90-2279 � R I V I �A L� ; ,�'` �" Council File # Q�a��7� � �� Green Sheet �# 8 8 3 2 � RESOLUTION CITY OF INT PAUL, MINNESOTA � , Presented By � Referred To � � Committee: Date RESOLVED, Tha1C upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in aiform to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers ', are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liabilitx Fund, 09070-0511, to: Collins Brothers Cleaning the sum of $1,30!0.55 in full settlement of its claim of damages sustained on dr about October 4, 1990, as more particularly set out in the No'tice� of Claim filed in the City Clerk's office on October 23, 1990. � Y as Navs Absent Requested by Department of: .zmon oswi z � on �`— City Attorney acca ee �— —.. e tman �— .�-�-""'� un e i son � By� 0 Adopted by Council: �'', Date DEC 2 7 �ggp Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy; ' � By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved y �Sayor: Date DEC 2 � �990 Council � ��, , By: /',�r�'� By: Pt��9.lsHED J;�� ° 5� l�l�l • � /��� o���� t DEPARTM[NTIOFFlf�JCOUNCIL DATE INITIATEO ��t �ttor e 12-10-90 GREEN SHEET No. 8832 COMTACT PERSON 6 PNONE INITUW DAtE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY OOUNqL P e t e r P. P a n b r n 9 8-5 4 7 5 �A�M���q ❑�ATfORNEY �CITY CLERK MU3T 8E ON(�UNp�A(�ENDA BY T� ROUTINQ �9UDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.8ERVICES DIR. �MAYOIi(OR A8818TAN7) � TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE QES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SI�iNATUl� ACTION REGUESTED: Resolution ap rov ng settlement of claim against City of Saint Paul by Collins Br the s Cleaning RECOMMENDATIONB:Approw(A)a (Fry COUN�.YL COMMITTEEJRE8EAliCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANAI.Y3T PNONE NO. _PLANNIWQ COMMI381�1 pVil RVI�COMMISSION _qB COMMITTEE COMMENT8: _8T/�FF _DISTRICT COURT SUPPORT$WMICH COUNpL OBJE ? INITIATINf3 PROBLEM,188UE. .Wh�t,WINn.WMro.VYhyl. On Thursday, O tob r 4 , 1990, a vehicle owned by Collins Brothers Cleaming was damaged in a f ur-car accident . The Collins Brother ' s vehicle was the middle of three ve icles parked on Fairview near the intersection of Selby and Fairview. At pproximately 3 : 30 a.m. , a Saint Paul Police squad car driven by Offi er ucia Wroblewski drove into the rear of the first parked vehicle and pushed it into the Collins Brothers ' vehicle parked in front of it . The Colli s B others ' vehicle was then pushed into the vehicle parked in front of it cau ing additional damage to the front of �the Collins ADVANTAOESIFAPPROVED: r0 rs ve ic e. T e Co ins Brothers ' vehicle sustained amag s in the amount of $1 , 300 .55 . i�c��3�1ED DEC � � 1990 �����: MAYOR'S OFFICE DISAOVANTA�ES IF NOT ���n �ouncil Research Center ����� DEC 121990 CiTY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBA ION S 1 3 O S S COSTAffiVENUE�T�(qRCLE ONE) ,�E8 / NO O...L �Npp,�p�p� T o t L i I�111 t A�ry�y��R 0 9 0 7 0-0 51 1 FINANGAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAI ) dw