90-2130 ' �' � f i� Council File # D ' ,3� . f�-�_� � ��•� � ,,.� ! � ` �. � Green Sheet# �// � RESOLUTION � �"1( OF AINT PA L, MINNESOTA Presented By: v^ Referred Ta �' Committee: Date /.�— �- �'G 1 WHEREAS,building demolit�on material buried in a group of caves located in the south bluff off Plato Street(behind Group Health 2 and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture),started burning and emitting heavy smoke on Monday,August 27, 1990 and 3 4 WHEREAS,the Fire Department cannot effectively and safely get water to these fires to extinguish them,and 5 6 WHEREAS,these fires and smoke are both a nuisance and hazard to life and property,the Fire Department has ordered these 7 cave openings closed by sea!ling them with ground material to smother the fires,and 8 ' 9 WHEREAS,the Parks and Recreation Division through City Purchasing have,to meet this emergency,contracted with Ray 10 Anderson Excavation Company for personnel,equipment and materials at an estimated cost of$21,000 to close the cave 11 openings and extinguish the fires,and 12 13 WHEREAS,The Mayor,pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter recommends the following transfers for the 1990 General 14 Fund budget. 15 ' CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET 16 TRANSFER FROM: 17 General GovernmenC Accounts 18 Contingent Reserve General 19 09060-0548 Contingency: Council Action Required 52,850 (21,000) 31,850 20 21 22 �, 23 ' 24 ' 25 26 27 Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Dimond Goswitz � Community Services Long ' Maccabee � Rettman By: Thune Wilson Approval Recommended by Budget Director: ,adopted by co��c�i: qate !� DEC 2 '7 199U By: � Adoption Certified by�ouncil Secretary: Form Ap rov d b ity Att ey: By: By: Approve Mayor qate �C� 2 � j99p Approv d a or r Submission Council: By: '��'�'li�'�� BY: � � �/ Prepared by Saint PaulBudget OHice (Jeanetla c:\723data\TRANSFRt t.wkt.all 11/7/90) ��ees���{��� ! ',�''� ' �� �I l`V . , _.���"�-� � �� � L. � C� �-a�-�6 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI7Y SERVICES DIVISION OF PARKS AND 'RECREATION PARKS CROUNDS MA NTEN NCE Amended SPENDING PLAN - TRANSFER TO Budget Changes Budget -------------- --------------- ----------- -------------- 001 GENERAL FUNDI 03132-0271 BU�LDIN� - REPAIR SERVICES 0.00 21 ,000.00 21 ,000.00 ALL OTHER SPENDIINC 133,021 ,638.00 0.00 133,021 ,638.00 ' ! --------------- ----------- -------------- �I 133,021 ,638.00 0 133,021,638 ' _______________ 3=====_�___ �_____________ � ' THEREFORE, RESOL`VED, hat the City Council approves these changes to the 1990 budget and directs the prop�r Ci y officials to execute payment to Ray Anderson Excavation Company upon completion pf cl sing cave openings. �I Approval Recommended Budget Director . � Page 2 of 2 itavs llbs�ut R�qu�st�d by Departm�at o!: --«— i - �*'� �6�/L9✓�! � 12��%C.E'_ �� . �� �t� ,�� /��� �/�k�'' �.� � ��_ �i.�. o�r z � �990 ta� �► ity t�� l�aope�oa c.reui.a b�r couacsl s.cr.cary �r= aY= 1►pprov�d !or subvis�ion to �ou�cil xay�on: qat� �FC 2 � 1990 s�r= �/,�,����� �r= �3`I!C.7i.^•i9�a�°� F� M �� I f�l { � i . � . � � ���'a'-�° ' � ' COUNCIL ADOPTED 1990 BUDGET I 'I GENERAL CONTINGENT RESERVE (09060-0537) Ias of November 7, 1990 I Council Changes/Transfers Adopted ------------------------------- 1990 Council ' Budget File Date Amount Available Beginning Balance ; 214,240 � Youth Issues Coo�rdinator 90-341 (29,078) Drug Awareness Ptrograms Other 0 ' Financing Out of Town PED/�'inan�e Dept Candidates Other 0 ' Financing Personnel Data E�try �emp Withdrawn 0 Park's Upgrades ', Pending (100,000) PED Festival Fund I Pending (24,212) i Hazardous Waste Dispo�al Pending (8,100) Park's Cave Sealing Pending (21,000) ----------- ------------ ------------ Ending Balance 214,240 (182,390) 31,850 pending - Pending actioh by the Finance Committee or identified but not yet submitted by the depaxtment. withdrawn - Request withdrawn before council action Budget/BJ 700/GRESRV90.wk1 11/7/90 ,� � � i -� . . . � �- f ����3� a BEPARTML°NTbFFICE/CAUNpL DATE INITIATED Community Service - P rks 07/26/90 GREEN SHEET NO. 471 � CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAU DATE II%TIAUDATE DEPARTMEN'f DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL John Poor 646-0 91 �� �GTY A1TOqNEY �cm cx�+K MUST 8E ON COUNdL A(3ENDA BY( T� ApUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. Q au►von ca+�sr�wn � Chief Acco TOTJIL N OF SIQNATURE PA (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATUR� 7 Parks & Recreation ACTION REOUESTEO: Approval of Counc 1 Re olution amending the spending plan of Activity 03132 - Park�J�:�c;�Jr Grounds Maintenan e. �C(�,�- �-m �p t') �� (�tir���.�0 �-z� 's �;t ��t't� . RE NDATIONS:APP�(�1 a� (R) COUNC�COMMITTEE/RESEARCN I�ORT OPTI _PIANNINO COMMIBSI�I CIVIL 8E ������ """'-Y� SEP 2 61990 _p6 COIdMITTEE �,�� coMMeNrs: NO V $ 1990 �S�iou —���� $�P��������E CITY A1"T0�'IV�EY �Nrru�nNO r��,issue,oP m wnn.wn.�.w�sw,wn»: Building demoliti n mat rial buried in caves located in the south bluff off Plato Street started burning a d emi ing heavy smoke on Monday, August 27, 1990. The Fire Department cannot safely ext guis these fires and has ordered that these caves be sealed with ground material t smot ex the fires. Spending authority is needed to meet this emergency situati . ` . • �n�,t,,,,.; r s n o a,uc�r I a� w�� �P.lr�"S-I-� ✓�s i��1 C� �cwi'1S G,�.ti�'h,���.x� i h P Gr6w►-►d �f"G • ADVM(TAOE8IF IIPPROYED: The fires will be afel extinguished and further danger will be avoided. RECEIVE� pSADVMlT/�OE8 IF APPROVED: None MAYOR'S OFFICE DIBAOVANTA(�1ES IF NOT APPROVEO: The firea and smok cou d cause serious harm to both life and pr�perty. �°Q(l�rCr! r, , ,;,����+^� n� ; . RECEIVED �- n��,- NQV2319A0 No v 1 � ;�Jo „ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT 1�OOO (bgT/I�VENUE SUDOETED(CIRq.E YF.S NO F�t�ro�Na sou� Gene al F nd - �'1' r1�" ��TmTy Nu�R 03132 FIWINCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) ���:J�"^� " �� _ n �J� �� , . ' �o-, ���� Committee Report Finance Commi;ttee December 17, 1990 Page 3 , I il. Resoluti'lon 90-2081 - amending the 1990 Budget by adding $2,500 t'o the Financing and Spending Plans for Personneil/Special Projects/Testing. (Referred to Council 11/27/90I) Approved, 3-0. 12 . Resolution 90-2145 - amending the 1990 Budget by adding $3,8�64 tp the Financing and Spending Plans for Special Projects - Personnel Office. (Referred from Council 12/1,1/90p $2,000 w�s approved; $1,864 was sent to Council without recotnmen�lation. Resolution to be redone. 13 . Resoluti n 90-2125 - changing the rate of pay for Equal Employme�t Opportunity Specialist in the Salary Plan and Rates of, Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council 12/06/90� Approved 3-0. 14 . Resolluti n 90-2130 - amending the 1990 Budget by tran�fer ing $21,000 from Contingent Reserve to Department of C�mmu ity Services - Parks and Recreation - Parks Ground Main ena ce. (Referred from Council 12/06/90) vedl3-0. 15. Resolutic�n 90-1965 - amending the 1990 Budget and tran�ferring $149, 531 from Contingent Reserve to Community Services ''- Parks and Recreation Division/Salary Cost. (Ref�rred from Council 11/13/90) Approved '3-0. 16. Resolution 90-1988 - amending the 1990 Budget by adding $3 ,753 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Division of Parks and Recreation - Fees - Municipal Athletics. (Referredl from Council 11/15/90) Approvedj3-0.