98-970Conncil File # �' ORlG1NAL OF Presented by Referred To RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA � Green Sheet # 62957 Committee Date An Administrative Resolution approving a pilot project entitied, Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project, including the new salary ranges containad therein, in accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, and the accompanying memorandums of agreement with AFSCME Locals 2508 and 1842, PEA, and SPSO, which govem administration of the project. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, it is the mission ofthe Information Services (IS) Division ofthe Department of Technology and Management Services to promote information technology as a strategic asset of the City and to create a healthy information and technological environment that supports the attainment of city-wide as well as department and office strategic goals, and WF3EREAS, there has been continuous change in IS technology resulting in many new systems and processes and a highty competitive IS job market, and WHEREAS, IS customers need and expect techmcal assistance in implementing and utilizing this new technology,and Wf�REAS, the IS Division has been having difficulty assigning, hiring, retaining and promoting staff in a manner which effectively supports the mission of the unit, and WHEREAS, the eacisting IS ciassification and compensation system is outdated and no longer provides the duty assignment fle�bility and employee development potential required by the IS Division in responding to customer needs and in recruiting and retaining IS staff, and WHEREAS, the IS Division and the Office of Human Resources have conducted a coAaborative process that has developed a new IS job classification/compensation system, and corresponding administrative procedure, and °l8'1'1 ° 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide maximum flexibility in duty assignments based on employee demonstrated competencies rather than on narrowly defined class specifications, and WE�REAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide employees with clearly defined cazeer ladders, professional development opportunities and competitive sataries, and Wf�REAS, t3ils new system and procedure was designed to better support the mission and objectives of the IS Division, and WFIEREAS, Civil Service Rule 8.A6, pernrits the Human Resowces Director to conduct pilot and/or research projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, employee career development programs, and referra] and/or appointment processes for filling City positions, and Wf�REAS, the City of Saint Paul Office ofHuman Resources and AFSCME Locals 2508 and 1842, PEA, and SPSO, representing the employees and job classifications affected by the IS Restructuring and 7ob Family Modeling Project, have met and have agreed upon the terms and conditions of employment contained within the pilot project document and have agreed upon the modification of cartain Civil Service Rules in the administration of this pilot project, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached Memorandums of Agreement governing the administration of the IS 3ob Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project, and be it FURTf�R RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached IS Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project, including the IS 3ob Family System pay gades and salary ranges contained within the attached project document, and be it FtIRTI�R RESOLVED, that the effective date of the new IS 3ob Family System, including individual position allocations, classification consolidations, and salary schedule shall be January 3, 1998, and be it 98-9�10 45 FURTAER RESOLVED, that said pilot project shall expire three years following the passage and 46 approval of this resolution unless action is taken othenvise prior to the expiration date, and be 47 it 48 FINAI.LY RESOLVED, that the Office of Human Resources and the IS Division shall submit to the 49 City Councai and the Mayor a yearly report regarding the progress of the project on or about the anniversary 50 date of its passage and approval with the final report being submitted three months prior to eapiration. Requested by Depaztmrnt of: •i . . BY� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �: a � Approved by Mayor: Date 1 `� By: I P.1O9�RS�IIMONNO� Adopted by Covncil: Date ������� Fotm Appr ved by C' Attomey By: ��cf /d�13�`�S 9P-9�o DEPARTMENf/OFFICFICOUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEE�' NO.: G��S�I Auman Resources 10114/98 CONTACT PI?RSON & PHONE: .� It�II'rrwT1DATE a1'E 7ohn Shockley (266-6482) ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT DIR 4 CTTY CAUNCII, NUMBER 2 CITY A7TORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DA1'� �R ��``CIAL SVS D _ FINANCL9L S ACCT ROUTING 3 MAYOR(OReLSST. ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (Q.IP ALL I,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnox xe�uESrEn: Approval of a pilot project entitled "Information Services Reorganizarion and 7ob Family Modeling Pro,jecY' and accompanying memorandums of agreement. RECAMMENDA1iONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R} PERSONAL 5ERVICE CONTRACfS MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESftONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERV[CE COMMISSION I. Hast6ispersodfumevawo+kedunderaconVac[f�Utisdepaflmrnt? _CIB COhIM111BE _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. Hasiltispersodfumeverhunacityemploya? DISTAICT COUAT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICfi COUNCIL OBIECTI�B? 3. Dces this petson/firtn possess a skill aot normally posessed by any cmrent city employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes uuwers on xpatate aheM and adaeh to;reen s6eef. INITLITINGFROBLEM,ISSi3E,OYPORTUNTTY(Who The Information Services Division has been having difliculty in hiring, retaining, and promoting its technicai staff in a manner which effectively supports the City's information and technology objectives and the professional needs ofthe employees. Elsisting position descriptions and minimum qualifications aze narrowly defined, fragmented, and dated. The eunent HR systems do not adequately support the need for flexibility and quick response to changing Information Services needs. Significant effort is being directed at "working azound" the e7nsting process problems. (See attached Executive Summary) anvaNrncES iF nrrxoven: The pilot project will enable the City to better support the mission and objectives of the Information Services Division. It will also allow greater duty assigment flexibility giving the ability to respond rapidly and efficiently to changing business needs. Furthermore, the project better aligns,}ob descriptions and pay with current staff responsibilities, develops career ladders, and facilitates professional gowth opportunities for the staff. Finally, the project will improve the City's ability to hire and retain technical staffin a competitive market. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOil6 � DISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: It WOUI(� COI1t1I1llE t0 b@ CI1fflClllt t0 TCt2111 3I1(3 fCCilllt (�ll8�lry II1fOtR7811011 .SEIVICCS staff. Current employees will not be adequately recognized for their efforts and competencies and the City will become less able to compete in a very fast paced, competitive Information Services market. TOTAL AMOIRVT OF TRANSACfIOTi: 5125,60U far sataries in 1998, a� $134,UOQ in t999 COSClREVEN[IE BUDGETED:YES FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANC7ALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIt� C�rc�FZ;`e5:":i �u�:t�Yi;?'`=. �c�Y€?� Q�; �. � ��� a14 .`��° City of Saint Paul Executive Summary Information Services Classification Study L What is the project all about? This is a collaborative effort between the Office of Human Resources, Information Systems Division's management ( Technology and Management Services Department), the IS Division staff and the unions/bazgaining units (AFSCME locals 1842 and 2508; Professional Employees Association; the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization) which represent the Division's staff. This proposed pilot project redefines IS jobs in a way that better addresses the City's information needs, responds to a rapidly changing business environment, and supports employee growth and development. This project includes new processes, new definitions of roles and responsibilities, and a better alignment of pay with competencies and responsibilities. This will allow for a more adaptive, responsive IS environment. II. Why is the City proposing to do this? This project began as a result of three separate forces. • IS employees were not satisfied with their fragmented and dated position descriptions. In addirion, the internal process for promotion and advancement was not well defined and did not support their needs. . IS department management and their customers were frustrated with the inability to manage the staff in a way that facilitates a quick response to changing information and technology needs in a very competitive market. . Finally, the Information Systems environment within the Twin Cities is more competitive than ever and the City was falling well behind the notm in recruiting, developing, and retaining these valuable human resources. The pace of change in technology and in the market continues to speed up and the problems will multiply if not proactively addressed. A significant component of the IS mission statement is to create a healthy information and technology environment to support the attainment of Citywide as well as department and office strategic goals. This project is designed to better support this type of environment. III. Design, Development, and Approval Process This pilot project has been a mode] of labor and management cooperation and collaboration. The development of this project has been lengthy (18 months) and has included input from the employees in design and development, as well as problem solving. It has been refined with the assistance and input of the unions. Significant efforts were made to update the employees throughout the process and to solicit their input. Much of this input has been incorporated into the design to be as responsive to employee needs as q �.q� VII. How will we measure success with respect to staff? Some ways to measure success with the staff are: • Employee satisfactio�r--measured by periodic surveys • Number of employees being paid "out of title" • Number of IS positions that are filled intemally and for which the employee would not have qualified under the previous system. VIII. Response of Other Interested Parties Human Resources has secured the agreement and endorsement of all three affected bargainuig units—signed memoranda of agreement will be attached to the Snal information packet. Employees haue had many opportunities to get involved in the project design and are eager for it to move forwazd. The City Information Services customers see the value of the project and aze supportive. IX. Cost Implications The IS Division is not asking for additional funds for this pilot project. The costs associated with any resulting salary increases have been fully funded and approved in the 1998 budget and the increased costs have been included in the proposed 1999 budget. The final 1998 salary cost for the pilot project is estimated to be $125,600; fringe benefits, calculated at 28%, would be $35,000. Total 1998 cost, for the 55 member staff, is estimated to be $160,600. This will be offset by the many out of title salary and fringe payments (about $96,000) already being made to IS employees. Out oftitle pay resulted from: . Inconsistencies between how departments, under the former organization of IS resources, classified and compensated technical staff that became apparent after the consolidation oftechnical staffinto the new IS organization • Changes in technology that superceded e�sting job descriptions . The natural progression of stafftrying to cover increased needs while personnel resources remained the same; employees naturally assuming more responsibilities to get the job done XL Additional Advantages Expected additional benefits are: . Wtule the positive impact on emgloyee retention is quite obvious, this program will also enable the City to better recruit and attract prospective IS employees by demonstrating a commitment to excellence and employee development. . The lengthy collaborative effort facilitated the reorganization of IS from a diverse collection of independent IS service providers into a more cohesive technical work force operating with a shared vision. • The project demonstrates the willingness of City management, employees and the respective bargaining units to work together towazd a common goal in a cooperative and respectful manner. qP�q� o • This project was a marked departure from the previous manner in which the department operated. This new demonstration of openness and collaboration will provide a foundation for buy-in and trust for future initiatives. G:GS HAR E D W dmi�U S\ClassF�cSUmmary.wpd Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 2 of 5 demonstrated satisfactory performance in their position. �6 'Q�D S.A.3. Vacant positions shall be filled from a promotion eligibie list or from a list of promotion eligibles on an open list in the following manner: The Oflice of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing officer a list of eligibles which shall include the top 3 eligibles, plus the top 3 eligibles from the appointing division plus ties. If the top 3 certified eligibles are from the appointing division, no further names shall be certified. If the top 3 certified eligibles are not from the appointing division, then the certification shall be expanded to include the required number of eligibles from the appointing division. The term'division' used in this pazagraph shall mean'department' in all cases where a department is not divided into divisions. For the purpose of this pazagraph's provisions, the following are considered to be divisions of the Mayor's Office; Human and Civil Rights; Office of Human Resources. For the purpose of this provision, Legislative Operating shall be considered a separate department; Fire Equipment Services shall be considered a division ofthe Fire and Safety Services Department, the Department of Public Works shall be considered as one division, the Department of Planning and Economic Development shall be considered as one division, and the Department of Finance and Management shall be considered as one division. 8.A.4. Section 8.A3 shall not apply to titles represented by the Professional Employees bargaining unit or the Professional Supervisory Employees bargaining unit. 8.A.5. When two or more titles aze combined into a new title, the Director may authorize the appointing authority to appoint affected employees to the new title without further competitive testing as long as they have been certified to one ofthe titles being combined, and they meet the minimum qualifications for the new title. Seniority will be determined in accordance with Section 22 Layoff. The Human Resources Director may conduct pilot and/or reseazch projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, experimental learning placements, pre-entry training programs, employee career development programs, inclusive of apprenticeship, and on-the job training programs, referral and/or appointment processes for the filling of City positions. The Human Resources Director, prior to taking any employment action in the above referenced pilot and/or reseazch projects, shall obtain the approval of the Mayor and if approved, obtain the consent of the Council. Notice to the affected bargaining units shall be given and at such time, the bargaining units have the right to discuss their issues as well as present recommendations for changes in the project. Notice to the City Council will be given for review and subsequent approvaUdenial of the project. Written documentation shall be provided by the Human Resources Director for review prior to approval. Documentation shall include the following: a. Assurance that the proposal does not supptant existing certified employees. 12/8/97 1:36:34 PM Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 3 of 5 b. Identification of Civil Service Rules affected by the proposal, if any. G! � 9�� c. Participants in programs will be certified, having a probationary period, + involved in structured training and will be provided an out placement referral service. d. Classifications created through the proposai wili be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit as per our present policy and procedures. e. It is recognized that any affect on terms and conditions of employment aze subject to negotiations. f. Pilot employment projects will be in accordance with State and Federal laws and/or regulations and the Saint Paul City Charter. g. Reference to the City Policy Objectives sought to be served by the pilot and/or research project. Appropriate Civil Service Rules, if agproved by the Mayor and City Council can be suspended for the purposes of these projects. Their suspension is limited for the time period as specified for the project. A project will not exceed a 3-year time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the Mayor and Council within 3-months of the end of the pro}ect. 8.B.1. Vacant positions shall be filled from an original entrance list in the following manner: 8.B.l.a. Vacancy Filled From An Original Entrance List Single vacancy from a requisition shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) OR FEWER ELIGIBLES The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles from the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, in each protected-class group. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. FOR LISTS HAVING MORE THAN TWENTY (20) ELIGIBLES When underutilization or underrepresentation, as defined in Section 8.B.i.b., does not exist in any protected class, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office ofHuman Resources shall certify the three (3) highest scoring eligibies on the list, plus ties, from each and every protected c2ass who are among either the top thirty-three percent (33%) or the highest scoring twenty (20) eligibles on the list, whichever will produce the greater number of protected-class eligibles. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. When a specific job title is underutilized or when underrepresentation e�usts in the Saint Paul Board of Education civil service work force or City of Saint Paul's department/division work force, certification will be as follows: The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appoiming authority the thsee (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus 12/8/97 1:36:34 PM ,�p.q� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A6, governing the implementation ofHuman Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Umon 2508, District CouncIl 14, of the American Federahon of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local 2508) hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro�ect described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorgamzation and 7ob Family Modeling Pro'ect and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment sh� apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose gostt�ons have been allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels designated therein as represented by AFSCME Loca12508. Also, AFSCME Local 2508 and the City aiso agree to the use of the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of tlus pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shail aliow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who haue demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS 7ob Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply to the filling of IS Job Famdy posrtion vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus ties will be certified to the appointing authority. The top three eligibles from the appoinhng division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference in certification. 3. Civil Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles) shail allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS 3ob Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year as a certified emplopee in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shali also haue actually served at least 1040 hours in such ciassified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternune eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilotproject document. 5. �:vi; Se: :dce Rsle 22 {T ay O!T) shall allow emnloyees to maintain class seniority in their newiy assigned IS Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS 7ob Fa�ruly level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of IS incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS 7ob Family System on the same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in a11 classified City positions. 6. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Egaminations) shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document will be used. 7. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary''I'Iariian�4Itates o�f Gompensation governing advancement in salary, shall not appiy to IS employees iri positibhs allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project �{ cument. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be fo�ciwed. Tlie applisable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, `and twenty-five year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such IS employees �t8 -q �1� subject to the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layo� affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in classifications currently represented by AFSCME Local 2508, who as a result of untial implementation of this pilot project are promoted to positions in IS 7ob Family levels represented by Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local 1842), the Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA} or the Sauit Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS 7ob Family level represented hy AFSCME T.oca12508, that corresponds with their previously held classification, and exercise applicable contractual seniority n� �its. It is also understood that this stipulation also applies to any employees represented by AFSCME Loca12508, who have appealed their initial position allocations under the pIlot project and who, as a result of such appeais, are promoted to positions represented by AFSCME Loca1 1842, PEA or SPSO. Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement sha11 not he used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �� .�� man Resources Director �� Labor Re ations Direct r �� � President Local Union 2508 AFSCME, District Council 14 AFI,-CIO � Busi ss Re esei ativ Loca nio 508 AFS , stric Council 14 AFI,-CIO F:\USERS\HRCAMMONVSHOCKLEY�IWPROJEC.WPD � .�it ..��., '_. .. .. „te', C7 � � � � � � �=. ,'D�C.'"^..� Z i-; '�f. R�1�"' LlT�' �c: �-i._. C^GC^ Z7D n� T*tr' t!7 qd'a�� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Loca1 1842) hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro�ect described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Pro'ect and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment sh� appty to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose posrtions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by AFSCME Local 1842. Also, AFSCME Local 1842, and the City also agree to the use of the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of tlus pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule S.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of ir.cumbents who have demonstrated the required co�npetencies and responsibIlities of a higher level IS Job Family position for s'vc months or more. 2. Civil 5ervice Rule 8.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply to the filling of I3 7ob Family position vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus ties will be certified to the appointing authority. The top three eligibles from the appoinring division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference in certification. 3. Civil Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles) shall ailow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS 7ob Famil� Levels outlined m the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the �ob classifications to which their posirions had been previously allocated. 4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in a classified position prior to the e�mination date. Such incumbents shall also have actualty served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternvne eligibles for vacancies in the I5 Job Family System ouUined in the attached pilot project document. 5. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Oft) shail allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS 7ob Family level even though their former ciass, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formaliy abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family Spstem on the same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in all classified City positions. 6. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Examinations) shall not be used for appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeais procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document wiii be used. Section F,1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in,positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project docu�ient::'��ttstead,'tHe:s�lary schedules contained within the pilot project document shal] be followed. The appiicable step increases therein may be granted in the tune frames set forth. Five, ten�, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five year step increases as defined 'm the Salary Plan and Rates of Com�p8nsation"sliall continue to apply for such employees subject to the tnne frame ]imitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule. ����� Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in classifications currentiy represented by AFSCME Local 1842, who as a result of initial implementation ofthis pilot project are promoted to positions in 7ob Family levels represented by the Professional Empioyees Association, Inc. EA) or the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the Job Family leve represented by AFSCME Local 1842, that corresponds v,nth their previvusly held classification, and exercise applicable contractual seniority nghts. It is also understood that t}us stipulation also a�plies to any employees represented by AFSCME �ocal 1842, who have appealed their initial posrtion allocations under the pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, aze promoted to positions represented by PEA or SPSO. Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � � ��. ��i►u ��u.�\�. �1 - . � • 'V� �"� 4 Labor R lations Director F:\USERS�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYl3 W PROJEC. W PD ��� �- ��T President Local Union 1842 h' .�SC11�', Listrict C�uricii 14 AFL-CIO c � Busine Repre ntati Local nion 18 AFSCNIE, District Council 14 AFZ-CIO . _ '��� ��� ll:. -, r �1:� . ' . ., , c3a 3;—. h-C x 2 r*t � r � ^'�'�j-x�a � t*!� °, CtX O- � �1'-� �� '� Nf � a � g �� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees AssociaUon, 7nc. (PEA) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions haue been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by PEA. Furthermore, PEA and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration ofthis pIlot project: 1. Civil5ervice Rule S.