90-2175 � I Council File # :� ..�� Q � IGINAL � �, � Green Sheet # RESOLUTION ' CITY OF SA T PAUL, MINNESOTA �d�" t Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold public heari;ngs to consider the advisability and necessity of the repair oi �- wrecking and removal of a �`E story, partly boarded, single family, wood frame, deteriorated abandoned house located on property hereafter referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 1488 Charles Avenue. This Torrens property is legally described as: Lot 10, Block 1 , Lyman D. Baird's Addition, Files of Registrar of Title6, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. WHEREAS', based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office on July 25, 1990 and other information available to the Division of Public Health on or befor� October 9, 1990, the following persons are owners, interested and/or responsible part�eti of the Subject Property: Catherine S. Mestnik, 1728 Edward Street, Saint Paul, MN 55109-4214. The addres� of the above noted persons was obtained from various sources inclu.ding the tax records, phone books, mortgaoe companies, etc. ; and WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has issued an ord�r identified as an "Abandoned Building Notice" dated July 26, 1990 which is attached and incorporatad as art of this Resolution by this reference, This order was served in accordance w�th the provisions of Ch�.pter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code on all owners, interested and/or responsible parties of the Subject Property then known to the enforcement officer. The notice and order informed these parties that the single family, wood frame, one story, deteriorated, condemned � and boardec� hou�e located on the Subject Prop�erty is an abandoned building and a nuisance ;purcuant to Sections 45.01, Subd. 1 and 45.02, Subd. 11 of the Saint Paul Legis�ative Code. The July 26, 1990 order also had attached to it a list of deficie�cies regarding the house on the Subject Property, said list is attached a d incorporated as part of this resolution; and I WHER AS, the July 26, 1990 order informed all then known owners, interested parties an responsible parties that they must either repair the structure on the Subject P opert',y by correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the structure, ;; either action to take place by August 26, 1990; and WHEREAS, no action has been taken regarding compliance with the July 26, 1990 notice and 'order, and as a result the Division of Public Health requested that a public hearing be scheduled to take place on December 10, 1990 before the Neighborhood Se�vices Committee of the Saint Paul City Council to prepare a recommendation to be reviewed and decided on December 11 , 1990 by the Saint Paul City Council in considerinb the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction of the nuisance condition or, in the �lternative, to consider the demolition and �removal of this structure; and I � �� � � � ��_ � � I G1NAt� � WHEREAS, the above referenced owners, interested and/or responsible pai�ties have been ser��ed notice of the time, place and purpose of the public hearings before the �Teiohhorhood Services Cornmitt�e of the City of Saint Pau1 City Council on Decernber 10, 1990 and the Saint Paul City COLlY1C11 011 DP_Cel?1bP_Y' 11, 1990 in �ccord�nce ��ith the p�ovi.sions of Chapter 45 of the S�int Paul Leoislative Code; and WHEREAS, alhe�rin� was held before the Neibhborhood Services Committee of the Saint Paul C�.ty Council on DecPmber 10, 1490 and all testimony and evidence was consid.ered. b'ly the committee; and WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Services Committee, after receiving testimony and evidence, made the r-econ�raendation to approve a request by the Division of Public Health to ord_er the above leferenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their as�igns to make the Subject Propert.y s�fe and not detrimental. to the public peace, health, safety and. welfare and. remove its blightino influence on the! community by L-ehabilitating this structure and correcting those deficiencies set forth in the li�t previously referenced in accordance with all applicable ' codes and ordinances, or in thP alternative hy demolishin; the stru.cture �nd fillinb the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, The rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within thirty (30} day• of the date of mailing of t.his re�olution; �nd WHEREAS, a hearin;; wa� held before the Saint Paul Citv Council on December 11 , 1990 �nd all testimony �nd evidence includina the action taken by the Neiohborhobd Se 'rvices Cornmittee was consid_ered by the COLl11C11� and NOW �'HERF_�'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based. upon all of the testimony and evider�ce p�esen�ed at the December 11 , 1990 hearino, the Saint PaLil City Council herehy �do�pts the followino Findings �nd. Ordei concerning the house at 1488 Charles AvenLie: l . That in A�i�ust of 1987 the house located on the Subject Property was determined to be unoccupied. The house has rem�ined vacant and has been either open to access or boarded since Novernber of 1987. 2 Th�k the Division of Public He�lth of the Cit.y of Saint Paul canklemned. thi� struct�ire as Unfit for Hurnan Habit�tion urider • Chapter 34 of th� Saint Pau.l Leoi�lative Code" in October of 1987. The bLUld.ing i� still subject to this condemr1ation order . 