90-2162 iI � T� � I / /� CITY OF T. PAUI COUN�I�.FIL O. D �/ls�o� FINAL �OR ER �X 1`t u � � , gy , . .-' �'"� 1 � . � �18tili �; I __Fil�� Voting In the Matte of �stalla�ion of the �larion/IIni��rsity Araa Stora Ss�►er Ward jec . l�cea is boanded b� Coao Av�nae, ltice Stre�t� Anrosa A nue and Cedu Sts�t. 1 ' I I , I I� � , � � under Preliminary rder [�J�6 7� approved �6��3 7 � i i , I I The Counc�l of the�l, City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having bee given'��as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, he Co ncil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has full� consi ered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED,� That t e Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the roper ity officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER ESOL ED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurr d there n and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. I i � DEC i �. 1990 COUNCIL PE SON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas��� Nays Cos�rits Certifie s by Council Secretary Lan� I I�ItCei � In Favor By Lt j � � Against Wilson Mayor pEr � 2 149Q I I ppguSNEp D E C 2 � 1990 � --�- � �� � I �� . ` � • � 'RE10/11/90 ���/��i��1 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL s � DATE INITIATED NOi _116 51 Finance Departmen /Rea Estate 10/9/90 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Peter �llt2 � 298-5317 A$$�GN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL A(iENDA BY DATE) O (30 ROUTING �BUDGET DIHECTOR �FIN.8 MCiT.SERVICES DIR. MUSt be lII Ci�ty rk' ��� � 17 9 ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) [� Council Research nes a TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Setting date of ublic Hearing Hold a public he ring o approve the construction of a storm sewer in connection with the Marion/Universit Are Sewer Separation Project. Finance File ��18614 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or ReJect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION8: _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVI SEpvICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? �STAFF YES NO _DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OB,IE IVE? Ward 1 YES NO SeWeY' Separation Explaln all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATIN<i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OP TUNITY Who,What,When,Where,Why): The area is serv d by a combined sanitary and storm sewer system. It is necessary to separate the abo e me tioned sewers by the construction of a new system. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Elimination of s wer ack-ups into basements during heavy rain falls. Compliance with eder 1 Ma.ndates on sewer separation DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Temporary disru tion f area roads, noise and dirt during construction. Assessments wou d be evied against property owners not already assessed for sewer separatio DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVE : Federal mandate wou d not be met ; �'�'� ��:y;i�Y. RECEIVED ��,.� 4,• �n�r�i,�: ^ ���r`!� . �CT1619.9�,� . . -"; `, ;�� `;`u ' EtTY` C�ERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA TION S 2 126 400.OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Assessm nts 24,400.00 FUNDING SOURCE Sewer Reve u2 BOIIdS �2���2����.�� ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAI ) MnD t Funds �1 OO�OOO.OO d ru zD � _ � u � � y � _ � � c" z ' : v � � m � � /� T N w �y N n y L �� _ � a7 �0 a � t� ' � ! , � T � � rt _,._ .... _ .. .. .._ ._. .. �. ^ � � . m rtnn � ' ' i� � . • � � : j. � . ��� . AV . ESTtZa . . � ) � � � � ' O � � D � I � ��� •:!.::a: � ' RCrI N�A � • � `V > . .. > _ � a � � � b � � oao �� � : � . ' ti ~ I �• ' FRRRIN to � • � '. . .._;�.. ' ..,.�. Z � � ,. I ' � � � 1 n � �J � i ' �. � L I '�1 ` : •- � � •` I C a � . � '• . � � . :.;•. � t_ :..... . �+) � ! . ,;; . .:. .:. � y m 3 >. .r< �. .::::�: < �::. : :..