98-9760 R#G�NAL Council File # ��o Crreen Sheet # J� �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL,IVIINNF.SOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i 2 3 4 5 6 � a 9 io 11 12 13 ia I REAPPOINTMENTS Sister Mary Frances Benz Mark Flahavan Dennis Gerhardstein Harold Hebl Nicole Otto Dean Lemke Steven Sarrazin Richard Taylor Jamie Warndahl APPOINTMENTS Peter Keely Kelly Schendel Sharon Rebar Sally Staggert Julie Walton Dolores Zeller is le Each of the above individuals shall serve a two-yeaz term which will expire on November 30, l� 2000. is 19 2 0 Requested by Department o£: By: Adopted by Council: Date �}�'� � 1�,�� �— Adoption Certified by Council Secxetary By: AppY By: RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTE ON AGING. Form Approved by City Attorney o... 17��..�bJL`l�e..Asi_. fn,s.f��is Mayor Coleman's 0££ice � 10-15-98 GREEN SHEET :qVTACT PER$ON 8 PHONE INITIA VDAT'c — � DE7ARTMENT DIRECTOR Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN � CITYATfOFNEV 0U5T BE ON COUNqL AGEN�0. 8Y (DATE) NUMBER fOR O BUDGET DIRECiOF POUTING OPDER rl"i MAVOH (OR ASSISTANn ,_, TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) N°_ 5234? �$�9'lG INRIAUOATE (� 7 CITYCOUNQI la_� � CITY CLERK O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. 0 Approval of resolution appointing Peter Reely, Kelly Schendel, Sharon Rebar, Sally Staggert, Julie Walton, Dolores Ze11er and reappointing Sister Mary Frances Benz, Mark Flahavan, Dennis Gerhardstein> Harold Hebl, Nicole Otto, Dean Lemke, Steven Sarrazin, Richard 2aylor and T�mie 4T�vnAnh"S fr� c.eve�i. .�..� 1-1..� MA4f1D�C ATOTC/1DV (V1TRI.FTTTL'O IITT Al�TTT/� � W _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ ( __ GIB COMMT'EE _ _ _ STAFF _ . _ DlSTRICTGOUftT _ , $UVPORTS WHICH CAUNCiI O&IECTIVE? INITIATINfi PROBLEM. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this personfiirm euer wmketl untle� a contrad frn this depanment? YES NO 2. Has [hts pewon/firm ever been a city em0loYee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNiirtn possess a Skill nat normaliy possassetl by arry cutteM city employee? YES NO Explain ail yes answars on separete aheet and attaeh to green sheet �Y). �' APPROVEO. a�*�a:;`..�9 �"K�Jn; �f^',�i�( ��� � � a��� 'AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUOGETEU (CIRCLE �NE) YES NO Ip{fiG SOURCE AC71Y{TY NUMBER NCIAL INfORb3ASiON. (EXPIA�N) � ���v Name: Peter OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 265-8525 FAX: 266-&513 r -9'K. G " r �' b i�� � � Home Address: 4F48 Oakland Ave So Minneapolis 1�PiI 55407 Sfreet City Zip Teiephone 1V`umber: Planning Aistrict Council: (Home) $27-57RR (�Vork� �� �_3�3-4681 {FAXI 339-5382 City Council �Vard: Preferred li'Iailing Address: 700 Third Street South �/700 Minneapolis, MN 55415 What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Architect Elness Swenson Graham Architects Inc. Mayors Advisory Committee on Aging `Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s} for which you seek appointment? See attached The information included in this application is considered private data according to the lYlinttesota Government Data Practices Act As a resutt, this information is not released to the genera] pnblic. (OVER) Rev. 8-�-97 PERSONAL RF,FERFN(' Name: Sa11y Staggert q� "`�� Address: 1925 Norfolk Ave., St. Paul, � 5511b-2649 Phone: Name: Khosrow Rezai Address: �00 Third Street South, Phone: Name: David Graham Address: �0 0 3rd St. So. Minneapolis, M� 55415 Phone: (Homel Vor �l 612-373-4623 Reasons for your interesY in this particular committee: I am interested in this committee because I think it is a fundamental need of our communitv to suo�ort our agine pg�ulatqnn_ I would like to be able to use my skills and knowledae ta help address this need. I am also interested personally in developinQ mv knowledee base of the issues to help in mv own work. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making app]ication? Tf so, when, and the circumstances? No previous contact. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line appticable to yoa. This informaYion is strictly voluntary. x �Vhite (Caucas'san} Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Esl;imo X Dlale Disabled: Y'es Female No X Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: February 8, 1965 If special accommodations are needed, please specify: tione How did you hear aboui this opening? Recommended through sa1 1Homel �Vorkl b96-8420 A�N 55415 IHomel (�Vork) 612-373-4629 Franscican Heale: Ce c��-9'1 � I have been working in the azea of senior housing, as an azchitect for the last ten years. Over this time I have developed a solid understanding of the issues involved in housing our senior population. I personally have been involved in planning and design in many different projects in Minnesota and severai states. I also draw on the resources of my colleagues in the office who, combined have worked on over 100 projects in thirty-five states. The projects cover a range of care types, from independent and congregate living, to assisted Iiving, and memory loss facilities. The size has ranged from the redevelopment of a single house foz eighteen people, to the planning of continuum care facilities. Through my professional experience, I have developed a variety of experiences that have educated me in the needs of our senior population. I have also leamed a great deai of information on particular aspzcts of programs, reguiations, and services frcr. sta te to state Through the designs of particular residences, I have encountered many of the social aspects of how seniors live, and what is beneficial to their daily lives, both in terms of physical needs and sociai aspects. I have drawn upon my creativity to solve many issues in regards to the best ways to organize people and services to meet the needs of seniors. My understanding of issues involvang seniors, has been developed through consultation with many types of owners, agencies and health proo�iders. This diversity of working with different viewpoints, both locally and regionally, has given me a wealth of knowledge into varied approacbes. °�9 -9�� PET'ER J. BF.ELY, AIA Associate EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONSI APPII,IATIONS Master oi Architecture, University of Califomia, Berkeley Bachelor of Architecture, Universiry of Minnesota Minnesota Regis[ration American Institute of Architects Minnesota Society of Architects nWnRDS 1995 EFCO Drury National Design Competition Winne; 1994 MNAIA Honor Award - Theatre de la Jeune Lune 1993 HRC Adaptive Reuse Project of the Year - Theatre de la Jeune Lune 1993 CUE Award EXPER7FNCE Since joining Elness Swenson Graham Architects Inc., in 1986, Mr. Keely has been involved in all aspects of design, pianning, construction documentation and observation. He has participated in a range of projects specializing in housing including senior housing, student and multi-family housing. SE1viOR HoUSING Mr. Keely has extensive experience in the design and construction of many senior housing projects. Mr. Keely has fultilled the role of project designer, project architect, and project manager on independent and assisted living projects ranging from 12 units to 150 u�its. Mr. Keely has been involved in the design and devetopment of new concepts, as weil as working to perfect existing concepts in projects in Minnesota and throughout the U.S. Mr. Keely's work includes independe�t living complexes for the Dakota County, Plymouth, and Southeast Minnesota HRA's. These projects include 40 units at Qrchard Park, Apple Valley, MN; 66 units i� Twc phases a; Eay a Ridce, 9urnsvitfz, A1N; 65 uni's a! Oak 1Noods, Eagan, MN; 99 units at Plymouth Towne Square, Plymouth, MN; and 16 senior townhomeslcottages in Lewiston, MN. RESIDENTIAL DESIGN Mr. Keely is currently involved in the design of an assisted and independent living project that consists of 150 units in two linked buildings, Iocated in Henderson, NV. In addition, he has designed 150 units of assisted and independent iiving at the Christian Living Center, Littleton, CO; 99 units at Rosewood Estates Highiand Park and Berlin; and the Hear[hside Protorype. Mr. Keely has extensive experience in design construction of market rate, affordable and luxury housing. These projects cover a wide range o( market types aad scafes of projects, from 12 unrts 1z � 9 �""" F.(naz Swercsan Gra(aan� Ard�itu¢ In. m �g-q�G PEZFR J. HEELY, AIA Page ? of affordable family townhomes in Lewiston, MN [0 750 units of student housing. Mr. Kee1y's experience incfudes working with many ownership groups and a variety of sites, and he approaches each project as a unique opportunity. Mr. Keely's projects include 40 units of market rate condominiums in Long Lake, MN; 80 units of luxury apartments and condominiums in Appleton, WI; Laurel Village mixed-use commercial and residential; Trinity Square, ucban infili townhomes; Eliot Park apartment renovations; and Southeast Minnesota senior and family townhomes. STLTDE1vT HOUSING Mr. Keely has been involved on many student housing projecis, including a National Design Competition winner at Drury Col{ege in Springfield, Missouri. These 150 units of housing and common spaces provide for today's student needs in four diverse types of housing. These walk-up apartments blend coflege living with the historic residentiaV neighborhood, Mr. Keely's current work includes graduate and professional student housing for Dinnaken Properties at the University of Minnesota, construction observation of continuing phases of Drury College, and master planning and capacity studies for sites at the University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. MASTER Pi,ANNING Mr. Keely has 6een involved in the master planning for several projecis and has designed specific buildings within the scope of the overall master plan. These projects include new and renovated housing units for The Lowry Air Force Base Redevelopment in Denver, Colorado; 150 housing units and community center at Fort Knox, Kentucky; 15Q units of student housing in a campus setting in Springfield, Missouri; student townhomes within the Motley Area Master Plan; residential planning a?Yernatives `or the City of Richfield; and 300 units of market rate apartments in Eagan, Minnesota. Mr. Keely has aiso participated in several community design workshops and plan�i�g studies, including work for the City of Anoka and the Linden Hills Neighborhood Group. 13i9>- Elness Swenson Gnl:nm A>dz�iccts !nc 3 S5 7 Name• Sharon Rebar OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CtTY HALL SAINT PAUL, M7NNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 °tt-g�c. pe�. tZ, �pf7 �c 1 � �fr /�)C v� . r� HOmeAddress: 78 E. lOth Street, Apt. 2009 St. Pau1, MN 55101 Street City Zip Telephone Number: Ylanning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: `Vhat is your occunation? Ptace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: �Iome� 298-8642 �r� 215-2210 �AX) 222-4581 17 Above Ciry Council Ward: Administrator of AQinQ Sezvices Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St. Paul & htinneapolis Advisory Committee on Aging What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which yov seek appointment? I have a master's degree in social work and a graduate certificate in QerontoloQV. For___ the past fifteen years I have been involved in assessinQ the needs of older people, developing programs to meet identified needs• and advocated for policy develooment at the state and 1oca1 levels of government At the oresent time I am em�lc,ved hv C'arh�li� Charities of the Archdiocese of St. Pau1 & M�1s. as the administrator of In this job I will be assessin�the needG of older individuals residina in St Panl an�t _ expanding and developing new grograms to meet those identified needs. � more detailed lisC of my experience is contained on mv resume canich is asoPnded __ The information included in this application is considered ¢riva[e data according to the Minnesota Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER} Rev. 8-5-97 PERSONAL 1tEF'ERENCEG Name: �►d -��� AddreSS: 1450 Pascal Street N., St. Paul, � 55108 Phone: {Eiome) 645-5067 (�Vorkl 215-2202 Name: � Susan C arter Address: 1671 Prosperity Road, St. Paul, hi�v S�lOo Phone: (FIomeL� �y��� 215-2211 Name: Melvin Giles Address: 855 Aurora Ave. St. Paul M�iI 55104 Phone: (Home) 298-1040 (`Vork� z65-5712 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: ��men I reviewed the powers and duties of the City of St. Paul`s Advisory Committee on Aoina it struck me that b� ar "cipa i�n the Committee I can make meaningful contributions to enhance the quality of life for older people living in the community. Serving on the Committee wi11 also �ive me the opportunity to become better acquainted with important issues facing the City Council as it n1 n fo Che future nee 'n a' an onor to be part of a Committee that can a�fect a etter life for older residents of the City of St. Paul. Finally, as a 58 year-o1d woman, I have a vested interest in Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? IF so, when, and the circumstances? 4;o developin� and maintainin� quality services for oider In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. x �Yhite (Caucasian) _ Biack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo blale X Femate Hispanic Asian or Pacific Is3ander Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes ho X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: 10/12/34 How did you hearaboutthisopening? Throu�n anothzr em�loyee at Catholic Charities. �t ti 9�� SI�AROi T REBAR 78 E. lUth Street Apt. 2009 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612)215-2210(w) (612)298-8642(h) RESUiYIE EDUCATTO�T: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, College of St. Benedict, St. JoseQh, Minnesota, 1962. Master of Social Work, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1987. Graduate Certificate of Gerontology, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1987. cr � q Au�gust 1, 1497 - Present Administrator of Che Division of A'g_mtr 5ervices �ATHOLIC CITARITIES 1200 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota I am responsible for administration of Division programs, development of annual budget, collaboration with other service programs within Catholic Charities and other service providers, program development and expansion, meeting accreditation standards, and staffing and personnel functions of the Division. I also provide leadership in short and long term planning and staff the Division of Aging Services Standing Committee. Julv L 1989 - 7uly 2. 1997 Executive Director CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICE 419 - 6th Srteet, CCS W ing Juneau, Alaska I was responsible for the overall direction and supervision of the program and fiscal operations of Catholic Community Service under the policy direction of the Board of Birectors. I acted as staff to the thirteen-member Board of Directors; coordinated and supervised staff; coordinated and supervised programs; coordinated and sugervised finances; coordinated and supervised resource development, public relation and volunteer activities; coordinated and supervised human resources; coordinated and supervised program development; coordinated and supervised advocacy efforts; served as liaison with Diocese of Juneau; coordinated and supervised planning; and coordinated and supervised communications. Ju�v 2. I984 - June 30. 1989 PrQ}ect Director I was responsible for the overall direction and supervision of the program and fiscal aspects of Southeast Senior Services which encompassed seve�teen senior centers, an Adult Day Caze Program, and a Case Management Program with an annual budget of $1.9 million. Major job duties included proposal cvriting; budget preparation; overseeing fiscal repoRing; program development; authorization of agreementslcontracts; staff supervision; formulation of policies and procedures; oversight of staff trainina, and representing the agency to community organizations,the State Legislature,local government and othersocialservice and health agencies. �t g-°I'1� SHARON REBAR Jul�l, 1982 - June 5. 1984 Program Director Page Two ALASKA MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES 7uneau, Alaska I was responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Homemaker Program of Alaska. These operational activities included supervision of five regional supervisors; monitored programmatic activity of each region; compiled data for monthly reports to State; conducted a semi-annual review of each region; maintained trainins center; conducted quarterly training sessions for regional staff; wrote Policv and Procedures Manual; developed and acted as staff to Homemaker Advisory Board; developed contracts; and prepared annual report to the Department of Health and Social Services. I also completed the accreditation process as outlined by the National Home Caring Council and secured provisional accreditation for the state-wide Homemaker Program. Januarv 1980 - June 15. 