90-2154 ; {� �^•' V i.,'�< 1 i�-�� �� L.�' 'i �c-c.•-l_' ����%/'U Ret-�rn copy to: � f-( !I G ! N� L � � Real Estate Divis r� � �� ��-"1�`4J Council File � � �o"�� 218 City Hall d- (RM) (20-1990) � 7-�j � Green Sheet # ; RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i Presented By �i I Referred To ' Committee: Date RESOLVED, tha upon the petition of Como Foundry Partners , per L'inance aeparltment File No. 20-199�J, that part of Mackubin Street lying southerly of Como Avenue, hereinafter described , is hereby va'�,cate� and discontinued as public property. The vacated areas are described as follows: M�ckubin Street from the north line of Atwater Street to Como Avenue as widened: , ,, This vacation shall be subject to the following conditions: 1 . Tk�at the vacation shall� be subject to- all the t�rms and conditions :of Chapter 13�, codified March l, ; 1�81 , of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amend��. 21. TYhat the petitioner, its successors, and assigns sYD�all pay $11, 631 . 00 as compensation for this v�cation which is due and payable within 60 days of tYie publication date of this resalution. 3. Tt�at the petitioner dedicate a 5�!-foot radius turnaround to the City at the westerly end of ` A�water Street to the satisfaction and approval o$ the Director of Public Works. 4, That the petitioner remove the existing fence ir�cluding gate post and anchor pole in the � A�water right�of-way between Mackubin Street ar�d Como Avenue . 5. That the petitioner , its successors, and assigns shall pay all costs and expenses for the construction oi all sidewalks , curbs, and gutters along Como A�renue at the intersection of vacated Mackubin St!reet and any signing changes which may be required - % ' as a result of this vacation. /6,' Th�at a permanent utility easement be retained within thie vacated area to protect the interests of II Northern States Power Company, Gas Division. 7. Th��at a permanent utility easement be retained within th,�e vacated area to protect the interests of U. S. iWe,st. 8 . That the petitioner , its successors, and assigns by ac'�ceptance of the' terms and conditions of this �� . ��`� �I I ;_ , � � _ � `� � l`-'�� �a , � � ' �=� � �-� `� , � . �,. , _ �. '� I ' �acation, agree to indemnify, defend, and save i armless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and �� 'mployees from all suits , actions , or claims of any haracter brought as a result of injuries or damages I eceived or sustained by any person, persons , or � roperty on account of this vacation, or petitioner ' s ' se of this property, including but not limited to a qlaim brought because of any act of omis�sion, I r�eglect , or misconduct of said petitioner or because ' o�f any claims or liability arising from any violation olf any law or regulation made in accordance with the � l�aw whether by the petitioner or any of its agent or e�nployees . 9. T�hat the petitioner , its successors, and assigns s�hall within 6P1 days of the publication date of olf this resolution, file with the City Clerk, an a�cceptance in writing of the conditions of this rlesolution, and shall within the period (s) s ecified in the terms and conditions of this r�solution, comply in all respects with these -' t�erms and conditions. I < ', , Yeasr Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswitz �� _ on �—'� Finance & Mana�ement Services acca ee � ettman une p i son BY� � ,\ �.