90-2160 i i ,, �. � I � � �� - i i ciTV OF sT.jPAU� COUNCIL FILE NO. (�� / v , FINAL ORDER `�'r ''' , BY�/����-- .-�.=' �"�^ . 7'— --- j File No. ,1$b20 ' I in aloe t T4 `"r Voting In the Matter o Gr e!s :ad pava the wsterl� llorth—Soutb alley , Ward 's I�r1 Strset �ition. (bouniad b� Eatl. lrae�k, ort Siss) 6 � j � i I � � under Preliminary drder �0� ��� approved < j^l ` i � I � The Council I f the iCit of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice I� Y thereof having beer� given �as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, he Cou�cil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully�consid�red the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED,jThat t e Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the �roper (�ity officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER ESOL�'ED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurre therei�n and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � I I � '�AN 2 2 199� COUNCIL PEI�SON I Adopted by the Council: Date - Yeas�i�ctnd � Nays �t I Certifie a ed by Council Secretary 1.ong HicCabe � In Favor By ltettsa Th�it i I � Against Q/2�-�G� Wiison ; J�� �� 1991 Mayor � j P11�l1SHE� `�`�_� ' � J q�� / I I � 4�,T,,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �nembers: >. �a ; ' OFFICE OF THE CTI'Y COUNCIL Roger J.Goswitz,chair e � '�x� David Thune,vice chair ,, i�����i„ „ � Tom Dimond i�� ��� � a' r- Bob Lon �• " ' oa�:.�,�y,s.,ss, R�c�:il•'ED s .... i ; Committee Report ,�;�161991 To: S�aint �aul City Council C1TY CLER,� From: Publi� Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Rogerl J. Goswitz, Chair Hearinq Date ; ACTION A�pproval of Minutes of January 2, 1991. APPROVED 1. 1/29/91 V!ACATIpN: Fuel Oil Service Company for the APPROVED vacati�on of part of Westminster Street at 3-0 , Lafayeitte and University Avenue. Purpose is �o conrect an error in the original vacation filed ;February 27, 1970. 2. 1/29/91 VACAT�ON: Petition of the Jewish Community APPROVED �enter for the vacation of alleys in Block 5 3-0 and 6i Granport Addition. Bounded by Worce�ter, Wilmont, Davern and Edgcumbe Road. Purpo e is for future building expansion. I 3. 2/5/91 VACAT ON: Petition of Co-operative Plating LAID OVER TO Compa�y for the vacation of Iglehart Avenue 1/30/91 betwe�n Snelling Avenue and Fry Street. Purpose is for new building addition. (Laid over in Committee 12/19/90) 4. 1/29/91 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For street APPROVED pavin�g on Magnolia Street from Barclay to 3-0 Hazel'wood. Supplement to the Hazelwood/ Magnolia Area Street Paving Project. 5. 1/29/91 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For street APPROVED improvements for Watson Avenue between 3-0 P1eaSant Avenue and Chatsworth Street. � Supplement to the Seventh/Otto Area Street Pavimg and Lighting Project. 6. 1/29/91 RATI�ICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Selby APPROVED , Aveni�e Revitalization Project No. 1. 3-0 7. 1/29/91 � RATI�ICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For installation APPROVED ; of c�urb and gutter in front of 183 Goodrich and 3-0 � 109-111 Leech. (continued) � � ! .. . . . . . _ . .. . . � 1' V . 1/22/91 FINAL ORDER: For grading and paving of the APPROVE � Westerly N-S alley in Block 64, Dawson's Earl 3-0 ` Street Addition (bounded by Earl , Frank, York and Sims) . Also slope construction and a temporary construction easement in the grading and paving of said alley. (Laid over in Committee 11/21/90) 15. 