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment ofthe afFected incumbents to the IS 7ob Family Leveis outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previousiy allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow emp3oyees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents sha11 also haue actually served at least 1040 hours in such ciassified position. This nxle shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternune eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Oft) shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS 7ob Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family ]evel, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS 7ob Family System on the same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in ail classified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Examinations) shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. a��� � o 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation goveming advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project documextt. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot pro,}ect document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fifteen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � ���� Human Resources Director �,- /`,. � President Professional Employees Association, Inc. Labor elations Director `"1��� �� Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. F:\USERS�I-IRCOMMONVSHOCKLEY�W PRO�CT. W PD q g'� �� 1998 Memorandnm of Agreement In accordance with Civii Service Rule 8.A6, goveming the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saim Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby stale that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document en6tled City of Saint Paul Informazion Setvices Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agee that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shali apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by SPSO. Furthemiore, SPSO and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family posirion for siac months or more. 2. Civil Service Rufe 8.AS (Combining of Tittes) shall allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents io the IS 7ob Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow emptoyees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year in a classified posirion prior to the examinarion date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternvne eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil 5ervice Rule 22 (Lay Of� shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS 7oh Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been fotmally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS 7ob Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of continuous service in all classified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations Instead, the appeals procedure out7ined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. �lg` 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels in the attached pilot project documern. Tnstead, the salazy schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicabte step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fifteen year step increases as definad in the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation shall conturue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salazy schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �� -� y „. t Human Resources D'uector � � � Labor elations Director � President Saint Paul 5upervisors' Organization Business Representative Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization F:�ItSERS�E�tCOMMONLSHOCKLEriSPSO.ISM q�` City of �S'aint I'aul Information Services Reorganization & Job Family Modeling Project Pilot Project Description October, I998 g:pilproj.doc aP� Table of Contents TABLE CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................2 BACKGROU D ..................................................................................................................................... 3 PROJECTGOAL .................................................................................................................................. 4 PILOTPROJECT ..................................................................................................................................5 KEYPOINTS .........................................................................................................................................5 CONCEPT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................6 APPROACH ........................................................................................................................................... 7 KEY DEFINITIONS ...............................................................................................................................8 JOBFAMILY .........................................................................................................................................9 JOB FAMILY DEFIMITIONS ................................................................................................................9 FAMILYLEVELS .................................................................................................................................. 9 TRANSlT10NtSSUES ........................................................................................................................10 FUTUREASSIGNMENTS ..................................................................................................................12 PROGRESS PARAMETERS .............................................................................................................12 COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT .....................................................................................................16 SUMMARY 17 g:piiproj.doc 2 Q�'' Background Mission Statement To promote information technology as a strategic asset of the City and create a healthy information and technological environment that supports the attainment of city-wide as well as department and office strategic goa]s. Two on-eoin� orogram obiectives for the IS denartment include: • The creation of a healthy information technology environment that supports the attainment of City-wide as well as department and office strategic goals. • The continual search for creative and innovative means to maximize the City's information technology investment. The City of Saint PauPs Information Services (IS) function has changed dramatically over the past several yeazs. The widely decentralized organization, was pulled into one organizational unit -- the IS Division of the Department of Technology and Management Services. This was done in order to establish and maintain consistent technology strategies, policies, and procedures and to increase accountability for return on the City's IS investments. This consolidation also aliowed us to maYimize the efficiency and effectiveness of these valuable City staff resources, and to facilitate more cross training among IS staff. It also served to create more career and personal growth opportunities for the staff. The division is organized into rivo functionai areas, 1) Core Services, and 2) Department Representatives. In the face of these organizational changes, as well as the increased and changing demands for technical assistance and support within the City, IS staff needs to be very fleacible and perform a hroad array of tasks and responsibilities. Our customers have different expectations than they did five years ago. New systems and processes are essential to the way in which we deliver service. Consolidation has brought most of our IS professionals back together. This move heightened the inconsistency between work performed by various I3 staffversus the work described by their e�sting class titles and class specifications (many of which were very outdated). All of these s nmuficant change factors drive the need to reevaluate our job functions and the way that we ciassify our positions. Under the existing system, there are many fragmented classes of positions. Job succession is not well defined, and training objectives are not cleazly tied to position responsibility. The current process of reassigning and/or promoting human resources is unwieldy and not responsive to our rate of change. Given the rapidly changing environment and technology, greater flexibility is a necessity. We need to develop and reallocate human resources quickly in response to these changes. Employees need to have clearly defined g:pilproj.doc aY'�'�� accountabilities and a management-supported system in which they can grow and acquire new, state ofthe art skills and experience. Accordingiy, in the spring of 1997, IS management and Human Resources staffundertook a comprehensive study and redefinition of all IS job classifications. Project Goal The goal of this process is to realign the current IS staff within appropriate job families and position titles in a structure that effectively supports their re-defined accountabilities. A framework will be established in which future positions and employees can be easily integrated within a more fler.ibie and responsive exam and reclassification process. A further objective ofthis process is to more clearly define "succession ladders" within the IS framework, for purposes of personal growth and promotion of emp]oyees. Objectives; 1. To develop a fle�ble, responsive process to facilitate the movement and assignment of staff based upon competencies as well as changing customer needs and requirements. 2. To develop broad job families that combine similaz sets of responsibi]ities and competency requirements that enhance the ability to be fleacible when making work assignments. 3. To clearly define career ladders, position expectations, and competency requirements for the IS staff. 4. To provide a basis for relevant training and development pians for the I5 staff. 5. To develop a process which accomplishes these objectives, transitions the system in a fair and collaborative manner while appropriately addressing any relevant concerns. g:pilproj.doc 4 q8 "9 7° Pifot Project Under Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, the Human Resources Director may conduct pilot andlor research projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, empioyee development programs, and referral and/or appointment processes for the filling of City positions. It is recommended that this Pilot Project be approved with an initial timeframe not to exceed three years. An Oversight Team will assist Human Resources in preparing six- month project reviews and status updates with the oppot[unity for adjustments and fin� tuning of the process as the project proceeds. It is recognized that the points of this Pilot Project which affect terms and condirions of employment aze subject to negotiations with the affected unions. Key Points • No e�sting regular certified employee's positions or jobs will be supplanted or eliminated as a result of this pilot pro}ect. • No employee will lose salary as a result of this program. • Position seniority wil] be maintained and consolidated as the current titles are abolished. • This new structure is intended to meet the expressed needs of the I5 staff. • This pilot project complies with ali relevant State and Federal laws andlor rea lations, Civil Service Rules and the Saint Paui City Charter. g:pilproj. doc � -q� Concept Overview The new IS job classiScation structure will be competency based and haue three primary ` job families" in which a11 positions fall in relational order. Each job family will consist of several pre-defined levels with associated competency requirements and responsibilities. The positions allocated to each level will generally be broader in scope and responsibility than positions within the cunent job classes. The resuit will be fewer titles with more employees sharing similar job titles. An individual position will be a composite of specific assignments. Each specific assignmerrt may then have an associated assignment specific title and technology requirements which are unique to that position and which aze different but generally equivalent to those of other employees in the same job title. The pilot project will consolidate the existing 24 job classes into 14. These proposed job titles will be supported by regular performance objectives and training plans to achieve and support esCablished `core competencies' within the staff. The structure of the job families and the levels/classes/titles will ma�cimize the IS staf£s opportunities to transition among the job families and across the levels. This enhances the long-term career development, staff retention, and ability to align future staff resources with anticipated needs for specific skills / competencies. The model calls for three "IS Job Families": 1. Systems Consultants 2. Information/Technology Analysts 3. Systems Support Specialists g:pilproj.doc 6 a �.q'►� Approach Implementation of this concept was done in a"phased" approach. Eatensive employee involvement was an integrai part of the process and the program was adjusted, accordingly, along the way. An employee communicarion process was developed and supported throughout the design of the program. i. Concept Design Phase I involved the concept design and documentation. This was, primarily, behind the scenes `homework' done in preparation for input from other associated parties. This phase was compieted first, with input from representatives of IS Management, Human Resources, and an eaternal consultant. ll. /mp/ementation Design Phase II of the project was the Tmplementation Design. This dealt more specifically with the actual details of the staff assignments, how to move employees, identifying tasks and functions, how to measure competencies in the future, definition of salary ranges, etc. This phase involved extensive input from IS staff, Human Resources and the union representatives. Several employee work groups met to discuss and make recommendations on specific issues. That input was added to the design concept in order to better develop the pilot project. The work group recommendations were posted on a general Intranet bulletin boazd and comment was so]icited from all staff members. !p. lmplementation Phase III of the project involves the impiementation of the recommended changes. Plans for specific employee moves will be finalized and implemented during this phase. Human Resources conducted extensive one on one interviews with all IS staff and supervisors to ascertain the appropriate job fami]y levels. This phase invoives completion of the associated paperwork and documentation requirements. g:pilproj.doc a8 - g`' ti Key Definitions Job Family: A grouping of positioru with signifiamtly simi7ar job resporuibilities, required skills and abilities, cmd customer requirements There will generttlly be mudtiple job `levels' with successive Zevels of responsibilities within the .Tob FtaniZy. Levels: Within each ,Tob Family are associated `stages' of responsibidify, performance requirements, and competency requirements. Employees will luave the opportunity to progress up the job Zevels or position title levels as they gain new competencies and are assigned more responsibility. Assignments: Within each position Zevel, there may be severad positions. Each position may have a specifzc job `assigmnent', which has a urtique set of responsibilities and skilds. Although the employees share the same general job level, the distinctions between the speciftc assignments »:ay make them not interchangeable. Unique Stzilts: These are skills, abilities atzd technical requzrements, which are unique to a specifzc job assigrrment. They must be well defzned and support the essential functions of the job assignment. The essential functions of an assignment cannot be performed without these unique skiZZs. Essentiai Functions: ➢efined by the ADA as "the fundamental job duties of the employment position that the individual holds. " A job function may be considered esserrtial if a) the reasan the position exists is to perform thcrt funcfion; b) a limited number of employees available among whom the performance of that function can be distrtbuted,• or c) the functiora is so lzighly specialized that the fncumbent has been hired spec�cally for his or her expertise or ability to perform this particular function. Marginal Functions: Those job duties that are not considered to be 'essential fi�nctions' as defined by the ADA. Competency: The skills, knovrledge, abilities and other requirements necessary to perform adequately the essenfral ana' marginal funetions of each specific work ttssignment. g:pilproj.doc �� r � �� Job Family The initial design for this process calls for all IS positions to fall within three Job Families. These general families muror industry standards and allow for broader, more `generid position descriptions, which will provide management and employees greater fle�bility in duty assignments as well as provide employees with greater opportunity to ma�mi�e their competencies. Job Famity Definitions Svstems Consultant Job Familv This job family acts as the primary liaison between IS and the business customers. The Systems Consultants must develop a thorough and complete understanding of the information requirements of their assigned department, make recommendations for technology solutions and take accountability For their implementation. There haue been four levels identified in this job family. Information/Technologv Analvst Job Familv This job family has responsibility for the speclfic applications within assigned departments. Analysts must understand the customer's business needs and the best technology solutions. There have been five levels identified in this job family. Svstems Sunport Snecialist This family has been designed to accommodate the positions that have traditionally been involved in the operations and suppart of the computer hardware. This involves primarily mainframe and client server tecluiology. There haue been four levels identified in this job family. Famity Levels Each of the three job family levels share some common responsibilities and required competencies. Each family has various numbers of `levels' identified within them, and each level has additional, progressively more complex requirements. This assumes that employees wild ful, fill the defined requirements of their assigned job Zevel as well as ta provide back up to the requiremenfs of every lower level within the job family as needed Each of the job levels (i.e.: InformationlTechnology Analyst 1) will share a standard position description. Each individual staff member assigned to that position level will work with the standard description. Additionally, each specific assignment and the unique working title and competency requirements will be developed and clarified as needed. g:pilproj.doc aQ ' q�� Transition Issues Initial Assignment Initial assignment of staffto the job family and levels has been based upon the competency level, and current duties/responsibiliries as well as cunent title of the employee. For exampie, if an employee is performing duties at a levei above those typical of their cunent title and a need for this levei is determined to exist within the department, the employee may be considered for reclassification to the higher family level. This process has involved input from both IS management and employees. A job content questionnaite was developed and distributed to the stafffor their input into the slotting process. In addition, one on one job study interviews were conducted with each individual employee and selected supervisors. Classifications created as a result of this pilot project will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit as per present policy and procedures. If an employee does not meet Yhe required competencies for a job family level with the same grade and pay level that the employee currently holds, a training and development plan will be put in place to provide the employee with the opportunity to acquire those skills and abilities. No emnlovee will be initiallv slotted into a level that is lower than his or her existinE Erade. Pay Levels The Human Resources staff haue analyzed the job family leveis and have applied the standard City classification factors to them. Eaah level has been classified and a new salary line has been developed for it. Each level within a job family has a salary range associated with it. Each range has a number of `steps'. Step increases may be credited based on tenure and performance. In some selected cases, market data has been taken into consideration when making recommendations for the appropriate salary line levels. As has been the project objective all along, no IS employee will lose pay from their existing level. Employees will be compensated as per the relevant labor contract. (See Attachment for details). g:pilproj. doc 10 �g 'q�� Seniority In developing this pilot project, it has been recognized that issues affecting seniority are trighly sensirive and important to the individuals involved. Therefore, significant care has gone into recommending a process which supports the objectives of this project but which has no negative impact on the seniority rights of the staff. It is recommended that the general principles of Civil Service Rules 8 A2 and 8.A5 be utilized with some minor adjustments. First, seniority lists for the incumbents in the newly combined job family levels will be developed from those classes that are being combined under the new process. As the rules state, "if two or more classes haue been combined into one new class, then seniority will be deternuned for all affected employees as if the classes had always been one class". Second, 3ndividuals will be placed into the appropriate job family and level based upon their actual job responsibilities. This will follow the reallocation guidelines that have been used historically. The initial placement of staffinto the appropriate job family levels will require some modifications to the rules. Minimum qualifications will not be used as a factor in placing internal candidates. They will be placed based upon an assessment of their cunent responsibilities and competencies. The requirement of promotion rights and one year of service in a higher level position for reallocation will also be waived during the initial placement. Seniority ofancumbents whose positions have been reallocated to a higher level is determined by the date of the appointment. If two or more incumbents aze reallocated and appoirned to the same level classification on the same date, the historical practice will be followed. This means that the Office of Human Resources will list their names in the order of their total City seniority. g:pilproj.doc 11 qp -9� Future Assignments Since the nature ofthe work in information systems is often very project based, staffmay be assigned to projects which utilize their competencies and experience or which require them to demonstrate the competencies of the family level below their current assigned level with a minimum amount of refresher trairilng. The incumbents in each job family level will therefore be expected to demonstrate a basic fanilliarity with the responsibilities of the lower levels within their job family. Progress Parameters Movement up the levels Employees will be moved from one level up to the neat level based on a number of competency based criteria which have been developed by an employee work group called the Competency Measurement Team. The recommendations of this group are as follows: Oversight Team The Gompetency Measurement Team recommends convening an Oversight Team that will be charged with general oversight to this pilot project and for providing a mechanism for intema] review of future position postings, and testing for eligibility for new open positions. It is recommended that the makeup of this group be one IS staff inember each &om the affected bargaining units (AFSCME Clerical, AFSCME Technical, PEA, and SPSO) and one IS customer, for a total of five members. In addition, an HA Representative will consult with the team and provide staff support but will not have a`vote' in decisions. It is recommended that this team be in place for a one-yeaz term to ensure process consistency. The team will need to develop internal operating procedures, voting processes, etc. No final deternunation was made as to how the members of this group should be selected but ideally, they should be people who are interested in making this process succeed. The oversight Team will report on the progress, challenges, and successes of the project to the staff and to their respective unions on a quarterly basis for the first year of the pilot project. Thereafter, reports will be made every six months. The various responsibilities of the Oversight Team include but are not limited to: 1. Review of nosition level decisions prior to posting. 2. Make any necessary modifications in the Training and Evaluation weighting for specific open assignments. 3. Score and review the completed Training and Evaluation Tests of internal applicants for promotional positions. A. Develop a`qualified candidate' elieibilit�ist based upon the T& E to forward to the hiring manager. g:pilproj.doc 1z a p -9'!� 5. Review any intemal aQ�eals to the process. 6. Revort to the IS staff and respective unions every six months on the process and make recommendations for appropriate adjustments or conections. 7. Assist Human Resowces in the formal Pilot Project review and reporting process. ReallocaYion The Team has detemvned that it is expedient for the reallocation process to continue to be used in the appropriate circumstances. Under the pilot project, reallocation will be allowed after the job duties have been performed for six months. in lieu of the current twelve months. In addition, reallocation can take place both within job families as well as across job families within IS. Initial Testing for Promotions In response to the current competitive market in the IS field and the challenge of retaining good employees after the City has provided for their training, this pilot will involve two `nutial retention' components. First, the new salary structure ca11s for salary step increases every six months for the first several years. Second, the traditional two-year wait before a new employee can be eligible for a promotiona] test will be amended to one year. Posting of New Positions All new promotional opportunities (non-reallocations) wi11 be posted throughout the City on the Intranet as well as in the usual manner (e.g.: job line, bulletin boazd). Internal IS employees will be given some `preference points' on the Testing and Evaluation exam. Minimum Qualifications Minimum qualifications will not be used for internal promotions. Rather, the measurement process, which has been designed to measure competency achievement, wili be the selection criteria. Minimum qualifications will still be used for external hiring purposes. The minimum qualifications for the new job family levels have been reviewed and updated through Human Resources to reflect current market conditions. (See Attachment D). Promotion Eligibility / Tenure within levels The general guidelines for tenure within a leve] before an employee can move to the next level in a job family will be consistent with any e�sting probationary periods in the relevant union contracts or Civil Service rules. g:pilproj.doc 13 a�-9�� Competency Measurement The following measurement process will be utilized during the pflot project for the purpose of eligibility for promotion. 