� c�.�n FR �T. � :; ��� �r' "•I sats�r. � r" � `' � U � �.,an i 7p rn � ''�� •. �s � sr. W���oH si' I � N �� � �/! (T� � 4� � �l � � , � � � � / � ; , : , � ; �� ; � , . � ; 3 .-�- , ; Z \"w' — '�— — — — — — �Ri ,z�c.c ' ss ' � < ��'` �0' �E — J�< < � s a� - / I D ;: 4� y r p � � � � � � n a <:: •� ��+ ,/`j� . > > _ : P .�� p � � �J � 'T ..� a � /� I ' � '" � _ � m ' c�nro� s�vo. � � > • � "'� _ �� �� � I a 'T y — � � 2 • i � �: < : I \ yb S ^�f� 1 u .��� C l l ; �}_' N ,. AT l 1GM� b � Q �� .��s�" � �� ��� � C t1 '�I � ������ *� "4� r_�� � ` � '' � y K f'�`0 �' ` ^ � '� t Qi '�� I � y .� ' \ �� o�.. � L � � � 1� .n`�' � ♦ 1 � , A � 1 o � � � �"��� q a � / \ � � r \ w / - t� O � v C ^ _ ( '� � f •y � _ •� �a L r s O = 'i f"_ � ^•� , 1• �. A�•� � ��r � ,� » � e� � _ � • � • � `�//,','//��\\��, '> G `• \ 'S + � �,�;,��• `''` ..�... .....``''�.,�. _ . , to : t�r� "'�'e�'��,;� . I �j ', ��.c� /�✓ \\\ :'? f'� � �-� � .�\�� _ � . � . . � . �. , ' • t I CITY OF SAINT PAUL �berse jjj�jj�� � � . Rog�r J. Goswitz, cbair - OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL David Thune, w�. cbair r� Tom Dimond Bob Long ROGER GOSWITZ KATHY GELAO Counc�member . Legislative Aide COMMITTEE R�POR"� PUBLIC WORKS�, UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE � Hearinq D�te Action Approval of Minutes of November 7, 1990 APPROVED 1 . 11/27/90 VACATION: Petition of the Port Authority APPROVED ' to vacate a 30-foot and a 50-foot easement 4-0 in Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Energy Park West located between Energy Park Drive and the Burlington Northern Railroad west of Snelling Avenue. Purpose is to vacate existing easements and rededicate a new easement. � 2. 12/11/90 VACATION: Petition of Como Foundry Partners SENT TO for the vacation of Mackubin Street between COUNCIL Como Avenue and Atwater and Atwater Street WITHOUT between Mackubin and Como. Purpose is for RECOMMENDATION new development purposes. 3. 12/11/90 , FINAL ORDER: Improve the Wly North-South LAID OVER ' alley in Block 74, Dawson's Earl Street INDEFINITELY, ' Addition (bounded by Earl , Frank, York, 5-0 ' and Sims) by grading and paving with , bituminous material . Also, slope ' construction in the grading and paving ' of the alley. 4. 11/27/90 ' FINAL ORDER: Improve Sylvan Street from APPROVED, ' Ivy Avenue to the proposed cul-de-sac 5-0 ' north of Ivy Avenue by grading, paving ' and constructing concrete curb and gutter. . Also, for sTope construction in the grading I and paving of Sylvan Street. 5. 11/27/90 FINAL ORDER: Acquiring and taking of APPROVED, property for the Wheelock Parkway Bluff 5-0 , Preservation Project, part of Block 11, Edwin M. Wares Cumberland Addition Plat 2 ' located on Wheelock Parkway between Nebraska and Arlington. (continued) CTTY HALL SEVF;T�iTII FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4475 s�oaa I Printed on Recycled Paper . _ . . � 9� - �� .��2 � �'�.� �,�� �� y 6. 12/11/90 FINAL ORDER: Improving the following Streets APPROVED AS Streets with a bituminous roadway, concrete AMENDED, 5-0 curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard restoration and a lantern- style street lighting system for parts of Charles, Sherburne, Galtier, Farrington, Virginia, Aurora and Fuller. All to be known as the University/Marion Area Street Paving and 7. 12/11/90 FINAL ORDER: For constructing the Marion/ APPROVED AS University Area Storm Sewer Project. Bounded AMENDED, 5-0 by Como Avenue, Rice Street, Aurora Avenue, and Cedar Street. Also, installing sanitary, storm and water service connections, if ro erty owners. 8. 11/27/90 FINAL ORDER: For improving the following APPROVED AS streets with a bituminous paving, concrete AMENDED, 4-0 curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard restoration and installation of a lantern-style street lighting system for parts of Arundel , Cook, Danforth, Edgar, Geranium, Grotto, Jessamine, Kent, Lawson, Loeb, Maryland, Maywood Place, Maywood Street, Norton, Orange, Rose, St. Albans and Simon. All to be known as the Maryland/Dale Street Paving and Lighting Project. 