1981 Youth Services Coordinator Planner CITY AND BOROUGH OF JUNEAli Juneau, Alaska Reviewed, analyzed and summarized current data on youth population of Juneau; regularly assessed the needs of Juneau's youth and programs, policies and procedures affecting youth; developed the Youth Crisis Proaram; devised Requests for Proposals; wrote contracts for six youth programs; wrote proposal for Summer Youth Employment Program; monitored contracts ($400,000); provided technical assistance to CiTy-funded youth programs. Advocate Served as staff to the nine-member Youth Advisory Board and worked with them on projects; provided technical assistance to the board; acted as liaison between the board and youth groups; youth-serving agencies and City administration; represented the CityBorough in lobbying the State Legislature on youth-related issues. Educator Developed an ongoing publicity strategy to inform the public about City-funded youth services; informed youth about services and opportunities available to them; updated the Youth Services Directorv; addressed lazge audiences frequently regarding youth programs and issues; formed an education committee comprised of youth- serving professionals to augment 9th grade curriculum in the areas of values clarification, sex education, substance abuse and sexual abuse. Mav 1978 - Mav 1979 Co-owner FLAG OF ALLI�3ATI0\S Juneau, Alaska Operated a second-hand store in downtown Juneau. SHAROU REBAR December 1977 - April 1978 9g-q�� Page Three CATHOLIC COMM[JNITY SERVICE Juneau, Alaska Vallev Site Manager Managed the nutrition program for senior citizens living in the valley azea; provided support counseling services; conducted fundraising activities; and laid the groundwork for the construction of the Valley Senior Center. Aueust 1975 - June 1977 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, JUNEAli Juneau, Aiaska Associate Coordinator ( Re�onal Inctructor Coordinated workshops; devised individual staff development profiles, conducted in-service training for social workers and clerical staffemployed by the Division of Family & Youth Services; assisted the state-wide coordinator in planning and clazifying the directives of the state-wide Staff Development Program which consisted of specifying goals, objectives, deadlines for completion and developing program evaluation tools; assistedin developing and organizing a week-long conference on residentialtreatmentfor youth fortwo hundred people; and supervised the Ketchikan component of the program. AuQUSt 1969 - Aueust 1975 Volunteer I was involved in diverse activities in a number of communities throughout the United States. These activities included setting up a day care center in Somerset, Kentucky; tutoring disabled children; substitute teaching; headstart work; serving as board member on the San Carlos Library Board, San Carlos, Arizona, while administratively operating the library for the San Cartos Apache Tribe. June 1468 - Au?ust 1969 Headstart Social Worker TRI-CAP Juneau, Alaska Recruited and screened headstart applicants; counseled with pazents; and acted as medical coordinator. October 1966 - March 1968 DIVISION OF PUBLIC WELFARE Department of Health & Social Services Juneau, Alaska Child Welfare Worker Carried a AFDC caseload, investigated child abuse cases, completed foster home studies and licensed day care homes. The larter three months of employment I worked on the Work Experience Training Program setting up on-the job training experiences for unemployed AFDC parents throughout Southeast Alaska. SHAROU REBAR October 1964 - June 1965 Caseworker II Honolulu, Hawaii Worked with racial minorities in rural Oahu processing applications and carrying a generic caseload. Februarv 1963 - September 1964 Caseworker I HUBBARD COUNTY WELFARE DEPARTMENT Pazk Rapids, Minnesota Processed application for the categoricai programs and provided casework services to a generic caseload. Investigated prospective foster and adoptive homes and completed studies. FORNIER AND CURRENT BOARD AND ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIP: City and Borough of Juneau Mental Health Committee National Association of Social Workers-Alaska Chapter Treasurer National Council on the Aging American Society of Aging Catholic Charities USA's Commission on Aging League of Women Voter's �8 -q'�4 Page Four HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE Revised 10/7/97 / / � :c iG�_j S�Irl7 Fi,UL 11FYu�'S J�FICt 61� cb: 3.13 �P.��%�6 PERSOrAL. RFFEREiYCES �� � .e: GLV — ft�,f l�� ( �T `�'I �Vr.e, -Fy i �.v7C .ddress: ���� (�' — . OG(, 1�/dI� 51028 Phone: lAome) _���' �p (O v� -7 (�'4TI{� :r'An7t: � Address: Phone; j$am�l �� �- Co c`Z 3� (�yn�s -"'j'7 �O Name: Address: • Phone: B�� (Wnrk '� 0 — g Sl9 ReAsons for your interest In th(s pnrtScular commiftee: _ J/�/btiLl G� p �'OY1 c.tK, ,�! �,vl `�it� re�V Cl�n -�' f Yl � YVIn �f wt �- �e2c� � a_C�f�.� ��l'� 7�vG(S � F � � e��r, {Qya-v� , r _ _ In an Rttempt to enjure that committee representstion mflett� the makeup of our commuuity, pleas� check the line applicable to you. This information is stricUy voluntary. � WLitt (CsUCASis�n) Efack {African American} _ Americsn Indizn or Alaskan EskImo Male DisAbled: �S'es /` Female No x I( speu�l Auommodstions Are needed, pleasa specify: Huw did you 6err about this opening? ��EZ�Q,h A;spanic Asian or PaciFc Islander Date af Birth: �y� of -1�-�Z FTxvo you had prRVio�s contsct wit5 the committen for which you are making application? If so, when, and the tircumsisnces? ` le � L_ �� f^ J �! Qt,Ci(iT (S7�Q VV1�� ✓1/l1 G��'t� ' ' ' �2 :2�52 ��L� ,�,5"_C� Name: e-� �� Home Address: a O ST PAU� MqY4R'S OFFICE OFFICE OF TSE MAYOR 390 CITi' AAi.T SAIlVT PATJT., M�iNESOTA 55202 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 VI I �►N 5�� oa C1ty Telephone Number; Pixnning District Council: City Couecil Ward: PrcfcrredMailingAddress: �dm2� � Wh�t is your occupntlon? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: uP�l1 What skills, fraininE or eaperien�e do you posses� fbr the committee(s) far which you seek appointment2 " T V� �Ct��JV CC�'� UYl �'!1'Vl Ul f`� �1,W1 1(�,2.CL,Q �lC`,�C P, °Fi�-�' �'-�.Y1 � C� t�u.rx� �rC�.i 5 er `i�2, �c�Q J0.�'i o� i -E-�-e 612 260 8513 P.02i02 ��.��� 0 'r-e S�� 2 S I Y� 4� GE�` S t S -- -"- ���2 Sci�. • k�-r vv� c�1 i� C;1�2.� C4 a� �x -9--- v��P.,n. ��� � - - I �/tCc 0 i P-C� SU1,�.rC�, -�-csY' S2Y� ; C.Tr� The faformatioe included In this appllcatton u considertd privata daea sccording fn the 1�IinArsota Governmant llata pr,�etices Act. As a resutt, this informat[nn is not rele�sed to the gtneral public. Zip LHnmtl � ��J� (P'AX)�30 {OVER) Rev. 8-5-9� 1! �_ �cr-1�.- c�c Juiv �u�lr iu: OCi-05-1998 11�45 Namr. 'C��_ us� Addres�: Phane: Name: �O� Address: Pfione: S 1 � Name: Address: Phone: ..rcc rc„� 612 2b6 H513 P_03i@3 �� � qY' 57 PRUL 11AYOR'S OFFICE _ . a ; . _ Reasons for your interest ia thle particular committee: �-�' �'�-""� � S'�"�-u� Have you had pcev;ous eontact wlth the committec Por whlch you arc making application? If so, wben, and tht c3ccumetances? I i��c _ � w«� �.c.n n ° � ce��� c tiVte�-��._ �.�Xo� �'-~'�� �-��`'�^'�-Q In an attempt to ura that commlttee representation reRects tha makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This infor[nation is stricUy voluntary. � White (Caueasiaa) Black (AM�xu Atnerican) Amer9csn Tndlan or A18slcen Eskimo Male Df�abled: Yd �% Female _ No � If special acwmmodations are needed, plea9e specify: How did you hear about this openingY FIispan;c Asian or Paclfic Is�ander Dau of Birth• ,_��� , �� � ��r eJC 7�.,ir G�J:lr it�: ..roc rUc ' "'OCT-05-2998 11'45 ST PRUL MAYOR'S OFFtCE • OFF7CE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALI, SAIN'T PAUL, MINN&SOTA SS102 Phone: 266-SS23 FAX: 266-8313 Name: Home� �7I�CCL Telephone Nvmber. Planning blsirict Councii: Preferred Mailiag Addresa: W4at is your occupatlon? Plaee of Employment: Committee{s) Applied For: 512 266 6513 P.0?�0� qa .9�c� ��� �� ) y A � 1SnmrJ nr � �� ` -- .. jF�J City Council Ward: ;s V rSlUd� �5' -� a�� lM.,� 5> i i� C (Z� Qrn�4w��� sc�n1 �tea1��, �Ornmuw Nn�� � liki, r�.v What skllls, training or experlence do you possess for the commlttee(s) for which you seek appo�ntment? ��r�.�p c�U O r��e CQ �C dl. �� �-lC QY 5 C�-. �6 u�.�.��t �' G r 1 N) 'The iniormatioa lncludtd in thls applieation Is considered private data accordinE to the Minnesota Government Datn Practices Act. As a result, this information is not releascd to the general pnb�ic. (0 VER) Rev. 8-5-9 % `� ,'3 3 3 $ E��� m O??1Ci U:' 'i�i: Y�sYUri 390 CITY hAI,L SAINT PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA 55102 . 266-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 �r -�� ,�c�oQ� � / �� 7 9 g V tvase: _���-�I(i � VVit ��77%'1 - jb�'3 �/i ci��si/!c 13o�e Address: �� , � �", � ��� �J(C ' ,Sf'� 7�c� � - SSID3' =�S Street 6 ��_ �,�� citp Zio Telephone tviv-iber: CHo�e) ��ti (Aork) � ?� - � S" �`f' (�=�) �77 - � 53�- Planning District Co�ci1: �U Citp Council 17ard: = P=e£er=ed 2iailing Add=ess: ��'iT' L�G .,,��iLK�Tn S'} S�{ (�i:�� � !�(N �5 �G% SThat is your occnpation? T7`SS (�i} . Flace of F�ploy i 7 l ''� �� � fi r � n �k l �� �.�' �:,, -- , � � .%lltu�"c- �• �Ci�( �-_ �l�- cZ t� (i�r c � •'e'�.J�i'�CS�i,1r, Co�ittee(s) Applied For: Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess for the co�ittee(s) £or vnicn qou se_k appointment? ^ Se� ra+�-nr l���X g The infotsztion included i.n this znolication is considered privzte data accorcir.g to �ne Hir.nesota Govezner.t Data Practices Act. As a result, this infor+�ztion is not relezszc to the general public. (OV�R) po,_ 2;28/90 tiame:_ i1Y �?.Y)P 2[�I.C� � Id1 re!''�Y -{�� l�p � '�� Add=ess: ������ JQc�S�I'"1 �S� I � �Q(.l� i �/VT!\� ` �S t D � � - - , - � ��' ' : c '� '1, / ,—� ` Phone: �tHome) '`�J Ur - n�j 3?j CWork) ��' -a Sa 3 Nane: ' �i��Y'LihL�,¢�{' �G�O Tj-Z�ill[L Dr (y0'�Bh �tG�(I�y - / Address: �SDS �,�UV�"h-y �U1� �V�`VL �0(dfih VCt�j2C /�!N 5�j�27 Phone: (Hoae) G Zp - 351 S (L7ork) 'j L{-S d�-),(� Piame:_ /V�Gtvy I�Vr�ll Yres. O�t2�vy�viv5 �:v�c 1 ' Address: �(p(n� �roe �av�wa.i.� S ��u I G�-!�V SSl/6 Phone: CHoae) ��?�� � � J'�f'j (GTorkl 50.vnG Reasons £or your interest in this particular cosmittee: Se e Q�G2('�2GC Have you had previous contact vith the committee Por vhich you are making application. 2£ so, chen, and circumstances? � In an attempt to ensvre that committee representation reflects the makeup o£ our communitp, please check the li.ne applicable to you. This in£oz�ation is strictly volunta=p. ' � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Slack (African Aaerican) Asian or Yacific Islander Aserican Indian or Alaskan Eskino Yale �(_ Feaale Date of Birth: 3 � 9 D3sabled: Yes No ' X If special accor.modations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? Ne�vs �e1�ec�� ��.q�1c. Julie A. Walton 1603 Sherburne Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 (651) 644-671� SUMMARY Gerontologist with knowledge and expertise in the azeas of volunteer actmiiustration, health care, community-based programs, marketing, senior housing, public relations, advocacy, real estate, and su�portive services. A business and admutistrative professional with effective supervisory and leadership skills. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Retired and Senior Votunteer Program (RSVP) , St. Paul, MN 7/97 to Present Assistant Director �Assist with the administxation of the program in conjunction with the Executive Director. -Supervise staff, interns, and office voIunteers. -Adnvnister program providing recruitment, selection, orientation, placement and support of 1100 senior volunteers in over 300 non-profit community agencies. -Conduct site visits to negotiate cost-sharntg agreements with 150 community agencies for cash or in-kind program support. -Develop partnerships with other community-based prograxns and service providers. -Maintain computerized volunteer job bank system and program statistics. -Write and develop promotional and special project materials including brochures, public service announcements, press releases, annual report and monthly newsletter. -Provide technical assistance to community organizations and corporations on volunteer admixiistration and program development. -Serve as staff representative of Advisory Council, Recognition, Marketing, Plaruling, and Nomutating/Evaluation Committees. -Represent RSVP's interests at various community meetings. -Solicit and secure funding resources for special events and projects. �Develop, coordinate, and implement annual volunteer recognition event for 700 guests. RE/MAX S White Bear Lake, MN Real Estate Salesperson Trevilla of Golden Valley, Golden Valley, MN Special Services Coordinator Rainbow Foods, St. Paul, MN Bookkeeper/Cashier Catholic Charities, St. Paul, MN Volunteer Ramsey County Respite Program Minnesota Senior Federation - Metro Region, St. Paul, MN Intern Community Organizex Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Paul, MN Intern Admissions/Staff Development 8198 to Present 1/96 to 7/97 7/89 to 8/97 1991 to 1995 1995 1991 � .q� Julie A. Walton page 2 EDUCATION St. Cloud State Uniaersity, St. Cloud, MN Master of Science Degree Major: Gerontology CotIege of St. Catherine, St. Paul, IvII�i Bachelor of Arts Degree Major: Psychology Prosource Educationat Seraices, St. Paul, MN Minnesota Real Estate Salesperson PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP ACTIVITIES Minnesota Gerontological Society Research, Education and Practice Committee CwChau Minnesofa Council of Directors of Heaith Care Voiunfeers North Suburban Gavel Assoaatzon Directors of Volunteers fhroughout Dakota County Ailiance for Readin Minnesota Senior Service Corps Associafion Good Age Newspaper Editorial Board Member Salvation Army - St. Paul Chap Advisory Council Dakota County Senior Network Surnmit-University Volunteer Coordinators Network 1995 iCG'l•SI ... 1993 to 1997 1996 and 1997 1996 to 1997 1997to Present 1997to Present 1997to Present 1997to Present 1997 to Present 1997 to Present 1998 1998 GREATER ST. PAUL RETII2ED AND SErTIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM •� -��` 640 Jackson St St Paul, hiinnesota 55101 Phone (612) 221-2820 Fa�c (612) 221-2836 What skills/training or e�perience do you possess for the comrrzittee for which you seek appointment? I am a Gerontologist with experience and expertise in the areas of volunteer management, advocacy, intergenerational programming, community organizing, research, supportive services for seniors, supervision, marketing, writing and editing. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the College of St. Catherme and a Master of Science degree in Gerontology from St. Cloud State University. I have had internships at Little Sisters of the PooY and the Minnesota Senior Federation. I was a volunteer for Catholic Charities' Ramsey County Respite Program as a local coordinator for four years. I was employed with a large health care facility where I managed a successful volunteer program and edited a quarterly newsletter. Currently, I am employed as Assistant Director with the Greater St. Paul Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). My duties include interviewing, assessing, and �lacing volunteers in over 400 government and nonprofit orgamzations; conductmg annual site visits; developing, coordinating and implementing an annual recognition event; orienting new station supervisors; screening, establishing and orientmg new volunteer stations; developing general promotional and special projects materials including brochures and a monthly newsletter; recruiting volunteers through the media and various activities; serving as staff representative on the RSVP Advisory Council, Recognition, Marketing and Planning Committees; supervising the Program Coordinators for various intergenerational programs; and servmg as a resource and referral specialist for hundreds of volunteer managers. I am a member of the Minnesota Gerontological Society where I serve on two committees - the Executive Committee and the Awards, Research and Practice Committee. I Co- Chair the later. I am also a member of several other groups whose interests pertain to volunteer administration and/or to seniors. Reasons for your interest i� this particular committee: I am a long-term resident of St. Paul and a person with an avid interest in the well being of seniors. I would be proud to serve on this committee so that I may join others to improve the quality of life for St. Paul's older population. I would like to use my knowledge of intergenerational programming to improve the number and impact of intergenerational programs throughout the city of St. Paul. I would also like to join the committee's efforts to promote public understanding of the invaluable contributions of seniors. Through my wark with RSVP I know first hand the extraordinary significance of seniors' contributions. In 1996, RSVP Volunteers in the East Metro Area donated 171,758 hours of service valued at over $2 million! I strongly agree with Mayor Coleman's belief that St. Paul's elderly residents are a great asset to our city and for that reason it would be an honor to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging. Thank you. A program sponsored by the Corporatioa for Natlonal and Commvaity Sexvice. Minneso[a Board on Aging and St. Paul-Ramsey Medlcai Center , ��� � Name: HomeA Telephone Number: Planning District Council: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 City Council `Vard: Pre4erred Mailing A�Idress: � S �- �n v'E-' What is your occupation? „✓�� �/� /2 � �` Place of Employment: °� Committee(s) Applied For: What skil►s, training / o ` r experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 1 �� X� Yl in �` �,'f� ��c.GE6��` E�"r c cc,e ;<�, r� i S 'fr-i '�/ri� C r C CLGZ `� �� rE��.�, � S J4� /t( ul�Si l�/l, !%' � LZ$ tL JTff}y lSlt � �'�-n ,(� !�E'C�n1��t., f :���� ?2�'e�`ovC d� �i� �DS,`�`�' �i`� , n m����; s���� � . ,n �i��� ��� [Lh.r� r`,t7G• <c �,'n �I �-'rl o�:c1/c°a�r c� � T�( I��n<<��c�' �'4/1� ��is��m5, '�JS I`�YJl�/ �! ��� e �EE'tE�S G�� P.�7 7'7� E E( lt"FILCc, OC,�LLf LLi�i'/i'--�'1 - The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. i�ECEiVE6 �G,q�( 0 �EB 24 199� :viAYOR'S OFFtCE (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 Street City Zip Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Reasons for your interest in this pnrticuinr committee: ��i R �' ��� i!