1. All promotionai opportunities will be posted. 2. Interested City candidates will complete a Training and Evaluation exam asking them to clearly demonstrate competencies. Candidates w�71 also be asked to inciude verification references. 3. The Oversight Team will meet to review and score t6e T& E exam. 4. Candidates who receive 75°/a or more on the T& E will be determined to be `eligible' for the open position and will be passed on to the hiring manager. 5. The hiring manager will interview and select from the `eligible' candidates using the traditional "rule of three" concept. An outline of the Testing and Evaluation Exam is included in Attachment E. The competency measurement process, in particular, will be revisited and refined as necessary every 6 months during the pilot project. Appeal Process There will be a formal appeal process for competency measurement decisions. The following steps are suggested. 1. The llversight Committee will provide each employee with a score for each competency on his or her T& E evaluation. 2. Within 10 working days of the notification, the affected employee must indicate in writing that they disagree with some part of their test score. 3. The employee wili have additional5 working days to provide information to the Human Resources staffperson who assists the Oversight Committee. The employee will provide the committee with any additional information that they feel was not considered in the initial Training & Experience test. 4. The HR Staff member, who will be experienced in test examinations, will assist with further fact-finding if needed. 5. The HR Staffmember will meet with the Oversight Committee to discuss ifthe additional information is sufficient to affect the scoring of the T& E test. 6. The Oversight Committee will review appeals and make a decision within 1� working days of receiving the additional information. 7. The appealing employee will be notified in writing of the review decision within 10 working days from the Committee meeting. By mutual agreement, these time limits can be e�tended. This process does not preclude the employee from filing a formal union grievance or pursuing any of the other normal employee options. g:pilproj.doc 14 Q g.4�o Movement down a level Once an employee has been appointed to a new job level, they will not be moved down even if the assienment ends or changes. However, they may occasionally be called upon to perform the duties of any of the lower job fanvly levels. It is the responsibility of the IS management to ensure that the staff is appropriately utilized. An employee may be asked to voluntarily reduce their level or face disciplinary actions only if there is documented evidence that that they no longer meet the requirements of the job level consistent with the performance management process and development plans. Sufficient time will be given for the employee to demonstrate the required competencies before this would happen. Crossing Job Family Since this process has been designed to maximize flexibility for both employees and IS management, employees wil] be aliowed to cross from one job family to the neact if they meet the required competencies. Clearly defined competency requirements wiil enable employees to do more comprehensive cazeer planning and preparation. It is envisioned that three guidelines will govem this movement. 1) The employee must express an interest in career opportunities in anothet job family. 2) There must be a departmental need to fill a position. 3) The employee must demonstrate the required competencies of the new job family and level. Some of the logical `cazeer paths' are illustrated below: Systems Support Specialists Level I Grade 25 ---------- Level II Grade 28 ----------- Level III Grade 36 ""� ----------- Level IV Grade 4C Pronosed C areer Ladders Inform ationlT echnical Analysts Level I Grade 30 ---------- Level II Grade 36 �,„ LeveIIII Grade 40 Systems Consultants ----------- — — LevelIV .�r � Grade 44 ---------- Level V � � LevelI Grade 12-16 --------- Leve1II Grade 20 - — ------------ Level III Grade 22 Level IV Grade 23 g:pilproj.doc 15 � -q �o Competency Devetopment It is the intention of the IS Division to identify and develop certain base]ine `core' competencies within IS employees. These competencies are essential to meeting the business objectives of the department. In addition, a critical component of this process is the establishment of new mechanisms, processes, and procedures with the Auman Resources Office and IS Division to support this new framework over the long term. To assist in this process, the department has identified a set of competencies that are required at some level within the organization. Each employee has been evaluated as to his or her expertise in each competency area. Individual development plans will be developed to assist the staffin acquiring the necessary competencies. It is the intention of IS management to ensure equal access to training and development opportunities for all employees. Project `Success Criteria' While it has been determined that the Oversight Team in conjunction with the Human Resources Office will assess and report on the projecYs success throughout the three year pilot project, specific success measurement criteria need to be developed. The following criteria will be reviewed by the Oversight Team as the foundation of their project measurement process. We see this project as having three distinct interested constituencies: The Employees, The City / IS Customers, and IS Management. It is proposed that success criteria be developed ta address each of these groups. Some suggested measurement criteria inciudes the following: Em�lovees 1) Employee satisfaction -- measured by periodic surveys 2) # of employees being paid `out of title' 3) # of IS positions which are filled internally and which would not have qualified under the previous system. Citv / IS Customers 1) Customer satisfaction -- measured by surveys 2) Turnover / job vacancy rates compazed to IS historical data g:pilproj.doc 16 a� �Q� 3) Average time to fill vacant positions (# of days to promote internallv or to complete the process for ea-ternal hiring. This would exclude `finding' an external candidate) 4) Cost of administering the system - compare the number of classification studies required during the pilot project versus historical levels. IS Mana e�ment 1) Time to fill open posirions (same as above) 2) HR. Staff time needed to fill positions intemally 3) Employee and customer satisfaction data (same as above) Summary The IS reorganization pilot project has been designed to meet the needs of the City, the employees of the IS Division and IS management. It is a program that maximizes fle�bility and the ability to respond quickly and capably to a rapidly changing environment. It is intended to support career development within the I5 staff and to enable the IS Division to better serve the needs of their customers. g:pilproj.doc 17 c�� �9?a � z � F � ��'a ..n � w � � vl M� ' `� y c� 3 � � � o ° � a� .o � `�: 8 � � m e� .� i o a. o „e o x � 'c �e _ ° + 3 H w° � � � e °�'� ��= a��i ' c c � v >:'>�`� .� ,� �a �, � .E y � .� � > „ � y o � � ";:ti;�:;�a:_ �,. � . m w V y c�i s �« N � 0.i a�i ?L`::=�: L $ � � @3 0 � > e �a ° s �^ a ,'x w a. :'::a�'-.�>��� o ° � �i +� ,�,� r�i, t7 .� m i: ai C ' �° \ eu - � m w w ' � y � � � �o �, o � °' � _ i o 3 �; `�s �." °? ° ° � o °i '�3 . a3 ." �' � � � � � � o n y :t F3 � `'<:� o��°-, o � � ���� o�,.� � 2 3 N 0.2 ,��. _�—°�+= cn � a, `� a. a� c� o o e� �a .; � c`� ." � � :� � � � � � � .� ` � c, � �'� � y h a�i � � � w � O > � w 'a ° o � �. ° o '�e :>._cG o �,UF a.m ::L1...,va �¢cL �a.5 �U °+�' oU : ,::��:':>' �„ T. 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' N'- : k'�. � ' . _ �. . � � , � . qp-q�° ATTACffiVIENT D NIINIMUM QUALIFICATTONS General Themes • the m;nimum qnaiifications will be applied to `extemal candidates' only, . m;nim� qnatifications for the job family levels should incrementally increase as one ascends up the job family ladder . minimum qualifications for equivalent positions in the other job fauulies shouid be relatively equivalent • move away from the strict adherence to college degree requirements and allow for some expertise and experience substitutions • avoid requiring specific technology in order to keep the miniinum qualifications timely and not easily dated IS - Equivalent Series Levels (Indicates relative `value' of the job family levels) Info/Tech Anal st I Info/Tech Anal st II Systems Consult I InfoJTech Anal st III « « « InfoJTech Anal st N S stems Consult II Info/Tech Anal st V S stems Consult III Info/Tech Anal st VI Svstems Consuk IV 0 � � g:pilproj.doc 34 98'-q�o ATTACfIMENT D Systems Support Specialists — Suggested Minimum Qualifications ::=: S�sfems ��p��, ��st�� ���ukt �ltetn� �`st�par� . S�s�$ ��ppc►r�t ; �= �� "e� � . - :..<„ � :: IC :: .: � ec:;II� ?. � ;:. '�c � ::: ` � 12 months of 6 months of Successful Successful technical school technical school pius completion of a completion of a trauung or 1 year 1 year work technical certificate technical certificate work experience in a experience or 2 plus 2 years of plus 4 years of technicaUoperations years of work operations support operations support environment experience in a work experience or work eaperience or technicaVoperations 4 years of operations 6 yeazs of operations environment support work support work experience, experience. Work experience Work experience must include must include installations, planning, reseazch, troubleshooting and installations, basic maintenance of troubleshooting, and of client server interconnectivity of and/or network multiple processing systems. systems. Demonstrated team leadership or work direction ex erience. g:pilproj.doc 35 qp•q�� ATTACHMENT D Informafion/Technology Analysts — Suggested Minimum Qualifications : ���r�'I'e� Inf�T�r1� , 3nf€r}'�� �€�1`��� �►f+�� • : .. � : , , . .. .., .`. tS�� �tI , : �Y��I st.Ii ,.;An�l t� ,. st�t�. ;��a �E,�-: Technical College degree Coilege degree College degree College degree school in info mgmt, in info mgmt, in info mgmt, in info mgmt, programnuug computer tech, computer tech, computer tech, computer tech, certificate or 12 or related field or related field or related field or related field months non- plus 1 year of plus 2 yeazs of plus 4 yeazs of plus 6 yeazs of credit trainuig. work work work work experience or e�cperience or experience or experience or technical school technical school technical school technical school progra.mming programming programming progra.mming certificate plus certificate plus certificate plus certificate plus 2 years of work 4 yeazs of work 6 years of work 8 years of work experience. experience. experience. experience. Work Work Work Work eaperience must experience must experience must experience must include include include data include large programming, requirements structure project planning debugging, ad definition, basic analysis & & ROI hoc reporting, project design, calculation. and planning. Demonstrated documentation. technical mastery of one or more re uired areas g:pilproj.doc 36 98 - 9� o G�+c;s���.r�.� Systems Consultants -- Suggested Minimum Qualifications .,. � s�s�s :;:, �s€ems , ��s�ams ���e�r.s. � , � �. ;:..: . .. : • , _ : .� -:•:.. �►���a�►L I.:. � � ����uttaxzt 1�.�- , �a�s�lt��t:IIi. ...,?�c�rsu�t��it � :. College degree in College degree in College degree in College degree in info mgmt, info mgmt, info mgmt, info mgmt, computer tech, or computer tech, or computer tech, or computer tech, or related field plus Z related field plus 4 related field plus 5 related field plus 6 yeazs of work years of work years of work years of work experience or experience or experience or experience or technicalschool technicalschool technicalschool technicalschool certificate plus 4 certificate plus 6 certificate plus 8 certificate plus 10 years of work years of work years o£ work years of work experience. experience. experience. experience. Work experience Work experience Work experience must include must include must include 4 business analysis project years of and project management and supervising or definition. work leading technical Good coordination; staff; understanding of budget mgmt. And Demonstrated relevant cost/benefit project mgmt. Of technology. analysis. large technical Expert knowiedge projects, of 1 or more conceptual relevant technical understanding of platforms. intenelated technical platforms. g:pilproj.doc 3� 9�-9�to IS Training & Experience Evaluafion Outline Suggested Rating Guidelines City of Saint Paul - IS Experience If the candidate has more than one year experience in the City of Saint Paul, IS Division, add points. r_vrir� •iT� ,�r�y 0 - 10 puints Education and technical training 0- 20 paints (Points in this category can come from a single or multiple sources but may not exceed a total of 20 points) Formal Education College Degree IS, Business, Management 0- 10 points Other college degree 0- 5 points Technical School 0- 5 points On the job Education Technical courses, seminars & certifications or on the job learning Competency Rating General com�etencies • Customer Consulting • Problem Solving / analysis • Prioritization, tune management, planning • Communication . Project management e Teamwork Technical competencies (assignment related) • City St. Paul technical environment • Assigned platform • Customer applications Total 0 - 10 points 0 - 70 points 0-5 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-10 0-10 0 -100 points Candidates who receive 75% or more are considered eligible far interviews with the hiring manager. Selection decision is made from within this candidate pool. g:pilproj.doc 38 q � -�9 �1.0 r���.���.�� IS Market Information In the fall of 1997 the City of Saint Paul participated in a local jurisdiction survey of IS jobs. It was conducted by the DCA Stanton Group. Other participants were Hennipin County, Washington County, Dakota County, Anoka County, the University of Mimiesota, and the City of Plymouth. A review of the information gathered revealed the following comparisons: 1. The City pays well above the pay range listed for positions similar to EDP Aide and Computer Operator. 2. The City's minimum pay rate for Senior Computer Operator positions is well above that listed for similar positions. The maximum is the same. 3. For EDP Programmers, the City pays above the minimum and within the range listed for similar positions. 4. The City pay for EDP Programmer Analyst positions is above that listed for similaz positions. 5. For EDP Systems Analyst positions, the City pays above the listed pay ranges for positions similar to EDP Systems Analysts. 6. City pay for EDP Network Specialist I and II is below the ranges listed for similar positions. The City pays section supervisory posirions within the range of salaries listed far similar positions, 6ut the ma�mum rate the City pays is considerably less than the maYimum listed. 8. The City's pay rate for the Data Processing Manager class is above the range listed for TS division manager positions and below that listed for positions at the department head level. g:pilproj.doc 39 qp-q� Private sector 1997 IS salary information was also collected by the DCA Stanton Group. About 140 companies participated in the survey. Most of those were located in the upper 1vTidwest and the majority were from the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The salary range data was categorized by the IS operating budgets of the reporting companies. City of Saint Paul IS positions were compazed to similaz positions listed in the DCA Stanton survey for companies with and IS operating budget ofup to $5,000,000. The 1997 City of Saint Paul IS operating budget was appro�mately $4,226,000. The comparisons revealed the following: 1. For Computer Operators and EDP Aides, the City pays well above the minimum and a little above the maximum of the range listed for similaz positions. 2. The City's EDP Network Specialist job classes aze paid in the lower half ofthe pay ranges listed for similar classes of positions. 3. The City's pay range for entry level programmers is almost the same as that ]isted for similar positions in the private sector survey. 4. City EDP Prograrruner and EDP Prograrruner Analyst positions are paid well within the ranges listed for similar positions. The salary ranges listed far positions similaz to the City's EDP Systems Analyst I, II and III classes aze very comparable to those of similar positions listed in the survey. The City pays a little higher at the I level and well within the range at the II and III levels. 6. For the section supervisor positions, the City pays below the listed minimums and the City's maximum pay is well below the listed midpoint. 7. The City's IS division manager level class, Data Processing Manager, is paid well below the pay range listed for similar positions in the private sector. g:pilproj.doc 40 Conncil File # �' ORlG1NAL OF Presented by Referred To RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA � Green Sheet # 62957 Committee Date An Administrative Resolution approving a pilot project entitied, Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project, including the new salary ranges containad therein, in accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, and the accompanying memorandums of agreement with AFSCME Locals 2508 and 1842, PEA, and SPSO, which govem administration of the project. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, it is the mission ofthe Information Services (IS) Division ofthe Department of Technology and Management Services to promote information technology as a strategic asset of the City and to create a healthy information and technological environment that supports the attainment of city-wide as well as department and office strategic goals, and WF3EREAS, there has been continuous change in IS technology resulting in many new systems and processes and a highty competitive IS job market, and WHEREAS, IS customers need and expect techmcal assistance in implementing and utilizing this new technology,and Wf�REAS, the IS Division has been having difficulty assigning, hiring, retaining and promoting staff in a manner which effectively supports the mission of the unit, and WHEREAS, the eacisting IS ciassification and compensation system is outdated and no longer provides the duty assignment fle�bility and employee development potential required by the IS Division in responding to customer needs and in recruiting and retaining IS staff, and WHEREAS, the IS Division and the Office of Human Resources have conducted a coAaborative process that has developed a new IS job classification/compensation system, and corresponding administrative procedure, and °l8'1'1 ° 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide maximum flexibility in duty assignments based on employee demonstrated competencies rather than on narrowly defined class specifications, and WE�REAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide employees with clearly defined cazeer ladders, professional development opportunities and competitive sataries, and Wf�REAS, t3ils new system and procedure was designed to better support the mission and objectives of the IS Division, and WFIEREAS, Civil Service Rule 8.A6, pernrits the Human Resowces Director to conduct pilot and/or research projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, employee career development programs, and referra] and/or appointment processes for filling City positions, and Wf�REAS, the City of Saint Paul Office ofHuman Resources and AFSCME Locals 2508 and 1842, PEA, and SPSO, representing the employees and job classifications affected by the IS Restructuring and 7ob Family Modeling Project, have met and have agreed upon the terms and conditions of employment contained within the pilot project document and have agreed upon the modification of cartain Civil Service Rules in the administration of this pilot project, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached Memorandums of Agreement governing the administration of the IS 3ob Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project, and be it FURTf�R RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached IS Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project, including the IS 3ob Family System pay gades and salary ranges contained within the attached project document, and be it FtIRTI�R RESOLVED, that the effective date of the new IS 3ob Family System, including individual position allocations, classification consolidations, and salary schedule shall be January 3, 1998, and be it 98-9�10 45 FURTAER RESOLVED, that said pilot project shall expire three years following the passage and 46 approval of this resolution unless action is taken othenvise prior to the expiration date, and be 47 it 48 FINAI.LY RESOLVED, that the Office of Human Resources and the IS Division shall submit to the 49 City Councai and the Mayor a yearly report regarding the progress of the project on or about the anniversary 50 date of its passage and approval with the final report being submitted three months prior to eapiration. Requested by Depaztmrnt of: •i . . BY� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �: a � Approved by Mayor: Date 1 `� By: I P.1O9�RS�IIMONNO� Adopted by Covncil: Date ������� Fotm Appr ved by C' Attomey By: ��cf /d�13�`�S 9P-9�o DEPARTMENf/OFFICFICOUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEE�' NO.: G��S�I Auman Resources 10114/98 CONTACT PI?RSON & PHONE: .� It�II'rrwT1DATE a1'E 7ohn Shockley (266-6482) ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT DIR 4 CTTY CAUNCII, NUMBER 2 CITY A7TORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DA1'� �R ��``CIAL SVS D _ FINANCL9L S ACCT ROUTING 3 MAYOR(OReLSST. ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (Q.IP ALL I,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnox xe�uESrEn: Approval of a pilot project entitled "Information Services Reorganizarion and 7ob Family Modeling Pro,jecY' and accompanying memorandums of agreement. RECAMMENDA1iONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R} PERSONAL 5ERVICE CONTRACfS MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESftONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERV[CE COMMISSION I. Hast6ispersodfumevawo+kedunderaconVac[f�Utisdepaflmrnt? _CIB COhIM111BE _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. Hasiltispersodfumeverhunacityemploya? DISTAICT COUAT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICfi COUNCIL OBIECTI�B? 3. Dces this petson/firtn possess a skill aot normally posessed by any cmrent city employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes uuwers on xpatate aheM and adaeh to;reen s6eef. INITLITINGFROBLEM,ISSi3E,OYPORTUNTTY(Who The Information Services Division has been having difliculty in hiring, retaining, and promoting its technicai staff in a manner which effectively supports the City's information and technology objectives and the professional needs ofthe employees. Elsisting position descriptions and minimum qualifications aze narrowly defined, fragmented, and dated. The eunent HR systems do not adequately support the need for flexibility and quick response to changing Information Services needs. Significant effort is being directed at "working azound" the e7nsting process problems. (See attached Executive Summary) anvaNrncES iF nrrxoven: The pilot project will enable the City to better support the mission and objectives of the Information Services Division. It will also allow greater duty assigment flexibility giving the ability to respond rapidly and efficiently to changing business needs. Furthermore, the project better aligns,}ob descriptions and pay with current staff responsibilities, develops career ladders, and facilitates professional gowth opportunities for the staff. Finally, the project will improve the City's ability to hire and retain technical staffin a competitive market. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOil6 � DISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: It WOUI(� COI1t1I1llE t0 b@ CI1fflClllt t0 TCt2111 3I1(3 fCCilllt (�ll8�lry II1fOtR7811011 .SEIVICCS staff. Current employees will not be adequately recognized for their efforts and competencies and the City will become less able to compete in a very fast paced, competitive Information Services market. TOTAL AMOIRVT OF TRANSACfIOTi: 5125,60U far sataries in 1998, a� $134,UOQ in t999 COSClREVEN[IE BUDGETED:YES FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANC7ALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIt� C�rc�FZ;`e5:":i �u�:t�Yi;?'`=. �c�Y€?� Q�; �. � ��� a14 .