90-2127 r . , ' � � �� �-�! ��,� L � J ��� ,; Council File #` ' � � 7 Green Sheet # f,�7� RESOLUTION � I CI F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To ��(i _ Committee s Date f�—� —�� WHEREAS, 1'he D�epart ent of Community Services, Division of Libraries, has detemuned that the salary budget in thej Inter�,ibrary Loan Fund is insufficient, and WHEREAS, Contr ct set�lements exceeded the budgeted reserve amount, and � WHEREAS, The I1�[ayor �ursuant to section 10.07.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appro�riatio�n revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 budget, and WHEREAS, The 11�[ayor �recommends the following changes to the 1990 budget: COMMUNITY SE�2VIC�S - LIBRARIES ' Current Budget Changes Amended Budget InterLibrary Loan �und Financing Plan 355-33430- Use of fund b�lance -0- 11,480 11,480 All Others 231,492 � 231•492 ' 231,492 11,480 242,972 Spending Plan 355-33430- 0161 Salary Needs 2,789 9,500 12,289 0439 Fringe Bene�i4s 29,732 1,980 31,712 All Others 198,971 � 198,971 231,492 11,480 242,972 I � RESOLVED, That the �ity Council approves these changes to the 1990 budget. 0���l G I �I A L ' � D-���� q � , �, '� � � ' Approval Recommended: Budget uector I � Navs Absent Requested by Department of: zmon osw z on � mmunit vi es accs ee �t e man �t iuson �'�' BY= , �' `e ie..R,�/Gq ie2.A Adopted by Council# Dat�e DEC 2 7 �gg� Form Ap o ed Cit Atto ey Adopti Certified,by Cquncil Secretary By: BY' Appro e b or for Submission to Council Approved b Mayor: Date (�('. 2 � ��9Q g ,�,�/'fi,t�i�t� By� Y� , P���; 6�D „: :�� 14�1 . . . �90 -�/27 TM[NTIC)FFlCE/COUNGI DATE INITIATED Corr�nunit Services �ib aries l0 22 90 GREEN SHEET No. 9�7a CONTACT PER�N 8 PNONE �NIT4W OATE INITIAUDATE m DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �'SITY COUNCIL Ad 1 i ne M. Car 1 son 292 6390 �� �'ATT�RNEY CITY CIERK MUST BE ON COUNpL 11QENDA BY(DAT ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.3 MOT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOH(OR A8818TANT) TOTAL�►OF SIQNATURE PAO (CLIP ALL IOCAT101�FOR SK#NATUR� � ACT10N RECUE8TED: Approva 1 of Counc i 1 Reso ut ion NO V $ 1990 CITY AT REOOMYENDn :Ap�xove W a R� I� COUNqL COMM REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOAAAMSSION L 8E COMAAI8810N ��'Y$T PHONE N0. _GB OOMMITTEE COAAME.NTB: _STAFF _ —°'�'�°°"'� — NOV 15 1990 SUPPORTB WHICH OOUNqL OBJECIIVE MMTIATINO PROBLEM.188UE. (Who� Whsn�WlNre.NThy): The Division of Lib arie special fund for the Interlibrary Loan Department was not budgeted with s ffic ent funds to cover the salary dollars for the budget year 1990. There a e fu ds available in the 1989 fund balance for Fund Number 355-33430 to cover he a ount needed for salary dol lars.qmp( ;h�tYuQ,p,�� Fri✓l�t C,hc,J��Q � ADVANTAGE8IF MPFiOVED: The Interlibrary Lo n pr gram will:�ie able to continue for the balance of 1990 thereby:meeting the term of the agreement with the State of Minnesota for the provisi�a of these .. ervi es. as�ov�rrr�s��r�o- RECEIIlED - None OCT ��� 19�(l .' BUDGfT OFw��t;E o�rMrr�s�rar�a The terms of the a reem t with State of Minnesota would not be met and the service would not be provi ed fo a portion of the 199RECEIYEDyear. Co���;� ���,,,����� Ctn�e� 1��,31gA0 �vo v 1 � �s�o TOTAL AYOUNT OF TRANSACTI v _ C08T/REVENUB e!lDQETED(CIIKXE ONE) YES NO �,a�� 1989 und B 1 ance ,�,�N� 355-33430 � FINANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� �� ; ' - �p-aia 7 Committee Repart Finance Committee December T7, 1.990 Page 2 5. Resolution 90-1927 - amending the 1990 Budget by adding $73, 000 to the Financing and Spending Plan for Street Repair - Cleaning Fund - Equipment Purchase. (Referred from CounCil 1'i/O 1/9 0) Apprqved 3-0. 6. Reso�utio�n 90-2153 - authorizing payment of $2,468.24 to Melvi�n W. Riley from the Tort Liability Fund in settlement of hxs claim. (Referred from Council 12/11/90) Approvedl3-o. 7. Resolutian regarding the claims of Officers Berry and Lutchen. , (Laid over in Finance 07/23/90 at the request of the City IAttorney) APPROVED '3-0. Reso]�utio� fulfilling the claims of Officers Indehar, Bailey and Simmo s. (Laid over in Finance 07/23/90 at the request of the City Attorney) Approved '��3-0. 8. Resolution 90-129 - amending the 1990 Budget by adding $7, 1],0. 00 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Housing Informati'�on Office. (Referred from Council 12/06/90) Approved 3-0. 9. Reso utio�n 90-2127 - amending the 1990 Budget by adding $11,�80.OI0 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Community Servi ces I- Libraries - Salary needs. (Referred from Council 12/0�/90), Apprc�ved �3-0. 10. Reso 'utio� 90-2147 - authorizing an agreement with the State Depa�tmenit of Education for the continuation of Lending Libralry rielationship with the St. Paul Division of Libralries. (Referred from Council 12/11/90) Apprdved 3-0.