98-983aR���NA�. Presented By Re£erred To .-•� Co�nitteec Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Public Works Traffic Division wiil improve the trafiFic signal system on Dale 2 Street from Grand Avenue to Adington Avenue; Maryland Avenue from Dale Street to Whfte Bear Avenue; and White 3 Bear Avenue from Suburban Avenue to lowa Avenue according to City of Saint Paul Public Works Traffic Division 4 plans numbered T-1277 and State Project number 164-030-01; and 5 WHEREAS, the bid cost estimate for this project is $941,399.0� of which the federat govemment will pay 80%of 6 this cost, or $753,119.20 through its Congestion Mitigation Air Quality program; and 7 & 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 19 20 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS, in addition to the Ciiy ofi Saint Paul participating in the cost of this project, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn(DOT), Ramsey Gounty and Minnesota State Aid (MSA) will aiso paraticipate in the cost of this project because the above street segments involve designated Trunk Highway, Ramsey County and MSA streets; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost sharing splits for each local agency are $17,547.77 from MnDOT, $108,079.69 from Ramsey County, $40,755.40 from MSA and $21,596.94 from City of Saint Paul Capital Improvement funds; and WHEREAS, payments to the City of Saint Paul from Ramsey County will be based on final project costs and authorized by Ramsey County agreement number 97011; and WHEREAS, City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works staff have reviewed the costs and terms for the above agreement and recommend that it be approved and executed on behalf of the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves Ramsey County agreement number 97011, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs that the proper City officials be authorized to execute the above agreements on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and sig II documents associated with them e—�� Y � �,� Requested by Department of: Public Works � By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: Council File # \6 � �q.J RESOl.UT10N Green sheet # 34+�°ly INT PAUL, MINNESOTA ! ` gY: ��i�.. ��l lO.�d.� Adopted by Council: Date C�,�T.��t\�q$f Public Works - Traffic Engineering Division YJNTACT PERSON & PFiOPlE Dick Rohland 266-6141 BE ON CAUNqLAGENDA BV (DA"fE) October 28, 1998 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES � DATE INI � 0�� 5/98 � DEPARTMINT DIFECTOR AS9GN NUMBEF2FOH �CT'ATTOFNEY r HOIITING � � FlNANCIAL SERNCES �Iq ORDEq � MAYOR (OFi ASSIST� Q mWAfW (CL1P ALL IOCAT10N5 FOR 51GNATUR� FlN. SERVICES/ACGT. ACiION REQUE51'ED Adopt attached Council Resolution to approve and execute Ramsey County Agreement No. 97011. A copy of the agreement is attached for reference. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. tias this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Nas this personlfirm ever been a city empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current cily empioyee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WHYj: The City of Saint Paul, along with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration, have let a contract to improve the traffic control system on Dale St. (Grand to Arlington), Maryland Avenue (Dale St. to White Bear Ave.), and White Bear Ave. (Suburban Ave. to towa Ave.). This work witi connect all the traffic controi signals along these routes with fiher optics and will improve the signal timing and traffic flow. The City Project Number is T-1277. ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: Financing from Ramsey County will be collected. DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: None �,�������� Na 34494 9 � 9 � 3 � CRY CAUNCIL CRV CIF3iK �e� � � ��s� l6�`Le`i .�.st �: _...... -�.': ..� ��i?... DiSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �+ ::' S Financing from Ramsey County is not collected. d' � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $1 Oa,O79.BJ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� � No FUNDIPlG SOURCE Ramsey County ACINITY NUMBER C96-25155-00000 FINANCIAI MFORMATION: (IXPLAfN) AGREE�IENT FOR REVISTON AND MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS AND EVP SYSTE�IS AGREEMENT NO. 97011 Attachments: Exhibit "A" (Estimated Cost & Participation) Amoimt Encumbered (E&I) County State Aid Share County Total Share 1�� c i ������ - - ii "i �� �1 ---- • 1 y � I r 1 y THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Ramsey, Department of Public Works, hereinafter referred to as the "County," and the City of St. Paul hereinafter referred to as the "City" for the revision and maintenance oE traffic control signal systems with street lights, signs, emergency vehicle pre-emption and installltion of Interconnect nt varia�s intersections