�'rr'�F� � � LL y� U N � Have you had previous contact with the committee for whic6 you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? , , , , , � � In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the ]ine applicable to yoa. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male Disabled: Yes X Female No X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: How did you hear about this opening? ���'� ��%l�'`� i�' — PERSONAL REFERENCES jHome) �Vorkl � Z � — J��� � (Fiome) ���%- S��G (Work) r, a�-q�� 10-15-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM2�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS 003111 Bannigan, Brendan 2020 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 644-0353 Program Administrator Janet Wilebski 2150 Fairmont Ave., 55105 w) 224-3781 Ray Faricy 2225 Summit Ave., 55105 h) 645-7499 w) 297-8484 Vickie Dzieweczynski 2013 Selby Ave., 55104 h) 644-7724 w) 232-3323 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -----"-- --- --- --- 11/30/95 W M 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 02/20/98 W F Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 � 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: _____________________________________________{____.._____ 2-20-98 References £or Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca FIoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003158 Carlson, Ecland E. 1923 Crown Point Drive Mendota Hghts., MN 551184206 Home ^ 452-2800 Retired Lutheran Pastor ��-q�G 06(11(96 W M Y Rev_ Dick and Betty Borgstrom 6791 Jenny Lane Woodbury h) 735-1925 10-15-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT I�"��� PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Rev. David Hughes 6730 Clinton Ave. So. h) 866-7830 Clarence Magnuson 13963 Tomahawk Drive Afton, MN h) 436-5578 w) 724-3691 Eldon Brustuen 2935 Galtier St. Roseville h) 483-4047 003446 Clark, Bonnie Jean Senior Housing, Inc. Work - 617-7842 Director Senior Housing, Inc. 8 3-16-98 Advisory Committee on Aging: Jean Greener Ex. Director Senior Resoutces 2�21 E. Hennepin Avenue Mpls., MN 55413 w) 617-7813 Suzy Hammell Sr. Housing Bd. President 1425 W. 28th Kenwood Isles Mp1s., 55408 h) 871-6877 Dr. Evelyn Franklin 240 McNeal Aall Dept. DHA U of MN h) 631-2083 Retired Professor from U of MN 003181 Cook, Teresia (Teri) Dayton's Blu£f Senior Center 235 Maria Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Work - 771-6887 FAX 7743510 Senior Center Director 7 4 03/16/98 W F 06/10/96 W F �g -��� 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/01�94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS Don Kjorness 847 E. 4th St. Paul h) 771-7721 Dino Guerin Saint Paul Councilmember 266-8670 Arthur Anderson w) 290-8670 003386 Cvinar, Stephen E. #4 476 Brimhall Street St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 696-9050 Human Resources Consultant 2-20-98 ACOA & Neighborhood Network: Bob Lind 5631 Clinton Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55419 Bob Liesenfeld 1230 Bryant Ave. So. St. Pau1, MN h) 457-5397 Jay Blake 4032 Aldrich Ave Mpls., 55409 h) 825-4707 S. 55075 S. 003189 Heuer, Eunice Johnson Lyngblomsten 1415 Almond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Work - 647-4686 Registered Nurse/Health Coord Gay Bartholic 1875 Hampshire, 55116 h) 698-5112 w) 333-0111 (part-time) PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 02/20/98 W M 06/11/96 W F Elizabeth Ekholm 1415 Almond Ave., 55108 > 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aqing FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 qg�q�t� PAGE 5 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COZII�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- w) 646-2941 Pastor Paul Harris Como Park Lutheran Church 1376 W. Hoyt, 55105 w) 646-7127 002161 Hilton, Maureen 456 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 225-8541 Real Estate Broker Monica Lenox 1052 Lincoln H) 293-0769 Missie Weiss 1456 Bayliss H) 641-0449 Virginia Stucky 2 16 ------------------------- 10-18-96 Advisory Commtitee on Aging Shannon (cannot read last name) Kenwood Parkway h) 291-8910 Harry Walsh 456 Summit h) 224-0512 Karen Wilson Laurel h) 641-1855 003330 Johnson, Miiford E. 2 17 #101 178 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 771-8355 Retired Lester Collins 10/18/96 W F 09/02/97 U M Y � �'g -q't� 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : ACOA AdvisOry COmmittee On Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Wright Building, Suite 420 2233 University Ave. h) 291-1631 w) 642-0811 Paul Norman, Friend h) 731-4749 Tyrone Terrill Human Rights Director 266-8964 Rev. Bill Smith 1014 30th Ave. N. h) and w) same: 522-0249 003480 Keely, Peter #700 700 Third Street South Minneapolis, Mn 55415 Work - 373-4681 Architect 9-8-98 ACOA Sally Staggert 1925 Norfolk Ave., 55116-2699 Khosrow Rezai 700 Third St. So. Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 373-4629 David Graham 700 3rd St. S. Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 373-4623 003121 Kuhlman, Barbara 8560 Magnolia Trail, #332 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Home - 947-9438 09/08/98 W M O1/02/96 W F M.J. Patrick-Cabrera 5605 Albert Street �� -911, 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 01�01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt4ENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 755-0954 w) 348-9644 Jean Searls 5601 Eden Prairie Road Minnetonka, MN h) 933-3348 w) 934-4328 Mike Metzler Walker Place 3701 Bryant Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55409 w) 827-8501 001641 Lapidos, Morris 1077 Sibley Hwy #406 Saint Paul, MN 55118 Home - 452-7079 Retired Rabbi Morris Allen (Beth Jacob Congregation) 1179 Hwy. 110 Mendota Hgts. w) 452-2226 Burt Garr Ex. Director St. Paul Jewish Community Center w) 698-0751 Charlotte Mitau Price (past member of Bd. of Education) 1077 Sibley Awy. h) 452-7095 003468 Moy, Doris A. # 549 401 Sibley Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55101 Eiome - (651)290-0957 Retired-FOrmerly Records Clerk 12/07/95 W M 08/14/98 W F E11en Morrow °IY-a 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Frank Alden Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Dave Jacobson Metro Mobility W) 602-1653 or 636-5000 003029 Nyhus, Art 824 Lake Street St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 735-1364 Retired William Buerkle 3350 N. Highway 61 St. Paul, MN 55110 W) 454-0231 Bernard Ranweiler 830 Lake Street St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 738-7321 Glenn Peterson 820 Lake Street St. PAul, MN 55119 H) 735-2160 003018 Pappenfus, Mabel # 1606 1181 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, MN 55105-2837 Home - 695-0354 Retired Teacher 4 08/02/95 W M 07/20/95 W F Pastor Scott Larson 490 Penn Street Foley, MN 56329 q$ -9� � 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COM2�NT5 H) 965-6812 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Gene and Mary Agnes 8185 Ronneby Road NE Foley, MN H) 968-7535 Robert Cavanna 3335 St. Germain Street W. St. Cloud, MN 56301 H) 259-5456 003033 Pentecost, Carol 1044 Orange Avenue E. St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-0862 Self-Employed/Publisher She11y Evans 375 O'Day Lane Maplewood, MN 55119 H) 739-3530 Steven DeBernardi Community Services 161 N. Concord Street A) 776-0862 chris McClure 3976 Mackubin St. Shoreview, MN 55126 H) 490-9873 003357 Rebar, Sharon Apt. 2009 78 E. lOth Street St. Paul� MN 55101 Home - 298-8642 Administrator Aging Services 6 5 2 17 08/09/95 W F 12/12/97 W F Frank Forsberg 1450 Pascal St. N. St. Paul, MN 55108 h) 645-5067 w) 215-2202 �fd 10-15-98 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMh�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Susan Carter 1671 Prosperity Road St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 776-6740 w) 215-2211 Melvin Ci2es 855 Aurora Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 h) 298-1040 w) 265-5712 003229 Reed, He1en Doris 1561 North Western St. Pau1, MN 55117 Home - 489-1540 Public Health Nurse � 0 10/31/96 U F Mrs. Willie Mae Wilson, C.E.O. St. Pau1 Urban League 168 N. Lexington Pkwy. h) 645-1176 w) 224-5771 Dr. Rodney England 785 Ridge St. St. Pau1, MN 55116 h) 698-4628 w) 232-4200 Dr. Richard Tyler 4034 Blaisdell Ave. So. Mpls., MN 55409 h) 827-7769 w) 642-0021 003465 Schendel, Ke11y Apt. B 207 Virginia Street St. Paul, MN 55102 1 08/OS/98 W F Home - 227-3177 fax730-6165 Fundraiser Mary Gayle Fontaine 6746 Gretchen Court North Oakdale, Minnesota 55128 h: 777-6624 Don Larson h: 770-6238 w: 777-7700 0��.9�� 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE ll COMMZTTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Tom Fabel Deputy Mayor w: 266-8519 003509 Staggert, Sally Dir./Franciscan Health Comm. 10-5-98 Advisory Committee on Aging Mary Jane Thompson (h) (612) 559-1028 Joseph Stanislav (h) 651 698-9256 w) 612 696-8401 Mary Youle Suite 3505 2550 University Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55114-1900 w) 651 645-4545 003396 Tierney, Michael P. 2181 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 612 266-8525 V.P./Dir. of Engineering 15 10/OS/98 W F 03/03/98 W M 3-3-98 ACOA & RRDC Robert Knutson, Jr. 1648 Beechwood Ave. h) 690-9090 w) 229-6000 Larry King 5 Beebe Ave. hj 450-7479 w0 651-0011 Dan Titcomb 761 Goodrich Avenue h) 227-2493 w) 378-1800 003338 Walton, Ju1ie A. The Greater St. Paul Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Work - 221-2824 FAX 2212836 Asst Dir Senior Citizen Prog. 09/08/97 W F 9-8-97 ACOA Arlene Cepu11 RSVP Director � q�'��G 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 12 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTEiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ----°-- --- --- --- 640 Jackson Street, 55101 h) 456-0933 w) 221-2823 Rita Franchett c/o Trevilla of Golden Valley 7505 Country Club Drive Golden Va11ey, MN 55427 h) 920-3515 w) 545-0416 Mary Tyrrell Presient, Memoirs, Inc. 1669 Ford Parkway St. Pau1, MN 55116 h) 698-1155 w) same 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. #1910 66 E. 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-6349 Retired Vocational Counselor Mary Lynn Sabo Citi Walk 66 E. 9th St., 55101 w) 221-0298 Rich Detmers 701 Dorland Rd. Maplewood, MN 55119 h) 578-9067 Sheryl Lee 1344 Colby Ave., 55116 h) 699-4325 3-9-98 MACAP Richard Carter 1957 Larpenteur Ave. W. Falcon Hgts., MN 55113 h) 647-9517 Rhonda Thai 5350 Greystone Drive, #103 Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h) 455-2569 2 17 06/03/96 W F Y Sharon Powell c�g -q� � PAGE 13 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMHITTEE : ACOA Advisory Cosmittee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 437 W. Co. Rd. C. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 482-1773 w) 449-2260 003187 Winters-Bruce, Gertrude #1611 1181 Edgcumbe Road St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 699-8409 Retired Teacher/Volunteer Norma Seashore 364 Christine Lane West St. Paul, 55118 h) 457-1808 John Geisler 1129 Edgcumbe Rd., 55105 William Randall 1944 Goodrich Ave., 55105 h) 698-6857 003418 Wollschlager, Dana Presbyterian Homes of MN Central Towers Senior Community 20 E. Exchange St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 215-4540 Housing Director 3-5-98 Adv. Com. on Aging Mary Nelson 003374 Zeller, Dolores M. 4921 Johnson Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Home - 429-1436 Retired Karen Wierenga 2000 White Bear Ave. 3 14 06/11/96 W F 03/OS/98 W F 02/24/98 W F 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT a�-q�c. PAGE 14 COMMZTTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) Maplewood, 55109 w) 777-7486 Fran Laufle 640 Jackson St. St. Paul w) 221-3456 Arthur Pew 2515 Manitou Island White Bear Lake, 55110 h) 429-5806 0 R#G�NAL Council File # ��o Crreen Sheet # J� �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL,IVIINNF.SOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i 2 3 4 5 6 � a 9 io 11 12 13 ia I REAPPOINTMENTS Sister Mary Frances Benz Mark Flahavan Dennis Gerhardstein Harold Hebl Nicole Otto Dean Lemke Steven Sarrazin Richard Taylor Jamie Warndahl APPOINTMENTS Peter Keely Kelly Schendel Sharon Rebar Sally Staggert Julie Walton Dolores Zeller is le Each of the above individuals shall serve a two-yeaz term which will expire on November 30, l� 2000. is 19 2 0 Requested by Department o£: By: Adopted by Council: Date �}�'� � �� Adoption Certified by Council Secxetary By: AppY By: RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTE ON AGING. Form Approved by City Attorney o... 17��..�bJL`l�e..Asi_. fn,s.f��is Mayor Coleman's 0££ice � 10-15-98 GREEN SHEET :qVTACT PER$ON 8 PHONE INITIA VDAT'c — � DE7ARTMENT DIRECTOR Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN � CITYATfOFNEV 0U5T BE ON COUNqL AGEN�0. 8Y (DATE) NUMBER fOR O BUDGET DIRECiOF POUTING OPDER rl"i MAVOH (OR ASSISTANn ,_, TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) N°_ 5234? �$�9'lG INRIAUOATE (� 7 CITYCOUNQI la_� � CITY CLERK O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. 0 Approval of resolution appointing Peter Reely, Kelly Schendel, Sharon Rebar, Sally Staggert, Julie Walton, Dolores Ze11er and reappointing Sister Mary Frances Benz, Mark Flahavan, Dennis Gerhardstein> Harold Hebl, Nicole Otto, Dean Lemke, Steven Sarrazin, Richard 2aylor and T�mie 4T�vnAnh"S fr� c.eve�i. .�..� 1-1..� MA4f1D�C ATOTC/1DV (V1TRI.FTTTL'O IITT Al�TTT/� � W _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ ( __ GIB COMMT'EE _ _ _ STAFF _ . _ DlSTRICTGOUftT _ , $UVPORTS WHICH CAUNCiI O&IECTIVE? INITIATINfi PROBLEM. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this personfiirm euer wmketl untle� a contrad frn this depanment? YES NO 2. Has [hts pewon/firm ever been a city em0loYee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNiirtn possess a Skill nat normaliy possassetl by arry cutteM city employee? YES NO Explain ail yes answars on separete aheet and attaeh to green sheet �Y). �' APPROVEO. a�*�a:;`..�9 �"K�Jn; �f^',�i�( ��� � � a��� 'AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUOGETEU (CIRCLE �NE) YES NO Ip{fiG SOURCE AC71Y{TY NUMBER NCIAL INfORb3ASiON. (EXPIA�N) � ���v Name: Peter OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 265-8525 FAX: 266-&513 r -9'K. G " r �' b i�� � � Home Address: 4F48 Oakland Ave So Minneapolis 1�PiI 55407 Sfreet City Zip Teiephone 1V`umber: Planning Aistrict Council: (Home) $27-57RR (�Vork� �� �_3�3-4681 {FAXI 339-5382 City Council �Vard: Preferred li'Iailing Address: 700 Third Street South �/700 Minneapolis, MN 55415 What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Architect Elness Swenson Graham Architects Inc. Mayors Advisory Committee on Aging `Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s} for which you seek appointment? See attached The information included in this application is considered private data according to the lYlinttesota Government Data Practices Act As a resutt, this information is not released to the genera] pnblic. (OVER) Rev. 8-�-97 PERSONAL RF,FERFN(' Name: Sa11y Staggert q� "`�� Address: 1925 Norfolk Ave., St. Paul, � 5511b-2649 Phone: Name: Khosrow Rezai Address: �00 Third Street South, Phone: Name: David Graham Address: �0 0 3rd St. So. Minneapolis, M� 55415 Phone: (Homel Vor �l 612-373-4623 Reasons for your interesY in this particular committee: I am interested in this committee because I think it is a fundamental need of our communitv to suo�ort our agine pg�ulatqnn_ I would like to be able to use my skills and knowledae ta help address this need. I am also interested personally in developinQ mv knowledee base of the issues to help in mv own work. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making app]ication? Tf so, when, and the circumstances? No previous contact. