90-2148 OQ '����� Council File # �D - /��� �� 1'�� ' ' Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �...�� Preseated Sy "� Referred To � Coanmittee: Date �, � i WHEREAS, Thle City of Saint Paul owns a parcel of land at the southeast corner of Pa�yne ajnd Rose formerly occupied by the Phalen School , and WHEREpS, Tl�is site has served for many years as an important � neighborhood landmark in the Payne-Phalen neighborhood, and WHEREAS, The community wishes to beautify this site as a reminder of the importance of this site, and WHEREA�S, A passive park was developed on this site with trees, a walking path for accessi�ility, and other park amenities, and WHEREAIS, Tfie beautification includes flower beds and landscaping which the local n@ighbqrhood will maintain, and WHEREAS, Ft�nds for this development were provided by Emily Slowinski , whose family was ,long term East Side residents, and . WHERE�IS, Ti�is donation was .given in memory of Susan Dayton, who along with her sister, Emily Slowinski , attended Phalen School and had fond memories of it, and NOW, fiHERE�ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Saint Paul City Council name this passive park Sue's Park in memory of Susan Dayton, and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, That Emily Slowinski be commended for her generous contribution to the Payne-Phalen neighborhood. � Nava Abseat R�quested by Dep�:i�tment of: �" Communit Serv'ces a `1 __ .____. _7 —.._ � ,� -_•— �`''' , ` BY= - �._,-- 0 Adopt�d by Cou�icil: ' Date DEC 1 1 1990 Form oved by City Attorney Adopti ertified l9y Council Secretary gY, ` �1 - - �j � By: Approved by Mayor for 5��:.�•<r�.:3sion to DEC �. 2 �gg counc�l Approved by Mayoz: Dat• �,_ � Sy: ( .��/'..-�� By: �UBIISHED ��-� 2 � 1990 ' . :: � -, �� 9� -���� . ( � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED . O Parks & Recreation 11/13/90 GREEN SH�ET N. _12702 INITIAU ATE CONTACT PERSON&PHONE D DEPARTMENT DIRECTdR�� ���..- ''. �CITY COUNCIL � Z Robert Pi ram 29 -4126 NUMiBER FOR �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DA E) ROUTING 4 BUDGET DIRECTOR - �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. A.S.A.P. ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN�, « P $ R TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA ES (CLIP ALL tOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: RECEIVEp Name park area t Pa ne & Rose Sue's Park NOU 19 1990 _ NOV 1 6 1990 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Rej (R) PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUS R L U��� _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SE VICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? �STAFF YES NO _DIS7RiCT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIV 1 YES NO Explsin all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORT NITY(Wh ,What,When,Where,Why): Passive Park b auti ied by $10,000 donation from Emily Slowinski who asked that it be named in hono of her sister, Susan Dayton as requested by District 5 Planning Council . ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Donor's wishes ill e honored. DISADVANTAGE3 IF APPROVED: _ ....i� . , . . -,'�, � .",, F4�.W 6!,•.i; � �1'0`J '' , u . �..� �� DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Donor's wishes nd t ose of District 5 Planning Council will not be honored. RECEIVE� DEC0419,90 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ ' ""---'— COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO . — --�----__ FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER ""—�""'----- FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) " dvir�_ �