`��° City of Saint Paul Executive Summary Information Services Classification Study L What is the project all about? This is a collaborative effort between the Office of Human Resources, Information Systems Division's management ( Technology and Management Services Department), the IS Division staff and the unions/bazgaining units (AFSCME locals 1842 and 2508; Professional Employees Association; the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization) which represent the Division's staff. This proposed pilot project redefines IS jobs in a way that better addresses the City's information needs, responds to a rapidly changing business environment, and supports employee growth and development. This project includes new processes, new definitions of roles and responsibilities, and a better alignment of pay with competencies and responsibilities. This will allow for a more adaptive, responsive IS environment. II. Why is the City proposing to do this? This project began as a result of three separate forces. • IS employees were not satisfied with their fragmented and dated position descriptions. In addirion, the internal process for promotion and advancement was not well defined and did not support their needs. . IS department management and their customers were frustrated with the inability to manage the staff in a way that facilitates a quick response to changing information and technology needs in a very competitive market. . Finally, the Information Systems environment within the Twin Cities is more competitive than ever and the City was falling well behind the notm in recruiting, developing, and retaining these valuable human resources. The pace of change in technology and in the market continues to speed up and the problems will multiply if not proactively addressed. A significant component of the IS mission statement is to create a healthy information and technology environment to support the attainment of Citywide as well as department and office strategic goals. This project is designed to better support this type of environment. III. Design, Development, and Approval Process This pilot project has been a mode] of labor and management cooperation and collaboration. The development of this project has been lengthy (18 months) and has included input from the employees in design and development, as well as problem solving. It has been refined with the assistance and input of the unions. Significant efforts were made to update the employees throughout the process and to solicit their input. Much of this input has been incorporated into the design to be as responsive to employee needs as � ' � feasible. Communication was done via task forces, e-mail, Intranet postings, group meetings, and individualized meetings. In addition, the Human Resources staff has surveyed other public and private IS enterprises to compaze competency, responsibility, and salary information. This "Best Practices" data has been incorporated into the project design to ensure its market compazability. IV. What benefits does this pilot project bring to the City? The concepts in this pilot project will enable the City to better support the mission and objectives of the IS department. It will: • Allow greater fle�bility and ability to respond more rapidly to changing business needs. • Clarify and standazdize performance expectations for IS staffthroughout the City. • Consolidate 24 job classes into 14. • Provide retention and recognition opportunities for high perfornung employees. • Facilitate cross training and backup, which will increase efficiency and muumize down time. • Enable the City to attract quality, entry-level candidates who meet the revised minimum qualification criteria. . Keep the City's IS fixnction more competitive with other public and private sector employers as it implements this state of the art focus on competencies in job classification. • Share on-going administration of the project between IS management and the staff. V. How will we measure success? Some ways to measure success of the new classification plan aze: • Customer satisfaction—measured by surveys . Turnover/job vacancy rates compazed to historical IS data . Average time to fill vacant positions • Cost of administration—compaze the number of classification studies required during the pilot project versus historical levels . Human Resources stafftime needed to fill positions internally VL What benefits does this pilot project have for the employees? The project: • Includes new job definitions that better reflect current responsibilities. • Acknowledges contributions and work done. • Facilitates employee development and growth. . Develops career ladders and ensures better succession planning. • Ivlore closely aligns pay with responsibilities and competencies. Note: No e�sting regular certified employee's position would be supplanted or eliminated as a result of this project. No employee will lose salary—in fact many will see pay increases. q �.q� VII. How will we measure success with respect to staff? Some ways to measure success with the staff are: • Employee satisfactio�r--measured by periodic surveys • Number of employees being paid "out of title" • Number of IS positions that are filled intemally and for which the employee would not have qualified under the previous system. VIII. Response of Other Interested Parties Human Resources has secured the agreement and endorsement of all three affected bargainuig units—signed memoranda of agreement will be attached to the Snal information packet. Employees haue had many opportunities to get involved in the project design and are eager for it to move forwazd. The City Information Services customers see the value of the project and aze supportive. IX. Cost Implications The IS Division is not asking for additional funds for this pilot project. The costs associated with any resulting salary increases have been fully funded and approved in the 1998 budget and the increased costs have been included in the proposed 1999 budget. The final 1998 salary cost for the pilot project is estimated to be $125,600; fringe benefits, calculated at 28%, would be $35,000. Total 1998 cost, for the 55 member staff, is estimated to be $160,600. This will be offset by the many out of title salary and fringe payments (about $96,000) already being made to IS employees. Out oftitle pay resulted from: . Inconsistencies between how departments, under the former organization of IS resources, classified and compensated technical staff that became apparent after the consolidation oftechnical staffinto the new IS organization • Changes in technology that superceded e�sting job descriptions . The natural progression of stafftrying to cover increased needs while personnel resources remained the same; employees naturally assuming more responsibilities to get the job done XL Additional Advantages Expected additional benefits are: . Wtule the positive impact on emgloyee retention is quite obvious, this program will also enable the City to better recruit and attract prospective IS employees by demonstrating a commitment to excellence and employee development. . The lengthy collaborative effort facilitated the reorganization of IS from a diverse collection of independent IS service providers into a more cohesive technical work force operating with a shared vision. • The project demonstrates the willingness of City management, employees and the respective bargaining units to work together towazd a common goal in a cooperative and respectful manner. qP�q� o • This project was a marked departure from the previous manner in which the department operated. This new demonstration of openness and collaboration will provide a foundation for buy-in and trust for future initiatives. G:GS HAR E D W dmi�U S\ClassF�cSUmmary.wpd Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 2 of 5 demonstrated satisfactory performance in their position. �6 'Q�D S.A.3. Vacant positions shall be filled from a promotion eligibie list or from a list of promotion eligibles on an open list in the following manner: The Oflice of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing officer a list of eligibles which shall include the top 3 eligibles, plus the top 3 eligibles from the appointing division plus ties. If the top 3 certified eligibles are from the appointing division, no further names shall be certified. If the top 3 certified eligibles are not from the appointing division, then the certification shall be expanded to include the required number of eligibles from the appointing division. The term'division' used in this pazagraph shall mean'department' in all cases where a department is not divided into divisions. For the purpose of this pazagraph's provisions, the following are considered to be divisions of the Mayor's Office; Human and Civil Rights; Office of Human Resources. For the purpose of this provision, Legislative Operating shall be considered a separate department; Fire Equipment Services shall be considered a division ofthe Fire and Safety Services Department, the Department of Public Works shall be considered as one division, the Department of Planning and Economic Development shall be considered as one division, and the Department of Finance and Management shall be considered as one division. 8.A.4. Section 8.A3 shall not apply to titles represented by the Professional Employees bargaining unit or the Professional Supervisory Employees bargaining unit. 8.A.5. When two or more titles aze combined into a new title, the Director may authorize the appointing authority to appoint affected employees to the new title without further competitive testing as long as they have been certified to one ofthe titles being combined, and they meet the minimum qualifications for the new title. Seniority will be determined in accordance with Section 22 Layoff. The Human Resources Director may conduct pilot and/or reseazch projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, experimental learning placements, pre-entry training programs, employee career development programs, inclusive of apprenticeship, and on-the job training programs, referral and/or appointment processes for the filling of City positions. The Human Resources Director, prior to taking any employment action in the above referenced pilot and/or reseazch projects, shall obtain the approval of the Mayor and if approved, obtain the consent of the Council. Notice to the affected bargaining units shall be given and at such time, the bargaining units have the right to discuss their issues as well as present recommendations for changes in the project. Notice to the City Council will be given for review and subsequent approvaUdenial of the project. Written documentation shall be provided by the Human Resources Director for review prior to approval. Documentation shall include the following: a. Assurance that the proposal does not supptant existing certified employees. 12/8/97 1:36:34 PM Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 3 of 5 b. Identification of Civil Service Rules affected by the proposal, if any. G! � 9�� c. Participants in programs will be certified, having a probationary period, + involved in structured training and will be provided an out placement referral service. d. Classifications created through the proposai wili be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit as per our present policy and procedures. e. It is recognized that any affect on terms and conditions of employment aze subject to negotiations. f. Pilot employment projects will be in accordance with State and Federal laws and/or regulations and the Saint Paul City Charter. g. Reference to the City Policy Objectives sought to be served by the pilot and/or research project. Appropriate Civil Service Rules, if agproved by the Mayor and City Council can be suspended for the purposes of these projects. Their suspension is limited for the time period as specified for the project. A project will not exceed a 3-year time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the Mayor and Council within 3-months of the end of the pro}ect. 8.B.1. Vacant positions shall be filled from an original entrance list in the following manner: 8.B.l.a. Vacancy Filled From An Original Entrance List Single vacancy from a requisition shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) OR FEWER ELIGIBLES The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles from the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, in each protected-class group. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. FOR LISTS HAVING MORE THAN TWENTY (20) ELIGIBLES When underutilization or underrepresentation, as defined in Section 8.B.i.b., does not exist in any protected class, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office ofHuman Resources shall certify the three (3) highest scoring eligibies on the list, plus ties, from each and every protected c2ass who are among either the top thirty-three percent (33%) or the highest scoring twenty (20) eligibles on the list, whichever will produce the greater number of protected-class eligibles. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. When a specific job title is underutilized or when underrepresentation e�usts in the Saint Paul Board of Education civil service work force or City of Saint Paul's department/division work force, certification will be as follows: The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appoiming authority the thsee (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus 12/8/97 1:36:34 PM ,�p.q� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A6, governing the implementation ofHuman Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Umon 2508, District CouncIl 14, of the American Federahon of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local 2508) hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro�ect described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorgamzation and 7ob Family Modeling Pro'ect and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment sh� apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose gostt�ons have been allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels designated therein as represented by AFSCME Loca12508. Also, AFSCME Local 2508 and the City aiso agree to the use of the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of tlus pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shail aliow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who haue demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS 7ob Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply to the filling of IS Job Famdy posrtion vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus ties will be certified to the appointing authority. The top three eligibles from the appoinhng division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference in certification. 3. Civil Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles) shail allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS 3ob Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year as a certified emplopee in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shali also haue actually served at least 1040 hours in such ciassified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternune eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilotproject document. 5. �:vi; Se: :dce Rsle 22 {T ay O!T) shall allow emnloyees to maintain class seniority in their newiy assigned IS Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS 7ob Fa�ruly level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of IS incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS 7ob Family System on the same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in a11 classified City positions. 6. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Egaminations) shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document will be used. 7. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary''I'Iariian�4Itates o�f Gompensation governing advancement in salary, shall not appiy to IS employees iri positibhs allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project �{ cument. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be fo�ciwed. Tlie applisable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, `and twenty-five year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such IS employees �t8 -q �1� subject to the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layo� affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in classifications currently represented by AFSCME Local 2508, who as a result of untial implementation of this pilot project are promoted to positions in IS 7ob Family levels represented by Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local 1842), the Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA} or the Sauit Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS 7ob Family level represented hy AFSCME T.oca12508, that corresponds with their previously held classification, and exercise applicable contractual seniority n� �its. It is also understood that this stipulation also applies to any employees represented by AFSCME Loca12508, who have appealed their initial position allocations under the pIlot project and who, as a result of such appeais, are promoted to positions represented by AFSCME Loca1 1842, PEA or SPSO. Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement sha11 not he used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �� .�� man Resources Director �� Labor Re ations Direct r �� � President Local Union 2508 AFSCME, District Council 14 AFI,-CIO � Busi ss Re esei ativ Loca nio 508 AFS , stric Council 14 AFI,-CIO F:\USERS\HRCAMMONVSHOCKLEY�IWPROJEC.WPD � .�it ..��., '_. .. .. „te', C7 � � � � � � �=. ,'D�C.'"^..� Z i-; '�f. R�1�"' LlT�' �c: �-i._. C^GC^ Z7D n� T*tr' t!7 qd'a�� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Loca1 1842) hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro�ect described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Pro'ect and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment sh� appty to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose posrtions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by AFSCME Local 1842. Also, AFSCME Local 1842, and the City also agree to the use of the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of tlus pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule S.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of ir.cumbents who have demonstrated the required co�npetencies and responsibIlities of a higher level IS Job Family position for s'vc months or more. 2. Civil 5ervice Rule 8.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply to the filling of I3 7ob Family position vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus ties will be certified to the appointing authority. The top three eligibles from the appoinring division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference in certification. 3. Civil Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles) shall ailow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS 7ob Famil� Levels outlined m the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the �ob classifications to which their posirions had been previously allocated. 4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in a classified position prior to the e�mination date. Such incumbents shall also have actualty served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternvne eligibles for vacancies in the I5 Job Family System ouUined in the attached pilot project document. 5. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Oft) shail allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS 7ob Family level even though their former ciass, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formaliy abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family Spstem on the same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in all classified City positions. 6. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Examinations) shall not be used for appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeais procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document wiii be used. Section F,1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in,positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project docu�ient::'��ttstead,'tHe:s�lary schedules contained within the pilot project document shal] be followed. The appiicable step increases therein may be granted in the tune frames set forth. Five, ten�, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five year step increases as defined 'm the Salary Plan and Rates of Com�p8nsation"sliall continue to apply for such employees subject to the tnne frame ]imitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule. ����� Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in classifications currentiy represented by AFSCME Local 1842, who as a result of initial implementation ofthis pilot project are promoted to positions in 7ob Family levels represented by the Professional Empioyees Association, Inc. EA) or the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the Job Family leve represented by AFSCME Local 1842, that corresponds v,nth their previvusly held classification, and exercise applicable contractual seniority nghts. It is also understood that t}us stipulation also a�plies to any employees represented by AFSCME �ocal 1842, who have appealed their initial posrtion allocations under the pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, aze promoted to positions represented by PEA or SPSO. Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � � ��. ��i►u ��u.�\�. �1 - . � • 'V� �"� 4 Labor R lations Director F:\USERS�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYl3 W PROJEC. W PD ��� �- ��T President Local Union 1842 h' .�SC11�', Listrict C�uricii 14 AFL-CIO c � Busine Repre ntati Local nion 18 AFSCNIE, District Council 14 AFZ-CIO . _ '��� ��� ll:. -, r �1:� . ' . ., , c3a 3;—. h-C x 2 r*t � r � ^'�'�j-x�a � t*!� °, CtX O- � �1'-� �� '� Nf � a � g �� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees AssociaUon, 7nc. (PEA) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions haue been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by PEA. Furthermore, PEA and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration ofthis pIlot project: 1. Civil5ervice Rule S.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment ofthe afFected incumbents to the IS 7ob Family Leveis outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previousiy allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow emp3oyees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents sha11 also haue actually served at least 1040 hours in such ciassified position. This nxle shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternune eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Oft) shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS 7ob Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family ]evel, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS 7ob Family System on the same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in ail classified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Examinations) shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. a��� � o 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation goveming advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project documextt. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot pro,}ect document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fifteen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � ���� Human Resources Director �,- /`,. � President Professional Employees Association, Inc. Labor elations Director `"1��� �� Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. F:\USERS�I-IRCOMMONVSHOCKLEY�W PRO�CT. W PD q g'� �� 1998 Memorandnm of Agreement In accordance with Civii Service Rule 8.A6, goveming the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saim Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby stale that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document en6tled City of Saint Paul Informazion Setvices Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agee that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shali apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by SPSO. Furthemiore, SPSO and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family posirion for siac months or more. 2. Civil Service Rufe 8.AS (Combining of Tittes) shall allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents io the IS 7ob Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow emptoyees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year in a classified posirion prior to the examinarion date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternvne eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil 5ervice Rule 22 (Lay Of� shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS 7oh Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been fotmally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS 7ob Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of continuous service in all classified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations Instead, the appeals procedure out7ined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. �lg` 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels in the attached pilot project documern. Tnstead, the salazy schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicabte step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fifteen year step increases as definad in the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation shall conturue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salazy schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �� -� y „. t Human Resources D'uector � � � Labor elations Director � President Saint Paul 5upervisors' Organization Business Representative Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization F:�ItSERS�E�tCOMMONLSHOCKLEriSPSO.ISM q�` City of �S'aint I'aul Information Services Reorganization & Job Family Modeling Project Pilot Project Description October, I998 g:pilproj.doc aP� Table of Contents TABLE CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................2 BACKGROU D ..................................................................................................................................... 3 PROJECTGOAL .................................................................................................................................. 4 PILOTPROJECT ..................................................................................................................................5 KEYPOINTS .........................................................................................................................................5 CONCEPT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................6 APPROACH ........................................................................................................................................... 7 KEY DEFINITIONS ...............................................................................................................................8 JOBFAMILY .........................................................................................................................................9 JOB FAMILY DEFIMITIONS ................................................................................................................9 FAMILYLEVELS .................................................................................................................................. 9 TRANSlT10NtSSUES ........................................................................................................................10 FUTUREASSIGNMENTS ..................................................................................................................12 PROGRESS PARAMETERS .............................................................................................................12 COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT .....................................................................................................16 SUMMARY 17 g:piiproj.doc 2 Q�'' Background Mission Statement To promote information technology as a strategic asset of the City and create a healthy information and technological environment that supports the attainment of city-wide as well as department and office strategic goa]s. Two on-eoin� orogram obiectives for the IS denartment include: • The creation of a healthy information technology environment that supports the attainment of City-wide as well as department and office strategic goals. • The continual search for creative and innovative means to maximize the City's information technology investment. The City of Saint PauPs Information Services (IS) function has changed dramatically over the past several yeazs. The widely decentralized organization, was pulled into one organizational unit -- the IS Division of the Department of Technology and Management Services. This was done in order to establish and maintain consistent technology strategies, policies, and procedures and to increase accountability for return on the City's IS investments. This consolidation also aliowed us to maYimize the efficiency and effectiveness of these valuable City staff resources, and to facilitate more cross training among IS staff. It also served to create more career and personal growth opportunities for the staff. The division is organized into rivo functionai areas, 1) Core Services, and 2) Department Representatives. In the face of these organizational changes, as well as the increased and changing demands for technical assistance and support within the City, IS staff needs to be very fleacible and perform a hroad array of tasks and responsibilities. Our customers have different expectations than they did five years ago. New systems and processes are essential to the way in which we deliver service. Consolidation has brought most of our IS professionals back together. This move heightened the inconsistency between work performed by various I3 staffversus the work described by their e�sting class titles and class specifications (many of which were very outdated). All of these s nmuficant change factors drive the need to reevaluate our job functions and the way that we ciassify our positions. Under the existing system, there are many fragmented classes of positions. Job succession is not well defined, and training objectives are not cleazly tied to position responsibility. The current process of reassigning and/or promoting human resources is unwieldy and not responsive to our rate of change. Given the rapidly changing environment and technology, greater flexibility is a necessity. We need to develop and reallocate human resources quickly in response to these changes. Employees need to have clearly defined g:pilproj.doc aY'�'�� accountabilities and a management-supported system in which they can grow and acquire new, state ofthe art skills and experience. Accordingiy, in the spring of 1997, IS management and Human Resources staffundertook a comprehensive study and redefinition of all IS job classifications. Project Goal The goal of this process is to realign the current IS staff within appropriate job families and position titles in a structure that effectively supports their re-defined accountabilities. A framework will be established in which future positions and employees can be easily integrated within a more fler.ibie and responsive exam and reclassification process. A further objective ofthis process is to more clearly define "succession ladders" within the IS framework, for purposes of personal growth and promotion of emp]oyees. Objectives; 1. To develop a fle�ble, responsive process to facilitate the movement and assignment of staff based upon competencies as well as changing customer needs and requirements. 