90-2166 Council File $ O"��So S� ORIGI�� �L � Green Sheet # 11584 ' RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date l ` i i , � ,i RESOLVED: That application (ID ��26998) for an Auto Body Repair Garage License by Larry's Auto Body at 933 Atlantic, be and the same is hereby approved. I � . �_ Nays Absent Requested by Department of: 0 — �,, -�-- -�. License & Permit Division a a ee � a e m n � une �"— i son T�"" BY: —_� � Adopted by Council: �ate DEC i 1 1990 Form Approved-by City Attorney Adopti Certified by Council Secretary /a -zD ..�d By: � \ By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by yor: Date DEC � 2 1990 Council By: By' PU811SNE0 �� � �� � . � ' � ' �'p-�/��a �i � DIVISION OF L CENSEI AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �� lU / ��l��" �� INTERDEPARTME TAL VIEW CHECKLIST Appn rocessed/Received by �,(.� Y erl C� � �-%��I'�y���' C���c.., Lic Enf Aud �J ��f Applicant �N V f',( � �` Home Address ��CJ � �-Cc ✓�� �1 ` t � � L�.- - Business Name �-T-�1 tf'✓l C� Home Phone �� ���� Business Addre s I Type of License(s) ��G`�� 1j, Business Phone � � 7 �' 1 �� G� l�� (;�� ►�' C l/VCt � Public Hearing Date I � �- I License I.D. � o�(�'�I� at 9:00 a.m. i the Council C am ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �f�' Date Notice Se t; � Dealer � ���' to Applicant 7'�Q Federal Firearms � �f� Public Hearing I DATE INSPECTION REVIEW �I VERFIED (COMPUTER) CO�NTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D I �' � I� � � �+/v Health Divn. ' � � N�f} � Fire Dept. � � � I �( I Fj'G� I �% � l Police Dept. I, I ��( I�I �(j S-Q� � I � � � � �[� �u � /c�- License Divn.' I f ; ! i r�5'y� I G ic___- City Attorney', � I,I J ' �� , ,01����, � � � �ate Received: Site Plan � ��� � I To Council Research �������� Lease or Letter� `� /'� Date from Landlord � �V �" �� � ' I ; , , ��.. . , � , - ;t . , �� ��� � � • - �. CITY OF SAINT PAUI. . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGII�NT SERDICES ' • LICENSE AND PERMIT DIVISION i : �'4� These statement fo�Cms a�te issued in duplicate. Please answer all questions fully and completely. �� �'�: This applicatioa i8 tho�qoughly checked. Any falsification will be cause for deaial. , '-`i' � �^ • � 1) Application for (tyrpe of license) ���� `� � '� 2) Name of appliCant ' L.qc,��2V�Ce 3' ��Lb� r'�c}�� �f2 3) Applicant's t�,tle- (corporate officer, sole awaer, partner, other) ��� /P Q�i(.�,2 4) Name under whi�ch tY�is business will be conducted: �-h�"Y� ( 1 C1- �-'2 f S !^-��b � 1 �' ��.`�} V \ Ap�llicanit / Companq Name Doing Business As n' / / a � Q . 5) Business telephone number � / `-� " /J � i 6) If applicant is/has' been a married female, list maiden name 7) Date of birth � " � � " ��J Age JJ Place of birth S� I'� � l 8) Are qou a. citiizen o�E t8e IInited States? Ve S . Native Naturalized T- 9} Are you a regiistered voter? 1(� G Wtiere? 10) Home address ����� �-t��'� �J� Home Phone �9U 'C��rg� I1) Present business ad4iress �,3� ��f����T�L Business Phone ��y���3/ , ' _ 12) Including qour present business/employmeat, what business/employment have you followed for the past fipe years: .. Business,lEmploymeat Address . ��.; u: �k- � ��-� �.�- � � ( ���-� �1 q )s � � ; 13) Married? (S I� answer is "yes", list name aad address of spouse. i ��?-r�`�rn.. , 1��� �r�c, ��' /.--�f�- ��'�- ��� �—~� 14) Have you ever lpeen �rrested for an offense that has resulted in a conviction? �C,i If aaswer is "yes", ;Iist dates of arrests, where, charges, confictions, aad senteaces. Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge . Com�iction Seatence • i Date of arrest ' , 19 Where Charge Conviction ' Sentence 15) Attach a copy bereto of a lease reement o proof of ers for r ses at which a license will be he�ld. �/� - ` ��z —��d� ��. � 16) Attach to this application a detailed descri tion of t design, location, a square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan) .�� � C%�3�' �-�Qn l � ��r�k, $�5Q 5 17) Give �'ames and add�e es of two persons who are local residents who can give information concerning you. Name Address � � �J�S� ��-r c��-t r c �� � a� `��� 2 �..