1/29/91 FINAL ORD : or improving Sylvan Street from APPROVED Ivy Avenue to the cul-de-sac north of Ivy 4-0 Avenue by grading, paving and constructing concrete curb and gutter. (Laid over in Committee 11/21/90) 16. RESOLUTION - 90-1987 - Authorizing City officials LAID OVER to expend Municipal State Aid Funds for the City's INDEFINITELY share of the proposed improvements on County State Aid Highway No. 64 (Prosperity Avenue) between Johnson Parkway to E. Arlington Avenue. (Referred to Committee 11/15/90; Laid over in Committee 12/19/90) (To be Laid Over Indefinitely) , 17. RESOLUTION - 90-1967 - Indemnifying the State of LAID OVER Minnesota for granting a variance to Municipal INDEFINITELY State Aid to design Speed Standards on Prosperity Avenue between Rose Ave. and E. Maryland Ave. . (Referred to Committee 11/13/90; Laid over in Committee 12/19/90) (To be Laid Over Indefinitely) 18. RESOLUTION - 90-2084 - Authorizing the Director LAID OVER of Public Works to request a variance from INDEFINITELY Municipal State Aid rules for street width on Clarence St. between E. Maryland and E. Arlington Avenue. (Referred to Committee 11/27/90; Laid over in Committee 12/19/90) (To be Laid Over Indefinitely) 19. RESOLUTION - 90-2085 - Authorizing the Director LAID OVER of Public Works to request a variance from INDEFINITELY Municipal State Aid rules for street width on Prosperity Avenue between E. Jessamine Avenue and E. Arlington Avenue. (Referred to Committee 11/27/90; Laid Over in Committee 12/19/90) (To be Laid Over Indefinitely) 20. RESOLUTION - 90-1110 - Accepting the Report of LAID OVER TO the City Council Investigation and Research 1/30/91 Center Entitled Consolidation of Video Production Units. (Laid Over in Committee) 21. REPORT - Conveyance of Sewers back to the City LAID OVER TO from the MWCC. (Laid Over in Committee 11/7/90) 2/20/91 22. RESOLUTION - 90-49 - Approving MnDOT project APPROVED to reconstruct I-94 between Western Avenue and 4-0 Marion Street and approve agreements for approximately $83,000 in City costs for associate sewers, lighting, and railing work and authorizing proper City officials to sign said agreements. (Referred to Committee 1/10/91) .I, .. �. ; . . . _ , , � ��a��� S�'. PAUL �ITY COUNCIL , , r�j � � U�LIC HEARING NUTICE � PUBLIC �IM�R4VEMENT CONSTRUCTION � r����O�� � ^ City Plan�ing Ward �6 Dear Property �r: ' t ,(� District Plannin Council �5 H EA R�NG I File No. 18620 � and 186205 Toldecide on whether to proceed with the srading and paving o t e PIIp PO CJ+E ; We�terly North-South alley in Block 74, Dawson's Earl Street V11 Ad�ition (bounded by Carl, Frank, York and Sims). Also, slope coti�struction and a temporary construction easement in the grading . A N� and paving of said north-south alley. LOCATION ! � ' Z2 �esday, �ecemb�� ?-a.—��at 9:00 a.m. H EA RIN G ��ty Council_Chambers,_Third Floor City Hall - Court Nouse - ---------- --------------------------------------------- Pl;ease note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and develop a recommendation to tlie full City ' Cduncil. Please bring any unresolved concerns that you may have tq tt�is meeting on Wednesday, , in the City Council Cl�ambers, Third Floor City Nall - Court House at 9:00 a.m. R 6 I� tt�e City Council approves tl�is pro�ect, a portion of the costs FINANCING w,�ll be assessed against the benefitted properties after ratification The estimated assessessments for this project are as followa: INFO R M A TIO N ' ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $6,400 . ' P�atimated Rate Per Assessable Foot - $21.50 � FINANCED 100 PERCENT BY ASSESSMENTS � • , . . � � Conatruction: 292-6281 Assessmenta: 298-4513 QUESTION !Also, City ataff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this pro�ect in Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. on the same day as the hearing. . at�al �(y ' r � MAP .