3. That. since Novemb?r of 1987 the City of Saint Paul has on numerous occasions issued orders to the o�ners to make thi� house secure and. not accessible. On two occasions, l�ecause of the inaction on thP pai�t. of the owners, the City has h�d to hire a private contractor to ?'[lc�ke tI1P_ YI011SP_ SPCUYP_, 4. Th�t theie �re now and have been since November of 1987 multiple ex erior Housino Code or Buildino Code viol�tioris in e?�istence at the Subject Property, 5. Th�lt the owners, interested parties and responsible parties of this ho�se are as previou.sly stated in this resolu.tion. These individuals have t�een properly served. notice of thP December 11, 1990 hearino concerni��o tYiis house. . _�_ -3- . � �o _ a� 7.�- � - ' ^����, �Iw.. � - 2. If t e above corrective action is not completed within the thirty (30}�day time period, the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul� are hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to d.emolish this structure and. fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Property pursuant to the provisions ot Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Leoislative Code. 3. In t�e event the huildinb is to be demolished by the City of Saint P�Lil�� all personal property or fixtures of any kind �which shall ' unreasonably interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the building by the owners, interested parties and responsible parties by the end of the thirty (30} day time period. If the personal propeity is not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shal�. ,remove and dispose of such property and fiatures as is piovlded by law. 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that a certified copy of this resolution and the incorporated Order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last known address of the owners, interested parties and responsible parties pursuant to Section 45 .11 , Subdivision (5} of the Saint Paul. Legislative Code. -4- ' . Ye' s Navs Absent Re�ested by D partment of: zmon , oswitz �„_ � � `� on acca ee �_ ,, � � ettman une � �� By� �' , �� _..-� i son P Adopted by Counail: Date DE C 1 i 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio Certifi�d by', Council Secretary gy: �c�tJ�-�- - By� �!�— A roved b Ma or for Submission to PP Y Y Approve b Mayor: Date E� � 2 199Q counci� , 1 BY: ��,�� By: PUBLISNED U E C 2 � 199Q �o '� i�`� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJOOUNqL DATE INITIATED Community Service 11-14-90 GREEN SHEET No. �07Q OONTACT PER�N 8 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE Steven R. Roy 298 4153 � �°EP'�ar""E"T a�croR �CITY COUNCIL NUM�@t ROR �CRY ATTORNEY �L , po �CITY CI.ERK MUBT BE ON COUNpI AOENDA BY AT� ROUTMKi �BUDf�ET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.$ERVICE8 DIR. December 11, 1990 �auvon��nse,sr,wn � TOTAL�►OF SIGNATURE P GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATUR� "��cil to p ss t is resolution which will order the owner to remove or comp e e e repair of the ref renc d building within thirty (30) days from the mailing of this resolution. If t e ow er fails to comply with the Resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the bui ding The subject property is located at 1488 Charles Avenue. RECOMMENDATId�18:App►ow(y a (F� (���CQ����p(��� _PUWNIN(i OOMMISSION pVll RYI�COMMISSION A�� �Cr� �E��='�,/F. D _qB WMMITTEE Ll�bai � L —8TAFF OOMMENTB: —����� NOV 21 1990 NOV 19 1990 �0V 1 6 �90 SUPPORT8 WHICFI COUNpL OBJ 7 INITIATINO PROBLEM�18BUE. NfTY ,Whet.WMn�NRNro.1Nh�: The building is nui ance pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interest d pa ties and responsible parties known to the Division of Public Health were given an or er t repair or remove the building at 1488 Charles Avenue by August 26, 1990. All parti s fa'led to comply with those orders. The building has remained unoccupied since Augu t of 1987. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: The City will el mina e a nuisance. o�wvNrr�s��vEn: A cost of approx"mate y $4,000 - $5,000 for removal of the building, if necessary. This cost will be ass ssed against the property taxes. , DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED If the building is n torn down, a nuisance, constituting a serious health hazard (potential fire danger, rodent and insect harborage, potential crime site and blighting influence on th nei borhood), will remain within the City. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA i S4,OOO - SS,OOO CdST/REVENUE SUDAETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO �uNa�o sou� Nui ance Housing Abatement ACTMTY NUM�R 33261 FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� ��� � /�� ..�. �'; CITY OF SAINT PAUL . iiii�Iii�n • . OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL � RECEIVED DAVE THUNS ��„4i�O Counc�7member CtTY Cl.ERK ' Members: Dave Thune, Chair Janice Rettman Roger Goswitz Date: December 10, 1990 COMMITTEE R�PORTs Date: DECEMBER 10. 1990 Time: 2:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers 3rd Floor City Hall NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Resolutjon - �ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenred building, located at 874 Marion Street. If the owner fails to comply with �his resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. Resolution was recommended to Council with the understanding that a purchas�r for! the property��would provide a work plan for full compliance to the Counciil within 40-45 days. 2. Resolut on - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referen ed b ilding, located at �8_��.1es Avenue. If the owner fails to comply wi h this 'resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the buildin . ' Resolut�on w �s recommended to Council . � '_-�,� � CITY HALL SEVE'NTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612j298-5679 ' ��''i 5�46 � I Prfnted on Recycled Paper . _ � �J - ��7v'� ' � ��,,,o, GTY OF SAINT PAUL �� ''� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : =ii��n° Ao DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ,,,. 