within the City of St. Paul; WITNESSETH: WHERGAS, the Coun[y has determined that there is justification and it is in the public's best interest to revise existing traffic co��trot signals anct wit{t street lights, signs, Emergency Vehicle Pre- emptiai and instal! Intcrconnect on Dale Strect (County Statc Aid Highway No. 53) from Grand Avenue to Arlington Avenuc; on Marylcmd Avenue (County Statc Aid Highway IVo. 3l) from Da{e Strect to White Bcar Avcnuc; and on Whitc Iicar Avenuc (County Statc Aid Etighway No. 65) frotn Suburban Ave�iue [o Iowa Avcnuc , and WHEREAS, thc projcct is cligible for SO�Io fedcral Cunds undcr thc Congestion Mitigation Air Qualiry (CMAQ) projcct number CMA 6296(057), and WHEREAS, there exists, in full force nnd effect, a Cooperative Agreement knotivn as "Joint Powers Agreement", Coimty Board Resolution 93-643, dated November 23, 1993 entered into by and between the City and Coimry to share the cost of routine traffic signal maintenance of traffic control signal systems, cabinets, controllers, control equipment, conduit systems, interconnect cables and electric power costs; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation will take bids for the project, prepare an abstract of bids and cost participation summary, request the City's concurrence to award a contract, award a contract and pay the contractor from Federal and State Aid funds identified for the project; and WHEREAS, the Coimty and the City will participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of said [raffic control si�nals with street lights, signs, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption and Interconnect system as hereinafter set forth. 97011- 1 �t� '°� Y� NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: l. In accordance with Section VI of the Join[ Powers A�reement, County Board Resolution 93-643, dated November 23, 1993 between the City and County the City shall prepare the necessary plans, specifications, force account a�reements and proposals and shall perfonn the engineering and inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as described immediately above shall constitute "Engineering and Inspection" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 2. The contract cost of the work or, if the work is not contracted, the cost of all labor, materials and equipment rental required to complete the work, except the cost of providing the power supp]y to the service equipment or pad shall constitute the actual "Construction CosY' and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 3. The City with its own forces and equipment or by contract shall revise or cause the revision of said traffic control signals with street lights, signs, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption system and the installation of an Interconnect in accordance with the plans and specifications mider Federal Project No. CMA 6296(057), State Project No. 8809-171 and 62-030-03 , Ciry Project No. 96-T-1277, on Dale Street (County State Aid Highway No. 53) from Grand Avcnuc to Arlington Avcnuc; on Maryland Avcnuc (County Statc Aid Highwcry No. 31) from D.�le Strcct to Whitc Bcar Avenue; anci on White Bcar Avcnuc (County Statc Aid Highway No. 65) from Suburban Avcnuc to Iowa Avcnuc. Construction cost shall bc sharcd in accordance with thc attachcd exhibit "A". 4. Thc Ciry shall review the bids with thc Ramscy County Director of Public Works prior to thc City's concurrence with the Minnesota Dcparunent oF Transportation to award a contract. 5. Upon execution of this agreement and n requcst in writing by the City, the Counry sha(l advance to the City an amount equaV to six percen[ (6%} of the County's shm'e of the construction cost for Engineering and Inspection. 6. Upon computation of the County's final share for the work provided for herein, that amount of the funds advanced by the County in excess of the County's final share wi11 be returned to the Coun[y without interest and the County agrees to pay to the City that amount of its final share which is in excess of the amount of the funds advanced by the County. 7. Upon completion of the work contemp]a[ed in paragraph 3 hereof, the City shall maintain and keep in repair the traffic control signa] systems with street lights, signs, Emergency Vehide Pre-emption systems and Interconnect including electrical power costs in accordance with the "Joint Powers AgreemenP', Counry Board Kesolution 93-643, dated November 23, 1993 entered into by and behveen the City and the County including subsequent amendments to attachment G. 8. All timing and related adjustments of the traffic control sienals shall be determined by the City throu�h its Traffic En�ineer, and no changes shall be made to these adjustments without the approval of the City. 97011- 2 �$'��� 9. Any and all persons enga�ed in the maintenance work to be performed by the City shall not be considered employees of the County, and any and all claims that may arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of this State on behalf of those employees so en�a�ed, and any and al] claims made by any third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of those employees so engaged on any of the work contemplated herein shall not be the obligatio❑ and responsibility of the County. 