9. 11/27/90 FINAL ORDER: For constructing the Maryland/ APPROVED AS Dale Area Storm Sewer Project. Area bounded AMENDED, 4-0 by Cottage, Western, Front and Victoria Street. Also, installation of sanitary, storm and water service connections, if requested by the property owner. 10. 12/11/90 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring properties and APPROVED AS easement for the Maryland/Dale Area Storm AMENDED, 4-0 Sewer Project to allow for pond construction. 11. 12/11/90 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring permanent utility APPROVED, 3-0 easements and temporary construction easements _ under and across Lot 9, Block 54, Irvine's Enlargement for the Seventh/Kellogg Area Storm Sewer Project. 12. 12/13/90 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: For acquiring APPROVED, 3-0 permanent and temporary easements for sanitary sewer extension at 464 Pt. Douglas Road S. 13. RESOLUTION 90-1904 - Authorizing permission APPROVED, 3-0 to subordinate city easements to the MWCC easements in the Middle Beltline Interceptor. (Referred to Committee 10/30/90) . (continued) , . -, c� �, � � , ' �` ��� � � }�' 1 � ��.� � � SUMIWIA.RY OF ENGINEER�NG ItECOMN�ENDA'�'IONS � MAXZION/UNIVERSITY AREA SEVVER SEPARA.TION PROJECT 'PROJECT NO. 91-S-8074/91-P-8057/91-V-8057 ��C�IVED Report Prepared October 3, 1990 ��v�'�1�� Neighborhood Infomiational Meeting - Pending �;lT`r CLERK Public Wozks Committee Meeting-November 21, 1990 Public Heazing-December 13, 1990 Project The p.copose�d proj�ct includes constructian of storm sewer, water and sewer service connections and reconnections, street improvements, tree pianting and a "modified. Iantezn" style Iighting system in paaurt of tbe St. Anthony Hill Sewer System. The azea is generally bounded by Western Avenue, Cedaz Str�et,Como Avenue and Interstate 94.' , Refer to attauched S1ite Map for project location and proposed improvements. Initiating A�ction The project was �initiated by the Public Works Department as part of the Combined Sewer Separation Progra�. Ex-i�sting Conditit�ts The project area i��presendy served by a combined sewer system. During periods of maderate to heavy zainf�ll, the�re have been reports of sewer backups into basements and surface flooding problems. 'X'o solvie this problem,new storm sewers will be required. The streets' propased for reconstmction are in poor condition. Concrete curb existing on segments o� dle streets aze deteriorating and need replacemont. Also, attcmpts to satvage old curb when ze:.a:zscruc:i,zg strert surfaces have been nnsuccessful in the past: therefore, we aze proposing tp remove existing curb and gutter; and, construet new curb and gutter on all new streets. Boulevards are in;pooz condition where no curb exists. Boulevazds along streets where concrete or bituminous curib eaists are in generally good condition. Trees exist ialong �,all boulevards and within easement areas. Trees vary in size fronn relatively recently plap�rted a�h varying in size from 4"-8" diameter to lazge, mature elm as lazge as 36" in diameter. -1- . ' C�p-�t��2 - � . �� i The project �rea i#ivolves heavy commercial activity. 