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line appticable to yoa. This informaYion is strictly voluntary. x �Vhite (Caucas'san} Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Esl;imo X Dlale Disabled: Y'es Female No X Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: February 8, 1965 If special accommodations are needed, please specify: tione How did you hear aboui this opening? Recommended through sa1 1Homel �Vorkl b96-8420 A�N 55415 IHomel (�Vork) 612-373-4629 Franscican Heale: Ce c��-9'1 � I have been working in the azea of senior housing, as an azchitect for the last ten years. Over this time I have developed a solid understanding of the issues involved in housing our senior population. I personally have been involved in planning and design in many different projects in Minnesota and severai states. I also draw on the resources of my colleagues in the office who, combined have worked on over 100 projects in thirty-five states. The projects cover a range of care types, from independent and congregate living, to assisted Iiving, and memory loss facilities. The size has ranged from the redevelopment of a single house foz eighteen people, to the planning of continuum care facilities. Through my professional experience, I have developed a variety of experiences that have educated me in the needs of our senior population. I have also leamed a great deai of information on particular aspzcts of programs, reguiations, and services frcr. sta te to state Through the designs of particular residences, I have encountered many of the social aspects of how seniors live, and what is beneficial to their daily lives, both in terms of physical needs and sociai aspects. I have drawn upon my creativity to solve many issues in regards to the best ways to organize people and services to meet the needs of seniors. My understanding of issues involvang seniors, has been developed through consultation with many types of owners, agencies and health proo�iders. This diversity of working with different viewpoints, both locally and regionally, has given me a wealth of knowledge into varied approacbes. °�9 -9�� PET'ER J. BF.ELY, AIA Associate EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONSI APPII,IATIONS Master oi Architecture, University of Califomia, Berkeley Bachelor of Architecture, Universiry of Minnesota Minnesota Regis[ration American Institute of Architects Minnesota Society of Architects nWnRDS 1995 EFCO Drury National Design Competition Winne; 1994 MNAIA Honor Award - Theatre de la Jeune Lune 1993 HRC Adaptive Reuse Project of the Year - Theatre de la Jeune Lune 1993 CUE Award EXPER7FNCE Since joining Elness Swenson Graham Architects Inc., in 1986, Mr. Keely has been involved in all aspects of design, pianning, construction documentation and observation. He has participated in a range of projects specializing in housing including senior housing, student and multi-family housing. SE1viOR HoUSING Mr. Keely has extensive experience in the design and construction of many senior housing projects. Mr. Keely has fultilled the role of project designer, project architect, and project manager on independent and assisted living projects ranging from 12 units to 150 u�its. Mr. Keely has been involved in the design and devetopment of new concepts, as weil as working to perfect existing concepts in projects in Minnesota and throughout the U.S. Mr. Keely's work includes independe�t living complexes for the Dakota County, Plymouth, and Southeast Minnesota HRA's. These projects include 40 units at Qrchard Park, Apple Valley, MN; 66 units i� Twc phases a; Eay a Ridce, 9urnsvitfz, A1N; 65 uni's a! Oak 1Noods, Eagan, MN; 99 units at Plymouth Towne Square, Plymouth, MN; and 16 senior townhomeslcottages in Lewiston, MN. RESIDENTIAL DESIGN Mr. Keely is currently involved in the design of an assisted and independent living project that consists of 150 units in two linked buildings, Iocated in Henderson, NV. In addition, he has designed 150 units of assisted and independent iiving at the Christian Living Center, Littleton, CO; 99 units at Rosewood Estates Highiand Park and Berlin; and the Hear[hside Protorype. Mr. Keely has extensive experience in design construction of market rate, affordable and luxury housing. These projects cover a wide range o( market types aad scafes of projects, from 12 unrts 1z � 9 �""" F.(naz Swercsan Gra(aan� Ard�itu¢ In. m �g-q�G PEZFR J. HEELY, AIA Page ? of affordable family townhomes in Lewiston, MN [0 750 units of student housing. Mr. Kee1y's experience incfudes working with many ownership groups and a variety of sites, and he approaches each project as a unique opportunity. Mr. Keely's projects include 40 units of market rate condominiums in Long Lake, MN; 80 units of luxury apartments and condominiums in Appleton, WI; Laurel Village mixed-use commercial and residential; Trinity Square, ucban infili townhomes; Eliot Park apartment renovations; and Southeast Minnesota senior and family townhomes. STLTDE1vT HOUSING Mr. Keely has been involved on many student housing projecis, including a National Design Competition winner at Drury Col{ege in Springfield, Missouri. These 150 units of housing and common spaces provide for today's student needs in four diverse types of housing. These walk-up apartments blend coflege living with the historic residentiaV neighborhood, Mr. Keely's current work includes graduate and professional student housing for Dinnaken Properties at the University of Minnesota, construction observation of continuing phases of Drury College, and master planning and capacity studies for sites at the University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. MASTER Pi,ANNING Mr. Keely has 6een involved in the master planning for several projecis and has designed specific buildings within the scope of the overall master plan. These projects include new and renovated housing units for The Lowry Air Force Base Redevelopment in Denver, Colorado; 150 housing units and community center at Fort Knox, Kentucky; 15Q units of student housing in a campus setting in Springfield, Missouri; student townhomes within the Motley Area Master Plan; residential planning a?Yernatives `or the City of Richfield; and 300 units of market rate apartments in Eagan, Minnesota. Mr. Keely has aiso participated in several community design workshops and plan�i�g studies, including work for the City of Anoka and the Linden Hills Neighborhood Group. 13i9>- Elness Swenson Gnl:nm A>dz�iccts !nc 3 S5 7 Name• Sharon Rebar OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CtTY HALL SAINT PAUL, M7NNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 °tt-g�c. pe�. tZ, �pf7 �c 1 � �fr /�)C v� . r� HOmeAddress: 78 E. lOth Street, Apt. 2009 St. Pau1, MN 55101 Street City Zip Telephone Number: Ylanning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: `Vhat is your occunation? Ptace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: �Iome� 298-8642 �r� 215-2210 �AX) 222-4581 17 Above Ciry Council Ward: Administrator of AQinQ Sezvices Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St. Paul & htinneapolis Advisory Committee on Aging What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which yov seek appointment? I have a master's degree in social work and a graduate certificate in QerontoloQV. For___ the past fifteen years I have been involved in assessinQ the needs of older people, developing programs to meet identified needs• and advocated for policy develooment at the state and 1oca1 levels of government At the oresent time I am em�lc,ved hv C'arh�li� Charities of the Archdiocese of St. Pau1 & M�1s. as the administrator of In this job I will be assessin�the needG of older individuals residina in St Panl an�t _ expanding and developing new grograms to meet those identified needs. � more detailed lisC of my experience is contained on mv resume canich is asoPnded __ The information included in this application is considered ¢riva[e data according to the Minnesota Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER} Rev. 8-5-97 PERSONAL 1tEF'ERENCEG Name: �►d -��� AddreSS: 1450 Pascal Street N., St. Paul, � 55108 Phone: {Eiome) 645-5067 (�Vorkl 215-2202 Name: � Susan C arter Address: 1671 Prosperity Road, St. Paul, hi�v S�lOo Phone: (FIomeL� �y��� 215-2211 Name: Melvin Giles Address: 855 Aurora Ave. St. Paul M�iI 55104 Phone: (Home) 298-1040 (`Vork� z65-5712 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: ��men I reviewed the powers and duties of the City of St. Paul`s Advisory Committee on Aoina it struck me that b� ar "cipa i�n the Committee I can make meaningful contributions to enhance the quality of life for older people living in the community. Serving on the Committee wi11 also �ive me the opportunity to become better acquainted with important issues facing the City Council as it n1 n fo Che future nee 'n a' an onor to be part of a Committee that can a�fect a etter life for older residents of the City of St. Paul. Finally, as a 58 year-o1d woman, I have a vested interest in Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? IF so, when, and the circumstances? 4;o developin� and maintainin� quality services for oider In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. x �Yhite (Caucasian) _ Biack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo blale X Femate Hispanic Asian or Pacific Is3ander Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes ho X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: 10/12/34 How did you hearaboutthisopening? Throu�n anothzr em�loyee at Catholic Charities. �t ti 9�� SI�AROi T REBAR 78 E. lUth Street Apt. 2009 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612)215-2210(w) (612)298-8642(h) RESUiYIE EDUCATTO�T: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, College of St. Benedict, St. JoseQh, Minnesota, 1962. Master of Social Work, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1987. Graduate Certificate of Gerontology, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1987. cr � q Au�gust 1, 1497 - Present Administrator of Che Division of A'g_mtr 5ervices �ATHOLIC CITARITIES 1200 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota I am responsible for administration of Division programs, development of annual budget, collaboration with other service programs within Catholic Charities and other service providers, program development and expansion, meeting accreditation standards, and staffing and personnel functions of the Division. I also provide leadership in short and long term planning and staff the Division of Aging Services Standing Committee. Julv L 1989 - 7uly 2. 1997 Executive Director CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICE 419 - 6th Srteet, CCS W ing Juneau, Alaska I was responsible for the overall direction and supervision of the program and fiscal operations of Catholic Community Service under the policy direction of the Board of Birectors. I acted as staff to the thirteen-member Board of Directors; coordinated and supervised staff; coordinated and supervised programs; coordinated and sugervised finances; coordinated and supervised resource development, public relation and volunteer activities; coordinated and supervised human resources; coordinated and supervised program development; coordinated and supervised advocacy efforts; served as liaison with Diocese of Juneau; coordinated and supervised planning; and coordinated and supervised communications. Ju�v 2. I984 - June 30. 1989 PrQ}ect Director I was responsible for the overall direction and supervision of the program and fiscal aspects of Southeast Senior Services which encompassed seve�teen senior centers, an Adult Day Caze Program, and a Case Management Program with an annual budget of $1.9 million. Major job duties included proposal cvriting; budget preparation; overseeing fiscal repoRing; program development; authorization of agreementslcontracts; staff supervision; formulation of policies and procedures; oversight of staff trainina, and representing the agency to community organizations,the State Legislature,local government and othersocialservice and health agencies. �t g-°I'1� SHARON REBAR Jul�l, 1982 - June 5. 1984 Program Director Page Two ALASKA MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES 7uneau, Alaska I was responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Homemaker Program of Alaska. These operational activities included supervision of five regional supervisors; monitored programmatic activity of each region; compiled data for monthly reports to State; conducted a semi-annual review of each region; maintained trainins center; conducted quarterly training sessions for regional staff; wrote Policv and Procedures Manual; developed and acted as staff to Homemaker Advisory Board; developed contracts; and prepared annual report to the Department of Health and Social Services. I also completed the accreditation process as outlined by the National Home Caring Council and secured provisional accreditation for the state-wide Homemaker Program. Januarv 1980 - June 15. 1981 Youth Services Coordinator Planner CITY AND BOROUGH OF JUNEAli Juneau, Alaska Reviewed, analyzed and summarized current data on youth population of Juneau; regularly assessed the needs of Juneau's youth and programs, policies and procedures affecting youth; developed the Youth Crisis Proaram; devised Requests for Proposals; wrote contracts for six youth programs; wrote proposal for Summer Youth Employment Program; monitored contracts ($400,000); provided technical assistance to CiTy-funded youth programs. Advocate Served as staff to the nine-member Youth Advisory Board and worked with them on projects; provided technical assistance to the board; acted as liaison between the board and youth groups; youth-serving agencies and City administration; represented the CityBorough in lobbying the State Legislature on youth-related issues. Educator Developed an ongoing publicity strategy to inform the public about City-funded youth services; informed youth about services and opportunities available to them; updated the Youth Services Directorv; addressed lazge audiences frequently regarding youth programs and issues; formed an education committee comprised of youth- serving professionals to augment 9th grade curriculum in the areas of values clarification, sex education, substance abuse and sexual abuse. Mav 1978 - Mav 1979 Co-owner FLAG OF ALLI�3ATI0\S Juneau, Alaska Operated a second-hand store in downtown Juneau. SHAROU REBAR December 1977 - April 1978 9g-q�� Page Three CATHOLIC COMM[JNITY SERVICE Juneau, Alaska Vallev Site Manager Managed the nutrition program for senior citizens living in the valley azea; provided support counseling services; conducted fundraising activities; and laid the groundwork for the construction of the Valley Senior Center. Aueust 1975 - June 1977 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, JUNEAli Juneau, Aiaska Associate Coordinator ( Re�onal Inctructor Coordinated workshops; devised individual staff development profiles, conducted in-service training for social workers and clerical staffemployed by the Division of Family & Youth Services; assisted the state-wide coordinator in planning and clazifying the directives of the state-wide Staff Development Program which consisted of specifying goals, objectives, deadlines for completion and developing program evaluation tools; assistedin developing and organizing a week-long conference on residentialtreatmentfor youth fortwo hundred people; and supervised the Ketchikan component of the program. AuQUSt 1969 - Aueust 1975 Volunteer I was involved in diverse activities in a number of communities throughout the United States. These activities included setting up a day care center in Somerset, Kentucky; tutoring disabled children; substitute teaching; headstart work; serving as board member on the San Carlos Library Board, San Carlos, Arizona, while administratively operating the library for the San Cartos Apache Tribe. June 1468 - Au?ust 1969 Headstart Social Worker TRI-CAP Juneau, Alaska Recruited and screened headstart applicants; counseled with pazents; and acted as medical coordinator. October 1966 - March 1968 DIVISION OF PUBLIC WELFARE Department of Health & Social Services Juneau, Alaska Child Welfare Worker Carried a AFDC caseload, investigated child abuse cases, completed foster home studies and licensed day care homes. The larter three months of employment I worked on the Work Experience Training Program setting up on-the job training experiences for unemployed AFDC parents throughout Southeast Alaska. SHAROU REBAR October 1964 - June 1965 Caseworker II Honolulu, Hawaii Worked with racial minorities in rural Oahu processing applications and carrying a generic caseload. Februarv 1963 - September 1964 Caseworker I HUBBARD COUNTY WELFARE DEPARTMENT Pazk Rapids, Minnesota Processed application for the categoricai programs and provided casework services to a generic caseload. Investigated prospective foster and adoptive homes and completed studies. FORNIER AND CURRENT BOARD AND ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIP: City and Borough of Juneau Mental Health Committee National Association of Social Workers-Alaska Chapter Treasurer National Council on the Aging American Society of Aging Catholic Charities USA's Commission on Aging League of Women Voter's �8 -q'�4 Page Four HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE Revised 10/7/97 / / � :c iG�_j S�Irl7 Fi,UL 11FYu�'S J�FICt 61� cb: 3.13 �P.��%�6 PERSOrAL. RFFEREiYCES �� � .e: GLV — ft�,f l�� ( �T `�'I �Vr.e, -Fy i �.v7C .ddress: ���� (�' — . OG(, 1�/dI� 51028 Phone: lAome) _���' �p (O v� -7 (�'4TI{� :r'An7t: � Address: Phone; j$am�l �� �- Co c`Z 3� (�yn�s -"'j'7 �O Name: Address: • Phone: B�� (Wnrk '� 0 — g Sl9 ReAsons for your interest In th(s pnrtScular commiftee: _ J/�/btiLl G� p �'OY1 c.tK, ,�! �,vl `�it� re�V Cl�n -�' f Yl � YVIn �f wt �- �e2c� � a_C�f�.� ��l'� 7�vG(S � F � � e��r, {Qya-v� , r _ _ In an Rttempt to enjure that committee representstion mflett� the makeup of our commuuity, pleas� check the line applicable to you. This information is stricUy voluntary. � WLitt (CsUCASis�n) Efack {African American} _ Americsn Indizn or Alaskan EskImo Male DisAbled: �S'es /` Female No x I( speu�l Auommodstions Are needed, pleasa specify: Huw did you 6err about this opening? ��EZ�Q,h A;spanic Asian or PaciFc Islander Date af Birth: �y� of -1�-�Z FTxvo you had prRVio�s contsct wit5 the committen for which you are making application? If so, when, and the tircumsisnces? ` le � L_ �� f^ J �! Qt,Ci(iT (S7�Q VV1�� ✓1/l1 G��'t� ' ' ' �2 :2�52 ��L� ,�,5"_C� Name: e-� �� Home Address: a O ST PAU� MqY4R'S OFFICE OFFICE OF TSE MAYOR 390 CITi' AAi.T SAIlVT PATJT., M�iNESOTA 55202 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 VI I �►N 5�� oa C1ty Telephone Number; Pixnning District Council: City Couecil Ward: PrcfcrredMailingAddress: �dm2� � Wh�t is your occupntlon? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: uP�l1 What skills, fraininE or eaperien�e do you posses� fbr the committee(s) far which you seek appointment2 " T V� �Ct��JV CC�'� UYl �'!1'Vl Ul f`� �1,W1 1(�,2.CL,Q �lC`,�C P, °Fi�-�' �'-�.Y1 � C� t�u.rx� �rC�.i 5 er `i�2, �c�Q J0.�'i o� i -E-�-e 612 260 8513 P.02i02 ��.��� 0 'r-e S�� 2 S I Y� 4� GE�` S t S -- -"- ���2 Sci�. • k�-r vv� c�1 i� C;1�2.� C4 a� �x -9--- v��P.,n. ��� � - - I �/tCc 0 i P-C� SU1,�.rC�, -�-csY' S2Y� ; C.Tr� The faformatioe included In this appllcatton u considertd privata daea sccording fn the 1�IinArsota Governmant llata pr,�etices Act. As a resutt, this informat[nn is not rele�sed to the gtneral public. Zip LHnmtl � ��J� (P'AX)�30 {OVER) Rev. 8-5-9� 1! �_ �cr-1�.