90-2229 ..�--� � � ���� �� �1 � �r-� � Couacil File #` C/D 'o���1 �C� Green Sheet # ���✓� RESOLUTION � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By d Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, $3,'900 was placed in contingency within Activity No. 09001 - Employee Insuranc�e for the purpose of paying for contract services dealing with Child Care; 'and WHEREAS, Paylnent is due to Resources for Child Care for services provided as per cpntract; and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter recommends the fojLlowing transfers for the 1990 General Fund Budget: ' Current Amended TRANSFER FRO�I: I Bud�et Changes Budget Personne� Office 001 Gene�^al Gmvernment 09001 Employee Insurance 0548 �onti�hgency-Council Actiom 3 900 (3•900) - 0 - ' 3,900 (3,900) 0 TRANSFER T0: Personnel Office 001 General Gov�rnment 09001 EmployeQ Insurance 0219 Fees-Other Professional Services 36 300 3.900 40 200 36,300 3,900 40,200 NET CHANGE _ p _ L� RESOLVED, That ,the Gity Council approves these changes to the 1990 budge' t. Yea� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: _o�wi� '� ''"' o ,'�' ice of Person 1 Labor Relations acc ee e ma _� a e s son "`"— By. Q _ . Adopted by Counci�: Da�te DE C i 8 1990 Form App ved by City Att rney i Adoptio Certified by C�ouncil Secretary By: ' �; By: I / Appro d by Mayd� for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Da�te ��('. '� A 1990 Counci � C By: C����G�� sy: �° -� Q ],� f � � � i���L��11�� U�.C i., �. i � - . �qo-aa 2 9 DEPARTMENTlOFFlCE/COUNCIL 0 f i c e f �TE�NIMTED Personnel and Lab r Rel t�ons , _2 _ GREEN SHEET NO. q.��Qi� CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR 6 3�� �C1TV OOUNdI Jame s C. Lombard i 292- 301 N��� �GTM ATTa+N�r �CRY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL A(iENDA 8Y T� ROUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR , �FIN.Q MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOH(OR ASSI8TAN7] � TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE P GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION REQUESTED: This resolution pprov s the transfer of $3�;�00 from the Employee Insurance Budgets Contingency Fund (0548) to the Employee Insu�ance Beduget Fees and Provisional Services Account 0219 . REOOMMENDAT10N8:Appravs(N a � l� COUNCIL COMM�H REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMIS810N CIVII RVICE COMMISSION A�YBT PHONE NO. _dB COMMITTEE COMMENT8: _STAFF _DI8TRICT COURT 8UPPOqT8 WHlqi COUNqL OBJE INITUTINQ PR�I.EM,ISSUE,OPPO NITY(W ,Whet,Whsn,WMro,Wh�: Tnvoice receiv�d from R sources for Child Caring for Services provided as per contr..act. ADVANTAfjEB IF APPROVED: Funding would be vail ble to pay for the Child Care service provided as per contract.• . DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None. RECE�vE° RECEIVEi� ������ (1;�i � �- 1990 C17Y CLERK . d.�-� ���:ICE DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPF�VED: Funds not available to pay for contracted services. - �:t.!<;�v.. . ., „�. ,n _ . ; 'YO V L; ,._ ��'`r:.r-� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT = W8T/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� See attached. d� . , Q� q0-o?a a-1 v� AndlySt: Renshaw Date: 11/15/90 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Department: Personnel Green Sheet Number: 4995 Green Sheet Date: 10/29/90 Amount of Request: $3,900 Positions Requested: None Amount Recommended: $3,900 Positions Recommended: Funding SOUrCe: Council contingency in Employee Insurance Subject of Request: Council resolution to release spcnding authority in Council contingency code in Activity H09001,Employee Insurance,to pay for contract services dealing with child care. Background: I requested Personnel to tell me Why this rnoney was put in contingency. They have been unable to do so. They tell me no tape exists to review. They don't have notes on the matter,and calls ao Council have not produced this information. This expenditure was part of Personnel's Fequest for tlie 1990 budget. The contract provides, upon request,a list of day care providers for City employees. It is considered by Personnellto be an employee benefit. Major Issues None known. Fiscal Impact: (Current Year and Following Year) No significant impact known. Recommendation: I recommend approval of this resolution. ' �,��� ��� `��� �51990 G�.� ��.x��+� Follow-up Recommended,Jf Any: ��� , i C:U23DATA\GS 4995 _