2. To develop broad job families that combine similaz sets of responsibi]ities and competency requirements that enhance the ability to be fleacible when making work assignments. 3. To clearly define career ladders, position expectations, and competency requirements for the IS staff. 4. To provide a basis for relevant training and development pians for the I5 staff. 5. To develop a process which accomplishes these objectives, transitions the system in a fair and collaborative manner while appropriately addressing any relevant concerns. g:pilproj.doc 4 q8 "9 7° Pifot Project Under Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, the Human Resources Director may conduct pilot andlor research projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, empioyee development programs, and referral and/or appointment processes for the filling of City positions. It is recommended that this Pilot Project be approved with an initial timeframe not to exceed three years. An Oversight Team will assist Human Resources in preparing six- month project reviews and status updates with the oppot[unity for adjustments and fin� tuning of the process as the project proceeds. It is recognized that the points of this Pilot Project which affect terms and condirions of employment aze subject to negotiations with the affected unions. Key Points • No e�sting regular certified employee's positions or jobs will be supplanted or eliminated as a result of this pilot pro}ect. • No employee will lose salary as a result of this program. • Position seniority wil] be maintained and consolidated as the current titles are abolished. • This new structure is intended to meet the expressed needs of the I5 staff. • This pilot project complies with ali relevant State and Federal laws andlor rea lations, Civil Service Rules and the Saint Paui City Charter. g:pilproj. doc � -q� Concept Overview The new IS job classiScation structure will be competency based and haue three primary ` job families" in which a11 positions fall in relational order. Each job family will consist of several pre-defined levels with associated competency requirements and responsibilities. The positions allocated to each level will generally be broader in scope and responsibility than positions within the cunent job classes. The resuit will be fewer titles with more employees sharing similar job titles. An individual position will be a composite of specific assignments. Each specific assignmerrt may then have an associated assignment specific title and technology requirements which are unique to that position and which aze different but generally equivalent to those of other employees in the same job title. The pilot project will consolidate the existing 24 job classes into 14. These proposed job titles will be supported by regular performance objectives and training plans to achieve and support esCablished `core competencies' within the staff. The structure of the job families and the levels/classes/titles will ma�cimize the IS staf£s opportunities to transition among the job families and across the levels. This enhances the long-term career development, staff retention, and ability to align future staff resources with anticipated needs for specific skills / competencies. The model calls for three "IS Job Families": 1. Systems Consultants 2. Information/Technology Analysts 3. Systems Support Specialists g:pilproj.doc 6 a �.q'►� Approach Implementation of this concept was done in a"phased" approach. Eatensive employee involvement was an integrai part of the process and the program was adjusted, accordingly, along the way. An employee communicarion process was developed and supported throughout the design of the program. i. Concept Design Phase I involved the concept design and documentation. This was, primarily, behind the scenes `homework' done in preparation for input from other associated parties. This phase was compieted first, with input from representatives of IS Management, Human Resources, and an eaternal consultant. ll. /mp/ementation Design Phase II of the project was the Tmplementation Design. This dealt more specifically with the actual details of the staff assignments, how to move employees, identifying tasks and functions, how to measure competencies in the future, definition of salary ranges, etc. This phase involved extensive input from IS staff, Human Resources and the union representatives. Several employee work groups met to discuss and make recommendations on specific issues. That input was added to the design concept in order to better develop the pilot project. The work group recommendations were posted on a general Intranet bulletin boazd and comment was so]icited from all staff members. !p. lmplementation Phase III of the project involves the impiementation of the recommended changes. Plans for specific employee moves will be finalized and implemented during this phase. Human Resources conducted extensive one on one interviews with all IS staff and supervisors to ascertain the appropriate job fami]y levels. This phase invoives completion of the associated paperwork and documentation requirements. g:pilproj.doc a8 - g`' ti Key Definitions Job Family: A grouping of positioru with signifiamtly simi7ar job resporuibilities, required skills and abilities, cmd customer requirements There will generttlly be mudtiple job `levels' with successive Zevels of responsibilities within the .Tob FtaniZy. Levels: Within each ,Tob Family are associated `stages' of responsibidify, performance requirements, and competency requirements. Employees will luave the opportunity to progress up the job Zevels or position title levels as they gain new competencies and are assigned more responsibility. Assignments: Within each position Zevel, there may be severad positions. Each position may have a specifzc job `assigmnent', which has a urtique set of responsibilities and skilds. Although the employees share the same general job level, the distinctions between the speciftc assignments »:ay make them not interchangeable. Unique Stzilts: These are skills, abilities atzd technical requzrements, which are unique to a specifzc job assigrrment. They must be well defzned and support the essential functions of the job assignment. The essential functions of an assignment cannot be performed without these unique skiZZs. Essentiai Functions: ➢efined by the ADA as "the fundamental job duties of the employment position that the individual holds. " A job function may be considered esserrtial if a) the reasan the position exists is to perform thcrt funcfion; b) a limited number of employees available among whom the performance of that function can be distrtbuted,• or c) the functiora is so lzighly specialized that the fncumbent has been hired spec�cally for his or her expertise or ability to perform this particular function. Marginal Functions: Those job duties that are not considered to be 'essential fi�nctions' as defined by the ADA. Competency: The skills, knovrledge, abilities and other requirements necessary to perform adequately the essenfral ana' marginal funetions of each specific work ttssignment. g:pilproj.doc �� r � �� Job Family The initial design for this process calls for all IS positions to fall within three Job Families. These general families muror industry standards and allow for broader, more `generid position descriptions, which will provide management and employees greater fle�bility in duty assignments as well as provide employees with greater opportunity to ma�mi�e their competencies. Job Famity Definitions Svstems Consultant Job Familv This job family acts as the primary liaison between IS and the business customers. The Systems Consultants must develop a thorough and complete understanding of the information requirements of their assigned department, make recommendations for technology solutions and take accountability For their implementation. There haue been four levels identified in this job family. Information/Technologv Analvst Job Familv This job family has responsibility for the speclfic applications within assigned departments. Analysts must understand the customer's business needs and the best technology solutions. There have been five levels identified in this job family. Svstems Sunport Snecialist This family has been designed to accommodate the positions that have traditionally been involved in the operations and suppart of the computer hardware. This involves primarily mainframe and client server tecluiology. There haue been four levels identified in this job family. Famity Levels Each of the three job family levels share some common responsibilities and required competencies. Each family has various numbers of `levels' identified within them, and each level has additional, progressively more complex requirements. This assumes that employees wild ful, fill the defined requirements of their assigned job Zevel as well as ta provide back up to the requiremenfs of every lower level within the job family as needed Each of the job levels (i.e.: InformationlTechnology Analyst 1) will share a standard position description. Each individual staff member assigned to that position level will work with the standard description. Additionally, each specific assignment and the unique working title and competency requirements will be developed and clarified as needed. g:pilproj.doc aQ ' q�� Transition Issues Initial Assignment Initial assignment of staffto the job family and levels has been based upon the competency level, and current duties/responsibiliries as well as cunent title of the employee. For exampie, if an employee is performing duties at a levei above those typical of their cunent title and a need for this levei is determined to exist within the department, the employee may be considered for reclassification to the higher family level. This process has involved input from both IS management and employees. A job content questionnaite was developed and distributed to the stafffor their input into the slotting process. In addition, one on one job study interviews were conducted with each individual employee and selected supervisors. Classifications created as a result of this pilot project will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit as per present policy and procedures. If an employee does not meet Yhe required competencies for a job family level with the same grade and pay level that the employee currently holds, a training and development plan will be put in place to provide the employee with the opportunity to acquire those skills and abilities. No emnlovee will be initiallv slotted into a level that is lower than his or her existinE Erade. Pay Levels The Human Resources staff haue analyzed the job family leveis and have applied the standard City classification factors to them. Eaah level has been classified and a new salary line has been developed for it. Each level within a job family has a salary range associated with it. Each range has a number of `steps'. Step increases may be credited based on tenure and performance. In some selected cases, market data has been taken into consideration when making recommendations for the appropriate salary line levels. As has been the project objective all along, no IS employee will lose pay from their existing level. Employees will be compensated as per the relevant labor contract. (See Attachment for details). g:pilproj. doc 10 �g 'q�� Seniority In developing this pilot project, it has been recognized that issues affecting seniority are trighly sensirive and important to the individuals involved. Therefore, significant care has gone into recommending a process which supports the objectives of this project but which has no negative impact on the seniority rights of the staff. It is recommended that the general principles of Civil Service Rules 8 A2 and 8.A5 be utilized with some minor adjustments. First, seniority lists for the incumbents in the newly combined job family levels will be developed from those classes that are being combined under the new process. As the rules state, "if two or more classes haue been combined into one new class, then seniority will be deternuned for all affected employees as if the classes had always been one class". Second, 3ndividuals will be placed into the appropriate job family and level based upon their actual job responsibilities. This will follow the reallocation guidelines that have been used historically. The initial placement of staffinto the appropriate job family levels will require some modifications to the rules. Minimum qualifications will not be used as a factor in placing internal candidates. They will be placed based upon an assessment of their cunent responsibilities and competencies. The requirement of promotion rights and one year of service in a higher level position for reallocation will also be waived during the initial placement. Seniority ofancumbents whose positions have been reallocated to a higher level is determined by the date of the appointment. If two or more incumbents aze reallocated and appoirned to the same level classification on the same date, the historical practice will be followed. This means that the Office of Human Resources will list their names in the order of their total City seniority. g:pilproj.doc 11 qp -9� Future Assignments Since the nature ofthe work in information systems is often very project based, staffmay be assigned to projects which utilize their competencies and experience or which require them to demonstrate the competencies of the family level below their current assigned level with a minimum amount of refresher trairilng. The incumbents in each job family level will therefore be expected to demonstrate a basic fanilliarity with the responsibilities of the lower levels within their job family. Progress Parameters Movement up the levels Employees will be moved from one level up to the neat level based on a number of competency based criteria which have been developed by an employee work group called the Competency Measurement Team. The recommendations of this group are as follows: Oversight Team The Gompetency Measurement Team recommends convening an Oversight Team that will be charged with general oversight to this pilot project and for providing a mechanism for intema] review of future position postings, and testing for eligibility for new open positions. It is recommended that the makeup of this group be one IS staff inember each &om the affected bargaining units (AFSCME Clerical, AFSCME Technical, PEA, and SPSO) and one IS customer, for a total of five members. In addition, an HA Representative will consult with the team and provide staff support but will not have a`vote' in decisions. It is recommended that this team be in place for a one-yeaz term to ensure process consistency. The team will need to develop internal operating procedures, voting processes, etc. No final deternunation was made as to how the members of this group should be selected but ideally, they should be people who are interested in making this process succeed. The oversight Team will report on the progress, challenges, and successes of the project to the staff and to their respective unions on a quarterly basis for the first year of the pilot project. Thereafter, reports will be made every six months. The various responsibilities of the Oversight Team include but are not limited to: 1. Review of nosition level decisions prior to posting. 2. Make any necessary modifications in the Training and Evaluation weighting for specific open assignments. 3. Score and review the completed Training and Evaluation Tests of internal applicants for promotional positions. A. Develop a`qualified candidate' elieibilit�ist based upon the T& E to forward to the hiring manager. g:pilproj.doc 1z a p -9'!� 5. Review any intemal aQ�eals to the process. 6. Revort to the IS staff and respective unions every six months on the process and make recommendations for appropriate adjustments or conections. 7. Assist Human Resowces in the formal Pilot Project review and reporting process. ReallocaYion The Team has detemvned that it is expedient for the reallocation process to continue to be used in the appropriate circumstances. Under the pilot project, reallocation will be allowed after the job duties have been performed for six months. in lieu of the current twelve months. In addition, reallocation can take place both within job families as well as across job families within IS. Initial Testing for Promotions In response to the current competitive market in the IS field and the challenge of retaining good employees after the City has provided for their training, this pilot will involve two `nutial retention' components. First, the new salary structure ca11s for salary step increases every six months for the first several years. Second, the traditional two-year wait before a new employee can be eligible for a promotiona] test will be amended to one year. Posting of New Positions All new promotional opportunities (non-reallocations) wi11 be posted throughout the City on the Intranet as well as in the usual manner (e.g.: job line, bulletin boazd). Internal IS employees will be given some `preference points' on the Testing and Evaluation exam. Minimum Qualifications Minimum qualifications will not be used for internal promotions. Rather, the measurement process, which has been designed to measure competency achievement, wili be the selection criteria. Minimum qualifications will still be used for external hiring purposes. The minimum qualifications for the new job family levels have been reviewed and updated through Human Resources to reflect current market conditions. (See Attachment D). Promotion Eligibility / Tenure within levels The general guidelines for tenure within a leve] before an employee can move to the next level in a job family will be consistent with any e�sting probationary periods in the relevant union contracts or Civil Service rules. g:pilproj.doc 13 a�-9�� Competency Measurement The following measurement process will be utilized during the pflot project for the purpose of eligibility for promotion. 1. All promotionai opportunities will be posted. 2. Interested City candidates will complete a Training and Evaluation exam asking them to clearly demonstrate competencies. Candidates w�71 also be asked to inciude verification references. 3. The Oversight Team will meet to review and score t6e T& E exam. 4. Candidates who receive 75°/a or more on the T& E will be determined to be `eligible' for the open position and will be passed on to the hiring manager. 5. The hiring manager will interview and select from the `eligible' candidates using the traditional "rule of three" concept. An outline of the Testing and Evaluation Exam is included in Attachment E. The competency measurement process, in particular, will be revisited and refined as necessary every 6 months during the pilot project. Appeal Process There will be a formal appeal process for competency measurement decisions. The following steps are suggested. 1. The llversight Committee will provide each employee with a score for each competency on his or her T& E evaluation. 2. Within 10 working days of the notification, the affected employee must indicate in writing that they disagree with some part of their test score. 3. The employee wili have additional5 working days to provide information to the Human Resources staffperson who assists the Oversight Committee. The employee will provide the committee with any additional information that they feel was not considered in the initial Training & Experience test. 4. The HR Staff member, who will be experienced in test examinations, will assist with further fact-finding if needed. 5. The HR Staffmember will meet with the Oversight Committee to discuss ifthe additional information is sufficient to affect the scoring of the T& E test. 6. The Oversight Committee will review appeals and make a decision within 1� working days of receiving the additional information. 7. The appealing employee will be notified in writing of the review decision within 10 working days from the Committee meeting. By mutual agreement, these time limits can be e�tended. This process does not preclude the employee from filing a formal union grievance or pursuing any of the other normal employee options. g:pilproj.doc 14 Q g.4�o Movement down a level Once an employee has been appointed to a new job level, they will not be moved down even if the assienment ends or changes. However, they may occasionally be called upon to perform the duties of any of the lower job fanvly levels. It is the responsibility of the IS management to ensure that the staff is appropriately utilized. An employee may be asked to voluntarily reduce their level or face disciplinary actions only if there is documented evidence that that they no longer meet the requirements of the job level consistent with the performance management process and development plans. Sufficient time will be given for the employee to demonstrate the required competencies before this would happen. Crossing Job Family Since this process has been designed to maximize flexibility for both employees and IS management, employees wil] be aliowed to cross from one job family to the neact if they meet the required competencies. Clearly defined competency requirements wiil enable employees to do more comprehensive cazeer planning and preparation. It is envisioned that three guidelines will govem this movement. 1) The employee must express an interest in career opportunities in anothet job family. 2) There must be a departmental need to fill a position. 3) The employee must demonstrate the required competencies of the new job family and level. Some of the logical `cazeer paths' are illustrated below: Systems Support Specialists Level I Grade 25 ---------- Level II Grade 28 ----------- Level III Grade 36 ""� ----------- Level IV Grade 4C Pronosed C areer Ladders Inform ationlT echnical Analysts Level I Grade 30 ---------- Level II Grade 36 �,„ LeveIIII Grade 40 Systems Consultants ----------- — — LevelIV .�r � Grade 44 ---------- Level V � � LevelI Grade 12-16 --------- Leve1II Grade 20 - — ------------ Level III Grade 22 Level IV Grade 23 g:pilproj.doc 15 � -q �o Competency Devetopment It is the intention of the IS Division to identify and develop certain base]ine `core' competencies within IS employees. These competencies are essential to meeting the business objectives of the department. In addition, a critical component of this process is the establishment of new mechanisms, processes, and procedures with the Auman Resources Office and IS Division to support this new framework over the long term. To assist in this process, the department has identified a set of competencies that are required at some level within the organization. Each employee has been evaluated as to his or her expertise in each competency area. Individual development plans will be developed to assist the staffin acquiring the necessary competencies. It is the intention of IS management to ensure equal access to training and development opportunities for all employees. Project `Success Criteria' While it has been determined that the Oversight Team in conjunction with the Human Resources Office will assess and report on the projecYs success throughout the three year pilot project, specific success measurement criteria need to be developed. The following criteria will be reviewed by the Oversight Team as the foundation of their project measurement process. We see this project as having three distinct interested constituencies: The Employees, The City / IS Customers, and IS Management. It is proposed that success criteria be developed ta address each of these groups. Some suggested measurement criteria inciudes the following: Em�lovees 1) Employee satisfaction -- measured by periodic surveys 2) # of employees being paid `out of title' 3) # of IS positions which are filled internally and which would not have qualified under the previous system. Citv / IS Customers 1) Customer satisfaction -- measured by surveys 2) Turnover / job vacancy rates compazed to IS historical data g:pilproj.doc 16 a� �Q� 3) Average time to fill vacant positions (# of days to promote internallv or to complete the process for ea-ternal hiring. This would exclude `finding' an external candidate) 4) Cost of administering the system - compare the number of classification studies required during the pilot project versus historical levels. IS Mana e�ment 1) Time to fill open posirions (same as above) 2) HR. Staff time needed to fill positions intemally 3) Employee and customer satisfaction data (same as above) Summary The IS reorganization pilot project has been designed to meet the needs of the City, the employees of the IS Division and IS management. It is a program that maximizes fle�bility and the ability to respond quickly and capably to a rapidly changing environment. It is intended to support career development within the I5 staff and to enable the IS Division to better serve the needs of their customers. g:pilproj.doc 17 c�� �9?a � z � F � ��'a ..n � w � � vl M� ' `� y c� 3 � � � o ° � a� .o � `�: 8 � � m e� .� i o a. o „e o x � 'c �e _ ° + 3 H w° � � � e °�'� ��= a��i ' c c � v >:'>�`� .� ,� �a �, � .E y � .� � > „ � y o � � ";:ti;�:;�a:_ �,. � . m w V y c�i s �« N � 0.i a�i ?L`::=�: L $ � � @3 0 � > e �a ° s �^ a ,'x w a. :'::a�'-.�>��� o ° � �i +� ,�,� r�i, t7 .� m i: ai C ' �° \ eu - � m w w ' � y � � � �o �, o � °' � _ i o 3 �; `�s �." °? ° ° � o °i '�3 . a3 ." �' � � � � � � o n y :t F3 � `'<:� o��°-, o � � ���� o�,.� � 2 3 N 0.2 ,��. _�—°�+= cn � a, `� a. a� c� o o e� �a .; � c`� ." � � :� � � � � � � .� ` � c, � �'� � y h a�i � � � w � O > � w 'a ° o � �. ° o '�e :>._cG o �,UF a.m ::L1...,va �¢cL �a.5 �U °+�' oU : ,::��:':>' �„ T. 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' N'- : k'�. � ' . _ �. . � � , � . qp-q�° ATTACffiVIENT D NIINIMUM QUALIFICATTONS General Themes • the m;nimum qnaiifications will be applied to `extemal candidates' only, . m;nim� qnatifications for the job family levels should incrementally increase as one ascends up the job family ladder . minimum qualifications for equivalent positions in the other job fauulies shouid be relatively equivalent • move away from the strict adherence to college degree requirements and allow for some expertise and experience substitutions • avoid requiring specific technology in order to keep the miniinum qualifications timely and not easily dated IS - Equivalent Series Levels (Indicates relative `value' of the job family levels) Info/Tech Anal st I Info/Tech Anal st II Systems Consult I InfoJTech Anal st III « « « InfoJTech Anal st N S stems Consult II Info/Tech Anal st V S stems Consult III Info/Tech Anal st VI Svstems Consuk IV 0 � � g:pilproj.doc 34 98'-q�o ATTACfIMENT D Systems Support Specialists — Suggested Minimum Qualifications ::=: S�sfems ��p��, ��st�� ���ukt �ltetn� �`st�par� . S�s�$ ��ppc►r�t ; �= �� "e� � . - :..