��' fi�-�/`��, �r c.. � 18) Address of premises for which License or Permit is made. Address � J�j � � ' ' (�-h� � G ����- Zone Classification 19) Between what cross streets? �� j� N"�(�-h��� L Which side of street? �eS'�'� 20) Are premises now ocG�upied? � �S � What business? ��1� J�� (-� How long? �7 �/C��t'S 21) List license(s)�, busliness name(s) , and location(s) which you currently hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in, and locations of said license(s) . � � S�c I�.l �' C_r��s�. C��;� At'1 `f l~V '�7v � -i' +1 22} Have any of the Iicemses Iisted by you in No. 21 ever been revoked? Yes No �-�� Zf answer is "y�es", Ilist dates and reasons. 23) Do you have an inter,�est of nq type in any other business or busiaess presises not listed in #21? Yes �_ �If answer is "yes", list business, business address, and tele- phone number. � 24) If business is ,incor�orated, give date of incorporation , 19 and attach copy of Azticles of Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. . i j • ` r 25) List all offic�rs o$ the corporation giving their names, office he1d, home address, date of birth, and Iaome and business telephoae numbers. � 26) If the business is a partnership, list partner(s) address, phone number, aad date of birth. 27) Are you going tio operate this business personally? �S If not, who will operate it? Give their nama, home address, date of birth, and te��ne number. 28) Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? �D If answer is "yes", give name, home� address, date of birth, and telephone number. 29) Has anyone you �ave t�amed in questions #23 through #26 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, convictians, and sentence. 30) I �Cc..(,���Q,;r�Cg_j 1N ��� Y�q�-''�J�understand this premises may be inspected by the Pol.ice, Fire, Health, and other city officials at any and all and all times when the business is in opera�ion. State of Minnesota ) ' ., _ �� ) � County of Ramsey ) Signature of App ica t / Date , . being duly sworn, deposes and saqs upon oath that he has read the'fore oi atement bearing his signature and knows the contents thereof, and that the sa�e isltrue of his own Imowledge escept as to those matters therein stated upon informatio� andlbelief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. Subscribed and sworn ��to before me � daq �of I• , 19 �� . . Notary Public, , 1,� ty, MN � �t�► �h as.a�w,y�o.�sa My commission e�¢pires �o�.�, I O ,��1� " ■ Rev. 2/88 �� �i�� , . ��. DEPARTM T/OFFICE OUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� _115 8 4 Finance/ icen e GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR a CITY COUNCIL Christi e Roz k-298-5056 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY DATE) ity Clerk ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) Hearin / 12 11 9 / 12 4 90 � n2 �su�s�-� TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Approva of a application for an Auto Body Repair Garage License. Notific tion: 11 27 90 Hearin : 12 iI RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)o Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVI SERVICE COMMISSION �• ffas this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITfEE YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? _STAFF YES NO _DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB,IE IVE? YES NO , Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OP RTUNI (Who,What,When,Where,Why): Laurenc P. ebinger, Jr. on behalf of Larry's Auto Body requests Council approva of eir application for an Auto Body Repair Garage License at 933 Atl ntic. License fee of $128.25 has been submitted. All required departm nts ave given their approval. ADVANTAQES IFAPPROVED: � ' �CEIVED N4V3 o199U C1TY CLERK DI3ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: .,, �s�:�'.... _ . _ r; is�i s�;... DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROV D: � �.-. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA TION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXP N) �W