��..� , , „ � a�(•� n tJ L 27 a� J� x » t r , i,� c,��c�► a� c�� c� p. : � JAn�u .c y /9 9� � .,<.M ,.. �M .. . � _ Notice sent . SIM S •«,.. ... � � � .. . ".� by the Real Estate �ivis,�on � �� �'� `� �"� "'� � ' , • • q•q ,. N ,s ,.. ,� ,. � Uept. of Finance & Ma»ag�ement Servicea ' "'�� � �` ' '� , � Y � I h.�11 ' Z 218 City llall - Co�rt tiouse I t � r, , Q � . Saint Paul, Minnes ta 5�5102 °C �,n � :. � p�� � ,�,,,, � �. a : er e.l++�O►� �: �r ti. �p' W :.,.� ry�� � hi�'.1 ; , . es�.9 � .� .. I ?YORK QY AVE. II M � . • w 1 ' �• , , „ . ' w ,�,T , � ,� � + ��� <�� � � � �' � .,< <, • �� �•�, ! � , .. r ,.: I (.� ' , I 7� .ur�w u�r+osn��. �* . ; 1• � � ' �" I � - 'I - .. ...-�---- A .�aa. � � � .- i � .' .�•(.:'. . . ' . � .. � . ' . . . . . ��D�f� ST. PAUL �ITY COUNCiL ,,X - �,�..� __, E ,}j �� ��C� PU�3LIC HEARING NUTICE PUBLIC IM�PROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION � RE,SGNEDU L E,D City Planning Ward 1l6 Dear Prop@rty OwnQr:� District Plannin Council li5 ' ��� � ��� ) File No. 18620 j and 18620S To' decide on whether to proceed with rhe Srading and paving o tlie PURPOSE westerly North-South alley in Block 74� Dawson's Earl Street Ad' ition (Uounded by Garl, Frank, York and �Sims). Also� slope �o struction and a temporary construction easement in the grading . A N D an paving of said north-south alley. � LOCATION Z2 q TUesday, $�cem��_- a 1,—��et 9:00 a.m. HEARING ��ry Council Chambers, Third Floor City Nall - Court llouse -w------------------------------------------------------------------ Please note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and develop a recommendation to the full City ' Cbuncil. Please bring any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on Wednesday, , in the City Council C1�ambers, Third Floor City Hall - Co�rt House at 9:00 a.m. R l6 I� the City Council approves this pro3ect, a portion of the costs F1N A N CIN G W!�11 be assessed against the benefitted properties after ratification Tme es[imated assessessments for this project are as follows: IN FO R M A TIO N ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $6,400 , �stimated Rate Per Assessable Foot - $21.50 . FINANC�D 100 P�RCENT BY ASSGSSMENTS 'I . . I� men s: 2 8-4513 Construction: 292-6281 Assess t 9 QUESTIONS� � �Also, City etaff will be available to anawer any last minute �questions on this project in Room 218 City llall from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. on the same day as the hearing. • �/ 1� �� � I � ta(a1 ��'i ' r� I t J(n) � 'U d{ 1! U 2� 71 7! 1s 77 7/ t . r � � 11��� � �N� (!t���a a� c•� t� h� 2 = � J A.vu�.c y 3�, /9 4� M „«.,, , ,., M , , Notice sent " ` � "� . , 51 M 5 : .� ' s r. •' � ..�t •.a�. {�) H d �('�) <j ( � • � s by the Real Estate Divis�.on � � � ,,.,, „ N „ ,� „ „ ,- � Dept, of Fit�ance & Ma�iagement Services � �t• � � � �` " ' Y '• 218 City llall - Court lio�se � "•"' � ` ' 2 ' Saint Paul Minnesota 55102 0[ t ' I � r� � Q I ' , Q @•1:7 "i �T"�I pd�O I I �„o• � ,. W i�F� .=�luy t� " +�,i� u �r� � � U„ ,��� f•� "1 tsu.� ..0 � � • � � I =YO RK Qy AVE. . � .. - - .. � � ;� • � � w i a'� �: �s _ ; 149� �"� � �''°�° � �,y��;'�� ; � t� 1 t� � ' � � ,s : ,.�, ! • ,, i: "� 7G .. ,, I c.�j • � I .u..