10. The parties agree to defend, indemnify and hold each other harmless from any ciaims, dema��ds, actions or causes of action, arising out of any act or omission by the parry, its subcontractor, partners or with relation to a�iy of the work or services to be performed or furnished by ihe party, its subcontrnctors, partners, or independent contractors or any of their agents, or employees, under the terms of this agreemenL Nothing herein shall constitute a waiver by either party of any limitations of liability providecl by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 or other applicable ]aw. 97011- 3 �,8' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures. Recommended for approval: Director of Public Works C1TY OF ST. PAUL, IYIINNESOTA By: ivIayor Date: I� Approved as to Form: St. Paul Ciry Attorney Date: _.--- Rccommended for approval: Pau] L. Kirkwold, P.E. Director, Ramsey County Public Works Deparunent ppproved as to Form: Assistant County Attorney Da[e: Ramsey County Kisk Management Date: Its: Direc[or of Financiat and Managemcnt Services COUNTY OI� I2AMSGY By: Chairperson Board of County Commissioners Attest: By: Chief Clerk-County Board Date: � Ramsey County Budgedng and Account�ng Date: 9701 I- 4 aR���NA�. Presented By Re£erred To .-•� Co�nitteec Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Public Works Traffic Division wiil improve the trafiFic signal system on Dale 2 Street from Grand Avenue to Adington Avenue; Maryland Avenue from Dale Street to Whfte Bear Avenue; and White 3 Bear Avenue from Suburban Avenue to lowa Avenue according to City of Saint Paul Public Works Traffic Division 4 plans numbered T-1277 and State Project number 164-030-01; and 5 WHEREAS, the bid cost estimate for this project is $941,399.0� of which the federat govemment will pay 80%of 6 this cost, or $753,119.20 through its Congestion Mitigation Air Quality program; and 7 & 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 19 20 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS, in addition to the Ciiy ofi Saint Paul participating in the cost of this project, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn(DOT), Ramsey Gounty and Minnesota State Aid (MSA) will aiso paraticipate in the cost of this project because the above street segments involve designated Trunk Highway, Ramsey County and MSA streets; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost sharing splits for each local agency are $17,547.77 from MnDOT, $108,079.69 from Ramsey County, $40,755.40 from MSA and $21,596.94 from City of Saint Paul Capital Improvement funds; and WHEREAS, payments to the City of Saint Paul from Ramsey County will be based on final project costs and authorized by Ramsey County agreement number 97011; and WHEREAS, City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works staff have reviewed the costs and terms for the above agreement and recommend that it be approved and executed on behalf of the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves Ramsey County agreement number 97011, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs that the proper City officials be authorized to execute the above agreements on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and sig II documents associated with them e—�� Y � �,� Requested by Department of: Public Works � By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: Council File # \6 � �q.J RESOl.UT10N Green sheet # 34+�°ly INT PAUL, MINNESOTA ! ` gY: ��i�.. ��l lO.�d.� Adopted by Council: Date C�,�T.��t\�q$f Public Works - Traffic Engineering Division YJNTACT PERSON & PFiOPlE Dick Rohland 266-6141 BE ON CAUNqLAGENDA BV (DA"fE) October 28, 1998 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES � DATE INI � 0�� 5/98 � DEPARTMINT DIFECTOR AS9GN NUMBEF2FOH �CT'ATTOFNEY r HOIITING � � FlNANCIAL SERNCES �Iq ORDEq � MAYOR (OFi ASSIST� Q mWAfW (CL1P ALL IOCAT10N5 FOR 51GNATUR� FlN. SERVICES/ACGT. ACiION REQUE51'ED Adopt attached Council Resolution to approve and execute Ramsey County Agreement No. 97011. A copy of the agreement is attached for reference. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. tias this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Nas this personlfirm ever been a city empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current cily empioyee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WHYj: The City of Saint Paul, along with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration, have let a contract to improve the traffic control system on Dale St. (Grand to Arlington), Maryland Avenue (Dale St. to White Bear Ave.), and White Bear Ave. (Suburban Ave. to towa Ave.). This work witi connect all the traffic controi signals along these routes with fiher optics and will improve the signal timing and traffic flow. The City Project Number is T-1277. ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: Financing from Ramsey County will be collected. DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: None �,�������� Na 34494 9 � 9 � 3 � CRY CAUNCIL CRV CIF3iK �e� � � ��s� l6�`Le`i .�.st �: _...... -�.': ..� ��i?... DiSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �+ ::' S Financing from Ramsey County is not collected. d' � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $1 Oa,O79.BJ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� � No FUNDIPlG SOURCE Ramsey County ACINITY NUMBER C96-25155-00000 FINANCIAI MFORMATION: (IXPLAfN) AGREE�IENT FOR REVISTON AND MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS AND EVP SYSTE�IS AGREEMENT NO. 97011 Attachments: Exhibit "A" (Estimated Cost & Participation) Amoimt Encumbered (E&I) County State Aid Share County Total Share 1�� c i ������ - - ii "i �� �1 ---- • 1 y � I r 1 y THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Ramsey, Department of Public Works, hereinafter referred to as the "County," and the City of St. Paul hereinafter referred to as the "City" for the revision and maintenance oE traffic control signal systems with street lights, signs, emergency vehicle pre-emption and installltion of Interconnect nt varia�s intersections within the City of St. Paul; WITNESSETH: WHERGAS, the Coun[y has determined that there is justification and it is in the public's best interest to revise existing traffic co��trot signals anct wit{t street lights, signs, Emergency Vehicle Pre- emptiai and instal! Intcrconnect on Dale Strect (County Statc Aid Highway No. 53) from Grand Avenue to Arlington Avenuc; on Marylcmd Avenue (County Statc Aid Highway IVo. 3l) from Da{e Strect to White Bcar Avcnuc; and on Whitc Iicar Avenuc (County Statc Aid Etighway No. 65) frotn Suburban Ave�iue [o Iowa Avcnuc , and WHEREAS, thc projcct is cligible for SO�Io fedcral Cunds undcr thc Congestion Mitigation Air Qualiry (CMAQ) projcct number CMA 6296(057), and WHEREAS, there exists, in full force nnd effect, a Cooperative Agreement knotivn as "Joint Powers Agreement", Coimty Board Resolution 93-643, dated November 23, 1993 entered into by and between the City and Coimry to share the cost of routine traffic signal maintenance of traffic control signal systems, cabinets, controllers, control equipment, conduit systems, interconnect cables and electric power costs; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation will take bids for the project, prepare an abstract of bids and cost participation summary, request the City's concurrence to award a contract, award a contract and pay the contractor from Federal and State Aid funds identified for the project; and WHEREAS, the Coimty and the City will participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of said [raffic control si�nals with street lights, signs, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption and Interconnect system as hereinafter set forth. 97011- 1 �t� '°� Y� NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: l. In accordance with Section VI of the Join[ Powers A�reement, County Board Resolution 93-643, dated November 23, 1993 between the City and County the City shall prepare the necessary plans, specifications, force account a�reements and proposals and shall perfonn the engineering and inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as described immediately above shall constitute "Engineering and Inspection" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 2. The contract cost of the work or, if the work is not contracted, the cost of all labor, materials and equipment rental required to complete the work, except the cost of providing the power supp]y to the service equipment or pad shall constitute the actual "Construction CosY' and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 3. The City with its own forces and equipment or by contract shall revise or cause the revision of said traffic control signals with street lights, signs, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption system and the installation of an Interconnect in accordance with the plans and specifications mider Federal Project No. CMA 6296(057), State Project No. 8809-171 and 62-030-03 , Ciry Project No. 96-T-1277, on Dale Street (County State Aid Highway No. 53) from Grand Avcnuc to Arlington Avcnuc; on Maryland Avcnuc (County Statc Aid Highwcry No. 31) from D.�le Strcct to Whitc Bcar Avenue; anci on White Bcar Avcnuc (County Statc Aid Highway No. 65) from Suburban Avcnuc to Iowa Avcnuc. Construction cost shall bc sharcd in accordance with thc attachcd exhibit "A". 