- c�c Juiv �u�lr iu: OCi-05-1998 11�45 Namr. 'C��_ us� Addres�: Phane: Name: �O� Address: Pfione: S 1 � Name: Address: Phone: ..rcc rc„� 612 2b6 H513 P_03i@3 �� � qY' 57 PRUL 11AYOR'S OFFICE _ . a ; . _ Reasons for your interest ia thle particular committee: �-�' �'�-""� � S'�"�-u� Have you had pcev;ous eontact wlth the committec Por whlch you arc making application? If so, wben, and tht c3ccumetances? I i��c _ � w«� �.c.n n ° � ce��� c tiVte�-��._ �.�Xo� �'-~'�� �-��`'�^'�-Q In an attempt to ura that commlttee representation reRects tha makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This infor[nation is stricUy voluntary. � White (Caueasiaa) Black (AM�xu Atnerican) Amer9csn Tndlan or A18slcen Eskimo Male Df�abled: Yd �% Female _ No � If special acwmmodations are needed, plea9e specify: How did you hear about this openingY FIispan;c Asian or Paclfic Is�ander Dau of Birth• ,_��� , �� � ��r eJC 7�.,ir G�J:lr it�: ..roc rUc ' "'OCT-05-2998 11'45 ST PRUL MAYOR'S OFFtCE • OFF7CE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALI, SAIN'T PAUL, MINN&SOTA SS102 Phone: 266-SS23 FAX: 266-8313 Name: Home� �7I�CCL Telephone Nvmber. Planning blsirict Councii: Preferred Mailiag Addresa: W4at is your occupatlon? Plaee of Employment: Committee{s) Applied For: 512 266 6513 P.0?�0� qa .9�c� ��� �� ) y A � 1SnmrJ nr � �� ` -- .. jF�J City Council Ward: ;s V rSlUd� �5' -� a�� lM.,� 5> i i� C (Z� Qrn�4w��� sc�n1 �tea1��, �Ornmuw Nn�� � liki, r�.v What skllls, training or experlence do you possess for the commlttee(s) for which you seek appo�ntment? ��r�.�p c�U O r��e CQ �C dl. �� �-lC QY 5 C�-. �6 u�.�.��t �' G r 1 N) 'The iniormatioa lncludtd in thls applieation Is considered private data accordinE to the Minnesota Government Datn Practices Act. As a result, this information is not releascd to the general pnb�ic. (0 VER) Rev. 8-5-9 % `� ,'3 3 3 $ E��� m O??1Ci U:' 'i�i: Y�sYUri 390 CITY hAI,L SAINT PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA 55102 . 266-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 �r -�� ,�c�oQ� � / �� 7 9 g V tvase: _���-�I(i � VVit ��77%'1 - jb�'3 �/i ci��si/!c 13o�e Address: �� , � �", � ��� �J(C ' ,Sf'� 7�c� � - SSID3' =�S Street 6 ��_ �,�� citp Zio Telephone tviv-iber: CHo�e) ��ti (Aork) � ?� - � S" �`f' (�=�) �77 - � 53�- Planning District Co�ci1: �U Citp Council 17ard: = P=e£er=ed 2iailing Add=ess: ��'iT' L�G .,,��iLK�Tn S'} S�{ (�i:�� � !�(N �5 �G% SThat is your occnpation? T7`SS (�i} . Flace of F�ploy i 7 l ''� �� � fi r � n �k l �� �.�' �:,, -- , � � .%lltu�"c- �• �Ci�( �-_ �l�- cZ t� (i�r c � •'e'�.J�i'�CS�i,1r, Co�ittee(s) Applied For: Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess for the co�ittee(s) £or vnicn qou se_k appointment? ^ Se� ra+�-nr l���X g The infotsztion included i.n this znolication is considered privzte data accorcir.g to �ne Hir.nesota Govezner.t Data Practices Act. As a result, this infor+�ztion is not relezszc to the general public. (OV�R) po,_ 2;28/90 tiame:_ i1Y �?.Y)P 2[�I.C� � Id1 re!''�Y -{�� l�p � '�� Add=ess: ������ JQc�S�I'"1 �S� I � �Q(.l� i �/VT!\� ` �S t D � � - - , - � ��' ' : c '� '1, / ,—� ` Phone: �tHome) '`�J Ur - n�j 3?j CWork) ��' -a Sa 3 Nane: ' �i��Y'LihL�,¢�{' �G�O Tj-Z�ill[L Dr (y0'�Bh �tG�(I�y - / Address: �SDS �,�UV�"h-y �U1� �V�`VL �0(dfih VCt�j2C /�!N 5�j�27 Phone: (Hoae) G Zp - 351 S (L7ork) 'j L{-S d�-),(� Piame:_ /V�Gtvy I�Vr�ll Yres. O�t2�vy�viv5 �:v�c 1 ' Address: �(p(n� �roe �av�wa.i.� S ��u I G�-!�V SSl/6 Phone: CHoae) ��?�� � � J'�f'j (GTorkl 50.vnG Reasons £or your interest in this particular cosmittee: Se e Q�G2('�2GC Have you had previous contact vith the committee Por vhich you are making application. 2£ so, chen, and circumstances? � In an attempt to ensvre that committee representation reflects the makeup o£ our communitp, please check the li.ne applicable to you. This in£oz�ation is strictly volunta=p. ' � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Slack (African Aaerican) Asian or Yacific Islander Aserican Indian or Alaskan Eskino Yale �(_ Feaale Date of Birth: 3 � 9 D3sabled: Yes No ' X If special accor.modations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? Ne�vs �e1�ec�� ��.q�1c. Julie A. Walton 1603 Sherburne Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 (651) 644-671� SUMMARY Gerontologist with knowledge and expertise in the azeas of volunteer actmiiustration, health care, community-based programs, marketing, senior housing, public relations, advocacy, real estate, and su�portive services. A business and admutistrative professional with effective supervisory and leadership skills. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Retired and Senior Votunteer Program (RSVP) , St. Paul, MN 7/97 to Present Assistant Director �Assist with the administxation of the program in conjunction with the Executive Director. -Supervise staff, interns, and office voIunteers. -Adnvnister program providing recruitment, selection, orientation, placement and support of 1100 senior volunteers in over 300 non-profit community agencies. -Conduct site visits to negotiate cost-sharntg agreements with 150 community agencies for cash or in-kind program support. -Develop partnerships with other community-based prograxns and service providers. -Maintain computerized volunteer job bank system and program statistics. -Write and develop promotional and special project materials including brochures, public service announcements, press releases, annual report and monthly newsletter. -Provide technical assistance to community organizations and corporations on volunteer admixiistration and program development. -Serve as staff representative of Advisory Council, Recognition, Marketing, Plaruling, and Nomutating/Evaluation Committees. -Represent RSVP's interests at various community meetings. -Solicit and secure funding resources for special events and projects. �Develop, coordinate, and implement annual volunteer recognition event for 700 guests. RE/MAX S White Bear Lake, MN Real Estate Salesperson Trevilla of Golden Valley, Golden Valley, MN Special Services Coordinator Rainbow Foods, St. Paul, MN Bookkeeper/Cashier Catholic Charities, St. Paul, MN Volunteer Ramsey County Respite Program Minnesota Senior Federation - Metro Region, St. Paul, MN Intern Community Organizex Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Paul, MN Intern Admissions/Staff Development 8198 to Present 1/96 to 7/97 7/89 to 8/97 1991 to 1995 1995 1991 � .q� Julie A. Walton page 2 EDUCATION St. Cloud State Uniaersity, St. Cloud, MN Master of Science Degree Major: Gerontology CotIege of St. Catherine, St. Paul, IvII�i Bachelor of Arts Degree Major: Psychology Prosource Educationat Seraices, St. Paul, MN Minnesota Real Estate Salesperson PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP ACTIVITIES Minnesota Gerontological Society Research, Education and Practice Committee CwChau Minnesofa Council of Directors of Heaith Care Voiunfeers North Suburban Gavel Assoaatzon Directors of Volunteers fhroughout Dakota County Ailiance for Readin Minnesota Senior Service Corps Associafion Good Age Newspaper Editorial Board Member Salvation Army - St. Paul Chap Advisory Council Dakota County Senior Network Surnmit-University Volunteer Coordinators Network 1995 iCG'l•SI ... 1993 to 1997 1996 and 1997 1996 to 1997 1997to Present 1997to Present 1997to Present 1997to Present 1997 to Present 1997 to Present 1998 1998 GREATER ST. PAUL RETII2ED AND SErTIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM •� -��` 640 Jackson St St Paul, hiinnesota 55101 Phone (612) 221-2820 Fa�c (612) 221-2836 What skills/training or e�perience do you possess for the comrrzittee for which you seek appointment? I am a Gerontologist with experience and expertise in the areas of volunteer management, advocacy, intergenerational programming, community organizing, research, supportive services for seniors, supervision, marketing, writing and editing. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the College of St. Catherme and a Master of Science degree in Gerontology from St. Cloud State University. I have had internships at Little Sisters of the PooY and the Minnesota Senior Federation. I was a volunteer for Catholic Charities' Ramsey County Respite Program as a local coordinator for four years. I was employed with a large health care facility where I managed a successful volunteer program and edited a quarterly newsletter. Currently, I am employed as Assistant Director with the Greater St. Paul Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). My duties include interviewing, assessing, and �lacing volunteers in over 400 government and nonprofit orgamzations; conductmg annual site visits; developing, coordinating and implementing an annual recognition event; orienting new station supervisors; screening, establishing and orientmg new volunteer stations; developing general promotional and special projects materials including brochures and a monthly newsletter; recruiting volunteers through the media and various activities; serving as staff representative on the RSVP Advisory Council, Recognition, Marketing and Planning Committees; supervising the Program Coordinators for various intergenerational programs; and servmg as a resource and referral specialist for hundreds of volunteer managers. I am a member of the Minnesota Gerontological Society where I serve on two committees - the Executive Committee and the Awards, Research and Practice Committee. I Co- Chair the later. I am also a member of several other groups whose interests pertain to volunteer administration and/or to seniors. Reasons for your interest i� this particular committee: I am a long-term resident of St. Paul and a person with an avid interest in the well being of seniors. I would be proud to serve on this committee so that I may join others to improve the quality of life for St. Paul's older population. I would like to use my knowledge of intergenerational programming to improve the number and impact of intergenerational programs throughout the city of St. Paul. I would also like to join the committee's efforts to promote public understanding of the invaluable contributions of seniors. Through my wark with RSVP I know first hand the extraordinary significance of seniors' contributions. In 1996, RSVP Volunteers in the East Metro Area donated 171,758 hours of service valued at over $2 million! I strongly agree with Mayor Coleman's belief that St. Paul's elderly residents are a great asset to our city and for that reason it would be an honor to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging. Thank you. A program sponsored by the Corporatioa for Natlonal and Commvaity Sexvice. Minneso[a Board on Aging and St. Paul-Ramsey Medlcai Center , ��� � Name: HomeA Telephone Number: Planning District Council: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 City Council `Vard: Pre4erred Mailing A�Idress: � S �- �n v'E-' What is your occupation? „✓�� �/� /2 � �` Place of Employment: °� Committee(s) Applied For: What skil►s, training / o ` r experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 1 �� X� Yl in �` �,'f� ��c.GE6��` E�"r c cc,e ;<�, r� i S 'fr-i '�/ri� C r C CLGZ `� �� rE��.�, � S J4� /t( ul�Si l�/l, !%' � LZ$ tL JTff}y lSlt � �'�-n ,(� !�E'C�n1��t., f :���� ?2�'e�`ovC d� �i� �DS,`�`�' �i`� , n m����; s���� � . ,n �i��� ��� [Lh.r� r`,t7G• <c �,'n �I �-'rl o�:c1/c°a�r c� � T�( I��n<<��c�' �'4/1� ��is��m5, '�JS I`�YJl�/ �! ��� e �EE'tE�S G�� P.�7 7'7� E E( lt"FILCc, OC,�LLf LLi�i'/i'--�'1 - The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. i�ECEiVE6 �G,q�( 0 �EB 24 199� :viAYOR'S OFFtCE (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 Street City Zip Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Reasons for your interest in this pnrticuinr committee: ��i R �' ��� i!�'rr'�F� � � LL y� U N � Have you had previous contact with the committee for whic6 you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? , , , , , � � In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the ]ine applicable to yoa. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male Disabled: Yes X Female No X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: How did you hear about this opening? ���'� ��%l�'`� i�' — PERSONAL REFERENCES jHome) �Vorkl � Z � — J��� � (Fiome) ���%- S��G (Work) r, a�-q�� 10-15-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM2�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS 003111 Bannigan, Brendan 2020 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 644-0353 Program Administrator Janet Wilebski 2150 Fairmont Ave., 55105 w) 224-3781 Ray Faricy 2225 Summit Ave., 55105 h) 645-7499 w) 297-8484 Vickie Dzieweczynski 2013 Selby Ave., 55104 h) 644-7724 w) 232-3323 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -----"-- --- --- --- 11/30/95 W M 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 02/20/98 W F Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 � 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: _____________________________________________{____.._____ 2-20-98 References £or Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca FIoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003158 Carlson, Ecland E. 1923 Crown Point Drive Mendota Hghts., MN 551184206 Home ^ 452-2800 Retired Lutheran Pastor ��-q�G 06(11(96 W M Y Rev_ Dick and Betty Borgstrom 6791 Jenny Lane Woodbury h) 735-1925 10-15-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT I�"��� PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Rev. David Hughes 6730 Clinton Ave. So. h) 866-7830 Clarence Magnuson 13963 Tomahawk Drive Afton, MN h) 436-5578 w) 724-3691 Eldon Brustuen 2935 Galtier St. Roseville h) 483-4047 003446 Clark, Bonnie Jean Senior Housing, Inc. Work - 617-7842 Director Senior Housing, Inc. 8 3-16-98 Advisory Committee on Aging: Jean Greener Ex. Director Senior Resoutces 2�21 E. Hennepin Avenue Mpls., MN 55413 w) 617-7813 Suzy Hammell Sr. Housing Bd. President 1425 W. 28th Kenwood Isles Mp1s., 55408 h) 871-6877 Dr. Evelyn Franklin 240 McNeal Aall Dept. DHA U of MN h) 631-2083 Retired Professor from U of MN 003181 Cook, Teresia (Teri) Dayton's Blu£f Senior Center 235 Maria Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Work - 771-6887 FAX 7743510 Senior Center Director 7 4 03/16/98 W F 06/10/96 W F �g -��� 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/01�94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS Don Kjorness 847 E. 4th St. Paul h) 771-7721 Dino Guerin Saint Paul Councilmember 266-8670 Arthur Anderson w) 290-8670 003386 Cvinar, Stephen E. #4 476 Brimhall Street St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 696-9050 Human Resources Consultant 2-20-98 ACOA & Neighborhood Network: Bob Lind 5631 Clinton Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55419 Bob Liesenfeld 1230 Bryant Ave. So. St. Pau1, MN h) 457-5397 Jay Blake 4032 Aldrich Ave Mpls., 55409 h) 825-4707 S. 55075 S. 003189 Heuer, Eunice Johnson Lyngblomsten 1415 Almond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Work - 647-4686 Registered Nurse/Health Coord Gay Bartholic 1875 Hampshire, 55116 h) 698-5112 w) 333-0111 (part-time) PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 02/20/98 W M 06/11/96 W F Elizabeth Ekholm 1415 Almond Ave., 55108 > 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aqing FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 qg�q�t� PAGE 5 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COZII�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- w) 646-2941 Pastor Paul Harris Como Park Lutheran Church 1376 W. Hoyt, 55105 w) 646-7127 002161 Hilton, Maureen 456 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 225-8541 Real Estate Broker Monica Lenox 1052 Lincoln H) 293-0769 Missie Weiss 1456 Bayliss H) 641-0449 Virginia Stucky 2 16 ------------------------- 10-18-96 Advisory Commtitee on Aging Shannon (cannot read last name) Kenwood Parkway h) 291-8910 Harry Walsh 456 Summit h) 224-0512 Karen Wilson Laurel h) 641-1855 003330 Johnson, Miiford E. 2 17 #101 178 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 771-8355 Retired Lester Collins 10/18/96 W F 09/02/97 U M Y � �'g -q't� 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : ACOA AdvisOry COmmittee On Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Wright Building, Suite 420 2233 University Ave. h) 291-1631 w) 642-0811 Paul Norman, Friend h) 731-4749 Tyrone Terrill Human Rights Director 266-8964 Rev. Bill Smith 1014 30th Ave. N. h) and w) same: 522-0249 003480 Keely, Peter #700 700 Third Street South Minneapolis, Mn 55415 Work - 373-4681 Architect 9-8-98 ACOA Sally Staggert 1925 Norfolk Ave., 55116-2699 Khosrow Rezai 700 Third St. So. Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 373-4629 David Graham 700 3rd St. S. Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 373-4623 003121 Kuhlman, Barbara 8560 Magnolia Trail, #332 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Home - 947-9438 09/08/98 W M O1/02/96 W F M.J. Patrick-Cabrera 5605 Albert Street �� -911, 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 01�01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt4ENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 755-0954 w) 348-9644 Jean Searls 5601 Eden Prairie Road Minnetonka, MN h) 933-3348 w) 934-4328 Mike Metzler Walker Place 3701 Bryant Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55409 w) 827-8501 001641 Lapidos, Morris 1077 Sibley Hwy #406 Saint Paul, MN 55118 Home - 452-7079 Retired Rabbi Morris Allen (Beth Jacob Congregation) 1179 Hwy. 110 Mendota Hgts. w) 452-2226 Burt Garr Ex. Director St. Paul Jewish Community Center w) 698-0751 Charlotte Mitau Price (past member of Bd. of Education) 1077 Sibley Awy. h) 452-7095 003468 Moy, Doris A. # 549 401 Sibley Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55101 Eiome - (651)290-0957 Retired-FOrmerly Records Clerk 12/07/95 W M 08/14/98 W F E11en Morrow °IY-a 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Frank Alden Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Dave Jacobson Metro Mobility W) 602-1653 or 636-5000 003029 Nyhus, Art 824 Lake Street St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 735-1364 Retired William Buerkle 3350 N. Highway 61 St. Paul, MN 55110 W) 454-0231 Bernard Ranweiler 830 Lake Street St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 738-7321 Glenn Peterson 820 Lake Street St. PAul, MN 55119 H) 735-2160 003018 Pappenfus, Mabel # 1606 1181 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, MN 55105-2837 Home - 695-0354 Retired Teacher 4 08/02/95 W M 07/20/95 W F Pastor Scott Larson 490 Penn Street Foley, MN 56329 q$ -9� � 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COM2�NT5 H) 965-6812 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Gene and Mary Agnes 8185 Ronneby Road NE Foley, MN H) 968-7535 Robert Cavanna 3335 St. Germain Street W. St. Cloud, MN 56301 H) 259-5456 003033 Pentecost, Carol 1044 Orange Avenue E. St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-0862 Self-Employed/Publisher She11y Evans 375 O'Day Lane Maplewood, MN 55119 H) 739-3530 Steven DeBernardi Community Services 161 N. Concord Street A) 776-0862 chris McClure 3976 Mackubin St. Shoreview, MN 55126 H) 490-9873 003357 Rebar, Sharon Apt. 2009 78 E. lOth Street St. Paul� MN 55101 Home - 298-8642 Administrator Aging Services 6 5 2 17 08/09/95 W F 12/12/97 W F Frank Forsberg 1450 Pascal St. N. St. Paul, MN 55108 h) 645-5067 w) 215-2202 �fd 10-15-98 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMh�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Susan Carter 1671 Prosperity Road St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 776-6740 w) 215-2211 Melvin Ci2es 855 Aurora Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 h) 298-1040 w) 265-5712 003229 Reed, He1en Doris 1561 North Western St. Pau1, MN 55117 Home - 489-1540 Public Health Nurse � 0 10/31/96 U F Mrs. Willie Mae Wilson, C.E.O. St. Pau1 Urban League 168 N. Lexington Pkwy. h) 645-1176 w) 224-5771 Dr. Rodney England 785 Ridge St. St. Pau1, MN 55116 h) 698-4628 w) 232-4200 Dr. Richard Tyler 4034 Blaisdell Ave. So. Mpls., MN 55409 h) 827-7769 w) 642-0021 003465 Schendel, Ke11y Apt. B 207 Virginia Street St. Paul, MN 55102 1 08/OS/98 W F Home - 227-3177 fax730-6165 Fundraiser Mary Gayle Fontaine 6746 Gretchen Court North Oakdale, Minnesota 55128 h: 777-6624 Don Larson h: 770-6238 w: 777-7700 0��.9�� 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE ll COMMZTTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Tom Fabel Deputy Mayor w: 266-8519 003509 Staggert, Sally Dir./Franciscan Health Comm. 10-5-98 Advisory Committee on Aging Mary Jane Thompson (h) (612) 559-1028 Joseph Stanislav (h) 651 698-9256 w) 612 696-8401 Mary Youle Suite 3505 2550 University Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55114-1900 w) 651 645-4545 003396 Tierney, Michael P. 2181 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 612 266-8525 V.P./Dir. of Engineering 15 10/OS/98 W F 03/03/98 W M 3-3-98 ACOA & RRDC Robert Knutson, Jr. 1648 Beechwood Ave. h) 690-9090 w) 229-6000 Larry King 5 Beebe Ave. hj 450-7479 w0 651-0011 Dan Titcomb 761 Goodrich Avenue h) 227-2493 w) 378-1800 003338 Walton, Ju1ie A. The Greater St. Paul Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Work - 221-2824 FAX 2212836 Asst Dir Senior Citizen Prog. 09/08/97 W F 9-8-97 ACOA Arlene Cepu11 RSVP Director � q�'��G 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 12 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTEiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ----°-- --- --- --- 640 Jackson Street, 55101 h) 456-0933 w) 221-2823 Rita Franchett c/o Trevilla of Golden Valley 7505 Country Club Drive Golden Va11ey, MN 55427 h) 920-3515 w) 545-0416 Mary Tyrrell Presient, Memoirs, Inc. 1669 Ford Parkway St. Pau1, MN 55116 h) 698-1155 w) same 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. #1910 66 E. 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-6349 Retired Vocational Counselor Mary Lynn Sabo Citi Walk 66 E. 9th St., 55101 w) 221-0298 Rich Detmers 701 Dorland Rd. Maplewood, MN 55119 h) 578-9067 Sheryl Lee 1344 Colby Ave., 55116 h) 699-4325 3-9-98 MACAP Richard Carter 1957 Larpenteur Ave. W. Falcon Hgts., MN 55113 h) 647-9517 Rhonda Thai 5350 Greystone Drive, #103 Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h) 455-2569 2 17 06/03/96 W F Y Sharon Powell c�g -q� � PAGE 13 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMHITTEE : ACOA Advisory Cosmittee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 437 W. Co. Rd. C. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 482-1773 w) 449-2260 003187 Winters-Bruce, Gertrude #1611 1181 Edgcumbe Road St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 699-8409 Retired Teacher/Volunteer Norma Seashore 364 Christine Lane West St. Paul, 55118 h) 457-1808 John Geisler 1129 Edgcumbe Rd., 55105 William Randall 1944 Goodrich Ave., 55105 h) 698-6857 003418 Wollschlager, Dana Presbyterian Homes of MN Central Towers Senior Community 20 E. Exchange St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 215-4540 Housing Director 3-5-98 Adv. Com. on Aging Mary Nelson 003374 Zeller, Dolores M. 4921 Johnson Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Home - 429-1436 Retired Karen Wierenga 2000 White Bear Ave. 3 14 06/11/96 W F 03/OS/98 W F 02/24/98 W F 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT a�-q�c. PAGE 14 COMMZTTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) Maplewood, 55109 w) 777-7486 Fran Laufle 640 Jackson St. St. Paul w) 221-3456 Arthur Pew 2515 Manitou Island White Bear Lake, 55110 h) 429-5806 0 R#G�NAL Council File # ��o Crreen Sheet # J� �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL,IVIINNF.SOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i 2 3 4 5 6 � a 9 io 11 12 13 ia I REAPPOINTMENTS Sister Mary Frances Benz Mark Flahavan Dennis Gerhardstein Harold Hebl Nicole Otto Dean Lemke Steven Sarrazin Richard Taylor Jamie Warndahl APPOINTMENTS Peter Keely Kelly Schendel Sharon Rebar Sally Staggert Julie Walton Dolores Zeller is le Each of the above individuals shall serve a two-yeaz term which will expire on November 30, l� 2000. is 19 2 0 Requested by Department o£: By: Adopted by Council: Date �}�'� � �� Adoption Certified by Council Secxetary By: AppY By: RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTE ON AGING. Form Approved by City Attorney o... 17��..�bJL`l�e..Asi_. fn,s.f��is Mayor Coleman's 0££ice � 10-15-98 GREEN SHEET :qVTACT PER$ON 8 PHONE INITIA VDAT'c — � DE7ARTMENT DIRECTOR Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN � CITYATfOFNEV 0U5T BE ON COUNqL AGEN�0. 8Y (DATE) NUMBER fOR O BUDGET DIRECiOF POUTING OPDER rl"i MAVOH (OR ASSISTANn ,_, TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) N°_ 5234? �$�9'lG INRIAUOATE (� 7 CITYCOUNQI la_� � CITY CLERK O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. 0 Approval of resolution appointing Peter Reely, Kelly Schendel, Sharon Rebar, Sally Staggert, Julie Walton, Dolores Ze11er and reappointing Sister Mary Frances Benz, Mark Flahavan, Dennis Gerhardstein> Harold Hebl, Nicole Otto, Dean Lemke, Steven Sarrazin, Richard 2aylor and T�mie 4T�vnAnh"S fr� c.eve�i. .�..� 1-1..� MA4f1D�C ATOTC/1DV (V1TRI.FTTTL'O IITT Al�TTT/� � W _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ ( __ GIB COMMT'EE _ _ _ STAFF _ . _ DlSTRICTGOUftT _ , $UVPORTS WHICH CAUNCiI O&IECTIVE? INITIATINfi PROBLEM. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this personfiirm euer wmketl untle� a contrad frn this depanment? YES NO 2. Has [hts pewon/firm ever been a city em0loYee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNiirtn possess a Skill nat normaliy possassetl by arry cutteM city employee? YES NO Explain ail yes answars on separete aheet and attaeh to green sheet �Y). �' APPROVEO. a�*�a:;`..�9 �"K�Jn; �f^',�i�( ��� � � a��� 'AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUOGETEU (CIRCLE �NE) YES NO Ip{fiG SOURCE AC71Y{TY NUMBER NCIAL INfORb3ASiON. (EXPIA�N) � ���v Name: Peter OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 265-8525 FAX: 266-&513 r -9'K. G " r �' b i�� � � Home Address: 4F48 Oakland Ave So Minneapolis 1�PiI 55407 Sfreet City Zip Teiephone 1V`umber: Planning Aistrict Council: (Home) $27-57RR (�Vork� �� �_3�3-4681 {FAXI 339-5382 City Council �Vard: Preferred li'Iailing Address: 700 Third Street South �/700 Minneapolis, MN 55415 What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Architect Elness Swenson Graham Architects Inc. Mayors Advisory Committee on Aging `Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s} for which you seek appointment? See attached The information included in this application is considered private data according to the lYlinttesota Government Data Practices Act As a resutt, this information is not released to the genera] pnblic. (OVER) Rev. 8-�-97 PERSONAL RF,FERFN(' Name: Sa11y Staggert q� "`�� Address: 1925 Norfolk Ave., St. Paul, � 5511b-2649 Phone: Name: Khosrow Rezai Address: �00 Third Street South, Phone: Name: David Graham Address: �0 0 3rd St. So. Minneapolis, M� 55415 Phone: (Homel Vor �l 612-373-4623 Reasons for your interesY in this particular committee: I am interested in this committee because I think it is a fundamental need of our communitv to suo�ort our agine pg�ulatqnn_ I would like to be able to use my skills and knowledae ta help address this need. I am also interested personally in developinQ mv knowledee base of the issues to help in mv own work. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making app]ication? Tf so, when, and the circumstances? No previous contact. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line appticable to yoa. This informaYion is strictly voluntary. x �Vhite (Caucas'san} Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Esl;imo X Dlale Disabled: Y'es Female No X Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: February 8, 1965 If special accommodations are needed, please specify: tione How did you hear aboui this opening? Recommended through sa1 1Homel �Vorkl b96-8420 A�N 55415 IHomel (�Vork) 612-373-4629 Franscican Heale: Ce c��-9'1 � I have been working in the azea of senior housing, as an azchitect for the last ten years. Over this time I have developed a solid understanding of the issues involved in housing our senior population. I personally have been involved in planning and design in many different projects in Minnesota and severai states. I also draw on the resources of my colleagues in the office who, combined have worked on over 100 projects in thirty-five states. The projects cover a range of care types, from independent and congregate living, to assisted Iiving, and memory loss facilities. The size has ranged from the redevelopment of a single house foz eighteen people, to the planning of continuum care facilities. Through my professional experience, I have developed a variety of experiences that have educated me in the needs of our senior population. I have also leamed a great deai of information on particular aspzcts of programs, reguiations, and services frcr. sta te to state Through the designs of particular residences, I have encountered many of the social aspects of how seniors live, and what is beneficial to their daily lives, both in terms of physical needs and sociai aspects. I have drawn upon my creativity to solve many issues in regards to the best ways to organize people and services to meet the needs of seniors. My understanding of issues involvang seniors, has been developed through consultation with many types of owners, agencies and health proo�iders. This diversity of working with different viewpoints, both locally and regionally, has given me a wealth of knowledge into varied approacbes. °�9 -9�� PET'ER J. BF.ELY, AIA Associate EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONSI APPII,IATIONS Master oi Architecture, University of Califomia, Berkeley Bachelor of Architecture, Universiry of Minnesota Minnesota Regis[ration American Institute of Architects Minnesota Society of Architects nWnRDS 1995 EFCO Drury National Design Competition Winne; 1994 MNAIA Honor Award - Theatre de la Jeune Lune 1993 HRC Adaptive Reuse Project of the Year - Theatre de la Jeune Lune 1993 CUE Award EXPER7FNCE Since joining Elness Swenson Graham Architects Inc., in 1986, Mr. Keely has been involved in all aspects of design, pianning, construction documentation and observation. He has participated in a range of projects specializing in housing including senior housing, student and multi-family housing. SE1viOR HoUSING Mr. Keely has extensive experience in the design and construction of many senior housing projects. Mr. Keely has fultilled the role of project designer, project architect, and project manager on independent and assisted living projects ranging from 12 units to 150 u�its. Mr. Keely has been involved in the design and devetopment of new concepts, as weil as working to perfect existing concepts in projects in Minnesota and throughout the U.S. Mr. Keely's work includes independe�t living complexes for the Dakota County, Plymouth, and Southeast Minnesota HRA's. These projects include 40 units at Qrchard Park, Apple Valley, MN; 66 units i� Twc phases a; Eay a Ridce, 9urnsvitfz, A1N; 65 uni's a! Oak 1Noods, Eagan, MN; 99 units at Plymouth Towne Square, Plymouth, MN; and 16 senior townhomeslcottages in Lewiston, MN. RESIDENTIAL DESIGN Mr. Keely is currently involved in the design of an assisted and independent living project that consists of 150 units in two linked buildings, Iocated in Henderson, NV. In addition, he has designed 150 units of assisted and independent iiving at the Christian Living Center, Littleton, CO; 99 units at Rosewood Estates Highiand Park and Berlin; and the Hear[hside Protorype. Mr. Keely has extensive experience in design construction of market rate, affordable and luxury housing. These projects cover a wide range o( market types aad scafes of projects, from 12 unrts 1z � 9 �""" F.(naz Swercsan Gra(aan� Ard�itu¢ In. m �g-q�G PEZFR J. HEELY, AIA Page ? of affordable family townhomes in Lewiston, MN [0 750 units of student housing. Mr. Kee1y's experience incfudes working with many ownership groups and a variety of sites, and he approaches each project as a unique opportunity. Mr. Keely's projects include 40 units of market rate condominiums in Long Lake, MN; 80 units of luxury apartments and condominiums in Appleton, WI; Laurel Village mixed-use commercial and residential; Trinity Square, ucban infili townhomes; Eliot Park apartment renovations; and Southeast Minnesota senior and family townhomes. STLTDE1vT HOUSING Mr. Keely has been involved on many student housing projecis, including a National Design Competition winner at Drury Col{ege in Springfield, Missouri. These 150 units of housing and common spaces provide for today's student needs in four diverse types of housing. These walk-up apartments blend coflege living with the historic residentiaV neighborhood, Mr. Keely's current work includes graduate and professional student housing for Dinnaken Properties at the University of Minnesota, construction observation of continuing phases of Drury College, and master planning and capacity studies for sites at the University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. MASTER Pi,ANNING Mr. Keely has 6een involved in the master planning for several projecis and has designed specific buildings within the scope of the overall master plan. These projects include new and renovated housing units for The Lowry Air Force Base Redevelopment in Denver, Colorado; 150 housing units and community center at Fort Knox, Kentucky; 15Q units of student housing in a campus setting in Springfield, Missouri; student townhomes within the Motley Area Master Plan; residential planning a?Yernatives `or the City of Richfield; and 300 units of market rate apartments in Eagan, Minnesota. Mr. Keely has aiso participated in several community design workshops and plan�i�g studies, including work for the City of Anoka and the Linden Hills Neighborhood Group. 13i9>- Elness Swenson Gnl:nm A>dz�iccts !nc 3 S5 7 Name• Sharon Rebar OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CtTY HALL SAINT PAUL, M7NNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 °tt-g�c. pe�. tZ, �pf7 �c 1 � �fr /�)C v� . r� HOmeAddress: 78 E. lOth Street, Apt. 2009 St. Pau1, MN 55101 Street City Zip Telephone Number: Ylanning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: `Vhat is your occunation? Ptace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: �Iome� 298-8642 �r� 215-2210 �AX) 222-4581 17 Above Ciry Council Ward: Administrator of AQinQ Sezvices Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St. Paul & htinneapolis Advisory Committee on Aging What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which yov seek appointment? I have a master's degree in social work and a graduate certificate in QerontoloQV. For___ the past fifteen years I have been involved in assessinQ the needs of older people, developing programs to meet identified needs• and advocated for policy develooment at the state and 1oca1 levels of government At the oresent time I am em�lc,ved hv C'arh�li� Charities of the Archdiocese of St. Pau1 & M�1s. as the administrator of In this job I will be assessin�the needG of older individuals residina in St Panl an�t _ expanding and developing new grograms to meet those identified needs. � more detailed lisC of my experience is contained on mv resume canich is asoPnded __ The information included in this application is considered ¢riva[e data according to the Minnesota Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER} Rev. 8-5-97 PERSONAL 1tEF'ERENCEG Name: �►d -��� AddreSS: 1450 Pascal Street N., St. Paul, � 55108 Phone: {Eiome) 645-5067 (�Vorkl 215-2202 Name: � Susan C arter Address: 1671 Prosperity Road, St. Paul, hi�v S�lOo Phone: (FIomeL� �y��� 215-2211 Name: Melvin Giles Address: 855 Aurora Ave. St. Paul M�iI 55104 Phone: (Home) 298-1040 (`Vork� z65-5712 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: ��men I reviewed the powers and duties of the City of St. Paul`s Advisory Committee on Aoina it struck me that b� ar "cipa i�n the Committee I can make meaningful contributions to enhance the quality of life for older people living in the community. Serving on the Committee wi11 also �ive me the opportunity to become better acquainted with important issues facing the City Council as it n1 n fo Che future nee 'n a' an onor to be part of a Committee that can a�fect a etter life for older residents of the City of St. Paul. Finally, as a 58 year-o1d woman, I have a vested interest in Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? IF so, when, and the circumstances? 