90-2115 U � `•I V I 1 �A`„� Council File # Q ��/��
Green Sheet #
Presented By
Referred To Comm-ittee: Date
Bt IjT RE 't�LVEU, Tr��at the Counc i 1 of the C i ty c�f Sa i nt P�ru 1
herebY certif�es and approves the action of the �roperty (>-ode
Enforcement. k�' ard ofi Appea I s perta i n i ng to the i=o I i ow i ng I i sted
property ,an� s shown by thiP Excer�ted M i nutes ofi sa i cf F'ropErty
Code �nfa'rcem .ni; k3aar-d, and d�ted Qctober 9, 1 tiyG and mar�ked
EXH I BI�1� A!, an�i attacr��ed Yiereto and made a part hereof by
refererice: !,
DAl-E OF k�UAkU�
It]/9/90 ; 77-`�U-H 619 Lafayette Rd Nancy Ulson
National Handicap
Hous i rig 1 nst i tute
BOARU ACTION': Granted a v�riance on the instal1ation of a fence
� to a he i c�tit of 1 t� Feet �ar secur i ty reasons.
f'ROPERTY DESCRIP7�lON : Warren & Winsiows additian
�� � �t� the t.own of St. Paul
vac St accruing 8 part of
Blks 7 & � Veg at inter-
section of NWLY line of
' La�ayet�te Rd as widened &
W I i ne of OtseqG St, tPi N
a f ong sd St 8j fit, th� 5 t39
Deg �4 M i n 1 0 Sec W 4U0 t=t
�th 5 51 Deg 34 Min 10 Sec W
59.51 ft, �:r� 5 37 Deg �$
M i n 1 7 Sec E 31�U . 35 tt t.o
� NWLY line of Lafayette Rd,
th NELY a I or�g sd Rd 3 1 7 . �8
ft to beg.
' i
� R�I �INAL �y�a�s
1U/9/y0 I 67-y0-F Lt�E3 Laurei Ave. Micnaei �ox
BOARU ACl4 I ON: I Grante�i a vai� i ance to be a f 1 owed to i r�sta t 1 a
^!T^ �-��^, "Jomy" I adder to be use� as a seconc� ex i t firom the
tri i rd t� 1 oor w i th cer�ta i n cond i t i ons , �tf�at an
opena�� ie batf��room or bedroom wind�w (window must
, rneet c�de re�uirements ) be allowed to be used as d
' exit to the iadder , and �hat there must be a giass
�I breaker dev9ce near the window to be used to open
' and/or break the window in an emer�gency situation,
� al5o that there be no locks an tt�e window
j des i c�nated fior� an egress w i nciow.
PRONEkfY pESC�21PT1UN: ��evens Rearrangement of
u_—WW �^ Lats 1 12 and 13 etc
ttie � 2:�. 7 ft. of W 9E�.37
ft as measured along the N
Line of
Lot 1 Blk 72
lU/9/y0 E�8-90-F 286 Laurel Ave. Patricia Hamp1
BUA�D AC�I�l ON: Granted a vai�i ance to be a I i owECi to i nsta i i a
^ '"Jomy" iadder to be used as a secc�nd exit firom the
th i rd f l o�r w i�tr� certa i n cond i t i ons , that an
openabfe bedr-oom or bathraom window (window must
meet code requirement� ) be allowed to be used as a
Pxit to the ladc�er, and that there must be a glass
breaker cievice near the wind�w ta be used to open
and/or break the window in an emez�gency situation,
also that there be no locks on tf�e window
designated as �n egress wir�dow.
{'�UP�f�TY DESCR I Pl� I UN_� Stevens kearran�emen�t d,f
� Lots 1 i� and 1�� et.c
; tY�e E 23 . 7 ft of W 1 �0. U 7
�, ft as measured ai�ng the N
' line o�
�� Lat 1 f3�lk 7�
OR�lG1 �lAL . �i��o -�r�.�
10/9/90 'I ��-�O-F 29� Laurel Ave. Frances F'. Ahlfs
BOARd AC'TIUN: �I Granted a variance �tu be ailawed tn install a
� � "Jomv" ladd�r to be us�d as a secur�d exit from
j tt�e th i rd f 1 oor w i th certa i n corid i t i ons , that an
, o�enable bPdroom or bathroam window (window must
' meet code requirements} be allowed t.� �e usec� as
an exit to the ladder, and that t��ere rnust be a
aiass breaker device r�ear the windows to be used
to open and/or lareak trie window in an emergency
s i tuat i on. a 1 so that th�r�e k�e r�o I ocks on the
; window designated as an earess window.
