90-2287 G R I G I f� A L - �oun�ll File � o-aa�7 . ,�- , �i ,/ Ordinance # � �a �7 �,.-� Green sheet # 1 Z Z►3 ' ORDINANCE , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By / � � - -- �- ; Referred To Committee: Date � � 1 An prdinance amending section 402.03 of the Saint Paul 2 Leguslative Code pertaining to Lawful Gambling and adding a 3 new subclause (h) thereto: 4 5 The Counarl of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: 6 7 Section 1 8 9 That sectidn 402.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended so as to 10 add the followin� provision thereto: ll ' 12 (h) Pull�tabs; information required to be posted. In accordance with the 13 provisions f Minnesota Statutes, section 349.172, organizations selling pull-tabs 14 must post � a prominent place at the point of sale all major prizes that have been 15 awarded frpm each deal of pull-tabs. Posting of major prizes shall be done 16 immediatel� upon awarding of the prize. 17 18 Section 2 19 20 This ordin�.nce shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its 21 passage, approval and publication. Ye s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon �_ OSW2tZ on �—�—. acca ee � e man �'— une —~ � i son —'— �. BY� C Adopted by Council: Date JA� 1 5 1�g1 Form Ap ved by City Attorney Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By� By� � - A r ve b Ma for Submission to !B Y Y Counc' Approved b Mayor: Date �i� � � ��91 By: � �h2�,�irr.a� BY� ..a r.??� r r. p,,� � Yl� { I �{I . . . �°"az�� DEPARTMENT/O€FICE/COU CIL OATE INITIATED �� _ 12 213 Finance/Li ense GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Robert KeS ler 298-5056 ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY CITYCLERK MU.c,T BE ON COUNCiI AGENDA BY( ATE) NUMBER FOH ❑BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. pOUTING ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE P GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Implementa ion f State mandated requirement to post the names of large pull-tab w nner . RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or eJect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL ERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Flas this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF YES NO _DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNCIL OBJE IVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answera on separats shest and attach to green sheet INITIATINd PROBLEM,ISSUE,OP RTUNITY ho,What,When,Where,Why): The 1989 egisl ture passed a law which requires operators of pull-tab games to post the ames f the winners of the major prizes. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: City will be i compliance with State Law. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Many pull tab perators object to this requirement. As a result, the City is propos ng o her actions to ameliorate the effects of posting on charitable gambling pera ors. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROV D: City wil not comply with State Law. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANS CTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXP IN) �Uo doe� w gs n u• i � , � � i � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����'i�i�, � OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL j PAULA MACCABEE ' �� Counc7member SUSAN ODE Legisiative Aide MARK BALOGA Legislative Aide ' Members: Paula Maccabee, Chair Bob Long ,i Janice Rettman � Date: December 12, 1990 COMMITTEE REPQRT HUMAN SERVICE$, REGULATED INDUSTRIES AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE 1. A roval di the Minutes of the Human Services, Regulated Industries, and PP Rules and 'Policy Committee for: October 31, 1990; and November 14�, 1990. COMM�TTEE '!APPROVED, 3-0 2. Ordinance190- - Taxi Driver Penalty Matrix. Discussion and setting date for Pub1iC Hearing. COMMITTEEISET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF JANUARY 23, 1991, 3-0 3. Discussior� of additional taxi issues, including lease rates and licensing of taxi compa�nies, and setting date for Public Hearing. i COMMITTEE �SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF JANUARY 23, 1991, FOR THE ISSUE OF METRO MOB�LITY TAXI CONTRACTS � � 4. Considera�ion of the issuance 20 additional taxicab licenses. COMM$TTEE RECOMMENDED THAT UP TO FOUR (4) LICENSES BE ISSUED TO BOTH AIRPORT CAB �1ND C ECKER CAB OF ST. PAUL; TAXICAB OWNER/OPERATOR ARE ENCOURAGED TO REAP�LY F R THE REMAINING LICENSES, 2-0 (COUNCIL PRESIDENT WILSON ABSTAINED FROM VOTI G). 5. Children'$ Health Plan Outreach Report - Discussion Only. NO CpMMIT#EE ACTION REQUIRED - DISCUSSION ONLY 6. Resolutiom 90-1928 - Urban Indian Health Board. COMMITTEE'� RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 4-0. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL QF A COMPANION ORDINANCE AS AMENDED, 3-0. CITY HALL , SEVENTH FLQOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 !i s��ss Prinicd on Recycled Paper i �i i . . . . � �� a��7 � ,� �o � HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES, AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT - PAGE 2 DECEMBER 12, 1990 7. Ordinance 90-2007 - Florist License fee, eliminate Florist Vehicle License. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0. 8. Ordinance 90- - change $2.50 license processing fee to $5.00 minimum license fee. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 3-0 9. Ordinance 90- - require posting for pulltabs, as required by State law. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 ��-�'-j 10. Ordinance 90- - clarifying allowable charitable gambling locations, and expanding allowable activities funded by charitable gambling proceeds as required by State law. THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER 11 . Ordinance 90- - regulating bingo hall pulltab operations in the same manner in which licensed liquor establishments are regulated. THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER 12. Ordinance 90- - expanding allowable gambling activities to include all activities authorized by the State. THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER chr