4. Thc Ciry shall review the bids with thc Ramscy County Director of Public Works prior to thc City's concurrence with the Minnesota Dcparunent oF Transportation to award a contract. 5. Upon execution of this agreement and n requcst in writing by the City, the Counry sha(l advance to the City an amount equaV to six percen[ (6%} of the County's shm'e of the construction cost for Engineering and Inspection. 6. Upon computation of the County's final share for the work provided for herein, that amount of the funds advanced by the County in excess of the County's final share wi11 be returned to the Coun[y without interest and the County agrees to pay to the City that amount of its final share which is in excess of the amount of the funds advanced by the County. 7. Upon completion of the work contemp]a[ed in paragraph 3 hereof, the City shall maintain and keep in repair the traffic control signa] systems with street lights, signs, Emergency Vehide Pre-emption systems and Interconnect including electrical power costs in accordance with the "Joint Powers AgreemenP', Counry Board Kesolution 93-643, dated November 23, 1993 entered into by and behveen the City and the County including subsequent amendments to attachment G. 8. All timing and related adjustments of the traffic control sienals shall be determined by the City throu�h its Traffic En�ineer, and no changes shall be made to these adjustments without the approval of the City. 97011- 2 �$'��� 9. Any and all persons enga�ed in the maintenance work to be performed by the City shall not be considered employees of the County, and any and all claims that may arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of this State on behalf of those employees so en�a�ed, and any and al] claims made by any third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of those employees so engaged on any of the work contemplated herein shall not be the obligatio❑ and responsibility of the County. 10. The parties agree to defend, indemnify and hold each other harmless from any ciaims, dema��ds, actions or causes of action, arising out of any act or omission by the parry, its subcontractor, partners or with relation to a�iy of the work or services to be performed or furnished by ihe party, its subcontrnctors, partners, or independent contractors or any of their agents, or employees, under the terms of this agreemenL Nothing herein shall constitute a waiver by either party of any limitations of liability providecl by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 or other applicable ]aw. 97011- 3 �,8' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures. Recommended for approval: Director of Public Works C1TY OF ST. PAUL, IYIINNESOTA By: ivIayor Date: I� Approved as to Form: St. Paul Ciry Attorney Date: _.--- Rccommended for approval: Pau] L. Kirkwold, P.E. Director, Ramsey County Public Works Deparunent ppproved as to Form: Assistant County Attorney Da[e: Ramsey County Kisk Management Date: Its: Direc[or of Financiat and Managemcnt Services COUNTY OI� I2AMSGY By: Chairperson Board of County Commissioners Attest: By: Chief Clerk-County Board Date: � Ramsey County Budgedng and Account�ng Date: 9701 I- 4 aR���NA�. Presented By Re£erred To .-•� Co�nitteec Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Public Works Traffic Division wiil improve the trafiFic signal system on Dale 2 Street from Grand Avenue to Adington Avenue; Maryland Avenue from Dale Street to Whfte Bear Avenue; and White 3 Bear Avenue from Suburban Avenue to lowa Avenue according to City of Saint Paul Public Works Traffic Division 4 plans numbered T-1277 and State Project number 164-030-01; and 5 WHEREAS, the bid cost estimate for this project is $941,399.0� of which the federat govemment will pay 80%of 6 this cost, or $753,119.20 through its Congestion Mitigation Air Quality program; and 7 & 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 19 20 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS, in addition to the Ciiy ofi Saint Paul participating in the cost of this project, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn(DOT), Ramsey Gounty and Minnesota State Aid (MSA) will aiso paraticipate in the cost of this project because the above street segments involve designated Trunk Highway, Ramsey County and MSA streets; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost sharing splits for each local agency are $17,547.77 from MnDOT, $108,079.69 from Ramsey County, $40,755.40 from MSA and $21,596.94 from City of Saint Paul Capital Improvement funds; and WHEREAS, payments to the City of Saint Paul from Ramsey County will be based on final project costs and authorized by Ramsey County agreement number 97011; and WHEREAS, City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works staff have reviewed the costs and terms for the above agreement and recommend that it be approved and executed on behalf of the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves Ramsey County agreement number 97011, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs that the proper City officials be authorized to execute the above agreements on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and sig II documents associated with them e—�� Y � �,� Requested by Department of: Public Works � By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: Council File # \6 � �q.J RESOl.UT10N Green sheet # 34+�°ly INT PAUL, MINNESOTA ! ` gY: ��i�.. ��l lO.