License Holders F itOt1: J i m Murphv Star"r F'erson. G'omrnunitv and Human Services Committee �1E: f'r i vate C I ub L i cense An ordinance which will amend Chapter 4U�1� Private Clubs. of the St. Paul Leaisiative i.ode bv addina a new section has been proposed. lhis new section will not ailow a arivate club. which is required to have a iicense. to restrict its membership to its oraanization on the basis of race. sex. nationai oriain. aae. disability, marital status. or status with rec�ard �o public assistance. This new section sPiali aoplv to all private ciubs renewina their license, or. applvina fnr their oriainal license. Also. this new section wili make �eoQle receivinq public assistance eiigibie to become a member of a Arivate club. nowever. thev must me�t ali aualifications of inembership which includes membership fiees. F'rivate ciubs whos� membership is based on reiiaion. which is a bona fide Uuaiit=ication for m�mbershia, are not included in thi� ordinance. ihis ordinance wi ) i have a public hearing. before the St. Paul City Councii . on Tuesdav. F�ebru�ry LF�. 1�+�i9. Attached i s the Februarv 28. 1989 C i t,y i.ouncii Aaenda. fhi,s ordinance is item #17. A copy of the ordinance is aiso inciuded. If vou have anv questions. please cail me at 298-4151 . Enclosures CITY HALL SEVENTFi FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4163 s.�.44 i SINCE(099 � ` �iETE�RANS OF FORElGN WARS ��� � ,; � OF THE UNITED STATES ������ , DEPARTMENT OF MINNESOTA � �� �� R1C@ StP@@t VFW POSt 3H7�I VETERANS SERVICE lUILDING ,�y,''��,fir� ' BOX 17146, RICE 5T. STATION '�, �� ,: 1138 Rice �Street sr. vnu�, MINNESOTA 55155 ``i, )'� PHONE: 612/291-175� St. Paul. �Viinnesota 55117 March 3, 1989 Janice Rettman District 5 Councilmember St. Paul Cfty Hall St. Paul, Minnesota, 55102 Dear Councilmember Rettman: VVe underst�and that the St. Paul City Council will hold an open hearing on the proposed private club discrimination ordinance. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the hearings since I will be in Washington, D.C. from March 4 through 8, 1989 attending hearings to restore the Veterans Administration Health Care Budget Cuts. I would appreciate if you would express my concerns over the proposed ordinar�ce s7nce the wording for discrimination might be so broad that it would affect the veterans organizations in the City of St. Paul. Tlze federally chartered Veterans Organizations, namely, The American Legion, Disable American Veterans, Marine Corps League, AMVETS, and Veterans of Foreign Wars, all have their membership requirements spelled out by Federal Charter, authorized by the U.S. Congress. The American Legion requires an honorable military discharge and service during cert�in wartime dates. The Disabled American Veterans requires an hon�orable military discharge and a service connected disability. The Marine Corps Leagues requires an honorable military discharge and service in the Unite,d States Marine Corps. The AMVETS requires an honorable military disc�harge and service after the start of World War II. The Veterans of Foreign Wars requires an honorable military discharge in addition the applicant must have overseas service and qualified for a Combat, Expeditionary or Occupation Service Medal or Ribbon. None of the organizations discriminate against an applicant because of race, sex or creed. Applicants must be citizens of the United States have had � served in the Armed Forces of the United States. Sincerely, ,-') 1 /��' ; 'z�'lr`�'�,"� %,,.` � L�, �.t_-,.L JEROMB MICIKUS Quartermaster VFW Post 3877 Phone (612) 488 8108 siNCEievq '�j ���ETE�RANS OF FORElGN WARS �� � ,; /� � OF THE UNITED STATES � �f-'�"� y�� „� DEPARTMENT OF MINNESOTA �\' R,1C@ Street VFW Post 3877 VETERANS SERVICE BUILDING l ` � BOX 17146, RICE ST. STATION `-���;` 1138 Rice Street � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55155 �"d y ':'� PHONE: 612/291-1757 St. Paul. �Vlinnesota 55117 March 3, 1989 Janice Rettman District 5 Councilmember St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, Wlinnesota, 55102 Dear Councilmember Rettman: We understand that the St. Paul City Council will hold an open hearing on the proposed private club discrimination ordinance. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the hearings since I will be in Washington, D.C. from March 4 through 8, 1989 attending hearings to restore the Veterans Administration Health Care Budget Cuts. I would appreciate if you would express my concerns over the proposed ordinance �ince the wording for discrimination might be so broad that it would affectt the veterans organizations in the City of St. Paul. The federally chartered Veterans Organizations, namely, The American Legion, Disable American Veterans, Marine Corps League, AMVETS, and Veterans of Foreign Wars, all have their membership requirements spelled out by Fedleral Charter, authorized by the U.S. Congress. The American Legion requires an honorable military discharge and service during certain wartime dates. The Disabled American Veterans requires an honorable military discharge and a service connected disability. The Marine Corps Leagues requires an honorable military discharge and service in the United States Marine Corps. The AMVETS requires an honorable military discharge and service after the start of World War II. The Veterans of Foreign Wars requires an honorable military discharge in addition the applicant must have overseas service and qualified for a Combat, Expeditionary or Occupation Service Medal or Ribbon. . � None of the organizations discriminate against an applicant because of . race, sex ox creed. Applicants must be citizens of the United States have Had • served in the Armed Forces of the United States. S�ncer�ly, 1 ,, ,, �, /, � ,'Z�°'l��(`'(�" ;.'