90-2136�fi�C���'`�a�� .��''-�-�T'°r".�M . , , < �(a `�Council File # q O -1136 � t G ' � �•�--»-'� Ordinance # tJ � Green Sheet # ' ORDINANCE ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOT � � Presented By �� � � �._ � Referred To o ' tee: Dat � An ordin ce amending sections 225.01 and 225.12 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to We�pons. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: ' Section 1 That section 225.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the . following definitions thereto: Park zone means an area designated as a public park by the Council of the City of Saint Paul or by the D�vision of Parks and Recreation. Park zone includes the area within 300 feet or one ¢ity block, whichever distance is greater, of the park boundary. Public Building means any building together with the immediate grounds upon which it is located, owned or occupied by a public or governmental entity, including but not limited to, the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota and the Federal government. Public Event means an activity which is sponsored by a governmental entity, or an activity for which a permit is issued by the City of Saint Paul, including but not limited to, block parties, neighborhood festivals, parades, Riverfest, Saint Paul Winter Carnival or Taste of Minnesota. 5chool zone means: (a) any prope�ty owned, leased, or controlled by a school district or an organization operating a nonpubhc school, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 123.92, subdivision 3, where an elementary, middle, secondary school, secondary vocational center or other school providing educational services in grade one through grade 12 is located, or used for educational purposes, or where extracurriculaz or cocurricular activities ate reg larly provided; (b) the area urrounding school property as described in clause (a) to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater, beyond the school property; and ' (c) the area within a school bus when that bus is being used to transport one or more elementary'' or secondary school students. � � �(�-c�/•�-� SectiOri 2 That section 225.12 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows: 225.12. Penalties. ���:; Any,persor� violating any provision of this chapter may be punished as provided y the Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 1.05. In addition, any firearm, a sault weapon or knife in possession of such person and used or poss�ssed 'n violation of statute or ordinance shall be confiscated and sold, destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the department of police in accordance with the Saint Paul Administrative Code, Section 8.02(5). Conv�iction' of any violation shall work an automatic revocation of all registratio s, permits and licenses held hereunder by the violator. ::.:::::.:::::::..:.:..:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::.:::,::.....:...:.....::.:::::::::::::.::::.:::::..:<.:;�>;;;>;;;....:�;,;:,.,>;»»;;;;:;:;,::.;:;:�:�;;;;;;;;....;;::..:;.;,;;;:::>:>:;�.>::<:;:.:>::>::>:::<::>r:>::::>::: � .: .:::::::.�._::.:::.�:::::::.::..�.�:::::.:::::::.:f:.:_::::YY::.::<.:::>;:::: ::.::;:.;�::.,:::.::.:,,.....:;:.;.... :.:.......:.:.;..........,....X:.....;:.;.... .;:...,;...;:.;.......:.... .;:.::: ::::>.. ..n..�..... .:::»��<:: �::::u��I f���n:::>:.:.:>:: ... : �:::>:.:�:>:. . .:. �:.::>::::�h�:..�:: ..:.>::::::>:::::<:::>:�:.;:::�:...:�.:...:...��...:�..�...........�............a...�......o��..�. :::>�.��.c�......�....��:�::>:��.:.: .��.::>.::::::.�::::�:::: .. ....................Y. .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.3�:::�':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�:::::.�.:........................... ��............:.:::.::.:::.:�::::::::::::::::.::::.::.::::::::..::...:::::::..:::::::::::::::::::.:�::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::..::::::::...:�:::::::::::::..::::..:<::::.<:::<.:.:�:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:�;:.: :,.,:.�.:. ,,�ri.:.::.::.;;.,..:.