90-2271 - Council File # � � �,2 �/ � Green Sheet � 12261 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preeented By s� � Referred To Committee: Date � RESOLVED: That', application (ID ��55682) for renewal of a Gambling Manager's by Dpnald A. Sperr DBA Harding Area Hockey Association at Sundance Lanes, 2245 Hudson Road, be and the same is hereby apprpved/d'�ti�.•d. �ea,s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: smon oswi z �— on —.. License & Permit Division acca ee "�` et man � une � i son �, BY� ' c� Adopted by Council: D�ate DE C 2 0 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio Ce tif ied by Council Secretary • ' ,� �z -/3 -�O By: By° Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by a or: Date � n � �"A`' Council ��,�, �:= z t�;tt� By: By' . pUBIISH�D u E C ? 9 1990 . ._ _ 9v -�a 7/ DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Finance/L �ens GREEN SHEET N° _ 12261 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR a CITY COUNCIL Christine Roze -298-5056 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBEH FOf1 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&M(iT.SERVICES DIR. '� � ity Clerk ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� � f:rninri 1 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval f an application for renewal of a Gambling Manager�s License. a ao RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)o Re}ect(R) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING�UESTION3: _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVI SERVICE COMMISSION 1• Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO . 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF YES NO _ oiSTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJE IVE1 YES NO Explaln all yes answers on seperate aheet and attach to green sheef INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OP RTUNITY Who,What,When,Where,Why): Donald A. Sperr DBA Harding Area Hockey Association requests Council approval of his ap lication for renewal of a Gambling Manager's License at Sundance Lanes, 2245 Huds n Ro . Application fee of $134.00 has been submitted. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: If Counci appr val is given, Donald A. Sperr will continue to manage the pulltab sales for ardi g Area Hockey Association at Sundance Lanes, 2245 Hudson Road. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC ION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN w '; ��-a�7i DIVISION OF LICENS I AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �a�a-9 J�aa-yo $ �? / INTERDEPARTMEI�TAL �.tEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by � Lic Enf Aud Applicant �Z) J V r" Home Address �(, ��� �((��t r/�tfln�� Business Name cL ur��r �G�� Home Phone �� �" )�-/ �� Business Addr�ss �`� �u ne���(.Q, �G��'1�� Type of License(s) ��q �.,����✓?�, Business Phone �c�- �� ��Sor� �(�. V1Ct L�1 C.Q�y� - y�p � Public Hearing Dat� �01'- c�.l`� C((� License I.D. � �j�'S(o$01, at 9:00 a.m. in th� Council Cha ers, 3rd floor Cit� Hall� and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� �(pCjs���] Date Notice Sent; Dealer � ���- to Applicant j Federal Firearms 4� �U��- Public Hearing ! ' I DATE INSPECTION REVIEW I VERFIED (COMPUTER) COI�Il�IENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D I �� N�� Health Divn.: � � � ►��,�.-- I Fire Dept. � �t'��. I Police Dept. I I I� I License Div�. � ', �all�s)5u� (� /� � City Attorne�y � � '� !���IS�� o ��- ', � Date Received: Site Plan ��' �ot Cj To Council Research Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord �ol- 1�- �� . � � � � � ��� �f; � Council File # �a�o� �/ o� Green Sheet._# RESOLUTION S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA J � Presented By i Referred To � .C�� Committee: Date �o� D 1 2 3 4 WHEREAS, persons wlth disabilities are entitled to live in the least restrictive possible environment 5 and have a range of residential choices throughout the region; and 6 7 WHEREAS, adequatel� dispersed facilities have no impact on their surrounding communities; and 8 I 9 WHEREAS, concentrations of facilities have a negative impact on surrounding communities and 10 deprive facility residents of the benefits of healthy residential environments; 11 12 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports legislation which will 13 provide for the dispers�l of community residential facilities licensed by the Departments of 14 Corrections, Human Seavices, and Health. Ye s Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon Goswitz T^ on -'�`— lacca ee �— Rettman —�— T une � � '�— By: Wi son _� Adopted by Council: nate JAN � 0 �g�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption r ified by Council Secretary gy: BY� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b ayor: Da�e *��� .L i I�9� Council By: /�Cy���'�2"'°7 By: PUBlIS4�ED .,_;� 19, /9�/ . - � ����-aa�� •���` CITY OF SAINT PAUL i1TSiEI:::I�I; �"' t ``s"`' OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCII, Members: Bob Long, Chair Paula Maccabee Tom Dimond � BOB LONG Counc�7member COMMITTEE REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE DECEMBER 28, 1990 1. Approval of minutes of ineeting .held November 9, 1990. Approved 2. Resolution concerning the NSP gross earnings franchise fee. New resolution will be prepared by staff �--- 3. Resoltption 90-2272 concerning the placement of group 'homes in the City. (Referhred rom Council 12/20/90) - Appror�ed � 4. Discussion of the Mayor's legislative proposal on special State funding for Southeast Asian human service programs. Laid over two weeks 5. Discussion of Mayor's legislative proposal on a state-wide fund for low-cost housing. Resolution will be revised by staff 6. Discussion af strategy for upcoming legislative session. Discussed Additional Item 7. Resolution �upporting State Legislation that would maintain and increase the level o�' State funding allocated to Metropolitan State University's St. Paul Campus. Approved CTTY HALL SEIJENTH FLOOR " SAINT PAUL,MINNFSUTA 55102 612/298-4473 s�ac Printed on Itecycled Paper