'Ilirough tz�affic and access to local businesses wIll be of primary concem. A detour of southbound Rice Street from University to St. A.nthony i,s proposed. Restrictions will be placed on construction activity in certain streets until other st�eets a�'e completed. Construction under traffic will be required on Rice, University and Marion except#or the detour noted above. Utilities, i.e., watek, gas, electric, and telephone, exist in the project neighborhood. Any upgrading of utili�ies would be coordinated with the utility companies during project constniction. Proposed Im►provements 1. Storm Sewer Stom�j sewer will be constructed on: G�harles'�-Cedaz to Capitol Capitol'-Charles to Sherburne Sherbuz�ne -Cedar to Rice P'ark-S�herburne to Como Chazles -Park to Rice Univexsiity -Pazk to Rice R,ice-Charles to St.Anthony Cialtier±University to Edmund S�erbume -Galtier to Marion Farringdon-University to South of Fuller C�altier} University to Aurora Aiurora-Galtier to Farrington Vrirgini�-at University and South of Fuller F�uller-'Viurginia to Marion l�iarion-North of Ravoux to Ravoux �avoux,-West of Marion to East of Marion I�terseations of Marion/University and Mazion/Aurora I�terseation of Westerni/Ravoux The ep�istiui� combined sewers in the project area will remain as sanitary sewers eacept that a new s�nitary sewer is proposed to be constructed inside the 8 foot brick combined sewer, from �Marion to St. Anthony at Sears easement to take advantage of an eaisting pipe raligcu�ent to reduce restoration costs and area disruption; and the remaining availalble ca�acity of the 8 foot sewer for stomn water flow. ' __. __ -2- � � I qo -���2 2. Streets New streetsb inclucling concrete curb and gutter, aggregate base, bituminous surfacing, concrtte outwalks and driveway aprons and boulevard restoration consisting of sodding adjacent to residential areas and sodding/bituminous surface adjacent to commercial azeas will be constiucted on: ' Width(Face to Street , Face of Curb Charles (Rice to Park) 36' S�herbume(Galtier to Marion) 36' Galtier(University to Sherbume) 40' Galtier(Sherbume to Chazles) 36' Cialtier(Chazles to Edmund) 40' �ialtier(Alley north of Aurora to Fuller) 32' Galtier CUniversity to Alley north of Aurora) 40' Pazrington(University to Aurora) 40' Parrington (South of Fuller to Aurora) 32' Virginia(University to Aurora) 40' Virgiuni�(South of Fuller to Aurora) 32' A.urora{Westem to Marion) 34' Puller(�arrington to Mazion) 40' Puller(Westem to Fanington) 32' Due ro the commercial nature of the area and to adclress traffic and parking concems in the a�reas o� new streets, the proposed street widths match existing widths as much as possil�le. Fbr new streets connecting with University, the streets are proposed to be 44 feet wide to��facilitate turnnig movements and vetucle stacking. All o�her st�eets with sewer construction only will be restored in-kind in the sewer trench azea ! 3. Buui���ard'�i'rees � Boule�vard tt'ees are proposed to be protected during constiuctian to the extent possible. It is pro�osed co adjust streets widdis as much as possible to save trees. As a�,result I,of proposed storm sewer and street construction, trees are proposed to be remor�ed as�ollows: l�Iariom;-North of Ravoux-one tree(12")is proposed to be removed. Replaicement and additional trees will be planted in boulevazd areas as needed to reforest the anea. -3- _. ._ . _ ___ _ ---- _ � _ _ _ Ga�2i�a- 4. Lightang A new ene#gy efficient sodium vapor lighting system will be installed. Ordets and fundimg are �ased on"modified lantern" style lighting. Aiternates I To do notlu�g would be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve existing oiled streets, and tp sepat'ate the combined sewers. Constructing sewers without street improvcments has not been�effectiwe in the past, in that the eaisting oiled streets aze not capable of withstanding the consnvct�on activity necessary to construct the sewers, and merely restore dle trench areas. Improving the roadways in conjunction with sewer constiuction will save time, money and inconv�nienae later, Streets could be cbnstructed to narrower widths; however, traffic flow and parking problems would result. Positive Benief ts With the co�►pletiok�of the City's sewer project, the chance of sewer backups into basements and surface flooding will be reduced, and, after rainleader disconnections, sewer backups into basements wfill be eliminated. General 'nnprovement of the public right-of-way