90-2294 1 ' I Council File � !�'�°�/� C�RIGINAL = � , �� Green Sheet � 12240 RESOLUTION _ ' CITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented Referred To Committee: Date � RESOLVED: That alpplication (ID 4�59371) for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Children�s Heart Fund at Triviski's, 173 So. Robert Street, be and� the same is hereby approved/d�e�e�-. i I ! imon � eas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: oswi z � � on � License & Permit Division acca ee r- � e t man __� �_ une z son �"- ~- BY� r� Adopted by Council: Date' DEC 2 '7 199� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio Certified by Cou#�cil Secretary By: • $ , �/_� .� By' �` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date' Council Sy: By. �-��-a�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL • DATE INITIATED Finance/Lic nse GREEN SHEET N° _ 12240 � CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Christine R zek- 98-5056 A$$�aN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBERFOR MU3T BE ON g UNCIL AOE'I�A BY( TE) C� y C12�� ROUTINO �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIR. Hearin / 12- �9� $ 12� (�Q ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn � ('.rnmcil TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE P QE3 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an a plication for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit. �? Notificatio / Hearin / 12-�.--90 RECOMMENDATION3:Approve(A)or Ject(R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL ERVICE COMMISSION 1• Has this personlfirm ever worked under e contract fOr this depertment? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? _STAFF YES NO _DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECT E? YES NO Explaln all yes answera on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATINCi PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO NITY( ho,Whet,When,WMere,Why): Mark S. Far an o behalf of Children�s Heart Fund requests Council approval of their appli atio for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit at Triviski's, 173 So. Rob rt S reet. Proceeds from the pulltab sales will be used for heart surgeries f r in igent children. ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: If Council ppro al is given, Children's Heart Fund will operate a pulltab booth at Tr visk 's, 173 So. Robert Street. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: R�CEIVED . - - ., , .-- . . < <. ,�C����O UL V �-� �� iS��� C1TY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT ON S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ' �� . . . i 'i �03��� . �l : I 1 p DIVISION OF LIC�NSE �1ND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE (� 3� CJo l �o � / INTERDEPARTMENT,AL RE�IEW CHECKLIST Appn Pro essed/Rece ved by j Lic Enf Aud �i m �� f-�m Qi- -/LJ�i huSF r Applicant c ���Qn�� �i(r`-� -�Ur�, Home Address �DO � a��N'� �t Business Name I r'I VJ.S1�1 S Home Phone � ��— � `� �O� a � ��' Business Address I,�3 c�0• /�pI'jQIT�`� Type of License(s) �(�� � �kh� l���"'y i I Business Phone �I��n'1��� ��VmC-�.- �P� Public Hearing �Date �a �7 �� License I.D. 4i J�y.3�� at 9:00 a.m. i� the �Council ambers, , I 3rd floor City�Hall iand Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� �� J�/3 o�Y� � Date Notice Sent; � Dealer � 1�')fa to Applicant I , Federal Firearms 4� N!A' Public Hearing ', DATE INSPECTION REVIEW I VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved Bld I & D ' 8 � �1� � Health Divn. j � I n-��/�- I � Fire Dept. ' � j ��� I Police Dept. � c„n,�l Jr License Div�. �, � g� �, ��1 JI � V� 1� City Attorn�y ; � ' 1( �Ic�� O� � I �I Date Received: Site Plan � U �� 1 �� ~— —T To Council Research �°��� �Y� Lease or Lett�er � CI, Date f rom Landlord' � �� �� / V , i i �` f � � � FOR BOARD USE ONLY � n � FEE � Sr� e� CHECK � II�lITIAiS LG214 DATE l�r�rv�esora taw,fu� cambt�n� �9�5�� ;Premise Peraiit Application - Part 1 a 9`� .. . . ��y�-a Organizatioa �a;fo�r�iiation . '' ;, ... ...::: . . ,, _ __ _ , ,..,.,.,. .. . � �,,.o �,��� Ch,ll�!'P,n`s ; t�tci.