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (6�2)292-7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL �����VE� MAYOR ��1���0 NovembPr 14, 1990 C�.�.� C�ERK Council Presid�nt and Membeis of the City Council RE: 1488 Chakles Avenue Date of Hearing: Decembei� 11 , 1990 City Coun�il W�rd.: 4 District Council: 11 Dear Councilmernber: The Divis�.on of Public Health is herebv submitting its' report on the condition', of t1�e structure at the location referred to above. The nwner�, irltnrestecl parties ancl responsible parties of record �re: Name a�id LaSt Known Address Inter��t Catherine S. M�stnik Fee t�wner 1?2� Edwa�d Stieet S�int Pa.u1, MN' 55109-4214 The leoal d.escription of thi� Torrens pioperty is: Lot, 10, Block l , L:yman D. Baird's Addition, Files of Rebi�t.r�r ot Tit,les, COLl11ty of Rarnsey, State of Minnesota The building i� a single family, wood frame, one story, �leterioratPd, c�ndemned' and board.ed abandoned hou�e. The subject property has been llT10CCU�1P_C� since Auou.st of 198i. The build;inb m_ets one or more of the conditions that constitute an Abandoned Buildin; '�s de�iried in Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Le;islative Code. On July 26, 19'90 the Aivisioil of P�iblic Health mailed. an order to the then known owilers, �.nterested partie� and responsihle p�xties of this build�ng requirin� th�t! the Uuildino be either repaired., by coirecting the at.t.ached list of dPficilencies, or d.eniolished on or befor� August 26, 1990. Inasmuch as th�e orders have nor been completed. to the sat�_sfaction of this D1V1S1071 and t1�e continued �bandonPd condition of the buildino contribut.e� a blighting influer�ce and potential hazard. to the nei�hbc�ihood, it is the recomrnendation of this Di�%ision that the City Council pass a resolution � ... , .6�5 . Printed on Recycled Paper �d���7S Notice of Public Hearitlo — 14$8 Charles Aveilue November 14, 1�90 Page: 2 ordering the owners, interested. and/or responsible parties to eithei repair �r derriolish the bvilding in a tirnely nianner to the s�tisfactiot� of the City, In the event the owner�, ir�terested and/or responsible parties fail t.o cornply with the Courlcil Resolution, tl�e Division of Public Health should he a�tthorized to �_ernolish the l�uilding and. ac�e�s all co�ts incurred in the demolitiori aoa�nst the real estate as � special assessment. to be collected in tne sar.n.e m�nne�- as taxes, This matter wi11 h�ve a. Public Heaiino before the Neijhborhood SP_1V1Cf'S Com?nittee as w�?11 �.s the fu.11 City Council, Yo r,� truly, . ,� y� o'�, � ,''`,�,�.;?;s�'" Steven R, Roy (°,•� Environrne�ta]. I3ealth Froora�n Supe.rvisor Enclosure C: Ed.�;in Lee, Assr_, City Attorney St�ve ZaccaLCl, Fire M�rshall Jan C.a�terland., Buildinb Inspect.i.oi� and De�ibn Divi�io�� Y.aren GJ�.lson, PED Jim rfurphy, 702 City Hall District Hous�_iio Irispector 'i ' � 9� �a�7� DEPARTMENT/OPFICE/CAUNCIL DATE INITIATED Community Services 11-14-90 GREEN SHEET r,o. 0070 INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE ,CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE a DEPARTMENT DIfiECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Steven R. Roy 2�8—�F 15'3 ASSICiN �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR MUS7 BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA B (DATE) , ROUTIN� �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.S MGT.SERVICES DIR. December 11� 19 � ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL k OF SIGN�,TURE PAGES I� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) "�����°��cil to pass 'this resolution which will order the owner_.to remove or comp e e e repair of the' r�fere�ced building within thirty (30) days from the mailing of this resolution. If the �wner fails to comply with.the Resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the buildi g. The subject property is located at 1488 Charles Avenue.. RECAMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)Or Reject( ) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE N0. _PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVIC�COMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE —� _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT CAUFIT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB.1&CTIVE7 � INITIATING PROBLEM,I$SUE,OPPORTUNIIY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): The building is a nuisance pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint �Pau1 Legislative Cod.e. The owners, interested parties and responsible parties known to the Division of Public Health were given an order to repair or remove the building at 1488 Charles Avenue .by August 26, 1990. All parties failed to comply with those orders. The building has remained unoccupied since August of 1987. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The City will �liminate a nuisance. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: A cost of approximately $4,000 - $5,000 for removal of ;the building, if necessary. This cost will be assessed against the property taxes. , DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPRONED: I If the buildim� is ,not torn down, a nuisance, constituting a serious health hazard (potential fire da�ger, rodent and insect harborage, potential crime site and blighting influence on the neighborhood) , will remain within the City, TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN$ACTION S S 4,OOO — $S,OOO COST/REVENUE BUDCiETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Nu1S3TLC2 HOUS1Tlg Abatement ACTIVITY NUMBER 33261 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��_a��� Council File �` , � Green Sheet # ' RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold. puUlic hearings to consider the ad.visability and necessity of the repair or wrecking and removal of a two story, partly boarded, single family, wood f rame, deteriorated abaudoned house located on property hereafter referred. to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 1488 Charles Avenue. This Torrens property is leoally described as: Lot 10, Block l , Lyrnan D. Baird.'s Addition, Files of Registrar of Ti�les, County of Ramsev, State of Minnesota. WHER�AS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Uf�ice on July 25 , 1990 and other information available to the Division of Public He�lth on or hefore October 9, 1990, the follo�cing per�ons are owners, ir�terested and./or responsible partie� of the Subject Property: Catherine S. Mestnik, 172Fs Edward Street, Saint Paul , hiN 55109-4214. The add�'ess of the above noted persons was obtained frorn various sources inclu.ding the. tax records, phone hooks, mortgage companies, etc. ; and WHEREAS, the Division of PLiblic Health has issued. an ord.er identitied as an "Abandoned Building Notice" dated Ju1y 26, 1990 ��hich is attached and. incorporated as parC of this Resolution by this reference. This order was served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint P�u.l Legislative Code on all owners, interested and/or respon�ible parties of the Subject Property then knawn to the enforcement officer. The notice and order informed these parties that the single family, wood frame, one story, deteriorated, condemned and boari,ded house located on the Subject Prop�erty is an abandoned buildiiig and. a nuisaixce pursuant to Sections 45 .01 , Subd. 1 and 45.02, Subd. 11 of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code. The July 26, 1990 order �lso had attached to it a list. of defi�ienc�es regarding the house on the Subject Property, said list is attachec� and �lincorporated as part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, the July 26, 1990 orcler inforrned_ all then knowi� owners, 111tP_YE?StP_Cl parties and responsible parties that they mu�t either rep�ir the structure on t.11e Subject Property by correcting the list of deficiencies or d.ernoli�h the stru.cture, e�;ther action to take place by Aubu.st 26, 1990 ; and [J�ERE9$, no act.ion has been taken re5ardir�g cornpliar�ce wit.h the July 26, 1990 notice and order, and as a result the Division of Publ�_c Health requ.e�ted. that a public 1learin� be scheduled to talce place on December 10, 1990 before the Neighborhood. Services Committee of the Saint Paul City Cou.ncil to prepare a. recornrne�dation to Ue revie��ed. and_ decided on DecernUer 11 , 1990 by the Saint Pau.l City Cottncil' in con�iderinb the ad.visabilitv and necessity of orderinb the cor.rection o� the nuisance condition or, in the alternative, to consider the demolition ar�d remov�l of this stru.ctu.re; aiid � . � qp -�.r �� WHEREAS, the above referenced owners, interested and/or responsible parties have bee�z served notice of the time, place ar�d purpose of the public hearings before tl�e Neighhorhood Services Comniittee of the City of Saint Paul City Council on December 1D, 1990 and the Saint Paul City Council on December 11 , 1990 in accordance wi�h the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Pau1 Le;islati_ve Code ; and WH�REAS p a hearii�g was held before the Neibhborhood Services Cornrnittee of the Saint Pau1 City Cou.ncil on Decernber 10, 1990 and all testi?r�ony and evidence was considered_ by the co?nmittee; and WHEREAS, the Neibhborhood Services Co?nrnittee, after receivino testirr�ony and. evidence„ made the reco??irt�endation to approve a request by the Division of Pu.blic Health tp order the above referericed owners, interested parties and_ responsiblP parties and their assigns to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and. welfare and remove its bli;htino influencp on the community by rehahilitating this structure and correctino those deficienCies �et forth in the list previously referenced. in accordance with all applicaUlle cqdes and ordinar�ces, or in the alternative l�y demolishino the ctructur�e an fillinb the site in accordance with all applic�.ble codes and ordinan.ce�. �Phe rehabi].itation or demolition of the structure to be cornpleted within tllirtyl i30) days of the clate of mailing of this resolution; and WHEREAS, a hearinb was held. before rhe Saint Paul City Council on Decerr:ber �1 , 199�J a.