in conjunction with street construction will enhance and add {quality to the neighborhood. Street oiling would be eliminated on new bituminous rpadwajys. Lighting will improve the safety of the neighborhood. Adverse EffRcts Normai prob�ems a�sociated with construction, such as noise,dust and general disruption such as parking bans'� will be present. Tree removal.would be required as outlined previously. Speciat Con�iderajtions - Extra constrliction�I offort will be needed to minimize inconvenience to the area residents and businesses. Construction activ�ty will need to be coorclinated to maintain traffic on University, Rice and Maxion. ' � ' , -4- . qo ���� Time Sched�le ' /� � Constniction'u.s sche�duled to begin in Spring 1991 and be completed by November, 1991. ; Cost Esti�nates Sewer $2,126,400 Paving 672,503 Lightung 109.824 Total $2,908,727 Estimated k'�nanci�g wr Pv' O�O Assessments* Z�� � r�s $186,209 $32,947 SRB t 0 D s� �"�'v �� 108,149 -- MnDOT � 100,0U0 -- -- 1991 CIB --- 378,145 76,877 State�rants --- --- --- Feder�t Graats --- --- --- Total $2,126,400 $672,503 $109,824 * Note: For areas not pz�eviously assessed, assessment rates aze as follows: Storm Sewer,Residential $Q.035/SF Storm Sewer,Commercial/Industrial $0.09/SF Riesidenitial Street Paving $20.00/FF "Modi�f'ied Lantern" Style Lighting $3S0/FF Source of Ad�ditio�al�fnrmation For additional infonination, contact: General Tom Kuhfeld(292-6276) ' Dick Sobiech,Toltz,King, Duvall,Anderson (292-4557) Lighting ' __.__.. _ Mike Klassen(292-6293) Summary anrd Reconamendation The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Enguieering riecommendation is for approval of the order. -5- , � . ��' - � � % PRELIIVIII�TARY ORDER ,Council File No:9p-1874—By William L.Wilson- . � In the Matter of lnstallation of the Marion/University Area Storm Sewer Project. Area is bounded by Como Ave.,Rice St.,Aurora Ave.and Cedar St.in Voting Ward I. The Councll oC the City of Saint Paul havtng received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement,and having considered said report,hereby resolves: 1.Tha�t the said report and the same is hereby approved with no altematives,and that the esCimated eost thereof is S2.126,400.00,financed by Assessments S24,400.00, Sewer Revenue Bonds S2.002,000.00 and MnDot Funds S100,000.00. 2.Thak a publi;�c hearing be had on sald improvement on the i l th dav of December. 1990�a�;j;p��loCk a.m.,in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House �lding in the City of Saint Paul. 3.Thalt notice of sald public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided b� the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improveme�t and the total cost thereot as estimated. File No. 18�14 Adoptdd by Cauncil October 23, 1990. Aprove�d by Mayor October 24, 1990. (November 3-10, 1990) . ;� _- �% ��.� PRELIMIIYARY ORDER Counctl;Fiie No.90-1874—gy qrilliaru _ In tEie Matter of Installation of the Mazion/Un]verslty Area Storm Sewer Pro)ect. Area is bounded by Como Ave.,Rtce St.,Aurora Ave.and Cedar SG in Voting Wazd 1. The Counctl iof the City of Satnt Paul having received the report ofthe Mayor upon the above improvement,and having considered said report,hereby resolves: 1.That the said report and the same ts hereb a that the e�timated cost thereotis S2,126,400.00,finan ed b d��no alternatives,and Sewer Revenue Bonds 52,002,000,00 and MnDot F�nds$100,000.00. yAssessments 524,400.00, 2.That a pub�ic hearing be had on said Improvement on the 1 th da of DecembeF 9 �.8•m•.in the Council Chambers of the Ci H —'---�1 Building i the City otSaint Pau1, h' an Court House 3.Th�t noticC of satd public hearing be glven to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the Ume and place of hearing, the nature oC the Improvemcnt and the total cost thereof as estimated. File No. 18614 Adopted by Council October 23, 1990. Aproved by Mayor October 24, 1990. (November 3-10, 1990)