90-2244 0 Q j � � [���� /�, Council File # `7��a�o��� � � IV y -' Green sheet � / .�� RESOLUTION CITY OF. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA - , , Presented By �t-�� � /� Referred To`� . — Committee: Date -e—� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the Eollowing individuals to the SAINT PAUL FOOD AND NUTRITION COMMTSSION. Appointment Reappointment Richard Dethmers Patricia Brand John Flory Richard Goebel �, Phalla Keo U. Beate Krinke , Each member shall serve a two-year term which will expire November 1, 1992 . i � ea Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon � �/' /� onw Z �— ll��C� O�� /�/Gl�(ilG'�" acca ee � � e man �� zuson ""�4 BY� ���� � � Adopted by Council: Date DEC 2 '7 1990 Form A roved by City Attorney Adoptio Ce�rtified by �ouncil Secretary gy; "c /2-C� BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved y ayor: Date ��`Q��' � . By: ��� By= . � � - � 4C!1��:'+,Y-9' ; r� r.,� `� � I ,�,:�,. ;�_.� .,. � l�i�i. � _ - ��d'aa� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED r�yor Scheibel's off��e ���2��90 GREEN SHEET N° _13036 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Molly 0'Rourke (473 � ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR ❑BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MQT.SERVICES DIR. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING ORDER �MAYOR(OH ASSISTANT) � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGE 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Approval of the app intm t of Mark Richardson and the reappointments of Patricia Brand; John Flory; Richard Goeb 1; Phalla Keo and U. Beate Krinke to the SAINT PAUL FOOD & NUTRITION COMMISSIO . E ch shall serve a 2-year term which expires 11/1/92. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or ReJ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING GUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _ IVII SER ICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department7������� f _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO �,�y � '�,Y��� , 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? * _STAFF — YES NO A'nI/ _ DisTFliCT COURT - 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any c`�8►f(ciy��pl�9e?, SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE YES NO • �J`7�� Explain all yes answero on ssparate sheet and attach to grobA�ps�lt ^ �' � �'�a �{'� -T 9� � �+' G��� '�' INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTU I7Y(Who What,When,Where,Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED: a�c�ivEo (�C].���Q ;ouncil Research Cent�. �'TY CL�ERK DEC 7 i99U TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC ON S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE}`"'°"- YES - .,.D10 FUNDING SOUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) „J,,f �.1 W � . .��� ���� � � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Interdepartmerrtal Memorandum T0: Counr�il President William Wilson Saint Paul City Councilmembers � FROM: Molly O'Rourke ����- Policy Analyst DATE: Deceznber 6, 1990 RE: FOOD' & NUTRITION COMMISSION [AppQintment & Reappointments] Attached is th� resolution appointing and reappointing members to the Food and Ni�trition Commission. The Mayor reco�ended that Richard Dethmers be appointed to the Commission. T e Mayor also recommended the following members be reappointed: i Patricia Brand John Flory Richard Goebel Phalla Keo �' U. Beate Krinke The applicatiqns for the above individuals are attached. If you have any questions, please call me at 298-4736. MOR:drm Attachments cc: Council kesearch Kate Dier}hart A1 O�son-�-For Council Agenda I� I I � I