«ww+c�an,;= � . '� %� j � I A _ �� 1 • . . _---- � �„•. C,r� � S�'. PAUL CITY COUNCIL G�,e.�K.. PU�3LIC HEARING NOTICE �� -�' �° � � ��� � PUBLIC I(VIPROVEMENT CONSTRUC. ION i City Planning Ward 4�6 Dear Prop�erty IDwn�r• District Plannin Council �t5 • File No. 18620 and 18620S I i Tq decide on whether to proceed with the grading and paving of the PU R PO S E W�sterly North-South alley in Block 74, Dawson's Earl Street Ac�dition (bounded by Earl, Frank, York and Sims). Also, slope w w,D c.bnstruction and a temporary construction easement in the grading �11r a�d paving of said north-south alley. i ' LOCATION � ' Tuesday, December 11, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. H EA RIN G �ity Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House --------------------------------------------------------------- Flease note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please bring any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on Wednesday, November 21, 1990 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House at 9:00 a.m. If the City Council approves this project, a portion of the costs FIN ANCIN G Will be assessed against the benefitted properties after ratification '�he estimated assessessments for this project are as follows: IN FO R MA TIC�N ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $6,400 I Estimated Rate Per Assessable Foot - $21.50 RECEIVED I FINANCED 100 PERCENT BY ASSESSMENTS NO•Vs1QQo �7J � � CITY CLERK ' , , ' Construction: 292-6281 Assessments: 298-4513 QUESTION� i Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute ' � questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. on the same day as the hearing. '� tt�..> I , I � +c� , !,r - MAP I. t,<.,� z- ;,, .. R ,uI U�LE I 29 ae J� �c »7� t �v . �-- zt�••) ��.) i� (��)C») P') C�9 �'S� (�) ' , � M � u(••7 ��! :�A wvJ i I �.. , . , .) � 1 .r �.:. Notice sent November 6, 1990 _ SIM 5 ' ;.:;:. •��.. � �i,. ,,.� .. ^s,, by the Real Estate Division • {�� �� `� `� ��� �"� � �� ` '! �/i'li /f /4 �7 /L fl �I 7�• De t. of Finance & Maxia ement Services � �"�t� � � '`�' ' ' p . � , � � I � r Y r 218 City Hall - Co�art House �I "'"' s � Z � i _ � zz � i � �+ Q i ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Q .�„�Z3 ;,, •'�I�a�� � i � ,�,.,, � � „ :f�27 L/ _� 1 I B2 33 LL, � �� � � 2�/.� � L '�� I���I � �� I���� � + � ' tt�.q . i ••. I I .�YORK Qy AVE. ��' '�� . (4�� » Z��.:�. i �f'�. , I �. ���� ^ � 4 C�'I,' �L ;4•)IBI�� � �?� � � I ' �7 ' 1a�9 i f' `: � - .C .� I --�' I i I <`j .� � i I 75 i j° ..,.�,a��v���,;= „ �,, - I � - � I �__ ___ ___�1 -;,•�•. _ i .. . ', , . ' . ' . , . .� , c�� - ���� Sur�mary o# Engineering Recommendations Report Prepared - September 27, 1985 (��-�l(�� � Revised- Public Hearing - PROJECt Improve the Wly+. N-S alley in Bik 74� DAWSON'S EARL ST. ADD. (bounded by Earl, Frank� York, & $ims) by grading and paving with bituminous material. Also� condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes� cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasion�d by �xcavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of said alqey. ' INITIATI�G AC�'ION: This improvement was initiated by a petition signed by 6 of the 8 property owners, rep�esenting 75P/o of the abutting property owners. EXISTIN CO DITIONS: . The alley� in this block are platted 20 feet wide in an H shaped configuration. All of the �' alleys are used,but are unimproved and there is no major drainage problems in this block. ' HI RY: The orders for these alley improvements were before the City Council several times before, but wer� rescir�ed due to opposition to the cost. Most of the opposition came from property owners on the Ely. N-S alley and the E-W alley. pROPOSEDIMPROVEMENT: Grade the Wly. N-S altey to a width of 16' ar�d place a hot mix bituminous pavement. ESTIMATED C�ST AND FINANCING: PAVING Estimated Cons�ruction Cast _ .