PROPERTY �ESCRIPI-IUN; 5tev�ns kearrangemeni: afi
' Lots 1 l� and 13 etc
the E 23. 7 ft. af W 12 .67
ft �s measurecl a 1 ong the N
I i ne of
Lot i B1k 7Z
lU/��/9U 70-9�-F 2y4 Laurei Ave. Fred Shank
BUARD ACTION: Granted a variance ta be aifc�wed to instail a
� "Jomy" iadder to be used as a sei:and exit fram the
third floar with certain conditions , that. an
openable bedroom or bathr-oom windaw (windnw rnust.
' meet code t�equiremer�ts) be aliowed to be used as
' an exit to the ladder, anci that there must be a
c�lass breaker device near the winc�ow to be used to
open and/or break the window in an emergencY
situa�tion. also, -that ther� be no i�cks on the
wi ndow des i cinated as tt��e egress w i ndow.
F'RUPER-fY DESCR 1 P7I ON : St.ev�ris Rearrangernent of
� � T` Lots 1 1L dnd 13 etc
beq at NW cor of Lat l , tt�
,� E alonq N Iine 25. 2"1 ft th
S O Ueq , L� Min, 24 Sec W
foz- 9L . 1 fit: th N Sa Dec7, 56
M i n � for 24 . 51 fit; th IV to
be�� Part ofi
Lat 1 BLk 72
ORI � IIVAL . . ��o--���s
10/�/90 ', 71-9U-F 1778 Rame Ave. Uave Toeniskoetter
', Minn. JEw�ish Grour�
, Home
BUARU ACTION: i Grdnted a variance frorr the requir�ment far
A � installa�tion af cieadbalt i�cks on sieepina rooms.
PR(]PER��Y DESCk1PlION : Lane' s Hiqhland Nark
. _�_.__.._______
' Ex E LG 5/ t0 fit Lot 4 and
�� �x W 39 ft Lnt 6 and all of
I Lot 5 Ei 1 k 28
1 0,/y/�0 il 74-y0-F 1 1U6 Un i vers i ty Katr� I een Henry
I Aldin� Carp.
BOARC� ACl-IUN: I Granted a vari�nce frorn tl-7e requirement for
' instailation of d�adk�olt l�cks on sieeping rooms .
PROPER�TY DESC�'i PT I ON : Howard �'ark
_____ Lots 1 2 dr7t1
Lat 3
lU/y/90 ' 75-�U-F 1540 Lincnln Ave. E3ro. Michael Lee
Chr� i st i an Eirothers
Ynutl�� Home
BC�AF�D ACl-I ON: �!� Granteci a var i ance f rom tr-ie r�equ i i�em�rit f=or
instaiiation of dEadbolts locks or�i sleeping roorns .
F'ROPER rY UESC I Pl�I(7N: �ummi t V i ew
� Lots � and Lot 5 Blk 6
QRaCINAL . ��a—a�,�
1�/9/90 73-90-F 761 E . 3rd St. Paul A. Wolff
BUARD AC7ION: Granted a variance from the requirement of
installing a handsink in the bathroom of Apt. #3,
also, included in the motion that the unit be
occupied by only 2 persons. �
PROPERTY DESCRIP7ION: Highland addition to
' St. Paul
Lot Z4 BLk 2
and be it,
FURTHER R�SOLVEU, That upon passage of this resolution the
City Clerk is hereby authorized and dir-ected to transmit a copy
of this resa1ution for recorc�ing to the Ramsey County Office of
Register of Deeds .
eas Navs Absent Requested by Department of:
imon �_
osw�tz� _� Communi Ser ices—P
on� �,_ --
ettman • `-�
une _� By: �l
i son
Adopted by Council: Date
�o� `� 7 �9� Form ed by 'ty At rne
Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary gy. , �y.� � � �/ - y(1
By: Approved by Mayor for Submis ' n to
Approved by Mayor: Date i/' �,' � `%�/�'L�£
� ., 1990
B �` /' By:
Y= �/
�� �ptJBl1SHE0 D E C 81990_.