�d all t���.timcny an� cvi:�ence ii.cl��d�r,g tY:� a^tio� �a?ten by the , Neiohborhood. Services Cornmittee was con�id.ered. by the Counci]. ; and. ; �OW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon all of the �.P_StlYr'i011)r and , evid.ence presentecl. at t.he Decernber 11 , 1990 hearing, t.he Sa.ir.it Paul City Council hereby �dopts the followiiio Findings and. t�rder concerning t11P. hou.se at 1488 Charles Avenue: 1 , That in g�tgust of 1987 the house located cn the S�lbject Property was determined to be unoccu.pied. The house has Y'ern3lried vacant and has beei� either open to access or boarded S111C� Nove?nber of 198i. �. '1"hat the Divisioti of Public Health of the City of Saiiit Paul I cond.emned. thi` �tr�icture a� "Unfit for HLl?rap Habitation under ', C.hapter 34 of the Saiiit Paul Lebislative Code" in Octobez- of 198' . I T,he b�lil�.in; is still subject to thi� cond.emnation ord_e�-, �,. T,hat. �ince November of 198; thF City of Saint Paul l�ia• oii ilun,erou.� QCC�SlOT1S 1SSUeC�. O1C�.P_Y'S tU t1'iP_ O�+'11P_Y'S t0 make t�11S �"lOL1SP �E?Cll.YP c11�1C�. not acc�s�.ible. OTl two occasions, because of t}�e inact.�.o�l oti the �aart of the owners, the City has had to hire a private cotitractor to ntake i.he house SP_CUYP_, 4, That there are now and 11clVP_ been since Novernber of 198? ?.r:illtiple e?:terior Hou.sinb Code or Bu.ildino Code �Tiolatioris in eaistence ar thP Subject F'loperty. 5 . '�hat the owner�, intEre�ted partie� and. re�pon�ible pat�ti�s of thi� hot�se are as previou.sly stated in this resolu.C:ior.. The�e . inciivid.uals have been properly �erved notice of the Dece�7:ber 11 , 1990 heariii� concernici;; thi� hou�e, . _�_ ' . �� ' �/`�`J— 6. That on July 26, 1990 aii Abandoned Buildinb Notice was sent. to the owners, interested parties and responsiUle parties orderin� these persons to either demolish the hou.se or make repairs and cure the list of deficiencies by August 26, 1990. 7 , Th�t tl�e order of Ju.ly 26, 1990 has bPen clisrP;axded by the owners, interested parties ai�d responsible parties. 3. Th�t all owners, interested partie� �.nd recponsible parties known to the Division of Public Health have been infor�med on numeroLl` oc�asions of the rPquirerr�ents to repair thi� structure and have failed_ to do so. 9. That the single farnily, wood frame, one story, d.eteriorated, condemned and boarded abandoned house located on the Subject Froperty is an ab�.ndoned building accordino to Section 45 .01 , Subd., 1 , of the Saint Paul Lebislative Code in that it is "a building or portion thereof which has stood LlI10CCt1j�12C�. fOY" I OIloP_Y than one (1 ) year" and during that period of time it ha� been either "unsecured", "boarded" , or has had "rnultiple e�terior Housinb Code or Building Code violations" or ha� been placarded as "Utlfit for Hu.man Habitat.ion" puisuant to Chapter 34 of the St. Paul LP°b1S�c1.t1VP COCl2,n l0. T.h�L rhe ci,l�le family, wood frame, or_? stoxy, j_atarlp�-aterl , condemned and boarded abandoned house l�cated on the Subjec't Pr�operty is a nuisance a� iricluded. under Sairit Paul Lebi�lat.ive Code Se�ction 45 .02, Subd. 11 , iti that it is an abandoned build.in� located in the City of Saint P�ul tYiat has cr�ated :� d_ln�,erous or u;�healthy condition or which threateri� the public peace, health, safety or �anitary condition of the City or which is affensive ar has a bliohting �_nflu.ence oi� the cornmunity. 11 . That the costs of abater.r,ent of this nuis�nce are estirn�ted. to e?�ceed. tcao thousand dollars l,$2,000.00} or the abatemer�t involves ' derr�olition of a buildino other thar� a struct,ire accessory to a residential buildinb. ORDER Th� Sairrt Paul City COL1T1C1� Y1PT�P�V rnalces the followinb ord.er: 1 � Tlie ahove referenced. o�;ners, interested parties and respo�l�ible ' parties and their a��igns shall rnake the SLtbject Froperty s�fe and i nat detrimental to the public peace, health, safety, and welfare 3nd ', r�rnove its blightino inrluence on the co�'nrnunity by rehabilitatii�o ' t11is �tl"L1.CLLi1"P and correcticlg thos� C1P_f1C]_2T1C7_PS set forth izi thE� ' 1�i�t previously referenced_ in accord.ance with all applica}�le cod.es 311C� OY'C�1T1311CP_=�, or in �CI12 �.�tP_7'T1�tJ_VP_ by dernol.ishi�ib the structure at�d filling the �ite in accr�rd.ance with all applicable code� and. ord.inance� , The rehabilitation or cl.e�r�olition of the sti�u.ctu.re must be cornp].eted. c.ithin thirty ;;0 i d.ay� of the date of n?ailir�� of this Y"PSOIU.tlOIl. � -�- . q� ��` �� � . ; ; 2. If the above corrective action is not completed within the thirty i3 ) day tirne period, the proper City officials of the City of Saint ! Paul are hereby authorized to t�.ke whatever steps are necessary to ! d.emolish this structure and fill the site and charge the co�ts incurrect against the Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of ' Section 45.03 of the Saint P�ul Leoislative Code. 3. In the event the building a.s to be demolished by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind �which shall unreasonahly iriterfere with the demolition �.nd removal shall be rednoved from the build.in; by the owner�, inteiested parties and responsible parties by the end of the thirty (30) day time period. If the per�onal property is not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall .remove and d.ispose of such property and fiatures as is provided. by law, 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that a certified copy of this resolution and the incorporated Order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last known address of the owners, interested. parties and responsible parties pursuant to Section 45 , 11 , Subdivision (5) of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod.e. -4- � 'Yrt eas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon �_ oswitz �_ on T_ Macca ee h � ettman � une ' gy: i Son I Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Councilc Date Adoption Certlified' by Council Secretary gy: By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: I i i �J � �/�vT ��,T,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL o' �� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ` � � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �i w� ,��� 55i Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 )AMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ABANDONED BUILDING NOTICE July 26, 1990 Catherine S. M�e�tnik 1728 Edwards Street St. Paul, MN 55109-4214 RE: 14$8 Charles Avenue Wood Frame, one and one-half storv, residential �tructure . Lyman D. Baird� Addition Lot 10 Blk 1 Dear Sir or- Madam: The Division af Public Health has determined that the above noted buildinb is an abandoned k�uilding, khich �hapter 45 of the Saint Paul Le,�islative Codes �?f111?S �S� "ar�y building or portion of a building which has stood with an incomplete exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any buildin� or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than on� (1} ',year and which meets one or more of the follo�:ing criteria; (a) urlsecured, or (b) boarded, or (c) having multiple exterior Housino Code or Buildino Code violation�, or � (d} placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Ch�pter 3=� ' o� the Saint Paul Legislative Code." � The ordi�ance further states that an abandoned buildino i` a nuisance and it may be o�dere� torn down by the City. NOTE: I� you do not want to have the City begin action to have the buildino torn dow#i, th n the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must tear the�, buil ing down on or before August 26, 1990. Any repa�r or�ldemolition must be completed in accordance will all applicable laws. ' If the work, is not completed or if you have not torn the building down by the above da!te, the Division of Public Health will refer this matter to the City �6 '� 5 � Printed on Recyded Paper � i . 9'0��.�7� 1488 Charles Avenue July 2b, 1990 Page: 2 Council to recleive authority to tear dokn the building. �11 cocts 1T1CUY"L'PCL in wrecking the b ilding will be charbed aoainst the real estate a� a �peci.zl accessment to e collected in the same m�nner as taxes, The City Council c:ill schedule a public hearin; to consider if the building should be torn d.oc:n. It a public heari',ng becomes neces�ary, you will be notified of the time and date of the hearino and you will be allowed to present evidence to the City Council. A copy of this order will be kept on file in the City Clerk's Office and � Resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey Caunty Recorder's Ofiice. Compliance with the attached list of deficiencies will remove your building from the list of abandoned buildings but it does not mean that the building complies will �11 applicable Hou�ing and Building Codes. The d.ate for compliance with tY1F�:P ord.ers shall not be P_SitP_11C12f� unle�s you receive kritten approval from the Division of Pt�.blic Healt.h. If you wish to have the City te�.r d.own your buildinb, you may do so by req�i?stir�g a �onsent. form be sent to vou -from our office, s..�,onino it and _ returning it to us. However, please be aware that all owners 3nd intere:ted parties must �ign the form before the City can tear the building doGi� �:ithout a City Council order. 91so be aware that the cost of the demolition, if performed by C.he Cit.y, would become a special assessment aoainst the property. If you h�ve amy questions about this order, please contact the Vacant Buildino Section at (612)298-4153 . Sincerel�, ����� 2 Steven R Roy Environm�ntal Health Prooram Manaoer SRR:jm ��! Enclosur� CC: Karek� Wi15on Planhing �nd Economic Development � I I i ' . ', �`� _ ���J�� , DEFICIENCY LIST FOR ' 1488 Charles Avenue ' June 8, 1990 All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appro�riate codes. Permits must be obtained where chan�es andlor additions to an electrical system require up;rading of the service �ize to current National Electrical Cod� (N.E.C. ) requirements. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of th� fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repair or new installation.. Permits may be obtained from the Buil�ing Inspection and Design Division, Room 445 , City Hall. Interior South Side Porch 1 . Scr�en door is broken, vandalized and deteriorated. 2. Pai�t is peelino. Repaint. 3 . Entry is covered with debris. Remove debris 311d cle3n. Kit�hen ' �t. DYimary door 1S V3:l�dI1Z?d and tl'!2 IOCk 1� ��'Ok?11, �OQ�- k?1n�i i c mzG�;ng, . Rep�.ir or replace door. 5 . Ceiling �hows signs of water damage and has cracked plaster and flaking paint, �tepair and paint. 6. Walls ha�ue cracked and peeling paint and show signs of water damace. Rep�ir a�►d paint. 7. Floor covering is cracked and has missing section�. Replace floor covering, 8. Fix�ures are filthy. Clean. Bathroom 9. Cei�ing is water damaged. Repair. , 10. Sho�aer s�all missing fixtures and is filthy and moldy. Repair, clean and' paint. 11. Bathroom''� lacks a handsink. Provide a handsink. 12. Bathroom lacks an electrical outlet. Provide an outlet in accordance with the' Saint Paul Housing Code. 13. Toilet trap is dry. Repair toilet if necessary and provide water. . ��, _�, �,- 148� Charles Avenue Deficiency List June 8, 1990 , Paoe. 2 . Bathroom — continued: 14. The electric meter is in the bathroom. Relocate to a more appropriate location in accordance with the Natiorial Electrical Code. Wesfi Sid� Bedroom 15. Ceiling shous sions of water damage and i` c�-acked. Paint is peelino. Repair arld paint. 