90-2102 0� � �� �H � Council File # � � ? Q Green Sheet � 11597 ' RESOLUTION CI F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � �� Presente By Referred Committee: Date � RESOLVED: iThat ,application (ID ��47586) for renewal of a State Class B Gambling !Premi�se Permit by Church of St. James at Sonny's Place, 919 Randolph Avenue,. ;be a d the same is hereby approved/d�ed., , `�e��,s �1 �s_ Absent Requested by Department of: o __� sw � �ac e � ' License & Permit Division �1 u e �`— z son , _'�_ gY: U Adopted by Counqil: ate NOV 2 7 19� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: , ��-/��rj� By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayar: Date il -YJ �l� 19g� , � �'��;� w By, C- �/ � �.,, By: PUBUSNED ��C 81990 � . ., ! � -��o-ai0� � DIVISION OF LI�CENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE lo a� �c� f� �� Q INTERDEPARTMEI�TAL R�VIEW CHECKLIST Appn Proces ed/Received by I Lic Enf Aud Applicant �,�,�v(�1 �'t' �-�•�a h�5 Home Address �� (,� v l?(,c.J�� Business Name �I� SonnT� t lQL¢� Home Phone � Business Addr�ss T�'�����h Type of License(s) �ts S � Business Phond '' � ��i`r1� Z Y""�Y�'r!['�' �IZO�-f�l —� / Public Hearin Date, rC ��1 �'1'(�' License I.D. � � �5 �l4 at 9:00 a.m. n thei Counci Chambers, e� .— 3rd floor Cit Halli and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �1� D � ��-�g� Date Notice S nt; I Dealer � 'Vl� to Applicant I �, Federal Firearms �� ��/� Public Hearing ' i , ' DATE INSPECTION REVIEW !i VERFIED (COMPUTER) CONIl�4ENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D 'il I ��� Health Divn.' � � � I Fire Dept. � ti � � Police Dept.�! �, � I License Divri. I' f �', l l� I��jpl n K� � City Attornely '� � tII��I�DI � �. , i �I Date Received: Site Plan ��/o�Cj ��_ ; To Council Research ��`' ���Cf� Lease or Lettelr Date f rom Landlord i�� f�-Cj � , - o� ' � 4 '� FOR BOARD USE OIJLY �, . _ ' FEE ' CNECK INPl'IALS Lc214 , Minnesota LawJu! Gambiiny �A'rE f9/5/901 ' Premise Permit Application - Part 1 -;. .:,; , ,.: :. ::::«;:::::�::<:::>:;;,:::.><::::>:�:�:::::;::><:.:..::::::.:::..:;::::::.::.:::.::;:.::.>:.. Organizatio�t �nf ra�tion ' , : : _, . ; � : < > .. :,.::. _ .. ,.:: ..: : ,:: ..,.:. . ;: : eg ame o ahaatan ' _. ... . ::. .. . �. ....::: .. Church of 5t James of St Paul Business Address of Orqaniz�tion-Street or P.O Box(po not use adckess of gambliny manaper) 4q6 View Street City State Tip Code ' CouMY �cinesa phone number St. Paul MN 55102 Ramsey �i12� 227-7029 Name of chief executive offio�(cannpt be 9arnb�y manape�) Ttie 8usiness phone number Gilbert J. Endr�s Pastor � 61q, 227 7029 Address of chief exeCUbve ofl�oer-Street or P.O. Box 496 View Street ' City ' State Ip Code Counry St. Paul MN 55102 Ramsey : _:.. <: Tppe:of APP���Pn; Claas of Premise Permlt ❑ Class A— Bingo, Rafiles, Paddiewheais.Tipboanls,Pull-tabs - - - - - . �( Class B— Raftles, Paddlewheels,Tipboards, PuN-tabs The C/8S3 0t p�Bm/Se permlf ❑ Class C— Bingo only muSt be r@tleCted by C18S3 of ❑ Class D— Rafiles only the orpaMzatlon 1Jcense. singo Occasio�s ' If clasa A or C� fi11 in days and beglnnin� and eading hours of bingo occasions: No more than sevtn bin�o occasions may be conducted by an �anization per Week. Day Beginntng/Ending Houis Day Beginning/Ending Hours llay Beg�u�tng/Ending Hours � to to � �O to W :.. ; . _ ;. Ii Bfa�o will not�e coa ncfed,chec�here g . :: , ; �; , t ;>:. } � .:: . ........ ..... . _ Status of Pre:aUe Permit -check one: ❑ New premise—Fill in�g organizatbn premise pennit number � Renewal of existing premisa permit—FN in��premise permit number B-02613-002 ❑ Previously expired premise permit—FII in�pjQ�premise permit number . ' , � D-��p 2 � �� `� LGZ 14 Mintusota Law,ful Gambi�nD Premise Permit Application - Part 2 _:. ,: , <. :;., ,, .. Ciarnbliri�P�re esi Infot�►tion ; Name of establ�shm�nt wher�e pambhnq wd1 be conducted Street Address(do rat use a post offioe box numbe►) Sonnv's Place 919 Randolph Avenue Is the premises locaeed v�nlMfi aty 6mits� � yes ❑no City and County wh�re pamdlinq premisea is bca�ed OR Tovmshp and County where gamb�r�y premiaes is located if outaide of ah limits St. Paul — Ramsey Name ard Addrest 0f Leyal pwner of Premiset Ci�y S�� Lp C� 391 Mount Curve Blvd. Peter E. Fooshe, Jr. St. Paul MN 55105 Does 1he oryanization own buildup where Ihe p�nblin�wiM t�e conducted? ❑YES 0 NO NOTE:Organizatiqns may�not pay themselves rent rf they own the building or have a holding oompany. A letter must be sub- mitted showing rent payme�ts as zero from gambling funds if the organization's holding company owns the premises. The letter must be signed by th'�e chief executive officer.) If NO, aqach th9 folbwing: ' a copy of the lease with terms for one year. ' a copy of a sketch oi the tloor plan with dimensions, showing what portion is being leased. A lease and sketch are not required for Class D applicantions. Rent: For gambling with bingo S Total square footage leased For gambling without