➢ir `ctor � Adopted by Councili Da e • Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by C uncil Secretary r�. By: � "� ,�— B ' r���c� 7' � y' � �'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: , Da�e Council By: By° I I 2 . � cli: o� C � ' / ��y � �� � �T. PAUL C1TY C�UNCIL � r��-,� � i1111lIi�il a � PIJBLIC HEARIIVG NOTiCE +, � ; . . . �y��a,5� i as+ � S�'REET/ALLEY VACATiON. . , ' p�r,�iV D caty Pi��g wara���s ,���25�991 Mstrict Planning Council ��6 20-1990 ' FiZe No. Ci�'; G' ���� PURPOSE T° I ecide on whether to proceed with the vacation of part of MAC UBIN south of Como and north of Atwater. I _ . I , I - Com� Foundry Partners PETtTiONER � � Thu�sday, February 7, 1991 at 9:00 a.m. H EA R1N G �ity Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House Ca11., 298-5317 and refer to the File # above. Citq staff will be QUES'T'��NS i avai�lable to answer any Iast minute questions on this project in Foom' 218'�City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. �. . � • �:.a. �� ��. 'yr'�y` .. . ; 1_1_°. 1'.'1 I"'Ih��l � � � �w� �• �u���s � � , MAP .��.,� .. . .,,. �. -� , . . w � � �.r «+ r . ,i I �� �� s • i ►'..�' r �jN�o�n r'»��}�jr I . +{� 'N {�� • G�p ' �• W �� tl� �P�1wf�w N w� �� W, j ilj '. (p�. ♦l, � Notice sent January 25, 1991 ;�� .x 5»� , ° 9•. , y, ��`""� M �(, � .N '++, �j� u n u � �w + : u�'?W�n•»�a eo�ei;m . � � �� P� M' by the Real Estate i �t � � y ,� � `M. � �� ". � � ; T+�iP/N8- � . r Division . ; �--.. :-��, . � Dep t. of Finance �[ , �: �� �� �i �e u �e � � r � � • a a � ' '�'�`�',�•,�. ?'a �.. '''d .. Zt • �?�'••� ° '�o� Management Services ,.�:� �- � ... . •�x�'. _ q ROOtII 21$ Ci�ty �IZ � •' i• n u n to s se o a'n u n e� n H �lw•V°j. Court House " � , , ,.�.;��„�;. .. St. Paul, MN 55102 ' � � _ . �"`L`�_� -AFN'AA4�.- `ti• ' Y MTIMM�� . . �.]1 . 1 . '. �IONt�IY�Y �� - � ' ., . •.. • � . . II I i ,. ' �!J _ p1 ��--r/ '. � . '� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL l �I!lil�li��f I Members: \�»� ;�� Rog�r J. Wswttz, chair .,, f: , OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL David Thune, w�. cbair Tom Dimond ^ _ ,,:' Bob Long i ROGER GOSWITZ ' KATHY GELAO Counc�7member . ' Legislative Aide COMMITTEE REI�ORT PUBLIC WORKS, UTIL�TIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Hearin�te Action �Approval of Minutes of November 7, 1990 APPROVED 1 . 11/27/90 NACATION: Petition of the Port Authority APPROVED ;to vacate a 30-foot and a 50-foot easement 4-0 ,7n Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Energy Park West hocated between Energy Park Drive and the �urlington Northern Railroad west of Snelling Avenue. Purpose is to vacate --- existing easements and rededicate a new - �asement. • 2. 12/11/90 YACATION: Petition of Como Foundry Partners SENT TO �or the vacation of Mackubin Street between COUNCIL Como Avenue and Atwater and Atwater Street WITHOUT between Mackubin and Como. Purpose is for RECOMMENDATION new development purposes 3. 12/11/90 INAL ORDER: Improve the Wly North-South LAID OVER �lley in Block 74, Dawson's Earl Street INDEFINITELY, Addition (baunded by Earl , Frank, York, 5-0 �nd Sims) by grading and paving with - bituminous material . Also, slope �onstruction in the grading and paving �f the alley. 4. .11/27/90 �INAL ORDER: Improve Sylvan Street from APPROVED, Ivy Avenue to the proposed cul-de-sac 5-0 , r�orth of Ivy Avenue by grading, paving , �nd constructing concrete curb and gutter. � _ - � /�lso, for slope construction in the grading ' �.nd paving of Sylvan Street. 5. 11/27/90 �INAL ORDER: Acquiring and taking of APPROVED, �roperty for the Wheelock Parkway Bluff 5-0 �reservation Project, part of Block 11, dwin M. Wares Cumberland Addition Plat 2 1'�ocated on Wheelock Parkway between Nebraska a�nd Arlington. (continued) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA SSI02 612/298-4475 5�46 � �i ' Printed on Rccyded Paper . '; q��ti�� . GtT7 pr ' � ��$ ,� �� �T. PAUL C1TY COUNCI�. �,,, �L : ;;,;ii�'i�� o Pl'JBLI� HEARING N�TiCE ~� ��•• A ''� S � REET ALLEY VACATI4N. � � / . , � ' Citq Planning Ward ��5 ' District Planning Council ��6 File No. 20-1990 i To ';decide on whether to proceed with the vacation of part of PURP�SE MAC�KL'BIN south