90-2260 ORIGIN�► i -� ��� � `�r� ,,''.,.,� ���S��-ry-� �}{� �4 Council File # 9�- Z Z lO� l � j l(_� { `,...,�� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL NNESOTA Presented By � � . Referred To ittee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, domestic assault is a serious problem throughout our State and the City of 3 Saint Paul, with 7�4 incidents reported in Saint Paul January 1, 1991 - April 16, 1991 4 alone; and 5 6 WHEREAS, dom�estic assault between adults from all cultures is an escalating crime 7 which can result in severe injury or murder. Saint Paul recently was the site of a brutal 8 murder/suicide r�lated to domestic assault; and 9 10 WHEREAS, in thle Metropolitan area, people have been murdered by their partners 11 even after having�obtained court orders for protection and any failure of the legal and 12 criminal justice sy�tem to respond can put lives in danger; and 13 I 14 WHEREAS, the $aint Paul City Council passed Resolution 89-1696 creating a Domestic 15 Abuse Prosecutio� Unit within the Office of the City Attorney and requesting that 16 appropriate training be provided to the office of the City Attorney; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department, the Ramsey County Sheriffls office, the 19 Saint Paul City Attorney's o�ce and the Ramsey County Attomey's of�ce have the 20 opportunity to reduce the rate of domestic assault and the escalating pattern of violence 21 through crime prevention activities, arrests on domestic assault calls, arrests for 22 violations of ordexs for protection, enforcement of no contact orders, prosecution of 23 crimes pertaining ,to domestic assault and revocation of probation for violation of no 24 contact orders; anld 25 26 WHEREAS, the �ity Council .of Saint Paul has made prevention of domestic assault one 27 of its highest poli�y priorities, has called for increased penalties for violation of orders of 28 protection, has prbvided funding for Community Crime Prevention Coordinators, and 29 has provided fundling for communities to organize and prevent crime; and therefore be it 30 31 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department and the Saint Paul City Attorney's 32. Office work toget�er with judges and advocates for battered persons so that all patrol 33 officers and staff �rom the City Attorney Domestic Abuse Unit receive appropriate, up- 34 to-date training o� appropriate responses to crimes of domestic assault, violations of 35 orders for protection, and violation of no contact orders; and be it further 36 37 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul work with prosecutors, judges and advocates 38 for battered persons to obtain information on City, County and State resources that exist 39 to provide support and assistance to victims of domestic assault and to provide such 40 information and the information that domestic abuse is a crime 1) to the Community 41 Crime Coordinatars who will use this information as part of community block club 42 meetings; and 2) �o community organizations and citizens organizing to prevent crime; 43 and be it further 44 � ���--����F 9� a� � � .��� �a4 J�,� �I r- ��_ 1 � 2 _ RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul work with advocates for battered persons to 3 provide a training session for City Attorney Domestic Abuse Unit staff, Police 4 Department Community Crime Coordinators, Saint Paul Community Services staff, 5 neighborhood crime prevention workers, and other community group members which 6 training session will provide information regarding the crime of domestic assault and 7 information about resources for victims of domestic assault; and be it further 8 9 RESOLVED, that all interaction related to domestic assault be conducted in a culturally 10 sensitive manner including providing written communication in appropriate language(s); 11 and be it further 12 13 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department vigorously observe Department 14 policies of mandatory arrest of the person against whom a order for protection or 15 verifiable no contact order was entered where there is probable cause to believe that an 16 order for protectian or verifiable no contact order has been violated; and be it further 17 �il�Ra�..sey �our.'Vy Sher{� 18 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department �d the City Attorney Domestic 19 Abuse Unit staff work with the Ramsey County Courts and members of the battered 20 persons' communi!ty to obta.m and track mformation on no contact orders and orders for 21 protection so that dispatchers will be able to determine when they receive a call that 22 there is an order �or protection or no contact order protecting the person residing at 23 that address; and be it further 24 25 RESOLVED, tha� the Saint Paul Police Department observe the policy of treating any 26 threat of assault, harassment or violation of an order for protection as a high priority 27 call; and be it further 28 29 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office formally adopt a policy of 30 vigorous prosecution of cases of violation of orders of protection as well as a policy of 31 informing violators that the prosecutor, not the victim, has made the decision to enforce 32 the law; and be it finally 33 34 RESOLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul encourage the Ramsey County 35 Commissioners ad�opt a parallel resolution in order to coordinate parallel efforts toward 36 the reduction of diomestic assault. Y�s Nays Absent Requested by Department of: imon 3--_— oswi t z -� on �_ acca ee ettman une � i son � By� U Adopted by Council: Date APR 3 0 1991 I''orm Approved by City Attorney Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: n By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: D�ate MAY 2 1991 council By: .