b;ngo s 375_oo Total square footage leased 72 Addrass of storaga spaca d gamblin9 equipmant Address City State Z�p�o 496 View Street St. Paul MN 55102 Ba11YC It1fOr�118t�0II < . _ , _ ,,> ;�: ::: .; >�. .: ,> _:.; . ,. ;< : ,. ; , , .: ....... .: . ... ::.. ��e P�� D nO a�a mua aw�s�par� c aocoun Bank Name Bank Accaunt Number Cherokee State Bank 06-277-8 Bank Address Cih Sts1e . �p�� 675 Randolph Avenue St. Paul MN 55102 Nbme.eddtess.anal Otk d peraons aulNwized 6�sgn rhecks and make claposita and withdiawala. , Name , Addreaa Title Carole L. Donaghu� 810 Juno Ave Gambling Manager Gilbert J. Endres' 496 View St. Pastor Robert J. Vanyo 446 Bay St. Trustee , ., � � �'r yo aia�- � LGZ14 �innesota Lawful GambiinD Premise Permit Application - Part 3 Ac�no�vlt��e�nen� .::: Gamblin�Site Authorization I hearby consent that lo¢al law enforcement officers,the board or agents of the board,or the commissioner of revenue or public safety,or agents bf the commissioners, may enter the premises to enforce the law. Hank Recordis Info�matioa � The board is authorized�o insped the bank records of the gambling aocount whenever necessary ta fu�ill requirements oi current gambling rutes and law. . I dedare that: ' 1 have read thi�applicatbn and all information submitted to the board; All information�S true,accurate and complete; All other required information has been fully disdosed; 1 am the chief e�ecutiva oHicer of the organization; I assume full re§ponsibility for the lair and lawful gambling and rules of the board and agree, iF.licensed, to abide by those laws and rules,induding amendments to them; A membership list ot the organization will be available within seven days aRer it is requssted by the board; Any changes in application informatan will be submitted to the board and bcal government within 10 days d tha changa;and A termi�ation plan will be aubmitted to the board within 15 days of the termination of aY premise permits. Failure to provide requirad information or providing falsa information may result in tha dartial or rovocation oi the license. --� � ---� /0 �^— �L� S�qnature of chwf sxecubva offioer Date _ Local Go�rernxneat Ackuowled ement ' 1. The city'must sign i(the gambling premises is located within city limits. 2. The caunty••AND township••must sgn'rf the gambling premises is located within a township. 3. The bcal governmeM(city or county)must pass a resolution speciticaly approving or denying the appfication. 4. A copy of the resolution aipproving the application must be attached to the appliption. , 5. Applications which aro denied by the bcal goveming body should not be submitted to the Gambling Control Division. Townshlp: By signatura�bebw,the trnnrnship acknowledges that the organization is applying for a premises permR within township limits. Clty or County• Townshlp•• Ciry a County Nartte Township Name Siflna�re of penon reoeivinp appFqoon ���� �+9 D�on reoeivin9 ePWi�on Tide Date Reoeived Title Date Reoeived f O -�iq- %O erson de wenny ap icaoon oo povemmy bocly ate Is township: ❑Organized ❑Uraryamzed . ❑Unincorporated Rafar to th� Insuuctlons for th�nqulrad attachrtwnts Mail to: Departmern of Gaming - Gambling Control Divis�n ' Rosewood Plaza South,3rd Floor 1711 W. Counry Road B • Roseville, MN 55113 . , . �j0-���e�[U . � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Finance/Li ense GREEN SHEET N° _11597 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Christine ozeky 98-5056 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY( ATE) NUMBER FOR gUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. C ty Clerk RouriNO ❑ � ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) Hearin / 11-27-90 B / 11-20-90 ❑ � (:rninril TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE P GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Approval of an a plication for renewal of a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit. Hearin : 1-27 90 Notification: 11-08-90 AECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or R Ject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINQ QUESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL S RVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTI E? YES NO Explaln all yss answers on ssparete sheet and attech to green shset INITIATINQ PROBLEM,IS3UE,OPPOR UNITY(W o,What,When,Where,Why): Rev. Gilbe�t End� s ' BA Church of St. James requests Council approval of their application for enewal of a State Class B Premise Permit at Sonny�s Place, 919 Randolp Ave e. �F(;��V�Q _ NQ�9 ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: (,, � CER If Council prov 1 is given, Church of St. James will continue to perate a pulltab/tipb ard ooth at Sonny's Place, 919 Randolph Avenue. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOTAPPROVED: r1� � .� � Uii��: 7"'f^�r.•.li �i,.11. < «: NU v 1 ;� i9�u TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S _ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��