��-1' �u.n�- Busineas Address of OrpanizaooA-Street or P.O Box(Oo not use address of yambYny manaper) �OG ���Si' ; ,�-�*� S-treef CitY Sta1e Z�p Code County Buaness pt►ona number (�1�nnPa �i� �;s M(� s5`�tU-1 l-�enr�e P;r� cbiz) e(o� - �-tloo Name of chief executive office�(�annot be flambbn9 maneper) Tide Businesa ptwne number N�a�k S . �_ i u�nan �xeC.c.��`v�, .L�`r�C�r' (6iz) S 3 -�Ybo Adciress of chief execuove offioen-Street a P.O. Box t�£�. 3�x i���5 City SWOe Zip Code Counry M.1'����. p�, l: �5 f"�N �.lj��l� �-�F,�r�¢p,�n ,:: .::, ;.: , Type of Appli�atio ' : Clasa of PremLe Permit ❑ Class A— Binga, RaHle$, Paddlewheels,Tipboards, Pull-tabs Q Class B— Raffles, Paddtewheels,Tipboards, Pull-tabs Th�CteSS O/p�6mlSO poRnit ❑ Class C— Bingo only , must be�etleCted by Class ol ❑ Class D— Rafflos only the orpanlzat/on Ucense. Bia�o Occasiona If class A or C, Sll �n d4ys and be�innLi� and endin�hours of bia�o occasioas: No more than sevep bin�o occasions may be conducted by aa or�anization pez�veel�. Day Beginning/Endtng Hours Day Beglruiing/Endtng Hours Day Begitusing/Ending Hours � w to �o_.�_ to to to�„_ :. . < } f YtBta�(o will aoL ba coa�octed. cbeck here t : � � :. < Status of Premise Pes#ait - check one: �, New premise—Fill in¢�g organizatan premise permit numbar �- v�4`� � ,._ Renewal of existing preilnisa permit—FII in�$pramise perm�numb� . __ ❑ Proviousiy axpir�d prertliso permit—FII in�@ pramiso pennR numbe� _. _ ; . 1 .. . . ��y°"a�y� , L(3Z 14 ' Minnesota Lawfui Gamblin� Premise Perrnit Application - Part 2 .::.....:::.::.,:,.:<:<..:<:;::.�::::::::.:.::.:.;:.:;.:.;�::..::::.:<::<.: ..:,:. ... . . .:: .. . .Y.. . . .. . C�81IIb�II���C1�SC '���02'1II8��OII .: :: _ - : Name of eslaWishment where flafnbliny wili be conducted Street Addrets(do not use a post ofboe box rwmber) ��� V 1 S '�`S (�3 SUV`,� ��tk S�'t�Ce�" ST.1'C�w� Ic the premtses locaeed within ait�limits? �yec ❑no $5!p� City and County where yamblinp jpremiaec is bcated OR Township end Counry where flambYny premisec is locatod if outs;de of dty limits ST� �G�U.( I�ccw,S.�..� 4 Name and Addresc of Lepal Owr}er of Premiset City Sta1e Zip Code �n►� ,�e r ��'�S �(�4 I �n�� nct�k w u-, Sr. Pc.�,�-I r�n� 5 5 r� �, Doec the orpanization own the b�ildinp where Ihe pambling will txe conducoed? 0 YE (�NO NOTE:Organizations may nqt pay themselves rent it they own the building or have a holding company. A IettAr musi be sub- mitted showing rant payment�as zero from gambling funds it the organization's holding oompany owns the premises. The letter must be signed by the�hief executiva officer.) If NO, attaCh the fplbwing: ' a capy pf the lease with terms for one year. ' �copy of a sketch of the floor plan with dimensions, showing what portion is beinq leased. A lease and sketc� are not required tor Class D applicantans. Rent: For gambli�ng witN bingo $ Total square tootage leased For gambling wittbut bingo $ �/v� �= Total square footage leased �O Addrass of storago s�paco oflgambling aquipma�t , Addross ' City SWte Zip code I l 3 S��:..� (C'c��b e�f S�r�c�-1- ST. P��,,�( • r�� 55� o�7 - _ _ Baa1c`Infon�atinn :.: ..... :`.. , ': , : _ .::.:: .....:.:::: .... . � . ,. , :.. :.:... . .:....� ... ........ . ::.. ...: . . : ._..:.._.........._:._ _ p��m i ��rn np a�i mw �v�a a�pant�c np�ocount gank Name Bank A�ount Number � t�c<wes+ 13a�,k S�Oc� 85 � Bank Addresa City State Zp Cods �l l �-1 I � t e ��� l�� M�ti n.e v l�s M� S y« Name, u,and oNe ol persons auahorized ro sgn d�ecks and make deposia and wid�d�awds. . � Name Addresa rnie ��.�S A . �;,-��� �Z�� 5' s�r � �� ,�o. P�y,���.-h,- C��..-:, r�,...�.y�� �Gil�C. S. ��i.�c..� (-0. �d�l ��1��� /H.