90-2147 - 0 R I G I f� A l� Council File � cJ � � , Green Sheet � ! RESOLUTION o � CITY F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,�0 . . P sented By Referre _ �� Committee: Date /�—/�'��/ i RESOLVED, Tha the roper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with th Dep ent of Education, State of Minnesota, for the continuation of the lending library rel�tionsl�ip with the Division of Libraries, City of Saint Paul, subject to the terms and conditions of said a�reement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Fi�ance �nd Management Services. � � I , I i '� e 's Navs Absent Requested by Department of: sr»on oswz z on ' � Commun't ervi es acca ee e man une � i son �~ BY� � �'6/C Qo� �Q/eZ� oEC 2 7 Form A roved by ity Attorney Adopted by Counci.l: n�,ate i990 Adoption Certifi�d by Council Secretary B � �l q � Y� 17 y By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved y ayo�: tlate pEC 2 � 1990 Council . ' . -• � By. By: ,, �, �o�e„«.���:� �^�� ° �, /y�/ _ `7� _�/�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNpL DATE INITIATED Communit Servic s - ibraries 11/26/90 GREEN SHEEtT No. 9��� �NTACT PER80N 8 PHONE pEpqpTMEWT qRECTOR '��DAI� CITY COUNCIL ATE Gerald W. Steenb r 92-6211 �� CIIYAITORNEY CITYCLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCII AQENDA BY TE� ROIITMp BUDOET DIpECTOR FIN.3 MOT.8ERVICES DIR. 12/27/90 �MA�����gT� Finance Accountin TOTAL N OF SKiNATURE P G1E8 4 (CUP ALL LOCATION8 FOR 81GNATUR� .``�.✓� H G21"3I d W. �teenb r ��cu�o: , �L i rar i$s� Approval of Coun il Re olution for the continuation of the "° - , State of Minneso a, De artment of Education, interlibrary . � . loan program provided y the Saint Paul Public Library to non-metropolitan area public REOOMMEN A ON :APP►�( o► N�(R1 COUNCIL COIIAMITTEElRESEARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNIN(�OOMMISSION pVIL RVIC�COMMIBSION ��� PNONE NO. _pB OOMMITTEE _STAFF CCMMENTS: _DIBTRICT COURT �� SUPPORT8 WHICH COUNpL OBJECTI 9 - INITIATM�Ki PR09LEM.IS8UE. NITY ,Wlwt,VIRNn,WMro,Wlyr): End of state fisc l ye r requiring renewal of contract ��c�`��D N�� 3 0 1990 MAYOR'S �FF�CE ADVMITAQE8IF APPFIOVED: This agreement pr !vide the sharing of information resources, _provides total funding of expenses and p ovid s four (4) FTE's covered in Special Funds Budget for '1ggp (last half) and 19g� (f'rst alf). ' �����a RECEI DEC04�990 None C�TY CLERK DIBADVM[TA(�E8 IF NOT APPROVED: The Saint Paul Pub ic L brary would not be able to provide this service to non-metropolitan libraries. . .A_.:t'.o .,....^��. !,j� ��li.._. �tv -- I�::� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA �� COST/REVENUE 9UDOETED(qRCLE ONE� 'YE6� NO �_.,/ FUNDINd SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM�ER- __ �55_ssagn FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) : _ _ � - ��a ����� � �,��y '��;- �- � AGREEMENT This' agre�ment is made and entered into by and between the Office of Libralry De�elopment and Services, Department of Education, on behalf o� the' State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as LDS, and the St. I'aul �ublic Library, an agency of the City of St. Paul, Minnesots, he�einafter referred to as the Library. Whereas, u�nder Minn. Stat. 134.31 it is the policy of the state to support the provision of library service and the development of cooperative p�rograms for the sharing of resources and services; and Whereas, I�DS has determined that one program to implement the state's �olic}� is the provision of an interlibrary loan and reference service to the� regional public library systems of Minnesota; and Whereas, t�he Library is capable of operating a program of interlib�ary ]�oan and reference service; i Now �heref�re, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. The Li�brary shall: �. Re�eive interlibrary loan and reference requests via c:o,;.�nu�icat'ons media as may be agrec� upon by the pa;:�iaa f�:,� the r!egion�l public library systems outside the counties of Anoka, Car{�er, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington through co�munications nodes designated by LDS. B. Le�d items from its collection in response to requests received h�reunder and refer unfilled requests via an established routit�g sy�tem to other libraries deemed probable secondary sources in�luding but not limited to other public libraries partitipat�ng in the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA), academic l�braries through Cooperating Libraries in Consortium (CLIC) and 'the Minnesota Interlibrary Telecommunications Exchange (MINITEX) at the University of Minnesota. C. Mai;ntain a system of reserving items to fill requests - received hereunder in cases where said items are in use when a � request for said item is received. D. Pravide up to 25 pages of photocopies of library materi,als w�ithout charge in lieu of the loan of an item, such serviqes toj