<„ � :: IC :: .: � ec:;II� ?. � ;:. '�c � ::: ` � 12 months of 6 months of Successful Successful technical school technical school pius completion of a completion of a trauung or 1 year 1 year work technical certificate technical certificate work experience in a experience or 2 plus 2 years of plus 4 years of technicaUoperations years of work operations support operations support environment experience in a work experience or work eaperience or technicaVoperations 4 years of operations 6 yeazs of operations environment support work support work experience, experience. Work experience Work experience must include must include installations, planning, reseazch, troubleshooting and installations, basic maintenance of troubleshooting, and of client server interconnectivity of and/or network multiple processing systems. systems. Demonstrated team leadership or work direction ex erience. g:pilproj.doc 35 qp•q�� ATTACHMENT D Informafion/Technology Analysts — Suggested Minimum Qualifications : ���r�'I'e� Inf�T�r1� , 3nf€r}'�� �€�1`��� �►f+�� • : .. � : , , . .. .., .`. tS�� �tI , : �Y��I st.Ii ,.;An�l t� ,. st�t�. ;��a �E,�-: Technical College degree Coilege degree College degree College degree school in info mgmt, in info mgmt, in info mgmt, in info mgmt, programnuug computer tech, computer tech, computer tech, computer tech, certificate or 12 or related field or related field or related field or related field months non- plus 1 year of plus 2 yeazs of plus 4 yeazs of plus 6 yeazs of credit trainuig. work work work work experience or e�cperience or experience or experience or technical school technical school technical school technical school progra.mming programming programming progra.mming certificate plus certificate plus certificate plus certificate plus 2 years of work 4 yeazs of work 6 years of work 8 years of work experience. experience. experience. experience. Work Work Work Work eaperience must experience must experience must experience must include include include data include large programming, requirements structure project planning debugging, ad definition, basic analysis & & ROI hoc reporting, project design, calculation. and planning. Demonstrated documentation. technical mastery of one or more re uired areas g:pilproj.doc 36 98 - 9� o G�+c;s���.r�.� Systems Consultants -- Suggested Minimum Qualifications .,. � s�s�s :;:, �s€ems , ��s�ams ���e�r.s. � , � �. ;:..: . .. : • , _ : .� -:•:.. �►���a�►L I.:. � � ����uttaxzt 1�.�- , �a�s�lt��t:IIi. ...,?�c�rsu�t��it � :. College degree in College degree in College degree in College degree in info mgmt, info mgmt, info mgmt, info mgmt, computer tech, or computer tech, or computer tech, or computer tech, or related field plus Z related field plus 4 related field plus 5 related field plus 6 yeazs of work years of work years of work years of work experience or experience or experience or experience or technicalschool technicalschool technicalschool technicalschool certificate plus 4 certificate plus 6 certificate plus 8 certificate plus 10 years of work years of work years o£ work years of work experience. experience. experience. experience. Work experience Work experience Work experience must include must include must include 4 business analysis project years of and project management and supervising or definition. work leading technical Good coordination; staff; understanding of budget mgmt. And Demonstrated relevant cost/benefit project mgmt. Of technology. analysis. large technical Expert knowiedge projects, of 1 or more conceptual relevant technical understanding of platforms. intenelated technical platforms. g:pilproj.doc 3� 9�-9�to IS Training & Experience Evaluafion Outline Suggested Rating Guidelines City of Saint Paul - IS Experience If the candidate has more than one year experience in the City of Saint Paul, IS Division, add points. r_vrir� •iT� ,�r�y 0 - 10 puints Education and technical training 0- 20 paints (Points in this category can come from a single or multiple sources but may not exceed a total of 20 points) Formal Education College Degree IS, Business, Management 0- 10 points Other college degree 0- 5 points Technical School 0- 5 points On the job Education Technical courses, seminars & certifications or on the job learning Competency Rating General com�etencies • Customer Consulting • Problem Solving / analysis • Prioritization, tune management, planning • Communication . Project management e Teamwork Technical competencies (assignment related) • City St. Paul technical environment • Assigned platform • Customer applications Total 0 - 10 points 0 - 70 points 0-5 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-10 0-10 0 -100 points Candidates who receive 75% or more are considered eligible far interviews with the hiring manager. Selection decision is made from within this candidate pool. g:pilproj.doc 38 q � -�9 �1.0 r���.���.�� IS Market Information In the fall of 1997 the City of Saint Paul participated in a local jurisdiction survey of IS jobs. It was conducted by the DCA Stanton Group. Other participants were Hennipin County, Washington County, Dakota County, Anoka County, the University of Mimiesota, and the City of Plymouth. A review of the information gathered revealed the following comparisons: 1. The City pays well above the pay range listed for positions similar to EDP Aide and Computer Operator. 2. The City's minimum pay rate for Senior Computer Operator positions is well above that listed for similar positions. The maximum is the same. 3. For EDP Programmers, the City pays above the minimum and within the range listed for similar positions. 4. The City pay for EDP Programmer Analyst positions is above that listed for similaz positions. 5. For EDP Systems Analyst positions, the City pays above the listed pay ranges for positions similar to EDP Systems Analysts. 6. City pay for EDP Network Specialist I and II is below the ranges listed for similar positions. The City pays section supervisory posirions within the range of salaries listed far similar positions, 6ut the ma�mum rate the City pays is considerably less than the maYimum listed. 8. The City's pay rate for the Data Processing Manager class is above the range listed for TS division manager positions and below that listed for positions at the department head level. g:pilproj.doc 39 qp-q� Private sector 1997 IS salary information was also collected by the DCA Stanton Group. About 140 companies participated in the survey. Most of those were located in the upper 1vTidwest and the majority were from the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The salary range data was categorized by the IS operating budgets of the reporting companies. City of Saint Paul IS positions were compazed to similaz positions listed in the DCA Stanton survey for companies with and IS operating budget ofup to $5,000,000. The 1997 City of Saint Paul IS operating budget was appro�mately $4,226,000. The comparisons revealed the following: 1. For Computer Operators and EDP Aides, the City pays well above the minimum and a little above the maximum of the range listed for similaz positions. 2. The City's EDP Network Specialist job classes aze paid in the lower half ofthe pay ranges listed for similar classes of positions. 3. The City's pay range for entry level programmers is almost the same as that ]isted for similar positions in the private sector survey. 4. City EDP Prograrruner and EDP Prograrruner Analyst positions are paid well within the ranges listed for similar positions. The salary ranges listed far positions similaz to the City's EDP Systems Analyst I, II and III classes aze very comparable to those of similar positions listed in the survey. The City pays a little higher at the I level and well within the range at the II and III levels. 6. For the section supervisor positions, the City pays below the listed minimums and the City's maximum pay is well below the listed midpoint. 7. The City's IS division manager level class, Data Processing Manager, is paid well below the pay range listed for similar positions in the private sector. g:pilproj.doc 40 Conncil File # �' ORlG1NAL OF Presented by Referred To RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA � Green Sheet # 62957 Committee Date An Administrative Resolution approving a pilot project entitied, Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project, including the new salary ranges containad therein, in accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, and the accompanying memorandums of agreement with AFSCME Locals 2508 and 1842, PEA, and SPSO, which govem administration of the project. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, it is the mission ofthe Information Services (IS) Division ofthe Department of Technology and Management Services to promote information technology as a strategic asset of the City and to create a healthy information and technological environment that supports the attainment of city-wide as well as department and office strategic goals, and WF3EREAS, there has been continuous change in IS technology resulting in many new systems and processes and a highty competitive IS job market, and WHEREAS, IS customers need and expect techmcal assistance in implementing and utilizing this new technology,and Wf�REAS, the IS Division has been having difficulty assigning, hiring, retaining and promoting staff in a manner which effectively supports the mission of the unit, and WHEREAS, the eacisting IS ciassification and compensation system is outdated and no longer provides the duty assignment fle�bility and employee development potential required by the IS Division in responding to customer needs and in recruiting and retaining IS staff, and WHEREAS, the IS Division and the Office of Human Resources have conducted a coAaborative process that has developed a new IS job classification/compensation system, and corresponding administrative procedure, and °l8'1'1 ° 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide maximum flexibility in duty assignments based on employee demonstrated competencies rather than on narrowly defined class specifications, and WE�REAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide employees with clearly defined cazeer ladders, professional development opportunities and competitive sataries, and Wf�REAS, t3ils new system and procedure was designed to better support the mission and objectives of the IS Division, and WFIEREAS, Civil Service Rule 8.A6, pernrits the Human Resowces Director to conduct pilot and/or research projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, employee career development programs, and referra] and/or appointment processes for filling City positions, and Wf�REAS, the City of Saint Paul Office ofHuman Resources and AFSCME Locals 2508 and 1842, PEA, and SPSO, representing the employees and job classifications affected by the IS Restructuring and 7ob Family Modeling Project, have met and have agreed upon the terms and conditions of employment contained within the pilot project document and have agreed upon the modification of cartain Civil Service Rules in the administration of this pilot project, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached Memorandums of Agreement governing the administration of the IS 3ob Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project, and be it FURTf�R RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached IS Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project, including the IS 3ob Family System pay gades and salary ranges contained within the attached project document, and be it FtIRTI�R RESOLVED, that the effective date of the new IS 3ob Family System, including individual position allocations, classification consolidations, and salary schedule shall be January 3, 1998, and be it 98-9�10 45 FURTAER RESOLVED, that said pilot project shall expire three years following the passage and 46 approval of this resolution unless action is taken othenvise prior to the expiration date, and be 47 it 48 FINAI.LY RESOLVED, that the Office of Human Resources and the IS Division shall submit to the 49 City Councai and the Mayor a yearly report regarding the progress of the project on or about the anniversary 50 date of its passage and approval with the final report being submitted three months prior to eapiration. Requested by Depaztmrnt of: •i . . BY� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �: a � Approved by Mayor: Date 1 `� By: I P.1O9�RS�IIMONNO� Adopted by Covncil: Date ������� Fotm Appr ved by C' Attomey By: ��cf /d�13�`�S 9P-9�o DEPARTMENf/OFFICFICOUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEE�' NO.: G��S�I Auman Resources 10114/98 CONTACT PI?RSON & PHONE: .� It�II'rrwT1DATE a1'E 7ohn Shockley (266-6482) ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT DIR 4 CTTY CAUNCII, NUMBER 2 CITY A7TORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DA1'� �R ��``CIAL SVS D _ FINANCL9L S ACCT ROUTING 3 MAYOR(OReLSST. ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (Q.IP ALL I,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnox xe�uESrEn: Approval of a pilot project entitled "Information Services Reorganizarion and 7ob Family Modeling Pro,jecY' and accompanying memorandums of agreement. RECAMMENDA1iONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R} PERSONAL 5ERVICE CONTRACfS MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESftONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERV[CE COMMISSION I. Hast6ispersodfumevawo+kedunderaconVac[f�Utisdepaflmrnt? _CIB COhIM111BE _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. Hasiltispersodfumeverhunacityemploya? DISTAICT COUAT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICfi COUNCIL OBIECTI�B? 3. Dces this petson/firtn possess a skill aot normally posessed by any cmrent city employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes uuwers on xpatate aheM and adaeh to;reen s6eef. INITLITINGFROBLEM,ISSi3E,OYPORTUNTTY(Who The Information Services Division has been having difliculty in hiring, retaining, and promoting its technicai staff in a manner which effectively supports the City's information and technology objectives and the professional needs ofthe employees. Elsisting position descriptions and minimum qualifications aze narrowly defined, fragmented, and dated. The eunent HR systems do not adequately support the need for flexibility and quick response to changing Information Services needs. Significant effort is being directed at "working azound" the e7nsting process problems. (See attached Executive Summary) anvaNrncES iF nrrxoven: The pilot project will enable the City to better support the mission and objectives of the Information Services Division. It will also allow greater duty assigment flexibility giving the ability to respond rapidly and efficiently to changing business needs. Furthermore, the project better aligns,}ob descriptions and pay with current staff responsibilities, develops career ladders, and facilitates professional gowth opportunities for the staff. Finally, the project will improve the City's ability to hire and retain technical staffin a competitive market. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOil6 � DISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: It WOUI(� COI1t1I1llE t0 b@ CI1fflClllt t0 TCt2111 3I1(3 fCCilllt (�ll8�lry II1fOtR7811011 .SEIVICCS staff. Current employees will not be adequately recognized for their efforts and competencies and the City will become less able to compete in a very fast paced, competitive Information Services market. TOTAL AMOIRVT OF TRANSACfIOTi: 5125,60U far sataries in 1998, a� $134,UOQ in t999 COSClREVEN[IE BUDGETED:YES FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANC7ALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIt� C�rc�FZ;`e5:":i �u�:t�Yi;?'`=. �c�Y€?� Q�; �. � ��� a14 .`��° City of Saint Paul Executive Summary Information Services Classification Study L What is the project all about? This is a collaborative effort between the Office of Human Resources, Information Systems Division's management ( Technology and Management Services Department), the IS Division staff and the unions/bazgaining units (AFSCME locals 1842 and 2508; Professional Employees Association; the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization) which represent the Division's staff. This proposed pilot project redefines IS jobs in a way that better addresses the City's information needs, responds to a rapidly changing business environment, and supports employee growth and development. This project includes new processes, new definitions of roles and responsibilities, and a better alignment of pay with competencies and responsibilities. This will allow for a more adaptive, responsive IS environment. II. Why is the City proposing to do this? This project began as a result of three separate forces. • IS employees were not satisfied with their fragmented and dated position descriptions. In addirion, the internal process for promotion and advancement was not well defined and did not support their needs. . IS department management and their customers were frustrated with the inability to manage the staff in a way that facilitates a quick response to changing information and technology needs in a very competitive market. . Finally, the Information Systems environment within the Twin Cities is more competitive than ever and the City was falling well behind the notm in recruiting, developing, and retaining these valuable human resources. The pace of change in technology and in the market continues to speed up and the problems will multiply if not proactively addressed. A significant component of the IS mission statement is to create a healthy information and technology environment to support the attainment of Citywide as well as department and office strategic goals. This project is designed to better support this type of environment. III. Design, Development, and Approval Process This pilot project has been a mode] of labor and management cooperation and collaboration. The development of this project has been lengthy (18 months) and has included input from the employees in design and development, as well as problem solving. It has been refined with the assistance and input of the unions. Significant efforts were made to update the employees throughout the process and to solicit their input. Much of this input has been incorporated into the design to be as responsive to employee needs as � ' � feasible. Communication was done via task forces, e-mail, Intranet postings, group meetings, and individualized meetings. In addition, the Human Resources staff has surveyed other public and private IS enterprises to compaze competency, responsibility, and salary information. This "Best Practices" data has been incorporated into the project design to ensure its market compazability. IV. What benefits does this pilot project bring to the City? The concepts in this pilot project will enable the City to better support the mission and objectives of the IS department. It will: • Allow greater fle�bility and ability to respond more rapidly to changing business needs. • Clarify and standazdize performance expectations for IS staffthroughout the City. • Consolidate 24 job classes into 14. • Provide retention and recognition opportunities for high perfornung employees. • Facilitate cross training and backup, which will increase efficiency and muumize down time. • Enable the City to attract quality, entry-level candidates who meet the revised minimum qualification criteria. . Keep the City's IS fixnction more competitive with other public and private sector employers as it implements this state of the art focus on competencies in job classification. • Share on-going administration of the project between IS management and the staff. V. How will we measure success? Some ways to measure success of the new classification plan aze: • Customer satisfaction—measured by surveys . Turnover/job vacancy rates compazed to historical IS data . Average time to fill vacant positions • Cost of administration—compaze the number of classification studies required during the pilot project versus historical levels . Human Resources stafftime needed to fill positions internally VL What benefits does this pilot project have for the employees? The project: • Includes new job definitions that better reflect current responsibilities. • Acknowledges contributions and work done. • Facilitates employee development and growth. . Develops career ladders and ensures better succession planning. • Ivlore closely aligns pay with responsibilities and competencies. Note: No e�sting regular certified employee's position would be supplanted or eliminated as a result of this project. No employee will lose salary—in fact many will see pay increases. q �.q� VII. How will we measure success with respect to staff? Some ways to measure success with the staff are: • Employee satisfactio�r--measured by periodic surveys • Number of employees being paid "out of title" • Number of IS positions that are filled intemally and for which the employee would not have qualified under the previous system. VIII. Response of Other Interested Parties Human Resources has secured the agreement and endorsement of all three affected bargainuig units—signed memoranda of agreement will be attached to the Snal information packet. Employees haue had many opportunities to get involved in the project design and are eager for it to move forwazd. The City Information Services customers see the value of the project and aze supportive. IX. Cost Implications The IS Division is not asking for additional funds for this pilot project. The costs associated with any resulting salary increases have been fully funded and approved in the 1998 budget and the increased costs have been included in the proposed 1999 budget. The final 1998 salary cost for the pilot project is estimated to be $125,600; fringe benefits, calculated at 28%, would be $35,000. Total 1998 cost, for the 55 member staff, is estimated to be $160,600. This will be offset by the many out of title salary and fringe payments (about $96,000) already being made to IS employees. Out oftitle pay resulted from: . Inconsistencies between how departments, under the former organization of IS resources, classified and compensated technical staff that became apparent after the consolidation oftechnical staffinto the new IS organization • Changes in technology that superceded e�sting job descriptions . The natural progression of stafftrying to cover increased needs while personnel resources remained the same; employees naturally assuming more responsibilities to get the job done XL Additional Advantages Expected additional benefits are: . Wtule the positive impact on emgloyee retention is quite obvious, this program will also enable the City to better recruit and attract prospective IS employees by demonstrating a commitment to excellence and employee development. . The lengthy collaborative effort facilitated the reorganization of IS from a diverse collection of independent IS service providers into a more cohesive technical work force operating with a shared vision. • The project demonstrates the willingness of City management, employees and the respective bargaining units to work together towazd a common goal in a cooperative and respectful manner. qP�q� o • This project was a marked departure from the previous manner in which the department operated. This new demonstration of openness and collaboration will provide a foundation for buy-in and trust for future initiatives. G:GS HAR E D W dmi�U S\ClassF�cSUmmary.wpd Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 2 of 5 demonstrated satisfactory performance in their position. �6 'Q�D S.A.3. Vacant positions shall be filled from a promotion eligibie list or from a list of promotion eligibles on an open list in the following manner: The Oflice of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing officer a list of eligibles which shall include the top 3 eligibles, plus the top 3 eligibles from the appointing division plus ties. If the top 3 certified eligibles are from the appointing division, no further names shall be certified. If the top 3 certified eligibles are not from the appointing division, then the certification shall be expanded to include the required number of eligibles from the appointing division. The term'division' used in this pazagraph shall mean'department' in all cases where a department is not divided into divisions. For the purpose of this pazagraph's provisions, the following are considered to be divisions of the Mayor's Office; Human and Civil Rights; Office of Human Resources. For the purpose of this provision, Legislative Operating shall be considered a separate department; Fire Equipment Services shall be considered a division ofthe Fire and Safety Services Department, the Department of Public Works shall be considered as one division, the Department of Planning and Economic Development shall be considered as one division, and the Department of Finance and Management shall be considered as one division. 8.A.4. Section 8.A3 shall not apply to titles represented by the Professional Employees bargaining unit or the Professional Supervisory Employees bargaining unit. 8.A.5. When two or more titles aze combined into a new title, the Director may authorize the appointing authority to appoint affected employees to the new title without further competitive testing as long as they have been certified to one ofthe titles being combined, and they meet the minimum qualifications for the new title. Seniority will be determined in accordance with Section 22 Layoff. The Human Resources Director may conduct pilot and/or reseazch projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, experimental learning placements, pre-entry training programs, employee career development programs, inclusive of apprenticeship, and on-the job training programs, referral and/or appointment processes for the filling of City positions. The Human Resources Director, prior to taking any employment action in the above referenced pilot and/or reseazch projects, shall obtain the approval of the Mayor and if approved, obtain the consent of the Council. Notice to the affected bargaining units shall be given and at such time, the bargaining units have the right to discuss their issues as well as present recommendations for changes in the project. Notice to the City Council will be given for review and subsequent approvaUdenial of the project. Written documentation shall be provided by the Human Resources Director for review prior to approval. Documentation shall include the following: a. Assurance that the proposal does not supptant existing certified employees. 