' 5
, l�-�e-��,�
(;0111I11L1T�11�LrV1 @S , DATE IN►TIATED
GREEN SHEET No. �d�►�8
2 9 —7 7 5 C P,+�rM�r apecroA 0 cm oouNC��
Resolution ap rov ng the actions of the Property Code Enfo.rcement Board
of Appeals.
—�� ��:
—���,� N OV 1 91990
su�v�s w��oou�a�� Comm�y�ias
��xnnnNO�.�ssue. ,wnn.wns�,wne►a.wn»:
Approving the act on of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals
for the meeti g o October 9, 1990.
A .
Variances to he roperty will be ratified.
9 - variances
None. ,
as�ov�wr�es iF rwT�r+pove�:
The action ta en y the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals
will be retur ed o the Board by the City Council for further review.
t�uNO�ci SouHCE ACTIVITY NUMOER 3 3 2 6 3
. • ' . ��Or�/V
MEMBER5 PR�SENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman
Ron Ankeny
Joan Pearson
William Tilton
MEMBERS AB�ENT: James Laughiin
' Don Weida
OTHERS PRE�ENT: Pat Fish, 5t. Paul Fire Prevention
5teve Roy, D i v i s i on of Pub 1 i c Hea 1 ti-n
Harold Robinson, Division of Public Heaith
Curtis Carr Winston Owens
Michael Cox Fred Shank
Frances Ahifs Rose Glassman
Brian Neison Jim Masterman
�orothy Hoskings �lancy Olson
'' David 7nompsor� T. Williams
' K. Cashay Kathieen Henry
i Bro. Michael Lee Anderson
' Dave Toeniskoetter Paui Wolff
Uave Garske
STAFF : , Josephine P. Bongiovanni
1 . Ap��ro al of the minutes of the SeptEmber 11 , 1990 meeting as
subrni�ted in writing.
Motiom made by Joan Pearson approving the minutes of the -
September 11 , 1990 meeting as submitted in writing. Seconded
Chairman Glassman referred to a letter he received from Pat Fish,
5t. Paul F �re Prevention regarding: DEADBOLT LOCK REQUIREMENTS.
wherein, the request was made that the board grant a blanket
exemption for the requirement of deadbolt locks on ali doors for
certain ocCUpancies, such as convents, supervised living
facilities and shelters that house runaway or problem teens,
physically or mentally handicapped adults, or others that by
nature of the sevices provided, require the staff access to the
room without a key for the safety of the occupants. Fire
Prever�tion� would submit a list and description of the occupancy
each month' at the Board meeting. They wouid meet the following
1 . The safety of the occupant is not compromised by
eliminating the deadbolt.
2. Elimination of the deadbolt is essential to the nature
of the life style in the occupancy.
3. S�aff or responsible adults are on the premises 24 hours
to assure the privacy and safety of the occupant.
BOARD ACTIDN Motion made by William Tilton to grant the Fire
Marshall the power to exempt the requirement of deadbolt locks
for certairn occupancies, according to the criteria of the letter
dated 5ept�mber 13 , 1990. (Letter attached to the minutes)
Joan Pears�n made the motion to grant a variance on the deadbolts
for the prpperties at 1778 Rome Ave, 1706 University Ave. and
1540 Lincoln Ave. , these are group homes and . fall under the
criteria of the requirements needed. Seconded by Wiiiiam Tilton.
76-90-H ' 281 Kellogg Blvd E . PMA Limited Partnership
(Vacant bidg) Brian Nelson
APPEARANCEt Brian Nelson 8 Jim Masterman
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a waiver of the vacant building
fee in the amount of $ 1 ,660.00.
PROCEEplNG�: The Appellant stated that the Partnership is
insolvent. ' It has been For Sale for some years. There is the
risk of lo$ing the property. Taxes are in arrears.
Steve Roy, from the Division of Public Health informed the Board
that the building has been unoccupied and vacant since 1986.
There has been an on going problem with glass falling out on the
side walk, pigeon infestation, and there has been complaints
about your�gsters or adults getting into the building. The
appellant was notified to correct these items, they were not
done. the City had to incur expenses by hiring a contractor to
correc�t these problems. The appeliant has been less than
' 2
. . �,r�0"�,7�/`�
After a lerlgthy discussion, the appeal was denied.
BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by William Tilton to deny the appeal .
5econd�d b Joan Pearson.
Yeas (3) Nays ( 1 ) Ankeny Abstention (0)
66-90-H 405 Ashland Ave. Curtis Carr
( 1 unit)
APPEARANCE � Curtis Carr
5UBJEC : Flppellant is requesting a variance to allow a fence to
be install �d to a height of 7'8" in the rear and side of house.
PROCEEDING�: The appellant stated that the fence that had been
installed was approved by the Heritage Preservation. The City
came to inspect the fence and informed Mr. Carr that the fence
was to high. Mr . Carr removed the lattice from the top to bring
the fence I�eight into code compliance. Mr . Carr would iike a
variance tq put the lattice work back on the top ofi the fence.
Dorothy Ho�king, a neigr�bar stated that. sP�e opposed the height of
the fence. She feels the fence is ugly.
Chairman Glassman informed the board that there nad been a petition
circulated and signed by neighbors in favor of the fence.
Mr. Amey s�nt a letter to the board, to inform them, that there
were no bu9lding code implications from the Baard' s approval or
disapproval of the fence. Mr. Amey informed tne board that
building p�rmits were required subject to the boards findings.
BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by Ron Ankeny to deny the request for
a variance ,on the fence height. Seconded by Joan Pearson.
Yeas (2) Nays (2) Abstention {0)
. . �,�-1�_07��..�
77-90-H 619 Lafayette Rd. Nancy Olson, Prop. Mgr.
(36 units) National Handicap Housing
Institute, Inc.
SUBJECfi: ppeilant is requesting a variance to allow for
installatic�n of a 10 ft. security fence to help prevent high
incidence �f vandalisrn to the property and the property of the
residence. '
Chairm�n G�assman informed the board that he received a letter
from R7charFd Amey Supervisor of Inspections, stating that there
will b� no � buiiding code impiications from the Board' s approvai
or dis�ppr�val on the fence being instalied. Mr. Amey informed
the Bo�rd �hat building permits are required subject to the
findings o� the board.
BUARD �1CTI N: Motion made by Wiiliam Tilton to grant the
varianGe on the installation of a fence to a height of lOft for
security r�asons. Seconded by Joan Pearsan. MUl"ION CARRIED
72-90-H ' 550 Thomas Ave. Winston M. Owens
( 1 unit)
SUBJECT: 1Appellant is requesting a variance on Item #5 - Remove
and rewireiillegal convenience outlet circuits to code. Letter
dated Augu$t 3 , 1990.
PROCEEDING�: The appellant is requesting some additionai time to
bring the �lectrical service up to code. The building i-s
currently Wacant.
Harold Robinson, an inspector from the Division of Pubiic Health
stated that the City's position is, that if, a building is vacant
the owner can take all the time needed to bring the building into
code compliance, as long as no one lives in the buiiding.
The appeli�nt has the place rented and the new tenants are
scheduled to move in by the 15th of October. The work will not
be done, tl�erefore the appellant needs the extension to time.
I 4
. . ��yo�a/,�
Mr. Robinsan stated that the house has 30 amp service. Permits
will have to be taken out. It must be inspected by an Electrical
Inspector upon completion.
BOARD ACTIC►N: Motion made by Ron Ankeny to grant an extension of
time for 60 days, (December 15, 1990) to bring electrical service
into code compliance, also included in the motion that the unit be
occupi �d by+ only four persons . 5econded by Willian Tilton.
Yeas (3 ) Nays ( 1 ) Pearson Abstention ( 0)
Chairman Glassman advised the Board that the next four items
would be handled as one item, which are: 288 Laurel Ave, 286
Laurel Ave. . 290 Laurel Ave. and 294 Laurel Ave. The reason for
these being handled as one, is the fact, tnat these are row
Townhouses called "Riley Row" . and the request is for a variance,
to approve an alternative form of egress, to be used as a means
of a secan�l ex i t.
APPEARANCE � Michae! Cox
Pat Fish, �rom the Department of Fir�e and Sdfety stated ttlat the
residents c�f Riley Row had met with Ms. Fish to discuss the
issue of ar� alternative egress . She understood that the owners
of the bui �ding were going to instali a stairway from the back of
the buildir►g, from the third floor, down on the roof of the second
f 1 oor of tt�e bu i 1 d i ng.