16. Walls have cracks and shows signs of water damage, have come holes iri them. Repair and paint. 17. Windows �re broken and lacking sash cords. Rep�ir windows. 18. Room has one duplex outlet and one sinole outlet. Provide an addition�l duplex outlet. 19. Carpeting is filthy and in need of cleaning. Clean and �anitize, or replace. 20. Sig�s of ' rodent infestation, feces on floor. Eliminate rodent infestation. Liv�ng ROom 21 . Ceilinos have holes in them and have cracked and loose plaster, peelino pai�t. Repair and paint. _ 22. Walls ha�e missing and cracked plaster. Repair and paint. 23. Dam�oed cover plate to outlet on northside wall. Replace. 24. Floor co�Tering is filthy, Clean and sanitize. Northside Bedroom 25. Ceiling �hows signs of water damage and the wood paneling on the ceiling is rotted and partially falling. Replace or repair. 26. Paneling, on walls is water damaged. Repair. 27. Windows are boarded and several are cracked. Repair and replace as necessary. 28. Room only has one outlet. Provide additional outlet. . �o'��?s 1488 Charl�s Av�nue Deficiency List June 8, 1990 Page: 3 . Northside Entry Hallway 29. Steps lack handrail. Provide handrail. 30. Rise and run of steps is uneven. Repair. 31 . Ceiling is water damaged. Repair. 3�2. There is carpeting tacked onto the wall. Remove carpeting. 33 . Floor covering is dirty and water damaged. Replace or repair. 34. Prim�e ent�y door is dete•riorated and lacks proper locks and knob. Repair or, replace. Exterior East' Side '� '"h 30 a,��p s�rv�ce entrar.ce �r. th� eas: side �L" �he �":OL�e ��hich ,,., . � zre is a _ is disconnected. Repair and upgrade to National Electrical Code Standards. North Sidie 36. Porch shoiws signs of heavy deterioration and wa�er da-^age. Repair. 37. Shingles �.re missing and damaoed on the porch root. Regair or replace roof on piorch. 38. Winclows alre broken out and boarded. Remove boards and replace with g 1 asls. ', 39. Sidijng ha� cracks. Repair. I 40. Sid�ng har loose and peeling paint. Repair and p�int as necessary. I ' 41 . Roof� on n�orth side has many missing shingles and the sheathing appears to ble deteriorated and rotted underneath. Repair roof and replace shir�gles. 42. Chimney has loose bricks and missing mortar. Repair chimney and tucl�point. I � � 9� - �i�� 1488 Charles Avenue Deficiency List June 8, 1990 ', Page: 4 ' West Side 43. There ar� some holes in the �iding and some �reas that have loose and pee�ino paint. Repair and paint. 44. Some siding boardc are damaged. Repair or replace. 45 . The foundation has some cracks and missing mortar. Repair. Garage Attachment 46. The roof is deteriorated and is missing shingles and the sheathing is deteriorated and rotted. Repair roof. 47. Garage windows are boarded and t�roken. Repair. 48. Garage wood trim and doors have peelino and missin; paint. Repair and paint as necessary. 49. Walls have some mi�sinb ��iorta�. Repair. �• South Side 50. RodL" is '�,bowing and sagging in places. Repair and replace shingles as necessary. 51 . Wood siding and trim is peeling and some areas are deteriorated, crac�ed or miss�ng. Repair aiid paint. 52. Wir�dows ',are cracked and partly boarded. Repair windowc and replace - d 1 QS S• ���. . 53. Sill on south side ot house shows much deterioration, and rot. the sill has approximately a two inch gap in places between the foundation and th� sill. Replace sill board. 54. Fo�ndat�on is cracked and has missing mortar. Repair foundation. 55. St�ps to house lack handrail and are deteriorated. Provide handrail and re�air 4r replace steps. Ea$t Side 56. Ro�f sh�ws signs of sagging and loose shingles. Repair roof. 57. Siding and trim has loose and peeling paint. Repaint. 58. Foundat�on is cracked and has missing mortar. Repair foundation. ; . I II �D-2� 7� 1488 Charles 9venue Deficiency List June 8, 1990 Page: 5 ', East Sid� - continued: 59. Soffit and facia area show �ions of estensive rot. Rep�ir soffit ai�d facia areas. General �?xterior 60. There are �everal trees orowino around the foundation and aoainst the house, probably causino damaoe to the foundation and siding. Remove trees and brush, and repair any damage to foundation. 61 . Steps at the west side ot the property lack handrail. Provide handrail and. repair steps. Basxc Facilities 6?. House 1ack� electrical service. Provide electrical ser.vice. G3 . House lacks Fater service. Provide water servic�, and•make any necessary repairs to plumbin� to code. NOTE: 64. Could not access the attic �rea. Repai.r any structural damaje in the attic. 65 . Cou1d not accesc the basernent area. Repair anv structural , elect•rica� �r mechanical deficiencies. 66. Could fi�d no equipment to heat hot water. Provide a water heater in accordanCe with the plumbing code. 67. Could tind no furnace. Install a furnace to heat the building. All installations must be in accordance with the Minnesota Mechanical Code. If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises�ito comply with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. Information about these programs is available from the Department of Planning and Economic Developm�nt, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a loan officer. . I I � ' �D-�17� � `�,�T,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL :' '.. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� =i�i�� o DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ,... I ' c�t 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510"I , ', a.�J (612)292-77'i'I JAMES SCHEIBEL ' � . � MAYOR /`�✓ �,� �/ � November 14, 1990 � Saint Pau� Legal Ledger 640 Minne�ota Building 46 E. 4th Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 RE: 1488 Charles Avenue Dear Sir br Madam: Please publish on Tuesday, Nove��nber 20 , 19�0 and Ttiesday, Novernber 27, 1990 the enclosed nmtice of a Neighborhooc� Services Committee Pu.bl�_c He�iino and a Saint Pau� Cit� Council Public Hearing. You rnay b�ll the Saint Paul Division of Pu.blic Health for tha. costs. Send the billing to the Division of Public Health, Vacant Buildino Sec.tion, 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, MN . 55101 . Also, please � tbrnit to us an affidavit of publication, Sincerel�l, �p��� �,�� 'o I ✓ j ��"V� 9� I ��°�`' Steven R. Roy I � Environmental Health Program Supervisor SRR:jm Enclosure' , � �fi��5 - Printed on Recycled Paper � ' 9D_al 7vr ��._.,, GTY OF SAINT PAUL :' '. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES +• �i�um Ao DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �... 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510'I (612)292-7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ' November 14, 1990 NOTICE �F PUBLIC HE�RING TO ORDER REPAIR TO ALL KNOWN INTERESTED AND RESPONSIBLE PARTIES RE: 1488 Char.les A�venue Single family, wood frame, one story, deteriorated, condemried and boarded abandoned house Lot 10, Block 1 , Lyman D. Baird's Adclition, Files of Registrar of Titles, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota Dear Sir or Madar�: This is to notify you that the City Council and the Neighborhood. Services Committee, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health, has �chedu'Yed pu�lic hearir�os to considei the advisah�lity and. necessi.ty of_ the repair or wrecking,,�,nd removal of the above noted building. Al1 'owners and any other partiec with a known iriterest in this buildino are required to be notified of the�e hearings to allow them �.n opportunity to object to the action requested. hy the Division of Public Health. Please be �.dvi�ed the{ Public Hearino before the Neiohborhood. Services Committee is schPduled for: , I Monday, Decembelr 10, 1990 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 15 West K,ellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN 55102 Please be advised thel Public Hearin; before the City COLlT1C11 is scheduled_ for: Tuesday, Ilecemb%er 11, 1990 at 9:00 a.m, in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 15 G�est Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN 55102 � At these hearin s you will be allowed to present �ny evidence you may h�.ve to object to the recommendat �ons of the Division of Public Health. If the City Courycil orders the correction or wieckino and remo��al, all costs incurred to perform this woi�k, includ.ing inspections costs, administrative costs, title searches, filino fees and �the a�ctu.al dernolition and removal e�,penses, will be assessed against the real estate as a special assessmenr_ to be collectecl. iri the same ar�annei as real. e�tate taaes. If you have any ��e�tions concernin; this matter please call the Vacarit Buildit�� Section at (612;298-4153 . �11CPYP_ZV, � /`'�'"� StPVen R. Roy � Environmental He�lth Prooram Supervisor SRR:jm .�'... ab��S �. Printed on Recycled Paper 90 -,�l 7� � ' SAINT PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street ' St. Paul, MN 55101 ' FAX: (612) 222-2770 � FACSIMILE T�tANSMISSION Cover Sheet ajnd Transmittai Form DATE: � �—I�--� (� � To: � '���3a.-�r b LOCAT ION: �C�.� .�C�ti�" SENDER: � l�� Yv`C�-S�� �'�� , T!T!E: ���CC�YL�: �`.�'L�� �C�1.4'l_C� . � i This transmission co�sists of �� pages (including cover sheet). If transmission �s inc�mplete or illegible, call sender at (612) MESSAGE: I I� ,�.� C�:t,�t�i�l� c> � 1\��2L) �. ���Z—1 �� �--la � � �� � � � �c� �"���-1- I��v ��a'� �y �� �a,�2e�� �! �' i ��,�'a.��s � ' VACANT BUILDING INITIATIVE BUILDING EVALUATION BUILDING ADDRESS 1488 Charles Avenue TYPE OF ST�tUCTURE Residential X Commercial Industrial � PROJECT EVI�LUATORS Joe Gomez DATE OF INaPECTION I . STRUCTURAL SOUNDNESS Yes � No Comments �Iouse full of rot--does not appear , sound II . E�CTEN'� OF REHABILITATION � Extensive Moderate � Minimal COmmer�ts House too small--rear or nouse on alie�. vPr� poor condition Rehab cost estimate S65 000 ' III . SUITA�ILITY OF LOT I� Yes � . � No � Too small ' Poor soil � Bad topography � It�com atible use -t— p Commer�ts Lot on carner 40 ' X116 ' IV. MARKETABILITY � Yes _ No Comments Lot Only Good neighborhood--near shopping , � school and bus line i ,......�, _ �� -� , �,` V. L�gal '�Concerns _ Yes _ No Comments VI . Potential Reuse Rehabilitation _ As Housing _ As Commercial � Demolition and Redevelopment � As Housiiig _ As Commercial Demolitioii and hold for � Bui:ldiug moved to location Other Use VT_I . F. E. �=. ::�}±�r. _ Note: Enviromental Health will proceed to issue orders to repair or raze. Neighborhood Development will contact owner regarding Vacant Commercial Program. � Ho�sing Division will contact owner regarding Rehabilitation Pragram. � Housiiig Divisioii will coritact owner regarding acquisition. P. ' E. D. is Interested in vacant lot , Not interested in vacant lot N TE: ' Property is located across from vacant Smaritan Hospital ! site and the community and Justin Properties are looking at redevelopment options . � '