�%�����i' By' RU�USNED MAY 11'�1 f. �� �-- . �' �yo�a� DEC1TtyT COLZTIC"�`� "�T�����90 GREEN SHEET N°. _11630 CO�ACI.P�99�1�I8�PHONi�98 537 INITIAL/DATE INITIAL/DATE 11dC:C:dIJv@ � �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER O MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOU�ru`�horiz th Police Dept. to work with the judicial system and advocates for bat ered women for the prevention of domestic assault, and uth rize the City Attorney's Office to formally adopt a rosecution p li reqardinq orders for protection. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINQ QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION CIVI SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depertment? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _STAFF 2• Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO _DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current city employee? . SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJE IVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OP RTUNITY ho,What,When,Where,Why): Authoriz th Police Dept. to (i) train patrol officers and community crime coordin tor , (2) adopt policies of mandatory arrest for vidation of orders for pr tec ion, (3) provide support and assistance to victims, (4) provide or co lec information for dispatchers regarding protection orders, and (5) adopt a p icy to respond to violations of protection orde�s as a - priority call ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Decrease dome tic assault, provide better protection to victims of domestic assa lt, nd prevent escalating violence. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Allow do esti assault to increase, provide less effective ways to respond to do esti assault victim's needs for protection. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT ON $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ; � a � � ���-a��d i' � . .s`� �- � CITY OF SAINT PAUL RECEIVED ���� ����� � OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL APR 2 3 1991 ��ii ;t. - CITY CLERK PAULA MACCABEE SUSAN ODE Councilmember Legislative Aide MARK BALOGA Legislative Aide Members: ; Paula Maccabee, Chair Bob Long Janice Rettman Date: April 10, x991 COMMITTEE REPIORT HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE , 1. Resolutioqh 91-402 - approving Round 2 of the 1990 Child Care Partnership Program G�ant Recommendations. COMM�TTEEIRECOMMENDED THAT STAFF PROCEED WITH THE NEXT ROUND OF THE CHILD CARE PARTINERSHIP PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION USING THE EXISTING CHILD CARE PARTNERSH P PROGRAM GRANTING PROCESS, 3-0. COMMITTEE ALSO RECOMMENDED APPROVAL �F ALL RECOMMENDATIONS OTHER THAN "PROVIDERS CHOICE", 3-0 -- PROVIDERS'CHOICE WAS MOVED OUT OF COMMITTEE WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION SO STAFF _ CAN PROVI�E ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING APPLICATION, 3-0. 2. Reso utio 90-2260 - authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department and other City�� Staf to work on programs to prevent domestic abuse and requesting the City'�,Atto ney's Office to adopt a prosecution policy regarding orders for prot�ctio (Substitute resolution) . COMMITTEEIRECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF THE SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION AS AMENDED, 3-0 chr ; � I CITY HALL SEV�ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNE50TA SS l02 •612/298-5378 s��.6 Printed rni Recycled PaQer �'R � � � (:;13 � L , `'�, Council File #` ��— �o��pd . _ r' �� ��! ` 1 Green Sheet �` //(/.�d : RESOLUTION -� �' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented B i/ �'Referred To Committee: Date /�-/�'�d 1 WHEREAS, dom�stic assault is a serious problem throughout our State and the City of Saint 2 Paul, with 1,196 incidentis reported in Saint Paul in the first half of 1990 alone; and 3 4 WHEREAS, domestic assault is an escalating crime which can result in murder. Neaxly 50% 5 of the 41 women who were murdered in Minnesota in 1989 were murdered by spouses or partners. 6 Saint Paul recently was the site of a brutal murder/suicide related to domestic r sault. 