of Como and part of Atwater east of Como. � RECEIVED � N�v�g�990 �k�"Y CE.ERK � Comb Foundry Partners PETITtONER � . �`ue�day, December 11, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. �---�! - H EA RIN G Citj� Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House � � � � �--------------------------------------------------------------- ' Ple�se note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will . disCUSS this item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please bring any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on Wednesday, November 21, 1990 in the City Council i Chamibers, Third Floor, City Hall/Court House at 9:00 a.m. � Ca11 298-5317 and refer to the File 1� above. City staff vill be QU E S T10 N S available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Eoom'218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. �_, �'_ ._ �u�tCESS "T � � ,� ..j �I ,W rw �r • , y� • � ? . • w w Y'T N� (M1 INI V7R`�� �, ,1 t MAP3 �� • .,�. ,... � -5 ,; ,..,��.. . ;a;,;. ;� : �� i �u`�• G�o ���� ����• � 1 iw �e� a��r �� +.� o c _., ��,�� -�.o .►..,j , : �__�_._�_....,4� Novembe� 9, 199 ;;� •e • , M,. ,w ' ; • .� . �� Notice sent [ �'••..� v �►` � j� =11 Ii �� ��N q� J/ � � 10:Iii�17�N (N !Oltl .tl�1 �, I � � ( 1 wi/ ' + 1 W'\,� I�Y. ��LI �� : i ��� rl �f �i � W. w 0 1 �° Mi by the �1 Estate I . ; ' ' Division Tn�Piiy6- �. .:� .._; � ....� •• ' � ,. .. De t. of Finance & - � -- � -- ' � �r�"�•� '?�'�,� p �� �. ., �. ,.- �� �o . . . . . . � . �• �"�:• . ,,••, Maaagemeat Services �! . ;; ����:,..���'•� °•;"' Room 218 City Hall - � , �`x,�r���.. • '•� _►-- - ---- - - -� - �,.. . �.'011rt g�11S2 Y �s �r u w :o�r es ti :�'ia u �► t� :� w .C+�'�Q:`@'. St. Paul, MN 55102 � ����w�,';•� ''��� • . , .�,•. •..,. . I -AFWATE�:--- - --• � �.x�nmw�o � � � to Y rwCwieo / 1 � ( I � , �� ��- � ���� , NOTICE OF PiJSLIC HEARING Noucq'!s hcreby given lt�at[he petllion of Como Foundry Pariners,et al,for the vadallon oQ Mackubin Street belween Como Avenue and Alwater and Atwater belween Mackubin d Como,as more parUcularlyshown on the piat altached Lo lhe petlllon has bedn.order�flled In lhe OfDce oC lhe Cfty Clerk of lhe Clly oCSt.Paul,Mlnnesota,by the,Counci ,and salA peUUon wlll be heard and considered by lhe Councll at a meeting lhereotlo b�e held fn lhe Council Chambers tn the Cily Hall and Cour[House on the 1 l lh day of Dec�mber, 1990. � Daled Novefmber 6, 1990. � AL�ERT B.I,OLSON.Ciry Clerk � (November 10, 1990) � 'i —� ' - . n �! I I I i, � I i . i . 9J =��"ic . . . , : . � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING . No�ice is hereby' given that the petition of Como Foundry Partners; , et al, for the v�cation of Mackubin Street between Como Avenue and . . Atwater anc3' Atwater between t9ackubin and Cor�o, as more .particularly shown on th� plat attached to the petition has been ordered filed � _ in the Offi�e ofithe City Cl�tk of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, by the Coun�il, �nd said petition will be heard and considered by the Council at a'meeting thereof to be held in the Council Chambers in th� City'Hall and Court House on the llth day of Decem'r�er, 1990. Dated November 6, 1990 � . . I , � . _ �. . Alb2rt B. Olson � • City Clerk _ . (�]ovember 10,� 1990) . ,� ' � - '. . .. . . . � . . - . , . �, . _ . . . _ , , , . . . • . . � " " . . • . ". . . � . . . _ . . � . „ , � . , . - . . . . . , . � � � � � . . . . . . . . . � � . � � . �' ya-a,.