90-2273 . � , ,,, � council File � 9D-�a J'� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOT Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul have adopted the HRA Budget for the Fiscal year 199� through its Resolution 90-i�(�l`� subject to the approval of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subd. 6, have levied the Redevelopment and Relocation tax to be collected in 1991 through its Resolution 90-1,?/)�-�, subject to the approval of the Council of tHe City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, Che Redevelopment and Relocation tax levy is necessary for the financing of appropriations within the 1991 HRA Budget; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subd. 6, the Redevelopment and Relocation tax levied by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, to be collected in 1991 in the amounts set forth below, is hereby approved: . �p-o?�? �.3 , , . � Page 2 of 2 _ . Tax Estimated Net� Tax Le� Shrinkage (a) Financine Redevelopment Tax $ 995,917 $49,796 $ 946,121 (computed according to Minnesota 469.033, Subd. 6, with all adjustments authorized by law; subject to final adj us tment) Relocation Tax 98,831 4,942 93,889 (computed according to Minnesota Statutes S�ction 469.033, Subd. 6, and with all adjustraents authorized by law; subject to final adjustment) TOTAL HRA TAX LEVY $1,094,748 $54,738 $1,040,010 (a)Projection of anticipated differences between taxes levied and taxes collected (5�) . FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 469.033, Subd. 6, the City Clerk is hereby directed to certify this Tax Levy Resolution to the County Auditor of Ramsey County immediately upon adoption and approval of this resolution. FINALLY RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subd. 6, the HRA Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1991, as adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, is hereby approved. Budget Director as Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon �„_ o��onc "' � % �acca, es e- � et man �— une � i son �- By: �-4`L Adopted by Council: Date DEC 2 0 1990 Form Appro ed by City A torney Adoption ertified by Council Secretary By: / By' Appro d by Mayor for Submission to Approved b Mayor: Date ��� ? :{ �990 council g ,��i�2u�►?� By: Y� Pi1BUSNED ��� 2 � 1990 , 90 - a a 73 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �?ann�n & Econor�i c �eve opment 12/4/90 GREEN S�HEET No. 8�,�,�,DATE CONTACT PERSON 6 PFIONE pEpARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITY COUNCIL Tom f 9e er 2 8-32 1 �� GTY ATfORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNpI A13ENDA BY(DAT ) ROUTINQ �BUDOET DIRECTOH �FlN.�MOT.SEi1VICES DIR. Decernber 7 1990 �"""''��OR"�sT""n ❑ TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PA (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Signatures on Coun il Re olution approving 1991 HRA budget and tax levy. � ewonrro�s:nvv►�•c�)p c� couNCIL NEPOR7 oP71oN/1� _PLANNINQ(�OMMISSION _CIVIL 8E �OOMMISSION ANALYBT PHONE 1�. _G�OOMMITTEE _STAFF COMMENTB: _DI87AIC'i OOURT SUPPORT8 WHICN COUNdL 08JE 9 INITIATINO PROBLEM.188UE, Wh�t,WMn.Whsre.Why): 1991 HRA budget an tax lEVy requir� City ',ouncil ap�roval . ADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: Will a11ow the HR to perate its programs, projects, and activities in 1991. WSADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVEO: P�one DISADVANTMiEB IF NOT/1PPROVE .. See above. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA ION COST/REVENtJE ellDOETED(CIRCd.E ONE) YE3 NO FUNOINli SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOLR FlNANWIL INFORMATION:(EXPU11 . ' - q � -�a 7� RESOI�JTION N0. 90• 12-'i��`f RES�LITTION LEVYING THE REDEVELOPKY.NT TIIJ� AND THE � REIACATION TA7[. PAYADLE IN THB 1lEAR 1991. Oli ALL � RF�L AND PERSOML PROPERZY NITHIII '!HE CITY OP SAINt PAUL AFD ADOPTING THE 1991 !litA bUDGS?. . WHEREAS, the Ex�ecutive Director haa sub�itted his recomended Budg�t for the Housing and Redevalopment Authority of Che Ciry of Saint Piul for th� tiseal yasr beginaing January 1. .1991; and HHEREAS. tha above statad budget is shovn ia tha nudget Docusent. jq�j Yroposed Bud�et Ho�sin¢ and Redavelovoent Au�haritv of the Citv of Saint Paul; and includes appropxiations and financing in the folloving funds and aaounts: i� HRA General Fumd $ 4,960,798 HRA Genaral De1bt Service �nd 10,667,937 UDAG Revolving Loan Fund 526.050 New Housing and Blighted Lands Tax Increaent Ftind 2,076,996 Neighborhood D�velopment Ta�c Increment �md 1,928�749 Housing R�habi�itation F�uid 3,650.500 New Housing Deivelopment Fund , 6�.� HRA Development Fund 2,977.741 Block L Farkin�g Ramp F1md 432,752 Home Mortgage Loan Origination Revolving Fund 373.118 City Wide Rehabilitation Home Loan Fund 186�800 . NOW, THEREFORB BE IT RESOLVED� that pursusnt to the provisions of Minnesota Section 469.033, Subd. 6, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul does hereby levy the Redevelopment Tax, payable in the year 1991, on all real and personal property within the City of Saint Paul, computed in the manner provided by Kinnesota Statutes� Section 469.033� Subd. 6, with all adjustaents aut:�orized by law. :'he Redevelopment Tax, payable in 2991 is $995 ,917, wizich amount is authorized by law. This amount is subject to iinal adjustment. FURTHER RESOLxIED. �hat pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes , Section 469.033, Subd. 6, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul does herieby le�ry the Relocation Tax ?aaable in the year 1991, on all real and personal property within the City of Saint Paui, computed in the manner provided by "iinnesota StatuGes, Section 469.033, Subd. 6, �ith all adjustments authorized by law. The Relocatiqn Tax. payable in 1991 is $98,831. vhich amount is authorized by laa►. This amount �s subject to final adjustment. : FURTHER RESO�.VED, that the HRA Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1991, as shown in the Budget Document: 1991 Proposed Budget-8ousing and � Redevelopment Authqrity of the City of Saint Paul vith the revisions made by the Board of Commissio�ers as stated above, is hereby adopted; and. be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the various amounts of spending are hereby appropriated �and the various ambunts of financing are hereby approved by the adoption of the : Budget; and, be it, . - FURTHER RESaLVED, that the Executive Director is hereby suthorized and directed to submit the 1991 HRA Budget to the liayor of .the City of Saint Paul to be s�str�it�ed to the Cauncil of t^e Citv of Saint ?��'_ for consideration, appreval , a-:d cer.�Fica�ion in C::e mar.r.e: r=:•::ded b; iaw. ,�.a.srrm�a.s.�..�,+.wm�erarc�:nwr.�i�+•+m!�etxsrs.�s,��1v:��_+c�S;�?w=t".e!�R^�sn'=a'�-.T.€5?iti7:',9lAi:ik'Fi-4air'"�'��'.&�'�[!+�,.8'd7�4gb'.:,'��i5`iT�.•+$!Y-s�*±�'.�+�P_fi.�w'�+s.-�s::-ar.±rr -cs�+.....��_.+�-....�....-