�.�.::,....:::::.: ::;:::`.:.�.'..•:::��::;:.:.:::.:::::;::...:..;r�.::b..:r:�.:�::::;;:'�::..::.:�;:>�a:y:��::::"�'::i::e[::...:..... .:.:.;.:::...:....'::_H::y:i:�1:..... .:..:.�;;:...:..:...�::::; ��t#�.:..:;x;1� .......... .. ....�!V�I�..t�.�..;:;�.r1.�:::::: .:.s.a�rila A�':�E�:;::;�L 'S� d� �QII� .� �`,`���:::::�bl�f':::>:3 ......::::�.:.�:::::::::::.�::::::::::.::::::.::.::::�.:::::.�:::::::::::.�:::::::.�::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::.::�::::..:. ::: .:::..t ��:.:::::::::::::.:. ::::::.: ...:.�:.:::::. .:a::::::: .::::.:::: . 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Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon ~`, oswz z '— L on acca ee ettman - une ' i son A By° �� � Adopted by Council: Date ��� �Q�T Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certif�ed by Council Secretary gy: i , � .� � � � ,_,, , �; BY� `- / Approve� l�y Mayor for Submission to ' -- � Council �•� Approved by 'Date 2 ��- � MA 2 1991 By: By: PUBIISHED MAY 1 1'91 ` r . , ' ��D°Z�q� . �EPCity�Counci�l �AiE�T'��`�� GREEN SHEET N° _ 11612 CON��r������er BO}� LOI1Cf x447 �DEPARTMENTDIRECTORNITIAUDATE �CITYCOUNCII INITIAUDATE A$$�aN �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY DATE) NUIYIBER FOR ❑BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTINQ ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Q . C1U CJ1S a penalties fo pos ession of a weapon in a "park zone", "school zone", "public even ", o "public building' to be punished by a fine of $700 or by imprisonment f 9 days or both. RECOMMENDA710NS:Approve(A)or ReJect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVI SERVICE COMMISSION 1• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employeeT _STAFF YES NO _DIS7RICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee7 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJE IVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on saparate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OP RTUNITY Who,What,When,Where,Why): Crime in the City of Saint Paul has been rising in the last few years. and increased pe alti s for possession of a weapon in designated zones will lead to grea er p blic safety in our neighborhoods. The ordinance is modeled afte the Drug Free Zone legislation that was passed in the 1989 State Legisl tive session. ADVANTAQES IFAPPROVED: The Weapons ree Zone ordinance will lead to greater public safety in .our neighborhood wh' le our children are going back to school for the year. The ordinanc wi 1 give the St. Paul Police Department greater control over the designat d z nes which will lead to increased protection 'from crime. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ,. r ^ ' � . . . . . IILI ,CE. , ....""^r^!1 �:Ct'l�i�?;` �r RE�•F�� None. NOV 2 ��� i�;�J �9•�� ��� E�T'� �LERY� DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVE : Possession o we pons in "school zones", "park zones", "public events", and "public buil ing " will continue to have no increased penalties, which could lead t th continuance of increasing crime in these areas. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA ION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIN(i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAI ) �� , . . 1 . , C�����3� _ _. _ � � � II CZTY OF SAINT PAUL �.��iit�ldn� ' 1 � :� OFFICE OF'THE CITY COUNCIL A.`.. f' '., . PAULA MACCABEE ' SUSAN ODE Counc�7member Legisladvc Aide I MARKBALOGA � � Legi5lative Aide Members: � Paula Maccabee, Chair ' Bob Long . Janice Rettman Date: January 9, 11991 . COMMITTEE F�EPO�T HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE 1. � Resolu'tion 90-1968 - establishing the "City of St. Paul Youth's Movement" to advise on yputh issues and development projects and activities (to include an update o� the Youth Council) . � COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 2. Youth and Child Care 1991 Budget Policies in Contingency. THIS IfiEM WAS LAID OVER TO A FUTURE HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES, AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING ; - 3. A. � 3-0 6. Qrdinance 90-2188 - an Ordinance amending Section 225.01 and 225.12 of �he Legislative Code pertaining to weapons. �OMMIt'fEE RECOMMENDED WITHDRAWAL, 3-0 4. Consid�ration of Draft Resolution to request State legislation to continue , and in¢reas� funding to address refugee issues, and to examine additional � needs �f th� refugee population. � � COMMI EE R�COMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, AND REFERRED TO THE INTERG YERNN�ENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE, 3-0 I 5. Discus�ion� di the Mayor's Anti-Drug Task Force Report and recommendations. THIS I1�EM W S LAID OVER TO A FUTURE HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES, AND RU4ES A�D POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING CCTY HALL SEVEIMTTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55]02 612/298-5378 s�o46 i Printed on Rcryded Paprr � �� ��� ��`��� L . � �^_... � 1�j( ,i Counc i l F i l e �t �Q:o�� � ,__..__... Ordinance # Green Sheet # //�ij R ORDINANCE � CITY OF SAI T PAUL, MIN TA . . Presented By / - Referred To (•-�?� ,2�c.;, ,r,Cr!�--< ��, .::� Comnittee: Date ��` ; _r�i% � ___________________°____________ _______________________________________________-------- 1 An ordinan�e amei�ding sections 225.01 and 225.12 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Wea�ons. The Council of thej City of Sairrt Paul Does Ordain: � Section 1 That section 225.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the following definitions thereto: Park zone means a� area designated as a public park by the Council of the City of Saint Paul or by the Division of Parks and Recreation. Park zone includes the area within 300 feet or one city, block, whichever distance'�s greater, of the park boundary. Public Building me,ans any building together with, the immediate grounds upon which it is located, owned or occupied by a public or governri�ental entity, including but not limited to, the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of 11r�innesota and the Federal government. Public Event means an activity which is sponsored by a,governmental entity, or an activity for which a permit is issued by the City of Saint Paul, including but not limited to, block parties, neighborhood festivals, parades, Riverfest, Saint Paul Winter Carnival or Taste of Minnesota. School zone means: (a) any property owned, leased, or controlled by a school district or an organization operating a nonpublic school, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 123.92, subdivision 3, where an elementary, middle, secondary school, secondary vocational center or other school providing educational services in grade one through grade 12 is located, or used for educational purposes, or where extracurricular or cocurricular activities are �egularly provided; (b) the area surrpunding school property as described in clause (a) to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater, beyond the school property; and , �i (c) the area within a school bus when that bus is being used to transport one or more element�ry or secondary school students. Q � � G i.�1 A.l. . �y�-a��� Section 2 That section 225.1� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows: 22512. Penalties. I (:a�: Any person jviolating any provision of this chapter may be punished as provided by the Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 1.05. In addition, any firearih, ass ult weapon or knife in possession of such person and used or possessed i�violation of statute or ordinance shall be confiscated and sold, destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the department of police in accordance �vith the Saint Paul Administrative Code, Section 8.02(S). Conviction of any violation shall work an automatic revocation of all registrations� permits and licenses held hereunder by the violator. ;::;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:.:;;;:.;;:.;:.;:.:.:.;:.;�.;:.;:.:.:.:.:::.:.::::::::::..:::...:.::..:�::::::::::..::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.::::::::::.:. .::..:::::.:..::_.::::::.:�:::....:........... ; �:.