90-2110 0 R f�G I �I A L Council File � �� /�� Green Sheet � , �-fl563 RESOLUTION F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � �_..�� � , Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date , , I il ,RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. ��84188) for the renewal of a Parking Lot/Ramp-E L'icense applied for by National Garage; Inc. DBA National Garage, Inc. at 221 W. 7th Street be and the same is hereby approved. �I I n Y�as Navs Absent Requested by Department of: w � License & Permit Division o -� cc ee -�- ' "�'e a u e � z son -� By� Adopted by CounCil: Date NOV 2 7 1990 Form Approved''�by City Attorney . Adoption Certified b� Council Secretary gY: � � ���� BY� Approved by Mayor. for Submission to Approved by Maymr: Date Council �. �--� NOV 2 7 1990 sY: By: � _ l PUBLISHED U E C � 1990 . � �-y�a��� TiiVISIUN OF LI�CENSEI� AN1) PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE "1 (,3 ��fJ / �I � 1�1 ��1r7 INTERDFPARTMF.NTAL R�VIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by ' � Lic Enf Aud f '-^ � Applicant �v ,�� � - � ��� �,� - Home Address ,?j,`jl ��hL,� � . T � � Rusiness lvame �.�r� � �, ,�_. Home Phone � �% - ��f� Business Addrejss�l ��. `�1�`-�,�{. •1 CuYncx'�['ype of Lic.ense(s)�(,�,y.�, ,��, I �>-� � ��i� T Business Phone, ���- �,,�( � � t'�n�l•� � � Public Hearing, Date', ���'Z7�L((� License I.D. �F ��'<<'��j at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City! Hall�� and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t �(D(C1�S�15a llate Notice Se t; ', Dealer 4� I�'i �,�}, to Applicant ; rederal Fisearms 4� }/"; l/-{- _ Public He�.�ring 'i I �, DATE INSPECTION REVtEW � VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS � A roved Not A roved �- � Bldg I & D � ' ��� ' Health Divn. ' ' ' ' � ; � \ � i Fire Dept. ��, , � � � j i � p` � � ( Yolice Dept. , ' � �� ,� � � ' —'r�s �.J �I� r� ��L d License Divn, �' �� ` d� City Attorne}t i �/ � � � �,� �, � IDate Received: Site Plan I� G To Council Research Lease or Lette , Date from Landlord ' �-� , , 'I I CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: ' . � � ' CITY OF SAINT PAIIL A � License Division, Room 203 City Hall . !`�"������ Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � NEW/RENEW APPLI�ATIOM FOR PARKING LOT/RAMP LICENSE 1) Type of Par&ing I�acility - (Check One) � Ramp � Lot 2) Number of Parking Spaces .�3$8" /y� 3) Name of Licensee Nation�ll Garaqes , InC . Bus. Phone ( 313) 963-5839 '(Name of Corp./Partnership/Sole Owner) 4) Trade Name of Lot/Ramp St . Paul -7Corners Lot Bus. Address 7�h and Kelloqq , St. Paul Street Street Street Street Zip Numb�er Name Direction Type Code �, _ 5) List all partners;/officers of the corporationjor give the following ��-� information for the sole owner, whichever is applicable: �-� DATE ' NAME TITLE * HOME ADDRESS OF BIRTH PHU1�E Robert Frazier Reaional Mar 8 8 h �t wRT �f�i /4� a�a b_a�g Attach'ed " ::_� --- .:� -- * List Street No, St. Name, Street Direction, Street Type, City, State & Zip Code � 6) Attach plans containing a general description of •the security provided at tlie lot or ramv. - - 7) Attach a site plan showing driveways of the proposed lot and the legal .== dEo�a��.��0:. Oi tu2. F'iT.0Y2i�y �t�'a�S i8:�il�iEa."1�Lt IIO:.Eoo8i��i OTi?j% �� :..^i Si�2 Yi�u is currently on file) . 8) Attach a cover letter describing your plans to complq with the lighting and pafnting requiremeats established in the St. Paul Legislative Code �417 (attached) which b�ecame effective July 17, 1989. All painting �ust be completed by Januarq 1, 1990, unless a written request for a time e�ytension is submitted to the License Inspector. All lighting Ijrenovation must be completed by January 1, 1991, unless a written request for a�, time extension is submitted to the License Inspector. i I HAVE READ AND ERSTAND CAAPTER �`417 OF THE ST PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO PARKING �.OTS A�D I � TIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS TRUE AND CORRECT. � � �t�� }� � I ��� June 20 , 1990 S�gnature Date 9/89 . . , �yo—aii� j�sl�— DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII DATE INITIATED N� _10 5 6 3 Finance License GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL ASSIGN CITY ATTORNEY g CITY CLERK Kris Van Horn 29 -505 0 NUMBER FOR M61$TrBE�Qea ln L AQENDA (DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MaT.SERVICE3 DIR. r u n MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) 1 aa'�� ' i � �y� " (S �� ORDER � � Council R LX�.� TOTAL#OF SIGNATUR PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Application (I.D ��84 88) for the renewal of a Parking Lot/Ramp-E License RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A) r Reject( ) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AN8WER THE FOLLOWINC3 GUESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSION _ CI IL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Hes this person/firm eve�worked under a contfect for this dep8rtmerlt? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF _ YES NO _oIS7RIC7 COUR7 — 3. Does this ersonlfirm p possess a skiil not normally possessed by any current city employee? 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJ IVE7 YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separate shett and attach to green she�t � INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OP RTUNI (Who,What,When,Where,Why): National Garages, Inc. DBA National Garages, Inc. (I.D. 4�84188) requests Council approval of its Parking L t/Ram -E License at 221 W. 7th Street. All applications and fees of $650.50 have bee subm tted. All painting and lighting requirements hane been met. This application has b en r viewed and approved by all required departments. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTA(iE3 IF NOT APPROVED RECEIVF^ ' NOV2o1990 ���-���._ �_ ��� ���� ��;� CITY ClEnf� EiCi`�J 1 , ;c-�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC ION s COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIV�TY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) dw