12/8/97 1:36:34 PM Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 3 of 5 b. Identification of Civil Service Rules affected by the proposal, if any. G! � 9�� c. Participants in programs will be certified, having a probationary period, + involved in structured training and will be provided an out placement referral service. d. Classifications created through the proposai wili be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit as per our present policy and procedures. e. It is recognized that any affect on terms and conditions of employment aze subject to negotiations. f. Pilot employment projects will be in accordance with State and Federal laws and/or regulations and the Saint Paul City Charter. g. Reference to the City Policy Objectives sought to be served by the pilot and/or research project. Appropriate Civil Service Rules, if agproved by the Mayor and City Council can be suspended for the purposes of these projects. Their suspension is limited for the time period as specified for the project. A project will not exceed a 3-year time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the Mayor and Council within 3-months of the end of the pro}ect. 8.B.1. Vacant positions shall be filled from an original entrance list in the following manner: 8.B.l.a. Vacancy Filled From An Original Entrance List Single vacancy from a requisition shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) OR FEWER ELIGIBLES The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles from the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, in each protected-class group. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. FOR LISTS HAVING MORE THAN TWENTY (20) ELIGIBLES When underutilization or underrepresentation, as defined in Section 8.B.i.b., does not exist in any protected class, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office ofHuman Resources shall certify the three (3) highest scoring eligibies on the list, plus ties, from each and every protected c2ass who are among either the top thirty-three percent (33%) or the highest scoring twenty (20) eligibles on the list, whichever will produce the greater number of protected-class eligibles. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. When a specific job title is underutilized or when underrepresentation e�usts in the Saint Paul Board of Education civil service work force or City of Saint Paul's department/division work force, certification will be as follows: The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appoiming authority the thsee (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus 12/8/97 1:36:34 PM ,�p.q� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A6, governing the implementation ofHuman Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Umon 2508, District CouncIl 14, of the American Federahon of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local 2508) hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro�ect described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorgamzation and 7ob Family Modeling Pro'ect and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment sh� apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose gostt�ons have been allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels designated therein as represented by AFSCME Loca12508. Also, AFSCME Local 2508 and the City aiso agree to the use of the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of tlus pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shail aliow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who haue demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS 7ob Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply to the filling of IS Job Famdy posrtion vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus ties will be certified to the appointing authority. The top three eligibles from the appoinhng division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference in certification. 3. Civil Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles) shail allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS 3ob Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year as a certified emplopee in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shali also haue actually served at least 1040 hours in such ciassified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternune eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilotproject document. 5. �:vi; Se: :dce Rsle 22 {T ay O!T) shall allow emnloyees to maintain class seniority in their newiy assigned IS Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS 7ob Fa�ruly level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of IS incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS 7ob Family System on the same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in a11 classified City positions. 6. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Egaminations) shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document will be used. 7. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary''I'Iariian�4Itates o�f Gompensation governing advancement in salary, shall not appiy to IS employees iri positibhs allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project �{ cument. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be fo�ciwed. Tlie applisable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, `and twenty-five year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such IS employees �t8 -q �1� subject to the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layo� affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in classifications currently represented by AFSCME Local 2508, who as a result of untial implementation of this pilot project are promoted to positions in IS 7ob Family levels represented by Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local 1842), the Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA} or the Sauit Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS 7ob Family level represented hy AFSCME T.oca12508, that corresponds with their previously held classification, and exercise applicable contractual seniority n� �its. It is also understood that this stipulation also applies to any employees represented by AFSCME Loca12508, who have appealed their initial position allocations under the pIlot project and who, as a result of such appeais, are promoted to positions represented by AFSCME Loca1 1842, PEA or SPSO. Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement sha11 not he used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �� .�� man Resources Director �� Labor Re ations Direct r �� � President Local Union 2508 AFSCME, District Council 14 AFI,-CIO � Busi ss Re esei ativ Loca nio 508 AFS , stric Council 14 AFI,-CIO F:\USERS\HRCAMMONVSHOCKLEY�IWPROJEC.WPD � .�it ..��., '_. .. .. „te', C7 � � � � � � �=. ,'D�C.'"^..� Z i-; '�f. R�1�"' LlT�' �c: �-i._. C^GC^ Z7D n� T*tr' t!7 qd'a�� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Loca1 1842) hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro�ect described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Pro'ect and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment sh� appty to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose posrtions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by AFSCME Local 1842. Also, AFSCME Local 1842, and the City also agree to the use of the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of tlus pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule S.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of ir.cumbents who have demonstrated the required co�npetencies and responsibIlities of a higher level IS Job Family position for s'vc months or more. 2. Civil 5ervice Rule 8.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply to the filling of I3 7ob Family position vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus ties will be certified to the appointing authority. The top three eligibles from the appoinring division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference in certification. 3. Civil Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles) shall ailow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS 7ob Famil� Levels outlined m the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the �ob classifications to which their posirions had been previously allocated. 4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in a classified position prior to the e�mination date. Such incumbents shall also have actualty served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternvne eligibles for vacancies in the I5 Job Family System ouUined in the attached pilot project document. 5. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Oft) shail allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS 7ob Family level even though their former ciass, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formaliy abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family Spstem on the same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in all classified City positions. 6. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Examinations) shall not be used for appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeais procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document wiii be used. Section F,1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in,positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project docu�ient::'��ttstead,'tHe:s�lary schedules contained within the pilot project document shal] be followed. The appiicable step increases therein may be granted in the tune frames set forth. Five, ten�, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five year step increases as defined 'm the Salary Plan and Rates of Com�p8nsation"sliall continue to apply for such employees subject to the tnne frame ]imitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule. ����� Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in classifications currentiy represented by AFSCME Local 1842, who as a result of initial implementation ofthis pilot project are promoted to positions in 7ob Family levels represented by the Professional Empioyees Association, Inc. EA) or the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the Job Family leve represented by AFSCME Local 1842, that corresponds v,nth their previvusly held classification, and exercise applicable contractual seniority nghts. It is also understood that t}us stipulation also a�plies to any employees represented by AFSCME �ocal 1842, who have appealed their initial posrtion allocations under the pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, aze promoted to positions represented by PEA or SPSO. Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � � ��. ��i►u ��u.�\�. �1 - . � • 'V� �"� 4 Labor R lations Director F:\USERS�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYl3 W PROJEC. W PD ��� �- ��T President Local Union 1842 h' .�SC11�', Listrict C�uricii 14 AFL-CIO c � Busine Repre ntati Local nion 18 AFSCNIE, District Council 14 AFZ-CIO . _ '��� ��� ll:. -, r �1:� . ' . ., , c3a 3;—. h-C x 2 r*t � r � ^'�'�j-x�a � t*!� °, CtX O- � �1'-� �� '� Nf � a � g �� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees AssociaUon, 7nc. (PEA) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions haue been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by PEA. Furthermore, PEA and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration ofthis pIlot project: 1. Civil5ervice Rule S.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment ofthe afFected incumbents to the IS 7ob Family Leveis outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previousiy allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow emp3oyees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents sha11 also haue actually served at least 1040 hours in such ciassified position. This nxle shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternune eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Oft) shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS 7ob Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family ]evel, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS 7ob Family System on the same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in ail classified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Examinations) shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. a��� � o 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation goveming advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project documextt. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot pro,}ect document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fifteen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � ���� Human Resources Director �,- /`,. � President Professional Employees Association, Inc. Labor elations Director `"1��� �� Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. F:\USERS�I-IRCOMMONVSHOCKLEY�W PRO�CT. W PD q g'� �� 1998 Memorandnm of Agreement In accordance with Civii Service Rule 8.A6, goveming the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saim Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby stale that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document en6tled City of Saint Paul Informazion Setvices Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agee that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shali apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by SPSO. Furthemiore, SPSO and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family posirion for siac months or more. 2. Civil Service Rufe 8.AS (Combining of Tittes) shall allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents io the IS 7ob Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow emptoyees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year in a classified posirion prior to the examinarion date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to deternvne eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil 5ervice Rule 22 (Lay Of� shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS 7oh Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been fotmally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS 7ob Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of continuous service in all classified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations Instead, the appeals procedure out7ined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. �lg` 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels in the attached pilot project documern. Tnstead, the salazy schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicabte step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fifteen year step increases as definad in the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation shall conturue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salazy schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �� -� y „. t Human Resources D'uector � � � Labor elations Director � President Saint Paul 5upervisors' Organization Business Representative Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization F:�ItSERS�E�tCOMMONLSHOCKLEriSPSO.ISM q�` City of �S'aint I'aul Information Services Reorganization & Job Family Modeling Project Pilot Project Description October, I998 g:pilproj.doc aP� Table of Contents TABLE CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................2 BACKGROU D ..................................................................................................................................... 3 PROJECTGOAL .................................................................................................................................. 4 PILOTPROJECT ..................................................................................................................................5 KEYPOINTS .........................................................................................................................................5 CONCEPT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................6 APPROACH ........................................................................................................................................... 7 KEY DEFINITIONS ...............................................................................................................................8 JOBFAMILY .........................................................................................................................................9 JOB FAMILY DEFIMITIONS ................................................................................................................9 FAMILYLEVELS .................................................................................................................................. 9 TRANSlT10NtSSUES ........................................................................................................................10 FUTUREASSIGNMENTS ..................................................................................................................12 PROGRESS PARAMETERS .............................................................................................................12 COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT .....................................................................................................16 SUMMARY 17 g:piiproj.doc 2 Q�'' Background Mission Statement To promote information technology as a strategic asset of the City and create a healthy information and technological environment that supports the attainment of city-wide as well as department and office strategic goa]s. Two on-eoin� orogram obiectives for the IS denartment include: • The creation of a healthy information technology environment that supports the attainment of City-wide as well as department and office strategic goals. • The continual search for creative and innovative means to maximize the City's information technology investment. The City of Saint PauPs Information Services (IS) function has changed dramatically over the past several yeazs. The widely decentralized organization, was pulled into one organizational unit -- the IS Division of the Department of Technology and Management Services. This was done in order to establish and maintain consistent technology strategies, policies, and procedures and to increase accountability for return on the City's IS investments. This consolidation also aliowed us to maYimize the efficiency and effectiveness of these valuable City staff resources, and to facilitate more cross training among IS staff. It also served to create more career and personal growth opportunities for the staff. The division is organized into rivo functionai areas, 1) Core Services, and 2) Department Representatives. In the face of these organizational changes, as well as the increased and changing demands for technical assistance and support within the City, IS staff needs to be very fleacible and perform a hroad array of tasks and responsibilities. Our customers have different expectations than they did five years ago. New systems and processes are essential to the way in which we deliver service. Consolidation has brought most of our IS professionals back together. This move heightened the inconsistency between work performed by various I3 staffversus the work described by their e�sting class titles and class specifications (many of which were very outdated). All of these s nmuficant change factors drive the need to reevaluate our job functions and the way that we ciassify our positions. Under the existing system, there are many fragmented classes of positions. Job succession is not well defined, and training objectives are not cleazly tied to position responsibility. The current process of reassigning and/or promoting human resources is unwieldy and not responsive to our rate of change. Given the rapidly changing environment and technology, greater flexibility is a necessity. We need to develop and reallocate human resources quickly in response to these changes. Employees need to have clearly defined g:pilproj.doc aY'�'�� accountabilities and a management-supported system in which they can grow and acquire new, state ofthe art skills and experience. Accordingiy, in the spring of 1997, IS management and Human Resources staffundertook a comprehensive study and redefinition of all IS job classifications. Project Goal The goal of this process is to realign the current IS staff within appropriate job families and position titles in a structure that effectively supports their re-defined accountabilities. A framework will be established in which future positions and employees can be easily integrated within a more fler.ibie and responsive exam and reclassification process. A further objective ofthis process is to more clearly define "succession ladders" within the IS framework, for purposes of personal growth and promotion of emp]oyees. Objectives; 1. To develop a fle�ble, responsive process to facilitate the movement and assignment of staff based upon competencies as well as changing customer needs and requirements. 2. To develop broad job families that combine similaz sets of responsibi]ities and competency requirements that enhance the ability to be fleacible when making work assignments. 3. To clearly define career ladders, position expectations, and competency requirements for the IS staff. 4. To provide a basis for relevant training and development pians for the I5 staff. 5. To develop a process which accomplishes these objectives, transitions the system in a fair and collaborative manner while appropriately addressing any relevant concerns. g:pilproj.doc 4 q8 "9 7° Pifot Project Under Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, the Human Resources Director may conduct pilot andlor research projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, empioyee development programs, and referral and/or appointment processes for the filling of City positions. It is recommended that this Pilot Project be approved with an initial timeframe not to exceed three years. An Oversight Team will assist Human Resources in preparing six- month project reviews and status updates with the oppot[unity for adjustments and fin� tuning of the process as the project proceeds. It is recognized that the points of this Pilot Project which affect terms and condirions of employment aze subject to negotiations with the affected unions. Key Points • No e�sting regular certified employee's positions or jobs will be supplanted or eliminated as a result of this pilot pro}ect. • No employee will lose salary as a result of this program. • Position seniority wil] be maintained and consolidated as the current titles are abolished. • This new structure is intended to meet the expressed needs of the I5 staff. • This pilot project complies with ali relevant State and Federal laws andlor rea lations, Civil Service Rules and the Saint Paui City Charter. g:pilproj. doc � -q� Concept Overview The new IS job classiScation structure will be competency based and haue three primary ` job families" in which a11 positions fall in relational order. Each job family will consist of several pre-defined levels with associated competency requirements and responsibilities. The positions allocated to each level will generally be broader in scope and responsibility than positions within the cunent job classes. The resuit will be fewer titles with more employees sharing similar job titles. An individual position will be a composite of specific assignments. Each specific assignmerrt may then have an associated assignment specific title and technology requirements which are unique to that position and which aze different but generally equivalent to those of other employees in the same job title. The pilot project will consolidate the existing 24 job classes into 14. These proposed job titles will be supported by regular performance objectives and training plans to achieve and support esCablished `core competencies' within the staff. The structure of the job families and the levels/classes/titles will ma�cimize the IS staf£s opportunities to transition among the job families and across the levels. This enhances the long-term career development, staff retention, and ability to align future staff resources with anticipated needs for specific skills / competencies. The model calls for three "IS Job Families": 1. Systems Consultants 2. Information/Technology Analysts 3. Systems Support Specialists g:pilproj.doc 6 a �.q'►� Approach Implementation of this concept was done in a"phased" approach. Eatensive employee involvement was an integrai part of the process and the program was adjusted, accordingly, along the way. An employee communicarion process was developed and supported throughout the design of the program. i. Concept Design Phase I involved the concept design and documentation. This was, primarily, behind the scenes `homework' done in preparation for input from other associated parties. This phase was compieted first, with input from representatives of IS Management, Human Resources, and an eaternal consultant. ll. /mp/ementation Design Phase II of the project was the Tmplementation Design. This dealt more specifically with the actual details of the staff assignments, how to move employees, identifying tasks and functions, how to measure competencies in the future, definition of salary ranges, etc. This phase involved extensive input from IS staff, Human Resources and the union representatives. Several employee work groups met to discuss and make recommendations on specific issues. That input was added to the design concept in order to better develop the pilot project. The work group recommendations were posted on a general Intranet bulletin boazd and comment was so]icited from all staff members. !p. lmplementation Phase III of the project involves the impiementation of the recommended changes. Plans for specific employee moves will be finalized and implemented during this phase. Human Resources conducted extensive one on one interviews with all IS staff and supervisors to ascertain the appropriate job fami]y levels. This phase invoives completion of the associated paperwork and documentation requirements. g:pilproj.doc a8 - g`' ti Key Definitions Job Family: A grouping of positioru with signifiamtly simi7ar job resporuibilities, required skills and abilities, cmd customer requirements There will generttlly be mudtiple job `levels' with successive Zevels of responsibilities within the .Tob FtaniZy. Levels: Within each ,Tob Family are associated `stages' of responsibidify, performance requirements, and competency requirements. Employees will luave the opportunity to progress up the job Zevels or position title levels as they gain new competencies and are assigned more responsibility. Assignments: Within each position Zevel, there may be severad positions. Each position may have a specifzc job `assigmnent', which has a urtique set of responsibilities and skilds. Although the employees share the same general job level, the distinctions between the speciftc assignments »:ay make them not interchangeable. Unique Stzilts: These are skills, abilities atzd technical requzrements, which are unique to a specifzc job assigrrment. They must be well defzned and support the essential functions of the job assignment. The essential functions of an assignment cannot be performed without these unique skiZZs. Essentiai Functions: ➢efined by the ADA as "the fundamental job duties of the employment position that the individual holds. " A job function may be considered esserrtial if a) the reasan the position exists is to perform thcrt funcfion; b) a limited number of employees available among whom the performance of that function can be distrtbuted,• or c) the functiora is so lzighly specialized that the fncumbent has been hired spec�cally for his or her expertise or ability to perform this particular function. Marginal Functions: Those job duties that are not considered to be 'essential fi�nctions' as defined by the ADA. Competency: The skills, knovrledge, abilities and other requirements necessary to perform adequately the essenfral ana' marginal funetions of each specific work ttssignment. g:pilproj.doc �� r � �� Job Family The initial design for this process calls for all IS positions to fall within three Job Families. These