90-2251 V-1 �.t � I !Y A ',,.� � I � �'"�•� Council File # Q "�O�S� �R Green Sheet #� ���a/ - " RESOLUTION CITY OF AINT PAU , MINNESOTA �. � _ Presented By �eferred To ' ���� Committee: Date � �O (J 1 1 2 3 , 4 5 I 6 Resolution requiring purchase of land to 7 replace park land used to build Police Station. 8 ' 9 10 ' 11 WHEREAS, Council F�le #90-1060 pending before the City Council requests the Charter 12 Commission to conside� a City Charter amendment which would require that park land sold for 13 development purposes l�e replaced with other property which can be used for park or open space 14 purposes; and 15 16 WHEREAS, Council F�le #90-1368 authorized the sale of some City land which is now part of 17 Valley Playground to the League of Minnesota Cities and required that the land sale proceeds 18 estimated to be not mojre than $55,000 be deposited into the Park Land Replacement Activity 19 50087, of the Debt Cap�tal Improvement Fund 720 for the exclusive use of park land purchases; and 20 21 WHEREAS, City Char�er Section 13.04 requires that any net cash proceeds from the sale of city- 22 owned property be used to first pay off any outstanding indebtedness incurred to acquire or improve 23 the property, and then �o finance other capital improvements or retire any other existing bonded 24 indebtedness; and 25 26 WHEREAS, curr�ntly t�e City deposits the cash proceeds from the installment sale of the old 27 Farmer's Market into tN�e Debt Capital Fund, and uses the annual payments of about $67,000 to 28 reduce property t2� lev�es for general obligation bonds; and 29 I 30 WHEREAS, the City u$ually receives about $40,000 a year from the sale of vacated streets and 31 alleys and other non-pa�-ks lands, and can use this money either for debt retirement or capital 32 improvements; and � 33 � , 34 WHEREAS, the �ity h�d to use some park land in Highland Park to construct a new Southwest 35 Team Police facility; an'�d 36 ' 37 ; . 38 . � �.o�. � e� �'� �1 � �Zrh l �- i ` ^ � ya a��� ����IGl1� AL �, 3 ` 4 -2- 5 6 7 � 8 9 WHEREAS, said l�ost palrk land had an estimated market value of $185,000, now therefore be it 10 ' 11 RESOLVED, that the first $185,000 of street and alley vacation money be deposited into Activity 12 #50087, and that the maney be used to purchase land which can be used as passive park or open 13 space, and that the mon�y not be used to purchase park related property that will require active 14 programming or high ma'lintenance expenses. ,� i I' i I I Ye s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon 4 oswitz on � acca ee ettman une B : i son y �— � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopteci by Council: Llate Adoption Certifi�d by Council Secretary gy; i i By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayou: Date i � By: By: I I � ;� �a-aa.�r �� .- . 7. r � DEPA TMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL ' DATE INITIATED G R E E N S H E ET �ity �ouncil 2/�0/90 N� _11621 ^ CO�a���s�n�r���er 8ob ng x4473 � INRIAUDATE ❑ INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL ASSIGN �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY( ATE) I ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MGT.SERVICES DIR. i ORDER �MAYOR(OH ASSISTANT) � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PIAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: i The Resolutiont rec�juests that the first $185,000 of the street and alley vacation money be learmarked to purchase passive park land or open space in the City of Saint �aul. _ _ ; . RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or fie)ect(R)' PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: I _PLANNING COMMISSION ��_CIVILi SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/tirm ever worked under a contract for this department? ` _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO � '2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? _STAFF � YES NO , _DIS7RICT CoURT � 3. Does this person/tirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTIVEI I YES NO Expiain all yes answers on separate aheet and attach to green sheet I INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPP RTUNITY!(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): � . . . . I I � � � � � � . - -_ � � . �. . . � __ � ; With the use of.p�rk land for a construction site of the Southwest Team - Police Station in Highland Park, there is a need to replace all open space ' that is taken awa}� with like space._ . . - -� - � - _ ; , . i _ . . ; � ; , : ; � , _ : - > - . - . ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: � i : , - : . . . . , � _ The City of SaintjPaul will provide some financing to purchase passive park space and ope�n sp�ce. I . ... . � : . i • � . : � : � : , . _ . �� �iv�n . , DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: i : , _ DEC121990 � , �lTY CLERK - This proposal de licates $185,000 to a specific activity, instead of placing the money into tY�ie general fund. ' � i - , " � . _ _ . . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: i i i i • _. , There will be le�s money available for park and o en s ace acquisition within the C�.ty Qf Saint Paul. �OUIICI�1 Research Center _ , . . : DEC 1 1990 . , ! $185, 000 . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION I� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) - YES NO i i FUNDING SOURCE � ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) I �I W L� , _ . . ,. . ____ _