�.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;.�.,....y..::.;: :..t..:...�.ry..;Y... ....}.:n.�4::¢�:�.]:::.#.�. :2:�:p:�:�;::::,{,/::�:,::A::�.},._�::{,.....;:>.:'::::'<..;..::;::::'..:.::::.:.....i,:.::.�.;:.;��:..;::. .:.....;;.:...:..:..:::.:::.:>::.:::..:.;,::;�..:.:: �:i�:i:::[::i:[:;t:t:itl':�:tiC:::iF�'.�,I;:�D.IAi:i���i.'4rit�.�KC�I::i:ti�:[:ik::i�,f.Ai�G4k�1J':::::�:.;.::::.:�:.:::i: ':::: .. :::::t:i'::i;::'':� '[:i.'. ::.::..:.. >•;.:i::�.�::.::...:: �.<:.�:.>::::::::::::.::::.�.::.:::.:::::::::::.:.:::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�.:t�£.:�;�,,.:.,.�a�����.:��.:�is.��:� .t�r:�r��c�. ::.:::�::::::.::::::::..:::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::._. �� ::.: :.:::: , ::::::::.::.::: .::::,.�?!,,::::>::::...:,::: . :..i.::...::::.:r.:::>•:.::::�:.>�::.:.�.�::::.:::.:.:.::.::...>.._::::�.:._:::.::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::,;.::»:s::::>:.>:�>....>:�>:�>:;o:::o>::;..:»o->o->::...�:. .::::.:::::::::.::::::::::::::. .:. ��{ 1�j{ y }� �y�syepc�,.>s.y�{��ry��'.#:p.::. . .y;; .tt.}� .:: :•:N y ::;'':.:.;:::::`:. .:..::: /�y(�;�.=yy�'�+� xy�� i!:2:::��..:.y.,,.�:..::'':::::a...:,...:, .11:;:; T.f�+S4��F:�-F.i::'W.V�#..�.'+fe�:�:::::�:!:�:1?:f,4::;:���i:::::''.'.i'i!�.�?V#?:::2:!T::iC�4t3::::F�Ti:i:: �:;;;::>� �:;�:::::.:::�::".?::'<::i::: '"1#.�:.;.�:i:L�` � �:�'�:: :::::::P.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.::.;:;�;:.;:.p.�`�_'.;:.;::�Un�:::::::��.::4t?�:::��I:�..:. :»»>::>��>;.<�:>�»»;;:>:»»>�>:»>::»::>�:»»»;.�:;�<:.;:.::;;,,.�,;;.:..........:..........................................................,.:.:,:.:.::::r:::::.::.,,:,:,«:;..::,:.............� :..:.:�:.>R:.:...r..>:.>:.>:.::.;:.>..;:.s:.:..s:...>:.»»:;.»:.;::.:.:.:.:f:.:::.:.:.:.::::.:.»:.;:::.:.::.>.: ::::::::::::: :::::.:.:�.:::<.:;;;;:: �:.,.:::..�.:�n::.,.,.:::::._...:�....:::::�'�.:k�....:.::.�::'�'':.:::::� .::`�.:::.: !:;'�::: :::;:i:..' :::'. :....: :..' 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By: BY , � �'°'a' �� ` ,;.: , ' . � S�4- P�u� t�ii p�tt,h ylLy I91 � 5frf� ciegree assaut� charge � fi�eci in attack on sf,udent ' The St. Pau. city attorney's of- fice filed fifth-degree assault charges against a 19-year-old man Monday for allegedly attacking a , high school student with a knife and baseball bat outside a city recreation center last week. ! Michael E. Roach Jr. allegedly threatened the student with a knife and struck him with a bat outside the Dayton's Bluff Recre- ation Center on Wednesday eve- � ning. The student required several stitches for a cut to his forehead. , ; Roact, allegedly was among a ; group of four to six bat-carrying j young men who jumped from a ' � maroon car and attacked three youths leaving the center. The oth- . er two fled uninjured. Police said the motive for the ', attack remains unclear, but there � may have been a history of ani- ' mosity between the two groups. Although the attackers were white and the victims black, police said race does not appear to have���en �a factor in th�assault. I I i �, ii ; II I � , I j .. _ } - _ , t, � � ` _ - r .� - �z�: x a�r,,. ..�''� r ' b.. :�~ t r� ,�. ��.,,,. -s R � j "'� �`.�, ���. � :�. �r �`�: t .� .. . j -, Y s ` ���'`�`'" �, ` 5�. ._ r e s t. �a ��� . ♦ e "` 'v+ .s ' aF,� � fa. w y�� .. W �.r� -. a 5.:.e1� . : ?°'i �, -i ,L 3 .�t �}� �•Tt . '1��a•�t-�S E'�`��`��.... '„�,Sy F b c��'�i.a -'� k • ,a" ti. c Y .4K4��- i s?c.�'K _ s--yy.� �x �,t � -w}'P y v C +� �� r�„ .�. � _ .c - _ . ,a.r. -n.� {' g.._'r�r . ., ,.- �, �.,;.5�++-�'; l �.e�' l�-�..,e:. t - ,�� ;r r� �i�~ .+Sw$k i r�. ...�^�-y 3 ��*� irlY a6 �. -+'^^ui� s+'�-ria,F',.�e�,i y„uz p'.3.}� ; : h cP` �. Yx . ".i�z'`'f �..,��ke _--,���R� 'i °�.::ti �4 1� - �� �� �YS�'i3'� 3&i �� �c` y� ,�.a��_�� y"!? 4 � �y�r"� i`• a 1+N' S k J �t t��.� � -� =S� ��{" -. :�' 'y� ''�- l.' .,-�'LS � �ys.l6 "��i y,- '1+.--�'ar.. 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