Michaei Cox stated that would be a probiem, because of the size
of the land behind the townhouses to construct a proper stairway.
Mr. Cox ha�i someone demonstrate the "Jomy" }adder that they were
considering using as a second exit. The ladder would be fastened
to the wall , it is operated by pulling a handie to release
ladder, which has a quard rail attached to it.
Pat Fish, 5tated that the Fire Department has reviewed the "Jomy"
ladder, at the request of the dealer. Ms. Fish stated that there
are a couple of assumptions being made here, which are, the
person on �he third floor must always be mentally and physical
capable of operating the ladder, and also, will the ladders
always be in working condition. Building department wili not
issue H permit for a ladder.
Michael Co�c stated that the building has an Alarm System which is
inter-conn�cted. The walls between the units are about 4 hour -
fire w�lis ' from ground thru the roof.
. . l��a���s
BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by Ron Ankeny to grant a variance,
to be allo ed to install a "Jomy" ladder, to be used as a second
exit from �he third fioor, with certain conditions, that an
openable b throom or bedroom window (window must meet code
requiremen s) be aliowed to be used as an exit to the ladder, and
that there must be a glass breaker device near the window to be
used to op n and/or break the window in an emergency situation;
also. that there be no locks on the window designated as the
egress winclow. Seconded by Wiliiam Tiiton. MOTION CARRIED
67-90-� ' 288 Laurel Ave. Michael /Deborah Cox
(3 units)
SUBJEC�: F�ppellant is request.ing a variance, to approve an
alternative form of egress , to be used as a second exit from the
third floor.
80ARD ACTI N: Motion made by Ron Ar�keny to grant a variance, to
be allowed to install a "Jorny" ladder to be used as a second exit
from the tY�ird floor with certain conditions , that an openable
bathroom or� bedroom window (window must meet code requirements)
be allowedito be used as a exit to the ladder , and that there
must be a c�lass breaker device near the window to be used to open
and/or bre�k the window in an emergency situation, also that
there be nd locks on the window designated for an egress window.
Seconded by� William Tilton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
68-90-F 286 Laurel Ave Patricia Hampl
(3 units) Terence Williams
SUBJECT: Appeltant is requesting a variance, to approve an
alternativ� form of egress, to be used as a second exit from the
third floor.
BOARD CTI N: Motion made by Ron Ankeny to grant a variance, to
be allowed ' to install a "Jomy" ladder to be used as a second exit
. from the tt�ird floor with certain conditions, that an openable
bedroo�n or � bathroom window (window must meet code requirements)
be allpwed ' to be used as a exit to the ladder, and that there
must b�e a glass breaker device near the window to be used to open
and/or' bre�k the window in an emergency situation, also that
there be np locks on the window designated as an egress window.
Secondjed by William Tilton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
. . ����'a�rs
69-90-F 290 Laurel Ave. Frances P. Ahlfs
(3 units)
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance, to approve an
alternativeiform of egress, to be used as a second exit from the
th i rd f 1 oor�.
BOARD CTIO� : Motion made by Ron Ankeny to grant a variance, to
be allowed o install a "Jomy" ladder to be used as a second exit
from the third floor with certain conditions , that an openable
bedroom or athroom window (window must meet code requirements)
be allowed o be used as an exit to the ladder, and that there
must be a glass breaker device near the windows to be used to
open and/or break the window in an emergency situation, also that
there be no locks on the window designated as an egress window.
Seconded by William Tiiton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
' ----------------------------------
70-90-F 294 Laurel Ave. Fred 5hank
(5 units)
SUBJECT: A�ppeilant is requesting a variance, to approve an
alternative form of egress , to be used as a second exit from the
third floor .
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Ron Ankeny to grant a variance, to
be allowed o install a "Jomy" ladder to be used as a second exit
from the thiird floor with certain conditions , that an openable
bedroom or ibathroom window (window must meet code requirements)
be allowed '�to be used as an exit to the ladder , and that there
must be a gilass breaker device near the window to be used to open
and/or brea�k the window in an emergency situation, also, that
there be na locks on the window designat-ed as the egress window.