7 8 WHEREAS, in th$ Metropolitan area, women have been murdered b their husbands or 9 partners even after the vvomen have obtained court orders for protection d any failure of the 10 legal and criminal justice system to respond can put lives in danger; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the S�int Paul Police Department has the opport ty to reduce the rate of 13 domestic assault and bre�ak the escalating pattern of violence throu crime prevention activities, 14 arrests on domestic assa�lt calls and arrests on probable cause of 'olation of orders of protection; IS and ' 16 17 WHEREAS, the City Council of Saint Paul has made revention of domestic assault one of its 18 highest policy priorities �nd has called for increased pena es for violation of orders of protection 19 and has provided funding for Community Crime Preven ' n Coordinators to work throughout the 20 City and help communit�es organize to prevent crime; nd therefore be it 21 �2 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police De rtment work with prosecutors, judges and 23 advocates for battered women to provide traini to all patrol officers on appropriate responses to 21 crimes of domestic assault and crimes of viol ion of orders for protection; and be it further 2� 2E, RESOLVED, that 'the Saint Paul P ice Department work with prosecutors, judges and 27 advocates for battered wbmen to provi training to the Community Crime Coordinators on ways to 2S use community crime pr�vention to p vent domestic assault and to provide support and assistance 29 to victims of domestic as�sault tc� pr ent escalating violence; and be it further 3U 31 RESOLVED, that the Sa' t Paul Police Department formally adopt policies of mandatory 32 arrest of the person agaiiist w om the order was entered where there is probable cause to believe 33 that a crime of violation,of n order for protection has occurred; and be it further 34 3S RESOLVED, that e Saint Paul Police Department work with the Ramsey County Courts 36 and members of the b t�ered women's community to determine whether there is a way to provide 37 or collect informatio so,that dispatchers will be able to determine when they receive a call that ?S there is an order f protection protecting the person residing at that address; and be it further 39 40 RESOL , that the Saint Paul Police Department adopt a policy of treating any threat of 41 assault, harass ent or violation of an order for protection as a priority number one call; and be it 42 finally 0 R I G ! ��,' r�� L . �-9o-�a�� 1 ' �"iZESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Attomey's Office formally adopt a policy of prosecution 2 ' in all cases whe there is probable cause to believe that a crime of violating an order for 3 protection has oc ed. � Ye s Nays Absent Requested by Department of: imon � Goswi z � on ; acca ee ettman � une z son = By' Adopted by Council: I�ate Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: By= Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: ��aa(�a � 1 1 THE L�AGUE OF WC�MEN VOTERS ST . PAUL .7010 UNNERSITY ST.PAUL,MN 55104 PHONE(612)644-9176 April 11, 1991 Councilpe�son Paula Maccabee City Council Ward 4 714 City I�all Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Councilperson Maccabee: I am writing to comment on your resolution to prevent domestic abuse and to pratect victims of domestic violence. I apologize that the League was unable to send a representative to the public hearing on that resolution. I hope this letter will be helpful to you. While the League can take no official position on your resolution because our membership has not tak:en a consensus, the League's existing position on family violence seems to support much of your resolution. The League supports improved procedures for agencies deaii�g with family violence and improved services for victims. Three speCific components of the League's position are consistent with the objectives of your resolution. First, the Leagve supports a coordinated training program for all legal and human service professionals to address the problems of family violence. Second, the League advocates a complete and eontinuing system of data collection of inci:denCS of family violence to aid in the planning and evaluation of services. Third, the League calls for provis�ion of immediate legal remedies for victiris of family violence. The League� is a strong proponent of efficient and coordinated services and encourages all �.ndividuals �nd agencies involved in �this most critical problem ta continue the kind of open dialogue and responsiveness that seemed evident at your meeting on April lst. If we can be of any further assistance, please call our office at 644-9176. Sincerely, � �ii��� Deborah Lauwagie, � Executive 'Director DL:p ����_�a�d �g TH� STATE OF MINNESOTA w�'`°�j�'°�9,� o� �' M DISTRICT COUf�T ♦ :;�� � f SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT o� _� _��,� 0 845 Courthouse,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �lNN'ti$ NANCY LIBMAN,Supervisor Domestic Abuse Intake 292-7271 T0 : Paula Maccabee FROM : Nancy Libman If�V � RE : Domestic Abuse Resolutions DATE : 4-5-91 I apologize that I am unable to personally appear and give testimony at the public hearing on the domestic abuse resolutions on April 10 . I must state my support of the resolutions , however . Over the last 7-8 years that I have worked in the Ramsey County Court Domestic Abuse Office I have see thousands of victims of domestic violence seeking Orders for Protection. The resolutions to train patrol officers , to encourage vigorous prosecution, to adapt mandatory arrest , to treat domestic violence and violations of Orders for Protection as priority cases , and to effectively r�cord information verifying the existence of Orders for Protection are all extremely important . The added emphasis on cultural sensitivity is imperative . Victims of domestic violence often report to me their hesitancy to call law enforcement agencies for assistance or pursue charging through the court system if the;� have experienced either a failure of thosie systems to protect them in the past or an inconsistent response . If a victim who has been assaulted calls the police and there is no arrest , the victim is often in greater danger than had she/he not called at all . Tf the officer arrests but the case is not charged , the message to tY�e perpetrator is that the violence can cor.tinue without cons�quer�ce and that domestic violence is not a crime . Failures to folldw through at these points of the system result in the perpetuati:on of the cycle of violence and a distrust of the system by the viatim. The resolution calling for training of Community Crime Coordinators with the goal of ,community crime prevention is also imperative . We must educate our communities . Numerous victims of domestic abuse spend years living with the violence simply because they were unaware of �heir options (of shelter , support groups , Orders for Protection etc. ) In addition , many of their families , friends , and community members failed to give them the support and info- c2 � mation they so desperately needed. The public ' s awareness that domestic violence is a crime conveys a message to victims and perpetrators . Once the community is educated , the message will have a far reaching and spiraling effect towards prevention that will extend into our workplaces , schools , parenting , and even our jurors in court cases . These efforts can only increase the liklihood that we will ulim- ately reach our goal of safety in families . . ��la����d Rep. Kathle�n Veilenga ,� � M111IleSOt,a. District 64A - � '' � `'`. H�use Of RamSey �o�nty - == - - = Representatives Robert Vanasek,Speaker CHAIR,CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION COMMITTEES:EDUCATION,EDUCATION FINANCE DIVISiON;HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES;JUDICIARY; TRANSPORTATION;RULES AND LEGISLATIVE ADMINISTRATION January 18, 1991 Councilmembe� Paula Maccabee City Hall, Seventh Floor St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Paula: Thank you for sending me a copy of the resolution. I 'm pleased that you and other councilmembers are responding to the problems o� domestic violence, an issue of enormous importance to all too many families in pur city and throughout Minnesota. Your initiative is an inspiratidn to other communities that may not be as aware of the breadth and seriousness of family violence. Finding some; answers to the needs of battered women and their children is l�igh on the legislative agenda this year, and it's an issue that Iland others have been working on especially hard since last summer. In July, I began working with the MN Battered Women' s Coalition to', organize "community response teams" throughout the state. The purpose bf the teams is to spur public discussion of family violence in a par�icular community by assembling elected representati�res and local advocates each time a domestic homicide occurs in that community. These teams then strategize about why the system failed in that case -- especially if there was a history of battering '-- and what is needed to prevent similar killings from 1'GC:,1��l;.y lii '��"ia'F' t,c3i'�i�ilZai C:.:T�'tit:Il�t�'. The t@3.^.? the.^. C81�S a. press conference to make its conclusions public. While I app];aud the attention the City Council is giving this critical issue, I 'd like to refrain from commenting on the specifics of your resolution until I learn what the community response teams have to say. Meanwhile, good luck in your efforts to assure all St. Paul families the right to physical safety. I hope to be h�aring more from the Council as your work pays off. Regards, � K hleen Vellenga State Repres�ntative 2224 Goodrich,St.Paul,MinneSOta 55105 (612)698-0094 State Office Building,St.Paul,Minnesota 55155 (612)296-8799 S�= �'�a" �a �� MEMORANDUM DATE: April 18, 1991 TO: Paula FROM: Sus�n SUBJECT: STP Domestic Assault Stats Amy Brown referred me to Iaura, STPPD, who provided the following info: 1989 Simple A.ssaults 1920 Aggravated Assaults 374 TOTAL 2294 1990 Simple assaults 2052 Aggravated assau�ts 385 TOTAL 2427 1991 (THROUGH 4/16) Simple assaults 613 Aggravated assau�ts 121 TOTAL 734 Laura will send �s a hard copy of the stats for your review. cc: Mark/Ella/r�cycle 'O �t� ✓, � u ^ �c� u u c`'. cv�-.. u C ''� eo� q • �,� = cp u � ^,Y... 1� ' O— _ ec c` � _. � V � 'V` � N �. V U V � C.J �y V. '� U y ` v ` N v C v v v . 