4;o developin� and maintainin� quality services for oider In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. x �Yhite (Caucasian) _ Biack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo blale X Femate Hispanic Asian or Pacific Is3ander Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes ho X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: 10/12/34 How did you hearaboutthisopening? Throu�n anothzr em�loyee at Catholic Charities. �t ti 9�� SI�AROi T REBAR 78 E. lUth Street Apt. 2009 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612)215-2210(w) (612)298-8642(h) RESUiYIE EDUCATTO�T: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, College of St. Benedict, St. JoseQh, Minnesota, 1962. Master of Social Work, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1987. Graduate Certificate of Gerontology, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1987. cr � q Au�gust 1, 1497 - Present Administrator of Che Division of A'g_mtr 5ervices �ATHOLIC CITARITIES 1200 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota I am responsible for administration of Division programs, development of annual budget, collaboration with other service programs within Catholic Charities and other service providers, program development and expansion, meeting accreditation standards, and staffing and personnel functions of the Division. I also provide leadership in short and long term planning and staff the Division of Aging Services Standing Committee. Julv L 1989 - 7uly 2. 1997 Executive Director CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICE 419 - 6th Srteet, CCS W ing Juneau, Alaska I was responsible for the overall direction and supervision of the program and fiscal operations of Catholic Community Service under the policy direction of the Board of Birectors. I acted as staff to the thirteen-member Board of Directors; coordinated and supervised staff; coordinated and supervised programs; coordinated and sugervised finances; coordinated and supervised resource development, public relation and volunteer activities; coordinated and supervised human resources; coordinated and supervised program development; coordinated and supervised advocacy efforts; served as liaison with Diocese of Juneau; coordinated and supervised planning; and coordinated and supervised communications. Ju�v 2. I984 - June 30. 1989 PrQ}ect Director I was responsible for the overall direction and supervision of the program and fiscal aspects of Southeast Senior Services which encompassed seve�teen senior centers, an Adult Day Caze Program, and a Case Management Program with an annual budget of $1.9 million. Major job duties included proposal cvriting; budget preparation; overseeing fiscal repoRing; program development; authorization of agreementslcontracts; staff supervision; formulation of policies and procedures; oversight of staff trainina, and representing the agency to community organizations,the State Legislature,local government and othersocialservice and health agencies. �t g-°I'1� SHARON REBAR Jul�l, 1982 - June 5. 1984 Program Director Page Two ALASKA MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES 7uneau, Alaska I was responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Homemaker Program of Alaska. These operational activities included supervision of five regional supervisors; monitored programmatic activity of each region; compiled data for monthly reports to State; conducted a semi-annual review of each region; maintained trainins center; conducted quarterly training sessions for regional staff; wrote Policv and Procedures Manual; developed and acted as staff to Homemaker Advisory Board; developed contracts; and prepared annual report to the Department of Health and Social Services. I also completed the accreditation process as outlined by the National Home Caring Council and secured provisional accreditation for the state-wide Homemaker Program. Januarv 1980 - June 15. 1981 Youth Services Coordinator Planner CITY AND BOROUGH OF JUNEAli Juneau, Alaska Reviewed, analyzed and summarized current data on youth population of Juneau; regularly assessed the needs of Juneau's youth and programs, policies and procedures affecting youth; developed the Youth Crisis Proaram; devised Requests for Proposals; wrote contracts for six youth programs; wrote proposal for Summer Youth Employment Program; monitored contracts ($400,000); provided technical assistance to CiTy-funded youth programs. Advocate Served as staff to the nine-member Youth Advisory Board and worked with them on projects; provided technical assistance to the board; acted as liaison between the board and youth groups; youth-serving agencies and City administration; represented the CityBorough in lobbying the State Legislature on youth-related issues. Educator Developed an ongoing publicity strategy to inform the public about City-funded youth services; informed youth about services and opportunities available to them; updated the Youth Services Directorv; addressed lazge audiences frequently regarding youth programs and issues; formed an education committee comprised of youth- serving professionals to augment 9th grade curriculum in the areas of values clarification, sex education, substance abuse and sexual abuse. Mav 1978 - Mav 1979 Co-owner FLAG OF ALLI�3ATI0\S Juneau, Alaska Operated a second-hand store in downtown Juneau. SHAROU REBAR December 1977 - April 1978 9g-q�� Page Three CATHOLIC COMM[JNITY SERVICE Juneau, Alaska Vallev Site Manager Managed the nutrition program for senior citizens living in the valley azea; provided support counseling services; conducted fundraising activities; and laid the groundwork for the construction of the Valley Senior Center. Aueust 1975 - June 1977 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, JUNEAli Juneau, Aiaska Associate Coordinator ( Re�onal Inctructor Coordinated workshops; devised individual staff development profiles, conducted in-service training for social workers and clerical staffemployed by the Division of Family & Youth Services; assisted the state-wide coordinator in planning and clazifying the directives of the state-wide Staff Development Program which consisted of specifying goals, objectives, deadlines for completion and developing program evaluation tools; assistedin developing and organizing a week-long conference on residentialtreatmentfor youth fortwo hundred people; and supervised the Ketchikan component of the program. AuQUSt 1969 - Aueust 1975 Volunteer I was involved in diverse activities in a number of communities throughout the United States. These activities included setting up a day care center in Somerset, Kentucky; tutoring disabled children; substitute teaching; headstart work; serving as board member on the San Carlos Library Board, San Carlos, Arizona, while administratively operating the library for the San Cartos Apache Tribe. June 1468 - Au?ust 1969 Headstart Social Worker TRI-CAP Juneau, Alaska Recruited and screened headstart applicants; counseled with pazents; and acted as medical coordinator. October 1966 - March 1968 DIVISION OF PUBLIC WELFARE Department of Health & Social Services Juneau, Alaska Child Welfare Worker Carried a AFDC caseload, investigated child abuse cases, completed foster home studies and licensed day care homes. The larter three months of employment I worked on the Work Experience Training Program setting up on-the job training experiences for unemployed AFDC parents throughout Southeast Alaska. SHAROU REBAR October 1964 - June 1965 Caseworker II Honolulu, Hawaii Worked with racial minorities in rural Oahu processing applications and carrying a generic caseload. Februarv 1963 - September 1964 Caseworker I HUBBARD COUNTY WELFARE DEPARTMENT Pazk Rapids, Minnesota Processed application for the categoricai programs and provided casework services to a generic caseload. Investigated prospective foster and adoptive homes and completed studies. FORNIER AND CURRENT BOARD AND ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIP: City and Borough of Juneau Mental Health Committee National Association of Social Workers-Alaska Chapter Treasurer National Council on the Aging American Society of Aging Catholic Charities USA's Commission on Aging League of Women Voter's �8 -q'�4 Page Four HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE Revised 10/7/97 / / � :c iG�_j S�Irl7 Fi,UL 11FYu�'S J�FICt 61� cb: 3.13 �P.��%�6 PERSOrAL. RFFEREiYCES �� � .e: GLV — ft�,f l�� ( �T `�'I �Vr.e, -Fy i �.v7C .ddress: ���� (�' — . OG(, 1�/dI� 51028 Phone: lAome) _���' �p (O v� -7 (�'4TI{� :r'An7t: � Address: Phone; j$am�l �� �- Co c`Z 3� (�yn�s -"'j'7 �O Name: Address: • Phone: B�� (Wnrk '� 0 — g Sl9 ReAsons for your interest In th(s pnrtScular commiftee: _ J/�/btiLl G� p �'OY1 c.tK, ,�! �,vl `�it� re�V Cl�n -�' f Yl � YVIn �f wt �- �e2c� � a_C�f�.� ��l'� 7�vG(S � F � � e��r, {Qya-v� , r _ _ In an Rttempt to enjure that committee representstion mflett� the makeup of our commuuity, pleas� check the line applicable to you. This information is stricUy voluntary. � WLitt (CsUCASis�n) Efack {African American} _ Americsn Indizn or Alaskan EskImo Male DisAbled: �S'es /` Female No x I( speu�l Auommodstions Are needed, pleasa specify: Huw did you 6err about this opening? ��EZ�Q,h A;spanic Asian or PaciFc Islander Date af Birth: �y� of -1�-�Z FTxvo you had prRVio�s contsct wit5 the committen for which you are making application? If so, when, and the tircumsisnces? ` le � L_ �� f^ J �! Qt,Ci(iT (S7�Q VV1�� ✓1/l1 G��'t� ' ' ' �2 :2�52 ��L� ,�,5"_C� Name: e-� �� Home Address: a O ST PAU� MqY4R'S OFFICE OFFICE OF TSE MAYOR 390 CITi' AAi.T SAIlVT PATJT., M�iNESOTA 55202 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 VI I �►N 5�� oa C1ty Telephone Number; Pixnning District Council: City Couecil Ward: PrcfcrredMailingAddress: �dm2� � Wh�t is your occupntlon? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: uP�l1 What skills, fraininE or eaperien�e do you posses� fbr the committee(s) far which you seek appointment2 " T V� �Ct��JV CC�'� UYl �'!1'Vl Ul f`� �1,W1 1(�,2.CL,Q �lC`,�C P, °Fi�-�' �'-�.Y1 � C� t�u.rx� �rC�.i 5 er `i�2, �c�Q J0.�'i o� i -E-�-e 612 260 8513 P.02i02 ��.��� 0 'r-e S�� 2 S I Y� 4� GE�` S t S -- -"- ���2 Sci�. • k�-r vv� c�1 i� C;1�2.� C4 a� �x -9--- v��P.,n. ��� � - - I �/tCc 0 i P-C� SU1,�.rC�, -�-csY' S2Y� ; C.Tr� The faformatioe included In this appllcatton u considertd privata daea sccording fn the 1�IinArsota Governmant llata pr,�etices Act. As a resutt, this informat[nn is not rele�sed to the gtneral public. Zip LHnmtl � ��J� (P'AX)�30 {OVER) Rev. 8-5-9� 1! �_ �cr-1�.- c�c Juiv �u�lr iu: OCi-05-1998 11�45 Namr. 'C��_ us� Addres�: Phane: Name: �O� Address: Pfione: S 1 � Name: Address: Phone: ..rcc rc„� 612 2b6 H513 P_03i@3 �� � qY' 57 PRUL 11AYOR'S OFFICE _ . a ; . _ Reasons for your interest ia thle particular committee: �-�' �'�-""� � S'�"�-u� Have you had pcev;ous eontact wlth the committec Por whlch you arc making application? If so, wben, and tht c3ccumetances? I i��c _ � w«� �.c.n n ° � ce��� c tiVte�-��._ �.�Xo� �'-~'�� �-��`'�^'�-Q In an attempt to ura that commlttee representation reRects tha makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This infor[nation is stricUy voluntary. � White (Caueasiaa) Black (AM�xu Atnerican) Amer9csn Tndlan or A18slcen Eskimo Male Df�abled: Yd �% Female _ No � If special acwmmodations are needed, plea9e specify: How did you hear about this openingY FIispan;c Asian or Paclfic Is�ander Dau of Birth• ,_��� , �� � ��r eJC 7�.,ir G�J:lr it�: ..roc rUc ' "'OCT-05-2998 11'45 ST PRUL MAYOR'S OFFtCE • OFF7CE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALI, SAIN'T PAUL, MINN&SOTA SS102 Phone: 266-SS23 FAX: 266-8313 Name: Home� �7I�CCL Telephone Nvmber. Planning blsirict Councii: Preferred Mailiag Addresa: W4at is your occupatlon? Plaee of Employment: Committee{s) Applied For: 512 266 6513 P.0?�0� qa .9�c� ��� �� ) y A � 1SnmrJ nr � �� ` -- .. jF�J City Council Ward: ;s V rSlUd� �5' -� a�� lM.,� 5> i i� C (Z� Qrn�4w��� sc�n1 �tea1��, �Ornmuw Nn�� � liki, r�.v What skllls, training or experlence do you possess for the commlttee(s) for which you seek appo�ntment? ��r�.�p c�U O r��e CQ �C dl. �� �-lC QY 5 C�-. �6 u�.�.��t �' G r 1 N) 'The iniormatioa lncludtd in thls applieation Is considered private data accordinE to the Minnesota Government Datn Practices Act. As a result, this information is not releascd to the general pnb�ic. (0 VER) Rev. 8-5-9 % `� ,'3 3 3 $ E��� m O??1Ci U:' 'i�i: Y�sYUri 390 CITY hAI,L SAINT PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA 55102 . 266-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 �r -�� ,�c�oQ� � / �� 7 9 g V tvase: _���-�I(i � VVit ��77%'1 - jb�'3 �/i ci��si/!c 13o�e Address: �� , � �", � ��� �J(C ' ,Sf'� 7�c� � - SSID3' =�S Street 6 ��_ �,�� citp Zio Telephone tviv-iber: CHo�e) ��ti (Aork) � ?� - � S" �`f' (�=�) �77 - � 53�- Planning District Co�ci1: �U Citp Council 17ard: = P=e£er=ed 2iailing Add=ess: ��'iT' L�G .,,��iLK�Tn S'} S�{ (�i:�� � !�(N �5 �G% SThat is your occnpation? T7`SS (�i} . Flace of F�ploy i 7 l ''� �� � fi r � n �k l �� �.�' �:,, -- , � � .%lltu�"c- �• �Ci�( �-_ �l�- cZ t� (i�r c � •'e'�.J�i'�CS�i,1r, Co�ittee(s) Applied For: Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess for the co�ittee(s) £or vnicn qou se_k appointment? ^ Se� ra+�-nr l���X g The infotsztion included i.n this znolication is considered privzte data accorcir.g to �ne Hir.nesota Govezner.t Data Practices Act. As a result, this infor+�ztion is not relezszc to the general public. (OV�R) po,_ 2;28/90 tiame:_ i1Y �?.Y)P 2[�I.C� � Id1 re!''�Y -{�� l�p � '�� Add=ess: ������ JQc�S�I'"1 �S� I � �Q(.l� i �/VT!\� ` �S t D � � - - , - � ��' ' : c '� '1, / ,—� ` Phone: �tHome) '`�J Ur - n�j 3?j CWork) ��' -a Sa 3 Nane: ' �i��Y'LihL�,¢�{' �G�O Tj-Z�ill[L Dr (y0'�Bh �tG�(I�y - / Address: �SDS �,�UV�"h-y �U1� �V�`VL �0(dfih VCt�j2C /�!N 5�j�27 Phone: (Hoae) G Zp - 351 S (L7ork) 'j L{-S d�-),(� Piame:_ /V�Gtvy I�Vr�ll Yres. O�t2�vy�viv5 �:v�c 1 ' Address: �(p(n� �roe �av�wa.i.� S ��u I G�-!�V SSl/6 Phone: CHoae) ��?�� � � J'�f'j (GTorkl 50.vnG Reasons £or your interest in this particular cosmittee: Se e Q�G2('�2GC Have you had previous contact vith the committee Por vhich you are making application. 2£ so, chen, and circumstances? � In an attempt to ensvre that committee representation reflects the makeup o£ our communitp, please check the li.ne applicable to you. This in£oz�ation is strictly volunta=p. ' � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Slack (African Aaerican) Asian or Yacific Islander Aserican Indian or Alaskan Eskino Yale �(_ Feaale Date of Birth: 3 � 9 D3sabled: Yes No ' X If special accor.modations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? Ne�vs �e1�ec�� ��.q�1c. Julie A. Walton 1603 Sherburne Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 (651) 644-671� SUMMARY Gerontologist with knowledge and expertise in the azeas of volunteer actmiiustration, health care, community-based programs, marketing, senior housing, public relations, advocacy, real estate, and su�portive services. A business and admutistrative professional with effective supervisory and leadership skills. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Retired and Senior Votunteer Program (RSVP) , St. Paul, MN 7/97 to Present Assistant Director �Assist with the administxation of the program in conjunction with the Executive Director. -Supervise staff, interns, and office voIunteers. -Adnvnister program providing recruitment, selection, orientation, placement and support of 1100 senior volunteers in over 300 non-profit community agencies. -Conduct site visits to negotiate cost-sharntg agreements with 150 community agencies for cash or in-kind program support. -Develop partnerships with other community-based prograxns and service providers. -Maintain computerized volunteer job bank system and program statistics. -Write and develop promotional and special project materials including brochures, public service announcements, press releases, annual report and monthly newsletter. -Provide technical assistance to community organizations and corporations on volunteer admixiistration and program development. -Serve as staff representative of Advisory Council, Recognition, Marketing, Plaruling, and Nomutating/Evaluation Committees. -Represent RSVP's interests at various community meetings. -Solicit and secure funding resources for special events and projects. �Develop, coordinate, and implement annual volunteer recognition event for 700 guests. RE/MAX S White Bear Lake, MN Real Estate Salesperson Trevilla of Golden Valley, Golden Valley, MN Special Services Coordinator Rainbow Foods, St. Paul, MN Bookkeeper/Cashier Catholic Charities, St. Paul, MN Volunteer Ramsey County Respite Program Minnesota Senior Federation - Metro Region, St. Paul, MN Intern Community Organizex Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Paul, MN Intern Admissions/Staff Development 8198 to Present 1/96 to 7/97 7/89 to 8/97 1991 to 1995 1995 1991 � .q� Julie A. Walton page 2 EDUCATION St. Cloud State Uniaersity, St. Cloud, MN Master of Science Degree Major: Gerontology CotIege of St. Catherine, St. Paul, IvII�i Bachelor of Arts Degree Major: Psychology Prosource Educationat Seraices, St. Paul, MN Minnesota Real Estate Salesperson PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP ACTIVITIES Minnesota Gerontological Society Research, Education and Practice Committee CwChau Minnesofa Council of Directors of Heaith Care Voiunfeers North Suburban Gavel Assoaatzon Directors of Volunteers fhroughout Dakota County Ailiance for Readin Minnesota Senior Service Corps Associafion Good Age Newspaper Editorial Board Member Salvation Army - St. Paul Chap Advisory Council Dakota County Senior Network Surnmit-University Volunteer Coordinators Network 1995 iCG'l•SI ... 1993 to 1997 1996 and 1997 1996 to 1997 1997to Present 1997to Present 1997to Present 1997to Present 1997 to Present 1997 to Present 1998 1998 GREATER ST. PAUL RETII2ED AND SErTIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM •� -��` 640 Jackson St St Paul, hiinnesota 55101 Phone (612) 221-2820 Fa�c (612) 221-2836 What skills/training or e�perience do you possess for the comrrzittee for which you seek appointment? I am a Gerontologist with experience and expertise in the areas of volunteer management, advocacy, intergenerational programming, community organizing, research, supportive services for seniors, supervision, marketing, writing and editing. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the College of St. Catherme and a Master of Science degree in Gerontology from St. Cloud State University. I have had internships at Little Sisters of the PooY and the Minnesota Senior Federation. I was a volunteer for Catholic Charities' Ramsey County Respite Program as a local coordinator for four years. I was employed with a large health care facility where I managed a successful volunteer program and edited a quarterly newsletter. Currently, I am employed as Assistant Director with the Greater St. Paul Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). My duties include interviewing, assessing, and �lacing volunteers in over 400 government and nonprofit orgamzations; conductmg annual site visits; developing, coordinating and implementing an annual recognition event; orienting new station supervisors; screening, establishing and orientmg new volunteer stations; developing general promotional and special projects materials including brochures and a monthly newsletter; recruiting volunteers through the media and various activities; serving as staff representative on the RSVP Advisory Council, Recognition, Marketing and Planning Committees; supervising the Program Coordinators for various intergenerational programs; and servmg as a resource and referral specialist for hundreds of volunteer managers. I am a member of the Minnesota Gerontological Society where I serve on two committees - the Executive Committee and the Awards, Research and Practice Committee. I Co- Chair the later. I am also a member of several other groups whose interests pertain to volunteer administration and/or to seniors. Reasons for your interest i� this particular committee: I am a long-term resident of St. Paul and a person with an avid interest in the well being of seniors. I would be proud to serve on this committee so that I may join others to improve the quality of life for St. Paul's older population. I would like to use my knowledge of intergenerational programming to improve the number and impact of intergenerational programs throughout the city of St. Paul. I would also like to join the committee's efforts to promote public understanding of the invaluable contributions of seniors. Through my wark with RSVP I know first hand the extraordinary significance of seniors' contributions. In 1996, RSVP Volunteers in the East Metro Area donated 171,758 hours of service valued at over $2 million! I strongly agree with Mayor Coleman's belief that St. Paul's elderly residents are a great asset to our city and for that reason it would be an honor to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging. Thank you. A program sponsored by the Corporatioa for Natlonal and Commvaity Sexvice. Minneso[a Board on Aging and St. Paul-Ramsey Medlcai Center , ��� � Name: HomeA Telephone Number: Planning District Council: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 City Council `Vard: Pre4erred Mailing A�Idress: � S �- �n v'E-' What is your occupation? „✓�� �/� /2 � �` Place of Employment: °� Committee(s) Applied For: What skil►s, training / o ` r experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 1 �� X� Yl in �` �,'f� ��c.GE6��` E�"r c cc,e ;<�, r� i S 'fr-i '�/ri� C r C CLGZ `� �� rE��.�, � S J4� /t( ul�Si l�/l, !%' � LZ$ tL JTff}y lSlt � �'�-n ,(� !�E'C�n1��t., f :���� ?2�'e�`ovC d� �i� �DS,`�`�' �i`� , n m����; s���� � . ,n �i��� ��� [Lh.r� r`,t7G• <c �,'n �I �-'rl o�:c1/c°a�r c� � T�( I��n<<��c�' �'4/1� ��is��m5, '�JS I`�YJl�/ �! ��� e �EE'tE�S G�� P.�7 7'7� E E( lt"FILCc, OC,�LLf LLi�i'/i'--�'1 - The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. i�ECEiVE6 �G,q�( 0 �EB 24 199� :viAYOR'S OFFtCE (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 Street City Zip Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Reasons for your interest in this pnrticuinr committee: ��i R �' ��� i!�'rr'�F� � � LL y� U N � Have you had previous contact with the committee for whic6 you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? , , , , , � � In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the ]ine applicable to yoa. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male Disabled: Yes X Female No X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: How did you hear about this opening? ���'� ��%l�'`� i�' — PERSONAL REFERENCES jHome) �Vorkl � Z � — J��� � (Fiome) ���%- S��G (Work) r, a�-q�� 10-15-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM2�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS 003111 Bannigan, Brendan 2020 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 644-0353 Program Administrator Janet Wilebski 2150 Fairmont Ave., 55105 w) 224-3781 Ray Faricy 2225 Summit Ave., 55105 h) 645-7499 w) 297-8484 Vickie Dzieweczynski 2013 Selby Ave., 55104 h) 644-7724 w) 232-3323 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -----"-- --- --- --- 11/30/95 W M 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 02/20/98 W F Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 � 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: _____________________________________________{____.._____ 2-20-98 References £or Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca FIoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003158 Carlson, Ecland E. 1923 Crown Point Drive Mendota Hghts., MN 551184206 Home ^ 452-2800 Retired Lutheran Pastor ��-q�G 06(11(96 W M Y Rev_ Dick and Betty Borgstrom 6791 Jenny Lane Woodbury h) 735-1925 10-15-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT I�"��� PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Rev. David Hughes 6730 Clinton Ave. So. h) 866-7830 Clarence Magnuson 13963 Tomahawk Drive Afton, MN h) 436-5578 w) 724-3691 Eldon Brustuen 2935 Galtier St. Roseville h) 483-4047 003446 Clark, Bonnie Jean Senior Housing, Inc. Work - 617-7842 Director Senior Housing, Inc. 8 3-16-98 Advisory Committee on Aging: Jean Greener Ex. Director Senior Resoutces 2�21 E. Hennepin Avenue Mpls., MN 55413 w) 617-7813 Suzy Hammell Sr. Housing Bd. President 1425 W. 28th Kenwood Isles Mp1s., 55408 h) 871-6877 Dr. Evelyn Franklin 240 McNeal Aall Dept. DHA U of MN h) 631-2083 Retired Professor from U of MN 003181 Cook, Teresia (Teri) Dayton's Blu£f Senior Center 235 Maria Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Work - 771-6887 FAX 7743510 Senior Center Director 7 4 03/16/98 W F 06/10/96 W F �g -��� 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/01�94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS Don Kjorness 847 E. 4th St. Paul h) 771-7721 Dino Guerin Saint Paul Councilmember 266-8670 Arthur Anderson w) 290-8670 003386 Cvinar, Stephen E. #4 476 Brimhall Street St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 696-9050 Human Resources Consultant 2-20-98 ACOA & Neighborhood Network: Bob Lind 5631 Clinton Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55419 Bob Liesenfeld 1230 Bryant Ave. So. St. Pau1, MN h) 457-5397 Jay Blake 4032 Aldrich Ave Mpls., 55409 h) 825-4707 S. 55075 S. 003189 Heuer, Eunice Johnson Lyngblomsten 1415 Almond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Work - 647-4686 Registered Nurse/Health Coord Gay Bartholic 1875 Hampshire, 55116 h) 698-5112 w) 333-0111 (part-time) PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 02/20/98 W M 06/11/96 W F Elizabeth Ekholm 1415 Almond Ave., 55108 > 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aqing FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 qg�q�t� PAGE 5 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COZII�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- w) 646-2941 Pastor Paul Harris Como Park Lutheran Church 1376 W. Hoyt, 55105 w) 646-7127 002161 Hilton, Maureen 456 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 225-8541 Real Estate Broker Monica Lenox 1052 Lincoln H) 293-0769 Missie Weiss 1456 Bayliss H) 641-0449 Virginia Stucky 2 16 ------------------------- 10-18-96 Advisory Commtitee on Aging Shannon (cannot read last name) Kenwood Parkway h) 291-8910 Harry Walsh 456 Summit h) 224-0512 Karen Wilson Laurel h) 641-1855 003330 Johnson, Miiford E. 2 17 #101 178 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 771-8355 Retired Lester Collins 10/18/96 W F 09/02/97 U M Y � �'g -q't� 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : ACOA AdvisOry COmmittee On Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Wright Building, Suite 420 2233 University Ave. h) 291-1631 w) 642-0811 Paul Norman, Friend h) 731-4749 Tyrone Terrill Human Rights Director 266-8964 Rev. Bill Smith 1014 30th Ave. N. h) and w) same: 522-0249 003480 Keely, Peter #700 700 Third Street South Minneapolis, Mn 55415 Work - 373-4681 Architect 9-8-98 ACOA Sally Staggert 1925 Norfolk Ave., 55116-2699 Khosrow Rezai 700 Third St. So. Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 373-4629 David Graham 700 3rd St. S. Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 373-4623 003121 Kuhlman, Barbara 8560 Magnolia Trail, #332 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Home - 947-9438 09/08/98 W M O1/02/96 W F M.J. Patrick-Cabrera 5605 Albert Street �� -911, 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 01�01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt4ENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 755-0954 w) 348-9644 Jean Searls 5601 Eden Prairie Road Minnetonka, MN h) 933-3348 w) 934-4328 Mike Metzler Walker Place 3701 Bryant Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55409 w) 827-8501 001641 Lapidos, Morris 1077 Sibley Hwy #406 Saint Paul, MN 55118 Home - 452-7079 Retired Rabbi Morris Allen (Beth Jacob Congregation) 1179 Hwy. 110 Mendota Hgts. w) 452-2226 Burt Garr Ex. Director St. Paul Jewish Community Center w) 698-0751 Charlotte Mitau Price (past member of Bd. of Education) 1077 Sibley Awy. h) 452-7095 003468 Moy, Doris A. # 549 401 Sibley Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55101 Eiome - (651)290-0957 Retired-FOrmerly Records Clerk 12/07/95 W M 08/14/98 W F E11en Morrow °IY-a 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Frank Alden Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Dave Jacobson Metro Mobility W) 602-1653 or 636-5000 003029 Nyhus, Art 824 Lake Street St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 735-1364 Retired William Buerkle 3350 N. Highway 61 St. Paul, MN 55110 W) 454-0231 Bernard Ranweiler 830 Lake Street St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 738-7321 Glenn Peterson 820 Lake Street St. PAul, MN 55119 H) 735-2160 003018 Pappenfus, Mabel # 1606 1181 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, MN 55105-2837 Home - 695-0354 Retired Teacher 4 08/02/95 W M 07/20/95 W F Pastor Scott Larson 490 Penn Street Foley, MN 56329 q$ -9� � 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COM2�NT5 H) 965-6812 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Gene and Mary Agnes 8185 Ronneby Road NE Foley, MN H) 968-7535 Robert Cavanna 3335 St. Germain Street W. St. Cloud, MN 56301 H) 259-5456 003033 Pentecost, Carol 1044 Orange Avenue E. St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-0862 Self-Employed/Publisher She11y Evans 375 O'Day Lane Maplewood, MN 55119 H) 739-3530 Steven DeBernardi Community Services 161 N. Concord Street A) 776-0862 chris McClure 3976 Mackubin St. Shoreview, MN 55126 H) 490-9873 003357 Rebar, Sharon Apt. 2009 78 E. lOth Street St. Paul� MN 55101 Home - 298-8642 Administrator Aging Services 6 5 2 17 08/09/95 W F 12/12/97 W F Frank Forsberg 1450 Pascal St. N. St. Paul, MN 55108 h) 645-5067 w) 215-2202 �fd 10-15-98 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMh�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Susan Carter 1671 Prosperity Road St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 776-6740 w) 215-2211 Melvin Ci2es 855 Aurora Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 h) 298-1040 w) 265-5712 003229 Reed, He1en Doris 1561 North Western St. Pau1, MN 55117 Home - 489-1540 Public Health Nurse � 0 10/31/96 U F Mrs. Willie Mae Wilson, C.E.O. St. Pau1 Urban League 168 N. Lexington Pkwy. h) 645-1176 w) 224-5771 Dr. Rodney England 785 Ridge St. St. Pau1, MN 55116 h) 698-4628 w) 232-4200 Dr. Richard Tyler 4034 Blaisdell Ave. So. Mpls., MN 55409 h) 827-7769 w) 642-0021 003465 Schendel, Ke11y Apt. B 207 Virginia Street St. Paul, MN 55102 1 08/OS/98 W F Home - 227-3177 fax730-6165 Fundraiser Mary Gayle Fontaine 6746 Gretchen Court North Oakdale, Minnesota 55128 h: 777-6624 Don Larson h: 770-6238 w: 777-7700 0��.9�� 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE ll COMMZTTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Tom Fabel Deputy Mayor w: 266-8519 003509 Staggert, Sally Dir./Franciscan Health Comm. 10-5-98 Advisory Committee on Aging Mary Jane Thompson (h) (612) 559-1028 Joseph Stanislav (h) 651 698-9256 w) 612 696-8401 Mary Youle Suite 3505 2550 University Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55114-1900 w) 651 645-4545 003396 Tierney, Michael P. 2181 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 612 266-8525 V.P./Dir. of Engineering 15 10/OS/98 W F 03/03/98 W M 3-3-98 ACOA & RRDC Robert Knutson, Jr. 1648 Beechwood Ave. h) 690-9090 w) 229-6000 Larry King 5 Beebe Ave. hj 450-7479 w0 651-0011 Dan Titcomb 761 Goodrich Avenue h) 227-2493 w) 378-1800 003338 Walton, Ju1ie A. The Greater St. Paul Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Work - 221-2824 FAX 2212836 Asst Dir Senior Citizen Prog. 09/08/97 W F 9-8-97 ACOA Arlene Cepu11 RSVP Director � q�'��G 10-15-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 12 COMMITTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTEiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ----°-- --- --- --- 640 Jackson Street, 55101 h) 456-0933 w) 221-2823 Rita Franchett c/o Trevilla of Golden Valley 7505 Country Club Drive Golden Va11ey, MN 55427 h) 920-3515 w) 545-0416 Mary Tyrrell Presient, Memoirs, Inc. 1669 Ford Parkway St. Pau1, MN 55116 h) 698-1155 w) same 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. #1910 66 E. 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-6349 Retired Vocational Counselor Mary Lynn Sabo Citi Walk 66 E. 9th St., 55101 w) 221-0298 Rich Detmers 701 Dorland Rd. Maplewood, MN 55119 h) 578-9067 Sheryl Lee 1344 Colby Ave., 55116 h) 699-4325 3-9-98 MACAP Richard Carter 1957 Larpenteur Ave. W. Falcon Hgts., MN 55113 h) 647-9517 Rhonda Thai 5350 Greystone Drive, #103 Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h) 455-2569 2 17 06/03/96 W F Y Sharon Powell c�g -q� � PAGE 13 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMHITTEE : ACOA Advisory Cosmittee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 437 W. Co. Rd. C. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 482-1773 w) 449-2260 003187 Winters-Bruce, Gertrude #1611 1181 Edgcumbe Road St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 699-8409 Retired Teacher/Volunteer Norma Seashore 364 Christine Lane West St. Paul, 55118 h) 457-1808 John Geisler 1129 Edgcumbe Rd., 55105 William Randall 1944 Goodrich Ave., 55105 h) 698-6857 003418 Wollschlager, Dana Presbyterian Homes of MN Central Towers Senior Community 20 E. Exchange St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 215-4540 Housing Director 3-5-98 Adv. Com. on Aging Mary Nelson 003374 Zeller, Dolores M. 4921 Johnson Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Home - 429-1436 Retired Karen Wierenga 2000 White Bear Ave. 3 14 06/11/96 W F 03/OS/98 W F 02/24/98 W F 10-15-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT a�-q�c. PAGE 14 COMMZTTEE : ACOA Advisory Committee on Aging FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) Maplewood, 55109 w) 777-7486 Fran Laufle 640 Jackson St. St. Paul w) 221-3456 Arthur Pew 2515 Manitou Island White Bear Lake, 55110 h) 429-5806