be provided consistent with provisions of Title 17, U.S. C,ode. i E. Pro��vide to LDS monthly reports of the amount of services providled hepreunder including the services provided by secondary sourceis. ', F. Prot✓ide to LDS an annual report of expenditures incurred hereunder including payments to secondary sources. + , , . �./���/'! / ! l ��� G. P'rovide to LDS information concerning problems encdunter'ed, recommendations for improved services and other reas�onabl�e and appropriate information as may be mutually agreed to regardp.ng the operation of the services provided hereunder. H. Fk�om the amount established in Section II, D. , reimburse , secondary� sources, except MINITEX and CLIC, at the rate of $1.15 per searc� and $3.00 per fill, provided that the secondary sourtes sl�all agree to maintain a system for placing requests on • a wai�ting list when the requested materials are in use. II. The 4ffice of Library Development and Services shall: A. Develop in consultation with the Library policies and procedures to implement the program of interlibrary loan and refe�ence 'service and provide a manual of said policies and procedures� to the regional public library systems. H. Cqordinate the interlibrary loan and reference service netwark relsulting from this agreement and serve as a communicatlion channel on matters of policy between the Library and the re�gional public library systems receiving services herewnder•I • C'. Prpviue xo �,a�,Library a list of regional publ�� library system com�nunication nodes eligible to submit interlibrary loan and r�fere#�ce requests. D. Reimburse the Library for services provided hereunder during the state's fiscal year ending June 30, 1991 in the amount of $236,000 which shall be paid to the Library in two installments provided that no such payment .shall be made in advan�e of the period for which paid. III. All services provided by the Library pursuant to this agreement shall be performed to the satisfaction of LDS as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, Willi�m G. Asp, Director of LDS, and in accord with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations,. The Library shall not receive payment for work � found by L�S to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, st�ate and local law, ordinance, rule and regulati.on. IV. T'�is agreement may be cancelled by LDS or the library at any time, �with or without cause, upon ninety (90) days written notice to the'� otheir party. In the event of such cancellation, the Librar� sha�l be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for �rork or services satisfactorily performed. V. Th� Lib�Cary shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations !under this agreement without the prior written � consent of the authorized agent of LDS. : . � ' � 9� -�, �� . VI. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing. In witn�;ss wh�ereof, the parties have caused this agreement to be duly executec� inte�ding to be bound thereby. � APPROVEI�: , STATE OF MINNESOTA CITY OF ST PAUL DEPARTMENT OF� EDUCATION DIVISION OF LIBRARIES By° � ` i - �l�. By' ��Vv � �� Date: /��-- 2.,� � � o Date: �'�,�, � � �yg� , CITY OF $AINT PAUL MAYOR Approved as td Form: By: �l��j J ��J gY: ����%=��Go-� -ut Da t e: � :�O l� � � /� Date: t��� �-�- SO Assistant Cit , Attorney DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ' MA;.3%+�;r.���r,�*T SERVICES By: Date: DEPART N OF COMMUNI E VICES By: _ � Date: /�`�'���6 � I � = i�? �o a Committee Report Finance Committee December 17, 1990 Page 2 5. Resplut�on 90-1927 - amending the 1990 Budget by adding $73, OOO �to the Financing and Spending Plan for Street Repair - C�ean�ng Fund - Equipment Purchase. (Referred from Council ' 11/01/90) Approved 3-0. 6. Respluti�on 90-2153 - authorizing payment of $2 ,468.24 to Melvin W. Riley from the Tort Liability Fund in settlement of Y�is c{laim. (Referred from Council 12/11/90) App�tovec� 3-0. 7. Resolutilon regarding the claims of Officers Berry and Lutchen.l (Laid over in Finance 07/23/90 at the request of the City Attorney) APPR,OVEDI 3-0. ResolutiQn fulfilling the claims of Officers Indehar, Bailey and Simmpns. (Laid over in Finance 07/23/90 at the request of the C'',�ty Attorney) Apprpved 3-0. 8. Resoluti4n 90-129 - amending the 1990 Budget by adding $7, 110. 00 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Housing Informat�on Office. (Referred from Council 12/06/90) Approved 3-0. 9. Resolution 90-2127 - amending the 1990 Budget by adding $11,480.Q0 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Community Services '- Libraries - Salary needs. (Referred from Council 12/06/90) Apprqved ,3-o. 10. Reso uti 90-2147 - authorizing an agreement with the State Depa tmen of Education for the continuation of Lending Libr ry r lationship with the St. Paul Division of Libr ries. (Referred from Council 12/11/90) Apprdved t3-0.