90-2134 1 .,O � �,G � � �• � ` �7 Council File � �-��3� ` y'°`� ; ���� � � 11136 _ _- Green Sheet � RESOLUTION IT F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented 8 Referred To ' .0 ..C.c� / �' �' / �-C.c-�t� Committee: Date j� � Co �9 U A Resolution esta�lishin the Wabasha St. Bridge Task Force WHEREAS� Mayo1�Jam�s Scheibel proposes to establish a Task Force to work closely with Public Works staff in the teviev� and design of the new WABASHA ST. BRIDGE over the Mississippi River, and WHEREAS, the existing 100 year old Wabasha St. Bridge, which is located at the first river crossing in Saint Paul, has long been posted for less than legal loads due to its deteriorated condition, and WHEREAS, the existingl Wabasha St. Bridge carries heavy volumes of traffic and is limited in load carrying capacity; �conseinsus by experts and engineers is that the 100 year old bridge must be replaced because of its continued deterioration, and WHEREAS, the C�ty ha$ started the replacement process by preparing Environmental Assessment, Historical and Bric�ge Ty�e reports and conceptual drawings, including cost estimates, and WHEREAS, the e�cistin� Wabasha St. Bridge is the main river crossing between Downtown and the rivertront and Har�iet IslBnd, and it is most important that the Wabasha Street Bridge Task Force represents the int�rests of the City by preserving the historical and cultural significance of this crossing, and WHEREAS, this T1ask F�rce will provide guidance in the planning and design processes for the last remaining major rilver bridge on Saint Paul's riverfront, and THEREFORE, BE IT H�REBY RESOLVED, That the membership of the Task Force shall consist of representatives ofthe fqllowing groups and agencies: the Saint Paul City Council,#� n'���� 6�e�issie�, unions, th� Minnesota Department of Transportation, one representative of District 3 and W. 7th St. Federati�n, one member of the public at large, the Downtown Chamber of Commerce, the Arts Communitty, Ar�hitectural Community, Parks and Recreation Commission and the City of Saint Paul Bridge iEnginieers, and be it '�� .• • /�,.., '�r � o � � ��i �A � Page2. of2. (.I`�JD'°?/37' FURTHER RESOLVED! That the Wabasha St. Task Force shall remain in force until the new Wabasha St. Brid�e go�s to contract which is estimated to be by 1994, and be it FURTHER RESO�VED� That the Wabasha St. Task Force shall submit all plan design recommendationsito th City Council for approval, and be it FINALLY RESOLWED, That Mayor James Scheibel is authorized to proceed with the selection of representatives to servej on the Wabasha St. Bridge Task Force by the open appointment process. i � ; Requested by Department of: Y�eas� Nays Absent imon PubliC W011cS AW/10-18-90 �— ��1�� ��a'cc3�@E— "� I ,� —RB��Rlili Thune .� B Thomas J. Eggum, Director . Wi1s�n Y= 'i G% �' Adopted by Council� Datle �A� 3 19g1 Form Approved by o Adoption rt'ifiedlb Cquncil Secretary By' � Approved by Ma r for Sub ' s on to By' , Council Approved Mayor: D,,ate .1A N � jgg� '� � ' �� � - �J.���,��� / By: ,����4'r� � BY' `�G PU�!#S�iED ��,iV 1� `�� l a� �^O �,� V� 1-�t !'F`sl � ' � � ouncil File � 0���.37 � 11136 Green Sheet # RESOLUTION - �' IT F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �esented By Referred To � ,!� _� �/�ic� �GGcx.l� � �.t' I Committee: Date j°� � (� �7 V , � A Resolution establishin the Wabasha St. Bridge Task Force WHEREAS, Mayor Jam�s Scheibel proposes to establish a Task Force to work closely with Public Works staff in the neviewi and design of the new WABASHA ST. BRIDGE over the Mississippi River, and WHEREAS, the existing 100 year old Wabasha St. Bridge, which is located at the first river crossing in Saint Paul, has Ipng b en posted for less than legal loads due to its deteriorated condition, and WHEREAS, the existing !Wabasha St. Bridge carries heavy volumes of traffic and is limited in load carrying capacity; consemsus by experts and engineers is that the 100 year old bridge must be replaced because pf its �ontinued deterioration, and WHEREAS, the City has'started the replacement process by preparing Environmental Assessment, Historical and Bridge Type reports and conceptual drawings, including cost estimates, and WHEREAS, the existing 1Nabasha St. Bridge is the main river crossing between Downtown and the rivertront and Harriet Isla�nd, and it is most important that the Wabasha Street Bridge Task Force represents the interests �f the City by preserving the historical and cultural significance of this crossing, and ' WHEREAS, this Task Farce will provide guidance in the planning and design processes for the last remaining major riv!er bridge on Saint Paul's riverfront, and THEREFORE, BE IT HE�iEBY RESOLVED, That the membership of the Task Force shall consist of representatives of the following groups and agencies: the Saint Paul City Council, the Rwertrertt O�st t7 Ge�i�s�ie�n, unions, the Minnesota Department of Transportation, one representative of District 3 and W. 7th St. Federation, one member of the public at large, the Downtown Chamber of Commerce, the Arts Community, Architectural Community, Parks and Recreation Commission and the City of Saint Paul Bridge Engin�ers, and be it I > � � � r • � OC`� lGI �A � Page2. of2. ���°?