�( ��_, l��L, /` � JEROM� MICKUS Quartermast�er VFW Ppst 3877 Phone (612) 488 8108 . ; , � �jC gg-- � �. ��'' " Members: F� � Janice Rettman, chair ,o��d�is,,::� ` CITY OF sAINT PAIJL Biii Wilson � eui f f:it OFrICD OF T13E CI'rY COUNCIL Bob Long Dat�: February 16, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN �a�n��Persan Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From : Camm�nity and Human Services Committee J�nice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Comm�nity and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, February 15, 1989, at 1:30 p.m. 1. Approval of Minut�s of February 1, 1989 meeting. Minutes approved an 3-0 vote. 2. City Council Agenda 1/12/89, Item No. 9: Resolution - 89-51 - Approving the appointments of Kevin Kajer, Sam Verdeja and Barbara Wencl, and the reappointments of Frank Horak, Robert Van Hoef, Dr. Earl Miller, Sr. , Gladys Morton, Gary Park, and Kathleeen Zieman by the Mayor to serve as members of the Saint Pau1 Planning Commission. (For referral to the Community and Auman Services Comrtnittee.) (Laid over to February 15, 1989, per Mayor Latimer's request.) Previous motions from meeting of February 1, 1989 effected. Reco?amended for approval on 3-0 vote. 3. City Council ,Agendh 1/3/89, Item No. 4: First Reading - 89-1 - An ordinance amending Chapter 104 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Private Clubs and adding a nondiscrimination provision. (Referred to Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to February 15, 1989 due to time cor.straints.) Recommend�ed fpr ap roval on 4-1 vote. Prior to third reading, Jim Murphy, with Jerry Segal arid Jo Carchedi, to send ordinance to all affected private clubs. � 4. Health Merger� Update. Presentation by Jim 0'Leary. (Laid over to February 15, 1989. Checkl}ist of ALL City Health Division services to be initiated and presented. CbMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE is recommended for attendance at this discussion. �urther steps may be discussed.) Presentation �nade t�y Jim 0'Leary. Update review. S. Procedures and proCess for City Council and Departments regarding public health enforcement and food enforcement discussions. Laid over to �'ebruary 23, 1989, at which time a continuation -meeting wiil be held. CIT'Y HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOZ'A 55102 612/298-5289 B��a 46 . � � �� Community and Human Services Comnittee - COrIMITTEE REPORT February 16, 1989 Page Two 6. City Council Agenda 11/22/$8, Item No. 4: First Reading - 88-1826 - An ordinance amending Chapter 411 of the Legislative Code pertaining to entertainment. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to January 18, 1988 for the drafting of two amendments.) (Laid over as per Jerry Segal's request.) Substitute resolution recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 7. One of the goals of the City Council involves the Parks Systems. In order to initiate the discussions, we will start with the NAG (Needs Assessment Group Report; August, 1988) . Mr. Bob Piran will up,date the Council on :the work of the Task Force (Ramsey County/Saint Paul Parks Task Force.) Laid over to March 1, 1989. 8. City Council Agenda 1/31/89, Item No. 20: Resolution - 89-154 - Approving appointments by the Mayor of Sam Ciresi, Patricia Brand, John Flory, and James Kowalski to serve on the Food and Nutritior. Commission. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vote. 9. Bernie Fritz to present contract with Humane Society. Resolution to be presented moving $15,000 out of contingent 1989 budget to go to Humane Society to accommodate expanded adoption program. Laid over to February 23, 1989, at which time a continuation meeting will be held. 10. Library Followup. We have seen the consultants' report. What does the Library plan to do with such a report other than what has been identified in the adopted 1989 budget? Presentation by Gerald Steenberg. Laid over to February 23, 1989, at which time a continuation meeting will bp held. cc: Ed Starr Al Olson _ I'I ,�-. lsti /" �--�0 ! 2nd _ ��i "1 �� ; 3rd � oZ--��-8�� Adopted �� � - �'� Yeas � Nays DIMOND C�, ri,lt'=-� O GOSWITZ �� ' LONG ' /�lp�,, I i RETTMA�I SON[�TEN ' WILSON I MR. PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL _ . _ . I „ ; . _ _ ,_ . � .: , ., . . _ . , : - : � ..: - _ , :, � _ , . : , _ � _ I . � i , - i � � ;