general families muror industry standards and allow for broader, more `generid position descriptions, which will provide management and employees greater fle�bility in duty assignments as well as provide employees with greater opportunity to ma�mi�e their competencies. Job Famity Definitions Svstems Consultant Job Familv This job family acts as the primary liaison between IS and the business customers. The Systems Consultants must develop a thorough and complete understanding of the information requirements of their assigned department, make recommendations for technology solutions and take accountability For their implementation. There haue been four levels identified in this job family. Information/Technologv Analvst Job Familv This job family has responsibility for the speclfic applications within assigned departments. Analysts must understand the customer's business needs and the best technology solutions. There have been five levels identified in this job family. Svstems Sunport Snecialist This family has been designed to accommodate the positions that have traditionally been involved in the operations and suppart of the computer hardware. This involves primarily mainframe and client server tecluiology. There haue been four levels identified in this job family. Famity Levels Each of the three job family levels share some common responsibilities and required competencies. Each family has various numbers of `levels' identified within them, and each level has additional, progressively more complex requirements. This assumes that employees wild ful, fill the defined requirements of their assigned job Zevel as well as ta provide back up to the requiremenfs of every lower level within the job family as needed Each of the job levels (i.e.: InformationlTechnology Analyst 1) will share a standard position description. Each individual staff member assigned to that position level will work with the standard description. Additionally, each specific assignment and the unique working title and competency requirements will be developed and clarified as needed. g:pilproj.doc aQ ' q�� Transition Issues Initial Assignment Initial assignment of staffto the job family and levels has been based upon the competency level, and current duties/responsibiliries as well as cunent title of the employee. For exampie, if an employee is performing duties at a levei above those typical of their cunent title and a need for this levei is determined to exist within the department, the employee may be considered for reclassification to the higher family level. This process has involved input from both IS management and employees. A job content questionnaite was developed and distributed to the stafffor their input into the slotting process. In addition, one on one job study interviews were conducted with each individual employee and selected supervisors. Classifications created as a result of this pilot project will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit as per present policy and procedures. If an employee does not meet Yhe required competencies for a job family level with the same grade and pay level that the employee currently holds, a training and development plan will be put in place to provide the employee with the opportunity to acquire those skills and abilities. No emnlovee will be initiallv slotted into a level that is lower than his or her existinE Erade. Pay Levels The Human Resources staff haue analyzed the job family leveis and have applied the standard City classification factors to them. Eaah level has been classified and a new salary line has been developed for it. Each level within a job family has a salary range associated with it. Each range has a number of `steps'. Step increases may be credited based on tenure and performance. In some selected cases, market data has been taken into consideration when making recommendations for the appropriate salary line levels. As has been the project objective all along, no IS employee will lose pay from their existing level. Employees will be compensated as per the relevant labor contract. (See Attachment for details). g:pilproj. doc 10 �g 'q�� Seniority In developing this pilot project, it has been recognized that issues affecting seniority are trighly sensirive and important to the individuals involved. Therefore, significant care has gone into recommending a process which supports the objectives of this project but which has no negative impact on the seniority rights of the staff. It is recommended that the general principles of Civil Service Rules 8 A2 and 8.A5 be utilized with some minor adjustments. First, seniority lists for the incumbents in the newly combined job family levels will be developed from those classes that are being combined under the new process. As the rules state, "if two or more classes haue been combined into one new class, then seniority will be deternuned for all affected employees as if the classes had always been one class". Second, 3ndividuals will be placed into the appropriate job family and level based upon their actual job responsibilities. This will follow the reallocation guidelines that have been used historically. The initial placement of staffinto the appropriate job family levels will require some modifications to the rules. Minimum qualifications will not be used as a factor in placing internal candidates. They will be placed based upon an assessment of their cunent responsibilities and competencies. The requirement of promotion rights and one year of service in a higher level position for reallocation will also be waived during the initial placement. Seniority ofancumbents whose positions have been reallocated to a higher level is determined by the date of the appointment. If two or more incumbents aze reallocated and appoirned to the same level classification on the same date, the historical practice will be followed. This means that the Office of Human Resources will list their names in the order of their total City seniority. g:pilproj.doc 11 qp -9� Future Assignments Since the nature ofthe work in information systems is often very project based, staffmay be assigned to projects which utilize their competencies and experience or which require them to demonstrate the competencies of the family level below their current assigned level with a minimum amount of refresher trairilng. The incumbents in each job family level will therefore be expected to demonstrate a basic fanilliarity with the responsibilities of the lower levels within their job family. Progress Parameters Movement up the levels Employees will be moved from one level up to the neat level based on a number of competency based criteria which have been developed by an employee work group called the Competency Measurement Team. The recommendations of this group are as follows: Oversight Team The Gompetency Measurement Team recommends convening an Oversight Team that will be charged with general oversight to this pilot project and for providing a mechanism for intema] review of future position postings, and testing for eligibility for new open positions. It is recommended that the makeup of this group be one IS staff inember each &om the affected bargaining units (AFSCME Clerical, AFSCME Technical, PEA, and SPSO) and one IS customer, for a total of five members. In addition, an HA Representative will consult with the team and provide staff support but will not have a`vote' in decisions. It is recommended that this team be in place for a one-yeaz term to ensure process consistency. The team will need to develop internal operating procedures, voting processes, etc. No final deternunation was made as to how the members of this group should be selected but ideally, they should be people who are interested in making this process succeed. The oversight Team will report on the progress, challenges, and successes of the project to the staff and to their respective unions on a quarterly basis for the first year of the pilot project. Thereafter, reports will be made every six months. The various responsibilities of the Oversight Team include but are not limited to: 1. Review of nosition level decisions prior to posting. 2. Make any necessary modifications in the Training and Evaluation weighting for specific open assignments. 3. Score and review the completed Training and Evaluation Tests of internal applicants for promotional positions. A. Develop a`qualified candidate' elieibilit�ist based upon the T& E to forward to the hiring manager. g:pilproj.doc 1z a p -9'!� 5. Review any intemal aQ�eals to the process. 6. Revort to the IS staff and respective unions every six months on the process and make recommendations for appropriate adjustments or conections. 7. Assist Human Resowces in the formal Pilot Project review and reporting process. ReallocaYion The Team has detemvned that it is expedient for the reallocation process to continue to be used in the appropriate circumstances. Under the pilot project, reallocation will be allowed after the job duties have been performed for six months. in lieu of the current twelve months. In addition, reallocation can take place both within job families as well as across job families within IS. Initial Testing for Promotions In response to the current competitive market in the IS field and the challenge of retaining good employees after the City has provided for their training, this pilot will involve two `nutial retention' components. First, the new salary structure ca11s for salary step increases every six months for the first several years. Second, the traditional two-year wait before a new employee can be eligible for a promotiona] test will be amended to one year. Posting of New Positions All new promotional opportunities (non-reallocations) wi11 be posted throughout the City on the Intranet as well as in the usual manner (e.g.: job line, bulletin boazd). Internal IS employees will be given some `preference points' on the Testing and Evaluation exam. Minimum Qualifications Minimum qualifications will not be used for internal promotions. Rather, the measurement process, which has been designed to measure competency achievement, wili be the selection criteria. Minimum qualifications will still be used for external hiring purposes. The minimum qualifications for the new job family levels have been reviewed and updated through Human Resources to reflect current market conditions. (See Attachment D). Promotion Eligibility / Tenure within levels The general guidelines for tenure within a leve] before an employee can move to the next level in a job family will be consistent with any e�sting probationary periods in the relevant union contracts or Civil Service rules. g:pilproj.doc 13 a�-9�� Competency Measurement The following measurement process will be utilized during the pflot project for the purpose of eligibility for promotion. 1. All promotionai opportunities will be posted. 2. Interested City candidates will complete a Training and Evaluation exam asking them to clearly demonstrate competencies. Candidates w�71 also be asked to inciude verification references. 3. The Oversight Team will meet to review and score t6e T& E exam. 4. Candidates who receive 75°/a or more on the T& E will be determined to be `eligible' for the open position and will be passed on to the hiring manager. 5. The hiring manager will interview and select from the `eligible' candidates using the traditional "rule of three" concept. An outline of the Testing and Evaluation Exam is included in Attachment E. The competency measurement process, in particular, will be revisited and refined as necessary every 6 months during the pilot project. Appeal Process There will be a formal appeal process for competency measurement decisions. The following steps are suggested. 1. The llversight Committee will provide each employee with a score for each competency on his or her T& E evaluation. 2. Within 10 working days of the notification, the affected employee must indicate in writing that they disagree with some part of their test score. 3. The employee wili have additional5 working days to provide information to the Human Resources staffperson who assists the Oversight Committee. The employee will provide the committee with any additional information that they feel was not considered in the initial Training & Experience test. 4. The HR Staff member, who will be experienced in test examinations, will assist with further fact-finding if needed. 5. The HR Staffmember will meet with the Oversight Committee to discuss ifthe additional information is sufficient to affect the scoring of the T& E test. 6. The Oversight Committee will review appeals and make a decision within 1� working days of receiving the additional information. 7. The appealing employee will be notified in writing of the review decision within 10 working days from the Committee meeting. By mutual agreement, these time limits can be e�tended. This process does not preclude the employee from filing a formal union grievance or pursuing any of the other normal employee options. g:pilproj.doc 14 Q g.4�o Movement down a level Once an employee has been appointed to a new job level, they will not be moved down even if the assienment ends or changes. However, they may occasionally be called upon to perform the duties of any of the lower job fanvly levels. It is the responsibility of the IS management to ensure that the staff is appropriately utilized. An employee may be asked to voluntarily reduce their level or face disciplinary actions only if there is documented evidence that that they no longer meet the requirements of the job level consistent with the performance management process and development plans. Sufficient time will be given for the employee to demonstrate the required competencies before this would happen. Crossing Job Family Since this process has been designed to maximize flexibility for both employees and IS management, employees wil] be aliowed to cross from one job family to the neact if they meet the required competencies. Clearly defined competency requirements wiil enable employees to do more comprehensive cazeer planning and preparation. It is envisioned that three guidelines will govem this movement. 1) The employee must express an interest in career opportunities in anothet job family. 2) There must be a departmental need to fill a position. 3) The employee must demonstrate the required competencies of the new job family and level. Some of the logical `cazeer paths' are illustrated below: Systems Support Specialists Level I Grade 25 ---------- Level II Grade 28 ----------- Level III Grade 36 ""� ----------- Level IV Grade 4C Pronosed C areer Ladders Inform ationlT echnical Analysts Level I Grade 30 ---------- Level II Grade 36 �,„ LeveIIII Grade 40 Systems Consultants ----------- — — LevelIV .�r � Grade 44 ---------- Level V � � LevelI Grade 12-16 --------- Leve1II Grade 20 - — ------------ Level III Grade 22 Level IV Grade 23 g:pilproj.doc 15 � -q �o Competency Devetopment It is the intention of the IS Division to identify and develop certain base]ine `core' competencies within IS employees. These competencies are essential to meeting the business objectives of the department. In addition, a critical component of this process is the establishment of new mechanisms, processes, and procedures with the Auman Resources Office and IS Division to support this new framework over the long term. To assist in this process, the department has identified a set of competencies that are required at some level within the organization. Each employee has been evaluated as to his or her expertise in each competency area. Individual development plans will be developed to assist the staffin acquiring the necessary competencies. It is the intention of IS management to ensure equal access to training and development opportunities for all employees. Project `Success Criteria' While it has been determined that the Oversight Team in conjunction with the Human Resources Office will assess and report on the projecYs success throughout the three year pilot project, specific success measurement criteria need to be developed. The following criteria will be reviewed by the Oversight Team as the foundation of their project measurement process. We see this project as having three distinct interested constituencies: The Employees, The City / IS Customers, and IS Management. It is proposed that success criteria be developed ta address each of these groups. Some suggested measurement criteria inciudes the following: Em�lovees 1) Employee satisfaction -- measured by periodic surveys 2) # of employees being paid `out of title' 3) # of IS positions which are filled internally and which would not have qualified under the previous system. Citv / IS Customers 1) Customer satisfaction -- measured by surveys 2) Turnover / job vacancy rates compazed to IS historical data g:pilproj.doc 16 a� �Q� 3) Average time to fill vacant positions (# of days to promote internallv or to complete the process for ea-ternal hiring. This would exclude `finding' an external candidate) 4) Cost of administering the system - compare the number of classification studies required during the pilot project versus historical levels. IS Mana e�ment 1) Time to fill open posirions (same as above) 2) HR. Staff time needed to fill positions intemally 3) Employee and customer satisfaction data (same as above) Summary The IS reorganization pilot project has been designed to meet the needs of the City, the employees of the IS Division and IS management. It is a program that maximizes fle�bility and the ability to respond quickly and capably to a rapidly changing environment. It is intended to support career development within the I5 staff and to enable the IS Division to better serve the needs of their customers. g:pilproj.doc 17 c�� �9?a � z � F � ��'a ..n � w � � vl M� ' `� y c� 3 � � � o ° � a� .o � `�: 8 � � m e� .� i o a. o „e o x � 'c �e _ ° + 3 H w° � � � e °�'� ��= a��i ' c c � v >:'>�`� .� ,� �a �, � .E y � .� � > „ � y o � � ";:ti;�:;�a:_ �,. � . m w V y c�i s �« N � 0.i a�i ?L`::=�: L $ � � @3 0 � > e �a ° s �^ a ,'x w a. :'::a�'-.�>��� o ° � �i +� ,�,� r�i, t7 .� m i: ai C ' �° \ eu - � m w w ' � y � � � �o �, o � °' � _ i o 3 �; `�s �." °? ° ° � o °i '�3 . a3 ." �' � � � � � � o n y :t F3 � `'<:� o��°-, o � � ���� o�,.� � 2 3 N 0.2 ,��. _�—°�+= cn � a, `� a. a� c� o o e� �a .; � c`� ." � � :� � � � � � � .� ` � c, � �'� � y h a�i � � � w � O > � w 'a ° o � �. ° o '�e :>._cG o �,UF a.m ::L1...,va �¢cL �a.5 �U °+�' oU : ,::��:':>' �„ T. 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' N'- : k'�. � ' . _ �. . � � , � . qp-q�° ATTACffiVIENT D NIINIMUM QUALIFICATTONS General Themes • the m;nimum qnaiifications will be applied to `extemal candidates' only, . m;nim� qnatifications for the job family levels should incrementally increase as one ascends up the job family ladder . minimum qualifications for equivalent positions in the other job fauulies shouid be relatively equivalent • move away from the strict adherence to college degree requirements and allow for some expertise and experience substitutions • avoid requiring specific technology in order to keep the miniinum qualifications timely and not easily dated IS - Equivalent Series Levels (Indicates relative `value' of the job family levels) Info/Tech Anal st I Info/Tech Anal st II Systems Consult I InfoJTech Anal st III « « « InfoJTech Anal st N S stems Consult II Info/Tech Anal st V S stems Consult III Info/Tech Anal st VI Svstems Consuk IV 0 � � g:pilproj.doc 34 98'-q�o ATTACfIMENT D Systems Support Specialists — Suggested Minimum Qualifications ::=: S�sfems ��p��, ��st�� ���ukt �ltetn� �`st�par� . S�s�$ ��ppc►r�t ; �= �� "e� � . - :..<„ � :: IC :: .: � ec:;II� ?. � ;:. '�c � ::: ` � 12 months of 6 months of Successful Successful technical school technical school pius completion of a completion of a trauung or 1 year 1 year work technical certificate technical certificate work experience in a experience or 2 plus 2 years of plus 4 years of technicaUoperations years of work operations support operations support environment experience in a work experience or work eaperience or technicaVoperations 4 years of operations 6 yeazs of operations environment support work support work experience, experience. Work experience Work experience must include must include installations, planning, reseazch, troubleshooting and installations, basic maintenance of troubleshooting, and of client server interconnectivity of and/or network multiple processing systems. systems. Demonstrated team leadership or work direction ex erience. g:pilproj.doc 35 qp•q�� ATTACHMENT D Informafion/Technology Analysts — Suggested Minimum Qualifications : ���r�'I'e� Inf�T�r1� , 3nf€r}'�� �€�1`��� �►f+�� • : .. � : , , . .. .., .`. tS�� �tI , : �Y��I st.Ii ,.;An�l t� ,. st�t�. ;��a �E,�-: Technical College degree Coilege degree College degree College degree school in info mgmt, in info mgmt, in info mgmt, in info mgmt, programnuug computer tech, computer tech, computer tech, computer tech, certificate or 12 or related field or related field or related field or related field months non- plus 1 year of plus 2 yeazs of plus 4 yeazs of plus 6 yeazs of credit trainuig. work work work work experience or e�cperience or experience or experience or technical school technical school technical school technical school progra.mming programming programming progra.mming certificate plus certificate plus certificate plus certificate plus 2 years of work 4 yeazs of work 6 years of work 8 years of work experience. experience. experience. experience. Work Work Work Work eaperience must experience must experience must experience must include include include data include large programming, requirements structure project planning debugging, ad definition, basic analysis & & ROI hoc reporting, project design, calculation. and planning. Demonstrated documentation. technical mastery of one or more re uired areas g:pilproj.doc 36 98 - 9� o G�+c;s���.r�.� Systems Consultants -- Suggested Minimum Qualifications .,. � s�s�s :;:, �s€ems , ��s�ams ���e�r.s. � , � �. ;:..: . .. : • , _ : .� -:•:.. �►���a�►L I.:. � � ����uttaxzt 1�.�- , �a�s�lt��t:IIi. ...,?�c�rsu�t��it � :. College degree in College degree in College degree in College degree in info mgmt, info mgmt, info mgmt, info mgmt, computer tech, or computer tech, or computer tech, or computer tech, or related field plus Z related field plus 4 related field plus 5 related field plus 6 yeazs of work years of work years of work years of work experience or experience or experience or experience or technicalschool technicalschool technicalschool technicalschool certificate plus 4 certificate plus 6 certificate plus 8 certificate plus 10 years of work years of work years o£ work years of work experience. experience. experience. experience. Work experience Work experience Work experience must include must include must include 4 business analysis project years of and project management and supervising or definition. work leading technical Good coordination; staff; understanding of budget mgmt. And Demonstrated relevant cost/benefit project mgmt. Of technology. analysis. large technical Expert knowiedge projects, of 1 or more conceptual relevant technical understanding of platforms. intenelated technical platforms. g:pilproj.doc 3� 9�-9�to IS Training & Experience Evaluafion Outline Suggested Rating Guidelines City of Saint Paul - IS Experience If the candidate has more than one year experience in the City of Saint Paul, IS Division, add points. r_vrir� •iT� ,�r�y 0 - 10 puints Education and technical training 0- 20 paints (Points in this category can come from a single or multiple sources but may not exceed a total of 20 points) Formal Education College Degree IS, Business, Management 0- 10 points Other college degree 0- 5 points Technical School 0- 5 points On the job Education Technical courses, seminars & certifications or on the job learning Competency Rating General com�etencies • Customer Consulting • Problem Solving / analysis • Prioritization, tune management, planning • Communication . Project management e Teamwork Technical competencies (assignment related) • City St. Paul technical environment • Assigned platform • Customer applications Total 0 - 10 points 0 - 70 points 0-5 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-10 0-10 0 -100 points Candidates who receive 75% or more are considered eligible far interviews with the hiring manager. Selection decision is made from within this candidate pool. g:pilproj.doc 38 q � -�9 �1.0 r���.���.�� IS Market Information In the fall of 1997 the City of Saint Paul participated in a local jurisdiction survey of IS jobs. It was conducted by the DCA Stanton Group. Other participants were Hennipin County, Washington County, Dakota County, Anoka County, the University of Mimiesota, and the City of Plymouth. A review of the information gathered revealed the following comparisons: 1. The City pays well above the pay range listed for positions similar to EDP Aide and Computer Operator. 2. The City's minimum pay rate for Senior Computer Operator positions is well above that listed for similar positions. The maximum is the same. 3. For EDP Programmers, the City pays above the minimum and within the range listed for similar positions. 4. The City pay for EDP Programmer Analyst positions is above that listed for similaz positions. 5. For EDP Systems Analyst positions, the City pays above the listed pay ranges for positions similar to EDP Systems Analysts. 6. City pay for EDP Network Specialist I and II is below the ranges listed for similar positions. The City pays section supervisory posirions within the range of salaries listed far similar positions, 6ut the ma�mum rate the City pays is considerably less than the maYimum listed. 8. The City's pay rate for the Data Processing Manager class is above the range listed for TS division manager positions and below that listed for positions at the department head level. g:pilproj.doc 39 qp-q� Private sector 1997 IS salary information was also collected by the DCA Stanton Group. About 140 companies participated in the survey. Most of those were located in the upper 1vTidwest and the majority were from the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The salary range data was categorized by the IS operating budgets of the reporting companies. City of Saint Paul IS positions were compazed to similaz positions listed in the DCA Stanton survey for companies with and IS operating budget ofup to $5,000,000. The 1997 City of Saint Paul IS operating budget was appro�mately $4,226,000. The comparisons revealed the following: 1. For Computer Operators and EDP Aides, the City pays well above the minimum and a little above the maximum of the range listed for similaz positions. 2. The City's EDP Network Specialist job classes aze paid in the lower half ofthe pay ranges listed for similar classes of positions. 3. The City's pay range for entry level programmers is almost the same as that ]isted for similar positions in the private sector survey. 4. City EDP Prograrruner and EDP Prograrruner Analyst positions are paid well within the ranges listed for similar positions. The salary ranges listed far positions similaz to the City's EDP Systems Analyst I, II and III classes aze very comparable to those of similar positions listed in the survey. The City pays a little higher at the I level and well within the range at the II and III levels. 6. For the section supervisor positions, the City pays below the listed minimums and the City's maximum pay is well below the listed midpoint. 7. The City's IS division manager level class, Data Processing Manager, is paid well below the pay range listed for similar positions in the private sector. g:pilproj.doc 40