�3y FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Wabasha St. Task Force shall remain in force until the new � Wabasha St. Bridge goes to contract which is estimated to be by 1994, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Wabasha St. Task Force shall submit all plan design recommendations to the City Council for approval, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That Mayor James Scheibel is authorized to proceed with the selection of representatives to serve on the Wabasha St. Bridge Task Force by the open appointment process. � Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: imon PubliC WOticS AW/10-18-90 —�'seea�ee r Dc t 1-.nn n Thune By: Thomas J. Eggum, Director ,, : Wi 1 sr�n ' G�i L: Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by o Adoption Cert�fied by Council Secretary By� Approved by Ma r for Sub i s on to � By' Council Approved by Mayor: Date ` � , � :���,����:� By: � BY� � V�'i'� I�l� � � !��`tY �` ' I C-C��--c.����C.i✓f Council File # ��"��.37 . i Green Sheet � �1136 RESOLUTION ! F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��, ._. /.5. Presented 8 _ ;. . Referred To ��"� Committee: Date ��l '� _,.;:;� `4 A Resolution establlishin� the Wabasha St. Bridge Task Force � WHEREAS, Mayon Jam�s Scheibel proposes to establish a Task Force to work closely with Public Works staff in the r+eview�and design of the new WABASHA ST. BRIDGE over the Mississippi River, and WHEREAS, the existing 100 year oid Wabasha St. Bridge, which is located at the first river crossing in Saint Paul, has long b�en posted for less than legal loads due to its deteriorated condition, and WHEREAS, the existing�abasha St. Bridge carries heavy volumes of traffic and is limited in load carrying capacity; �onse sus by experts and engineers is that the 100 year old bridge must be replaced because of its aontinued deterioration, and WHEREAS, the Cit� has Istarted the replacement process by preparing Environmental Assessment, Historical and Bridge Type reports and conceptual drawings, including cost estimates, and WHEREAS, the exi�ting '�Nabasha St. Bridge is the main river crossing between Downtown and the rivertront and Harri�t Island, and it is most important that the Wabasha Street Bridge Task Force represents the interests of the City by preserving the historical and cultural significance of this crossing, and WHEREAS, this Task Force will provide guidance in the planning and design processes for the last remaining major river bridge on Saint Paul's riverfront, and THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the membership of the Task Fo l��e�` representatives of t�e following groups and agencies: the Saint Paul City Counci � �°� Ge�i�ssie�, unionS, the �Ainnesota Department of Transportation, one representativ � 7 and W. 7th St. Fed�ratior�, one member of the public at large,the Downtown Chamber of Commerce, the Arts Community�� Architectural Community, Parks and Recreation Commission and the City of Saint Paul Bridge Engineers, and be it _ � � I j I . . � .. . � . � . . . . - . ..� � . . i -. .. 1 . �, . � . - � . i _ �, �' �. I. �.� .:'..�.� . . . ... ._ . ... . . � � . . .. . ... .....��_ _ . ..i. .._..._ . . .. � . � - � � � . . . . . . . . . I O t�� � V I t�/�1 L. _ Page 2. or' 2. �`�D.�/.�:, , FURTHER RESOLVED� That the Wabasha St. Task Force shall remain in force until the new Wabasha St. Bridge goes to contract which is estimated to be by 1994, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the Wabasha St. Task Force shall submit all plan design recommendations to the City Council for approval� and be it �:`t -��� FINALLY RESOLVED, That Mayor James Scheibel is authorized to proceed with the selection of representatives to serve on the Wabasha St. Bridge Task Force by the open appointment process. Requested by Department of: Yeas Na s Absent imon PUbIiC WOtics AW/10-18-90 —�eea�ee D°}*""" Thomas J. Eggum, Director � ThnnA Wilson By' ' ��� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by o Ad.option Cert�i.fied by Council Secretary By� Approved by Ma r for Sub i s on to By� Council �,,.