�� :�: � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM i To : A�1 Cduncil Members of the City af Saint Paul From: Edward, J. Warn ���, Valuat,ion and Ass smentUEngineer Date : OCtober 30 , 1990 Subject : Pgtiti'on of Como Foundry Partners for the va�cation of Mackubin Street between Como Avenue, and Atwater and Atwater Street between Mackubin and Como Financ'�e File No. 20�1990 y I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on December 11 ; 199!0. The subject petition is in proper form and has been signed by the requisi�e number of property owners . This property i�s located in City Council District 5 , Planning � District 6 . EJW:RM: dl shrgdate �� �������� �' -���1��(� � �� , ��:� ; �,-� t C`��,,: ,� I . ' i � , ��,�,�.�, Return c�py t�: RPal Escate Division Council File #` 213 City Hall ' � (RM) (20-1990) Green Sheet # ' RESOLUTION ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED,; th�t upon the petition of Como Foundry Partners , per Finance I�epartment File No. 20--1990, those parts of Mackubin and Atwater 'Stre'ets lying southerly and easterly of Como Avenue , hereinaf,�ter described , are hereby vacated and discontinued as public px per'ty. , The vaC lted areas are des rib . c ed as follows• Macku�� Street from the h � n nort line of Atwater S'�tree�!t t�q Como Avenue as widened. � Atwat�r Str,eet from the west line of Mackubin Street to Co}no Aveque as wi dene d. - � This vac�tion sha\1 be subject to the following condition�Y \ 1. That the vacation shall be subject to all the t�rms and conaitions of Chapter 130, codified March 1 , 1981, of the Saint Paul Legislative �Code, as amended. � 2. Tl�at the petitioner , its successors , and assigns shall pay $40, 184�.PJ0 as compensation for this v�cation which is �due and payable within 6P1 days of tk�e publication date of this resolution. �, , 3. Tkhat the petitioner , ��its successors, and assigns shall choose one of the following courses of action r�garding the new sewer`. construction in vacated � , A�water Street and shall ,coordinate the ' implementation of one of ��these courses of action with the Real Estate Division of the Finance Department of the City of Saint Paul within 6� days of the pU�blication date of this resolution. '', aa That the petitioner , its '�successors , and assigns ' shall pay �25, 161. Pl� which represents the cost of the sewer work constructed, in Atwater Street to � accommodate the drainage a'nd sewer separation in � the peti,tioner ' s property.� Said sewer costs I shall be'=due and payable within 60 days of the � publication date of this esolution. i � or � ' L,.,J ,�/ ` � l `" 6. �'hat the petitioner , its successors, and assigns shall pay all costs and expenses for the construction of all sidewalks , curbs, and gutters along Como Avenue at the intersections of vacated Mackubin Street and vacated Atwater Street w`hich may be �equ red as a result of this vacation. 7 . 'That permanent utility easements be retained within the vacated areas to protect the interests of �Torthern,. States Power Company, Gas Division. �, B. '�hat a permanent water utility easement be retained Within the`'�.north thirty feet of vacated Atwater �treet lying between the westerly right-of--way line �f Como Avenue and a line lying 165 feet east of and �arallel to the east right--of-way line of vacated �[ackubin Street. This easement shall be subject to �he following conditions: �I. No buildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the easement area, nor any temporary - , structure, material storage, fixture or other objects that will prohibit normal access to water ' facilities for inaintenance purposes. l�. No change from the existing grade is permitted without written permission from the Water Utility. � ci,. P10 change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted without written permission from the � Water Utility. d'. That the petitioner, its successors , and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend, and save harmless , the Board of Water Commissioners , its officers, , agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise from any ' injuries or damages received or sustained by any � break in any service pipe, , water main, or connection in said reserved easement, arising out I , ' of or resulting from any action or negligence of �, the petitioner, its employees, agents, or business invitees. � �`, �' 9. T at the petitioner , its successors , and assigns by a ceptance of .the terms and coriditions of this v cation, agree,, to indemnify, �efend, and save h�rmless the City, of Saint Pa.ul, its officers, and er�ployees from all�sui_ts-,�.