�.._ .. $6,100.00 Valuation'�& Assiessment Services - -� 300.00 Estimated, Total Expenditures 6.400.00 Fnancingi- Ass�ssments $6,400.00 Estimated� Rate per Assessable Foot $21.50 INFORMATIONA�L MEETING: (Date not set as,yet) SOURCE,�A�DITIONAL INFORMATIOPt For additiqnal informabon, contact Jacic Davis at 292-6281. � • I . � , _ . �O -���� . SUMMAf�Y ANb RECOMMENDATION: The Dep�rtmen� of Pubiic Works recommends that this project be constructed. Respectfwlly submitted, Donald E. Thomas Eggum Director qf Public Works , � 'I , ._ ._.. . . �� � i � , � . : . �� -�>�� � � �� +. a � QD- ���— r . �2�—�—�'—y Z 33 27 �., iio #a b.7 5�0 �• „ ., •• •• yo z 10 Z . , .M 60 iio ^ lg• �Z2� �1 /20,, /�9) (�81 �f7� /6) ' /�,ll �41 �80 �12� n � ,".; 13 � l. l � 8 l' / � � l i �.... �019 �23� �f7 /6 /5 �q /O 3 /2 • // l0 9 ti ��3� � �8/ _ � _ �4 � z0 �q� � 6 (�i) is Z l �zs) S --�6� o . N N Z1.�2G� 4 �lo !] z� �z�) 's i8 , �t6 2T �8 Z9 �o �l 3z 33 34 z _ � � i9 • m z'¢ �i B� I, °' �3°) �31� �3Z� �33� �3'�'� �35� �3G� �37) 9 i� ,. zS �z9) /081 /a9S I � � . J � n //o �p Ze. 'fo �� „ ,i „ �� y� ta Zo ��o n .^, ��o � � ! � � �o �. /,l 0 '' 8. �O 5s0 B.ld 20 HO •- --l/O ^���4G� eSl � !O /p 8 � ^ � ' M ♦3) � (�) Y6 : � 5< - i 9 �.. (`w') ('Iol (.4�� �q�� �,4° 7 6 - gr' ^ l7 /6 /5 /¢ �3 /2 /i �0 9 N I -l9'7� �� "� . . � 6 39� s T - Y 8 - (48�zisP �;� s � ,� _� �., o - �,-E. ��2 � N 4 Q " 9 - �� 16/ � _ (49) z'S �` �� (33) 3(3e) � 10 v � � m�..;. . c 26 �Z7 `Z8 2� 30 � 32 3S 31N` Z � � �sz. :��o z��sa�.. (SZ� � �SS� �� � _ � e.. •_.�.� . r�+ ` �Sp^� 25�a� �, �0� 4J � � n //O �� 3.7� � • i� n ir n �f0 //O � � - �YO R K AVE : ..'i0-., . - //O .?d �/ „ " '• " " Yo �.1! 92.fS � : I 1 : j //00 (��) � Z �5��1 3 - a 1 � • - �� � i �G4` I <63, � 5 '� �bo� 1=a. � -- � � � � � � ��� �. I'S I,, r� 101 9 � s � N . _ � �, � � ,�a� � f�� �c C�"3� ,� • N � �� - AREA OF IMPROVEMENT � �P • . �,¢, „ � �o ', r�6 „ �, i C - aSSESSABLE FR�1T��E � � " SP SI �FON � �•. - � �Q� ( ,� � � -+r ��E�IED q��9 � � �" s�� �`" � � / � � l�j�� �►�'� � "�`. -�' r � ��li���I . � � / , , � , . RE 10/24/90 ���� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL ' DATE INITIATED N� _ 116 5 5 Public Works Depa�tment 9/27/90 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTAAENT DIRECTOR �CfTY COUNCIL Jack Davis 292� LHL ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CRYCLERK NUMBER ROR MUST BE ON COUNCIL A(3ENDA BY DATE) O Q 9O ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FlN.�MGT.SERVICES DIR. MllSt be l.Il City C1e�iC� �i� �P�97�0 ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn � an noon M n a / / U Council TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION qEQUESTED: Condemning and tal�ing nd easement in the land necessary for the slopes cuts and fills, including right o� rem val of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasio er by excavations thereof ',or construction of slopes in the gradin and pavin of said alley.in Files No. 's 18620 and 18620-5 �lock 74, �awson Earl Street A d. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION �CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depertment? _CIB COMMITTEE �_ ' YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? �STAFF �— . YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECtIVE4 i YES NO _ Neighborhoods 'Ward 6 Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and attach to green shset INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPP RTUNITY ,What,When,Where,Why): This improvement was iriitiated by a petition signed by 6 of the 8 abutting property owners, representing 75� Of thq abutting property owners. ADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED: Improve the alley drivi;ng surface and eliminate any dust and or erosion problems � I DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � Abutting property owners would have to pay the assessments for the improvements DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: , Driving surface w�ll re�main rough. Rutting and or dust problems will continue � I TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S yet t0 be determined COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) i ' ; .� _ �o- � �a � • •RE 10/24/90 L�Q - acc�6 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL • DATE INITIATED N� _ 116 5 5 Public Works Depar�tmenti 9/27/90 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE , INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE , �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIt Jack Davis 292-6 81 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCIERK NUMBERPON MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY( ATE) 1 9O ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in City C e k's � ��9�0 ORDER �MAYOR�ORASSISTANn � n noon M �a C�uncil TOTAL#OF SIGNATUFiE GES ' 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: I Condemning and talding a�nd easement in the land necessary for the slopes cuts and fills, including right of remowal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasio e� by excavations the;reof pr construction of slopes in the gradin and pavin� of said alley.in Files No. 's 18b20 and 18b20-S �lock 74, awson Earl Street A d. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or eject(R) ', PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _ PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION �._ CIVIL iSERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firtn Bv9r worked u►Ider a ContreCt for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE �_ YES NO �_STAFF �_ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ D�STRiCr COUR7 3. Does this perso�/firtn possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 08JECfIVE1 , YES NO N21gr1bOY'1100dS WSY'd '6 Explain all yes anawers on sepuato sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATINa PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPpRTUNITY( ho,What,When,Where,Why): This improvement was i�itiated by a petition signed by 6 of the 8 abutting property owners, representing 75� di thd abutting property owners. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: Improve the alley driv:�ng surface and eliminate any dust and or erosion problems DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Abutting property', owne�ts would have to pay the assessments for the improvements �, I DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: Driving surface w�tll r�main rough. Rutting and or dust problems will continue � ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC�ION S� yet t0 be determined COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE , � ACiiVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN� ` � I /�v - � / � � Summa'ry of Engineering Recommendations T Report Prepared - September 