�d.� Adopted by Council: Date C�,�T.��t\�q$f Public Works - Traffic Engineering Division YJNTACT PERSON & PFiOPlE Dick Rohland 266-6141 BE ON CAUNqLAGENDA BV (DA"fE) October 28, 1998 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES � DATE INI � 0�� 5/98 � DEPARTMINT DIFECTOR AS9GN NUMBEF2FOH �CT'ATTOFNEY r HOIITING � � FlNANCIAL SERNCES �Iq ORDEq � MAYOR (OFi ASSIST� Q mWAfW (CL1P ALL IOCAT10N5 FOR 51GNATUR� FlN. SERVICES/ACGT. ACiION REQUE51'ED Adopt attached Council Resolution to approve and execute Ramsey County Agreement No. 97011. A copy of the agreement is attached for reference. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. tias this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Nas this personlfirm ever been a city empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current cily empioyee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WHYj: The City of Saint Paul, along with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration, have let a contract to improve the traffic control system on Dale St. (Grand to Arlington), Maryland Avenue (Dale St. to White Bear Ave.), and White Bear Ave. (Suburban Ave. to towa Ave.). This work witi connect all the traffic controi signals along these routes with fiher optics and will improve the signal timing and traffic flow. The City Project Number is T-1277. ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: Financing from Ramsey County will be collected. DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: None �,�������� Na 34494 9 � 9 � 3 � CRY CAUNCIL CRV CIF3iK �e� � � ��s� l6�`Le`i .�.st �: _...... -�.': ..� ��i?... DiSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �+ ::' S Financing from Ramsey County is not collected. d' � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $1 Oa,O79.BJ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� � No FUNDIPlG SOURCE Ramsey County ACINITY NUMBER C96-25155-00000 FINANCIAI MFORMATION: (IXPLAfN) AGREE�IENT FOR REVISTON AND MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS AND EVP SYSTE�IS AGREEMENT NO. 97011 Attachments: Exhibit "A" (Estimated Cost & Participation) Amoimt Encumbered (E&I) County State Aid Share County Total Share 1�� c i ������ - - ii "i �� �1 ---- • 1 y � I r 1 y THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Ramsey, Department of Public Works, hereinafter referred to as the "County," and the City of St. Paul hereinafter referred to as the "City" for the revision and maintenance oE traffic control signal systems with street lights, signs, emergency vehicle pre-emption and installltion of Interconnect nt varia�s intersections within the City of St. Paul; WITNESSETH: WHERGAS, the Coun[y has determined that there is justification and it is in the public's best interest to revise existing traffic co��trot signals anct wit{t street lights, signs, Emergency Vehicle Pre- emptiai and instal! Intcrconnect on Dale Strect (County Statc Aid Highway No. 53) from Grand Avenue to Arlington Avenuc; on Marylcmd Avenue (County Statc Aid Highway IVo. 3l) from Da{e Strect to White Bcar Avcnuc; and on Whitc Iicar Avenuc (County Statc Aid Etighway No. 65) frotn Suburban Ave�iue [o Iowa Avcnuc , and WHEREAS, thc projcct is cligible for SO�Io fedcral Cunds undcr thc Congestion Mitigation Air Qualiry (CMAQ) projcct number CMA 6296(057), and WHEREAS, there exists, in full force nnd effect, a Cooperative Agreement knotivn as "Joint Powers Agreement", Coimty Board Resolution 93-643, dated November 23, 1993 entered into by and between the City and Coimry to share the cost of routine traffic signal maintenance of traffic control signal systems, cabinets, controllers, control equipment, conduit systems, interconnect cables and electric power costs; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation will take bids for the project, prepare an abstract of bids and cost participation summary, request the City's concurrence to award a contract, award a contract and pay the contractor from Federal and State Aid funds identified for the project; and WHEREAS, the Coimty and the City will participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of said [raffic control si�nals with street lights, signs, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption and Interconnect system as hereinafter set forth. 