�I.,oc��f, � C'��Ct�c'�.V<, C�,nc'�cr _ . � . . . j �-��y� . , �� . LGZ14 ' Minrtesota Lau�ful Gambiin� �remise Peraiit Application - Part 3 .. ,:. ,. .. .. . . �,i:: .f.;i . . . � i�� � . . Ackaowled��eme�a� :: ... .,:. . ;: ...: : . ,. :: .: Gamblin�Site Authorl�ation (haarby consarrt thad local law enforcemerrt oHicers,the board or agents of the board,or the commissioner d revenue o� public safaty,or ayants of thalcommissionars,may antor tha pramises to enforce the law. � Hank Records Informa�ioa Tha board is authorizad to in�pax the bank racords cf the�ambling aocaunt whenever necessary to fulfill roquiromants o(currqnt�amt�ling ruks and law. I dodara tha�: I havo road this app�icatan and all informad'an submitted to tha board; All information is tru , accurate and complote; All othor raquirad in�ormation has b�n lulhr disdosed; I am tha chi�f axoc�rtivo ofticar of tha organization; I assuma full raspo�hsibility fo�tha fair and lawful yambling and rulas of tha board and agraa, if licensad, to abida by,thosa I�ws and rules, induding amendmonts to them; A membership list�f the organizatan will be available within seven days aftor k is requested by tha board; Any chanqqs in ap�plication intormation wiN be submitted to tha board and bcal governmant within 10 days d tha ct�ngaK and A torminatqn plan will ba submitted to tha board wRhin 15 days of tha termination oi all promisa parmits. Failura to,P'rovide rloquirod information or providing talso infotmation may rasuR in tha danial or ravocati�n of tha lice e./ �/': ' Si atu�o ch' t exocuove o r . �� , �; � %• r.. � D Local ernm�ent Ackao�vledgeinent : - 1. The cRy•must sf9n if th4 gamblinq premisas a located ww�hin city limits. 2. Tha county••AND town�hip••must sgn if tho gambling promisas is locatad within a township. 3. Tho bcal govonnmant(�Ry or counry)must pass a rosolution spaci(ically approving or denying tha application. 4. A c�py af tha rasolutiorh approviny tho application must bo attachad to tha apptication. 5. Applications which ara denied by the local�ovaming body should not be submitted to the Gambling Control Oivision. Townshlp: By signaturo tlobw,tho township adcnowledges that tha organization is applying for a premisas parmit within township limits. Cfty or County• ' Townshlp•• City or County Namo Township Name S+ynature of person reoeivin�application Siqnawro of psrson receivinq application Title � Daw Reoeived Tide ���^� iC-31-�3� erson ve�nq a� n Oo 9overtunp body ace Is Downship: ❑OrpaniZed ❑Unorqarmzed ❑Uninoorporated Rai��to th� Instructlonl�for th�roqulnd attschrnants Mail to: Departmarrt of Gaming ' Gambling Control Division Rosawood Plaza South,3rd Fioor 1711 W. Counry Road B � Roseville, MN 55113 --- � ' + � SA�INT PAUL CITY N � IL �y°�a�y� COU C PUBLIC HEARINC . NOTICE . LICENSE APPLICATION R�cEivEo NO�b819A0 ClTY CLERK FILE NO. Dear Property Owners L 16020 An application has been submitted by tlte Children's Heart Fund for permission to sell pulltabs and/or PURPOSE tipboards at Triviski's APPLICANT Children's Heart Fund Triviski's LOCATION 173 s. Robert st. HEARINC December 27, 1990 9:00 a.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and N O T1C E S E N T Management Services, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5056 This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permit Division. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation. I � a�y� . � • � �1 SUPPLEMENT TO ATTACHED LICENSE ID L 16020 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE LICENSE APPLICATION BAR INFORMATION;� Corporate Name: Whoopee Inc. Officers: Lyle Triviski - President Marcia Triviski - Vice President Gerald Frisch - Secretary/Treasurer Contact Person: Tom Perkins - Manager 221-1038 ORGANIZATION I�IFORMATION: Name of Org;anization: Children's Heart Fund Location: 800 East 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 Contact Pexson: Jim Dittmer - Gambling Manager 591-0617 GAMBLING FUNDS TO BE USED FOR: Heart surgeries for indigent children LICENSE DIVI5ION CONTACT PERSON: Christine 'Rozek License Ernforcement Auditor 298-5056