27, 1985 Revised - November 14, 1990 �������� Public Works Hearing - November 21, 1990 Final Order Hearing - December 11, 1990 �OV15��Q PROJECT: CITY CLERK Improve th� Wly. N-S alley in Blk. 74, DAWSON'S EARL ST. ADD. (bounded by Earl, Frank, York, & Siuns) by grading and paving with bituminous material. Also, condemning and �aking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, includid�g right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by ex�avations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of said alley. INITIATINC-�,ACTIQ�: This improuement was initiated by a petition signed by 6 of the 8 property owners, representing 75°/a of the abutting property owners. EXISTING �OND�ITIONS: The alleys in this '�lock are platted 20 feet wide in an H shaped configuration. All of the alleys are used but are unimproved and there is no major drainage problems in this block. HlSTORY: The orders for th�se alley improvements were before the City Council several times before, but were Kescinded due to opposition to the cost. Most of the opposition came from propefty owmers on the Ely. N-S alley and the E-W alley. PROPOSE� IMP�iOVEMENT: Grade the WVIy. N�S alley to a width of 16' and place a hot mix bituminous pavement. ESTIMATEp CO$T AND FINANCING: PAVING Estimated onstrUction Cost $6,100.00 Valuation Asse�sment Services 300.00 Estimated otal �xpenditures $6,400.00 Financing - Asse$sments $6,400.00 Estimated �iate p�r Assessable Foot $21.50 INFORMA?iIONAIL MEETING: -� An informa�ional ilneeting was held on November 14, 1990. It was attended by property owners repkesen�ing 7 of the 8 assessable properties. ._.____._. _. , ; _ _ -2 - Several people e�Kpressed a desire to have all of the alleys in this block improved and requested al petiti�n blank to circulate. We stated that if they returned the petition for improving tMe oth�r two alleys by November 21, 1990, we could request that the Public Works Committee� lay over this proposal to allow all of the alleys to be heard at the same time. One �person requested that each property be assessed the same total amount reg�rdlesS of assessable frontage. Peter White said that it would not be legal for us to do this unless 100% of the properties agreed to it. He will circulate a consent form to this effect. SOURCE OIF ADmITIONAL INFORMATION: For additiorial infdrmation, contact Jack Davis at 292-6281. SUMMARY AND I�ECOMMENDATION: The Departlnent qf Public Works recommends that this project be constructed. Respectfully subrmitted, Thomas J. �ggurrh Director of Public Works ,� . . � 9J- �i � r� J 1 ' � � � i � � � �2�9—ZZ—y Z — - - , , .: 2 — 33 ZT ^ iio 20 !.7 �fo �, •• .• .• � .. �o x Io o8O (1z ^ 60 A i/o ,., lg� lCz.2� ', Zl� ��,o�, �19/ `�gJ l r�� �6� �f 3� �14� 7/ , i^w � n �3 8 � ( �Ol9 ��3� Nf7 /6 IS /q /03 /2 • // l0 9N ��3� � �8/ : '^ _ �4 V� I z0 �q� ` 6 (ll� /S L I CzS) i S --�s� c o �iti � 22.(�c) �} �io i? z� (a�) � i 8 • �26 2T ZS Z9 3'o S/ �z 3� 34 ` � om,.�. z.� ��H� �3c) /3'1 �3Z� C33� �3'I'� C3's� �3� �37) z g ' 19 i� � zS (�9) , � � /08! /o9S I ^ � . J � �, iio ta �. �o �� „ „ „ ►� �`� ta zo �,o � „ ��o � ° S � MS .� i,i p '�' 8. �O 5'0 8.18 Lo �io ^ iio �^F:. . �:• "�'' �q:G�1 B,S~� ;; ♦5� !0$2 �,� /p�( 8 � ^ 5� r,-' (,¢4•J (tol � (`ri.) �41� �`�° � _ 6 = g,� �9 , � � ' �, - .-� !7 /6 /5 /¢ l3 /Z !! io 9 N i ��'� �.0 � . � 6 39J T = 5 Y 8 _ (�a)Z I SP �;` �► = '_��� � _� �r. O - '�� 'zz �, " 4 Q � 9 _ '�9 �v� 7� C33� I 3 � /D - � ) z�S t. (se) = � 9 W m,:;�- r�., 26 Z7 ..yzs 2s � 30 ► 32 3S 31N � �j., � �s�,. sPa z4�3 �., : � ,. «�. � �Se) �4� (ss� (,s� � /og3 � �. ^SP�� ZS�a �� � //O �� �.78 � . n ,� n •• �{O � p //O � - �YORK AVE ; ��. . ' ii O -7d �0 " " '� " " !