97011- 1 �t� '°� Y� NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: l. In accordance with Section VI of the Join[ Powers A�reement, County Board Resolution 93-643, dated November 23, 1993 between the City and County the City shall prepare the necessary plans, specifications, force account a�reements and proposals and shall perfonn the engineering and inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as described immediately above shall constitute "Engineering and Inspection" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 2. The contract cost of the work or, if the work is not contracted, the cost of all labor, materials and equipment rental required to complete the work, except the cost of providing the power supp]y to the service equipment or pad shall constitute the actual "Construction CosY' and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 3. The City with its own forces and equipment or by contract shall revise or cause the revision of said traffic control signals with street lights, signs, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption system and the installation of an Interconnect in accordance with the plans and specifications mider Federal Project No. CMA 6296(057), State Project No. 8809-171 and 62-030-03 , Ciry Project No. 96-T-1277, on Dale Street (County State Aid Highway No. 53) from Grand Avcnuc to Arlington Avcnuc; on Maryland Avcnuc (County Statc Aid Highwcry No. 31) from D.�le Strcct to Whitc Bcar Avenue; anci on White Bcar Avcnuc (County Statc Aid Highway No. 65) from Suburban Avcnuc to Iowa Avcnuc. Construction cost shall bc sharcd in accordance with thc attachcd exhibit "A". 4. Thc Ciry shall review the bids with thc Ramscy County Director of Public Works prior to thc City's concurrence with the Minnesota Dcparunent oF Transportation to award a contract. 5. Upon execution of this agreement and n requcst in writing by the City, the Counry sha(l advance to the City an amount equaV to six percen[ (6%} of the County's shm'e of the construction cost for Engineering and Inspection. 6. Upon computation of the County's final share for the work provided for herein, that amount of the funds advanced by the County in excess of the County's final share wi11 be returned to the Coun[y without interest and the County agrees to pay to the City that amount of its final share which is in excess of the amount of the funds advanced by the County. 7. Upon completion of the work contemp]a[ed in paragraph 3 hereof, the City shall maintain and keep in repair the traffic control signa] systems with street lights, signs, Emergency Vehide Pre-emption systems and Interconnect including electrical power costs in accordance with the "Joint Powers AgreemenP', Counry Board Kesolution 93-643, dated November 23, 1993 entered into by and behveen the City and the County including subsequent amendments to attachment G. 8. All timing and related adjustments of the traffic control sienals shall be determined by the City throu�h its Traffic En�ineer, and no changes shall be made to these adjustments without the approval of the City. 97011- 2 �$'��� 9. Any and all persons enga�ed in the maintenance work to be performed by the City shall not be considered employees of the County, and any and all claims that may arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of this State on behalf of those employees so en�a�ed, and any and al] claims made by any third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of those employees so engaged on any of the work contemplated herein shall not be the obligatio❑ and responsibility of the County. 10. The parties agree to defend, indemnify and hold each other harmless from any ciaims, dema��ds, actions or causes of action, arising out of any act or omission by the parry, its subcontractor, partners or with relation to a�iy of the work or services to be performed or furnished by ihe party, its subcontrnctors, partners, or independent contractors or any of their agents, or employees, under the terms of this agreemenL Nothing herein shall constitute a waiver by either party of any limitations of liability providecl by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 or other applicable ]aw. 97011- 3 �,8' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures. Recommended for approval: Director of Public Works C1TY OF ST. PAUL, IYIINNESOTA By: ivIayor Date: I� Approved as to Form: St. Paul Ciry Attorney Date: _.--- Rccommended for approval: Pau] L. Kirkwold, P.E. Director, Ramsey County Public Works Deparunent ppproved as to Form: Assistant County Attorney Da[e: Ramsey County Kisk Management Date: Its: Direc[or of Financiat and Managemcnt Services COUNTY OI� I2AMSGY By: Chairperson Board of County Commissioners Attest: By: Chief Clerk-County Board Date: � Ramsey County Budgedng and Account�ng Date: 9701 I- 4