90-2212 '� R I G I N�A L { g� Co�ci t f i le # 90_?�/� . ,.� Green Sheet # q//5 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , ',/, . Presented By n -'--; > i ' � ���- , . �^-� 4__ . -_. _ _� , ... '�r —... Referred To �' Committee: Date PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION 1991 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUES RESOLVED, that for purposes of funding the Capital Improvement Budget for 1991 and of funding certain street improvements in connection with the Sewer Separation Program, the City of Saint Paul in accordance with the appropriate statutory and charter provisions does hereby give preliminary approval for'the issuance of General Obligation Bonds in 1991 as follows: a) Capital Improvement Bonds in the estimated aggregate amount of Eleven Million ($11,000,000) Dollars; and b) General Obligation Street Improvement Special Assessment Bonds in the estimated aggregate amount of Two Million One Hundred Forty Thousand ($2,140,000) Dollars. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Director, Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby authorized to initiate all necessary actions toward the sale of the aforementioned bonds and to report to the City Council his recommendations for the offering and sale thereof, including his recommendation respecting the manner of acceptance of bids, no later than January 3, 1991, following which the Council will consider a resolution fixing the amount and maturity of the 1991 general obligation bonds, determining the manner for City acceptance of bids, and providing for the sale of said bonds. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________�__-______-_________ Yea Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon Goswttz Finance and Management Services Lon Macca e Rettman T une ui son '� ' U — . __________________ �___—______—_________ Adopted by Counci l: Date DEC 1 � t990 Form A rov by City . Attorney Adoption �`` Ce,rtified by Council Secretary BY. � BY� Approv by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date DEC i � ���a� Counci l % ' � �' /� �fJ i , / gy; �//.J-��f.��� Y -C"-! ���:�� By: •� �" ��p �� g���a s^�t�� n��� � J 199Q_ ���,���� DEPARTM[NT1�FI(�/COUNdL DATE INITIATED Finance & M t. Service 12-03-90 GREEN SHEET NO. Q1 � 5 COMTACT PEFi30N 8 PHONE INITUU DATE " " INITfJ�LJDATE �DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY COUNCII Shirley Davis 292-7038 �� �CITY ATTORNEY �Crtv C�e�uc MUST BE ON COUNqI A(iENDA BY(DA ROU71N0 �BUDf3ET OIRECTOR FIN.8 MOT.BERVICE3 DIR. December 13� 1990 �MAYOR(OR ABSISTANT) � TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PA (G.IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SI�iNATURE) ' AC'TION REQUE8TED: This Preliminarp Resol tion ves the Department of Finance & Manaqement Services authority to initiate all necessary action leadi q to e issuance of qeneral obligation City bonds on Februarp 12, 1991. �ooMMEr�a► :nva�W a (� GOl!lK�L REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINQ OOMMI8SION dVIL 8E �COMMISSION ANALYBT PHONE NO. _qB COMMITfEE CO�AMENTS: _3TAFF _018TRICT COURT SUPPORTS YVNIpl OOUNqI OBJE 4 INIT1ATiN0 PROBLEM,188UE. �Wh�t.WMn.Whsn.Wh»: PLEASE PLACE THIS �iJTIO FOR ACTION ON COUNCIL AGENDA OF DDCEMBII2.�', 199�.-` 4j`�s �out�ined in the 19 1 Pro osed Capital Improvement Budqet the City intends to sell: $11,000,000 G.O. ital mprovement Bonds, Series 1991 2,140,000 G.O. S eet I provement Special Assessment Bonds, Series 1991 ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: � This resolution is p elimi ry as it onlp authorizes the Department of Finance and Management Services to beqin the 1991 bond ale p cess. A detailed bond sale resol tion calling for the sale will be presented to the full Council on Januarp-�, 1991. asnovnHrnoES iF n�r�o: None. I RECEIVED , ������ CI�'Y CLERK D18ADVANT�ES IF NOT . Bond sale procedu es are dictated by City Charter and state Statutes. This preliminary resolution must-be passed' to fuifill the r frements of law. , If resolution is ot p ed, funds will not be available for construction projects. _.,.Y.i�...:� i rtrn,^!'^C� lr��L::'1' DEC <?- igct0 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRA CTION 008T/REV6NtlE SU�iETED(qRCLE ONEh YES NO �p gp�p� S ec al As t Ge r S ACTIVITY NUM�ER 89991 and 89391 FIIrIVrCIAL INFORMATION: 1� ' �Vv C+G y� a�'� ��'piTi p. .i, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° " OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY + {����t°► ; . � �••• JANE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL FAX 61�298-5619 MAYOR 12-3-90 To: Shirley Davi����.! Fr: Jim Hart Re: 1991 G.O.Bond Preliminary Resolution Per your request I have prepared the referenced resolution, approved it as to form and transmit it herewith. cc: Budget O�fice Public Works Springsted Inc.