�o �.?! 92.tS • (s�) � ' _ �1 '' � //00 (��) .� Z 1 3 , ^ ' � � _ �2 ; i (4) � ��3� 6 5 ♦ ��o) �:�" � � 8 T ��Z� � . -- , � � � �o � � �, t� , . I 9 � . � _ � , �r . _ � � I 7j,� �,o � �o . ��s „� _ I,i ~ , �� AREA OF IMPROVEMENT *oc,P . t 4 �' � .. ' ►4t ,� �' C — ASSESSABLE FR��E ( 76 � •. ' SP SIGNE�PP�j��ON � �� ' � P y �9 . a� .� � �— v��� � � � � s'� -� -� � � .� � � � ,��s g,a�. � _„_ -* . f o Le��/��1� .__. _. __._ _ _I � ,.s) ', � _ __ _____..,.___ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' � —�/�lJ , e �`' ` � , TY OF ►�AINT l�.AUL �mb�rse �l�l1����+� f Rog�r J. Gosrritz, ehatr �.. ,� f� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Tom,ot��a• �,�• chair �" Bob Long Fr ROGER GOSWITZ KATHY GELAO Counc�lmember . Legistadve Aide COMMITTEE REI�ORT' PUBLIC WORKS, UTIUTIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Hearinq Da�e Action Approval of Minutes of November 7, 1990 APPROVED 1. 11/27/90 VACATION: Petition of the Port Authority APPROVED to vacate a 30-foot and a 50-foot easement 4-0 in Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Energy Park West 1ocated between Energy Park Drive and the Burlington Northern Railroad west of Snelling Avenue. Purpose is to vacate existing easements and rededicate a new �asement. • 2. 12/11/90 VACATION: Petition of Como Foundry Partners SENT TO for the vacation of Mackubin Street between COUNCIL �omo Avenue and Atwater and Atwater Street WITHOUT etween Mackubin and Como. Purpose is for RECOMMENDATION hew deve t ur oses. . 12/11/90 � FINAL ORDER: Improve the Wly North-South LAID OVER alley in Block 14, Dawson's Earl Street INDEFINITELY, Addition (bounded by Earl, Frank, York, 5-0 and Sims) by grading and paving with � bituminous material . Also, slope construction in the grading and paving ' f the alley. 4. .11/27/90 �, . FINAL ORDER: Improve Sylvan Street from APPROVED, � �vy Avenue to the proposed cul-de-sac 5-0 north of Ivy Avenue by grading, paving �nd constructing concrete curb and gutter. _ ' �Ilso, for slope construction in the grading i and paving of Sylvan Street. 5. 11/27/90 �INAL ORDER: Acquiring and taking of APPROVED, property for the Wheelock Parkway Bluff 5-0 Preservation Project, part of Block 11, �dwin M. Wares Cumberland Addition Plat 2 located on Wheelock Parkway between Nebraska and Arlington. (continued) � . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4475 5�46 . ' iJ _ �� �;cv li � I � PRELIIVIIINARY ORDER � Cou#�cil File No.90-I 922—By Roger J.Goswltz— [n the Matter of grade and pave the westerly North-South alley tn Block 74, Dawson's Earl Street Addttion.(bounded by Earl,Frank,York and Stms)in Voting Ward 6. �'he Counctl of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement,and having considered said report,hereby resolves; 1.That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives,and that Che estimated cost thereof is to be determined. 2.That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 11 th day of December. 1990 at 9:00 o'clock a.m.,tn the Council Chambers of the City Hall an our ouse �ullding in the City of Saint Paul. 3'.That notice of sald public hearing be glven to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stattng the time and place of hearing, the nature oC the improvement and the totat cost thereof as estimated. Flle No. 18620 Adopted by Council November 1, 1990. Approved November 2, 1990. (November 10, 1990) _ I � � ' ; i