� � � Approved by Mayor: Date r��J� /' / By: ,`�7LB����[t��ZJ- By: � � � yo-����� - 7. FINAL, ORDER: Improve the following streets with LAID OVER ,a bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutters, INDEFINITELY concrlete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard restolration and a lantern style street lighting �syste�n for Walnut Street from Exchange Street to !SmithiAvenue and Chestnut Street from Smith iAvenu�e to Thompson Street. All to be known as the S venth/Kellogg Area Street Paving and �ight�ng Project. (Laid over in Committee 11/7/90) (To b� laid over indefinitely) 8. RESOLUTION - 90-2083 - Amending the 1989-1990 CIB APPROVED 3-0 budge by adding �325,000 for the reconstruction of �ando ph Ave. between Davern and Brimhall . (Refe red to Committee 11/27/90) 9. RESOL�ITION - 90-2005 - Requesting the Commissioner APPROVED 3-0 of th� Minnesota Department of Transportation to deterr�ine the maximum safe speed on Red Rock Road. (Refe�red to Committee 11/20/90) 10. �tESOL �TION - 90-1989 - Amending the 1990 Budget by APPROVED 3-0 �ddin� $492,328.00 to financing and spending plan for S�wer Service Enterprise Fund. (Referred to �ommi�tee 11/15/90) 11. RESOL TION - 90-1987 - Authorizing City officials LAID OVER to ex end Municipal State Aid Funds for the City's 4 WEEKS share of the proposed improvements on County State Aid Hi�ghway No. 64 (Prosperity Avenue) between Johnsan Parkway to E. Arlington Avenue. (Referred �o Corrlmittee 11/15/90) 12. RESOLUTION - 90-1967 - Indemnifying the State of LAID OVER Minnes'ota for granting a variance to Municipal 4 WEEKS 9tate IAid to design Speed Standards on Prosperity avenuei between Rose Ave. and E. Maryland Ave. (Refer�red to Committee 11/13/90) 13. RESOLUTION - 90-2084 - Authorizing the Director LAID OVER of Public Works to request a variance from 4 WEEKS Miunicipal State Aid rules for street width on Claren�ce St. between E. Maryland and E. Arlington Avenue�,. (Referred to Committee 11/27/90) 14. RESOLU�TION - 90-2085 - Authorizing the Director LAID OVER o�f Pub ic Works to request a variance from 4 WEEKS M�nici al State Aid rules for street width on P�ospe ity Avenue between E. Jessamine Avenue a d E. ' Arlington Avenue. (Referred to Committee 1�/27/��) 15. LU ION - 90-2134 - Creating a Wabasha Street APPROVED AS B idge Task Force. (Referred to Committee 12/6/90) AMENDED 3-0 � � (continued) I � ,��,t,,�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Members: OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Roger J.Goswitr,chair a �'�.� David Thune,vice chair i �������1�� �„ Tom Dimond Bob Long ''• "° o�:n�,�,s,,seo RECEIWED ,... Committee Report ��9��0 To: Saint Paui City Council ��TY CLERK � From: Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair Hearing Date ACTION Approval of Minutes of November 21, 1990. APPROVED 3-0 1. 1/8/91 VACATION: Petition of Darren L. Bergstrom for APPROVED 3-0 the vacation of part of the alley in C. B. Lawton's Arrangement. Area is bounded by Curtice, Woodbury, Sidney and Brown. Purpose is to increase rear lot size. 2. 1/8/90 VACATION: Petition of Randall and Theresa M. APPROVED 3-0 Schrankler for the vacation of part of a utility easement in Lot 6, Block 1, Area Development Plat No. 1. Area is bounded by Winchell , E. Hoyt, E. Nevada and Barclay. Purpose is to cure a building encroachment onto a public utility easement. 3. 1/8/90 VACATION: Petition of City of Saint Paul to APPROVED vacate part of the alley in C. A. Mann's SUBSTITUTE Subdivision. Area is located at the intersection RESOLUTION 3-0 of Hope and Margaret Streets. Purpose is to cure building encroachment and permit additional building improvements. 4. 1/8/90 VACATION: Petition of Co-operative Plating LAID OVER • Company for the vacation of Iglehart Avenue INDEFINITELY between Snelling Avenue and Fry Street. Purpose is for new building addition. 5. FINAI ORDER: Acquiring permanent utility LAID OVER easements for the Larpenteur/Jackson Area Storm INDEFINITELY Sewer Project. (Laid over in Committee 10/17/90, 11/21/90) 6. FINAL ORDER: For constructing the Larpenteur/ APPROVED 4-0 Jackson Area Storm Sewer Project. Bounded by ALTERNATIVE #8 Larpenteur, Soo Line RR, Burlington Northern RR '`� and DNR right-of-way and I-35E. Also, installation of sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. (Laid over in Committee 10/17/90, 11/21/90) (continued)