Seconded by� William Tilton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
71-90-F 1778 Rome Ave. Minn. Jewish Group Home
(group home) Dave Toeniskoetter
SUBJECT: A,ppellant is requesting a variance from the requirement
of having to install deadbolt locks on bedroom doors. because
this is a group home, and the staff must have immediate access to
the rodms iin case of an emergency.
BOARD ACT_ IO�N: Motion made by Joan Pearson to grant a variance to
the requireiment for installation of deadbolt locks on sleeping room
doors �t yaur facility. Seconded by William Tilton. MOTION
' ----------------------------------
. . ' �go,air.�
74-90-F 1706 University Ave. Aldine Corp.
(group horne) Kathleen Henry
SUBJECT: ,4;ppellant is requesting a variance from the requirement
of having to install deadbolt locks on guest room doors. because
of the nature of the type of home. Staff needs access to the
BOARD ACTI N: Motion was made by Joan Pearson to grant a variance
to the requl,irement for installation of deadbolts on sleeping room
doors at y ur facility. Seconded by William Tilton. MOTION
75-90-F 1540 Lincoln Ave. Christian Brothers Youth Home
' Bro. Michael Lee
SUBJECt: A;ppellant is requesting a variance from the requirement
of hav9ng to install deadbolt locks on doors , because of the
nature of the type of home. 5taff needs access to the rooms .
BUARt� ACTION : �lotion made by Joan Pearson to grant a variance to
the requirement for installation of deadbolts locks on sleeping
room dOOrs at your fiacility. Seconded by Wiliiam Tilton. MOTI(�N
73-90-F 761 E . 3rd St. Paul A. Wolff
(5 units)
APPEARANCE :' Paul A. Wolff
SUBJECT: appellant is requesting a variance on item #8 - Provide
handsink far a bathroom in Apartment #3. Letter dated July 31 ,
PROCEEqINGSj_ The Appellant stated that the unit is a very small
unit and i� is not possible to add a handsink in the bath.
Presently tihe unit is vacant.
BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by William Tilton to grant a variance
for th� in tallation of a handsink in the bathroom of apartment
#3, with �he condition that the unit be occupied by only two (2)
person�. Seconded by Joan Pearson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
. �qa��lrs
83-90-H ', 767 Selby Ave. William J. Relf
� (2 units)
SUBJECT: Appellant is appealing the "ORDER TO VACATE" - vacate
date is October 8, 1990.
Resolved - Withdrawn.
' ----------------------------------
Meetin� adj'burned at 3 :30 p.m.
I l,l I T VI" J/11IV i rnv�
' 100 E. Eleventh St., Sain�Paui,MN 55101
MAYOR /��0��,�IJ
�i� !
September �13 , 1990 �
Ron Glassman
Board of Appeals �
555 Cedar Street �
Saint PauJ„ Minnesota 55101
SUBJECT: Deadbolt Lock Requirements
Dear Mr. Glassman:
Recently we have inspected several occupancies that, under Saint
Paul Hous.ing Code Section 3409-3I, require the installation of 1"
deadbolt �ocks on all unit doors. Our experience has been that
because of the nature of certain occupancies, deadbolt locks are
counter-p�'oductive to the life style of residents there, such as
in convents, supervised living facilities, and shelters that
house runaway or problem teens, physically or mentally
handicapped adults, or otners that by nature of the service
provided there require that staff access the room without a key
for the s�fety of the occupant.
We request that the Board grant a blanket exemption for this type
of occupaa�cy so to expedite the inspection process and spare the
care-givers the expense and time to file an appeal .
Fire Prevention could submit a list and description of these
addresses' with a brief description of the occupancy each month at
the Board, meeting. They would meet the following criteria:
1 . The safety of the occupant is not compromised by eliminating
the deadbolt .
2 . Elimi.nation of the deadbolt_ is essential to the nature of the
life style in the occupancy.
3 . Staf� or responsible adults are on the premises 24 hours to
- assure the privacy and safety of the occupant.
z � � _ �po-air.�
September �.3 ,` .1990
Page two '
SUBJECT: beadbolt Lock Requirements
Fire Preve tion wishes to assure members of the Board that our
intention is to protect the safety of all occupants of Saint Paul
rental pro erty, and we find that this issue contributes to the
safety, ari�d in no way compromises the well being of occupants.
Thank you 'for your cooperation with our code enforcement efforts.
Pat' Fish
Supervisor of Inspections