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V O � - C� L ,v,..u=� � > 0= .�.. °iDC ci C . �v � � r n � y y��j � U,� y � U GU U = Y , _ eS � U _i...� G`y— U U .C,-, C j e0 .v. e. � • v, -� � L.l� � r l\ . � �,�: V C" _ �n L T� r � a O V y C C u; � C� �--�. i C c. �{ �� C 5 � C1 G C C c ~ ^ G T. -' ``- i �O V = ,V„ t° C'V G i c � ? C � CC'° C� lV � �' c � ^ � �� �v a ` u �. � � �✓ / � � � �t '' �.x.._ � .� U ^ ^ Y V v ^w � ^ � ^ C ' U v ._ �C� �. T L U tl� Ti � ? C C p ?.0'- ec R' .= 7 � e� E- e_� e� e� C C�e� C tn < - �• 3 G C ci C C. � G r_ r C.:J �— E-'L � � - c � . � i SA .RDAY,DECEMBER 15, 1990 ��/�-���� BERNARD H. RIDDER, 1883-1975 BERNARD H. R[DDER 1R.CHAIRMAN EMERITUS JOHN T. HENRY CHAIRMAN ' MARY E. JUNCK PUBL/SHER/PRES/DENT � ( � �����d���� PIONEER.PRESS � � s e . . PROTECTIVE ORDERS - - � H old threatening men more accounta.ble �/r�omen should not have to live un- �Y der siege, in fear of their very Stiff lives from men who abuse them. COnSeqVEnC- Every year, some 1,400 vulnerable es must women in Ramsey County seek protec- tive orders designed to keep their alWays follow abusers at a distance. In Hennepin violations of County, the annual number exceeds rotective 3,000. Add it up: In two counties alone, p � 4,400 women desperate for a shield to orders. deflect the threats and assaults they � have bitter reason to dread. Protective orders help— but not enough. Three Hennepin County women who had taken refuge un- . der such orders died this year,apparently at the hands of the men they feared,the latest slaying occurring early this week. Ramsey has recorded no such deaths—yet. More death is all too p;edictab�e, and more women battered with increasing ferocity,because the legal system is not sufficiently stern and the community is not sufficiently , upset. , This is the grim reality of domestic abuse:Men who are not held accountable escalate their attacks. Now men are not held nearly accountable enough. The law says police must make an arrest if they see proba- ble cause of domestic abuse.Police don't do it every time. The law says violating a protective order is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine and/or 90 days behind bars.Judges rare- ly impose jail on the fust offense. The dangerous message to violent men — many of whom do not think of themselves as violent — is that beating a woman is no big deal. A strong, consistent policy is needed so that stiff conse- quences always follow violations of protective orders. Those consequences should include some jail time,required counsel- ing,or both. No one can be guaranteed a safe walk through this uncer- i tain world. But neither should any person have to live in a continuous nightmare of tetror. � Beating a woman is a big deal, no matter the degree of cuts and bruises — and no matter the body count. Beating a woman is a big deai,every time,and this community should not stand for it anymore. ��l° �,�''� '�h At ���.va�=�Y', �>eps»�^�:'�- Y',�'�,'B'x��'a� .a,^':`�#,.."x"}' �;?s: ,t.�;i. ,+�TH1.+�t'...�..,::;. .:5,'S;'u�,s'�+n" _ ■ .. "' ` NEWSPAPER � OF THE TW; iN CiTIES �/January 27/1991� - �� � A St. Paul lan to halt domestic abuse p Judges have a s�stem for stopping domestic vio- and city prevention." Her proposal, now pending lence: They sig�n a piece of paper ordering a in the council's i�uman Services Commitiee, of- suspected abusek to stay away from the victim. fers precisely that: It would make answering do- That system might work well if orders were firmly mestic-abuse calls a top police priority and oblige enforced. But t�ardened abusers routinely laugh police to arrest anyone suspected of violating a them off, and �olice sometimes shrug off viola- protective order. Maccabee's plan also prescribes - �tions. Paula Maccabee, a St. Paul City Council training to help police respond effectively to do- � member, suggests a way to end the laughing and mestic-violence calls. And the plan would launch a �shrugging: Anest violators,and train police. pre��entive campaign against abuse by broadening the focus of community crime coordinators, who �- Under state lav�v, abusers who flout protective now work mainly to deter property crimes. orders --- by showing up at a woman's home, making tnreatening calls or tracking her down at Skeptics worry that a mandatory-arrest policy work — are sup�osed to be arrested. But if police could keep police from exercising discretion in don't catch an �alleged offender in the act, they handling disputes. But just like the state law, sometimes declipe to pursue and arrest him. Their Maccabee's arrest proposal applies only to viola- reluctance may �tem in part from police confusion tior.s of protective orders — not to all domestic about what theyi should do if a suspect denies the incidents. The plan's novelty lies in its insistence offense or flees before they arrive. tnat police offer real protec:ion to women threat- ened with abuse. That's a demand worth writing "Just haWing a $tate law isn't enough." says Mac- into law— in St. Paul,and throughout Minnesota. cabee. "We nee�i a city policy and city training —