-a�ctions, or claims of any cYDaracter brought as a result of injuries or damages r�ceived or sustained by any person, persons , or p�operty on account of this vacation, or petitioner ' s i use of this property, including but not limited to a cl�aim brought because of any act of omission, li I � negl t, or misconduct of said petitioner or because bf any claims or liability arising from any violation pf any aw or regulation made in accordance with the �aw whether by the petitioner or any of its agent or employees .� 10. That the petitioner , its successors, and assigns Shall within 60 . days of the publication date of , pf this resolution, file with the City Clerk, an �cceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution, and shall within the period (s) �pecified in the terms and conditions of this �esolution, comply iri all respects with these erms and conditions. i� � �'� I� , I, � �y , . � '`, � � '` /� Yeas Navs Absent � Requested by Department of: irrron �_ oswi z on �~ Fi an e & Mana ement Services acca ee p e t tman �� �' ��✓l/ iuson BY� �U` ' ector � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council,: Da e �/ Adoption Certified, by C�uncil Secretary g � �� y: � � %`--"� :--- ''//— /_SS - �L - By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council / By: gy; ����1� �/: � I 4 - r r ' r ._ 6\J'fi,r(� —.�.�=i'_ �t={ ��.-,.��?��[«e--r_� � „ .. � c . . c 'i'i�...P..t� d:.L�;:r��"�=:�4m t{.r`,A�r"<�-�:� �iR-�'���`fC F�na�ai UEstat,e n���s�on iii�����o` GREEN SI-�EET �` 1V° -11735�'��-.+�,.,�� CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE l �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Dick McCann 2!98-5317 assicN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCIERK NUMBEfl FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY( ATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE P GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: � Approve resolution to vacate part of Mackubin south of Como and p�rt of Atwater west of Como. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or qeject(R) , pERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TIiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION � CIVIL$ERVICE COMMISSION 1• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMM�TTEE _` YES NO �STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DISTRiCT COURT � 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTI4E1 � YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Located in Counci;l Distrfct 5 INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO UNITY( ho,What,When,Where,Why): The petitioner, Como ',Foundry Partners, is requesting this vacation to cure a building encroaehmen� and for future development. _y j � . ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: City will sell ne�ly-constructed sewers in Atwater Street to the pet�tioner and will alsq rec�ive increase in tax revenues. � REL+f/�j DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �/D� ,y ' None. �6 199 ��yoR,s � OFF�C f ; • DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ; I , - . _ , �CL ��.� � ,���t,;; ; .�.'�-,s-�;� �'.�tl'�G'i" i i � {��v 1 ,r I�':;�U , - TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 6S',345 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER OOZ-013O0-2833 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ' _